tv The Willis Report FOX Business February 28, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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mortgage sector because of regulation, so i agree with jamie on that. melissa: let me get you back in here. it seems like we are seeing is the government is the problem. the government has its hand in everything. there the problem. >> can i just point at something, can we just from that it was a couple of years ago we were terrified at the prospects of the biggest banks in america could go belly up. created almost a worldwide meltdown. our government stepped in to stop that liquidity problem. we should be happy they are very well. it took the government, 40 percent of mortgages, right now 40 percent are with an -- without any down payment at all. that is government policy and fha, not the banks. >> there is a big price. melissa: get in there. >> a huge price that we all paid for that, and the better market study details showing it will end up costing the country over $12 trillion. that is the problem with too big to fail.
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when jamie dimon says he agrees to big to fail should end, he is not being totally honest because his bank benefits tremendously from the subsidies and benefits that have been documented over and over again. they want to keep their privileged status. the rest of the country that change the bills and should stop it. melissa: taking advantage of the situation as the lead at this time. >> shareholders. >> but the lawyers and lobbyists deployed to kill financial regulation cannot be done to keep their privileged place in too big to fail. >> well, i disagree with you guys. melissa: we have to leave it there. have no idea what time it is, think it's over. that's all the we have for you today. "the willis report" is next. ♪
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gerri: hello, everyone. i'm gerri willis. tonight on "the willis report" the shocking case of fraud and abuse of the department of veteran affairs. government with a scheme to make things more efficient. also, baby boomers divorcing at a surprising rate. house saying i don't can cost you in ways you may never have thought of. one of the most powerful women ceos in the country bad for women? to what our panel of powerful women have to say about it. "the willis report" is of the case. ♪ gerri: all that and more coming up later in the show. first tonight, our top story, something we here at "the willis report" branch of life nearly every night, government waste, fraud, and abuse.
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a billion dollars at the department of defense and veterans affairs according to new reports. officials were given $4 billion during 2004 to streamline medical record-keeping by 2017. that process was harder than i thought but they had already spent a billion dollars, and nothing to show for it. medicare, more than $5 billion with the department of health and human services. according to the department's inspector general over 5 billion taxpayer dollars had been wrongly given to nursing homes. what is wrong about that? well, about one-third of medicare patients are winding up in homes that fail to meet federal quality of care rules. often these people don't get the care and attention that they need. sometimes they get too much. residents were getting treatment they did not need because it was in the best interest of the homes as they figured they would just get reimbursed by medicare.
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i have to tell you, i have seen this myself. the nursing home caring for my grandmother who was bedridden by alzheimer's billed medicare for speech therapy. she was not conscious of the time. she was not going to talk. the bill them anyway. and then there is the abuse. and the congressional report showing taxpayers picked up the tab for nearly 900 lavished big ticket conferences to the tune of $340 million. this is just last year alone, so that does not even include the loss vegas-held by the gsa back in 2010. we told you about that one. just as the department of 107 conferences and the cost of nearly 59 million, the viejo, 157 costing taxpayers nearly $73 million, including $53,000 to produce a parody of the film patent. and the department of health and human services, 140. the big kahuna, the big one, the defense department holding 300 conferences in one year which
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costs $89 million. and, oh, yes. i'm not done with the abuse yet. eleven and a half million at the fbi. the fbi should be a pillar of all others rightness' country, but between two dozen seven and 2011 the fbi director along with attorney general for obama and bush racked up nearly 700 flighn fbi-sponsored luxury sets -- jets. supposedly needed for counter-terrorism. while no one thinks the ag and fbi director should be flying coach, none of these flights were for the intended purpose, and more than one-quarter were for personal reasons. meanwhile, everyone from the defense department to hhs to the mailman is saying these so-called drastic cuts septet take effect tomorrow will bring the economy crashing down around us. 85 billion other one year. and the last two months alone has 86 nap billion dollars. i don't see any of the sky falling. joining me now, president of
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citizens against government waste. what can we read of this waste? >> there are some of the entrenched constituencies in washington, it makes it extremely difficult to read of even the most obvious waste. as you recall, the first organization to identify pork-barrel projects within became known as earmarks' back in 1991. earmark moratorium finally took place in 2010. it takes years to rid of the most ridiculous and not be as waste. gerri: i just don't get it. is it because it is government? these are not ceo department heads. these are folks working on the public dole. i guess they figure who cares. >> there is a little bit of that going around. we heard stories from people we have been speaking with about efforts to improve efficiency. the walk in with plans of will cut spending.
