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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  November 6, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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situation. still too close to call, but cincinnati, columbus, president obama has claimed victory there. those are some key counties and cities that we have been watching. just something to know. neil: all right. thank you very much. as we were telling you and telegraphing, this is when the obama folks are going to sort of wall about the points, and california is the big enchilada. safely democratic for years. ronald reagan to win the state. fifty-five electoral votes go for barack obama. north carolina, this is a pickup for mitt romney from what had been a democratic win four years ago. mitt romney, as he did in indiana tonight, when speck of state for the republicans. still in doubt is virginia when
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they are still counting the votes. florida when they're still counting the votes. simply too close to call. idaho, i think i mistakenly said that was expected to go for the presidents. i was wrong. mitt romney picks up by no and its four electoral votes. going to washington state, this was a state that the president was expected to win. he picks up those 12 electoral votes out of washington. and as we look at hawaii, the president's old state, for electoral votes, little doubt that this was going to happen. barack obama when so why. a great deal of fuss. don't know if that was true. sort of a fallback. no need. at this point he's on route to looking pretty good, but we will see in virginia. george allen is going to a stage three is likely to concede the virginia senate.
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that looks pretty much. with all that i've given you, this is where we stand now in the california senaae race. dianne feinstein wins. the math and the numbers racked up dramatically for another senate seat. keeping that. here is where we stay. two ordered 44 before barack obama. twenty-six electoral votes away from the reelected president. he could get 18 of those in ohio, should he win ohio. the numbers so far look good from there. i'm not saying he's going to win, but if he did you can do the math. you can play the table anyway you what. permit romney you have to virtually pick up everything else. he was the anomaly i want to take up my colleague, lou dobbs. popular vote going the other way
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it still favors mitt romney. >> a million and a half votes. sweeping through california. we picked those folks up. it's pretty clear that martian will diminish. but if this holds up, you know, as you observed earlier it's going to be a great conversation point. it will be a great historical footnote. it will be only that because the electoral votes are obviously what to size this. as we look at what you just showed, 244 votes. tantalizingly close. this is nearing -- neil: once they will do it, the deal. you know, there's got to be a lot of second-guessing. especially if he loses florida. all bets are off. did they waste time?
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going to pennsylvania, going to michigan, he might have made the statement. was it a risky head fake? >> i don't think so coming as late as it did. we have to take -- we have to take some notice of the fact that the impact of the hurricane . hurricane sandy is going to be, i believe, considered a force that not only dealt a heavy blow to the northeast and millions of people, but also stopped whatever momentum governor romney had in his campaign and reversed it at a worse time. it is reminiscent of the ron counter independence council handing out his decision in 1992 just as george reached a new bush was starting to move his campaign. neil: all this other stuff will explode after the election fl.
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>> indeed. hurricane sandy and a great photo op with governor christie, as we look at the exit polls, the president's performance, even the state, three in half for hours, he was given great credit by the voters. neil: well, it stabilized the president's. if we're to believe some of these exit polls, that was one of the factors that stop the bloodletting. might have saved the president's >> and certainly was a contributing positive. neil: when of the rescue effort has been a joke. >> it has been. just ask the folks who still have no power. at this point katrina, most folks that had their power restored. neil: that's a very good point.
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the idea that this campaign by governor romney has come this close . great second-guessing, but the real emphasis will have to be for the republican party irrespective of whether governor romney windsor knot, helen the world that is corrupt the opportunity that was theirs for the u.s. senate? how is it that the republican party seems so at a touch with the american people that they could lose all of these opportunities and actually be dominated rhetorically and in the language and messaging of campaigning in 2012. does what happened. neil: missouri right now goes for mitt romney, leading by two points. i don't think that's a shock. again, pick up ten electoral votes. another alert. power restored. >> excellent. congratulations. let's hope that the rest of new jersey --
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neil: lou has a nuclear power generator powering his compound. >> i want to give credit to sussex rural electric who delivers on their problems. >> something happened. let's go to bed cheryl. taking a look at how these issues were resonating. some of these exit polls. apparently a lot of people felt the storm kind of stabilizing for the presidents. a host of other issues. what was on their minds to parses the results your seeing? >> i want to pick up on what you were speaking about, the issue of hurricane sandy. that to give the president a bit of an edge in the exit polls, but i do want to go back to florida if we can. the sunshine state. hot-button issue. the president's health care law. florida was among the states that challenged the constitutionality of the health care law. governor romney said he will repeal that.
