tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 20, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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for months with a slight edge to the present. will those strengtheng national pol with polls narrowing in battleground states as well and the governor's favorability ratings also moving that combined make it fair to ask whetr it's too early to caask the question, as t third debate is looming th coming monday, has america already decided? let's take a look at where these candidates and the campaigns stand tonight. the gallup national survey of likely voters shows governor romney with a six-point lead over predent obama. this poll was tied at 48% as recently as the 9th of this month. a rasmussen reports poll of 11 swing states has governor romney 49% to 47%. president oba losing his sipoint octoberr4th lead in the process. the favorability rang showing
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a candidate in governor romney who is now likable to a a majory ofmerican voters. the pe rearch center showing vernor romney's favorable ratingt 50% to the president's 49. a stunning turnround from march when the president's rating was nearly twice at of governor roey's. brand new fox poll in the important battleground sate of florida has romy ouacinghe president 55% to 51% in the favooables. the gallup vobility poll has the republican nominee on top as well. mr. romney beating the president 52-51%. incredibly, theeft-leaning public policy institute giving governor romney the biggest lead likability. the governor up three percentage points on the esident in that, in that poll ich i co-sponsored by the service employees international union. talk about objectivity. and the real clear politics
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electoral college projection now has governor romney ahead of the present foth first time in this election. with north carolina now moving in to the romney column. tonight we have expert election analysis, the latest on the white house benghazi sandaland controversy and an inside look at the national media's role in this presidential campaign. finish -- former governor of arkansas mikeuckabee joins us, media research director o analysis tim graham, fox news mid middle east affairs walid phares among our guests, but more bad news for the president as he and governor romney gear upor monday's final presidential debate. goveor romney has erased most of the president's lead on foreign policy. mr. obama h lost 15 percentage points' advantage since september, now leading governor romney by a 47% to 43%3% margin. and two brand new fox polls in the swing states trending
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governor romney's way. thgovernor u 48-45n florida after trailing the president by fiveoints just last nth. and the president's seven-point lead in the sepmber ohio pl has been cut to three points, within the margin of error. joining us now for all the latest campaign devopments, former arkansas governor, 2008 republican presenti candidate ke huckabee, also the author of "the new york times" bestseller "a simple government" anhost of fox news channel's "huckabee" show. grt to have youere. >> thank you, lou. lou: this is a slight lead to be kind and gerous, but it is a le. >> yeah. lou: how significant in your judgment? >> it's huge turn from what we've seen even a month ago, and there's ree things that's goin on. one, take all the polls, and they get kind of confusi, but when you get down to it, there's noa trending that is very clearly in romney's favor. and you look at the significant and the most credible polls, and even if he's not aad, he is
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dramatically up from where he was six weeks ago, four weeks ago. that is positive. second thing, romney's up with women. there's been a huge turn among women voters toward mitt romney. i wrote some numbers down. one of things in the florida that's very significant, there's been a 19-point move in florida among women. that's huge. mitt romney is going to win florida. and i think now the third thing is we're seeing a trend develop with jewish voters which is further going to insure his victory in a florida race. lou: and amongst independent ters we're seeing as well, as you know, i mean, governor romney now h a double-digit lead among independents, and that group determined the outcome ofhe 2008 election. >> and they very well term this time ohio still up for grs, obama ill has lead there. lou: right. but romney has put wisconsin in play. i think romney's going to win north caroli, he's going to
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win virginia. this is, you know, moving romney's way x it's getting so close -- and it's getting so ose that there's not a lot that obama can do that people will say, oh, you know, i dn't know that about back obama. he'she president. he's inhe best position he's going to probably be in. everything now srts breaking away from him. lou: breaking away from him, and the first debate a historic marg of victory for governor romney. the second debate there was a strong feeling that the president had won that debate, but then in quick succession the discussi abouthe prident actually lying during that debate, that lie being corrorated by a moderator who erred and acknowledged so doing. and now we've got a preside who can't even do a safe interview with jon stewart without screwing it up. i mean, this thg is taking on a bidnesque o, if you will,
