tv Cavuto FOX Business October 24, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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lou: time for your thoughts, viktor tweeted that "new york times" might report the benghazi after the election, we'll see you tomorrow night, good night from new york. neil: 30 days out, barack obama, do you know where your bump is? welcome i am neil cavuto. is it me or is president becoming the rodney dangerfield of polling? no matter his better performances in last two debates, he is not getting any respect at the polls or any more support. he is worse, tracking poll still by and large favoring his opponent, and scores in swing states more so now. what is really going to now? i think and i stress i think, it could be the residuals of the first debate in which the president did not do well. the fact that mitt romney did from that moment on looked every
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bit as competent and personable as the president. something is going on. i suspect it has more to do what is not going on with in companies. kimberly-clark, saying it will belaying off workers, and ratchetting down estimates, does this ring a bell? this is looks like a tidalwave, i am not saying it is irreversible for the president. but here is not a lot of time for this president. try as he might, he has his debate points down, but it is mitt romney who is the guy driving his poll numbers up. to iowa, both candidates stomping big time today. and governor of this fine state joining me, i don't think we've even seen the likes of two guys fighting so hard for all of 6 electoral votes, what do you make it was? >> we love being a battle ground
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state, i think that romney has momentum here. you know, a lot of iowans voted for obama, but they feel disappointed even betrayed he has not been a consensus type of leader, a big concern is that huge increase in the national debt, and president of the united states spends time blaming others, and now attacking romney. that is not leadership. people see what i've done as governor, and other governors to reduce the size and cost of government and to encourage business by reducing taxes and regulations. neil: do you think it is your success? is your success, governor? a bit of a delay. do you think your success, is coming to the president's benefit. you turn things, and drive the unemployment rate lower and improve the business conditions, it is the president who is the beneficiary of that? >> no, just look across to
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illinois, you see where the president is from and where his party controls everything, and they are a disaster. they have the biggest debt per capt av any state, unfunded liabilitiy, and 4 billion behind in paying bills on time, what are they doing? borrowing more money, and raising taxes. that is the wrong formula. that is why we need a president that will do for america when republican governors are doing not only this state but in wisconsin,,michigan, and pennsylvania and ohio, we need a president, and romney is a former republican governor, he sees what can be done if you reduce tax and regulatory burden, reduce the size of government and unleash the private sector to grow this economy. neil: do you think that the latest indications, with so many fortune 500 companies, scaling back, laying off workers, batonning down the hatches for
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something bad they see coming, hits the president or it too late? >> what is going to happen on january 1st? we lose bush tax cuts then sequestration, we have a huge cliff, that could send the whole nation back into a recession, so, yeah, businesses are looking to the future, they are scared to death at what is happening, they see status quo coming from this administration. we need a change. neil: all right now, do you think they are looking at that, in washington, or just concern about the world? the administration always comes back looking at development saying, this is a europe problem for a lot of these guys not an american problem, what do you say? >> i can tell you that we're headed the same direct as europe because we're spending way more than we take in. we'll be worse than greece within 4 years if we don't have new leadership, we don't top follow that european example.
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we want to follow the example of what republican governors are doing in their states, reducing the regulatory and tax burden, encouraging private sector businesses to expand and grow. we know that obamacare something that is unaffordable and unsustainable and needs to be gotten rid of. neil: thank you very much governor, always a pleasure, sir. >> thank you very much. neil: all right, back to the job cuts, kleenex maker kimberly-clark adding to that about 1500 will be out. company continues to try to dig in for what many fear could be something a lot worse. does that ring a bell it should, 3m 3m, dupont, zinga and everyone from mcdonald's and radioshack in between. to laurie rogg rothman and tyyoi don't know about you laurie, but
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when my boss is bumming, i am not happy. >> agrees, think about it, you are a business owner are you going to want to take this much risk into your business, when you have so much -- a laundry list of uncertainty, the governor hit on all of them, data not just domestic economy. we're seeing a couple green chutes, but the rest of the world is falling apart, reports today showing europe could fall into a deeper recession, and the u.s. multinationals we're in midst offearnings seen, they are struggling everyone looking at revenue, top line growth, job cuts come back to slice and get the companies back to lean and mean as possible to preserve the bottom line, because the money is not coming frrm anywhere else right now. neil: ty, i know, i think that companies have gotten as much as they can get, out of cutting,
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their balance sheets have never looked so strong, they cut to the bone, and there is not much more growth they can get out of that. they have not been growing so much as they have been year-over-year compared to where they were and the fat they took out. and now they telegraph to wall street or anyone who would listen or care, we've done all we can do. >> thank you, neil, you are right, and laurie makes a great point in that earning seen right now, ibm, intel, microsoft, have missinged earnings it is more than just layoffs, there is no real reason that companies would retain employees right now, there is no incentive to do so much less create jobs, it will be a tough road to hoe if we don't change policy. neil: is it unique to the globe? things stink in the globe, a lot of multinationals, what do you think? >> as the world, as united
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states goes, as goes the world. what we have here is we have a very anti-growth environment. we hhve very poor fiscal policies, a very poor monitor policy, one of those can be negative much less all 3 at the time time, it is about a policy change, we need a change in policy. and if we were to elect a fiscal conservative, mitt romney for example he would change policy, i believe we would have a reagan-style recovery, a stronger dollar, a pro-business environment, where jobs are created. we don't need more taxes, we need nor taxpayers, more tax payers and cuts in government spending is a planned budget that is good for america. neil: i don't know if had a chance to look through this but president has released a pamphlet. >> it is beautiful. neil: and it has kids in it.
