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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  February 28, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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neil: be patient. this march to an all-time high will happen, it will be brought to you guy the government. they want uncle sam to keep doling out the cash. welcome i am neil cavuto. take away the "cash for clunkers" they could not sell the bars, credit for homebuyers, they could not find homebuyers, comes back just days later, and bernanke not taking away the fix, market the tear. to you see a pattern? all about big government driving all of the buying, true. bet you a benjamin this latest rally is all, well, ben, ben bernanke. have you met a banker to turn down a rescue for himself?
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so far any00 of cutting back on -- hint of cutting back on the goodies only cuts back on the buyers, it is a matter of when, not if, we're all big government advocates now about we like it or not, don't look now the way that the street is going, uncle sam is a buy. no oner charles feels pain, he loves a rally as much as the next guy he just does not flip over the trigger coming from these days, and sabrina shafer and steve moore share his anst, charles you sound like a party pooper but i can see where you are coming from. >> two things, the fed part of this rally, a lot of people are getting you know, listen. banks have gotten flushed, and a lot of people have stock market
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is coming back, another party of story that is legit with the corporate earning that is international growth, if you look at stocks that have done well this week, priceline, joy global,, chicago bridge and iron, after the bell, deckers, domestic sales down 2%, and international sales up 16%, have you -- there is not a direct correlation between the stock market and u.s. economy, what is lacking there is fed is making up. neil: sabrina, what worriese about the larger pictures, charles nicely delynn nated, every time, -- delineated, every time i see a hint of ben bernanke pulling off, and i hear he is back in and relaxed they are buy like crazy. i am reminded of the federal rescue programs they might beknown, and say the end of capitalism as we know it. but, they get the
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heebie-jeebies, like, over just the course of last 5 or 6 years, we've become en dentured servants of uncle sam. >> more and more we're finding that big government and big business are best friends, it is doing concerting. -- i am concerned where president is handing out hand out to his political supporters, they are failed businesses and industries, instead of allowing market to direct resources where they belong. neil: if you let the market decide the fate of a lot of green initiatives they would begun. what happened to define their success, or survival is, if they can't cut it on their own we'll prop them up. i think it has come into the dna of wall street. >> you don't understand, you
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know profitability is right around the corner. >> you are right. >> that has been the argument. >> just a big corner. >> let me say, i'm mystified about how well the market has done over the last few months, i think that everything is that government is doing is bearish. lesson i have learned is never bet against the american economy and against american entrepreneur. they can make money, in this kind of environment, is really a tribute on american en annuity. neil: it is lot still 45 know by cost cut -- still driven by cost cuts. >> this is a tribute, i think to business to america, corporate america, you look at their
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balance sheets today, they are pretty press teen, they have become really lean, they have can be familiar efficient, they have got -- they have become efficient, and they got ridden a lot of leverage, they become more profitable, what has not happened, is the kind of lean ness and efffficiency in government, they can't cut $ 80 billion out of the trillion dollar budget. >> neil, you describe, there corporate welfare mentality. the fiscal cliff was chalk full of that, it cams back to haunt you, it haunts our economy, this is why a caterpillar can sell 75% outside of the country, the problem is to all freebies from federal reserve and federal government made companies in america, sloppy and flaccid
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there is no rush for them to go out and do the right thing. neil: and the expectations, where even if we run into a buzzsaw, the government has got our back, that does give you a cushion of cockiness. >> you never know which side you are going to be on. on the side of the winners or losers? neil: i'm on the side of america, i have no idea what that means. >> the government is in the business of picking winners and losers, at best scandal and corruption problems and worse the economy -- >> i think not want to charles we hit october highs in 2007 we were months away from one of the worst meltdowns, i think we're like lemmings kind of just being led into something that we night regret. >> i don't disagree, we're not at that point where everyone is so enthusiastic andou know market. at some great oracle fell one