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rather, an obama aura. >> well, this why you're not going to see barack obama over the weekend. both candidates are o the trail, they're sequestered to do debate prep, but i think it's also to keep them from making some glaring error that they would have to go in and answer r many in that debate. the debates this year have become more important than i've ever remembered them being in moving thevoters one way or t other. both candidates go in with a lot on the line, but i think more is on the line for barack obama in this foreign policy debate because, lou, i'd hate to have to walk in there and defend benghazi, defind why he hs -- defend why he hasever answered for fort hood and little rock as a terror act. and in little rock simply a random state crime. nsense. this is a pattern. lou: the process of you can call it stonewalling, of on fuse case -- >> it's lying, let's be honest,
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's lying. lou: well, certainly tuesday night before the american people e president lied straightforwardly. but e fact is the national media's not holding him accountable, and it's as if there is no truth if the national libel media isn't in some way validating it. and in point of fact, the media research center, bozell's group pointing out, you know, major newspape not even mentioning the mo important mome and question of e night. >> well, en though they e not and there's no point in having any expectation that you'reoing to see "the new york times" and the washington post come forward with that, the american peopl aren't stupid. you know what? when it gets down to it, they can read through this, and they can see that the president kept telling them for weeks thait was all about a video, and it's clear now and evidence that it wasn, and they are able to access enough infoation without the filter of "the new york tim" and the mainstream, binetworks that, frankly, i think that it's going to do more damage to the tworks thanit will to mitt romney, and it will
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do more damage to barack obama's credibility for not coming clean with the american people. lou: we're asking tonight, has amica made up its mind on who wille the next president, what do you think? >> i think a lot of americans have made up their mind, i think that group of undecided voters is increasingly decided, but this still is n done. it's not all in. there's still some cows out in the field, not all of them are inhe barnet, lou we've t a few still to bring home. lou: all right. governor, good to have you with . >> thanks a bunch. lou: please take a minute to log on tohe lou dobbs tonight facebook page, who do you think will win monday's final debate? go to dobbs tonight. disappointing earnings on walltreet today, stocks posting the worst sinday decline since june and adding to the drama of the big selloff, today the 25th anniversaryf black monday back in 1987 when
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stocks fell nearly 25% in a single session. nothing is shocking today -- as shocking today, i'mleased to tell you, but the dow did lose two-and-a-half points, the s&p down 24, the nasdaq tumbled 67 points, down more than 2% on the day. microsoft, google, apple, all part of a broad selloff in the technology sector. mcdonald's, chipotle, general electric all sharply lower on missed earnings targets an disappointing renue. total volume 7.2 blion sres, that's heavier than the average daily volume recently of 6.4, outpacinby more than 3 to 1 on the big board. 129 stocks that knew 53-week highs despite all of that, 35 hitting new lows. for the week the dow and the s&p up while the nasdaq was down more than a percent. a much brighter pictur year to daae in all of this anxiety,f
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urse, suounding the selloff toda it's easy to lse sight of the fact that the dow jones industrials have gained more than 9%, the s&p up about 14%, the that is damage up 15%. 155 of those standard & poor's 500 companies reporting earnings next week, so get ready. the biggest week this earnings season coming right at us, and investors may be in for, well, some exciting times. a little volatility, perhaps. wall street expecting companies on the s&p to post the worst earnings since the third quarter of 29. >> it's been a tough year for presidential debate moderators. >> want to make sure e we g gett frrd because it took the esident 14 days before he called the attack in benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. >> he did, in fact -- let mm call it an act of terror -- >> say that a little louder, candy? [applause] >> he did ca ian act of terror.
