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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 17, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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>> tom: you e not alone. a lot of people even though the money, it's not that much. it's in the billions. i agree with you on that one. this guy was very disappointed with his forever stamp purchase. >> tom: i had to have that joke explained to me, but he thought there was endless supply of stamps. no, you have to buy more of them. this guy values his privacy to agree with me on drones. >> tom: i changed my mind. i was for drones but i don't want to sinai dead in your
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backyard either. thank you and keep your comments coming in. tom sullivan show, we are open 24/7 and check out facebook page. you can follow me on twitter and all the ways to contact us are on the web at my main week is my name, make sure and tune into the radio show and many local radio stations around the country. listen online by listen live button at it's every weak day from 3:00 to 6:00 eastern. we will be here. join us on monday. we will see you then. >> good evening, everybody. while much of the world awakened this morning is anxiously anticipating a close encounter with a 150-foot wide asteroid
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called the a 14, russians nd the region saw the trail of a huge meteor streaking across there strike. the streaking the right exploded over the mountains in russia early today, injuring more than 1,000 people. solid glass or the force of an atomic bomb wrecked building facades and blew out windows. the meteor estimated to be approximately 10 tons in weight, about 50 feet wide coming into the earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of 303,000 miles-per-hour shattering into pieces about 30 miles above ground. one of those pieces eventually plunged -- plus a circular hole, as you see there, frozen over a lake. experts saying there were no surprise that the pieces are not
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tracked by radar because those pieces were very small, by the time they hit the earth. meanwhile, scientists estimate that the asteroid half the size of a football field when approximately 143,000 tons approached our planet from the opposite direction as the path of the media and then hurtled past earth. heavier 17,000 miles above the planet. the planets closest shave with a rock of that size says records were kept back in the early 90's. the asteroid, da14, big enough to generate a force equivalent to two and a half million tons of tnt at -- head is struck earth. if it were strong enough, to wipe out approximately 750 square miles. the asteroid is closest approach to earth at 200 -- 25:00 p.m. eastern over the indian ocean near sumatra scientists comparing that astra to one that struck in arizona more than 50,000 years ago creating a crater nearly 1 mile
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across andmore than 600 feet deep. nasa etimates that an object this size approaches earth every 40 years with the likelihood of a strike every 12,000 years. scientists worldwide claim that the mir astronauts were unrelated bcause of their very different trajectories. the $4 trillion global telecommunations industry is breathing a sigh of relief tonight as that astra crossed over the gm synchronous orbit of more than 1,000 telecommunications and weather satellites without incident. fox news correspondent bill keating has our report. ♪ >> this * is going away. >> reporter: asteroid be a 14 is more than 55,000 miles from earth moving away from us not to return for decades. this * came very close to earth in fact another close as astra flyby in recorded history. 17,000 miles. in the world is down --
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astronomers response on predicting we would all be fine from the century, now worth impact. at least not this time. there are an estimated one llions base rocks near earth orbit. >> we have seen and tracked about 9,000 of them right now. and about 1,000 of them are potentially hazardous. >> and mr. astronomers discovered ge won for just last year. too small to be seen with the naked eye, g14 was visible with binoculars and telescopes. so excited next -- excited astronomers were able to up follow the path. disaster is about half a football field long or roughly the size of a 12-story building like this. they believe that as roads abou the same size left this message meteor crater in northern arizona, with 50,000 years ago probably detonated like a 20-megaton nuclear bomb. the biggest reggy 14 posted a was to satellites. they orbit in edgier synchronous ring, 22,000 miles above us and da flew through it twice. no damage reported.
