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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 28, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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[laughter] of. >> that is an excuse for the researchers to get drunk. >> it would explain so much. >> one point* $5 million to develop a solar panel like. real or fake? >> you are killing it break. annihilating the competition spinach you cannot have a solar powered bike. >> that does not mean they don't study it. >> $1 million for a wax museum in national. >> you got one right. [laughter] that is fake. final jeopardy. $100,000 for review game about aliens saving plan is
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to climate change. real or fake? >> what is the answer? >> israel. you are the winner of this court is an authentic and bloodied meat cleaver. >> no way i can leave the building with that. the moment i walked out i've arrested by security. [laughter] john: it is silly but it makes a point* the next time politicians say recant that remember there's so much garbage sometimes you cannot tell what is fake. that's our show. thank you for watching. i am john stossel. good night.
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president obama promised it wouldn't happen, but now it is here. sequestration has arrived, the senate today voted down two separate proposals. it was at least a day of bipartisan fertility as they were voted down. the two bills were the final chance for congress to replace the arbitrary sequester spending cutshat go into effect tomorrow. incredibly the g.o.p. proposal would have conveyed congressional discretionary power to the president to determine how $44 billion in cuts would be applied specifically to the budget. presidt obama, however, not only wanted none of that flexibility and apparently none of that responsibility. he even threatened to veto.
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>> some people have said well, maybe we will t the president the flexibility and he can make the cuts he wants and that way it won't be as damaging. there is no smart way to do that. there is no smart way to do that, you don't want to choose between to a close funding for the disabled kid or the poor kid? do i close this navy shipyard or some other one? lou: republican plan failed by a vote of 62-38 receiving only two democratic votes. the president issued the veto threats to make sure the cuts would not become his sole responsibility, of course. the senate minority leader blasted the president for complaining about the republican legislation and mitch mcconnell told hi the voters expect a lot more from their leaders. >> but now, get this, he's
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complaining having extra authority might mean he would actually have to choose which programs to reserve and which ones to cut. but he would have to prioritize spending within the federal government. with due respect, mr. president, that a lot of people who voted for you think that is your job to make those tough decisions. lou: but the harshest criticism of the president and his failures of leadership originating with republican senator lindsey graham. senator graham reminding president obama he is the mmander-in-chief and that the president will find his next visit to a military base uneasant. >> the next time you go on a military base, good luck looking at the men and women in the eye because i don't know how you could. you are the commander-in-chief of the united states. they trust you, they need you. mr. president, you have let them down.
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how you could have considered this as acceptable outcome just makes me sick to my stomach. to me this is pathetic leadership by the commander-in-chief, this is an abandonment of the republican party's belief in peace and strength, this is the low point in my time in the united states congress. lou: in the white house trying to walk back the sequester scare tactics that they have employed for the past six weeks putting the blame on the media. here's press secretary jay carney saying the military was ramping up and twisting the words of white house officials. >> i think reporters are the ones suggesting all of this was going to happen the stroke after midnight when sequester goes into effect. we have always been clear about the fact when you talk about furloughs, notices go out. it is always a 30 day warning period lou: white house press secretary jay carney seemingly desperate to mitigate all of the
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scary rhetoric of the past six weeks and not succeeding because even the liberal "new york times" today admitted sequestration and the obama administration's efforts to scare the american public about its effects are at be disingenuous. the times wrote president obama's team concedes that almost certain arrival of across-the-board budget cuts will not immediately produce the politically dramatic layoffs and airport delays that the administration h been warning about for days. the "washington post" running this headline on the front page, sequester gets ahead of reality, that is putting it kindly, and the post giving education secretary arnie duncan the education leader for this administration in tokyo for all of his pink slips for teachers that teach her claim utterly
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farcical. it is a stroke of th president's pen which in all likelihood will come sometime tomorrow at the senate, the house and the president failed to compromise negotiator even discusses solution face-to-face. it may happen, we will see. fox news chief congressional congressman two correspondent has more on the last ditch effort to the spending cuts. >> the republican bill would keep in place a massive cut to domestic and defense spending and it wouldn't replace them, it would lock them in. >> senator pat toomey says the goal wa is providing possibility for the president to agencies like the pentagon to carry out more strategically. >> he can go on the defense side, he can go to his agency and department heads on the nondefense side and say you have been used to budgets that keep growing and growing, that is
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what has been happening. >> some republicans and democratic leadership do not want to givehe executive ranch more power to move money. >> republicans should give flexibly to cut wastefulness, flexibility to ask the richest of the rich to contribute a little bit more. instead they have completely been inflexible. >> a plan that included new revenue have to be nonpartisan budget office said it would actually increase deficits by $7.2 billion over the next decade. it failed 51-49. meanwhile in interview for an upcoming fox documentary, the nate republican leaders is facing another deadline shouldn't have gotten to this point. >> there's n there is no reasonn 11th hour deal. why are we here? why are we here? at the 11th hour. no more 11th hour deals.
