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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  February 24, 2013 12:00am-1:00am EST

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>> more and more companies are dropping health department coverage for spouses as a way to save money under obama care, but should they be forced to cover husbands and wives alike? this is what you dweeted me, the spouse is not covered otherwise and family too, but steve disagrees saying companies showrm be forced to cover anybody. we asked the questions on our
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website, 27% said yes and 73% said no. tonight, i agree with mayor bloomberg, can you believe i'm saying this? the man who banned soda, salt, and anything fun in new york city is in the right this time. bloomberg view stowed what could have been the most aggressive measure to have employers ignore unemployed job seers. it bans ads say unemployed need not apply, but this one lt'ses rejected applicants sue employers. all this does is produce more lawsuits, not more jobs. you can't make blanket laws like this. that's my who twenties more. that's all for tonight's willis report. thank you for joining us. have a great night. see you back here monday. ♪ all right. that will do it. [applause]
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john: are you a republican? >> no. john: democrat? >> no. john: students. john: the nation's capital where the students need to be more than 1,000 of them gatherered. now we discussed -- we will also look at the criminal justice system. in coulter will defend republicans. liberty 101 is our show tonight. [applause] ♪ john: i'm in washington d.c. a place that needs a lesson in
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liberty. i'm excited that tonight i am surrounded by college students, more than a thousand of them will travel here for a students for liberty conference. they came to learn about good government and free. here in washington? [laughter] the conference this year, but in these -- in d.c. we're surrounded by democrats who want to take away my economic freedom and republicans want to take more personal freedom. and glad their is a third party, although it has not got much traction. this year the libertarian presidential candidate got more than a million votes. that, of course, was gary johnson, former governor of new mexico. continues to fight for liberty one of the people who tell me about liberty. why didn't you when? [laughter] >> i think the biggest factor in this race was voting to lesser of two evils, afraid that ron was going to win, vote for obama. fred obama's going to win, so for romney.
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a big disconnect between those that describe themselves as libertarian and the libertarian. john: why? >> i don't know given the fact, given the fact that really it is cool to be libertarian. it is cool to be socially excepting and fiscally conservative. john: you made me laugh the other day saying it's cooler to the libertarian and republican. >> that is certainly true. john: is a cool to be a republican on campus? >> no. john: cool to be a democrat? >> no. john: i don't believe you. on campus. >> that might be a little wishful thinking. and senate -- on sure a lot of colleges think it's better to be a democrat and republican. there is a lot of understanding in the united states, first that the old rules, anti-gay rules, anti-drug rules and things are going to be washed away.
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and there is clearly an understanding. i think every american knows that the american welfare state is bankrupt. everybody knows the problem. they just have not yet come around to wanting to fix it. it. john: fixing it involves less government. but you point out that it is just easier to be santa claus. >> well, it is. but significant is the fact that marriage equality did pass in several states. marijuana legalization, washington state and colorado. these are significant. john: spending. a talking about sequestration like it's a catastrophe. >> an absolute tidy cat. just a miniscule cut relative to what does need to occur. if we don't balance the federal budget we are going to find ourselves without a country. we are not immune from default. that is where we're headed. john: questions? >> hi. conner bergeron from brazil has
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cooled. my question is how can convert or get the libertarian movement message out to the high-school community? none of my friends even know about it. john: i'm trying. my video is going to high-school spivvy 12 million kids watch them every year. some of you saw that. >> i was taken aback. i was invited to speak in high school in ohio. it was packed. i walked in. it was a standing ovation. the point being that high-school kids are very aware also. this is -- the only thing i can say, this is a growing movement unquestionably. of what point the libertarians actually take power, does that ever happened. i don't think we should stop being vigilant to potentially making that happen. john: by take power you mean ticket and give it up. >> take it. [applause]
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>> you have hit it on the head. politics is all about electing me and keeping the elected. that's all politics is. if we can just get away from that the whole notion of citizen service. get in, get out. >> i am from the university of denver. within the liberal movement there is a big debate over whether politics or ideas are more important for advancing the liberty movement. >> i read a great quote from margaret thatcher this week. she said first you when the argument, then you when the vote. so i think winning the argument is more important, but political leaders, one of the ways the arguments get stressed out. >> i just want to relate my own experience, getting elected governor of new mexico and a state that is 2-1 democrat. running as a republican. actually, as a libertarian under
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the guise of being a republican. it works. it works. [applause] >> my name is matt. i happen said it -- identify as a gay republican. my question is to my belief it is important we work within the party structure. how would you say is the best way to go about doing that? the party tends to not support my community. >> human republicans. >> republicans. yes. >> you do like anybody else does in public to -- politics this organizing. first they have to come out of the closet. then they have t organize. they have to demonstrate to other people in the party, we are here. we are republicans. we are working for the party. we want the party to change in this particular issue. the republican party reacted very negatively when black people started demanding their civil rights. and now republicans wonder why black people don't want to vote
