tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 20, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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efficient, it feels good. with a hidden gift of helping 76% say the thing that makes them the most happy is helping others. face-to-face is better. 96% say it makes them feel happier they also say makes them feel healthier. they sleep better. i hope you give. it will make you happy and will make the world a better place. that is our show. i am john stossel. thank you for watching. [applause]
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sequestration. that was passed narrow the. now we will have the vote from plan b upcoming. watch we of course, will watch thatin carefully and bring that to you this evening. >> president knows i can keep my word of every agreement we have made. but his plan is not balanced. as a result time is running short i will do everything i a can to protect americans from increase in taxes as i can. >> the spending reduction act of 2012 replacing supplanting sequestration over one year moving over the defense cuts with specific over arbitrary cuts limiting the money. the cbo scoresg the bill ats ovr
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218 billion of deficit reduction over a decade boehner' beginning january 1st winningal approval from grover norquist despite the hike for top earners. he said quebec republican supportingup the bill consrming to their tnstituents in writing thisill, bill bustle purpose to prevent tax increases, is consistent with the pledge they made to them. lou: the chamber of commerce th, in support of the alternative plan releasing a statement that read it part to "we're not comfortable allowing tax increases on anyone in this environment but we anderson and at times politics requires compromise. thus we support passage." lou: what is interesting about that request is against the tax hikes and
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author of the pledge of the against and the conservative chamber of commerce as a conservative activist has bounto found to back republican primary challenges to any republican who boats yes on the pan "b." tonight.ask why to night. the secretary of state said there may have been cable's reviewed from bank ozzyguests hr asking for help we will also aba joined the -- the joint by senator barrasso. november strong signs for a recovery will be joy and by richard smith tonight. 11 days before the fiscal cliffysgosoke americans facing a
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biggest tax hikes in history. house speaker boehne sr right chw zeros did on of alllan. black planned mike emanuel joins us. this has been ahead be left with groups urging republicans to vote against pan "b" but less than two th weeks from the fiscal cliff leaders say they tried toax hikr avoid a massive tax hike for everybody. >> it will be a to the democrats in the white house. >> it would extend the bush tax cuts below $1 million also the house votes on a separate measure to cancel the pentagon cuts with sequestration that has upset house democrats. >> these are not a plan. it is a ploy. they are bills to know where.
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and a deeply cynical move, republicans decide toill o offer another bill to put off some of the sequester.oehner >> speaker boehner has notnd b given up on a grand bargain. >> and our respective rolesspecv we have ea responsibility tor work together to get results.pect it ll conti i expect we will continue to work together.he top >> he did not sound issound so optimistic. threpubl determined to lead off the cliff we will not take the enmiddle-class with him. >> 53 senate democrats voted for a similar plan to years ago for a republican suggest the senate should also consider a plan be. >> that was two years ago. republicans should have taken of the offer then you cannot turn the clock back two years. if ttey wanted to take the
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tirelyn dollars they should have taken it then under circum poetical circumstances that were different. >> the speakers plans are non starters. not >> i am not convinced at all when the bill passes the house it will buy and the senate progress some point* this senate has to act.aderships >> house leadership says it has the votes but many say they were not elected tois goio raise taxes. lou: says just reported he said it will be a tough vote 21 republicans defected on the earlier vote of the spending reduction act of 2012 but did pass it will be high dramahe over 20 minutes as we watch what happens. way
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no answers why the united states failed to act once the 9/11 terrorist attack in issuhazi began. this information is hearing tod today aythis was addressed with the top officials.k at thol >> i looked at those people coming to the front gates in benghazi it would not take e that much to stop bad attack a they would have respondedokis immediately begin i knowed still is more sterile butmemorao when people come for through the front gate it seems it is time to do something about it. nothing was done about it. lou: deputy secretary of state says there were a memoranda that went ctoff secretary clinton's office to describe the dozens