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we don't care. it does not affect them. if you make things more efficient will lose a few people in my agency. that is the point of improving efficiency. gerri: your total department gets smaller when you make these tough choices. want to talk to you about this medicare program and what is going on because this really bothers me, this person, shoot. you know, one out of every three patients that landed in the sizing and facilities in 2009 were in unsay facilities. the government is bankrolling bad facilities with our taxpayer dollars. this is just immoral. >> it is ridiculous, and even have new quality service to try to figure out which ones are working and which ones are not, and they cannot really monitor whether or not any of these surveys are effective. in some cases -- gerri: why not? >> the center for medicare and medicaid services.
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they created this survey and send it out and when they come back here not quite sure whether they're following a properly. the same principle as spending money and not caring what the outcome will be which is unfortunately why we have these problems in washington. gerri: spending nearly $600 billion on medicare every year, and we can get this right? you know, if you don't spend the money wisely, you should not get all. really, if we cannot do it the right way, why should we? that is just the way i feel about it. >> well, the problem is, when you start talking about spending it directly everyone says, you will send people up on the streets and it will start. like the president said a few days ago. and don't want to choose between educating children and providing day care. this catastrophic you of sequestration which interestingly, if nothing occurs as a result of sequestration, no one notices spending cuts, the president loses on this issue because we have cut 85 billion no one noticed. i think it is probably was going to happen.
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gerri: well, i just the point of one thing about this veterans program. this whole thing was started nine years ago. nine years ago. there are going to try to bring all of these documents together for veterans and active duty military, maker of electronic. one of the congressman said in the private sector this would have been done by now. oh, yes. that's right. thanks for coming out tonight. great to have you want. i know you are on the right side of this issue. keep fighting the good fight for all of us taxpayers. >> thanks. gerri: welcome a taxpayer spending is at an all-time high, stocks are getting so close, so close. well, most of the day the markets were up. the dow at one point within 15 points of the record, but it did not last long. the rally disappeared by the closing bell. my next guest says the markets are still the best place for your cash. joining me now, editor of money news altman wealth report. welcome back to the show. you make the comparison for
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individual investors. you want of money market fund? what do you do with your money? >> were also you going to put your money? previous market tops that interest rates were not as low as they are right now. we are at historic lows, so you're not going to make any money competing with inflation and the rise. gerri: but the stock market. what is good about stocks right now? >> what is good about stocks right now is you have yields of two, three, 4% on a lot of major household names out there in stocks. but also the valuations are still fairly reasonable. setting to get a little more toward overvaluation, but we are not there yet. a little above average, historical price-earnings ratios, and dividends are still there right now as well. gerri: i look at how this is getting covered, this rise to the . the stock charts are something
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else, are they? beautiful pictures. my point is this, and i want you to hear this. people who are individual investors in the market right now and have been in the market for a long time, we are only returning to where we were five years ago. i have lost five years of ground. at last five years against my retirement. mothers and fathers have lost five years in saving for their children's college education. this is not euphoria time for individual investors. this is still a cold, hard clout to get back to where we should be. we are not there yet, not yet. have you respond? >> i agree. markets went up a lot many years ago and they have taken a number of years to consolidate. of the toilet corporate earnings catch up with stock valuations. now stock valuations are more justified year at these levels because the corporate earnings
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-- gerri: come on. i get valuations. we have been talking about it, but this issue for individual investors. you cannot get excited about this we have seen the dark side, when you been to the last five years. it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. you know, you want to be enthusiastic and optimistic and upbeat, but at the end of the day you know just how bad it can get. what do you say to individual investors who are trying to make the right decision, trying to save, trying to get ahead? >> you have to stick with the long-term picture. over time stocks are going to appreciate and outpace inflation. there will be times when they don't, but when you are looking in a career over ten, 20, 30 years, used put money away and will do better than if he had kept the stock under a mattress are and as see the. gerri: some of us don't have 30 years. wish we did. thank you for coming on and being such a good sport. think it is always important to think about, as you say, long-term and both sides of the
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equation. thank you so much. >> absolutely. good to be with you. gerri: well, we have more to come including a scary trend among couples in their golden -- fifties aren't building years. people in their 50's. that could mean huge money issues. one of the craziest things i ever this week. former treasury secretary telling other people how to solve a financial crisis. stay with us. ♪
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the nation should do in response to financial crises. i for one say no. look, four years after they went out of business and the economy picks stand to the darkest recession since the great depression, the economy is still unacceptable. banks may be reporting record profits and big bonuses, but on some much of main street the real recovery is yet to start. and i believe it was the medicine applied to the patient by dr. geithner that is responsible for all of this. he claims that what he and president of new york fed and other did, the best solution to that otherwise would have been the collapse of the banking sector. but that can't be the only aren't -- yardstick measuring the success. what we did as a nation was a giveaway to the banks and auto makers to much, far too much money in bailouts, support, and in fact, we are still doing it. many on wall street will tell