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>> predicting tomorrow's meeting at the white house the top four congressional leaders would be nothing more than a photo op. senator john mccain called today's action is a charade because both sides ew the alternative bills would not receive 60 votes. congress is done for the week at this point essentially and those cuts are just hours away from taking place. lou: thank you, fox news chief congressional correspondent. my guest tonight voted against the act of 2011 which created the sequester because it did not do enough to address entitlements. joining us now, house budget committee member of indiana, good to have you with us. i have to believe as we are watching the ugliness in the natis capital right now that you have to be pretty proud you didn't vote f that idiotic sequester, am i close to write? >> good evening, good to be with you. the deal that sets this up back in august of 2011, it didn't do
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enough to perform the real drivers of our debt. those frankly our social entitlement programs including medicare, medicaid, social security. lou: i understand, but aren't you proud for the fact you didn't vote for it? because it is a disaster right now. both parties in this look like fools. >> that is not the reason, the fact of the matter is now we are faced getting to spending reductions. we are at least trying to get our house in order, have many steps to take. lou: in all due respect,ou're talking about $44 billion in seven months on the federal budget, that doesn't add up to a pimple. that is pretty, pretty thin. >> i agree, there's a lot more to do, but at least finally getting to the busines of
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cutting the spending, that is whi will not link, i will not put up with this president and his antics at all. we are only talking about just under 3% of spending reduction here, and really it is a decrease in the increase in spending. the president thinks me cannot be inspected or fires will not be fought, if any of that happen if air traffic controllers have to leave the tower caps and all of that it will only happen because the president wants ito happen. i have managed five agencies without indiana secrety of state, two or 3% budget cut is very manageable. this president can do it, instead of the legal aliens let out of prison, he said that wasn't us, us being the white house. lou: arnie duncan said the teachers were already getting pink slips. when you have an administration
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lying to the public and they don't have the guts to call him on it, we have a problem in this country. national media only beginning to hold this administration responsible for what it says. "the new york times" fnally, the "washington post" finally saying there has to be some accountability before discussing reality here. >> thanks to programs like yours, we are getting the word out and the fact of the matter is a lot of us here aren't blinking. i'm proud of the work we have done not backing down to these scare tactics. next week we will take the remaining excuses off the table, we will say if you need flexibility, a lot of us don't think you do, you can manage this anyway, we are at least in terms of the defense department giving the generals the flexibility to leave tw lead.
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we will offer some of that flexibility so our national defense can be taken care of and we're going to keep removing these excuses off the table and make this president lead and i hope at the end of the day i can say congratulations, mr. president, you're finally doing her job after five years. lou: if you can do that, strip away the excuses, that would be terrific, but we also are now facing another issue beginning with the 27th of march when it is expected the spending authority of the united states government will and again, and the american people are pretty much at a bellyful of this late, last-minute dramatics the presid who i always heard him refer to as no drama obama, he is not supposed to be like that and it seems to be in his approach to what he calls leadership.
