tv Cashin In FOX Business January 13, 2013 2:30am-3:00am EST
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>>emac votive phone. >> it is a big fat dividend and sweet operational cash flow and an acquisition target and has a big stake in verizon wireless. >> bill is against it and he has a personal reasonn. >> i also own it and i am losing money on it. the whole cotton end of europe is going bank rument. united therapeutics. >> what are they. >> pills for people who don't take care of themselves. >> it is a volatile and it es up and down faster than evil knevil on a motorcycle.
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it has a good balance with 10 percent and i like that. >> i like of the reference of evil knevil. thanks for watching. number one bsi block continues with cheryl casoney and cashin. >> bosses be wear. employees may get the green light to bash there arecompany on social media sights. the same law protects them and workers the workers and take on colleagues on twitter. some say it is about boosting big labor. are they right? i am cheryl casewn and welcome to cashin in . joining us this week marjorie christon and welcome to all of you. johnathon i will start with you.
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is this about protecting the workers or padding union numbers? >> it is shocking, cheryl. it is union-led government force that is tremendoly destructive to businesses. i mean, whose company is it anyway? the owners or the governments? of course, it is the owners and only the owner decides who works there. you have no right to a job let alone one that you bad-mouth on social media and employees disparging employees and it is incumbent for the boxes to fire them. they have no role in this whatsoever. >> to be clear, the nrb is quoting in some instances it is unto say negative things about the company. it is their ruling and it is a bigger story in regard to the nation's unionns to have power over a board like this. >> this is a absolute grab for
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power. johnathon is 100% right. this is not people sitting around the water cooler and bad mouthing their boss and co-workerings. they have said this is fine. this is not about going to your boss and complain a gender bias or racist bias. this is what people going on facebook and calling their boss scum bag and belong in a psycheco word and this hurts businesses. johnathon is 100 percent right. they are this dumb they need to be fired. >> it is a government board and government going too far and into the issue of the workplace. i mean, these are private companis and corporations. they are choosing to work at these companies is it the government's business to get involved in this way. >> we know that 73 percent of the professionals check social media . you are hired by a company you
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are representing the company. look at it in two ways. we need the right to be able to organize and they do that by social media they should be able to. social media is an effective tool when constructively used to offer things in change. it is people making racist statements that fall under the category of slander it is the right of the business to be able to say look, we want our employees to represent a company . in another look at in making sure as johnn mentioned it is protecting gender and race and they need the right to voice challenges that are real. >> this is a tough line to find here in the sand between what is right to protect the workers and companies say you work for me and you cannot trash me on twitter. >> cheryl, you and i have read
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rotten hings said about ourselves . united states? >> and there is nothing we can do about it? >> you want to believe what you want to believe, that is yourr problem. every company has the right to penalize you for anything that you do that has anything to do with their company. other than that go away. this is none of their business. i want to make fun of the restaurant i was at last night, i have that rightt. >> i think johnathon might win the battle when it comes to people on twitter making comments. he love its and that's the truth . johnathon is the government can going too far. >> yes, unions have the right to organize but no rightt to use government force which is what the nlrb. this is a branch of government. only worted i would come up. hoodspa. people think they have the right to bad mouth their boss and show up for work and
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expect their two week vacation. the decide who works there and they have the right to fire any employee for any reason. >> marjorie this is a tough line in the sand to find out what is appropriate on both sides. i understand what they are doing. they can't go too far and they are accused of being pro unon. and you have to look at the free market system. if you are on twitter, i have done the same thing. you put yourself out there in national media or facebook or twitter, recollects can say what they want for better or worse. employees be aware. >> not according to the unions. they are seeking a block. >> and it is not a black and white issue and weave to look at the cases on the table. we need to protect workers whose rights are violated that falls under the unionn category. those examples are not those.
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my boss is a jerk and in that case you are out of the door. >> the union shouldn't be involve that's all you need to know and let the company take care of this. if they want to be slandered great . penalize you for it. unions shouldn't have nothing to do with this. >> and basically, this is protecting, when you talk about social media and twitter and facebook and linked in. how protected is that needing to be? there is it a freedom of speech piece of the constitution last time i checked. >> yes, there is a freedom of speech but not of freedom of responsibility. what ever happened to being a good employee and going to work and being loyal to your employee? if you don't like yourr employer, simple, go to work somewhere else. don't bad mouth them. you could cause a stock price to suffer by you going out and having a cocktail and calling your boss a scum bag on
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twitter and they are morons who does this and they deserve to be fired. >> it doesn't matter if you are on twitter or a sandwich board. a boss has a right to fire or hire anyone they want. government has no role in it at all . that makes rules like this and it comes from the union. it is enacted by the government and force. >> that's the interesting piece of this, too. does a company have the right to fire people for this type of on line activity. the nrb is saying they don't. >> i mean, i think they do. looking at the case and what they are representing tis a question of are they able to organize on line. you are right. they can go work somewhere else and some of the examples that we have seen that are flat out racist in inappropriate. that is not a positive way . if i were a boss, they would be out of the door. as a boss, we haven't gotten a
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ruling on this and i will be shocked ifhe unions win in this case, i have to be honest. >> i think everybody needs thicker skin. someone is to tweet they hate my hair . i will still go to sleep at night. >> that was johnn thon. and i am going to twit. >> guys, thank you very much. coming up, lawmakers want to start taxing vaccinations? wait until you hear what they want to do with the money.