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lou: newly-released documents confirm state department personnel including ambassador christopher stevens raised concerns about the shortage of security in beeghazi months before the september 11th terrorist aack. ambassador stevensimself wrote about securityhreats in june, august and the very day that he was murdered. meanwhile, military sources telling fox news that the terrorist attack may have been part of a broader campaign to drive a growing amecan presence out of eastern libya. yet the administration continues to refuse to admit what any fact
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at all and threat assessments ignore requests for security there were ignored, and the reality on the gund resulted in the murder of four americans in libya. and as much a the presint mmght w want us to believe that he declad the murdersn benghazi to be aerrorist attack just the day after they occurred, the public record -- as we have repeatedly reported and demonstrated -- is contrary to his statement. joining us now for a critical lookt the president's, well, changing positions on the september 11th attacks and the liberal media's inabili to, in some cases, even report let alone report well on the event or, for that matter, the refal of the administration to offer any reas for the attacks, any statemt to the american people about why the choices they''e made arappropriate for is nation's interests. we're joined by tim graham, the media research center's director ofedia analysis. tim, at in th point -- at this
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point why is it that there is a seeming reluctance on major national media outlets whether newspaper or networks to sa point-blank this administration has lied to the american people? because their statements are in contravention of one another. >> that's absolutely right. and even if you want to say, as candy crowley trieto do, well on the day after in t rose garden you said that, you made a vague reference to acts of terror, we can still go back to obama giving an interview to univision on the 20th of seember where he was still talking about the natural protests outside the consulate in benghazi which was just utterly fictional. so, i mean, it is sad that the news mia which reallyhould be the people tha keep the timeline, that try toake -- make some sense of these wildly-conflicting statements and hold this government
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accountable has really, instead, been sort of lazing ound and not doing much on this. we've had 22 stories in the last couple of days about binders full of women and networks skipping out on covering libya. that's just ridiculous. lou: and it's fascinating to me that major news organizations with serious journalists, obviously, working for them and often working very well in their craft, there must be a immense frustration even among the idlogicallypu of the left who work in those organizations that they cannot report on a story this big, this important. in fact, this historic. >> absolutely. and there are some that are covering, and it's not like nobo's coverinit. and we've been noticing, for example, that jan crawford of cbs is covering it. cnn has consistently covered it, fox news has consistently
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covered it, but we're talking about those big three networks with the biggest audiences in the evening and the morning. you're just not getting that. yore getting an earfulf binders. lou: it is strange. and this, this president unlike any other has received immunity from the national liberal media. the national liberal media, i mean, you're kind to hold out the exceptions to the rule, but the rule prevails, and thate national liberal media, is frankly, giving this president an easy pass to ter immunity from critical judgment, from examination by a critical national press. whic i think certainly puts the entire republic at risk. >> and we could certainly say this as long as, if we're going to call somebody out for being terrible on this, for "the new york times" to take the major house hearing onnthis where 're going to do some fact finding a say, you know what? we're going to put lance
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armstrong's troubles o page 1 and this on page 3 and then say to pple when we're asked about it by the readers' advocate, there were six better stories to put on the front page, that's absurd and irrespsible. for "the washington post" yesterday to have story all abouhow romney's missteps have enabled obama toscape any thinking on the part of "thehful washington post." it's not called reporting. lou: tim, you're being kind. [laughter] it turns the paper into a campaign dcument, not a, not a newspaper. tim graha wehankou very much for being wh us. up next, just 18 days t election day, the oba administraon too busyo deal with the dies of running the government? we'll show you some of the outrageous ortcuts tt the administration has taken in tonighs chalk talk. governor romney lets loose with a sparkling stand-up routine for a very good cause. some of his best onliners
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>> i won't give us a letter grade. i think it's still incomplete. >> you've hadhree-and-a-half years tofix it, what grade would you give yourself so far for doing that? >> i wou say incomplete. lou: well, that seems to be wt the president wants is an incomplete. it's become his standard answer to the question, and this administrati is running up a loof incompletes. we're going to take a look at that tonight. a lot of work just simply in't getting done. yesterday, for example, the partment of agriculture, let's talk food stamps. failed to meet a key deadline just to port to congress as it must why it's been partnering with the mexican govement to promote food stamps. it's a simple thing. did you know food stamps hit another record high th month? 46.7 million. 46.7 million. i mean, that's pretty good. it reflects a lot of bad things.