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and guys in white robes that shows progress that administration has made and what itments ts to -- wants to do in next 4 years, look at what we've done, how dow has doubled and how we're off and things are better, they may not be great but they are better than they were that their clarion call, and wall street, and companies should be happy. >> an easy victory for the obama administration. what strikes me boo the layout is type of companies they come from all types, this is companies, batons down the hatches, so fearful aboot what is coming around the bens, very specifically with the fiscal cliff as and other tax cages wih obamacare and whatnot, we seeing record buybacks and preserves bottom line, dividend tax increases, and capital gains for investor are going up, taxes.
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you know they are beholden to shareholders,. neil: if this is going to be an earnings contraction quarter, do you see ty, looking at this that, where there is one quarter there are others, in other words, things don't normally happen without setting off a pattern, what do you see? >> it is likely, gdp growth the last two years has been asneakic, -- anemic, putting inflation in it has been negative, companies are laying off at this point to try to keep the earnings up. but there not a lot they can do this their this environment, i think it is sustained until there is a policy change. neil: thank you. health care hits keep coming or maybe missing. meet the doctor saying, this is such a mess, washington is trying to bribe doctors to accept the plan. guess what, it is til still not
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working. >> then, clinton is back, what he is say -- kent is back clintd talking to voters, what he is saying be a game changer. 4g lte is the fastest. sowhich supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, m not looking for thfastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so more th the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all oer network combined.
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neil: what's up doc, still whining about healthcare law, doc? what if we bribe you to like it? don't laugh. not so far fetched. a incentive to medicate patients, but it is a mandates 64% hike for doctors to do so. doctor, even with that, it does not seem to be enticing a lot of your colleagues, why not? >> they have to be really concerned if they are watching, this sounds like a bribe to get coerced into taking new medicaid
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patients, especially when they don't know what they are getting into.@ the deal is, government will pay a down payment for just a couple of years to entice the doctors to take more medicaid patients to match their reembuyers am to at least -- em-- reimbursement to at least of what they gate in made care - medicare, but proof is in the pudding. the states that have the most people in medicaid pay the lowest in terms of physician reimbursements and the hence -- >> that is why i don't even think that 64% will cover it i suspect, and you are closer to this than i will be, you won't do it you know, you know with the sugar?
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maybe we'll give you some vinegar. take the money now or we'll ram it down you together stethoscope next step. >> that is where they are,ing all of a sudden they are stuck with a whole host of the people that are now probably sicker than most, where they will, road into their profit margins of how doctors stay afloat, almost like telling an airline, we'll pay you to take on the excess baggage for next couple of years, but after two years we'll take those payments back or not pay you, but you still have to carry thatti excess baggage. neil: what about the notion of
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volume, volume, many more patients, and we'll give you 64% beni to get you in and what you lack or not getting now, with few patients not making as much money, you get with more patie patient. -- is that true? >> volume would make sense here if every state was going to expand their medicaid rosters, so that the math adds up in terms of volume times price. that means more money. but as you know, jury is still out. in terms of whether every state will expand their medicaid roster. a lot of them are sitting on the fence, for fear we could be held holding the pot in a couple of years, especially if obamacare stays in affect, then we have a bigger crisis than we're in right now.