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>> that is all he knows, the reason we're in the continuing resolutions to fund government half-year to have here, the senate for four years hasn't passed a budget. here we are having to do a continued resolution around march 27 to fund the rest of the fiscal year. that is no way to run country, certainly families do not run this way, local government do not run this way. i have had enough. i just got here two years ago, i came here to do serious work and reduce the debt with paul ryan in the caucus, we wi get to it. i think every time this happens, the silver lining is more and more americans wake up to what is really happening here, d the mistakes they made electing this man president. lou: congressman, we thank you for being here. i agree with you on that statement, i do believe you are correct in your assessment. more and more americans are waking up to what in the world
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is happening in the nations capital. we thank you for being here, congressman. much more on sequestration, the political gamesmanship in washington and the reality of this 1% budget cut amounts to throughout this broadcast. the man who broke the watergate says he has been threatened by the presidents men and so have others. that is tonight "chalk talk." sequestration is here, apparently to stay. fox news analyst on the ♪ [ male announr ] to hold a patent that has changed the modern world... would define you as an innovator. to hold more than one patent of this caliber... would define you as a true leader. ♪ to hold over 80,000...
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lou: the five cohosts join us in just moments to debate the
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political ramifications of sequester. some excitement on wall street this afternoon, the dow flirted with all-time high coming within 15 points before selling off right at the senate failed to pass two alternatives to the sequester. the dow down 21 points. nasdaq lost two points. volume slightly higher than average. for the month, the dow up 1.4%, nasdaq gains six tenths of a percent, february a very good month indeed. before the opening bell today, the government reported the economy grew a little. a very little, a tenth of a percentage in the fourth quarter, better than the original estimate showing i shrank by .1%. weekly jobless claims down more than expected, down 22,000 last week, 344,000. in fact continuing jobless claims four and half year low.
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gold down almost $18 per ounce crude oil down $0.71 per barrel down nearly 6%. the price closing at $92.50 per barrel. the yield on the treasuries 10-year note dropping to 1.89%. senate majority leader harry reid accusing republicans of being completely influx. can you imagine they would say such a thing with refusing to accept higher taxes as a result of sequester. and also blaming them. >> it would be like you are told you have to have three fingers cut off and their proposal is to send this to the president and have him decide what finger will go first. republicans call it a plan that flexibility, let's call it what it is.
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lou: republicans trying to put the sequester cuts in perspective. >> you with the spending cuts mandated by the sequestration, 85 yen dollars in cuts, this administration will still have more money to spend this year than they did last year. hard to see how that would wreak devastation. lou: joining us now, cohost of "the five." od to have you both here, let me start with you. my golly, pretty impressive to see 1401 on the charts. i love the republican messaging i found powerful and perspective. >> it is sad. harry reid ringing up fingers. republicans have extended a fier toward harry reid, just a
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select one we cannot display on this pogrom. they have a challenge, first off i think they dropped the ball, they could have pushed for more. they had an opportunity, the president acking and crumbling, on his heels. they should have been pushing for entitlement reform and more cuts, now they have the opportunity. here's what they have to deal with going forward. if nothing happens and nobody dies or loses a finger saturday morning they have an opportunity to point out the president just doesn't have egg on his face, he has a whole omelette. anything that goes wrong, bad weather, somebody loses a job, they will blame it on the sequester. may even take credit for it if nothing happens he could pull a clinton, president obama. they don't look organized. lou: has the president employed the rhetoric of fear to such a
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degree, carried out a fear campaign that will backfire badly for the president and administration? >> andrea is right, at the moment it looks like it will not be as bad as you said, and if you listen to the president, his rhetoric has shifted, and will not be falling over the cliff, it'll be more like a slow tumbled down the hill. he is talking about cuts to first responders, teachers and the like and talmore about the idea that the effect on the economy could be dramatic and could slow things down but you look at wall street, wall street thinks these guys are going to start negotiating, they will negotiate until the end of march and that is how a deal will be made. when you look at the american people in terms of polling, they think sequester is a bad idea. the fox news poll has 45% saying
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this is a negative thing for a sequester to happen. lou: i have to correct you on that, partner, if i may. i want to show particularly the audience and juan williams as well showing a new budget deal focus, i would like to show as well as you look there was% believe sequester is absolutely necessary in order to get a budget deal cut, we have that? we don't have it. 57%. >> 57% say the question is how would the country get the budget deficit under control, 57% say automatic, unless it is forced down their thrt throats, it wont happen. lou: you have to give it up for the american people, they are not getting ps but all of this, they know what is going on.