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planetary scientists say the best the about today's close encounter was preparing for future astronauts. >> they will not be hazardous for many hundreds of years. that gives us plenty of time to really be able to study the population, understand how it's structured aand come up with mitigation strategies. >> many cases strategies like he may have seen in some hollywood movies recent times, you know, coming up with some sort of the flexion plan in case of future astra is going to make indirect impact. now, today's flyby was so close that earth's gravity actually alter the or rid of jay 14 for good, so now the nex flyby surge will be sold 2040 and another in 2018 which could be close calls. we should all really be aware of these asteroids. that is what scientists are constantly looking upwards because it was a nest for about 6 miles wide blamed for the massive extension that wiped out all of the dinosaurs.
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lou. lou: thank you very mch. i mean, this is quite something. 17,000 miles is close, but as we look up, as you put it, i mean, i am very relieved to hear that these things only strike about once every 12,000 years. let's open air in the window. >> let's hope. they say something similar to this, at least a close flyby every 40 years, but there's really no exact date on that. so that two in every four years could actually happen within weeks. you saw what happened in russia. lou: thank you very much. reporting for us live. quite an event. nasa researchers have identified just 9600 near earth * today, 9600. but that is about a little under 1 percent of the million asteroids that we believe our nearest. for more on this latest as terrell flyby and the russian fireball, and joined by dr. amelie right car research assistant and astrophysics with the american museum of natural
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history. britain have year. this was an exciting day, a more exciting than a of us, i think , bargained for and certainly the russians. my goodness. >> absolutely. if lou: is going to start with the astros first because i am so impressed with the precision, the calculation. this asteroid, da 14, it would pass through at 17,000 miles above our surface and they were exactly right. >> a very close call, but we knew exactly where was going. and so - lou: and with of thousands yes synchronous satellites, would there be principally telecommunications are weather satellites up there, 20,000 miles. i'm sort of surprised that something did not get hit. that is a lot of stuff up there. >> a lot of stuff, was still mostly empty space. still mostly empty space out there. when you see images of the solar system or images of earth and
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the moon, we have to do in order to even see anything is blow up the size is much much bigger than they actually are. so anything that you see on tv, a lunch box. it's usually the size is a very different. lou: we are all galvanized by the graphic that nasa and everyone has been nice enough to put together. also, even though it's not to scale, and become a shows us what is going on here with these five lives. after you think about, million estimated near us. flying toward us in some point. i mean, don't you think they're ought to be a bigger effort to identify these *? i don't like that 99 percent. >> we would love to have them extend the budget to be able to track evything. we have done a good job of finding the biggest ones, like the multiple measurements, being able to know their orbitz well so that we can know exactly how close we're coming from a software coming back and things like that. but it's the smaller ones of the
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ones that we don't know as much. we can track them when they're for weight. lou: well, the meteor, the smaller one today. i mean, that video of the sonic boom that was created, the windows being blown out, striking, well, parts ofits striking a factory to more than a thousand people injured. that's very serious. >> a little bit of a like a call because these are the small ones that we don't yet have the capability to track. we now see them until they enter the earth's atmosphere, and did you enter the earth's atmosphere more frequently than we realize i think. and we have estimates that it may be this is a once in a century they were once in a decade thing. my not always happen over a popularized part of the earth, but there are going to happen. they do cause damage and they're very dangerous. lou: we thank you for being with us. appreciate. >> thank you very much. lou: afford a crews turned into eight. luxury turned into a painful ordeal. we all knew lawsuits would be
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solely the result. today that is what happened. carnival cruise lines set by its first lawsuit. this is -- this is the first lawsuit from that nightmare. a passenger from texas alleging they had to endure horrifying conditions, including being forced to wait -- wade through human waste from overflowing toilets for more than 3,000 passengers to endorse that, well, that trip from hell. then offered a refund. transportation expenses for future cruise credit and $500 in compensation. they also received an apology from carnival and the cruise lines did give the passengers their bathrobes to take comp, no charge. the expenses -- those expense arjust beginning for carnival. it already had to cancel 14 cruises. president obama's says is administration is the most transparent effort. we will show you the facts. you tell us in that "chalk talk." consumer confidence rising.
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the snb posting a seventh straight gain. deutsche bank senior economist about how long the good times will roll.
