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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  January 29, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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generic drugs. think about that. the numbers are impressive. we just wanted to walk through. and it -- andrew, i think you will enjoy comparisons for people out there on the cost of the branded version in this generic component starting with plastics. two under and 24 for the branded version, 112 for the generic one for difference of $112. a one month supply. let the tour, 191. generic 196, a savings of $95 for people who are getting at a monthly basis. what does this mean in particular? members of your organization grimacing years who must think about this very seriously. >> you're absolutely right. as an advocate for older americans we do not want to see our members' medical bills, specifically drug costs go up even 1 penny. there is a lot of concern. you're looking at an older population is suffering from chronic conditions that are high
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utilizes a medications. this is an issue that has to be addressed at only -- it is 2-pronged. the federal government has to work in concert with the drug organizations to make sure the cut ( equitable solution that they should not do on the backs of senior citizens. >> these other people buying these drugs, for sure. people on fixed incomes, let's keep that in mind. the amount of spending each and every year on health care, all sorts to my including pharmaceuticals, and we have seen as prices go up on pharmaceuticals roughly 5 percent each and every year. if you don't have generic in the marketplace can you bring those prices down? >> it is awful tough. i would say it is nearly impossible without the generic competition. gerri: all right. well, before warned. you know, these companies are trying to take your generics off-the-shelf. thank you for explaining it to us. appreciate your time. >> thank you. gerri: and other big problem for
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obamacare. very few states will have health care exchanges set up by october. now, that is what was required by law. exactly half of the state's 25 are a definite no which means that nearly two-thirds of the country, the federal government will have to step in and run the system. what does now, former cbo director. great to have you on this show. what do you think that this means, half of the states are saying we don't want to play. >> i think there are two lessons. the first is that this is simply nogoing to get over the finish line in time. they're way behind -- gerri: october. >> yes. it will not get there. from a subsequent review this will be a disaster. you live here word of that out of the administration. they will make every effort to declare victory come january. anyone who has anything remotely resembling exchange will get credit, and they have to declare this to be a success. gerri: they keep pushing the deadline. they're doing everything that they can command the become a
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get this, in changing the names of the exchanges to market places. i guess they think that somehow sounds friendlier organizer somehow. >> i mean, they pushed back deadlines, provided more money. at this point the reality is, please tell us what you would do and when he will do it and we will accept it. you go around this. twenty-five states have done this. it falls apart it is not our fault. another group said we're going to do this. from a policy perspective that is quite intriguing because the states of the future of health care reform. the place where you can get real competition or not, as the previous story pointed out, and if you take that on and say, here is a we are going to do, the competition we will produce, the coverage we will have. i don't think they have a choice to say anything but yes. we will see how it plays out. gerri: and want to ask you about this story. you say this is about
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competition, this issue of the drug companies trying to hold back generic versions that are much, much cheaper. i thought obamacare was supposed to solve all this, we were going after the high and rising price tag of health care in this country? it turns out rivera look, from the cost of prescription drugs to the cost of insurance premiums, it is all going up. >> with the caveat that your previous guest said about getting the licensing rights none is more complex molecules, this is about absence of competition. in fact, obamacare is pushing consolidation. seeing hospitals buyup doctor practices to my fewer choices and at what cost. anytime you have that kind of consolidation and market power you get higher prices, not lower and less choice. we're going the wrong direction state-by-state if you look underneath. gerri: on top of that you figure out what is going on with physicians in this country. it used to be put you're single lot, started a practice to develop relationships the patients that you fortified over
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years and decades, and now these guys are just jumping on board with any hospital in many other bigger group that they can join. we have lost that. it seems to me that this is a fundamental change in the way health care is being delivered in this country. >> it is true. it is happening, and it is quite ironic because as you know obamacare is bad for small business. one of our key small businesses was the sole practitioner doctor. disappearing. the canada and other requirements, they're handing over the business side hospital or a large position group in going on to try to get out of the business and just to medicine. gerri: always great having you on the show. thank you for coming on board. next time you have to be in new york. >> it's a deal. gerri: thanks. well, we have more still to come this hour. what you need to know if you're looking for a super bowl ticket. that's right. and the government can big banks nickel-and-diming people in need. why did it cards are being given to benefit recipients and how
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much it costs you coming up. ♪ at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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making the big romantic gesture. that's powerful. verizon. get a droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99.