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>> the flu out break gating worse and if you think it is bad now just wait. congress considering to report making us cough up a tax on all flu vaccines; tracey? >> it is idiotic. let's just tax something in a ideal rule makes it better. this goes against obama care. gich health care practically away for free. you tax the vaccine, companies are less inclined to offer it free to the employees and costs are going to add up quicker and it defeats the
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purpose. >> the 75 percent tax and money go to the vaccine fund that you probably never heard of. is that right use of our money on the flew shot. 138 million. they took it . it doesn't work . it is a reventive measure. a lot of people don't want to take it. a lot of research said it doesn't work. it is 75 cents and not 75 percent. they paid out two billionn in
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claims? >> what this fund is for is to protect researchers in a suit or issue for the drug and alows them a insurance policy. like a driver's insurance policy, but for researchers. the flu vaccine has to change and innovative to deal with the new strains of the flu. 75 cent tax increase would allow the fund to remain stable. we pay a tax on the flu vaxx vax. it is a 75 percent jump and means that researchers are allowed to change it so that we are protected. i am all for it what is 75 cents? >> johnathon? >> it seems a little extreme for a fund that has already got a good solid billion just sitting there. >> forget the fund. you have hundreds of millions
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of people suffering from the terrible flu epidemic to tax it, even if it is only 75 cents to tax more is cruel and harmless. people want to protect themselves and trying to stay healthy and the government said no, no, no. here's another thing to tax. do what? fuel the spending addiction. what happened to the benevent government and this is cruel and heartless in a flu epidemic. >> guess where the money is invested? >> u.s. treasuries. >> of course it is. i get marjories point. you want to support research, but you have to admit the timing is poor. congress is good at this, bad timing. oh, we have a flu epidick. i got a good idea. put a tax on it . that's what it looks like marjorie. the bigger point we have a flu epidemic and it is important
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that people this year more so, right now in boston, they are calling it a state of emergency . dc area doctors were seeing hundreds of cases and now seeing thousands a day . we need a strain of the vaccine, we need a strain of the vaccine that actually works . if we discourages researchers from finding that strain, we are putting ourselves in a tough spot. >> hold oi want to bring in john layfid and he looks healthy with the sun behind him. >> he's in ber mud a. >> i am healthy because i didn't take that stupid flu vaccine is why i am healthy. hill billy's episode granny comes up with a cure for the common cold and in seven days you get better. that's about the time you have a common cold anyway. this is a medical lobby saying let's stick our kid and adults with a needle and when a lott
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of research has shown vitamin d is aetter measure than the flu vaccine. do real research. a lot of people don't want that and i don't think it workings. >> in the end of the day, what is interesting, 75 percent of the u.s. companies offer the flu shots for free. only 30 percent of them get the flu shot. don't understand it but that is what is going on. >> to johnn's point. individuals have to make that decisionful what type of medication preventative or otherwise. vitamin d or flu shots or that stuff . government to come and say wait a minute. we want to discourage the innovation and new technologies and medications that make everyone healthy. >> i have to say wayne, i hope you are watching, we miss you. coming up. if our kids are all winners,
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joke in a movie. but our kids are now feeling more entitled than ever. entitled to good grade and good jobs . john said everyone is a winner message will back fire in america. i am with you. >> yes, it is already back firing on america. nothing that gets my dander up more than everybody gets a trophy. hey, little johnnie you didn't try. we'll give you a tropy anyway. that is a massive disservice to kid and all of the cunnelbaya moment we can't afend a little kid. if they don't try they don't get a tropy. >> what is for this, parents or schools. >> the trophy thing drives me insane. it gets them to come out. it ends like in fourth grade. you lose in fourth. my kid in and he lost and he
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learned a valuable lesson. you do lose. it is not like you get trophies until you are 25 . the other side of the story, too. all schools want to give out ink because they want their schools to look good on paper and want their kids to score on tests it is not just our kid and little league that screw the kids it is it the other side. >> marjorie do you think that everybody gets a ribbon and is it right for our kids to believe that. >> look at the reality of the work force. reality of the college students they have to earn their way. it falls on parent ace lot in how you raise your kids. i am the oldest of five. you can have your wins, but you had siblings to keep you in line afterwards, and a culture of graciousness and generosity and thinking of others is really important in terms was bettering our
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countryy and making progress. >> unfortunately. >> go ahead. >> we have a culture of the not generosity but egal tar yump and that is what this is. egal tarism . unequal awards and cheryl where is it taught in in the schools and unfortunately today's parents were raised in the schools and that's why it is the scourge of the modern culture. >> john, you get a ribbon and yawn and trace yemarjorie has a ribbon. thank you for joining us this week. it was good to have you on the show. coming up. get ready for a hypochrissy alert. the president nominating this guy t run the treasury and what he used to run at
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c>> it is time for what do i need to know for next week? tracey burns. >> a case of hypocrisy in the while. jack lew worked in citigroup . that kind of caused the financial melt down? >> john, what are you watching. >> verizon is a cash cow and have a five percent yield. i think it is going to be a great
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