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it's red hot deal days. get the nokia lumia 822 in red for free and discover all the things to do on the go with city lens. or the droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. everything droid does in an edge-to-edge display. hurry in, because the sale ends february 20th. powerful devices. powerful network. verizon.
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♪ lou: industrial production below expectations, down by a tenth of a percent last month. deutsche bank senior economist joining us here in just a moment to tell us what to expect. consumer confidence, we ind out , was stronger than expected last month. stocks mist on the 45 mixed on the final trading day. isn't the nasdaq moving lower. volume on the big board, almost 4 billio stocks mixed on the week, but the snb did manage to gain. keeping the winning streak alive
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for a second consecutive week. wal-mart's stock down sharply in news that that you're resales are disaster according to an internal e-mail obtained by bloomberg. tiffany is suing costco for selling in asia rings label tiffany that are not tiffany rings. tiffany stock of slightly over a dollar. costco stock, hey, it's up $0.15. the commodity markets, gold falling sharply on reports, several prominent fund managers. but the holdings on gold, oil also lowered today. in the bond market, the treasury ten year know at just over 2%. a story sure to anger the 77 percent of americans paying higher taxes this year. a new report by the citizens for tax justice finds facebook paid no income taxes last year despite making a billion dollars in profit. that's not all. the social networking company also will have a huge, huge tax benefit of four under and
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$29 million. well, i'm sure. not entirely displeased. big beneficiary of facebook wealth and management. receiving $100,000 in contributions from the company last year, five times more than any other candidate. we will see what happens. holding on to strong gains for the year, despite recent resistance. the nasdaq up more than five and a half%. the dow and s&p both up more than six nap%. so far this year. joining us now to up tell us where these markets and the economy is headed, well, we wi be talking with and welcome to our own rick adonis, senior u.s. economist for deutsche bank security. good to have you here. your year. i meanwe have people lking around with long faces. all parts of the country because they're unemployed. the economy is contracting. and they just don't understand honice it is to be on wall street. >> well, it is chilly down on wall street. i assure you. but we are seeing some positive
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signs in the economy. so, yes of the fourth quarter did not look so great. the best top-level gdp number. but when you look beneath the surface we see some important undercurrents. does green shoots cut consumer spending. lou: seeing that come back. >> consumer spending is picking up. the investment which had been contracting. nav is picking up again. the housing market is picking up. but the domestic economy looks decent. it needs time to run until that an employer rate is down, but it increasingly looks like we are building some momentum. lou: you know, i really am. and i am delighted to see your optimism and to hear that the bright outlook, but i am concerned. consumers are getting hit from taxes. the fiscal liff. we are watching an economy that is being strangled by regulation and by a dark and sometimes seemingly intentionally haziness
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political that is trying everything that it can to drive this economy into the ground. and i am hearing you say all of this. wait a minute. we have to be talking about the same external reality, are we not? leave the equity market out of it. >> we are. but let's look at what consumers are doing. i have this same question as you. had we have this massive tax increase on the economy. social security tax increase alone is worth about $130 billion. if the upper income tax, that increases that came through during the fiscal cliff, that pushes it up toward $200 billion. we have this massive tax increase in the economy. consumer sentiment is increasing vehicle sales are increasing. retail sales, still increasing. lou: the put in context, we should point out, and that think it is important. those taxes have only begun to be felt. they have not had a true and significant impact.
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>> certainly we have not felt the full effect. lou: the full measure. >> but it is very surprising that we could make it through december and january nsc a retrenchment says. lou: is there any part of your economist mind that would be suspicious? >> for instance does you mentioned, the anecdote that the nlrb -- lousy start to february would be one place from the u.s. to see some of that impact, but no surprise did not see it in january. it will be telling on march 1st we get the more complete picture of personal income and spending, and we will see what happened in january. lou: what happens if we add on to the sequester? the trillion dollar experiment in self collision seems said the fine upstanding folks are engaged. >> that touch is an important point. the political, there certaly are some issues here.