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♪ gerri: okay. this is a critical knew report to you need to hear about, shedding light on the way states are literally bilking unemployed americans by forcing them to pay fees. what they're doing to my next guest says, is saving a few bucks for government while raiding the benefits for the rest of us. joining me now, president of consumer education for smart credit. uni have been down the road on this topic, and new details to they got this-the cars now being used by the government to deliver benefits. and the sneaky thing that happens to these folks. >> unfortunately this is not the road less traveled. these are the folks in need it the most.
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it is the folks are depending on unemployment benefits to survive let's go ahead and put it on a prepaid debit card silicon charging of these and will away and, frankly, their lifeline. gerri: this money is collected by the bank. >> remember that. >> i do. that is right. and these banks lineup like they're trying to get rolling stones tickets. they want to be first in line to bid on facilitating this process because they make serious dollars. it is the big banks who are doing this. and it is troubling. it is in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the pace that they are giving the state is, look, you are spending millions of dollars every year printing checks every single month. let us take care of it.
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let's put the funds on top of the prepaid debit card. there is no printing cost. actually true. the problem is, once again, the consumer is the one who's left footing the bill, and this case it's a little fees, activity, atm, a live customer service agent in asking about your balance costs you $2 cc -- gerri: you're talking about nickel-and-diming and the banks have found a way into taxpayer pockets to raid funds that should go to people who are unemployed. you know, it also should go to people who are on social security, people who get other benefits. >> yes. let me count the ways. we have rebates not given on prepaid debit cards, tax refunds , unemployment benefits. if you listen to the industry, they want you to put your paycheck. have you done that yet?
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is just -- the way -- the ways are countless on how these are seeping away into almost every single facet. gerri: debit cards are, you know, supposed to take the place of a bank checking account. and that is not a good idea. why? >> it is not a good idea, and it is simple math. i have this discussion with my five year-old all the time. greater than zero? in the industry does not seem to get the simple math will always roll. having a well managed checking account with a bank or credit union costs you a grand sum total of $0 per month. very hard to do. gerri: you have to shop around because bank of america, big banks' charges $6 to made dollars. they charge you money every month. you have to go to a credit union will a local bank to get as good deals.
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>> that's right. 10,000 credit unions in this country, and i cannot find one that has a monthly fee on the check accounts. there are hundreds and hundreds of local, small, regional mom-and-pop banks that have your atm networks. i can stand, would also do not charge you month the -- monthly fees on checking. you do not have to have direct deposit. that is a huge myth. gregory. >> three checking accounts, and i pay nothing. gerri: show our viewers because there are five states where you have to take your unemployment check by direct deposit -- i'm sorry, direct deposit is not available. you have to get it on one of the strictest debit cards. you don't even have the option. don't even have the option. have to pay the fees. how crazy is this?
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>> and guess who is licking their chops right now in addition to the banks? rosters. these bulbs to facilitate fraud because it by grab one of these things of your mailbox and ticket and slight decline of have to show i.d. commando have to interrupt and it touches to use it as a credit card the check internal. these cards help to facilitate tax fraud, unemployment fraud, and social security fraud. gerri: please, direct deposit. get your check direct deposit, security, unemployment, a tax refund, make sure you take it directly so that you can get all of your money. who wants them to have more of your money. that is what i say. >> i love it, and the argument is, it is cheaper than going to check cashing store. that's great. having won broken bone is better than to. d'agata comparison, but, $0
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better than anything greater. gerri: alumna fees. >> i love it. gerri: good to see you. now we want to know what you think. should the government be nickel-and-diming benefit recipients and even social security? log on to, but on the right instead of the screen, and i'll share the results of the end of the show. coming up, the government finds $58 billion in cash, some of it could be yours. you could still go to the big game in the big easy this weekend. it just takes a little finesse and a lot of money, but maybe not as much as you think. we will explain next. ♪ officemax knows...
