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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 17, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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candy crowley had time for just 11 questions from the audience, and in interruptedresident obama 9 times and governor romney, 28 times, two of theost important moments in that debate, may become part of history. the flat out assersion by the president that the very next morning, he called a septber 11 attack, on our consulate in benghazi a terrorist attack. >> the day after the attack, governor, i stood in the ose garden. i told the american people and the world, that we're going to find out what happened. that this was an act of terror. >> the president did not. the president precede his language on acts of terror with reference to september 11 11
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year anniversary, and spoke eloquently to the graves of our fallen troops and hospital beds of fallen warriors. here is what the president actually said in the rose garden, on september 12. >> no acts of terror will every shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or clips the light of the values that we stand for. lou: president's statement leading to the most extraordinary moment in presidential debate history, the president's dodge, and his misstatement about the reaction and immediate aftermath of benghazi was co corroborated bya mistaken moderator who against interrupted governor romney, who could not believe his ears and the president, made the statement that he knew it was an acts of terror and said so the day after benghazi.
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>> i want to make sure we get that for the record it took the president 14 days. >> get the transcript. >> he dsir. let me call -- he did sir. >> can you say that a little louder candy. >> he did call it an ac of terror it did as well te two weeks or so, for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. lou: crowley, anowledged that she was wrong. the president, silent on one of the most important issues in the benghazi attacks, declining to y, in response to a question by the audience, just w refused the request for more security in benghazi. president went on to deny governor romney' asertion of drilling in waters and land.
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we begin with all these subjes with an all-star cast of journalists, experts and analysts. mcfarland is joining us, and ed rollins and juan williams and tucker carlson, and doug schoan with us. new reports of militants showing strength in benghazi before the attack on u.s. consulate. the terrorists held a conference in june, which was attended by the bulk of al qaeda network in libya. that according to a pentagon research report. joining me now fox news national security analyst, kt mcfarland. first, let's deal with if we may, that debate. thpresident making the straightforward statement, that he declared it to be a terrorist attack the day after benghazi, i have to tell you, the press has
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been mute on that statement b the president. it is remarkable. >> it is very -- the greatest story of our time, which is that press is see no evil, spe no evil and hear no evil in the cult of obama. the word terror may have left his lips in that rose garden ceremony but it had nothing to do with the benghazi attack, they pun it for twoeeks, that was not part of their narrative, 5 days before that attack. the president was at the democratic convention he said, bin laden is dead and al qaeda is back on its heel, yet 5 days later al qaeda attacks american embassies in yemen, egypt. and emergency consulate in libya, kills 4 americans, hardl an al qaeda on its heels.
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lou: and president has dropped reference from al qaeda onhe run in two speeches today on the campaign trail. this is a significant shift is, it not? >> sure, he has been saying as part of his campaign speech and foreign policy legacy, and why he feels he should be elected, he tells american people that bin laden is dead, and al qaeda is on its heels it isinished. it is not, it has expanded it is now in region ofs of the world it was not two years ago. there was a pentagon report i summer saying that al qaeda is in libya and gone from an organizational to recruitment stage and ready to go operational, that was a month before september 11, they knew something was coming. lou: libyan security officials, they have saidrom the outset, that i was a terrorist attack. >> right. lou: t president on one level saying, that you know, that what
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he was inmates was it was a terrorist attack. i'm unaware o any one in libbial media saying that he could not have been -- then to suggestion he said it was a terrorist attack then pursue for weeks and permit -- not permit, order his run ambassador to go on television, network broadst following sunday to declare it was a iernet video. it had nothing t do with terrorism and it was a 5 spontanious rponse to that deo. this south ragous and more outrageous perhaps or equally so, tha the fourth estate in this country would take no notes. >> it reall is extradinary, the president was saying this his run ambassador was saying this secretary of state was saying this over the flag-draped
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coffins of the dead americans, at same time their intelligence professionals and career security officers are saying the opposite, they were saying we knew it was a terrorist attac from the beginning. lou: they were watching it we learn with real-time with all technology deployed by united states intelligence community and r state department, in part of which is is one in the same, but the fact is that there was no response in real-time, there was no acknowledgment even in a timely fashion this was a terrorist attack, and we had hours to analyse and understand comprehe and not only to make a statement, and clarify a statemt to the american people but to a. >> we didn't even rescue them, why wasn't the pentagon on day of beirut bombing all hands on deck, wt happened in benghazi? why didn't see send a commando
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raid? we did not know there would be dead americans, it could have been hostages, we just left them there. >> one fellow, in lastight's so-called town hl meeting. and by the way, as an ade i believe we'll never see another town hall debate, presidential debate, in this country after that. but the man asked a simple question of the president, who denied the security f benghazi. it was a flat out evasion, he ignore that man's questions, and moderator did not follow-up, even though she declared for days that was what she would be doing. >> she weighed in on the other side in favor of the president, it was a great question, who denied that security and why. and the president did not answer it he said, nobody cares more than i do to get to the bottom of this i really care, i am rried about terrorism but he never answered thatuestion it was a straightforward question.