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for them. the republican party reacted very negatively when women started demanding the right to have careers and be involved in politics and economic life. now republicans wonder why women don't want to vote for them. and now we are in an era where republicans are reacting really really negatively to gay people demanding simple legal equality, equality under the law. so my advice if there are any republicans watching, don't do the things today that will cause you 20 years from now to say, how come they people will vote for us? john: thank you. later we will debate drawn attacks. can the president just kill you? my guest says you bet. next we will talk to a congressman who does something unusual. he admits he is a libertarian. [applause] ♪
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♪ [applause] john: we are back. students for liberty conference. >> garrett washington. john: one elected for a second
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time. justin -- he is unusual because he has a degree in economics and he cares about our coming bankruptcy. for the first term you were on the budget committee. this term the republicans take you off. why? >> i think it might be because i wanted to balance the budget. [laughter] [applause] john: set up the republicans' one of the cuts? >> when you look at our budget over the last few years, when you look at the spending, has grown, even under republicans. john: they say you want to cut. >> but it never seems to happen. john: one republican said to politico, it wasn't because of your politics because of what some people refer to as the -- you would not work well. did not work well with other members. >> i think that -- that kind of excuse you, but when you have people who want to cut spending, want to fight for what is right and follow the constitution. john: you would cut medicare.
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>> it has to be reformed. there have to be savings there. john: even popular things like head start, food stamps. >> yes. john: you want to cut military spending. unusual. >> well, if we don't -- [applause] defense is the number one priority in the federal government. it's what they should be involved with. but there are areas to cut. if we don't make them now we will be in a situation where our debt is so bad we won't have a strong defense. john: you have tried to get cuts through. terminate the export-import bank. died in committee. required the cessation of the use of force in libya, died in committee. proposed a balanced budget amendment, limit spending increases to inflation and a change in population. they have to spend more? >> well, it seems that way. the level of government spending
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is so insane. every year when government gross if it doesn't grow as fast as they were expected to grow they call the cut. [laughter] john: and we get broker and broker. students, your questions for congressman? >> i wanted ask you if you could comment on your face and how you reconcile that with your libertarian beliefs? there are stereotypes of libertarians, republicans who love to do drugs. all these terrible negative stereotypes about us. we are not all about the spirit we have different beliefs. when you talk to that. >> and an orthodox christian. believe very strongly in my faith. i believe that the government is a hindrance a lot of times to our religious liberty. it's a hindrance to what we want to do as individuals. and so let's get government out of the way and allow people to make choices. we can't legislate morality and force everyone to agree with us and everything. my job as a congressman is to
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make sure people have the opportunity to make choices for their own lives, whether it's a religion that want to believe and know what they want to do with their bodies. [applause] >> hi, my name is emily from indianapolis. and this past semester in m political science class island a little bit about the complications of voting with or against your party. but for libertarian what kind of dynamic does that play for you? >> well, i am a republican, as you well know. well, i personally believe the republican party is still the best vehicle to bring liberty into the political system. and know that there will be a lot of disagreement in this room up that, but that is my opinion. [applause] and i have always been a proud republican. i think that the republican party can be brought back to the principles of liberty. when you looked at my voting record, though more often with
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the republicans than i do the democrats. i do have one of the most independent voting records in congress. it is really not hard to do. yet to go out there and press the right button when the vote. [applause] >> greetings. you do something and have never seen any other politician do. you justify every vote you make which is fantastic. one test tubes -- [applause] i wanted to ask you how you think the use of social media has affected your life as a politician? >> i think it has been -- it has had a huge impact and has been fantastic for me because it helps hold me accountable. it sort of evolved on its own. i started to use facebook to explain every vote. and what it does is it by forcing myself to explain every single vote to the public it
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then forces me to be consistent because it is all on public record. john: you're libertarian. would you be consistent anyway? >> of course. of course. but i think in a political climate when you go to congress, members of congress regardless of how libertarian they are, i think it's important to have a mechanism that forces you to do the right thing every time. >> my question is canalize your upbringing shape your libertarian values? >> well, thanks for the question. my parents were both born overseas in the middle east. my dad came over here is a refugee from palestine. my mother syrian. it's had a big impact on life. be when they take to school, a drop me off to school, tell me how wonderful this country is because we have lirty year.