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you privately the market's rally. based on the federal reserve easing money policy which is a strategy that geithner is fully behind. when it comes to the troubled assets relief program their fond of saying the government made money. banks and financial institutions still a $146 billion in t.a.r.p. funds including the government's ongoing stakes in companies like fannie and freddie, allied financial, general motors, chrysler. the list goes on. as well as more than 4 billion treasury had written off in real life losses of nearly 10 billion. taxpayers, well, we will never get that back. if this is success, what would failure look like? i can tell you the stories about kendis failure to pay $30,000 in taxes. he was in charge of the irs. as a regulator he believes, like his mentors, that failure
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containment was would need to be done. regulators coming after a crisis in the cleanup. you know what, that means the problems that they never get solved. our nation's largest banks are still too big to fail, and there is not a darn thing in dodd-frank that prevents the government from bailing them out over and over and over again. only one thing is for certain. the next bubble bursting will be bigger and more threatening. next time it will be a real crapshoot whether the government even has the resources to clean the mess up. instead of teachhng seminars on what to do in the crisis maybe they can teach them what not to do. later in the shell as they worked test break the glass ceiling, as feminism become a dirty word? in divorce is becoming a phenomenon among baby boomers and their retirement is taking the brunt of the blow. we're covering your assets next. ♪ look, if you have copd like me,
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♪ gerri: the divorce rate among our nation's baby boomers is escalating to new heights, and it is only expected to get worse. the number of great divorce is doubled over the past decade with went for being among couples over the age of 50. divorce attorney joining me now with the consequences this has a retirement.
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this teeseven thing divorces typically at almost every age, but certainly at 50, a financial disaster. >> always a financial disaster. divorce is lost. you don't come out whole and you cannot expect to. what you want to do is come out with as much as you can and as seamlessly as possible. gerri: out you do that? contentious. everyone is arguing over everything. people are hoarding money, for goodness sakes. how do you make it as smooth as possible? >> well, you decide who you are going to pay. if you'd like to pay the lawyers in you're welcome to because you can create all kinds of battles. you can create all kinds of conflict. in the and it is not going to advance the ball. the old, i don't want to pay my lawyer, but some people, i would rather pay my lawyer than a year. well, you know, that is really stupid. all tell you, i think older
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people handle divorce better. gerri: more mature. right? the kids may be of the nest. what else to they have? >> they also realize that life is not what they had planned. they have come to think said that. so i think it is easier said deal with the punches. someone in their 20's and 30's. they cannot believe that their life is falling apart. gerri: the most surprising, single most surprising thing for boomers to go into divorce? they have seen in all, have friends of gotten divorced probably. they have been around, but once you experience a yourself would think it is all other cuttlefish. >> it is lost. it is loss of a lifestyle. it is loss of a dream. it is loss of a station in life. i think the women who are not working of the ones that suffer the most. men can recover, but if a woman
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has been stay-at-home for 20-30 years she will be a respect to getting the job at age 60 and support herself when she has been living with her husband who makes a couple hundred thousand dollars a year. she will do some maintenance and alimony, and she will be part of his retirement, is use that gun to have the skill to go and rebuilt. he will. gerri: give me one bit of a vise. your single best advice for people in that age category, what is a? >> get real. get a lawyer. good counseling. gerri: i will tell you what i tell my husband. we have been married a long time and i said, nobody gets out alive. uniting away from me. thank you so much. >> thank you. gerri: more americans are falling behind on repaying student loans and returns threatening their ability to obtain mortgages and other credit and their future. according to the federal reserve bank of new york more than 31 percent of people with
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student loans at the end of last year or 90 or more days delinquent. the delinquency rate is pretty increasing. less than 25%. at the end of last year the student debt amounted to $966 billion. these end up putting up with families and homeowners which serves the entire economy. bad news for gasol. coming up, all we will perform an autopsy on the city of detroit. next, why one of the most notable female ceos on wall street says it is. this panel will lay in. ♪
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ultimatum for employees working at home. show up to your desks or lose your job. she says of the best decisions and insights come from a hallway and cafeteria discussions. speaking quality is often sacrificed will work from home. this has led a firestorm among self-proclaimed feminist begging the question what role should feminist play end program america. joining me now, senior policy analyst for the independent women's forum. correspondent for the next generation. attorney here with me and said. the one to read this to you. this is what really caught my attention. i don't think that i would consider myself a feminist. i believe that women are just as capable, if not more so, but don't have the militant drive and sort of the chip on my shoulders that sometimes comes with that feminism has become in many ways a more negative word. what do you say? >> absolutely right.