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and the american people still do not have an answer. i talkeed to a man who was an ambassador in the region in reagan add pi administration, hd everywhere i went i had a security detail that followedy every where, this ambassador had nothing. lou: governor romney missed a number of opportunities to sit the record straight, how significant are those missed opportunities for the governor in your judgment. >> i don't think it is that big a dial, the big deal for foreign policy will be monday night, we know where president obama is. he dodges and weaves it is a great success. but there are a lot of failures in foreign policy in last 4 years. lou: a right, t, kt mcfarland thank you. lou: more on president's statement on terrorist attack he told us after the day of those events in benghazi, so he says,
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we take it up with tonight's a-team. the town hall debate was not a town hall, but this was a heck of a debate. >> he said by now he would have put forward a plan for medicare and social security, he would get that didn't, he has not even made a proposal on either one. lou: governor romney attacks the president's record, the president defending, juan williams and ed rollins next. >> and president obama refusing to answer one question and having an unfortunate collision on the facts on another, we exam on the facts on another, we exam exame that in tonight'shalk the capital one cash rewards card
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debates, quite something. we'll talk about that, months other things with ed rollins, th his opinion on a vast range of issues. but first wall street, stocks edging hire. higher, a thi straight day of gains, disappointing results from intel. good news on housing construction, iturged by 15% la month. well returning to president at debate and moderator, who is now backtracking saying that governor romney was right in the main on libya. but last night, during the debate, candy crowley failed when assuming role of on site fact checker, for more on debate, comssion that decided to format in whether there was future in town tall debating, joining us now, is former reagan political director. fox news political analyst, ed
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rollins, that was an atrocious format, wasn't it? >> it was. it does not work, the moderator, who we both know from past lives, picks the questions, and there was a slant to them, but her end game she took the president's side, and obviously of not correct, knocked romney off balance at the end of a very important debate that was close to being deed even. even. lou: a moderate or interrupts one of the two participants 28 times and the other 9, either one is ill manners and other so well mannered or there is a big problem with the moderator, which was it? >> i think the moderate or, the two men, president was much better than he was the two weeks ago, and anybody economy better than he was the two weeks ago, they were having a good exchange
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at different points in time, in 65 million people did not turn on to watch the questionersrom long island, the watched to two men running for president, she tipped the balance, romney did very wl in making his case, president defending himself. lou: i do not want to spend a lot of time but i want to show viewers, this is commission leadership on presidential debates, the signed memorandum of understanding, among the two candidates. why do we permit these folks on this board, howard buffett, warren buffett addison. and richard parsons, who i have known for years. here is -- what in the world are these people doing.