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lou: you are the master. i love that. but the sequestered, i think it's going to happen now. and while it's being billed as something that is worth oughly $85 billion, a lot smaller than the fiscal cliff, first of al. secondly, what impact as this years really only about half of that, about $32 billion. so, yes, it's negative for the economy, but we are a $16 trillion economy. that is really over the next ten years. lou: the use to be. distracted. >> it is there. it's staying there. it is never it contracting. lou: delightful to have you here and show your optimism. we're on opening you're right. good to have the year. up next, president obama calls this administration the most transparent in history. that is amazing. we're going to talk about the facts. sorry, mr. president. it's what i do. the federal government with a shocking message telling them to
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call pilgrims illegal aliens. it is and obam administrative administrative effort. if you have trouble with that, wait until you actually see the program under way. as a were going to show you
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♪ lou: this is the most transparent administration in history. and i can document how that is the case. everything from every visitor that comes into the white house is now part of the public record. that is something that we changed. just about every law that we passed him every rule that we implement, we put on line for everybody there to see. lou: i haveto say, and i think -- i'm asking you to just shared with me, if you will. in your secret arguments can you really wonder how he does that
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with a straight face? i mean, it's pretty impressive. i mean, impressive. the president there went on to argue in that, i don't know, hang out, whenever you call it a much argue that his administration handling of the terrorist attack was politicized and so not an example of a lack of transparency. wow. tonight we are offering a few accountings that might be helpful to the administration. and this president's to understand that some people may disagree with him about it being the most transparent in history. let's start with benghazi. now, benghazi, a little more difficult than the president enologist. this may, in fact, disappointed president, but his nomination for secretary of defense stalled in congress because senators on answers. not just republicans. democratic senators as well.
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and they are not the only ones. so do the families of the ambassador, christopher stephens, shaun smyth, cia operatives who gave up their lives trying to save others. this president does not want to talk about that. operation fast and furious. number two. fast and furious. it eludes notice, the notice of an, but, in fact, our attorney general, te number one, the number one law enforcement of -- outfit in the country is still in content -- contempt of congress for failing to turn over documents relating that cost atf justice department gun running program that the minister. house republicans don't want the documents. the next jury and the issue is scheduled for -- there seems to be a lack of interest here, but i am sure that that would go
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down as not transparent in any reasonable person's mind. and the epa, the epa, now the president mentions epa and the males, and that's the curious case because with all of the attention a round of the nominees by the president to head the department of defense, the cia, the list goes on, but also, the epa. it needs a new administrator. he may not have noticed. lisa jackson, the controversial head of the epa resigned in december. apparently in part over allegations that she was using an alias e-mil account to conduct ofcial business, business that she wanted set apparently hide from the prying eyes of congress. not exactly transparency, is it? and the freedom of information act, the freedom of affirmation act, it is tough to claim it.
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this is the most transparent administration in history when a recent study found a 28% increase in lawsuits under this president. in lawsuits against the state department alone have more than doubled. transparency? like essay. i amery impressed by this president. he mentions mr. locks, too. log spirit to adjust all the locks. visitor locks. and he was talking about how everybody knows was going on. in that the liberal chad the left-wing website politico says obama's aides are still holding meetings with lobbyists. i guess they're just being held in a separate complex of the white house grounds to avoid public scrutiny in the oversight of congress. he left that part out to, and the? it does not make much difference if you are a republican or democrat. there is truth, and there is reality, and there's every reason to believe that this
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president no longer believes, if he ever did come in the public's right to know what our government is doing. is president obama already a lame duck? chicago mayor the may think so. the "a-team" on that and more. one gun manufacturer is showing the gun makers don't have to be defenseless when state governments go after them. hispanic voters and immigration reform, a former bush official tells us what the gop is doing right and wrong. next. ♪ friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm rlly looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you.