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i agree 100 percent of was csn. women are capable. there are in power. she believes in equal rights. she is not saying is he's going to label herself, not claiming she got this far in her career because she is a winner because she was part of a feminist movement. and i think it is an objective fact that today people look at the word feminism differently than they did in the decade ago. that is what she was commenting on. gerri: and curious what you have to say about this because i think the faces of feminism have changed over time. people react to that. do you agree? >> i do. believes most mainstream american women are going to totally understand where she is coming from and these comments. idea because, i like to identify myself as a feminist, when i do, like most people, i feel that i need to clarify exactly what i mean and i use that term. and i believe it has become a dirty word, but it is a word with many different meanings to
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many different people. gerri: of want to ask you about this stay-at-home moms. a fit over the comments about staying at home. the irony is that they have broken glass ceiling the seem unwilling for other women to leave a balanced life and what's the cure for the families and still concentrate on developing their skills and careers. what do you say that? >> they're absolutely right. it is disappointing. she is, if anyone cannot should understand that difficult it is to balance a successful career while also, you know, balancing of family life. rear-ended timer and our people are trying to pay their bills, to take care of they're children, take care of their elderly, sick parents. and a 95 job is not for everyone some people come are just as well, if not better if they're at home. so i think that this one-size-fits-all. gerri: and going to have to respectfully disagree. she did not say we will have to make everyone 9-to-5 in that being a massive bad thing. her concern is not with every
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individual family. making yahoo a better and more profitable company, which she has done. >> not have the technology to get people together and come up with ideas. was she has said is that there has been objective -- verifiable problems. so they're stopping it. several months. at eight. gerri: here is what i think is interesting. we know that women make only $0.77 and the dollar that men make. one of the big problems is women leave the workforce to raise kids. so there is an issue here. to you. do you think it is fair that stay-at-home moms may miss out on the ball with this company? >> i hear that think the important point is in a marketplace where the labor market is pretty more robust, women can make choices about where they want to go to work and find the right fit, the
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right workplace policy for them. i am someone who has worked in a traditional office space. i have also spent time working from home, and i enjoy that flexibility so much. in fact, some women make a conscious decision to work from home or to work shorter hours and in exchange take a smaller paycheck. that is a freedom that i think women should have and it's ours a lot of women make. gerri: a strange person might in this debate. richard branson, no kidding. yours truly has never work done in office and never will. this seems a backward step in an age oral working is easier and more effective than ever. working right is not 95 anymore. companies that do not embrace this are missing a trick. it is interesting. not even talking about feminism. he is just saying the you ought to be able to work for mom's. but st. these people are now working from home. they're staying home and i am paying a man i am not kidding when i think should. gerri: a little bit strange that he is not charming in of this, but the truth is, you can agree with both of them and not be
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inconsistent because i think he's right. there has to be some sort of flexibility, by the same token, if it is now working for guy houk, he's making the right decision. gerri: what do you say? >> it sounds like they're not working, this seems ridiculous. if you have good management skills you should know what everyone is doing even if they're not the room with you. gerri: -- >> i'm excited because this seems to be in an experimental phase. employers will compete for the best and brightest workers by offering them more flexibility. super setting for women in my generation who want to have that work life balance, want to have a family to my career, and we will get to watch a play out. they made a wrong decision. gerri: enough of the waiting.
