tv Cashin In FOX Business December 9, 2012 2:30am-3:00am EST
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big government. >> ultratech is the one you like. they make chips. >> they make equipment that makes the chips. it is it a cleverage way to play. >> j.p. mgan you like them. >> analyst expect a drop off and it could affect the company. >> yes, it will. hang in there for the te. >> that's it for forbes on fox. have a wonderful weekend. number one business block continues with cheryl casone and cash in. forget your hard earned paycheck. are unemployment checks going to stimulus the economy. house minority leader nancy peel pole said yes. >> it is more injectedd by unemployment insurance. >> okay, to get this number
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down, get the number of people on these lines that you are looking at up. how is that going to work. i am cheryl casone and welcome to cashin i . joining us is trace yejohn and christian dorsey . welcome to all of you. tracey, benefits the best form of stimulus, really, you agree with that? >> the only thing that jobss stimulus benefit i apathyt is it easier to stay at home and collect a check than work at mcdonalds. we are so lazy these days, take 99 weeks was a freebey. we saw it with the hoess union guys. we rather take unemployment than take consessions. >> wayne, the benefits areo
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crucial we should extend them and not keephem in pce but giveore of aand out to the unemployment for the reasons of saving the economy. >> i have a better idea. have everybody stand on the coer with a bag of cash. its idiotic and nancy pelosi, she is a -- econist. that is it a guy who drives the car by looking in the rear view mirror and goe around and seriouslyhe's more interested in "saving the economy" than doing something correct or doing it right. by the way, recently and i saw th on another network, forgive me, they were talking about unemployment and they were saying that the idea of employment insurance stretching out to 99 weeks where they would start a guy in the midwest in
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manufacturing and start somebody on a job . they would tra him agr to train him if he was not skilled . that tells you about the federal training programs . get him a job. no, we rather collect the unemployment. >> one of my fave identity economist is it christian dorsey . this is it a perfect question for you i got to say. every dollar that they take in they will spend and there is it an economic benefit and i believe you agree with that as well. >> it is not that controversial. who sonot drawing in economy and they get one that will help the economy and support jobs. but let's make the nversation real. the only reason we are having this conversation because of unemployment we have more
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than three unemployed workers for every job opening. this would not be a conversation if we were swimming in jobbings . we were havinglet conversation because the economy is still depressed and what nancy pelosi. >> w are having the conversation because of the debt and deficit levels that the country is facing . someone on the democraticic side saying keep them and extend . republicans saying we have to cut somewhere. that's a real discussion. >> if i told you there was a program that cost you 30 billion and returned 18 billion to the economy and so had a ne cost of 12 billion and supported00,000 bbings you would say that is a good ideat is it not a matter of reducing the deficit because in congress we have people extending tax cuts that further blow a hole in the debt ceili. >> i don't want to be cruel,
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christian. i don't want to be curt. every dollar comes back as a $1.90 a. forget about the stock market and investing and put our money in unemployment befits. it is it resting on a complete fallacy of economics that conequals wealth. it is the same that pelosi and you. cash for clunkers and house stimulus . shovem ready stimulus jobbings. >> johnathon. why don't you listen to mark sand zandy of moody who advid john mccain's presidential anything. it is nothing to do with a progreive potion it i facts and common sense. >> that'slet numbers tre john layfield. what do you make of all of this. >> i think mark zandy is the wrong guy to wrote. christian this is good stimul but not how you do
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stimul. when you give people $300 that center a family and house to support. they have to spend that money and i disagree that americans are apathetic and lazy. they want jobs. you can find aerson who doesn't want a job, you can't say it is it all america. the 3.3 mlion people will slip in poverty. wh they need is jobs that. is it a real stimulus. to argue that this is a stimulus measure i disagree. >>old on. >> we have talked to ceo's time and time on theox business network. we have help wanted signs and people will nolt take the jobs because they don't want to work for minimum wage. is not forever . the notion is to move up and get promoted but people would rather collect 99 weeks of feebie. we are creating the monster
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and like ham sterse on i wheel and can't get off. hold on >> i just disagree that many americans are lazy. >> we are not saying everyon buthere are enough of them out there that unfortunately put a bad taste inveryone's mouth. >> wayne rogers going back to th issue of speppeding. 50 billion spend on unemployment benefits. 50 billion and in the of fial cliff talkings. thiss a number that nides to be addressed. is it that strong that we spend this much money on unemployment benefits. the stupidity of it the guy in the white house had four years to turn it around. he hasn't done it it is idiotic. you have four years and you we begin a man date and why ven't you brought down the rate of unemployment. because they all believe in economics and believe that
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spending makes everybody happy and makes everybody have a ofit. wrong. it is not that. >> they would say they have done something. he psed out all of the unployment benefits. you say 50 billion it is 520 billion in emergency benefits. that is 5 billion and i don't know not invested in jobs and creating new enterprizeses and redistributed and ultimately destroyed. >> christian, to tracey's point. we have them come on and say they wan to hire and they're afraid to hire . it is regulation and other issues. this is behais going to build the other economy. it will create those js. >> it is not happening folks. we don't have a situation where you have people who are not taking jobs that are not available. they are facts and to the
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whole idea that we should have someone o used to be an engineer working at mcdonalds for minimum wage. that is not a desirable thing in our economy . if that person were to take a job. they are better suited for the job and doesn't have one and how does that make you go better off. >> christian, you talked about facts, i quoted earlier, there is it a survey done in the midwest on manufacturing companieand they have tons of jobs open and n everybody is qualified. they agree and they are willing to invest in the training of the person to do that and the guy said no, i would rather get unemployment. >> thank you to everybody. coming up. want smarter kid in the school . how about adding more days in school taxpayers who might not like the cost oft. >> academic alert. wigum ralph. >> i won, i won.