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it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. we all work remotely so this is a big deal, our first full team gathering! i wanted to call on a few people. ashley, ashley marshall... here. since we're often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. great job. [ applause ] thank you. and on a protocol note, i'd like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails. [ shouting ] oh i'm sorry guys. ah sometimes the caps lock gets stuck on my keyboard. hey do you wanna get a drink later? [ male announcer ] hold packages at any fedex office location.
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♪ lou: considerable outrage over newly released video of a mandatory so-called cultural sensitivity training program at the department of agriculture. nearly 200,000 taxpayer dollars went to this diversity awareness trainer who urged government workers to refer to programs as
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illegal aliens. listen to this. >> only to see america is not made up of outsiders. direct. it is insiders. very nervous about those outsiders. a one eat said say that there are illegal aliens. say the programs never give their passports to the indians. lou: so many things you would like to say to him. he went on to tell employees to stay away from the word minority and instead use the freight emerging majorities. you know, i give where he is coming from. i just think he needs a little help with thephysics. they're can only be one majority in the time, it seems to me, but maybe he is so bright that he has put that 200 grand in physics as well. the hispanic caucuses earnings to coverage your public as to tone down their rhetoric. were talking abut immigration
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reform. one of the messaging chips, used undocumented immigrants when referring to those here without documentation. and i use the word illegals or aliens. here to talk about these suggestions, the idea that the republicans need to tone down things as well as other immigration issues, jennifer and executive director of the hispanic network. good to have you with us. >> good evening. lou: and laughing a bit because of the dual running, whenever that was. that is the kind of nonsense that really is just ridiculous, don't you think? hell is this government paying for that? >> first of all, goverent dollar should not be going to something like that, and we would not condone that. we're talking about is immigration reform. easy taxpayer dollars to try to convince government workers of what to say people we're trying to do is talk to elected officials and how to become a
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lot -- pro-active and immigration reform without sounding, and without using the harsh tone in the harsh rhetoric that they have in the past. lou: undocumented instead of illegal. whitey's say instead of illegal? >> undocumented immigrant. lou: and not trying to prejudge the status of a person beyond the official possibility? >> i just think that when you start steering a word in legal round, that is a people start to believe. absolutely. and it's not a proper term. rely, they're people here don't have documentation. lou: what does the federal government call them? >> undocumented immigrants. >> no, the federal government callshem in law and regulation thought they're referred to as illegal aliens. lou: right. well, remember, it's as illegal. started throwing that were around. lou: who are these fools that are using the language? ways the you think they just throw around. >> well, there are a lot of
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people when they talk about immigration reform a lot of them are talking about the solutions, talking about the harsh tone and the harsh rhetoric. lou: to is this we? to is is weak? >> a lot of conservatives. lou: that is a we're here for. >> exactly. lou: conservives hispanic hispanic service, our realtor distracted, which you believe it if i told you that senator chuck schumer use the expression? >> no. mean, i have heard him say before. this is not just a conservative. this republicans and democrats. we want to do is get away from the yelling at each other, the one size yelling. lou: who is yelling? >> he does is extends it does a seven debate. both sides are digging in. ♪ does a six and two dozen seven, there's no question about it. >> so we're doing is coming down e rhetoric. lou: is 2013. your gang of eight. a bipartisan solution. and amongst those leaders is
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mao rubio. hispanic, american, u.s. senator, smart fellow, and he says he can get that done as long as border security is there. >> absolutely. lou: the use of -- so that hispanic americans who are voting, 70 percent, for president obama? >> they used to vote for the government. lou: look, i would love to sit and talk with you about 2006, 2000 -- 1986, we have limited time. >> sure. lou: would you going to do? >> so, hispanics by and large support the border enforcement. we're not talking about the people who say we want open borders. one and enforced border. lou: i said secure borders. quite a difference. >> secure the borders. hispanics wantto secure the borders. >> hispanics want gender politics not to be the one who decides to back weather up the borders secure? >> i think it's fair enough. all americans think we need to have a definition of what a
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secure border is. and i don't think that the federal government should be the one, you know,. lou: you have to come back and join this year. you have a big job. you have a group of folks who have voted for president obama who you think seemed to embrace the 80th suddenly of a secure border. we are not -- not even the obama administration can say secure border with a straight face. and the republicans to have been talking about securing the border first including senator marco rubio, senator ted crews, a host of others. i mean, these are republicans. how do you -- how you deal with that? >> we've worked a lot with the senate committee across the country. trying to secure the border. watch over all the legal system. want to have a guest worker program. of it -- and e verification system, and earn legal status. lou: not citizenship. >> pass the citizenship. it's a myth.