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we asked for the voters exiting the polls what it thinks it happened to health care law. here's how people responded. first, 40 percent said they should expand the health care of plot or leave it as this. then you move around and take a look at those who say they should repeal some or all of that law. 47 percent in the state of florida. this is the issue of health care . time to go back to ohio, the buckeye state. president obama kimmel's warning against the rich this election season claiming that anybody earning about $250,000 a year and is to pay their fair share. how did those farmers vote? take a look at this. 44 percent of those bank above $250,000 went for the president. take a look at how governor romney did. 56 percent went for governor romney. on the flip side, union workers
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in the state of ohio, largely shown their support for president obama. union households. 61 percent for the president. mitt romney coming around with 37 percent. to close calls. neil: all right. health care matters. most like it. benghazi does not. most of give iran sense. >> i don't even know where start. i'm so disappointed. you guys like it all these things like sandy and all these little parsing of why this campaign came up the way it did. i looked at it in one fundamental way. barack obama started to run for president the day he got elected four years ago. given all the major constituencies everything they want. the union leaders to what they
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want. the big government employees got what they want. i looked at the affordable health care act. this one provision in there. they have no idea it exists. if you sell your house there will be a federal tax on that if it's over a certain limit. tomorrow were going to wake up. the constitution will be under assault because obama's going to go around it. federal regulations. our gas industry will continue to suffer. we pay exorbitant amounts of money for energy instead of developing our own. more of the same for the next four years, and we will be further and further and further behind. the animals in tehran of us right now. benghazi will just be the beginning. neil: we could get revelations about the demonstration didn't know.
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as i was telling lou, the details of how this response is sort of collapsing and of itself and another storm after the election. some of the problems. a lot of the getty's. a lot of folks bang in average of 60% more for their health care premiums. on talk about coverage for a pre-existing conditions, giving your all the kids to stay on the policy is not necessarily good thing. in other words, all those surprises are post-election developments. >> of course. david axelrod had the perfect strategy. tell them nothing until after the election. i give you a microcosm. the mayor of manhattan part generators in central park along with mylar blankets, water, food, bananas, part of bodies,
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and would not take them 7 miles to s.i. they don't give it to him. that's the way the whole united states is going to be. one last point. the state of illinois as a $65 billion pension overhang that they have not funded. within days after this election is certified, you're going to see taxes go up in illinois like your never seen before to pay for this because there will never turn their back and the unions. they're going to figure out how everyone else will pay for. it's insane. jesse jackson jr. who has been in a psychiatricward for last year won by over 70 percent in illinois. neil: he did not campaign today. >> and i bet you any amount of money his wife -- neil: richest getting this. barack, has won the state of ohio. the crucial state of ohio has now gone to barack obama.
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the only suspense will be in the margin because it is within a narrow margin you have room for litigation counting provisional ballots, recounts and all that. if it's outside the margin it didn't matter. by the weight, is mitt romney goes on to lose florida or virginia or both. again, with that when the president is now within eight electoral votes of being reelected. what do you make of all that? >> it is the culmination of what you and i thought we would be seeing it this point some time ago. it was funny. pretty clear that governor romney could have been the campaign manager. neil: it wasn't even close. that was like 73 percent. >> these are peculiar times in which we live. and, by the way, should have been talking to the romney
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campaign. >> always clear. >> i can argue with a single thing he said. it shall come to pass. except in this regard. he talked about that deficit, that is the way will come down. %-will reach its hand out and pt it on the head of the state of illinois and say we will guarantee your relief your dead. i truly believe that will be the resolution and the american federal taxpayer world. neil: looking, once they get a word in chicago that the president won ohio, they feel he's on the verge of being reelected president. not such a great move in and around the headquarters. anything can happen.