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>> it was first founded in 1988, frank fair en coff, still co-chairman he was the chairman of the party, a paul kirk chairman of democratic party, kirk has left, frank is still around town, but it should be two campaigns that president and challenger and two parties that make the determination with the networks and the -- >> how is it we had so much controversy around these debates this year, primarily until last night, it was the moderat moders were who called in question. it is out of balance, it south of kilter, and last night, it reached its if you will the climax. >> it reached its climax, you
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come to close, the very important part, people make a judgment, romney was going after something that was legitate. lou: what do we do? >> i would argue that it i time to reexamine the role of the commissioners, just as league of women voters in 1984, i was running reagan's campaign, and mondale people e determined we would not let the league of women dictate the rules to us, we would negotiate out what was fair and work t both for interest of the public and us. lou: jim lehrer much criticized, turns out he was a terrific moderator. >> it should not be about them, it should be about the candidates that has taken on a life of its own. lou: by the way, i was not praising jim lehrer fntly, i was praising him out light. the fact of matter is this
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president distort the history, and told an untruth last night, clear as it could be, look at transcript. not challenged by moderat the m. >> she said to mr. romney you are wrong. lou: she corroborated wit the president without any knowledge. >> and she has backtracked since, this knocked romney's pursuit off, but we know, the president is not comfort on what ally happened. lou: i want to say, chairman of tional committee said, this president is just lied to the american people. that is coming from chairman of the republican national committee. that could be expected. where in the world are of rift of the folks -- rest of the folks in national libbial media, -- liberal media why do they not say t this is unacceptable.
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>> unfortunately they are not all like you. lou: there i a big market for folks not like me, but there is a demand for someratio rational. >> why done those reporters that sat in the rose garden interpret this size this is te terrorism. lou: you suppose they were in on the joke. >> who knows. lou: ed rollins thank you have much. up particular, much more on the dedate tonight, president refuses to answer governor romney's questions about how much licenses he cut for drills on water and lands for energy. >> tonight, crime rates jumping, is that the problem? no we're in a big recovery, we know one thing,,president's
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hometown, murder capital of america.
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>> in the last 4 years you cut permits and licenses on federal land and federal waters in half. >>ot true. >> by how much did you cut them by. >> not true. >> how much. >> we produced more oil. >> no, no, how much did you cut in licenses? lou: we'll do something that president would notdo, he refused to answer that question last night, saying his administration only took away because the oil companies were not using them, it was a use it or lose it i guess. during last 3 fiscal years with
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president bush, compared to president obama, with bush, there were over in 9600 new leases. 9600 leases. granded for federal land. with president obama, this is bush, this is obama. with president obama, three most recent fiscal years there have been only 5500 leases. 5500 leases. that works out to a decline of 42%. governor overstated a bit. by 8%. not a half, just 42% decline. let's look at drilling permits for comparable period, over 20,000, permits under president bush, under psident obama, there are 13,000. that is a 37% decline.
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and not quite 50%, but dramac and stunningonetheless. on oil production. romney said production of oil on government land down 14%. down 14%. the president claims it is up, according to energy information, data. governor romney vita is right a. a 14% decline of oil from federal land in two previous years production had been higher. production rose overall during those two years by almost 11%. governor romne is right about what he said, he said in last year. -nd what about gas production? it is down 17%. down 17% o federal land. over the course of the president's time in office. and president he likes to talk
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about that all of the above energy strategy, two months ago his administration banned drilling in nearly half of 23.5 half million acre national petroleum research in alaska. looking to a potential second term obama administration plan for next 5 years will be to reduce leases to the lowest number since the process began in 1980. about the numbers down here by the way, it is the number of times that moderator can candy crowley interrupted governor romney, and president obama. we should put this too. the number of times she en runed. the president and goverr romney. lou: they talk about the big issues in their debate last night, in illinois it is about
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the little things, like the state going bankrupt, and chicago boming the murr capital of america. we'll talk about the little things. >> and violent crime on the rise across the country, in esident's hometown, chicago. the murder capital ofmerica. the wn hall debate on long island. not much talk aut who won it. more about the moderator, forma and whether or not there was a winner at all, the a-team is here with their take on the ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you make 70,000 trades a second... ♪ reach one customer at a time? ♪ or help doctors turn billions of bytes of shared information... ♪ into a fifth anniversary of remission?
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new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care. with the fidelity stock screer, you can try strategies from independent experts and see wh criteria they use. such as a 5% yield on dividend-paying stocks. then you can customize the strategies and narrow down to exactly those ocks you want to follow. i'm mark allen of fidelity investments. the expert strategies feature is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. lou: my next guest first gained national attention after her rant on obamacare went viral, a remarkable woman, a long list of cop accomplishments. perhaps none more remarkable than what she is trying to do now, becme a republican elected official in the state of illinois.