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security incidents in thefore ti region before the attacks that claimed for americanlives. and lives joining us now is at here herrasso who says the hearing explains exactly why clinton needs to justify. this is a remarkable testimony that secretaryof the s clinton was in receipt of memos telling her what was going on and transpiring ofurine the inadequacy of security is that right?s in >> that is why we need secretary clinton to testify in person in public and on the record to not answer just those questions but a number of questions. what she did. did she give orders just as the president did? i have seen the video from the drums and the securityde
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cameras for the most people don't focus on the fact there were two deaths almostalmy immediately then the other two died seven hours later. the cia operatives on the roof of the annex. lou: they're discreet judgments. you thk you testifies there is no way for the military to respond at the annex or the consulate. the you concur? >> it gets back to the model of the prepared. you would think he would have assets available within a certain distance. there is no sign anywhere we ask for any help from anyistrie, neighboring a countries or anyone in the vicinity at
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time time. no effort for that call to go out they have failed to donnect the dots where anttsicipate what wasas atckening once the attack began there is nothing theyave could do immediately but had they responded immediately and may have prevented the deaths seven hours later. to lou: it surprises me this is obviouhe level of the assistant secretary for diplomatic personnel and the head of security and that should be it. they were forced to resign as results but you disagree? >> it is hard to fire somehe ste menendez state department they have to show willful
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negligence or gross incompetence is not enough?the someone who works for the government. think of that aspect. we need to hear from me aetary clinton aste, co secretary of state to come and testify in person and on the record. today's hearing added more questions. lou: will they be answered? secretary contend said shere will testify before undid january before the inauguration. >> day want to testify but there are tough questionsow abot
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does the president know about these requests?narrative e that al qaeda is on the run? that day were erred training to be a hotb be a hot bet training area to make youn wonder if they believe theiran w ownhat press release and should be connecting the dots but failed miserably. >> and to show the president ous in error.i-pron senator brass of good to talk with you. much more tonight on the state department bungled response and we focus on the fiscal cliff and the boat on the boehner plan. we just received word the house has recessedth into a
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vote on plan b. able now recess with the expectation to returnrhaps wiin relatively soon within the fact, we don't know. this is a maneuver by a the delay speaker definitively to delay the vote on the republican plan be. te -- pan "b." rising, michael goodwin calls the president to the console where in chief of whether obama has a realistic chance to take on the pro gun lobby to weaken the second amendment. >> wholesales are up and homebuilder enthusiasm at the highest level in six run
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just over 10% for of the nasdaq is the band tradingion st on the bigra board to stocks tow to watch march research inch in motion which after the bell beld reported a smaller loss and large your gross margins was higher of tectonic trading. ker and ni bringing in $1.14 per share expectations. nike up in the session, and up in after-hours trading as well, the market up again, 10 year treasury yield of 1.80%. existing home sales up almost 6% last month at a seasonally adjusted rate just over 5 million, that is the highest level since november 2009 when buyers were rushing to close deals in order to benefit from a federal tax credit. remember those days? november sales up more than 14% from a year ago. joining us now, richard smith.
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first i say welcome to you, richard. good to see you. i have good knowledge to the audience i do own stock and make that very clear, this does not happen very often, but it does, full disclosure. the market, is this rebound in housing for real? >> looking at the report today, coming to some conclusion after this is the beginning, they would haveo back up because today is irrelevanirrelevan t to that regard. backup the third or fourth quarter of last year we were forecast in the early stages of a recovery. it had to see the root of the recovery, and they were clearly there. a couple of things missing, we had to see month over month growth in this report should make it very clear it is a year-over-year growth. theame% year over year,
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sizable increase year-over-year activity. you so had to see prices move upward. you had to have the market telling you home values were undervalued and what will the market bear, what will the mark react to that? the median price report is up 10%, fairly dramatic change. the exnt this is sustainable, which we have believed for some time it is,vidence with the numbers, the correction in the housing crisis shows a sustainability in this recovery. lou: the housing market right now is far outperforming the real economy. the rest of the $15 trillion economy. why is that? >> the rest of the world is trying to figure out where it is going and how it will get there. it deals with the ebb and flow of life.