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>> his back is against it. he is one stayed away from keeping the president for reelection. it's all but a certain day. neil: what do you think happens? you mention the 47 percent figure earlier. the number of people who pay no federal income taxes, leaving aside social security taxes. that was never debated on justin aggregate level. the only way to adjust fairness in the tax cut is to let the rich pay more. apparently that argument one. >> exit polling exhibits, again, governor romney intimidated into backing away from a statement and bringing out the issue that was first envisioned by james madison in which -- and by
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thomas jefferson in point of fact that a society begins to disperse its favors just simply at the largess of those who petition, lobbyists and special interests and factions -- neil: well, it will continue. >> it is going to continue, but perhaps with a greater fever pitch. the wind will be at their backs. they being the administration. the democratic senate, even more democratic. neil: it will be more democratic . >> it's going to be remarkable. what this does raise is the challenge for the republican leaders in the house, they still have the power, but they're going to have to understand. it's not a force that will, in all likelihood, be equal to the power of the executive or the senate. neil: i did not want to interrupt you, but fox is is now
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projecting barack obama has been reelected president of the united states . but the latest in crossover, with the wind in ohio , the win in new mexico, this has confirmed the barack, has been reelected president of the united states. rich edson is at obama headquarters in chicago. >> this place is going absolutely wild. it has been doing so for the last couple of minutes after networks started calling this race for the presidents. the obama folks have been looking. some of the public polling. running ahead by about 33 percentage points. that obviously holstered tonight . that puts him over the top. you can dissect it may differ
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ways as to why this race goes the way. the president folks will tell you the auto bailout. the language and said governor brown the use to describe the point they hammered home in ohio a state the president had been to a couple of times. he did a couple of interviews. it was incredibly important for the campaign. neil: all right. one of the things we did was we threw in projected wins in iowa and oregon, and that was enough to reach the magic number. this is ending earlier that a lot of folks thought. the protests could ensue over ohio and whether the numbers are outside the margin of what i call suing air. is there any doubt or any concern that any of these, the popular vote might in the
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killing the other way or does it matter? >> i don't think it matters. they've gotten their headline. they have the electoral votes they needed. popular vote or otherwise, this is something that happened the other way around. there more than happy to lose the popular vote. the party is beginning. it doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon, especially if you move to the west. california, thus not a very difficult call to make. more votes continue to come and. that gives them of boost. but his questioning of the electoral college and whether or not it is an efficient system. this is a polite toward college victory and the popular vote
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victoryneil: not to release a st when it comes to the edge or of a barack obama has been reelected president. at the guys said 5:00 a.m. well, i'll give my beauty sleep. david asman just joined us right now. >> it's unbelievable. again, this is sort of the revenge, the democratic revenge for the year 2000 when you have a popular vote won by somebody other than he who won the presidency. the question is really the mandate. we heard a lot of talk about whether either one of these presidential candidates would be able to claim a mandate. can you claim a mandate if you've lost popular vote? the president has gone on with a lot of policies, including obamacare without a mandate.
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neil: i don't mean to interrupt you, but when they get the complete tally -- >> it may change. there are a number of things that the president would like to put in the usually require a mandate. the tax increases, of course, for most. but perhaps we will revisit kampen trade. obviously it was something that members of congress were for. eventually it was not to be, and the president was using his executive powers to put through a lot of the provisions of captain trade which would really cut into fossil fuel industries. again, when he tried to renegotiate that? ben stein brought up the subject of minister of business or a secretary to business which does seem kind of fraud considering that a lot of people don't think the president knows a lot about business. you can go on and on to a lot of
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things that the president thinks are necessary. whether or not he feels absolutely free. whether not he feels he needs amended in order to push these things through neil: said to want to bring jery up now works are now calling this for barack obama. what is like? >> crickets. it is silent here in boston. i have to tell you. moments ago the word came down that obama had won this election . the room fell absolutely silent. as i told you before, lots of anxiety, questions. as we were talking to people, economic advisers, others in the crowd. i spoke to carlos gutierrez is said to my really anxious about this. about a hour ago is the last time we talked.
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former secretary of commerce and the bush. he ran kellogg's, former ceo. no one conceding anything. people listening quietly and patiently to what's being said. no conversation about concession speeches. i have to tell you, this is the quietest it's been all night long. there are hundreds and hundreds of people, advisers, people who came out and campaigned for days, weeks, months. people who've followed this career, but with him all the way absolutely quiet. waiting to hear if and when he might come here, but just the clear yet. neil: thank you. jeff flock in ohio. i guess part of their plan is before they conceive anything, is ohio within a narrow margin of either looking at the provisional ballots uncounted. is the gap such that it might require recount?
