tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 28, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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on for online question every weekday. finally, talk about adding insult to injury. you might want to sit down for this if you're sending out. put down sharp objects. president obama and vice president joe biden. they are getting a pay raise you heard me correctly. they just got a raise by executive order. the president is ending the pay freeze on federal workers, which includes congressional members. it was put in place three years ago. i don't know about you, listening to the folks that pushed us to the brink of the fiscal cliff. a little hard to take him at his neck? that's my "two cents more". that's it for tonight "willis report." thank you for joining us. don't forget to tape the show. if you can't testify. have a great night
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speak you can even come everybody. a state department report leaves more questions than answers on why the united states failed to act on the diplomatic mission in libya on the 11th of september. the lack of security at the benghazi compound, senator jim frisch that the obama administration fell short in more than one respect and had more than enough time talk about when it began. here's a recent senate foreign relation hearing with twos top state officials. >> i look at those people streaming through the front gate in benghazi. that wouldn't have taken that much to stop that attack, if indeed they would have responded to immediately. again, you are looking at film, and i understand it's a lot more sterile than actually being
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the on the ground of the time, but when people are coming through the gate armed, it's time to do something about it. thing was done about it until everyone was in. >> the secretary of state admitted that security warnings in the weeks before the attack did in fact reach secretary of state hillary clinton's office. lawmakers are now waiting to hear from clinton herself, who has backed out of testifying after suffering aconcussion. we will take up the effort for accountability in benghazi tonight. we will be talking to senator jon barrasso, a member of the senate foreign relations committee, and journalists at fox news contributor judith miller and former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john bolton. joining us now is jon barrasso, member of the senate foreign ofh relations committee. he said the hearing explains stify.y why secretary clinton needs to testify. good to have you with us we. might thank you for having me.
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>> this is remarkable. i understand the testimony of secretary clinton was tellinggow her what was going on, what was transpiring as to the inadequacy of security. over many months in benghazi. .> is that right? >> that's why we need secretary clinton to testify on thetions record. to answer a numberwh of questio, what she did, did she give anytt orders. the same applies to thed st president of the united states where he was when he was doing, and what heatid did. i have seen the video from the drums, i have seen the video from the security cameras thereu senator risch is absolutely right. most people don't focus on the fact that there were two deaths almost immediately, and the other to the died died about seven hours later. it is hard for me to understand that they weren't able to get
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help.le lou: there are a couple of discrete judgments to be made. mike mullen, he testified that s there was no way for the military to respond to the these confrontation of theseterrorts terrorist. neither the nx or the consulatey do you concur? >> welcome gets back to the boy. scout mott is be prepared. you'd you would think that you'd want to havewa assets available within a certain distance of, bt places. but there is no sign anywhere that we would ask any help fromo neighboring countries, anyone else in e vicinity to help us at that time. have put these pee in this situation ,-com,-com ma they have failed to connect the dots and failed to anticipate what was happening and once the attack began, there was something they could do immediately, but have they
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responded immediately, might have prented the death that occurred seven hours lat. lou: it is interesting to me that those who say this was at the level of assistant secretary for both diplomatic personnel, security for diplomatic peonnel as well as for embassies and the head of security and that should be it. they have resigned, they were forced to resign as a result of these lapses. obviously you disagree with that. >> it is very hard to actually fire somebody in the state department, they have to show willful negligence, so gross incompetence isn't enough to fire someone who is working there for the government. you think about that aspect of it. but we have to hear from secretary clinton, as secretary of state, come a testify in person and on the record.