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it was just 19 million, by the way, a decade ago. 19 million people. not every administration has promoted it quite as heavily as this, ithink we can be comfortable with that statement. the most transparent administration ever is also now four reports -- they're quarterly reports, by the way -- ur of them behind schedule on its mandatory quarterly reports on the effects of t stimulus package. those reports, me than a year behind, one of the last repts, by the way, did find tt the stimulus had added or saved about 1.8 million jobs. 8 million jobs. not inconsiderable. th's pretty good. you would thinthat this administration would be proud of it it also,owever, found that those jobs werereated at a cost of -- and this is
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extraordinary -- $317,000 per job. $317,0 a job. why not just send these pele a check? interestingly, the cost for job figure has been revised upward in each and every report the administtion has issued. that may have something to do with the reason that they quit issuing those reports. what do you think? well, other reports that the administration refuses to deliver include remember back in may when attorney general eic holder missed a congressional deadline to hand over documents thatad been subpoenaed about operation fast and furious? the present invoked executive ivilege, and there was the matter of congress then having
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to cite holder, the attorney general becoming the f first attorney general in history to be held in contempt of congress. and we'll let you know how that wos out. but so far a lotof deadlis have been missed, and a lot has been stonewalled, if you will. and the budget, the budget, president obama this year releasedhis 2013 budget the deadline f for a third year in a row. course, the twoim that congress did vote on the presidt's budget request both times it was voted down unanimously. so he's, h has a littleroubl with that. and, of course, there's dodd-frank. now, this is the one that's got wall street all excited and mh of the country because dodd-frank is going to help business and restor sanity -- i'm kidding. it is considered to be a disaster. dodd-frank, the prident loves to tout how he's reining in wall street, but his administratn has missed, are you ready? just 60%.
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now, this is one i would love to hear a debate about, how he could miss 6 of the rulemaking deadlines. if you care about regulations as much as says he does, don't you think that you would do a little better than that? by the way, only a third of dodd-frank has been written. and by the way, written by regulato, not by congress, but written by the regulators. two-thirds still they're air, nothin the admistration's decisio to choo which laws to follow, which to ignore is plainly a manifestion of the current that flows from the white house through the swire executive -- entire executive branch. it's not pretty to watch. one debate to go, president obama and governor romney face off on foreign policy. but first, we'll talk with
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gordon chang and walid phares about the middle east and china. presidenobama and governor romney took a night off in the name ofharity. >> fin the biggestavailable straw man an then just mercilessly attack it. big bird didn't ev see it coming. [laughter] chr matthews, four years ago i ge him a thrill up his leg, this time around iave him atroke. [laughter] lou: they almost seemed to be having fun, didn't they? we'll have a little fun next. speaking of having fun, angry liberal alec baldwin wants to be mayor of new york, sohey say. he's leading in the latest poll. it's not the kind of poll you want to lead. the a-team is next. copd makes it hard breathe, but wi advr, i'm breathing better. so now i cane in the scene.