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so volume does not make up for it and other thing here, is that physicians, have their back to the wall, they always have. they have to take on sicker people, potentially lesser reimbursement. but insurance companies, would never put up for that you saw the insurance companies that said, if we have to fake on more people -- take on more people. neil: they jack their premiums up. >> they do. neil: all right doctor. lou: doctors conditions do that. neil: amazing, a great mystery to everyone. you know, why are these premiums going up, hello. >> absolutely. neil: thank you very much doctor. >> dirty harry versus desperate housewife, republicans doubling down on clint at eva longoria -- do we care? anyway. why it could be clint that makes mitt romney's day. >> and the star of the hit show, shark tank on why the economy is
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oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you'rinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice,lean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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>> in last few years, america has been knocked out, 23 million people cannot find full time work, we're borrow 4 million-dollars every day, much from china. obama second term would be a rerun of the first. our country could not survive. we need someone that is turn around fast and that man is mitt romney, there is not much time left, and the future of our
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country is at stake. neil: who wants to make fun of clint now? feeling lucky, kid? this g.o.p. ad, just might do what the chair thing at republican convention could not, not only rally debates. political analyst michelle fields said that dirty harry pulled off a dirty but effective trick and ad, you like this ad? >> i think it is great. it was tested on focus groups in ohio and florida, itested off the charts, americans are usually apprehensive of celebrity endorsement, this not your typical hollywood it girl of the moment, this is an american icon, clint eastwood, machine that people respect and love, this is not eva longoria that works for obama campaign and tweeted out that romney was a racist and and printed out
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rape jokes about paul ryan in prison. neil: she is nuts, she is beautiful but manore man, something not quite right about her. i wonder what impact this has, one thing about clint eastwood, i know they are written, and put it together. but he does make you think, what we have is what you get. in the case of barack obama, if you like last 4 years, you will get more of that in the next 4. if you didn't, well you are get more of that next 4 years. he makes a startling case for statingo obvious, but to me it is. about what do you make of this, clint eastwood saying, step back, this is what we got, if you like it we got it for 4 more years. >> this is great, this is different from the republican convention, he was a light-hearted funny, charming
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guy, now he said of that great issue we had fun, but the election is coming up, we need it get serious figure out which direct to we' our country go in i love he didn't shove his star power and liberty down your throat, he is lending his talent to illustrate where our country is right now, and how bad the situation is. neil: i might be one of few that loved that thing at the republican convention. i thought it was funny. then again i'm partial and a fan of his. but, do you think that back to whether it moves the needle in the next 13 days, i always hear michelle, very few are undecided in this election. that might be so, but i think the president is vulnerable to having more soft support, that was proven after the first debate because, you could not
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had the swing you did in the polls. just based oed on undecides. you could not have seen that swing moving voters who were not glued for either candidate. i could be wrong. but i suspect that is what happened in 1980, ronald reagan picked off a lot of supposedly committed carter supporters, that year too there were very few undecided voters into that one and only debate they had. >> i think a lot of the problem that obama will have is enthusiasm. people are not excited, like they were in 2008 to go out and vote for him. so, what his -- he needs to do is regain that energy, which i think is much too late to do that. neil: we'll watch closely, michelle thank you. >> thank you. neil: all right, i forgot about that fiscal cliff thing, and
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reports a key group of republicans, democrats, working behind the scenes to avoid it they are full of it. ain't happening, no meeting, nothing, i'm not kidding. look, if youave copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includechronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd sytoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell youdoctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, o an enlarged prtate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek imimmediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives,
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neil: all right, halftime, a lit little truth throttle. that fiscal cliff meeting at the end of the year, not happening, if you were thinking, after election day, they layout a nice plan to avoid this year-ender, bender, just get ready to, well, bend over, all of the bush tax rates are e expiring, and we're hearing that two sides remain divided over the same issue. republicans don't top raise taxes on the rich -- don't want