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there are a lot of questions and today's hearing added two more questions. lou: do you think they will be answered here? secretary clinton has said she will testify before mid-january, which would be before the inauguration, and presumably in an effort to satisfy the senate. your thoughts. >> i think it is critical she does that for her own credibility and i think she wants to testify but there are many tough questions that need to be answered for what the secretary of state was was doing as well as the president of the united states was doing. did the president know about these reests? the narrative was al qaeda is on the run. we see al qaeda linked terrorists were actually training in eastern libya not far from an ghazi, that seemed to be a hotbed training area for those folks and makes you wonder if the state department believ the president's own press releases rather than what they
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should have seen on the ground, they shod have been connecting the dots and they failed miserably. lou: pointing out directly al qaeda is far from dead andlot benghazi terrorist attacks. whether it amounts to a whitewash. joining us now is judith miller, former u.s. amassador to the united nations, john bolton. thank you both for being here. i would like to start with a couple of the findings from the executive summary of this report. these two findings occur with one paragraph. first, embassy tripoli did not demonstrate strong and sustained
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advocacy with washington for increased security for special mission in benghazi. that means the consulate. lou: here's the other binding after one paragraph. in the days and months and weeks leadg up to it, were inadequate. despite repeated requests and special mission in benghazi and embassy tripoli for additional staffing. judith miller, reconcile what was directly contradictory findings within a paragraph of one another. >> secretary of state clinton is going to have answer that question. i think this is an incredibly damning report about the administration. the behavior and security posture in benghazi. questions are going to be asked and they will have to be
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entered. lou: whitewash an incredibly damning report. ambassador bolton? >> we don't know if it named any names like ttree people who was resigned today, but i can tell you that we had a lot of jobs that the state department posted. when someone is going to take the fall of the department, that is the price that they take. i can't tell you, they can't read this report are not included the secretary of state and the top people were either completely asleep at the switch were utterly unaware of what was going on in lbya and the broader middle east. or maybe some commendation of both. lou: i want to challenge you both, if i may. out of deepest respect. i am fond of you both. but i didn't learn a single new thing in this report that i haven't already been a fan of. frankly i am stunned to see that
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there is no naming of individuals responsible. there is a failure here to talk about the video. the real-time video from of the facility and from the jonah was in the air within two hours of the event. i am stunned to see that there is a whitewash of a decision making but refused to send u.s. forces to defend benghazi and the missing ambassador. i am stunned at those omissions. >> well, i think that there wasn't enough time to have add military support for those people who were trapped at the annex, as opposed to the consulate. but i think that you are right about this. all ofhe questions or many of the estions that you and others on fox news have been asking were not answered by this
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report. what i found personally depressing about this report was the repetition of failures that we have seen since the marine compound bombing in lebanon in 1983. how much time doesit take for the state department and the u.s. government learned that you need arabic speakers on the ground? or that you need addedsecurity cameras on the ground. for that you need enough people to protect your people on the ground. we have gone over this again and again. the state dertment doesn't seem to learn it, and that is where i think larry clinton is going to have a problem spewing ambassadorolon? >> when they talk about systemic failure, you have to say who is in charge of the system. the sysm, the captain of the state is the secretary of state. maybe they didn't want to say that, and maybe a panel didn't mean to say that. that is the inescapable conclusion of that lonn litany of failures. and i think that whilehe scope of this report is very limited,
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it lays a basis for congress to go forward. i think that we shouldn't link at the clear and sharp, unambiguous statement. therwas no demonstration in benghazi. they knew from the get-go that this was a terrorist attack. lou: you can cut this any number of waythat you want to in this administration. the american people wre lied to. ey were like two from the outset of this tragedy. these terrorist attacks are still being lied about whether directly or a mission, as far as i am personally concerned. ambassador, i want to interject something to you. if i may. there is a phrase of the week on this broadcast. thing the state department on tuesday dismissed john bolton's assertion that secretary of state hillary clinton have faked an injury and illness about the libyan terrorist attack. here's what ambassador bolton
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said. every foreign service officer in every foreign minister in the world knows the phrase when you don't want to go to a meeting or conference or an event, you have a diplomatic illness. this is a diplomatic illness. thank you both for being iljudith miller among our gifts. >> suddenly fiscal cliff is looking steeper and closer. noted economist arthur lapert joins us to tell us how this game
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>> is very sad, but this legislation is what is said. the legislation s the expiration of the tax cuts after 10 years. if nothing is done, all tax rates go up. what you see happening allowing some of them to go, all of them to go up, it is a very difficult situation for speaker boehner and the house republicans to be in. i feel very sorry for them. they are caught in a trap.
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lou: a trap, a conundrum that was perfectly visible. it was transparent where we would be. and the republicans, the republican leadership, the republican national committee. all of the so-called wise men and women of the party did absolutely nothing to prepare for this strategic moment, and they are coming up woefully short. >> that's very true. you knew it happened 10 years ago when there was a provision that this was going to happen. here it is. i think the key for the republicans from my standpoint is to get this over with as quickly as possible. the serious business of trying to prevent spending increases and other programs. without giving up the position of republicans and being able to get those tax cuts. we will have an awful 2013 and
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2000 putting him and i think the republicans could take over the senate and increased the majority of senate and house if they don't give up their key issue, tax cuts. lou: there has been no talk of growth in this economy. john boehner, the republican leadership, those who are leaving the party, there has been no talk there will be no tax hikes. unwilling and unable perhaps, for what will ensue of the fiscal cliff. but the fact is that we are looking at a real prospect that the republicans will be held responsible and mustplan be actually has the effect of shifting some of the responsibility to the president read what you think are the odds? >> i think he will be held responsible for the economy in 2013 and 2014.