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>> they also said 55% it should be a combination of cuts and taxes. that doesn't exempt the republicans. >> the foxews poll shows 83% of americans believe we have a huge spending problem in this country. the sequester is a confusg word, fiscal cliff was confusing, the president got tax hikes and spending cut last time. i am not saying th that people o took this poll knew what was going on, but this is confusing stuff and would everybody agrees on overwhelmingly is we have to cut government. lou: the "washington post" is giving four pinocchio. i think that tells us a lot. >> i think he fell on his face. >> and threatening reporters. >> you know, that i crazy.
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lou: i agree, it was crazy for them to threaten them. >> i don't think they threatened them. >> never, they are so nice in chicago. >> two lou: thank you, we appreciate it. vice president biden getting a self-defense technique that he migh have borrowed from the blade runner, you will be fascinated. and against the very media that supports them? what is going on? the subject of our "chalk talk" tonight. imagine, the white house lashing out at the lap dogs who seek to carry favor. unimaginable. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his sml business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every pchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark rd. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh!
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[ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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lou: tonight, this is sort of a congratulations to the members of the mainstream liberal media.
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i have been wanting to do this for a long time, and compliment you. you finally start pushing back against the obama administration. let's be honest, you have been taken for granted, haven't you? all it took was for a left-leaning legendary journalist to disclose that white house economic advisor had warned he might regret his reporting on the sequester. thanks to that, the national journal coming forwd with their own accounts of white house bullying. we can count at least seven other threats by this administtion. the white house just can't help itself, apparently. and the media because they are starting to show independence and wants to return to their
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responsibilities. but those numbers stayed away from it. and here are some of the examples of what happened with this white house, they started out early with my favorite outfit, fox, of course. october 2009 right off the bat the president tried to boycott fox news from a round of interviews with kenneth feinberg. the backlash eventually lead to a reversal by the obama white house. in april of 2010, get that out there, the white house correspondents for bloomberg and white house associate correspondents association asked for a meeting with press secretary robert gives to improve relations according to
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the 10 plus years at the white house rarely have i sensed such a level of anger over attitude toward the press. in april of 2011, this thing goes back a ways, doesn't it? says the white house ban her from participating two participated because she used her cell phone to record tackling president obama. in from participating two october of that same year , this thing goes on and on. cbs reporter, one of the best reporters in the business had this to say about white house spokesman saying the guy for the white house friday night literally screamed at me and cost at me, that response triggered by reporting effor to get answers on the
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government's fast and furious operation whh has resulted in a contempt of congress that still stands against attorney general eric holder. is it any wonder a new rasmussen poll finds just 6% who say the news media is trustworthy. and what about ratings? after nbc decided to drop all pretense and simply stuck out as a liberal media operations, their brand is now insinuated with the left-wing and it looks like nbc is paying the price for assets and network. dropping to fifth, nbc dropped to fifth in the february sweeps behind univision.
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is that because of the plate and politics that have infiltrated the network and insinuated itself into the brand? we will see in the months ahead whether that in fact is the case. no deal, republicans embrace sequester as the president backtrks from his campaign of doom and gloom. the 18 sorts it all out. the vice president offering his best home security advice. the shocking comments from the president gun control task force leader. obama senior officials bullying reported that broke wargate? reported that broke wargate? he is here, he is next. how do traders using technical analysis streamline their process? at fidelity, we do it by merging two tools into one. combining your customized charts with leading-edge analysis tools from recognia so you can quickly spot key trends
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and possible entry and exit points. we like this idea so much that we've applied for patent. i'm colin beck of fidelity investments. our integrated technical analysis is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. ah. , huh? verizon 4g lte. 700 megahertz spectrum, end-to-end, pure lte build. the most consistent speeds indoors or o out. and, oiously, astonishing throughput. obviously... you know how fast r home wifi is? yeah. this is basically just asast. oh. and verizon's got more fast lte coverage than all other networks combined. it's better. yes. oh, why didn't you just say that? huh-- what is he doing?
