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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  December 30, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EST

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>> is there s is. it is theest fix f 2013. charles hit me. >> trinity and amazing demand. every firm on wall street hates them. there will be alobal bounce in demand. honest abe, we will wake the slumbering job. >> you like japan, yes or no. >> i love japan. >> i like cliff naturals i like the least because of the debt. >> summed it. charlesou better deliver on the picks. happy new year . david asbin and forbes on fox is here right now.
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>> just about everybody is trying to stop the tax cuts from expiring. but billions in subidie for wind energy should be expiring. could they be right or will they blow up energy prices. we'll go in focusith steve bor bes and bill and morgan. is it paying off? >> no, it is 18 times that of nuclear energy. ronald reagan was right. thest thing to immortality is a government program. politicians are labeled with hot wind and we label the section gone with the wind. >> we have sending sib sidies in '92, has it been worth it.
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>> we are early inlet process. we have subsidized oil and coal and gas. we have done them from darn near a century. these don't look so bad. like it or not, the majority of americans believe that global warming is an issue. we nd to develop clear energy sources. fossil fuels may be a difficult problem. we are subsidizing thingings. it is cheaper to produce energy from natural gas. it is a subsidies. other than it is natural gas there. it is 63 cents compared to $53. that is not a pay off to me.
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>> i will have to disagree with rick. last time wind energy had any impact was in the century. we have moved in oil and natural gas. but let's get rid of subsidies and lethem sink or swim. wind energy will sink and we'l be better off. it is bhathe sector we'll pour billions into it >> the wind farms are kind of methadone clinic. we'll reenact the two percent . part of the bargain let's get america off of a far more dangerous drug than corn or ethanoyl. it hurts food shoppers and
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tears up the inside of the engine. >> two wrongs don't make a right. what john was referring to was windmills in places like norway. >> and holland. >> and what is happening the wind sector took off in norway and in denmark. at the samime gerald ford and carter were pushing shell gas development. >> and that was viable. >> and thats 50 percent of what is going on in wind energy and equals the price . you net out 15 percent of the oil. are we making the companies economically profitable or if not. they should be killed off and otherwise we are padding the profits.
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morgan, you still like solar and what about wind. >> the price of tha is coming down. wind energy let is it lapse and slash a bor corn sib sidies. going back to wind. it is 8,000 percent higher than the cost of natural gas for the same amount of electrical lout put. >> i agree with her on this. >> what is more interesting is what liz said. carter and ford got behind shell oil when it was not economically feasible. it is hugely economical he fiscal. why not for wind. >> no one has the iron lung of government subsidies. >> i love that phras >> this is a political whim of
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lobbyist and politics. >> it was zilch for that. it was george mitchell who make fraking possible. why do they love wind power. they are the biggest buechlers for birds aund. >> it is amazement that we are having the discussion . it never wked in the past andf markets can't suppt wind energy no reason to subside it >> bill, over all factor, we are trying to cut the expensive government. wind power is going i the opposite. that is a program despite paying billions hasn't paid off. >> it hasn't paid off. i am trying to dole with a congressional addiction . green stuff, i have to feed it somehow and it is the least harmful way. >> they are green addiction it
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is our dollars . they are spending trilons on that. >> i goes to big companies. wind energy and seimens and ge know where toet t trax eak. >> you are against corp right welfare f. y are ge and other companies that love to kiss up to the government this is a way to do it. >> that is if you cut subsidies for everyone. okay, okay. >> and we'll be giving billions. >> john,ren't you good with cutting the subsidies. >> hold on, morgan isn't. >> absolute lie cud subsidies and let them succeed in the market. >> i am for subsidies for rewable energy but cost effective wind is not and stolar could be. there are so many innovative and wind is not one of them.
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>> it is a contradon in terms. >> and absutebly let free people determine what kind of energy they want. >> governments is picking not winners but losers. >> coming up nex more americans are doing more of this and less of this andhy boss steve forbes your latest
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headlines. >> as the clock ticks down. new report shows that american workers are not usi up all of the vacation time. they are said to be seen as lazy and losing their job. this is a good sign for the economy. how so, steve. not for those two reasons . we don't have too much vacation or little. we do it just right.
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europe had work like we did. you want lopping beer vacation you can have a stagnant economy like europe. we rise taxes we'll havave loer vacation but fewer jobbings. >> you are right. we don't want to be like the french. and people here in the united states and government union. and i was on vacation and check my blackberry and read a rick unger e-mail while on vacation. >> you are never on vacation. >> you work it anyway. nine out of the 10 are checking their work phones. any time to rejuvenate and comeack ragged. >> we need that vacation time
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to work better. >> when you say economy you arealking about gdp. good or ill it is major transaction. have everyone never talk a day off and work 60 hours a week. steve is protesting that. >> there is it a correlation between vacation time and increased productity. a 2010tudy show that americans fe refreshed and better about their jobs coming back it is important to take eaks throughout the work die. >> center to tell you, i don't think i had a year where i used up all of my vacation. most of us love our jobs enough that we are working into our vacation time all of the time. >> absolutely . that's what makings the united states so great. like to work.