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you can come to this country with absolutely nothing and make a life yourself. in other countries a lot of times it depends on what your last name is, what your ethnic background is, what your religion is. in this country anyone can make it. and so when i got older and decided to get into politics that was one of the things that really drove me to make sure that this country stay that way, that it stayed a bastion for liberty. john: thank you, congressman. coming up, dennis kucinich and ann coulter. first, does this happen to you?
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john: mostly you are talking >> yes. over the last probably 20 years there has been a 15% increase the number of swap rates in the u.s. john: originally was supposed to be a rare event for highly armed criminals. >> that's right. it was intended to be a way to use violence to diffuse and already violence situation.
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hostage-taking, bank robberies, riots, that kind of thing. what they use now, there instigating violence, breaking into the homes of people suspected of non-violent crimes, marijuana, cocaine. we're seeing now used for things like reading poker games. so you are not diffusing violence situations and more, you're creating an. john: and this often is ten or 20 guys dressed in black, heavily-armed. >> they look like military. they look like, you know, a unit that would invade a village in iraq looking for insurgents. john: they say we need to do this to make sure the guy does not resist. and if we come in strong that reduces the chance that people will be killed. >> that is a fine argument if you have somebody who presents an immediate threat to other people. the problem is when you use what teams in these tactics, when you kick down doors and break in the home in the middle of the night, you know, even if you have the right house, and this is an actual drug dealer, the first
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thing they do is reach for the gun. john: it appears to be that the public is okay. they believe this makes them safer. you say -- >> i was researching this and i kept finding that all these rates, they always kill the dog. the interesting thing is when i go out and talk about this, when actual people get killed the response is sort of like, you know, that's awful. there were probably doing something wrong or the police would have been there. any mention that the dollar gets killed and people get really angry about that. this response. guess they think the pets are innocent in all of this. john: the students have questions? >> my name is eckersley back custody at the university of pennsylvania. i was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about no not grades and the role that the play. >> the no naucratis, i think it's a particularly insidious thing. they're used to be an old cold war think. commonly attributed to churchill
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i'm not sure he said it. democracy means that when there is a knock athe door at 3:00 a.m. it's probably the milkman. the idea that we don't send government agents dressed in black to invade your home in the middle of the night. noonly is that no longer true america, we don't even bother knocking now. >> i attended columbia university. as a resident of harlem and in honor of to docks i was hoping you could tell me something about whether there is any way to avoid becoming the victims of an overzealous what team? john: the odds are against it. >> the odds are very slim. and also, you, you know, happens to be of a social class and grace that is probably less likely to happen to you. still ahead. but, you know, there is nothing -- people ask me, what do i do a facility is breaking down my door? i have no idea. get down on the ground. don't be carrying a blue pickup. someone was killed for that. toby carrying a t-shirt.
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someone was killed for that. you want to just give any media the lay down on the ground picture hands out. >> how would we go about educating the public that this militarization of police is not acceptable and will continue to lead to these extreme rates? >> we're trying to educate them. what else to we do? >> you can point out the really ridiculous ones, the fact that they're breaking a poker games. people be concerned about this stuff and start thinking this could happen to me. the breaking up the never have texas all the name, if they're coming into bars. underage drinking. using s.w.a.t. teams to enforce regulatory law which is happening now. just a bunch of raise in orlando, but to barbershops under an occupational licensing regulation. they start getting concerned and start demanding change. i think really emphasizing just how widespread these attacks have become. john:, 90.
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[applause] john: later in the show, you students would get the drill. ambassador john bolton. up next, ann coulter is here to defend republicans against
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john: welcome back to the students for liberty conference. now, mos of you students consider yourselves libertarians why not republican? is it because the republicans want to go to work? they want to police what you can put in your body or ban gay marriage? of right. and coulter says we're out to lunch. >> award. to explain that in a way that i
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think libertarians should appreciate. there is one thing the federal government should be doing or maybe two, regulate interstate commerce and protect us from denise. and the republican party position is we should intervene, go to war, do whatever it is foreign policy related when it makes america a safer. i will say quickly, a magnificent work. you can't have these crazed terrorists out there. it is not to call people by themselves are flying and organizing the terrorist attack. there being funded. sit down was looking to help them and find them. now to bipartisan commissions both here spent six months investigating that he was looking for uranium. it is a problem. you have all of these countries, some of whom are very literate and pro-western, pro-american populations, but they're lead by crazy leaders. that includes syria.