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>> well, here's the deal. it looks close right now. we have over for a half million votes cast. 49-49. these were the latest numbers. we just talked to the secretary of state of ohio who said -- and i've been looking at it myself. the counties that are outstanding are all about the county's. 50 percent ten. as a going to come in for obama. hamilton county. this will saying, those the left out there are president obama counties. i don't see that there's any way , even the republican secretary of state here who has taken a lot of heat for allegedly trying to suppress the vote, even he is conceding at this point, the trends the way they are right now would give you beyond the point of challenging this.
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i don't see a path at this point. we still have some those to come 49-49 as speak. neil: all right. that's what they have. john kerry realized eight years ago that even if he were to count the disputed votes it wasn't going to overcome. >> and if anything, we have seen in the candidacy of governor romney and his wife, it is been a man of class and of real stature. he has been an absolute credit to the party. i don't believe based on one of scene, the way and which the governor has conducted of self that he would challenge capriciously on whether it be ohio or any other irregularities, any irregularity that would not have real
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significant, substantive influence on the outcome. this would not qualify, in my judgment, at least. i really think -- one of the things i always think about, as we talked what the secretary of commerce, and people complaining about this secretary business -- neil: those two are going to fight. >> its petty. the national media didn't even have the sense of irony and humor to point out that as he is proposing, a secretary of business, he is not nominated anyone to be his secretary of commerce. neil: details. >> is just amazing. neil: what happened? not only mitt romney's future, twice his try for the brass ring in that cabinet. devoted a lot of time, effort, and money. >> she does deserve a lot of credit for running a clean
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campaign. it's what happens to our future. where are we going from here. what will the president bush? he has tremendous power as he has seen. the epa, eccentric. that is what scares me most about the idea of the secretary of business. what other restraints were placed on business because the president has a different view of business in years and a little different from mine the wanting acting there is is something that the president was forced to climb . simpson bowles. some symbols was a plan to reduce. neil: collection bygones are bygones. lou has his doubts. >> in the spirit of compromise that and when the popular vote. possibly he won't.
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he may find some compromise. >> let me be clear. whether this president one the majority of the white male votes , whether he wins the popular votes, he has been reelected president. he's going to interpret that as every president does, his cherished programs. neil: will it be amended he can enact? >> as the winter he gets to read a lot of history. regard to find out just how smart, tough, and adaptive and creative the republican leaders are because they are in -- there and resigns the republican party for the next four years. that's going to be the real challenge. this president has already shown he will govern by fiat. he has --
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neil: you don't think you will be less. >> i don't think this man is being humbled by being reelected president. neil: well, there is that. all right. liz claman in times square. you and i were chatting. still, it's a big development. barack obamacare is another four year lease on the white house. >> let me tell you something. you're looking in a crowd behind me. it's like crickets here at the room the headquarters to my would have to say, right around that time it was like crickets year. very quiet. a couple more electoral votes show up on all the screens. and every year and you can see, abc news . if you flip over year, fox news. suddenly people started to realize what was happening. again, it is not exactly the
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most wild crowd. we reported, as we see. most of the people being held in that area. sporadic applause. obviously up what a barack obama's supporters. a couple of signs. i would not call it a u2 concert beats the rangers. neil: you know, looking at the futures, my reaction, earlier today we have this big run-up in the market. you can read what you will into it. better than expected earnings, but obviously a lot of that dissipated. a lot of the asian markets mix down. our folks, when you're inside the nasdaq, it could be a very different wall street. >> i think people live very well
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aware of the fact that there is, in essence, the same exact problem that faces this nation as there was a survey. no matter who would be the president tomorrow, the fact is that the same issues are still there. but the problems are still here. when you're sitting here discussing very rarely so that the president realizes if he did get the popular vote, work hard to come together to monday we will pull -- falloff this fiscal clef. that will be the thing that business leaders want to see combat action in clarity on the tax code. they can't run their business unless they know what they're going to have to pay in taxes. maybe that's the reason behind this rather subdued crowd. they understand the unemployment rate is still too high, we haven't seen and job creation at the levels that we need to see.