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1.2 million new households despite the economic. 55% of those folks will become homeowners, that is clear. you have a deeply discounted or detroit people are finally paying attention to. it will not stay there forever. the prices down 34%, some market down 50%. and people recognize the value will not stay there. it is a very important point because in a recovery it will be uneven. pricing will react differently, so we are seeing that play out, those are very strong indications of sustainability. lou: let's turn to the fiscal cliff, speaking of things that aren't real and aren't sustainable. the way the white house and speaker john boehner and congress are proceeding, they have got to come p with a deal,
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it would seem, or we are going to 12 days be a wrap. >> they are doing this at the last minute as they so often do. what you are seeing is the state rattling. you and i both know to get a deal done, parties that can make a decision, get in a-determia-determi ner room and make a decision. this back-and-forth is the exchange of getting documents to lawyers and tell them to negotiate a deal. that doesn't happen. lou: do you think we're going to see the mortgage deduction removed? >> i seriously doubt it. that is foundational, also in the u.s. economy. there is some rattling in that regard, but i think the mortgage interest deduction is secure. lou: deal oro deal? >> i think it will be tough before christmas. there's a better chance by
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december 31, the risk of moving into janua. lou: and that is a risk to the market. >> yes. lou: great to have you with us. coming up next, the house remains in recess. still waiting on word when they're coming back for the all-important vote. and speaker boehner's plan b. which is dead on arrival at hasn't arrived yet. what is happening as we continue. and later, the shootings in newtown, connecticut, has focud on the violence in america. we will be talking with michael goodman joining the next with his thoughts on what happens
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education teacher. during the teacher's funeral, the cardinal compared her to jesus saying her life wrought light the world upset by wicked. our next guest says the president must back down on gun control without touching the second amendment. joining us now, michael goodwin. michael, your column you talk about that balancing act that seems to me all but possible. that is to control guns without infringing upon the second amendment. >> i think president obama has two challenges. the first is as someone else put it, to take the mass out of mass murder. that is what is scaring the country. although these are fairly small number of the overall homicides in this country, they're the ones that terrorize people. we saw in connecticut the abity to target children and put them over the cliff now.
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lou: we should point out we're talking about .0001%. we are talking about so many thousands. >> nine to 12,000 per year it ranges, homicides, not including suicides, which are actually more. so you have this small number, but horrible, horrible kind. taking the mass out of mass murder. lou: this all sounds great, don't think anybody would say i am against mass murder, i am against murder, i'm against violence death, but would people are for us the freedom to choose the constitutional rights. and as you point out, this is a fraction, we are talking about most of the murders in this country or with one shot, one victim, one purpose.
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and these laws that are being talked about what even begin to address that issue. >> and the gu involved in most murders are handguns, that would be legal depending on the state law, but they would not be under a federal ban. the federal ban would be very narrow targeted to semi automatic rifles. lou: are you watching the congress trying to deal with this? are you watch the president of the united states? the emotional content of this has been such a reflexive reonse on the part of the democrs. it is in their dna to do so, we understand that, but what we are talking about is a young man who is mentally ill. talking to a number of psychologists who will continue to do so. one ofhem would not even defined it as mental illness this young man's condition. ere is so much to talk about
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the mental health profession itself, psychology,sychiatry as well as the need to bring servic and provide services to those desperately ill. 20% of us have a mental disorder of some kind in the course of the year that requires treatment. it is stunning. >> there is a confidentiality issues, the treatment itself. all kinds of privacy and freedom issues, which is why i think that should be part two of what president obama has to do. lou: remember when we were smarted enough, focused enough, energetic enough, we didn't have to do things sequentially, to not have to have part a, part b, we did not have to have comprehensiv we could fix a problem with our intellect and our values. it is quite a world that is altered around us.