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welcome back to illinois state senate candidate, dr. barbara milar a former nun, army major, lawyer, professor, physician. we're delighted to have you back with us, barbara. let me say first, doctor, i want to get your impression. as a candidate of what you witnessed last night in that so-called town hall debate? >> i want to say it is great to be with you on a wonderful rainy wednesday in chicago. certainly i after indidually watched the debates. a lot of people speculate from who won, but i saw, my candidate, in governor romney i believe it is average voter, typical voter that won yesterday because they saw a man who made it clear in office, if i deviate for a second, my greatest compliment as a physician when someone said i see dr. bellar because she is nye corner. i believe we saw a governor as president will be in everyone's corner and will do the right tng for every
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person in america. i was very encouraged. lou: is it your sense your chances of prevailing of your senate race will be hanced by governor romney on the ticket? do you think he will be strong enough in illinois to help you? >> yes, lou, i believe it will because it is kind of like throwing a rock in the river. it will cascade. when you have truth and vision at the top of the pyramid certainly it will cascade and ripple down to all levels so there is a benefit. we have a common vision and it is very solid. so yes it will enhance. lou: what is the latest for your race for the state senate there? you're in a state, for crying out loud the state is going bankrupt. the teachers unions have unfunded pensions, health caae funds. i mean it's a disaster in illinois. governor quinn there is begging president obama, and you can bet if president obama prevails, illinois will get bailed out.
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by, federal taxpayer money. i mean, chicago is the murder capital of the world. what are you saying to people you want to vote for you? >> that there is a lot of chance and tential and hope for improvement i would say i can cure th ill, in illinois. we can revive illinois. i if i can bring the crime you mentioned, unfortunately for the fourth time the crime city of america, but when we bring it really home to my district, there are, there is a lot going on in the area of mount greenwood which is in my district and mount hope i a cemetery where most of the people who unfortunately are victims of gang violence are burred. we've had a lot of problems there in terms of very long funerals, disruion in the neighbhood. i don't seehat the local party has supported the protection for the people that they deserve. and that something that is i would definitely be addressing. i have some solutions. yes, illinois is in a sad
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state of affairs but there is no reason why we can't come as i often say the texas of the midwest. we have all the resources. we have people who want work. we have agriculture. lou: right. >> i could go on with a lot of resources we have. lou: a candidate with a lot of ideas and energy. doctor, great to have you with us. thank you. great to see youagain. dr. barbara bellar. >> punch. i will fight the chicago machine. lou: go get 'em. sense of humor. an arrest in a new york city bomblot targeting the federal reserve. we'll have that story for you. coming up congressman louie gohmert to talk presidential politics, consumer fraud. lis wiehl is one of our guests. we're coming right back. 4g lte is the fastest.
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so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, sed on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer.
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obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just cnged the format altogether ? isn't that the ect same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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heartburn symptoms causedelieve by acid refl disease. osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. lou: breaking news tonight. a bank la-think national is
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in custody after federal authorities say he tried to blow up the federal reserve building in manhattan the 21-year-old park ad van with what he believed were 1000 pounds of explosives outside th building. he tried to detonate it in a suicide mission. the federal firms say the public was never in any danger because the so-called explosives were fake and provided to the man by undercover agents. the suspect is facing charges of trying to use a weapon of mass destruction and ying to provide mateal support for al qaeda. 9/11 mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed will be allowed to dress up as a mujahadeen for his military trial next year. a military judge ruled this week that the al qaeda leader could wear camouflage items as long as they aren't present day american military uniforms. however, the judge's order doesn't forbid mohammed wearing a american uniform no longer in use. their clie was entitled to