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to raise taxes on the rich. democrats don't want to budget on entitlement. you know what that means. that either side takes it seriously, it is expecting the other side to blink. neither side sees its side doing so. one contact piped into this, told it this way. they keep shooting the breeze. but they keep shooting blanks. no one is budging, everyone is hoping that last day in december, mirror ac usually something will be -- miraculously something will be happening, i am telling you, it is not happening. in the meantime let me burst your bubble. no cobbling it deals, still squabbling over deals, i thought you might want to know that. they not only have a plan,
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neither side, republicans nor democrats has so much as a clue. if you think ko cozy holiday sen this year, all bets off. with n me now, katherine ward. i do not see anything here talked about, buzzed about, promised that remotely shows closure, everyone hanging on the electiin, and that is it. >> have to keep in mind this congress cannot even pass a regular budget. neil: bingo, it has been better than 3 years. >> we have to pay this year's bills kind of budget, of course, that congress is not going to be able to soft this enormous difficult looming crisis. neil: so, one thing, kicked about, when i was in washington last week. i put it on myself to try to save the country and co cobble
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together a deal to try to prevent armageddon, but the best they become up with is, cooler heads will prevail, we'll extend things for 6 months, maybe a year, that means both sides have to hold hands and jump off the cliff at the same time. >> have you played kick the can. it is not a fun game, you just kick a can down the road. >> i was so uncoordinated i could never kicks can. >> congress is you, they are like terrible at kick the can, they seem weird 3 lovly to lovee have the income tax situation, and that does not get into this sequesting ingsequestration cut. neil: they extend everyone because it is too much for them
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to wrap their little arms around, and the promise they will do something about it i think we have been playing that game for a long time. and the rope runs out. >> the mayan apocalypse is scheduled for december 2012, it may be our best bet. but if you put money, january 2, between 13. neil: the mayans should have handled this, right. this is 12/12, right. >> i think that is congress' strategy. neil: so what do you think happens? >> i think that you are right, i think what you hear is right, congress will do its best to put off making this decision, like they have done for last year, like they have done for last several decades, this is not something that anybody wants on their plate, no one is willing
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to compromise, but, unfortunately, there is always wiggle room, always a way to weasel out of being the guy who has to make the cuts. that is the talon of the congressman. >> they are very good as being weasels, i think people pore get forget even the backbone deal of theirs, they are running away. i hate to be cynical, i just wanted to remind folks, there is nothing being crafted behind the scenes that is an old guy with a crank behind the curtain from the wizard of oz. >> thank you. neil: with the economy slowing down. why that has star of hit show shark tank fed up. >> would you be interested if i bought you out?
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>> you got to hustle. >> that is ridiculous. >> no she done agree to the buyback. >> she did. >> you agreed? >> four times. >> that is his company. and he has the right to have the major stake in this. >> taking the risk? neil: did you see the show, i thought it would go nowhere, it is a huge hit. and shark tank now is a draw for anyone trying to get sort of funding and off the matt. they might be only ones though who are looking for this sort of thing, money for start ups is way down eventure capital diving, by a third in last quarter, shark tank star, lori,
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you were telling me, you and cuban and others, it's your money up there to put up for the most promising entrepreneurial idea you hear. >> our own money we're investing. neil: all right. so, you got the money on the line. this is an environment we're told it is tough to get money, what do you look for? >> three things, one i look for great product or business idea. and i joke, i can tell if it is a hero or a zero. neil: how do you know it that fast? if someone showed he years ago apple pushing an ipod thing, i would have said this is stupid. >> years of experience. >> what do you see? >> years of experience. i've been doing this for 15 years, and created over 400 successful products, i have a pull for what peoplement, 79 -,
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is it mass appeal, i created an app called, hero or zero, a free app to help people. neil: you look for qualities. >> i do, is it a good product or a good, is it something that people need, and third thing, is the person. if that person is something who i don't think has wherewithal it drive a business, i am not going into invest. neil: i'm not giving away -- i see some of these guys, who come on, with you, you are. they look like ralph kramden, but, so nervous, and so frightened. they just want to leave, and it is all right, keep the money, do you look at that too? does a part of you, he is nervous or not a people person or a wonk into what he is doing, maybe people can help him get to the next level.