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>> in many ways it is a better world. things are more complicated because we have so many wonderful freedoms and science and technology making treatment opons not available. we have two come i think, bring our solutions up to date with our problems and that i where this larger conversation has to be aimed at the videogame issue, pharmacology and mental illness. lou: always good to see you. up next, an update on speaker ehner's efforts to win enough support to pass plan b legislation. the house in recess for just about 20 mites. republican conferences suggesting speaker john boehner may not yet have the votes necessary to pass plan b. we will keep you posted and updated next. the sandy hook massacre. tonight we focus on america's mental health problems and issues in the lou dobbs for him.
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what can be done. psychologist join us. we have the very latest crash test results for you. some surprising results. sosurprising, i would say don't even consider buying a new car before you see our report. house speaker john boehner is plan b for the fiscal cliff looking more and more like plan a bearded >> president: to pass a bill that would protect 98% of the american people from a tax hike. ll, are they ever going to do better than that question mark our bill would protect 99.81% of the american people from any increase in tax. lou: boehner's problems are not late just to thehite house. the media research council among them. them. he joins us here
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lou: as i said, the house has just recessed waiting on a vote on plan b that would hold in place the tax rate marginal tax rates for eeryone but those earning a million dollars or more. the house recess house recess just about 20 minutes ago clearly a sign the speaker is deferring and i-pronoui-pronou n not have the votes to pass the legislation. we are going to see a conference meeting of republicans. just about nine minutes and we will keep you apprised throughout, of course. meniscus urging rejection of this bill, saying it is a terrible plan for the country. joining us now from washington, d.c., a conservative advocacy group, president of the media research center. you are lined up with president
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president obama on this one. >> i am lined up with ronald reagan on this one. this is an awful policy. the reason there is disarray is because everybody knows it is awful policy. they have inted themselves into a corner, it is their fault, of the speakers making, and now is telling hi congress they have to support a tax increase, which is analogous to cutting their own throats politically. lou: the all-time animal on tax increases, and republicans for tax reform, grover norquist says go for it. chamber of commerce, conservative business group, they even say go for it. they understanunderstan d it is not the perfect solution, but it is compromise and this is politics.
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>> 30 other conservative organizations, all of whom signed off on the opposition to this saying this is terrible policy, this corrects nothing, this is a tax increase in what we need to be focusing on spending cuts every single person in town knows. lou: in all due respect, i understand the political power, the convulsions of any conversion. you are under the same reality speaker john boehner is. >> let me explain the reality. reality this solution is no solution at all. lou: nobody has said a solution, nobody. this is a bridge to possibly a beach that will lead to a place called reason and rationality,
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but it is a long journey. everybody would acknowledge it. >> with all due respect, i'm so sick and tired of hearing that. we have been hearing that for years from republicans. they came to washington, d.c., back in power cause they promise, that made of some promise to constituents they would put amends to the runaway spending of the nancy pelosi democrats. e reality stick in everybody's cross, spending is higher under john boehner and republicans as it was under the democrats. lou: i agree with you. my problem is they're finally getting on this. they are admitting they don't know what the heck they are doing. the president trying to find a-determia-determi ner way to screw this up, john boehner has just emerged from weeks of negotiations if you want to call it that, and he
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looks beat up. the american people are getting a pretty clear picture this is a mess. let me finish this and i will give you an opportunity. if you guys play purist in this deal and drive the votes away from it, which by the way is part of the process and that is the outcome, so be it. but the result will be about 2 million people losing their jobs. we know the results will be just about 4% gdp growth. that will either be the fault of the republican party for this president. do you really want to be responsible for that? >> is possible for what as opposed to what? lou: i could not be more clear, uld i? >> what makes you think they could prevent all that? what barack obama has said every
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step of the day while he files his nails is no to every proposal the republicans have put in. he wants maximum taxes a we're going from 10:1 spending cuts to tax increase ratio to tax increases and more stimulus spending. but what is going to happen is if they pass this on january 1, they will start all over again discussed in the next ta increase and the next payment plan and there will come a point -@where the economy will collap. what it often do is put forward their vision, puforward a fiscally responsible republican. lou: uses republicans should have won the presidency? they screwed that up. good to have you with us. thank you so much. appreciate it.