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be a focus in monday's final presidential debate. a new pew poll ss governor romn up 49-40% over president obama on who would percent handle trade issues with china. the u.s. trade deficitith china, b the way is now $203 billion from january through august of this year. and, o course, debt was an issue that did come u up in this week's debate. >> we lose sales, manufacturers here in the u.s. making the same products can't compete. china has been a currenc manipulator for years and years and years, and the president has a regular opportunity to label them as a currency manipulator but refuses to do so. lou: governor romney says he will label china a currency manipulator his first day i office. here now to discuss u.s. foreign policy and trade policy with china and other challenges, of course, gordon chang, author of the book "the coming collapsef
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china." also wh us, walid phares, foreigpolicy senior adviser to governor romney, also a fox news middle east and terrorismm3 expert, author of the boo "the coming revolution: struggle for freedom in the middle east. good thave you with us. walid, let's do this first. do you expect monday that the american people will get any answers from this president about what happened and hy in benghazi on september 11th? >> what i do project, that the bate between psident obama and governor romney is going to provide answers for the american public, and that is that the oba administration wasoing wrong on the middle east, wrong on iran, wrong on the muslim brotherhood, of course, wrong on libya, and the governor is going to provide evidence, and he's going to propose a different direction than t ones of president obama. lou: and, gordon, as they move to the issue of china as they must, it is such a ssiv
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trading partner and hashe laest trade deficit of any cotry with which we trad what do you expect to be the resolution? both men, in fairnessto both candidates, they have talked equally, they have talked tough about china, and it's the first time we've ever had two presidential candidates do so in the same election. >> well, thatat's a start. but unrtunately, weeally haven't had a comprehensive scussion, and we need one because china poses an across-the-board challenge to us. so, yes, it's good that they talk about currency nipulation, but we need to hear about china's manufacturing subsidies, itzhaking of american companies -- its hacking of american companies, and i'm afraid we're not going to hear about any of these things. lou: i asked you both to join us tonight so that folks could get a sense of how wtalk about often in isolation benghazi, asia, about the challenges whether they be trade or
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potentially military, geopoliticalhallenges in the pacific and asia regions. the fact is first question has to be what should be our policy, and can we in pointf fact sustain such a policy, the fact that we are the world's largest debtor nation and there are so many demands on the united states military, many of them origining internally and not always so clearly in the national interest? walid, how would you respond to that? could we possibly mt challenges from both china, from the war on terror globally and specifically then wiin the middle eastern region? >> wel let me say that the chinese leadership, and i would have a confirmation from the studio, perceives washington under the obama admintratio as weak in the middle east, as weak with regard to iran. as not decided with regard to syria, as having kind of problem in north africa and beyond.
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this isswhy t chinese leadership, the other side of the planet is taking the liberty of expanding, of challenging japan, o challenging the philippines and beyond. now, back to thmiddle east, the ainistration so far has demonstrated that it had an opportunity where we didn't need to have boots on the ground in iran or no-fly zone, it was in june of 2009, lou, you'll remember. lou: right. >> we had the opportunity to stand with the demmnstrators. this wld have collapsed the iranian regime, half of the war on terror would have ended, but we didn't, unfortunately. lou: you say half the waron terror would have ended. some argued that only a civil war in certainly a strategic nation, syr, uld have been prevented. but to s that the war on terror would have been cut by half, is that the not an overoptimistic assessment particularly given that we've had so much ptimism emanating from this adminiration for ur years? >> whe look,ou, the problem of the administration is it
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can'identify the threa inhe libya, for example, it wasn't able todentify that the salafist militia on the ground a connected to alaeda, that's why they were sprised and tried to do the trailer thing fo 14 days. when i say about iran, iran is the supporter of hezbolh. iran is a supporter of the assad regime. and i'm not overshooting when i say if the iranian regime goes down, four other regimes are going to folw. and, of course, we'r going to have better alternatives, and then we'll be le with al-qaeda. lou: but left out of that calculus and i want you both to interject here, i don't nt to simply go back and forth like a tennis game here, the fact is that china is a principal competitor and challenger not only in the pacific and asia region, but the middle east specically with iran in conjunction with their interests in that region working ve
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closely, the same is true of russia, and the chinese engaging and setting some very large stakes forward in the south china sea. yeah. china's been proferating nuclear weapons technology to iran. it has been iran's primary backer in terms of its economy and, of course, beijin supports iran in the u.n. security council and theoverning board the international atomic energy agency. you know, in a sense we have more of a china problem than we have an ira problem because china is really what makes the atomic ayatollahs dangeus. lou: all right gentlemen, i'm going to have to cut it short. i appreciate it. we're running up on time but thank you both. come back soon, both of you, and continue this conversation gordon chang, ank you so much. walid phares, thank you, sir. and please take ainute to log on to lou dobbs tonight's facebook page to vote on our poll. the question is who do you think wi win monday night's final debate. go to dobbs tonight. cast your vote, we'll have the results here later in the broadcast.