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how big is their personality. >> a wonk is not good, if there is somebody with path, drive, and -- passion, drive and dedication, they don't have to be a sales person, someone else can do that. neil: you look a little bit for a smooth talker. >> they come across like they are dedicated and passioned in the. neil: do you apply that to candidates for president? >> i do, dedicated, paz na passe driven. neil: anyone you prefer. >> someone that is right for our country. neil: barack obama and mitt romney they are both wonks you know. >> i'm not sure what a work. is. is -- wonk is. neil: a ner d . >> i don't leak that, nobody. neil: you are talking to a nerd right now. >> i am not. neil: why do you think that businesses do have a tough time getting money. >> they have a hard time getting money people don't want to give
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up their money right now, and hard times. neil: even most compelling case, they can make big pay dirt. %-funded michael dell or billhat gates or zuckerberg, someone is missing these big opportunities. >> as many times as somebody may hit big pay dirt, they may also fall in the mud, there is never a guarantee? what was your biggest bomb. >> that was someone else's? neil: you invested in. of it a loser. >> oh, well,. neil: you don't have to give specifics. >> yeah. i don't want to say, i don't want to hurt that person down the road it was something that i thought i would give a chance. to and just won up not a home run. neil: really, you and the othe others, mark cuban has been here many times, he is a funny guy,
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but he does have an ego like the chrysler building but that is fine. do you play this with tension. >> i like mark, we knock heads, i think friday night, we knock heads really big 92 i. neil: is this scripted? >> not scripted, and i think that mark challenges me because i have a lot of power in the room, i can do things and get to that pa newethat -- entrepreneue can't. neil: how much arrive on the show, what is the acceptance ratio getting on the show. >> i heard there were 35,000 applicants for season 4. neil: is that so. >> that is a lot, hard to at the time through them. once they get in the door, then, it is back to mark, markka a great guy, i heard him say he loves to spar with me, i read, i
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we're worse. our debt is bigger than our entire economy. it is getting worse by the day. sam mitchell and eliiabeth on that, what do you think? dan? >> i think we're reaping the prudential theefruits of what wn selling under this century. government spending has been exploding, and growing faster than private sector, when that happens, you wind up with more debt, and on a dan dangerous pa, and we see where it leads, we're in trouble. neil: you know, what is said about this is a percentage basis, we're worse. now we're -- we have many more things, shear size, and a more flexible economy even with our
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problems. but, not a lot of leg room. what do you make? >> well, i think that we do deserve an ioufrom europe for making them look good, this is why americans should be thankful that someone like paul ryan is on national stage right now, he is able to talk about these programs that are poorly run in this country like social security, which is part of the reason why our debt to gdp ratio is so unfavorable. neil: if you think about it, dan, the reason why we've been okay with our markets is almost a default by comparison, in other words we stink, they stink more. i don't know how long it will be the case. >> an old joke, two guys camping a hungry bear charges over the
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mountain, one puts a sneaker, and, and the other friend says you can't run faster than a bear, he said i down have to run faster than -- i don't have to run faster than a bear, i just have to run faster than you. this is like what we do, looking at long run numbers, the bank for international settlement in switzerland did a study. in 2010, long run data between now and 2040 we're worse than every single europe you an country. but if we don't adopt some types osentitlement reforms that paul ryan is talking about we'll face the same fiscal catastrophy that we see in european countries it
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helps that we're big, and we have our own currency. neil: but elizabeth, your generation, i will say this, when they were polling a lot of young people about their own finances, very few are optimistic they will be able to retirement and very few have faith in social security and medicare. that is unprecedented, a young generation is so cynical and so jaded even in the midst of the depression we did not see that. >> i concur, in my offices we're all young professional we stop looking at how much they take out of our paychecks for social security, which will go up next year if payroll tax increase goes through, we're discouraged that is money not only we'll never see against but is in the going to help anything in the
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long run. and you to think that people my -- my parents were my agent they grow up under a reagan administration, that puts in perspective of emotions in the country joanration the cun generation. neil: that is it. saying your parents, grew up in reagan administration, that is it. >> when we come back, remember when mohammad ali zidan played robe'eded?will it work for romn? to his underarm.
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neil: libya came up but again and mitt romney said nothing. the president -- president glass with the bayonet line and romney assisted he is all over the map. at the third debate even had his supporters screaming. but a lot of them privately off air worried the guy was not only seating foreign policy but agreeing so often they feared he was coming out as a carbon copy. even i concluded mitt romney
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was not challenging the president. ignoring constant openings like whinney these spoke of support for military drones. he reminded them -- could have that it was a drone that was monitoring of benghazi compound that americans and the ambassador would be killed. he did not do that. modern-day political muhammed ali. i don't know. if it hurts him it is yet to show what but our own security expert says among female voters it will not. she said women don't like shouting matches and it annoys her. who knew? many fear mitt romney is another warmongering
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republic and so they have been keeping their distance even though more female voters have been warming even sense the first of eight men found lucifer in pinstripes he seemed warmer, sir, kinder. maybe that was the mitt romney strategy. and don't let people think you'll find a country to blow up. maybe he said volumes by not saying anything at all are sounding presidential. maybe it will be a political payoff -- payout or grope a dope will work. it worked for bahama dolly. who emi to say it could not work for mitt romney? i am still thinking of that
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