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people think that all the sudden we will have people come forward and then all the sudden. lou: are talking about people as if there's some sort -- he talked about people throwing the were illegal around. people don't understand this and that. that is the kind of elitist view of americans that was creating a lot of problems for the republican party which seems to have a very narrow establish a base and then all but nonexistent ground operation to create voters. that seems like one of he problems you and i should talk about here. >> the problem in there. we tk to voters. we talk to people. most people a very pragmatic about what we should do about fixi our immigration system. they want to have more secrity. they want to have a program. overall. lou: it is the folks who are the problem. the problem is your party, your candid it. in many of your elected officials, those of the folks you have to work with, and that the american people. they pretty much know what they
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want. >> talking to elected officials to let congress numbers does setors. i have to say, it's a totally different marmot that it was a few years ago. we more republicans and conservatives are willing to come forward and support immigration and the solution rather than just say no to everything. lou: t think we were to say no to everything? where they say yes to more security, yes to are reasonable, he may, effective veracious system? >> in the past we have had a lot of conservatives to come out and just say no amnesty. we are saying -- lou: if you want amnesty? >> no. that is sort of like the old thing. lou: this thing. also, i have a couple of questions that about the reality of words and what they mean and how important it is for the republican party to get by, well, the nonsense and start talking honestly with american people and start listening. i said, by the way, from the beginning of last year, that the party and started paying the greatest attention to the middle-class in this country and those who aspire to it would win
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the election. that is what happened. it is great to have you here. come back soon. we will continue the discussion. the other republican party is doing. i no they're trying. let's see what they're doing. up next, the president gives his critics even more ammunition. they call him the narcissistic chief. we will play in the revealing evidence. and, the former mayor of san diego, a problem reminiscent of the federal government. we're coming right back. ♪
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lou: the mainstream liberal media typically lavishes things on the president. you may have noticed. it is a rare occurrence when the new york times actually publishes an article on how white house aides are noticing unflattering changes in the president. the article reading, he has shown an assertive new self possession behemoths that contrasts with the crash that he
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show for much the of his first term. well, the nurse assistant chief on full display during yesterday's hang out. watch this. >> mr. president, my question is, for those of us to disagree with the politically, what is one but he would recommend we read to better uerstand your political policy better? >> other than my own, as soon. i don't want to be pinchinn my own book. lou: the other couple lesson to choose between two or the baby, they suggested they named the baby. a battle over the second amendment playing out in new york city. the city's teacher pension fund announcing today is so all of its stock to publicly traded firearm manufacturers, investing 13 and a half million dollars. earlier this week, the watchman gun manufacturer : big arms announced it will no longer do businessith the state of new york because of its recently passed and restrictions.
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now, san diego's first female mayor will be spared prison after sheikh tweeted this week to a decade-long gambling's pre in which she won and lost more than a billion dollars. a marine o'connor facing a money-laundering charge after she took $2 million from her late husband's charitable foundation to repay debts of more than $13 million. under a plea agreement, that charges dismissed if she repays the charity's money. completing treatment for fact gambling addiction of the next two years. well, please go to to give minstar facebook page or e-mail me. tweet us. up next, the "a-team" tells us whether this country is ready for president. already a lame duck. say it isn't so. ♪ ( man ) legs up ! ( man ) legs up ? legs up, legs up, legs up ! red hot deal days are back. let nothing stop you. good job ! it's red hot deal days.