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up next, two disgraced former new york polician and a favori angry liberal squaring off in a new poll. e winner? oh, wel havehe winner. [laughter] much to his regret, i'm sure. coming up monday, the third d final debate of the presidential campaign and election. expert analysis from the best in the business joining us, e editor-in-chief of galluolls, frank newport, ed rollins, joe trippi among our guests. please, be with us. please, be with us. weere coming right back. jack, you're a little boring.
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lou: we don't know how much of liberal hollywood has shifted to governor romney, but at least part of it has. qualified comedy writers. here are some of the funniest moments of last night's alfred e. smithh charity dinner. >> campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes. we -- blue jeans in the morning, perhaps, suits for a lunch fundraiser, sport coat for dinner, t it's nice to finally rex and to wear what ann and i
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wear around the house. [laughteter] >> everyone, please, take your seats, otherwise clint eastwood will yell at them. [laughter] >> i never suggest that the press is biased. i recognize they have teir job to do, and i have myob to do. my job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of the country, and their job is to make sureo one ese finds out about it. [laughter] >> i had a lot more energy in our nd debate. [laughter] i was really well rested after the nice long nap i had in the first debate. [laughter] >> but people seem to be very curious as to how we prepare for the debates. let me tell you what i do. first, refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the dete. [laughter] cond, find the biggest available straw man and then justst midwestly attack it. -- mercily attack it. big bird didn't see it coming. [laughter] >> earlier today i went shoppi at some stores in midtown.
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i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in midtown. [laughter] lou: and a new poll by new york one finds two-thirds of new yorkers, 66%, do t want to see alec baldwin become their myor. they don't even want him toun. that opposition is even higher th the opposition against former congressman anthony weiner. it's also higher than the 57% who don't want former governor eliot spitzer to run. [laughter] up next, new polls showovernor romney's favorabily eclipsing the president's as we head into the final two wks of the campaign. has america decides? and the a-team next. angela mcglowan joins us, ellis henican, scherr ri ya coe ellis henican, scherr ri ya coe bit.en we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full ti mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball.
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those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. monarch of markeng analysis. with the ability to improve roi tough seo alby c from national. because only national lets you choose ancain the ale... and go. you can even take a full-se or above, and still pay the mid-size price. i'm going b-i-g. [ male announcer ] good choice business pro. good choice. national. go like a pro.
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lou: joining me now, the a-teaa. republican strategist, angela mcglowan, fox news contributor ellis hen can, former rnc spokesrson cheri jacobus. good to have you here. cheri, let's stt wi you, if weay. >> okay. lou: the president gets a safe interview with jontewart and screws it up. and then talks about four dead americans as, quote-unquote, not optimal. what is going on? >> i think the president is so used to having a media that gives him an adoring media th not only can he not handle himself whenhings get tough, but now he's getting a little bilazy and sloppy when things are going well -- lou: well, jontewart did erythi but give him a hug, are you kidding?
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>> exactly. and the remark is indefensible, and is now the mother of one of the young men is very upset. this thing has legs, and they can't blame it on republicans. the president needs to be accountable for what comes out of his mouth. >>nd i think this is actually going to helps win, and mitt romney's going to do very well on foreign policy on monday. and no matter what candy owley did, i think that it'actually going to help us on monday when he does debate obama. >> yes? [laughter] i mean, listen, you're really upset about the stewart thing? he asked him the question, is it optimal -- lou: wait a minute,,i just asked you a question. >> he's asked, is this optimal? he says, well, no, it's not optimal when someonege killed, it's not optimal whe bad things happen. this is a, this is a pho piece of outrage. there's so manserious stuff to talk about,hy are we focusing on -- >> oh, els, you're missing the point. the president does not want to talk about benghazi, he doest want to -- lou: you want to get sious,
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the president of the united states lied about what he said in the rose garden. >> he did. lou: he was corroborated by the debate moderator. >> actually -- lou: no, what i'm saying is, actually, my finger is raised gher than yours. [laughter] >> this is the kind of stuff i think, frankly, voters this minor gotcha, can we twist this wwrd -- [inaudible coersations] >> four americans are dead in benghazi. >> go ahead and do it. lou: initially referred to as bumps in the road now it's quote-unquote not optimal, and now you want to say th we want to talk about serious things. we hav been begging to talk about something serious -- >> okay. lou: which is what happened in benghazi. a mmn sitting this that audience tuesday night,one of 11 questions, only 11 qstions were put forward in from that audien. one of them was, mrpresident, who denied the secury for that consulate? >> is it, is it -- lou: did you get the answer? i i missed it. >> i didn't get it.