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gerri: your dream of having to the super bowl in new orleans can still be a reality. allegre do
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♪ gerri: of the super bowl. i know, you thought about going. just to be one of the 70,000 fans at the louisiana superdome. even if you're not a ravens are 49ers fan, just to see the halftime show would be fun. even if it is lip sync. lots of reasons to go, but what are we talking about? , its money? the kids have to settle for stay school. first off, the tickets. stub of the entry-level price is
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about $1,600 per ticket. if you're really up you could build up -- book a swanky sweet for more than a quarter of a million. stub of says the median price people is 20550. let's go with that and stop complaining. it could be worse. last year's tickets were over three grand. you could be paying more. if you like to gamble, the ticket prices dropped 50% on the day of the game. you have to get there, so flights to new orleans, the ticket would run you $2,300, while baltimore fans can go for 18. only one ticket left at those prices, so you better get on it. hotels are sky-high, even in the towns surrounding it. you will pay $400 per night and most are already booked. the french quarter, forget about it. rental cars, 60-$70 per day. typically at the super bowl you
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can pay anything you want for parking from $20 to 900 according to espn. there was once a lot in dallas that charge $990 for red spot at center of a mile from the stadium because it had bathrooms until the parties. it doesn't stop there. the beer will be $10, and a hot dog 6-8. one food vendor is offering this menu. alligator chilly, roast beef pau boy, barbecued shrimp and grits, crawfish pie is, chicken and sausage gumbo. that is more like it. at least a hundred dollars per person just for the game which is not include dinner and breakfast and all the other stuff. that leaves our total cost 5,000. some that organized piece of jewelry for your wife. your choice. i know what i like. coming up next, how much bang for the buck students are getting for their diplomas.
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shocking new statistics revealing why some grads are doing, and you will not believe the billions of dollars that they forget every year. do you have a claim on some of that gas? stay with us. ♪
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tay with us. ♪ gerri: what if i told you your college graduate run up driving a taxi. it turns out nearly half are overqualified. what was that degree even worse? joining me now, founder of turning point u.s.a. we have all of these graduates in the work force gone nearly half of college grads are overqualified for the job.
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is this just reality, then the normal? >> i think there is two reasons for that. the economy is terrible the way it is, and people don't want to hire. uncertainty in the regulation, but we need to ask the question, is college more about accreditation our education? more about saying to my went to college, have a degree, are getting a value for investments in that think that is a question that we need to start asking because in the politicking of hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans and not getting the rate of return. gerri: not even rate of return. the fact that people delay having families, getting married, buying a house. their entire lives are in suspense and while this happens. they stuck to pay this off. >> it is startling. what is scary is i know young people letter saying, on the job, but you don't necessarily have to get a four year degree to get a job. there are other ways to get a well paying jobs.
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vocational schools. we will always need mechanics and plumbers. you do not need for your education to be a successful small business owner. i think we're losing that. the rich selling kids you need to get a degree to be successful , and that think their is a big disconnect. gerri: let me give you a couple of facts that i think you're going to frighten mom and dad. 50 percent of taxi drivers will college degrees. 25 percent of retail sales clerks, one-quarter of retail sales clerks are college graduates. in this economy is just not creating the kinds of jobs that put them to work. does that mean you should necessarily stay home and not get a degree? >> i think we also need to value what kind of agree they're getting, and the study has been looked at by different people. they might be getting a degree in literature or sociology, but they might be studying engineering because many engineering jobs. we're going to have to higher overseas. the digging below studying degrees that do not have value
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in the marketplace. right now they are not hiring people with sociology degrees. that is that something lucrative gerri: i could not agree more. people need to be a little more practical and the weather they look at this. european history and all of these kinds of degrees that people get. the chair. you name it. difficult to put to work, particularly in today's economy, and that another stanley parents and family are not adding kids more in there choices. >> absolutely, and there's a lot of ability in pursuing your dreams of becoming a theater major, what is their practicality? you can enjoy theater and be a plumber or mechanic if that is really what will be most practical for you, and i don't see there is any -- it does not make any sense to take up hundreds of thousands of student loans to get to a private school on the state to study something that you will never get a job and, like eastern medieval history. gerri: and the amount of student debt right now is astonishing.
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$936 billion. that is a huge number. >> astronomical. gerri: so many people get this debt forgiven for a variety of reasons. all kinds of programs you can sign on to the payless copy over time, stretching out which seems to me to almost be worse than not getting a lot in the first place. if you cannot get it paid out you cannot move on, you cannot really start your life. >> a student loan that is a trap, and it is for a lot of different reasons, and i think the scariest part of student loan debt is it hampers entrepreneurship. let's say their is a great entrepreneur. what if after graduating from harvard with hundreds of thousands in student loans, he might have never able to start facebook. the same with bill gates and steve jobs. this allowed them from starting these amazing technological enterprises that we enjoy today, so we need to look is to learn that as debt that might be preventing entrepreneurship from occurring which is a point that we need to start making across the country. gerri: thank you for coming on. good to see you. >> thank you for having me.