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thank you for coming on. you guys are absolutely fantastic. thank you. now we want to know what our audience thinks. here is our question. has feminism become a bad word? log on. but on the right hand side of the screen. i was said results of the end of the show. meanwhile, in the wake of j.p. morgan recent trading laws, shareholders have proposed splitting the role of the chairman and ceo. a large number of u.s. companies combine both roles. melissa frances sat down in the last hour a short time ago to discuss this issue. >> the flexibility to decide what is appropriate for that company. perfectly good reasons to separated. there is in fact worse. separate chairman and ceo. the chairman and ceo. the people that dominate the rest of the board. the one everyone equal. gerri: to be clear, also said he
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loves having both titles. investors will vote on the latest proposal of the company's annual meeting in may. when we come back, while lsd left is furious at president obama and, next, a city with a vibrant past and desire future. how detroit died. and at what if anything can be done to save it. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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tonight. you're ever in what is a very important book on the city. i've been there many times myself. how did it come to this. tell us what looks like today. >> falling down. we have 88,000 abandoned structures. the packard plan the clothes in the 50's's is still there, writing, square-mile. it burns every day. and children live next to it. it pulls the side of the city down which pulls the city down, which pulls the state down. gerri: unbelievable to me. there was a city the best paid workers in the country, so wealthy from on the open up and what went wrong? >> a lot of things. a big racial issues that we never confronted like the south did.
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unions took a big bite. management won along with it. everyone got paid. we made bad cars. japanese started making good cars. oriole embargoes, trade pacts. lots of things all of wants. 2008 comes. the realistic elapses. that is the death nail. the whole country feels like a manufacturing now live think. gerri: of dangerous is that city now? when i was there i think i was in now or will never read. i was nervous. >> this is a rough joint. chicago made international headlines. 505 murders, the population of nearly 3 million people. detroit's population 695,000, 415 murders. we don't even count our crime properly because we close the police stations at 4:00, and you can tolidine and it's usually busy, so we have no statistical way of really telling you how it
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has gotten for living, breathing people who live here. what we have to do is fix our government. we have to fix our political institutions because that is what got us here. gerri: it's interesting. of the then skirted up. >> that's right. the luster of public and air in detroit, went to federal prison. so this is just a culture, -- gerri: how you change the culture? >> when you're rich it did not matter for everyone was corrupt because paychecks cover things up, but now we're broke. so a lot of thanks to the federal government. first of all, thanks for bailing out our auto companies because they're making money again. we need to hear manufacturing in this country. too, thanks to the fbi for coming in and tearing through town. our former mayor, the jury might
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come back tomorrow. gerri: come on. he was a mess. i feel for you. it sounds like the city might be making a slight turn your. do you see improvement? >> i do. again, the car companies are making money. we are routine on corruption. trade with canada. all we have to do is fix today. gerri: thanks for coming on. great book. appreciate your time. >> thank you. cool to be year. gerri: detroit is also back on top of the forbes list of the most miserable cities in america. there lelas no one wants to be on. everything from violent crime to falling home prices. detroit is a tough place to live. in tonight's top five, the other major cities on a list. number five, vallejo, california. this city is in dire financial straits. spending nearly three years in bankruptcy. starting to recover in 2011.
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modesto, california. spending a lot of time in california. unemployment tops 15 percent, and nearly 4 percent of all homes in the city erin foreclosure. number three, chicago. well many people proud to be from the windy city, there are ridiculously long commutes and plummeting and prices. according to forbes immigration right out of chicago is the sixth worst in the nation. the weather probably does not help either. number two, rockford, illinois. now and an unemployment rate of more than 11%. to make matters worse, really high property taxes. number one, most miserable city decides detroit, detroit's neighbor, flint, michigan. demolishing home after home as the city has the second-highest out migration raid behind only detroit. also ranking third worst for violent crime behind detroit and memphis. boulder, colorado is america's happiest city.
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they can smoke dope legally. still to come, my "2 cents more@ i shocking comments from the president some of the biggest fast-food chains in the country and talk about closing loopholes . allowing the president to be part of a super pac. details next. ♪ [ lorenzo ] i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one.