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continuing tomorrow, president bill donohue joins us. fox news middle eastern allies to among our guests, be with that. and next the midwest hit with a deadly blizzard. wreaking havoc with holiday avel. the northeast is on ale. we will bring you up-to-date on the republican the late on that boat, plan b and the fiscal cliff, the latest for you right here
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so far six people have been killed, tied the snowstorm. canceling more than 150 flights out of o'hare airport, also spottelater with several cars in alabama. toyotas flagship camry sedan receiving a rating of a frontal crash test as did toyota previous .mac prius hybrid. honda newly released accord and tsuzuki, those did well,. americans want an increased focus on mental health issues,
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lou: we want to begin by showing you a new poll, a survey showing the number of americans, majority of americans believe the most effective ways to prevent mass shootings are increased police presence, 53%, followed by an increase on the focus of mental health care, 50%. no gun control at that point.
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number four in this survey. joining us, psychotherapist, psychologist, also professor. >> we know what we're talking about. lou: good to have you all. people are struggling with here is the reflex first, ban all guns. washington, d.c., blazed with that idea. the american people in survey after survey, thinking a thoughtful approach to this are the politicians. what do you think about the idea we should pay more attention to mental health in this country? >> are usually supported. onof the things that would be helpful agreeing with mental
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health is the stigmatizing it. there is so much shame surrounding a mental illness when the fact of the matter is a large portion of our society has diagnostic code. and most of those people are not violent, i just have to say. many people go without any issue. lou: those with a serious mental disorder. >> even if they have a serious mental disorder, most of them are not violent. a fraction of people who will always be violent and we have to look at thatnd address that issue. but mostly people mentally ill are not violent, and it is really important not to confuse mental illness and violence and furthhr stigmatize a group that is already having a hard time acknowledging or scapegoating them. lou: this young man so clearly was mentally ill. i have talked with mental health
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officials who refu to acknowledge that. they want to have these discrete judgments. your profession expressed by some in it would have these niceties rather than help for the young man or mother, one can only imagine how troubled that woman was, how much pain she was going through with her son. why is that? >> we really don't want to stigmatize people. we need to acknowledge it was because of the mental illness that he acted out in the way that he did. and we're lookinggat something more than just a pervasive delopmental disorder. a young man who fell into psychosis, i truly believe. lou: we will return to the doctors in just a moment and they will expand that they will expand that perspective look, if you have copd like me,
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lou: we're back with dr. gardier and dr. ludwick. some speculate, that the shooter's mother was trying to commit him, that is what triggered this horrible massacre. >> that could have. lou: why, if a mother or parent feels their child is a danger, why couldn't she have gotten him committed right away? >> maybe she was waiting. it is hard for me to imagine you don't know how to do it. you call the police, say my son is a danger to myself or me i don't feel place, they come, they bring him to a psychiatric hospital, they have him evaluated. if they determine it is accurate
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he is committed. >> a lot of kids are flying under the radar, they may not b deemed as being a danger to themselves and others, they don't commit them, if they don't they let them out in two or three days. lou: these tragic horrible stories, carry so many commonalities, whether it is aurora colorado or newtown,@ connecticut, tucson, arizona. >> we have to look at who is committing these crimes, they are young men in their 20s. and you know, they are often disenfranchized there is something slightly off with them. >> often alone. often had severe psychiatric histories, many on medication. but a lot of rage. and spend -- and everyone saying, eventually, we knew that guy was a time bomb waiting to
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