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gerri: w college may not be for everybody, college towns of becoming a popular choice for seniors looking to retire, thanks in large part to low-cost. tonight, top five through 2013, and this is according to the oregon institute for economic research. number five, oregon to my home of oregon state university. this town medalist based diets high quality of life and professional opportunities. number four, iowa city, iowa, home of the university of iowa. if you're a lover of all things literary, this is the place for you. alumni include tennessee williams, john irving, robert frost, and the city celebrates icons with festivals year-round. number three domestic college of pennsylvania, and japan state. as long as you can avoid the news vans you might find happiness which boasts a successful town school partnership. the small town has some of the most highly respected agricultural and veterinarian
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centers, and the number one college town is, i'm questioning this entire survey. ithaca, new york, the home of a the college as well as the ivy league school cornell, with the debt is gorgeous, like cords. gorgeous. the abundance of gorges and waterfalls, not to mention lots of winery's. you have to live through the winter. if you can answer that you have it made. on another topic, meanwhile, do you on the part of $50 billion a month and gas? likely, and my next guest is here to tell you how to get your share of that money. author of the the book of missing money joins me now. how does this work? there are $58 billion worth of money that american somehow have overlooked. >> it is actually from only three places. the states are holding 41 billion. 16 billion in savings bonds that have stopped earning interest and should be kasten and reinvested, and the other
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300 million is from forgotten pensions. actually a lot more places that money is hiding that people don't know about, such as refunds, unclaimed and undistributed job supports. gerri: i understand hat on the list is even paychecks that people have. the list goes on and on. other things out on a list that would not be included? >> what do you mean? >> not on the list, the 58 billion. >> oh, yes. that is what i was mentioning. unclaimed and then distribute child support, class-action lawsuits, refunds, irs refunds to return because of a bad dress. gerri: what do you do -- if you think you might be of money coming out you find out? >> it is very easy to do. go to unclaimed, it from there
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you can search any stay you have ever lived in and look under every nina you have used. in addition, at the top is a link, green tab that says additional sources front-line property. click on that, and it will take you to federal sites as well as the few international sites. gerri: how do i make sure that, you know, don't leave money behind the first-place? >> there are several things that you can do, and that is a very good question because people need to know how to prevent this from happening. first of all, have some type of customer initiated activity in your account at least once a year. a savings account, but $5 the amount take $5 out. the earning interest does not count. don't let it sit there. tell that it's that there. update your beneficiary contact information. in some cases you may find out that the person has died or is an ex spouse.
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cash every check as soon as you get. as per your utility deposit refund to be refunded now if you have been current on your bill. gerri: that is a good idea. i like that. all right. >> holding onto it. gerri: that is a great list. thank you for coming on. the website, unclaimed. maybe there is money for you. you don't know. thank you for coming on. appreciate your time. >> thank you. gerri: when we come back, warning for small-business owners about taxes and the federal reserve meeting this week. will they decide to turn off the money expected? will they keep do what they're doing? to be you coming up. ♪ all stations come over to mission a for a final go. no go call. this is for real this time. we are on step seven point two one two.
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♪ gerri: the federal reserve
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meeting today, and tomorrow experts are saying, well, don't expect anything to a new era of the central bank. my next guest says it's set to keep the money open. the correspondent for the "wall street journal" joining me now. so, same old same old. >> $85 billion a month pouring into our financial system from the fed buying treasury and mortgage bonds. yes. they are staying in it. we are starting to hear a little bit of this sense of anxiety among some of these folks of what they're doing. we have a story looking into whether the fed could lose money down the road of this bond buying, and the short answer is yes. that is -- that is one of the things that they will be talking about. gerri: other negative consequences possibly from what the fed has been doing. john taylor in today wall street journal, economist says with rate near zero there is a live incentive for lenders to lend.
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rates so low that what is the point of lending money? because the return is just not that impressive. do you agree? >> well, the counter argumentto that, and i am a little skeptical of it. with the fed is trying to do is to push banks and other investors into riskier kinds of lending. going away from treasury bonds, which is where interest rates are so low and to save mortgages, writing more mortgages for american households. i think the evidence right now is that we are seeing a housing recovery. we saw numbers today from kaye scholer showing that home prices were up more than 5 percent of the last year. we had not seen and not long time, so we are seeing credit starting to get to parts of the economy where it was -- gerri: at the same time, are you worried about the flip side? that with a little economic boost year as the economy starts to recover, we could find ourselves with interest rates and inflation rising in short
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order. >> well, you know, i think the problem is not inflation. we have been talking about inflation for three years. there is a problem that think we need to be talking about, a potential problem, which is, can the fed creates another bubble? you know, look at the corporate loan market right now. this is a market where during the boom in 2007 we were hearing about these crazy loans called to talk loans with very low. basically people could default and there was very little recourse for the lenders. guess what, that lending is starting to show up again on the financial landscape. you know, i think that talk about inflation has been overdone, but there is -- the fed does need to worry about whether it might be brewing financial instability down the road. >> so, you are saying that the fed is pushing big banks into the sorts of lending, not to individual investors or mortgage holders, but to companies that may ultimately come back and bite them in the bud.