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wear camouflage because he belonged to the u.-backed mujahadeen militias in afghanistan. meanwhile president obama is no longer bragging al qaeda is on the run. listen to the president on the campaign trail in miami last week. >> i said we would end the warn afghanistan and we are. [cheers and applause] i said we would refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 and today, al qaeda is on the run and usama bin laden is dead. lou: but today the president notably left out the al qaeda's on the run line in speeches in ohio and iowa. >> i said we would end the war in afghanistan and we are. i said we would focus on the terrorist who is actlly attacked us on 9/11 and we have and bin laden is dead. lou: more than two weeks ago the top commander in afghanistan, general john allen said, quote, al qaeda has come back. it is a resilient
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organization. violent crime up in the cotry for the first time in nearly two decade. according to the justice department, violent crime nationally rose 18%, the first increase since since 1993. that is mostly because of a surge in the number of assaults. when it comes to murder, chicago remains the murder capital of the country. there have been 417 homicides year-to-date. a 25% increase in murders over a year ago. the attorney general of texas announcing today he is defending high school cheerleaders who sued to use bible verses on their banners at football games. the dispute started when an atheist group complained the cheerleaders were violating the first amendment ban against government establishment of religion. the school complied and dered the cheerleaders to stop using their bible verses but attorney general greg abbott says, that since the cheerleaders create the banners without school funding, they equal as free speech. a judge is expected to rule
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as erly as tomorrow. four of the country's biggest manufacturers are backing a group committed to trainingur military veterans for jobs and manufacturing. general electric, alcoa, boeing, lockheed martin, all announcing their support for the, get skills to work coalition. executives from those companies say they have some 600,000 jobs that are unfilled because they can't find workers with the necessary skills for high-th, modern factories, the type of skills veterans learn while serving in uniform. tte program will begin this january in cincinnati. rolls out to nine more cities over the next year. up next, president obama came out swinging in last night's debate but after two weeks of calling governor romney a liar, how many facts did the president avoid last night? "the a-team" will take that up and a great deal more. we're joined by erin mcpike, tucker carlson, doug schoen.
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lou: joining me now "the a-team." "real clear politics" national political reporter erin mcpike, daily caller founder editor, contributor, tucker carlson. fox news analyst, doug schoen. erin, let me turn to you. do you have any way to excuse the commission using that format and that moderator, candy crowley, behaving as she did? >> i don't know about that. i think she was fine for most of the debate. it's possible that answer, the way that she interjected at that moment was obviously not right. the romney campaign taken
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issue. lou: the part where she corroborate ad statement by the president of the united states that was utterly false? >> lou, i think single most outrage just thing i've seen in 30 odd years of watching presidential debates and i'm a democrat, will remain one. lou: well you may not. we still have freedom of speech in this country. lou: you can be mustered out i think. >> well, they have tried. >> for most of thelay john wilkes booth sat there politely but the momeet h didn't that made history. i thought this was the definitiveoint in this debate. lou: this is these peian reminder to erin as proportionality. >> this changed the debate. this is exactly what moderators are not supsed to do. one thing you fear they might do, which is to change the trajectory. this is kind of serious. lou: very serious. >> three weeks and we want to know what these guys are like and she prevented us from learning. >> the romney campaign said he lost that moment in part because of hernterjects. they privately concede that, yes, obama got the better of
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romney at that moment but it was because of that. >> that's what i believe. he won the first 45 minutes. that is governor romney. after that, he was thrown off his game. the president, i thought won the last 45 minute with the active participation of miss crowley in facilitating it lou: we have some aud here and video too. were so resourceful. i'd like to hear, candy crowley, this is her calling david axelrod, on her own broadcast, "state of the union", on the very issue, terrorists attack on september 12th right after the, the benghazi attacks. if we could play tha please. >> there is a back and forth now billion why didn't this administration why did it take them until friday, after september 11th attack in libya to come to the conclusion it was premeditated and it was terrorists involved? hn mccain said it doesn pass the smell test.