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>> the ansr is the obvious and truthful answer which is this is an unlding thing the details have be comin out. they put out as they knew it. yes, there are contradictions -- >> ellis,'m sorry, that is not true. lou: have you joined the great, the great conspiry? >> no. i know, no -- lou: you're talking about a $4 trillion gornment, you're talking about the only superpower in the world -- >> yes. lou: -- cia asss in that immediate ar. there is no explanation from this administration why they did not rush to the help of those americans. >> ectly. lou: there is no explanation why they did not take steps, there has been no explanation of any kind. [inaudible conversations] >> excuse me cheri. as someone who has covered many live stories over the years, we all understand that these things drble out in dribbles and drabs and over time -- [inaudible conversations] >> if it wasn't for fox news, if it wasn't for the journalists at
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fox news, it wouldn't have dribbled out. lou: we've got to give credit as well to cbs. >> i'm a little biased, bu-- lou: and the daily beast. >> are you all suggesting that he doesn'tre about ou diplomatic crew? lou: you tell me. >> no. >> oh, come on. no. he had a right to be offended at the suggestion that mitt romney maden the debate. itwas one of of the proudest ments of the other night at hofstra university. [inaudibleversations] >> ellis, if i may teel you -- lou: do you think ybody really cares who so fended in this? -- is offendedn this? >> when a candidateor ppesident steps up and suggests that -- lou: oh, come on. >> -- this president doesn't care about diplomats, i don't believe that. [inaudible conversations] finish. >> he doesn't go to his own security briefings, ellis. he doesn go to his own -- what do you have to say about that? el he doesn't go to his own security briefings, and his
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insensitive comments, it's starting to look like he doesn't undersnd the impact and the importance of his job and what his responsibility is to our3 ambassors and people overseas. that is a big problem, the fact that he willot answer these questions, the facthat he gave a u.n. speech saying this was all about the video, and now he's backtracking, and the media is letting him get away with it. it's a big, big problem. >> clearly, he's a machiavellian politician who thought he could say whatever he wanted to say. to have his u.n. ambassador actually go on the air and say this was about a video? to have us spend $70,000 worth of tax dollars to do an apology tour saying it was because of a video? please. >> it is simply miaken to suggest that this president is someone who doesn't care about the dmatic -- lou: whoa, whoa, w whoa. [iudible conversations] excuse me, if i may, if i may, we're out of time. >> sure. this stuff is wrong, you know that. lou: i do nt t just, if i may, set the record straight again with yourighly emotional
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@%ne. you've perps forgotten the fact that i never said he didn't care. i said, do he? and i also said i don't give a damn if he does or he doesn't. [inaudible conversations] thank you. [laughter] >> he does! loo: eis henican who will be spting for hours, but we've got a room for it. [laughter] and cheri jacobus, thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: up next who do you think will win monday's -- this is not for ellis henican - who do you think will win monday final presidenal debate? that's up next. vote in our poll, ally bank. why they're always there to talk. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuitand wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what person can. that'why ally has knowledgeable people the for you, night and day. ally bank.
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10:59 am
lou: time forhe results of our online poll. we asked who do you think will win mond's final presidential debate. only 97% of you said vernor romney will win. 3% said it will be president obama. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. have a greatweekend. >> announcer: the following ogram is a paid advertisement for the food lovers fat loss system, brought to y by provida life sciences-- practical solutions for better living. >> i'm annette, i'm from studio city, california. i'm a mother of three, i weight 155-1/2 pounds. this is the heaviest i've ever been. i'm a size 10. ...and this is me now! i lost 25 pounds and went from that size 10 to this size 2 in just 12 weeks.
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