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that company, the united states postal service® wos for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. gerri: paying for access to the president. coming up, of fund-raising scheme by former obama staffers that is causing an outrage on both sides of the aisle.
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campaign staff. donors can be part of an advisory board which will have quarterly meetings in washington d.c. guess to the best appearance will be made by? the president. the cost for access to president obama, half a billion dollars a year. here to weigh and, welcome to both of you. we will start with you. what is your reaction to this? >> i think the president had long ago sacrificed any claim that he had to the moral high ground on campaign finance. a guy who ran for office in 2008 saying that he was so opposed to money corrupting politics that he would not even have lobbyists in his administration anywhere. those who did had to have a special waiver. this has now gone. there is no pretense that he is doing this anymore. asked about this the other day, someone asked him pre directly held this is not pay to play. a very difficult time answering for four minutes and 30 seconds time to come up with the defense
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that it was not pay to play. gerri: you look at this. you know about fund-raising because your a fund-raiser for both mitt romney and george bush, as they understand it. does this meet your standard? >> i think it is really remarkable because here is president obama campaigned that he will change washington and what we find out is washington is chased him and he is doing something far beyond what think it's ever been done before, this $500,000 to be on the advisory committee, and we heard all about the so-called small donors that fuel the obama campaign. what is shocking about this -- white is the feel the need now to go to half a million in said of the small donors that he has been so successful with before? does not make sense. gerri: what was the media reaction if this was george w. bush during the exact same thing? >> can you imagine? it would go and find -- on the first time of disclosure that would go and find whenever while money was there, and that would be the front page above the fold
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story of the new york times. i think, you know, the lsc has said that they are going to disclose their donors. at least some other donors. i would think that they might set a good example by disclosing in real time all of they're donors and all of the donations as they come in. if they don't do that they should be pressed very hard as to why they're choosing not to. gerri: wire the choosing standards for disclosure. this was supposed to be the most transparent president we have ever seen. >> i think that, look, they want to raise money for people. they don't want to have to disclose it. president obama really wanted to be the agent of change that he campaigned on, he should have that type of disclosure, but i don't think that he will because it is not want people to know that he wants to take advantage of the fact that he can raise big dollars and the people find out rate -- later rather than sooner. gerri: money is power. this organization, organization for action, out their e-mailing on behalf of the president. i mean, they're pushing the political message.
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here's one that put out recently. it has to do with the sequestered. i promised myself i would not say that word today, but i did. prepare yourself for job layoffs, reduced access to earlier education was lower emergency response, slashed health care, and more people living on the street. what is your reaction? >> this is of a peace with the messes that we are hearing from the administration. i think this will backfire for them on this particular debate. they have gone so far beyond the line in hyping what is going to happen as a result of a sequester. those kinds of messages, i think most people rightly see them as basically in distinguishable, those the kinds of things that i think are going to be thrown back in their face when the apocalypse is upon us. gerri: arnie duncan, secretary of education was saying, you know, we are sending out pink slips already. it turns out not true. nothing to do with the sequestered. there might be one are to teach is losing their jobs, but
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nothing to do with washington. >> and i am surprised that administration officials would do this. when the secretary of education is called out on something like that, being so disingenuous, it is reducing the credibility of not just the administration officials but also president obama himself, diminishing his presidency by using scare tactics, and a by the press is calling a moderate. gerri: maybe they should do more. thank you for coming on tonight. great conversation. appreciate your time. >> thanks. gerri: well, today in history, time for that. where were you 30 years ago tonight? if you are one of the 121 million people, you were watching the series finale of mash with back in 1983 after 11 seasons and 251 episodes, the two and a half-hour family movie is still, still, even today, the most watched at the seven scripted television never, ever. cbs brought in 400 a dozen dollars from that last episode. the show was adapted from a
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feature film and it was said on the front lines of the korean war. the time came for the initials from the mobile army surgical hospital and was one of the first companies to show real drama. and when financial group route often seen on this network starred in the show for the first three seasons, leaving eight years before the record-breaking show. but you know, this series finally, my mother loves the show, aired today, february 28, 30 years ago. pretty cool. we'll be right back with my "2 cents more" and the answer to our question of the day. as feminism become a dirty word? a bad word. stay with us. ♪ we know a place where toing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when ting lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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