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or it is willful ignorance to think they didn't know before this what wasoing on. your reaction? lou: before we get to e reaction, that is candy crowley on her broadcast on september 30th, challenging the very assertion made by the president of the united states last night on that debate. >> right. lou: help me through this, erin. i need so counsel and direction. >> she did say to mitt romney that he was right,h there had been so much confusion but the administration put out for two weeks. so she gave him that point and she continued to give him that point later in me of her appearances today and later last night. >> i don't understand, lou. missing the poin here. she interjected. she said that the president had said the day after in the rose garden that it was an act of terror when that's in fact not what happened. >> this is the smoking gun i ink. >> that's what i think. >> she is making romney's case in the fairly safe environment on september 30th, but when it matters in the debate, tree weeks
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before a presidential election she is making the opposite case and thereby -- >> which she shouldt be talking. it is justot her job. lou: let's let david axelrrd do do the talking in response to candy crowley on the vry issue she corroborated last night for the president as he flat-out lied to the american people. >> do you know the president called it an act of terror the day after it happened but when you're, the responsible party, when you're the administration, you have a responsibility to act on what you know and what the intelligence community believes. this was, this is being thoroughly investigated. lou: not planned? first they said it wasn't planned part of this tape all that. >> director of national intelligence said on friday that was the original information that was given to us. lou: well, erin, i'm at a loss. this is, i don't know where the fourth estate is here. i don't know where the national liberal media is because it is, its, seems
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rather cle and straightforward. ei the president was lying last night, or he was lying immediately in the aftermath, which was it? d where has all of t media that said he should come forward and discuss this issue and benghazi whether it was a terrorist attack, where were they? why di't somebody when susan rice showed up on five network shows say, wait a nute, you're contravening the president of the united states who said five days ago it was an act of rror? >> obviously we're litigating this. we have been all day long and i do think it will be the first thing that comes up in the debate on monday night. mitt romney will have a chance to correct himself -- >> to lou's questi, which is what is going on? what happened? fair question? >> but we don't know yet. lou: why isn't the fourth estate standing up independently, as it is supposed to be, objectively, as it is supposed to be, and asserting a standard of
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truth here, irrespective of whether it is a obama camp or it is a, a romney camp? whom offer. there is an -- whomever, there is independent responsibility by the fourth estate in this country to holdo a andard of truth. it is absent here. >> absolutely. this is an ideology. this is ght and wrong, fact versus fallacious assertionsnd bottom line, i'm embarrassed. i'm embarrassed as a citizen for what happened. >> look, reporters have always been liberal. they have always been liberal as you know. lou: right. >> i think only since 2008 and obama himself that they have decided to sort of not even pretend anymore just look root for a specific candidate. something about obama that makes your average reporter lose his ability toistance himself from the story. lou: it's, it's really extraordinary. let's turn to the other aspect here. is there a price for what has transpired here? we see by a modest margin,
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seven points in the "cbs poll", seven points in the cnn poll, these snap polls, that the president won. that is all well and good. but what will be the, i mean, the american people are not fools. they're sitting there, they're going to belief their lying eyes and ears rather than what either a campaign is saying or fourth estate is not saying? what is the consequence on the election? >> i do think that we will, it is to be continued, sort of situation, that obviously mitt romney is goingo go after president obama again on this in boca raton on monday. i think it's, it is still to be determined. we don't know until we see the next debates. >> one thing we need to hear from governor romney, is a clear assertion of what he believes happened, haens happened. where, what he believes the president's responsibilities are, and where we have been negligent or deficient as a nation. i think that his own articulation left something
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to be desired, which allowed the president to win on an issue that he should have lost utterly. lou: whout question, he missed opportunities. tucker, you get the last word here. your thoughts? >> i would say the moment has passed. there is a ton of evidence, you know since you watch television ratings a lot, the public has a lot of trouble tracking foreign policy stories. they're just not as interested. anything romney says in this next debate won't have half the power it would have if he articated in this debate. so i think he lost something he can't regain. lou: all right. tucker carlson, thanks very much. erin mcpike, thank you. doug schoen. >> thank you. lou: up next one viewer identifies the worst moment in last night's debate. we offered a few suggestions ourselves tonight. perhaps the worst moment of all presidential debates. ith the spark cash card from capital one, sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it!
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♪ ...reach one customer at a time? whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. >> what did candy do? nothing. >> michael e-mailed to say, candy crowley assisting president obama in his libya lie will go down in history as one of the worst moderator moments ever, shameful. >> ann said, all i can think about, as i watch your interview with naomi wolf, last night, all democrats think about quote, i
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may be out of a job living iny car but obamaill give me free birth control and free abortions. >> it may seem that way, but i assure you women in this country ar far more than one-dimensional, we thank you for beingonight, we continue the convor saying tomorrow, good night from new york. >> i want to make sure we get that for the record, it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. >> he did in fact, sir. >> can you say that louder, candy. >> he did call it an act of terror, it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea of their being ar riot out there about this tape to come out. neil: what? every time i see


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