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these are fantastic countries for regime change. knockout the crazies. keep that in mind so that you might want to fund the insurgents. john: you would get your chance to talk to her. this covers two more. the drug war is a failure. get rid of it. john: libertarians and pot. first of all -- john: and a heroin and oxycontin and all that. >> this is what people think libertarians are -- we are living in a country that is 70 percent socialist. the government takes 60 percent of your money. they are -- they are taking care of your health care, your pensions. they're telling you you can hire, what the regulations will be. you want to suck up to your little liberal friends and say, oh, but we want to legalize pot. you know, if you're a little more manly you would tell them what your position on a plan a discussion -- discrimination is. it's always we want to legalize
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pot. john: last week before the students get to ask questions, game marriage. why can't case did marry? >> well, they can. they have to marry a member of the opposite sex. john: like get them hermite -- marry a member of their sex? this is another one. john: we believe the individual should be left alone. >> but my reason, libertarians are gays or anything else, marriage is the most important institution to civilize steel and people. five want to make divorce a lot more difficult. liberals want to destroy -- this is an important point. liberals want to destroy the family so that we will have won loyalty, and that is to the government. john: i'm sure you want to weigh in year. >> i really am just kind of
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annoyed with the fact that you're just perpetuating stereotypes that all libertarians are stunners. i have never smoked pot before. i never want to. i never want to try. in all honesty the drugs that are legal, i don't want to try any of them. >> i don't think any of you are stunners. your nerves. you ask me about pot legalization. >> my question is how is it any of your business what i choose to put in my body of fun not affecting anyone else? >> first of all, your very mob like. second of all, it is my business
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john: via living in a welfare state. we talk about drug legalization. right now i have to pay. it turns out down the pike new health care. your unemployment and can hold a job. after pay for your food, housing . >> were not using any of those programs and a hypothetical world, then would be okay with it? john: kiffin have a socialist country and even have to pay for their drug use. >> that's exactly the point of saying you guys ought to be concentrating on. we live in a welfare state. john: she will answer the question. all right. john: all the drugs to be legale did not have the socialist health care system. >> as it would not care. john: next question. >> robert thomas from the college of charleston. yours is lovely tonight, i think. you look great. [applause]
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a lot of respect. but i kind of have a problem with the way the you're talking about a marriage and with the libertarians are talking about can marriage because i've kind of always seen the libertarian position again marriage is a third way. we know say what the liberals say, the government should define it one way or the other. we say that the government should not be involved in a marriage of all. [applause] my question is, what is wrong with that third wave position that ron paul is advocating? >> again, we are way past that point. think it would be hard to achieve in any event. the government issues divorce decrees, alimony orders, child-support, child custody. we are beyond the point of saying i just think government should not be -- they are involved. john: okay. ne.
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>> i just went to ask what gives you the idea that people who are in a third party, specifically because they won't compromise their beliefs withheld an opinion just to suck up to a bigger party? >> i think there are much bigger issues. if you're a genuine libertarian, there's an awful lot to be privatizing right now. why did we have an education department out of washington d.c.? what we have a commerce department, agricultural subsidies? real living in a nation that is 70 percent socialist. there are serious issues where we can really use free marketeers. that's why i say your sucking up to liberals. less to say that things liberals would like. >> my question has to do with marriage and the fact that you
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just think it should be more difficult for people to get divorced. @% an independent woman who is put myself through college and also as someone who is about my own home with my own money, going through a divorce, and this is the most difficult thing never had to do. why you think should be more difficult for someone to get divorced. >> well, i don't know your personal circumstances. i might also don't like anecdotal examples, but when you buy a refrigerator to break a contract to return your refrigerator more difficult in those states that to break a marriage contract. >> it's very difficult. it's been a year. >> should be easier to get rid of a mechanical device. >> it's been a year in the still very difficult. >> i don't know what the laws are in your state. a very state to state. john: we can solve that year.
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obviously you press the buttons. i think you f that. please thank her for going into the lion's nest. coming about, the democrats any better?