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>> kids are not gng to like this one. taxpayers might not like it either. starting next year several public school districts in five states a addinging you more hour tots school calendar. federal money will be used to extend the dates. this will improve education for our children. why areou giving i a big f. >> there is no relationship between test scores and the amount of time spept in the classrm. not in math or science or in anything. u.s. students spend more time in the class rom than kid in the chin affin land and japan. that helps one person and that is the teacher unions where the recip yepts of the spending. if you want to help the kids privatize the system. before the late 1880s it was home schooled and private and morehoice and better out come for all.
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>> john, is it worth it or the education of the kids is worth it? >> i don't think there is a correlation. i think johnath is right here. i don't agree with privatization of all schools. 20 years we had a best educationystem . we still have great teachers and school accident, but as a system, we are failing and we are falling down behind other countries. you look at oecd inwe are falling back every year. it is not the amount much time, it is what they are getting while they are there. and we don't have the ability to merit base teacher or students and we have a problem of the infrastructure. >>hristian, what about the economics of all of we know that states are trugling and maybe do the connecticut and colorado and new york and tennessee a and massachutts. they are not exactly fiscally healthy states. is this the right move to do next year? >> it is the right move.
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there is foundation money and other of assistance that make it possible. why are they trying to do this? state budgets and they are cutting out arts and physical education and teachers are spending so much timeo standardized test they don't center curricula anymore . during the summer when they are out and winter breakings. they are extended losses of learning that put them further behind and mes the rest of the school time not productive is it a good idea and it is it hard to implement and a good idea designed to meet real challenges. >> this is it bananas and so crazy. first of all. kids are not robots. they need breaks for a reason. they focus this long and be on a full work dape at five years old and get rid of 10 pure and get mit pay and keeping them in longer.
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i am so my kidsave fantastic teachers and there are stow many roton ones that are bring down. you don't want them in any longer with teachers that don't need to be here. >> wayne, what do you think little minds soaking up big information. never have i seen any statistics that said the length of time is equated to how bright or how well you are going to do. if you are going to do. separate people by merit f. this can learn in half an hour what takes h three hours. put him in a special. my daughter is a teachener beverly hills in california. she can tell you all about she teaches special kids. >> that's the point. government domination of education prevents new opportunities from being seen.
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private system it benefits kids that are -- it is a whole field of education thats not developed because of government. john, tha is the systemic limit and that's w quality of education wt down and cost went up. (talking all at once.) >> something happened in the past 20 years it can be done with the public. >> coming up everyone. we'll go for longer school days and shorter work days for government employees and making them work 40 hours a week like most of the us do would save taxpayers ove a mi -- billion a year. mi -- billion a year. ♪
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plus get this document shredder free-- but only if you act right now. call the number on your screen now! ope for our challenging mes. that's next on fox news headquarterings. us. >> governor workers are working less and costing us more. during a typical workweek, sector employees work 41 and half hours and government workers only clock in 38 and half. estimate showshat governments could save 130 billion if the employees work the same numberf hours as those in the private sector. wayne, you say get to work? >> when you add that up. you say 41 and half and 31 and half. but that is almost a month . the other thing the government is in competition with the same workers you are . it comes back to the thing in
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the first segment; if you are compeating with the government they don't reqre as much and they pay as much or >> johnathon 130 billion. >> they make more andenerous benefits and they work les than comrable employees in the private sector. the answer is not to get them to work more but have less government employees it is it the nation's largest emplor and that is pthetic and involved in science and engineer all of these areas where government has no function. that puts government on a diet. >> and well, you know, christian to be fair. we looked at the job da and the workers have fallen. johnathon will get his wish. this is hour to hour productivity and getting productivity out of our government workers, christian.
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>> the competition that wayne talked about. government in the private sector doesn't take into account that jobs don't exist for whom you don't want people working maximum hours. we are talking about the police and firefighters and emergency personnel and transit operators. they are not factored in the equation and not jobs where you simply want to see pime working more in the expense of the vital public services that you provide. it would take that in to which this study didn't do. it paints a -- >> that doesn't ilude congress. >> tracey. i knew that was coming up. >> you are working 80 hours a week. >> it goes to how to gain the system . the inefficienciys of the government that they don't notice people are taking longer lunch breakings. prprivate sector would be all
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over that. >> and no one here is vilifying the government workers. you have to be fairfulhere. union head and politicians promise these guys things they can't deliver. they are the one the fault lays in the blame. >> i see another segment.t. christian dorse thank you for ining us. >> take care. >> coming up. think prices at the pump are a pain now. just wait. @a
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if is time for what i nd to know for next week? there are new renewable requirements and costs going up for company. gas prices going up. >> john layfield what do you have? >> disney content and it is a game changer and the have a huge description mod and he will this company is not dead yet. >> as long as the ceo can stay off facebook. >> and if you want to take high tesk rk. look at akam. they are up three or four pointshe last week. >> johnathon? >> bankers and banks have the tar kicked out of them and one of them is sfmg. a lot of japan
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