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>> we could see it get overdone. it certainly is something that they have to look out for. we are not anywhere near where we were in 2006-7. gerri: no, we are not. >> the roll we have today, the old world was inflation. that was 1970's. the world we live in today is financial success. we had tech bubble, housing boom and credit bubble, and they - us other risks that we need to be talking about right now. gerri: all right. well, are you sorry that we are going to be japan, which sought disinflation, frightening and devaluing of assets over time. could that happen? >> well, that is the scenario that ben bernanke is fighting against. that is the one that he worries about, i repeat of japan and the great depression which is why they feel so comfortable pushing interest rates so low end of this money into the economy because they think, you know, listen, we get valuable books. we did have a housing bubble.
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we saw how that played out for the japanese. it has been a terrible 20 last years for them. that is a battle that he is fighting. gerri: i guess you will have to wait and see. go ahead. >> what i am saying is if we are worried about whether the fed can overdo it, let's stop talking about the risk of inflation and start talking about the risk of overdoing it in causing another -- more financial -- gerri: marbles, and all right. thank you for coming on. great to see you. thanks a bunch. and coming up tomorrow on "the willis report," we will reaction to the fed's action from former federal reserve governor, fred michigan. my former professor, actually. still to come to my "2 cents more," index they may still be nearly three months away, but there's a deadline this week does small-business leaders need to know about. if you're a small-business person, listen up. we get something for you. gerri: officemax knows...
9:43 pm time can be...well...taxing. so right now we'll give you... ...$10 off any turbo tax deluxe level software or higher! find thousands of big deals now... officemax. that your mouth is under attack, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. for their annual football trip. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their ddy got sacked by blackouts. but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie. what's in your wallet? hut! i have me on my fantasy team.
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♪ gerri: heads up, small business hours. today's to pile your paperwork for the irs or you face a $500,000 fine. is bosnia weight. what is the deadline for filing your to 99? we're covering your assets. managing director for wealth health. you missed this. >> two more days. dahlia plenty of time.
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gerri: we reminded you. >> i appreciate that. [laughter] as a result of the small business job site. >> penalties have been increased, so it is important that business owners know to get these out and a timely manner, which, as you said, january january 301st, this thursday. gerri: what is the irs looking for? >> trying to match income for unincorporated businesses. mccourt income, the norris is on the recipient of those services to send that tustin 99 sky and then -- gerri: here is what we are looking at. here is the full screen. in the individual, that can be a lot of people if you have a small business. anyone other than religious to which she paid rent and lawyers,
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they are everywhere. you cannot get away from them. 600 in legal fees, any bill from a lawyer is at least $600 as far as i knelt. >> that's like two hours of work, if that. unusual lead is an unincorporated business, but even if the law firm as a corporation, you still have to file that to 909. gerri: you make a mistake. you try to set it right. but happens? $75,000 fine. in 30 days 200,000 after 30 days. >> these of the maximum fines. so this is for companies to have hundreds or maybe even thousands of different vendors out there, and these of the maximum penalties for small-business says defined as those businesses making 5 billion to about 5 million in gross receipts of less of the last three years. so the fines are extravagant, but there are ways to corrected, and work with the irs. the most important thing is getting information accurately. so what you should do is request
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the w9 form. ended a teenine from the vendor gives you the accurate legal name, address, taxpayer. you have to make sure is perfect because what is happening, and you will see a lot of businesses receive notices from the irs. misinformation. think about how many companies you know i'm just by the trade name, but it is not the legal name. gerri: and that is going to matter. >> well, it is. again, it is matching. the norrises other recipients of services, so what i'll is saying is get the w9 prior to making your first payment. this will you have all the information. the end of the year comes, and january 301st comes. gerri: to do not send it to? >> you do not send it to corporations with the exception of clemens and earlier, lawyers. all lawyers get them. merchandized, if you receive merchandise than you are required. again, this is for services.