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lou: something surprising happening in new york. the state of new york thousands of gun rights supporters in
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albany protesting in the state capital new york's new gun-control law. demonstrators say they disapprove of how the law was passed, introduced and approved by both chambers inside the democratic governor andrew cuomo in under 24 hours. they love public comments now, don't they? 50 of the 62 counties have passed or proposed resolutions opposing the law. 50 out of 62. you can imagine. liberal new york city is one of the few counties not fighting the law. vice president joe biden offering more self-defense advice the vice president is quite something really. here's what he told field and stream magazine. you know my shotgun will do better for you than your ar-15 because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fired a shotgun through the door. now we call that the blade runner approached for home
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defense. i personally don't recommend it. i was taught to know what i am shooting a it would clearly violate all gun safety rules and common sense. know your target, do what you have got to do. field and stream magazine is a big deal in the world of hunting and fishing so its readers it'ss probably know that already. turning back the feud between the white house and journalist bob woodward, which is becoming a feud between much of the national media and the ite house, the white house is now denying they threatened legendary journalist even saying the tough economic advisor was incredibly respectful in e-mails. joining us now, editor and author of the book "bullies." you have got to think he white house arrange this for the purpose of promoting your book
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because now -- >> i want to thank the white house. lou: the idea that this administration has threatened countless of people, it seems. >> the first scandal is the obama administration apparently attacking a reporter, which they do all the time. the other scandal is the rest of the media turning on bob woodward. the obama defense brigade rushing to the defense, they are so far in terms of raw nosing they are performing nasal colonoscopies, it is truly astounding. watching them go after him for daring to suggest maybe he had entered a veiled threat. lou: is interest in the "washington post" gave arnie duncan four pinocchio four-line
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public official. his references is absurd on its face. not a single member of the national liberal media had the guts to do the obvious thing, to call him on that as he said it. you don't have to know a lot about government cannot education is the purview of the lol school district, the local folks, communities in the state, not the local government even though this president and others have carried on like it is a federal enterprise. >> you notice the "washington post" waited for this thing to break and then they did this. the white house to stop using the "washington post" quite as often as the source for leaks. when they say you're going to regret something, they mean you're going to regret not working with us because you will not get as much. what you really have to do is downplay all of the angles that
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are negative to president obama end up play all of the angles positively president obama and he throws you a scooby snack every so often. lou: you are not coloring that with some competitive edge, are you? >> ben smith is the lead reporter over on buzz feed, and that is the president's favorite because they downplay anything that could harm the president. lou: i hardly knew they were trying still. this business of going after odward is one of the dumbest things i have ever seen because do we have that quote he sent out? if you could put that up on the air for everybody to see, because this is outrageous on a level all of its own. it says watching woodward the
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last two days is like imagining my idol, mike smith, facing live pitching again. once is rarely repeated. he is objectively out of his mind. who is he to be attacking woodward, who is secure without question in his own iconic status in this society. >> at who could imagine somebody as nice as that is would be the kind of person or work the administration that would threaten people like bob woodward. the fact that he is putting that out there, bob woodward is senile, too old, not with it anymore. lou: the fact of the matter has been this is an administration that should be called upon for an apology for its conduct, its behavior and for that kind of ignorance. >> when they say they're going
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to regret something, they don't really mean regret, that is like saying i'm going to make an offer you can't refuse, he said to have a really nice offer on a used car, do you mind if i sell it to you. lou: as we wrap updo you think there will be a real backlash against this president and this administration as result of the fear mongering for sequester as they assaulted legendary journalist like bob woodward? >> i think the media is focused on trying to maintain the appearance of objectivity while still getting nice scoops and tips keeping the channels of communication op. we have seen how vindictive the white house is. lou: we appreciate it. what is the name of the book? >> "bullies."