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john: welcome back to the students for every conference. and coulter just defended republicans. now dennis kucinich will defend democrats. >> a nest in a familiar role. john: a liberal congressman for many years. it's true, you have criticized democrats. but you, like most democrats call what government to spend so much money. >> i don't want government to spend money on war. don't want government to spend money sending our jobs overseas to china. john: social security, medicare. >> rock-solid. look. we have entered generational compact year. you know, your parents and grandparents did something to help you get to where you are. part of the responsibility, one generation has to the next, make
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sure tt their grandparents are not going to live in poverty. john: it's unsustainable. i really refuse to die. i'm a baby boomer. i meant a flood one. these and people have to fund my heth care, medicare. >> wait a minute. until you social security will be there. >> but medicare is the big one. >> that me tell you. right now the united states spends about $3 trillion a year for health care. one out of every $2 goes for corporate profits, stock options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing. it has nothing to do with care for people. john: what would you do? >> you have a not-for-profit health care system where people have -- that's what i stand for. medicare for all. and you actually have lower costs because right now you could reduce the cost of health care in america by $800 billion per year if you had a
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not-for-profit system. john: to new it would be so easy >> you know what to look at every other industrialized nation. john: you agree with the president. you want to raise the minimum wage more. john: if it kept pace with inflation will be $10.20. john: spend money to try to stop climate change. >> wait a minute. climate change is a fact. john: spend money to try to the reduced. >> we need to protect the global climate. this is the place for we live. finding new ways to use your technology that is available. john: let's hear from her students about this. >> virginia tech. you would not raise taxes for most programs for inflation and other debt, debt increases.
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how is that different than a direct tax? [applause] >> first of all, let's look how we spend money. this government waste money? you bet it does. as a democrat programs with government wasting trillions of dollars. the tenth anniversary, we were eventually going to have a bill between five and $6 trillion. wait a minute. wait a minute. no. stop. that is not necessary. you have to pay for it. so let's -- john: you're dodging the question. >> no, not. john: how does the spendinget paid for when you want to cover -- >> to stop spending. [talking over each other] john: that's look at the insurance companies. $50 billion.
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>> that is a cost of climate change. you cannot put that off. john: nothing to do with climate change. >> i have a medical condition and pay my own medical bills. it's unfair to ask complete strangers. ecologists students to contribute to what you think it susceptible to impose an undue burden on young people? john: who would pay for you without government help? >> i would. i currently work three jobs will going to school full-time. [applause] >> we have to understand that the rising cost of health care is a societal problem. lincoln said that the government
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should be involved in doing to people collectively what they cannot do themselves individually. when you're talking about the financing of the cost of health care, that is totally in line with the philosophy. john: thank you, dennis kucinich that answers yoor question. take the money by force from other people. >> not by force. i didn't say that, john. [applause] john: doggy dogg and to each other up. is it right that president obama convince the you are terrorist can kill you? by next guest says yes.
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♪ [applause] john: you libertarian students respect the constitution. and this does say that it is government's job to provide for the common defense. good. people do want to kill us. i say if they're going to kill me i want them to it die first. but does that mean that our president can send machines to fly over pakistan? we have not declared war on pakistan. ascends drones that killed 1,000 people because pentagon officials say these people a terrorist? yes, says the american government and former u.n.
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ambassador john bolton says it is morally right to kill these people with drones and we are safer because of it. it does not seem morally right. take the word of some government officials that this guy is a terrorist and send a machine to kill him and to kill civilians along with him. >> well, the whole point of the war on terror from the perspective of the terrorist is to abuse the rules we have tried to create over hundreds of years to separate the combatants from innocent civilians. so the war on terror is different from traditional state to state war. the commander-in-chief authority vested by the constitution in the president gives in the direction over the were capabilities of the united states. his efforts both in the bush and obama administration to go after the terrorist, i think is entirely justified both by the constitution and by our inherent
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right of self-defense. john: american kill anybody anywhere? >> of course not. listen to what i just said. the constitution gives the president the commander in chief authority, subject to congressional check through the appropriations process, to defend the united station -- united states against attack. john: i don't get how that is an answer. >> he said in the president kill anybody anywhere, and the obvious answer is no. john: if these people are identified as a threat to america. >> if they are part of the terrorist attack that has been the effort that has been waged against the united states these last 20 years, yes. john: don't you think that makes us new enemies? when the drone sense something down that kills a group of people, they kill children and cousins. doesn't that make new terrorists who will try to kill us? >> i believe that our military does everything that it can to avoid civilian casualties.
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that is not avoidable sometimes because of the way the terrorists conduct themselves, living among civilians. john: the pauling's show most americans support your position. 83 percent support using jones, 79 percent against american citizens. so i'm sure you want to weigh in here. your comments. >> hi. george mason university. you said drones are justified because the president is subject to congressional authority and has the duty to defend american citizens. ignoring for a moment, do you really think he has been subject to that much congressional authority? >> the framers, the framers of the constitution had just one of our country's independence by war. they knew the threat was that we faced as a small country. they knew we needed an energetic capability to defend ourselves. they wanted a strong commander-in-chief. they created a


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