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you cannot blame george w. bush anymore. they control the senate. it is their economy for sure. so i think that you're going to see a real problem in 2013 and 2014, but i do think it's obama's onomy now. the republicans passed the tax cuts for one group, let's say all the way through, not the very top group, i don't know where that negotiation is going to come out, but if they do that, i think that they will be held blameless for the economy. lou: as we wrap up here, i would like to ask you a question this way. because i said last year that i felt strongly at the beginning of the campaign. the democrats were the republican -- the democrats or the republicans, which party led the discussion to the enduring that of the middle class
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sure enough, president obama shifted to a middle-class message that resonated, if only at the margin that was sufficient for victory. are the republicans learned anything here? are they going to start talking about working men and women? working class and the american dream. >> i think they are. i think the presidential race was a real problem. because itas never growth. it was always about this and that and detail. romney wasn't the issue. the issue was obama. it was the worst single recovery in the u.s. that is the issue. i think and i hope the republicans take that agenda, and i know that -- let me just tell you personally, i know a lot of democrats who would like to get in that agenda as well. they want to lower rates, broaden the tax base.
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there are a lot of democrats want to do it as well. if we can get the agenda in there, we are in for a great couple of years. 2015 and 2016 could be really good years. lou: all that is required is the faith and patience. >> that's right. we have a lot to reach. lou: abundant, abundant.eing thank you for cong to join us,t. art laffer. up next, a horrific new townacr massacre spurring calls for more gun control. in the "chalk talk" we take a look at what is potentially one of the largest and mostloe one f important problems in ourblem it is not guns. the cost of mental health in so many dimensions
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lou: the newtown, connecticut, t massacre creates a debate on gu. control without question. but it is arguably more important to have a national discussion on mental health ar care.topic. very unpopular dtai topic. we still don't know the facts of a 20-year-old man turning into a mass murderer last friday, but we do know many ofa the factsout about a mental health care peop systemmthat is failing. there are far too many people that could be productive in our society. but first, we need to tlook at the truth and dimension.well just how big is mental illness in america? well, i hope you are sitting down. because these numbers are simply sounded very at according to the national institute, the national institute of mental health, 20%o
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of this country, 20% of us at one time or another, some 60 million people, 60 million americans experience a mental health disorder in any given year. ve those, some 60 million peopli receive some form of help. despite the often desperate neec for care, it is almost twicea af difficult to find a mentala health professional to provide f your and find a doctor. extraori mental health care is extraordinarily expensive. twenty-five years ago, think about this.ju we were spending just over
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$2 billion. on mental health medication. it is now more than 10 times that amount. $30 billion. just for pharmaceuticals. nely 50% of those who goco untreated now whn cost is a barrier. t its 66% that say that they didrp not have treatment. they hoped and prayed that the problem would get better on itso own. as we have learned through her psychological problems and mental ilness, they often just@ get worse. ite hous
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lou: a group of top ceos meeting with the president, saying thatt they were encouraged. my next guest says that raisingi tax rates will stiflell business growth and cost jobs. joining me now is the ceo that tod owns carl's junior and hardee's. it's great to have you with u.e >> it's good to be here, lou. lou: let's start with the idea taxes that this president wants $1.6 trillion in new taxes. that is a heck ofn initial bargaining position, isn't it.> >> the president talks about tax rates.te he wants tax rate increases and he converted into dollars.x rev
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the real question is can you raise tax the only way that we will raise enough revenues toet us out of trouble is private sectorsetor growth. tas you will not have private sectoc growth if you're saraying thate you're going too raise their health care costs or energy costs or labor costs. going t people aroe going to invest. job you are going to find that job creation is unique. american businesses want aess io president to succeed. i didn't vote for him, but hisey success is tied to my success. t conversely, his success is tied to the success of american bs business there ought to be some common ground here. i'm just not seeing it yet. youh lou: what do you think of the idea that it doesn't ceos from companies show that the wte house to talk big with the big guys, but small business thatf creates most these cuts represent a fraction of our economy. they have a major, major portion of the lobbyin efforts and the pressure that is alied in washington. what is your reaction?