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so the president -- the problems whenever will wait seven still very much the same. neil: actually, the 1% crowd. thank you very much. it's probably very tough hearing torino if the president and governor of ted tonight. >> we don't. are not even sure of the timing on this. this happens so rarely. still people filing in. it did have a full crowd. people have still been streaming in for hours. the crowd is an eventful. the president has just gotten to the hotel aureus was to spend time waiting in watching returns .
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we don't really have time yet. we don't know if they've had that conversation yet command were not sure when president obama will come here and take the stage. i can imagine it will come when people stop filing in. expecting north of 10,000 people to the fill this venue. neil: for getting some reports that concern that they called ohio too early, and i'm not saying that it's like florida, but this is shaping of that they might have called it too early. in no high-energy -- node in his 49-49 tie. be that as it may. they have to pull that back and allow it we could have come as a man's. >> crazier things have happened.
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all on your hands. plenty of provisional balance to be counted. a state that they know can be problematic. crazy things have happened on election night. continue to watch virginia and florida. neil: thank you. taking a look at the white house right now. the president is not there, but a lot of the folks are. a lot of them celebrating. that does look like it is the case. add to want to make too much at this point, this concern that the media might have called the ohio to orally. it is very close there. does this ring a bell? >> not yet. i'm going to press that. if, indeed, they want to rethink these things. human nature being what it is, we want to -- we do make miscalculations.
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the fact of the matter is, to hold in abeyance, probably not the worst thing. everyone seems to be having a good time. it will give us all a chance to have ruminate and it just and acclimatize ourselves to perhaps a new reality which is a reelection or at least what appears to be a reelection. neil: a want to bring you into this. let's say ohio is definite obama victory. he would still be over that 270 possibly negating the whole debate. with the popular fate -- the popular vote and electoral votes, it is to be weird. >> it does. if viacom's into question they may put other states into question it may change the ballot.
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we knew was going to come down to the wire. most of us did. i knew it when scott rasmussen said that don't know what's going to happen. if ohio is still in play it makes you think that perhaps some other states may still be in play. the first date that comes to mind harkening back to 2000 as florida. neil: california coming in. the ohio. you said 30,000. we are at the magic mark. that gets to be, as they say, problem. >> more a problem for ross. neil: within a quarter of a percent. it would almost -- an automatic
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head takes ten days. of course december 7th, i believe, that it's official. dec. 12th. neil: we aren't there yet, but g this to your attention. another thing you brought up earlier ito was interesting. all the second-guessing them will go one, missed opportunities, bin gauzy, whether he didn't go after the president aggressively enough and left it to surrogates on hurricane sandy and all that. >> i think -- i guess we all have individual preferences, but what strikes me the most is, i said from the outset that i really believe whichever one of these men, which of these two decided to speak directly to the
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middle class of this country. i truly believe this. the middle class is the foundation of this country. it's where the american dream resigns. we have allowed the conversation to move to deficits in buzzards and business and the conditions for an entrepreneurial success, all of which is important, but it's not the important thing to those men and women who make up that middle-class and those who aspire to it. it is that opportunity. a nation of freedom, opportunity , the american dream, and there wasn't nearly enough discussion in the terms of the american dream, but the fresh language to talk about how and the world we can ensure prosperity and the opportunity for generations of americans to come anti that directly to of the statist and outright socialist policies that
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suffocate the inventiveness and education of that entrepreneurialism. >> for all of the decency of mitt romney, it is a cliche that he is not ronald reagan. ronald reagan came. [talking over each other] >> of course there will be recriminations. conservatives we will say he's too liberal. the liberals within the party or those 210 in that direction will say the conservatives, the tea party at too much influence. there will be a lot of back-and-forth as to who is to blame as to which side he played down, the writer wrong side. we will hash it out. characters will emerge. will it be paul ryan, the vice presidential candidate. neil: i don't know. but in a bill battle, not winning his state might have heard in.
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>> all of the baggage it comes with the name that i mention now, don't forget it. richard nixon came back to win. it can happen. neil: by the way, we have had a number of amendments and various other propositions that came up today. you'll be happy to know, three more states have said . watching through the fog. but also, three states rejecting this health care law. they have to go ahead and force people to join and pay for health care. they supported propositions. handling. they don't want to go along with that.