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real-estate agents, as you mentioned, they do not get them $600 tipping point. and if it is a trade or business . yes someone pay your office, the unit to 909. that same person came unpainted your living room, they don't. it has to be related to your chair business. gerri: area professional. the devil is in the details, and apparently the address is going for you. thank you. good to see you. and on this stay in business, we do this segment every day. in 1959 walt disney slipping duty was released. $6 million, the most expensive animated film ever made if you consider revelation. unfortunately, it only earned 5 million causing a lot to lose money, but you remember, it was beautiful. people began to show a new appreciation to the romantic scenes and exciting music this state the sleeping beauty is one
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of the most prominent animated classics. it has been released five times. the legacy of sleeping beauty lives on at disneyland. you never know. well, nominated for an oscar for its sweeping score, sleeping beauty was released today january 2954 years ago. we will be right back with my "2 cents more" and the answer to the question of the day. should the government, should they be nickel-and-diming benefit recipients? in my answer. ♪ [ wind howls ]
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[ dog barks ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] something powerful is coming. ♪ see it on february 3rd. ♪
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making the big romantic gesture. that's powerful. verizon.
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get a nokia lumia 822 in red for free. gerri: state governments, even uncle sam in some cases, giving out benefits like social security and unemployment in the form of prepaid debit cards, and with that comes new fees, and should the government nickel and dime benefit resip yes , ma'ams? we asked the questions, and 15% said yes, and 85% said no.
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log on to our website for the online question every weekday. your e-mails, we don't awless get to them. george says the less gasoline bought, less money goes to the government. where will the government turn to to recoop the loss revenue? you and me; right? to the 50-year-old voter and younger, we saw your congress and president who said 18 months ago we have to repair spending. next, they'll raise the debt limit and forget about the spending cuts. you have to live with him for woo more years. remember, everybody, republican, democrat, and independent, was involved in the debacle you have to pay for your entire working lives. robert, that's a downer. diane says, "america's best years are not behind us. as soon as we're rid of obama, we're back on track." there's a glass half full. e-mail me at
9:56 pm don't mess with texas especially with taxes. governor perry urged the state legislature to amend the state constitution to allow the states to give nearly $2 billion back to taxpayers. how sweet is that? he says if we're not using it, don't waste it. give it back. even if it doesn't pass, it says a lot about that business friendly state, if only washington was listening. i say we all move to texas. that's my two cents more. i'm thinking about it. i really am. coming up tomorrow, important confirmations to looming budget battles, a lot on the plate in the coming weeks. reaction from republican senator barrasso of wyoming. that's all for tonight's "willis report," dvr the show if you can't catch us live. have a great night and see you right back here tomorrow. ♪
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lou: good evening, everybody. everyone has a bad day from time to time. this may be such a day for my voice. today, a bad day belonged to the president. the president spent $1.6 million of tax pay every money to fly to nevada and back. nine hours on air force 1 to deliver a 20-minute long speech that had been billed by the white house as a plan on illegal immigration. however, he offered no plan, no substantive proposal, nothing of substance at all to the assembled audience. the president chose to make unremarkable remarks one day after a group of eight senators unvailed their frame work for bipartisan immigration reform. it appears president obama could not reign in the ego and took up immigration reform in a speech that members of the congressional hispanic caucus asked him not to give. republican congressman balart saying of obama's now intention
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to step on the work of those senators, quote, i think that would poisen the water. democratic congressman also skeptical saying, "the last thing you want is to inject, even from a perception point of view, the partisanship or gamesmanship. with nothing of substance to offer, the president threatened to blow up the bipartisan process by offering a bill bearing his name. >> if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal, and insist they vote on it right away. lou: there is little chance that the president could successfully insist that the house do anything of the kind. president obama went on to suggest that under his watch, crossings of illegal imgrants in the southwest border have slowed. >> now, during my first term, we
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took steps to try to patch up some of the worst cracks in the system. first, we strengthened security at the borders so that we could stand the tide of illegal imgrants. we put more boots on the ground on the southern border than in any other time in our history, and, today, illegal crossings down nearly 80% from the peak in 2000. lou: in contrast, the "washington times" reported today an analysis of border patrol arrests shows a 9% increase in illegal crossings since last year. we'll take that up on the dobbs forum tonight, co-author of the strictest laws in the country, chris coback is here, and leading attorney, and former frustrate fox news contributeor whether the president really wants to destroy opportunity to succeed.


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