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>> these are good people, smart people, intelligent. but you really have to look at how rare motivated differently than smallbusinesses would be. these large businesses can be the subject of government actions. it's easy to kind of select them, move them out. they can be subject to attack. they also are sometimes subsidized. i have to worry about subsidies, and that may have government contracts. small businesses aren't concerned with those things. small-business can make a much better case to the president as to what needs to be done in this economy to create jobs. what would it take for small businesses, businessman women to create jobs and grow the economy? he just is to ask. i think he would get a very consistent answer. he does need to keep talking to the same high-level executives that he has been talking to. tony's to get down into levels and talk to small businessmen women lou: let's you and i get to some brass tacks.
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we are talking about raising the top rate. we're being dragged along. talking about almost 40 percent, raising the top rate to about 40%. we already see the top 2 percent paying about 50 percent of all texas. i don't know what the impact would be, but i do have the sneaking suspicion that the president is not aware that the fact is, individual tax payments to this government have risen by 25 percent under the bush tax rates over the past two years. and the real answer is staring him and everybody else in the face. that is, growth. >> yes. private-sector growth is the only wy of this. the government has done everything it could possibly do. 800 milln in stimulus, interest rates in zero, printing money and it is going in a style. the governme has done what it can do. many the private sector. that tax rate, you're not adding
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in the obama increase in petrol taxes. it's over 40 percent. that it's all businesses, subchapter s corporations, elsie's. the larger corporation, the corporate tax rate goes down. that makes them feel good. the businesses that will be hit by these tax increases are the very small and midsize businesses that create jobs same people that get hit with obamacare, the energy increases, and a labor cost increases. lou: what if i told you that it makes some sense. give him at the margin what he wants on taxes. whether that's on investment tax , camping deductions. basically what mitt romney was proposing. get that done. then say what you going to do? you going to still be left if you roll all of that up.
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you will still be left with a huge deficit. it's going to have to mean cutting the federal budget. >> even if we increase the tax rates, the top 1 percentn this country makes seven timbers of the income. 37 percent of the taxes. so a fair share argument really is it -- lou: you're getting a again start out here. your last shot. >> mr. president, please, please work with the business community. we want you to succeed, but you're putting impedimen in is next.nd make impossible. the thin line between video and reality, talking with a man who knows that line and exploits it to train our military, and he says some brutally violent video games can turn some kids int killers. colonnl dave grossman with us next. in washington, james harri.
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lou: joining me now, my next guest to says guns are not the real problem. kids are becoming so desensitized to violence and to death because of violent video games that we are injuring our young people. in some cases previously. the foremost experts on violence and media. lieutenant-colonel david rosen, former psychology professor at west point and author of, killing the psychological cost of learning to kill and war and in society it is good of you to be here, colonel. want to start with the idea that is now being discussed right now. there is some e discussion. obviously a reflection which is, take away the guns, the reflexive answer which, it had to be simply a psychological
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problem, part of one young man. you see it as a much more broad and profound problem than even that. >> the first thing is, this is a worldwide phenomenon. germany had to mass murders of high-school. england, 30 years after the ost rigid gun laws passed, they have their mosthorrible gun massacre. norway, some of the most striest gun laws on the planet, and that got on the island and murdered all of their kids. we have to understand something new is happening. the guns have always been there. we're working hard to keephem out of the hands of kids, but there is something profoundly new. if we don't focus on that e completely miss the issue here. lou: what is that new -- that change that is overtaking us, our society that can lead to this kind --
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>> a new phenomenon. lou: what is it? >> never there fore. violence injury, particularly video games. the number one trade law enforcement. man-hours, contact our supply system anywhere you want to measure it. one of the leading trainer is a military. i have a best-selling video series were preparing individual citizens to be able to use deadly force at the moment of truth. and from all those perspectives, we know that simulations and visualization and mental rehearsal is absolutely essential to performance on the battlefield. the video games are providing the exact same thing to the children without the safeguards. and then when you add the ingredient of children who have any difficulty, autistic children, mentally ill children, the learning disabled children, the impact is even greater. i work with schools nationwide. i do school safety training
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across america. it is heartbreaking when the special ed teachers come up to you and ta about how their precious special lead children are so horribly influenced by these violent movies in these violent video games. worst of all, you have an apparent overwrought, overwhelmed with a disabled or emotionally ill child, and they turned to the video games to escape. the video games are addiive, seductive. they create sleep deprivation. sleep deprivation is a major factor mental illness, depression, an suicide. video games are a major factor in suicides. we see it in military. our military suicides and we begin to realize sleep deprivation is a critical factor in suicides, and video games are a key factor in this deprivation . lou: samuel l. jackson, one of the stars in this movie. i don't know how to say it, the one in which jamie fox said he is to kill white people.