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tom brady and payton man aaron rodgers don't want to leave the field or lose their jobs. why would we mess with something that makes us the envee of the world. >> the you got to have family relationships. >> and rick who is pyton manning of journalism. >> i am not a big vacioner, i enjoy working which is why lizy is reading my e-mails while she is on vacation. >> it is relevant in recent history. we saw where walmart and other companies required people who want to take off. and everything in this country unless we need you to show up for work.
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i want to get back foemac. i know how hrd you work . there are times, is there been a year whether you used awful your vatime? i don't think yo have. >> that's why i feel like i am losi my mind. i got to knock i off. >> and that is interesting. germany and the eu. germany had highest vacation days eu . they are most productive. >> they make good cars, the germans. >> and the gloth grated is-thirds of our own . once un a time they were a low tax regime and hour were
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higher. taxes on work you get less of it >> europe has legally man dated vacation . we don't have thatere. >> i hope we are not on the air in france and germany. you are killing these poor people. >> they are killing themselves. look at their numbers. wa you want toave them. >> they e happy except for millionaire necessary france. >> which is why they are leaving for belgium which is a tax-haven. 75 or 85 percent. ments to work there? last word from steve. a push to ring in the new year with a mileage tax. will it dve your economy off of the cliff? >> and colleges cashing in. they are collecting more application fe and not letting more students in.
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>> believe it or not, colleges are enticing more kid toz apply to their schools and admittingaewer students in their schools. they do it to make themselves look more exclusive. not only are they doing to to boost the national ranking but it is it a cash grab.
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and john is okay with this. it is ut arely irvelrant. you must be smart. it is playing and racking. and unless we take over all of the colleges and university. it is not. they are nonprofit upon. it is a typicical bait and switch scam. and what happening. and that enticing more feas . there is more alumni it is it
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a bad stem. are you okay whathe colleges are proving. and that is the cost. and that is number of local applicants . that is reason they are getting more diversified . we think it is good for the stunes and placs more diversified. . . >> this is the last of the year >> go ahead. >> and this is a clinical -- >> i gray with lizy. >> i agree with lizy. colleges should not be runni this type of a scam to bring
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more money n they are supposed to be about teaching students and hn tam me may be right. it is there for that reason and not there to run these types was scams. >> and steve, just a bit of the fair and balanced. some colleges are freezing tuition to help parents out. what do you thi about those who are. >> and in terms of application feas. i doubt they pay for the cost of admission'separtment . parents and students can look and see how many applicants are . determine what islet safe school . you can apry to 10-20 colleges. ou talk about the personnel they have to have. they have all of the and they don't have to have, right. >> the rise of the internet will take care of that .
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in terms of a college experience. they are learning to be different like bro did and northeastern . givingou work experience. they do not get great job with a internet college diploma. >> and what we are talking about. colleges and steve, you brough it up from the past. we have or 50 administrators per one student and you have 10-15 students . that is a racket. >> i bring it up and i am paying $60,000 a year for my daughter and it is scams like this one makes me mad. >> this is what goes on in higher education. it is increasing revenue for the insiders and not wor the students . not talk about $100 plication how about 400 billion we spend on higher education and producing
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graduates who don't have the skills that our economies. >> morg o. going back to the idea of a scam. it is it better than seeingt loosened in the classroom. >> and in thepped of the day. paying 60,000 for the students is watered down. and don't blame the application fee and blame the government subsidies. >> hold on, there st. a scam. >> it is fair to call it a scam and colleges are trying fobring in more applicants. it is news and world report thathe are trying to move up on. >> and thin - then they are saying parents and young people are dumkophs. >> and hold on. john wants in. >> can we stop crying for the happenplicant. they know the game.
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>> they don't unless i are watching the show. >> and every college applicant looks at u.s. news world reports and do it on rankings. they are playog their need and to suspect they are taken advantage of is laughable. >> they don't know it. i don't know if you are through the process. last thing you are thinking about when you file apication just to do to your kids. >> it is wrong. it on rankings. they a false. >> college student applicant and middle class famy don't know they are doing it to get better rankings. >> elizabeth said they know now thanks to forbes on fox. thank you, gang. bring out the bubbly and pop the champagne and get the stocks ready to pop i the new year.
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i touched the ball before it went out, coach. come on, alex, the ref did not call that! i touched, it's their ball. team! alex. alex, good call.
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