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lou: appreciated. go to, e-mail me. you can get the link to his new book. tweet me as well. two new reports with the amount of tax wasted on government. i thought we were done with that image. ♪ [ male announcer ] how culd switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reon over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summarprospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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lou: a government report finds obama administration officials using luxury jets costing the taxpayers $11.4 million between 2007-2011. it turns out wasteful government spending didn't end with the general services administration. 894 conference is held just last
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year costing taxpayers $340 million. aren't these people supposed to be some sort of liberal they don't do this? based on the feedback we're getting from our online audience numbers you are disgusted by the white house against bob woodward on his reporting of sequesr. same bob woodward better watch his back, obama will put him on the drones this. extending her appreciation, thanks for having the courage to speak the truth, too bad the national media is in bed with this administration. joining us now is the "a-team." lori rothman. fox news contributor monica crowley. good to have you here. joining us from washington, d.c., democratic campaign consultant steve murphy. good to have you here. if you will, tell us how this sequester deal is going to end, is it over? is there any chance that
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10:00 a.m. meeting tomorrow between the congressional leaders and the president will bear fruit and all will have a happy enng? >> it is not over until it is over as yogi berra said but it is over, the sequester is going to go into effect. it will not stand for effect like this. there will be some kind of a deal when we move on to at eight and we can see what to look at continued resolution next month i think the administration somehow or another will be given the authority to make these cuts a more reasonable matc fashion ind of across the board. they will really hurt defense. across-the-board cutacross the s level 8% for defense, that is not a smart way to do this at all and it will hurt our
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national security, it needs to be fixed. lou: do you agree? >> clark ran for president as a democrat, and he agreed with me th the defense budget is bloated as we know clinton treasury department rising over 50%. there are places to cut, sequester in its exception to my conception was meant to be ridiculous. lou: is fully ridiculous. >> something ridiculous come out of the federal government, you're kidding me. lou: he is usually right, this is the president's sequester. that is firmly established now, not a matter of debate any longer. where are we headed with this? an icon like bob woodward. in the second term of any
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two-term presidency, arrogance exceeds itself, we will find out by how much in just moments. by how much in just moments. we're coming right back. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% re flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? this car is too small.
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it will be extended see how this dynamic plays out. it has been fascinating to see thliberal journalist icon gets thrown under the bus by so many fellow colleagues in favor of rocco, and it'll be interesting to watch how that dynamic plays out. lou: i doubt your surprise, but is astonishing anyone with a self-respecting journalist and has made the disqualifier for many of those doing this but to attacking woodward, these are silly people taking on somebody who has demonstrated himself to be by far their superior talent and experien. >> it is foolish on the part of the white house, they should just let the exchange, but there is no extent to threat. i read the e-mail, there was no threats made to woodward. sperling was clearly saying
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woodward would regret it because he was wrong. lou: and the word "regret" as he has done. you are right, i misread the subtlety of that coming from the senior advisor on economics for president. another is a sweet way to say hey. let's turn to where we go from here on the sequester, republicans, have they prevailed, have they lost? >> i like to think it is a wash. we have the debate coming up, contain resolution to keep the government funded, but it will be a tough one. i am optimistic. why not, what we have to lose? but they will just push off the sequester like everything else we do has to come to it matters. >> the sequester is a done deal
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at least until then. lou: thank you so much, apprecia it. the general laid to rest o at te military academy at west point. he served two tours in vietnam, victorious in his leadership of the international coalition during operation desert storm. famously nicknamed storming norman was 78 when he died of publications from pneumonia on december 27. that is it for us tonight, thank you for being with us. our exclusive interview tomorrow with the postmaster general explained to us what the sequester means to the already bankrupt post office. thank you for joining us, we will see you tomorrow. good night from new york. we know a place where tossing and turning
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