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by the way, interesting to think what would have been the reaction had white actor city is to kill black people. to the point, samuel l. jackson disagrees that this is not about people going to movies or video gamesthat have violence in them. does not have anything to do with it. what would you say? >> when we take an individual who is on the table one way or the other end there are millions and millions of people like that in america today. youth theater and the sickest video games and movies jonesboro middle school, virginia tech, now giving a sell as adults in our movie theaters and schools. the mass murders, the "wall street journal" article, the mass murders are skyrocketing across america and across the planet. this is a wordwide phenomenon. there is only one new factor in
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the equation, all of the old problems are still there, still important. but the new factor is the death and were fed to our children. the sickest movies and this is video games are very, very sick indeed. lou: with you think the odds are , colonel, that president obama, members of his party, a congress in particular will then call for an intensive investigation and examination f media and hollywood and their role in treating this kind of environment. >> i think the odds of hollywood doing it -- the odds of this president's doing an intensive study and an intensive investigation of the impact of the of namee in hollywood are slim to none. the tired old -- meaning it's not going to happen. we will see, what is the tired old, the red herring being draggeacross the path again.
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it's all about the guns. it's the mantra. when they refused to point the camera at themselves. lou: they're going to do exactly that and a point the camera at them, continue this discussion, and we're going to continue what he sure to be a significant national discussion. you postedd updated next. the sandy hook massacre. tonight we focus on america's mental health problems and issues in the lou dobbs for him. issues in the lou dobbs for him. what can be hey, travis...
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lou: we want to begin by showing you a new poll, a survey showing the number of americans, majority of americans believe the most effective ways to prevent mass shootings are increased poli presence, 53%, followed by an increase on the focus of mental health care, 50%. no gun control at that point. number four in this survey. joining us, psychotherapist, psychologist, also professor. >> we know what we're talking about. lou: good to have you all. people are strugglinwith here is the reflex first, ban all guns.
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washington, d.c., blazed with that ide the american people in survey after survey, thinking a thoughtful approach to this are the politicians. what do you think about the idea we should pay more attention to mental health in this country? >> are usually supported. one of the things that would be helpful agreeing with mental health is the stigmatizing it. there is so much shame surrounding a mental illness when the fact of the matter is a large portion of our society has diagnostic code. and most of those people are not violent, i just have to say. many people go without any issue. lou: those with a serious mental disorder. >> even if they have a serious mental disorder, most of them are not violent. a fraction of people who will
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always be violent and we have to look at that and address that issue. but mostly people mentally ill are not violent, and it is really important not to confuse mental illness and violence and furthhr stigmatize a group that is already having a hard time acknowledging or scapegoating them. lou: this young man so clearly was mentally ill. i havealked with mental health officials who refuse to acknowledge that. they want to have these discrete judgments. your profession expressed by some in it would have these niceties rather than help for the young man or mother, one can only imagine how troubled that woman was, how much pain she was going through with her son. why is that? >> we really don't want to stigmatize people.
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we need to acknowledge it was because of the mental illness that he acted out in the way at he did. and we're lookinggat something more than just a pervasive developmental disorder. a young man who fell into psychosis, i truly believe. lou: we will return to the doctors in just a moment and they will expand that perspective here
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the shooters mother, who was trying to commit him, that is what w triggered this horrible .assacre >> that could have. that could have. lou: why would a mother, apparent that feels tht the parn child is a danger to himself or to them or to society, why in the world would she have gottenn him committed right away?commter >> maybe she was waiting. it's hard for me to imagine sher would not know how to do it. you i mean, the way you do it is you call the police and say to myis son is a danger to and sell fore to me. i don't feel safe. place they come to bring into a psychiatric hospital psychiatric hospital, they have him evaluated. if the determine it is accurate he is committed. >> a lot of kids are fing under the radar, they may not be deemed as being a danger to themselves and others, they don't commit them, if they don't they let them out in two or three days. lou: these tragic horrible
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stories, carry so many commonalities, whether it is aura colorado or newtown,@ connecticut, tucson, arizona. >> we have to look at who is committing these crimes, they are young men in their 20s. and you know, they are often disenfranchized there is something slightly off with them. >> often alone. often had severe psychiatric histories, many on medication. but a lot of rage. and spend -- and everyone saying, eventually, we knew that guy was a time bomb waiting to go off. >> there is always something a bit off, and yeah -- lou: and society does not respond? out of a sense of political correctness or what. >> a sense of a person's civil rights. >> a lack of awareness. we're teaching men the way to
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