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get the nokia lumia 822 in red for free and discover all the things to do on the go with city lens. or the droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. everything droid does in an edge-to-edge display. hurry in, because the sale ends february 20th. powerful devices. powerful network. verizon. i need you. i feel so alone. but you're not alone. i knew you'd come. like i could stay away. you know i can't do this without you. you'll never have to. you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service.
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♪ lou: earlier today on that "lou dobbs tonight" facebook page test for your thoughts and the possibility of the 016 ticket because there is some suggestion that he is interested. he wrote in to say come if he gets elected and moving the central america. well, that sounds like a no vote to me. tim rice, the trouble with politicians, the become legends in their own mind. you know, i think that is about as succinctly put as one can. many of their problems. joining us now is the "a-team." former clinton adviser, fox is contributor, and from washington d.c., senior better forthe walk -- washinon times. so, the gunman, of going to start with you. the idea that he wants to run. is the floating this? is somebody just trying to make
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a little trouble here? >> let me tell you a secret about politicians. lou: we're listening. >> from the city council on up, they all think that lightning will strike and they will be elected president. the illinois state senator who lost a race against. and look where he ended up. so i think he takes this very seriously. lou: what do you think? >> i think that if elected we would certainly need a word sensor in the white house. lou: there is a half stag on twitte the expression. whether he speaks, i guess, but it has more -- what to they call , f-bombs. >> expletives. i think nothing makes the republicans happier than the heady of the democrats' nominating rock -- the chicago mayor. that is a real boost to the party.
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practically the most unlikable person in national politics today. lou: the suspect that he is behind this. is that right? >> that's right.3 he leaked the story. exactly. lou: let's turn. talking with jennifer corner tonight from the hispanic network. the republican average, the hispanic community. what do you think? she is talking about changing the way they talk, changing the town, but not changing the meaning of what they are prescribing in public policy. does that really work? >> no, of course it doesn't. lou: wait about obama. that sounded like him. >> well, i would tell you, obama was able to sound differently than what he really means. the 2008 and 2004 obama are very different than how he governed and how he plans to govern, so they should just basically. lou: and a going to as, you know what, among test these folks, what is in the republican party just copy everything that obama and the democrats have done. they have succeeded.
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we are back with "a-team." the president is on his ay to west palm beach for a lovely weekend after spending a day trying to control gun violence in the murder capital of amera's hometown, chicago. what are your thoughts? >> very interesting to spend time in chicago and then take air force one to palm beach to go golfing. what is so strange about today is obama goes to chicago, his hometown, which has the highest murder rate in the country. going up 20% a year. and yet has the strictest gun laws. that is not something that
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should have not the same time. the criminals know that they are the only ones with a gun in the city. many people can't defend themselves. the laws that rahm emanuel is pushing are leading to more deaths. lou: they have still, if not the top and, very highest murder rate in the country. >> the country has the right to bear arms. an appeals court overturned onerous law. but the rest of the country, vertebrates going down. all-time low, massive increase in gun ownership. you can't say that it's about chance. more laws, gun laws, proven over and over again. lou: you are saying that more
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guns -- [talking over each other] [talking over each other] >> yes. lou: violence in this country, statistically true, crime has dropped by one third. at the lowest level in over 50 years. by the way, please, the president is sitting here in chicago. this is the first time of his entire presidency that he is going to chicago to acknowledge the deaths that are taking place. the first time. what in the world is going on with that kind of reticence from a leader who says he is concerned? >> he made a determination that he was not going to take on issues of urban poverty or urban crime. now that he is safely reelected, he probably feels that he is able to do that. so i think in his terms, it is smart politics. lou: what would you call it? >> i would call it


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