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the real surprise. neil: the affordable health care act, it is far from resolved reconciled, and a sure thing. the challenges remain. likely to grow. there is a growing theory that internally the law itself is so inconsistent and contradictory that it can even be affected. we'll see those challenges. in terms of legalizing bought, i think somewhat quaint and charming that there are three states in which they have to legalize it an order for people to grow it. neil: you will be arrested any more. former bain capital managing director. what did mitt romney to run? >> and not sure what he did wrong. fdr won four terms in the great depression. and i think it ever on a quick,
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when you don't have confidence in the economy you don't have confidence in business and its ability to create jobs and you look for the government for assistance. neil: so many so tied to government, and that was a big feature card from 1932 to 36 when there were many, many more who were beholden to government. that was a base. he built an even bigger and electoral majority on for years after taking an office. the might of been one of the key factors in the president's success tonight. >> the other difficulty, you have to close the sale to women, and not sure we did. neil: former top economic adviser to the president. surprised. >> yes. not that surprised. he no, i think you have to decide, did you believe the staples going in or were they
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messed up? and i think as the night as gone on, the state polls are right as they were proceeding. neil: you might be right about that. every state that barack obama was expected to when completed. he did win. missouri is the only one that might carry their weight. what you think happens, with the fiscal cliff approaching everything will be a constant. you will still have a democratic president, a democratic senate, republican house. what happens now in terms of negotiating a deal before the year is out? >> i'm not sure, and i think it matters a lot. killick the congressional budget office. if washington can sort out a deal we go over the cliff into recession in 2013. so the pressure will be on, but i'm not sure because it's really
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for people who were their last summer, i don't know what the dynamic, weather we will change. i do think going into 2013, if this is a mandate for anything, it's more of a mandate for a kind of the centers of as opposed to 2010 where there was a clear agenda, one party or the other in which case they beat is a decent chance of a grand bargain. over the next -- neil: all this stuff expires. >> to the table everything? does the presidency, look, one. to my bidding. >> i think the president does. my impression is that the president ran on the platform that he was going to let the high income tax cuts expired. we could not afford to continue those tax cuts and when needed
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to apply the money to a grand bargain. so i think part of his argument will be we had an election about this issue. i won that election. in fairness, if mitt romney had one, you heard is people saying this week canal can you say you will be bipartisan if you say on day when you repeal obamacare. well, elections have consequences. if he wins the election, that's one of the new. that's partly why s.a. at think the next 3-6 weeks i think we're going to see a lot of this playing out. the folks that have signed up, their in the mind set of polls simpson. if there is some revenue that is coupled with real entitlement reforms they might be for that. you pin see a building of a
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coalition. neil: in delayed backbone is better than none. thank you very much. grover norquist, you might have been hearing some of this. don't even think of raising taxes. some republicans have hinted that they're going to have to accept the tax increase. >> the republican matters, the speaker of the house, the election counted with -- consequences. the republican sweep in 2010 was not serious. the 57 republicans were elected in districts that were carried by obama. tonight the republicans have solidified their control. neil: they didn't do anything in the senate. you could argue that key tea party candid it's went down in flames.
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>> the senate, a democratic majority. what were talking about, the house is the cohesive body. the senate is 100 heads walking in different directions. you don't have the party discipline that you do in the house of representatives. as the speakers at the beginning of the week, the republicans in the house, when they get reelected, they'll stop the tax increase ideas. the american people voted in the republican congress every bit as much, more than they voted in obama. and so the argument that obama against the wind strikes me as a little bit odd. two years ago we had exactly the situation. republican house, democratic president and the democratic senate. we continued the tax increases for two years.
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neil: reelected president. he has been reelected. >> compared to the house. the house elections. neil: you're right. but he is not going to do what you want to do. >> for the last two years he said he would hold his breath until he turned blue if we did not give a tax increase and the answer has been no. neil: a dozen have to worry about any real action anymore. if anything you could argue he will be more bold. >> she has to worry about the senate elections. neil: doesn't care about that. >> you better. the last two years of his presidency will be a lot less pleasant. also keep in mind, he has to come begging for congress every month to get his allowance, meaning a debt ceiling increase.
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he can't push congress around. the president is not more powerful in congress. neil: you better let the president. i don't think he's up today. >> he's headed in and said the last two years. neil: thank you. >> the president of the united states was a coequal branch. the fact of the matter is this is the imperial presidency, and he has immense power. it's a power they're going to have to wheeled wisely and with great strength and purpose. this is going to be less a grand bargain and a grand conflict and
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least two years. the one thing is the president knows where he will live for four years. their representatives know they have an address for to. neil: it's a very good point. >> the question is what kind of taxes. it's part of obamacare that we have tax increases in capital gains in a whole host of things. the question is whether we will see any kind of movement toward lowering tax rates and getting rid of some of the deductions. chances of the president will insist on raising tax rates on the wealthy. >> plenty of time for confrontation, conflict, and i doubt there will be much of it. care will be significant amounts. he has the opportunity. he's been given a second chance. he had the potential to be a great leader when he stepped in that office. he could surprise and could live
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up to the potential that a lot of people thought was possible. >> don't you think in his mind he is a great president? >> has spent every day judging the man and his policies. i'm raising the possibility that here is a man that if as smart as some say will recognize an opportunity. it's an opportunity to be something more than an ideologue and a partisan, but truly a president. neil: i think it's time now retire. it's like. >> hope springs eternal. there is an opportunity here. trust me, i will verify. neil: we will see. he has a blackboard, and he will raise hell. it's a big blackboard. i can see the drawing skill in tomorrow. a lot more coming up tonight. again, kind enough to be joining
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us. break down what happened tonight . then handicap how this plays out of washington. i do know that this has ended just when i said it would. more to it.
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neil: all right, scene in chicago right now, obama headquarters. president's supporters whooping it up, he has been reelected president of united states, we have my colleague lou dobbs, and dave walker, who worries about all things budget, and money. and chris stirewalt, who knows why the hell this happened the way it did, chris, i want to ask you a couple dumb questions, one is ohio, provisional ballots, they seem to be within margin of error or recount or count -- what happens? >> no, i have been spatting, -- strong a term. neil: president just won nevada. >> karl rove and decision desk were at odds this evening about
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what is going to happen in ohio, but barack obama i suggestions would win ohio by twice as many votes at george w. bush did, winning 300,000 vote victory in ohio. and. neil: no automatic anything? >> no, he will be outside. they will never open the provisionals. neil: it looks leaser than that right now. >> but here is what is going on, in ohio, it is two states, a northern democratic state, and a southern republican state. we got the vote in the south by and large, in the north. mitt romney will lose big there. neil: what happened? >> well, i think simplest way to explain ohio, is that starting in april, barack obama ran millions of dollars a month in very negative attack ads to mitt
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romney's character, his bank accounts, who he is, they took all those months, while romney was trying it get going, they blew up his character in the state, they put a very specific plan, that is block romney in ohio, as lou said before, it went unanswered for a long time. so that attitude may not have hardened nationally, democrats put a focus on ohio, getting the job done. neil: to your point about playing it too cautious. lou: this campaign of governor romney's will be second guessed endlessly now. but i truly believe that in ohio going without responding to negative advertising, trying to have it both ways, i mean, to stand with some stature and above the fray, and at same time defeat an incumbant president is
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foolish. neil: he has to be in the fray. lou: challenger has a severe test in front of him or her, you have to be able to go at it, it was a great advantage for him this president, has presided over -- look at the things that just exploded in front of us. first, 7.9%. 7.2% unemployment. had been previous bar, now 7.9%. under this president. neil: mediocre presidents down future. lou: washington redskins lose that is over. the fact is that if you are smart, and if you are enter jettic with your campaign and have the power o of the presidency, as an imcompany bant imcompany bant you are forced to rebonned with, thing about bill clinton
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campaigning yesterday, be sure have you a manor in oval office who does not lie to you from bill clinton from crying out loud. neil: i take thank you are not a clinton fan. lou: he is a smart fellow, but a fan, no, i'm not. neil: chris, do you see any weirdness with the potential, you know with popular vote one way, electoral vote the other. and tomorrow morning we're confused. >> i don't think so. >> you think that popular vote goes. >> i think obama will win by 2 points, it seems to be cooking up for him the right way, and you know quite frankly, what you are seeing in these states, these northern states, is that barack obama did better with white voters, and blue collar voters than some people forecast. neil: he lost the white vot


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