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money before the great recession started. think about some of the businesses that government is popping up, the worst performing stock this week. we had automobile company out there, they were losing market share, i would rather own toyota and honda stock than general motors, you see that negative impact, you get used to not have a hus ill, to -- hustle, to compete you become noncompetitive. >> charles the irony of obama presidency, the greenest president america has ever had. in the hip pocket of the environmental groups. what is saving his presidency, what industry created host jobs and had high -- fossil fuels, that he hates that is ironic. but that shows that american industries can grow no matter how many body flows that government throws at it. neil: for sort of propping up the economy. >> through kwa quantitative easg
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and back room deals, we need to realize we have a debt that is climbing, we're not on a sustainable fiscal path, even if we have a momentary boone we can be curb leaseo optimistic -- cautiously optimistic. neil: people will say, you know neil, whining about that. one thing i feel in middle of the uphoria is spending back and looking at what is going on, charles. if companies are feeling so confident, where they are going, where are so many of them either buying back a lot of stock, or they are just buying a way to go private? or they are merging? they are not creating vast new businesses. in other words you are not
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seeking out vast new vistas, you are trying to shore up your ownership. >> a tale of 24 worlds, they -- two worlds, they are not doing that stuff in america. they have buybacks, instead of new hiring that is the story of america, an antibusiness agenda that is scaring the businesses off. neil: that is why i argue, steve moore, don't get used to the market highs or this notion that it will keep going, if the smartest guy in the room, in these boardrooms are putting the money they are making to this type of enterprise. and not expanding and not creating more jobs, then that does not telegraph a long lasting bull market for me, i would love to be wrong, but history successions that is not how bull markets ensue. >> true, but i will be optimist, if i may, i will say this, you know, i think that reason that american economy is doing fairly
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well, not great but not rotten, we're least rotten apple in the world. neil: you are right about that. the tallest pygmy in the room. >> for the moment. neil: very good sabrina, thank you. >> if washington spending is propping the market up, now it has a tax plan that could crash them all down. and get this, i got the idea from europe, what could go wrong? then, financial dating site that has jonathan honing ecstac, find out where his dreamgirl is waiting for him. @@ @ @ @
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neil: things going over so well there, why not try the same thing here. a three cent tax on each $100. what could go wrong? just for starters, they raise taxes more, jonathan said it a horrible idea. howard, in that report, you are not against this, why not? >> think about deficit, that is what i want to think about, things that are politically tenable that can get through, we don't want income taxes going up, we' corporate rate cut, we need do something to control spending. neil: another tax? >> it at least it will be something that the g.o.p., at end of the day will find
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acceptable. neil: the added tax in europe has been such a hit, right. >> not a added value tax really. neil: the added tax was treated at the time as a savior for one country's deficit after another, they just keep adding to it they kept all other existing income taxes and they still -- still have problems. >> look at high frequency trading that is going down, that is getting reduced. people will feel bter about the stock market, i disagree with stephen moore, who does not understand why the market where it is. neil: you should hear what he says about you. >> i don't want to imagine. neil: here is my worry. and i know you share part of this. be careful what you start, it doesn't stop. and you know, be careful the way it can rope in, innocent victims in those case those with 401(k)s who just having the accounted and the transactions within that
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account, for which they get no cntrol, they are getting slapped with a fee that could go from 1800 to a hundred bucks a -- 18 to a hundred bucks a year. >>there are two days to deal with people, force or trade, this is a tax on trade, this makes it more expensive to produce wealth, to better our lives, whether joe six-pack or high frequency trading is productive, for government to tax it, it is shooting yourself if the foot, taxing trade, throws the baby out on the bath water. >> we're not going to stop spending jonathan. neil: we become up with a lot more creative ways to raise taxes and raise revenues than we could to cut spending. i don't care where people are on the right or lift of this, the fact is even our friend ben stein said, he is against this uncontrol able leap in spending,
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no one can get if under control,o only alternative is to do this. >> even tim geithner is against the tax. neil: really, really? >> jonathan, i'm sorry, go ahead. >> they are looking to tax anything they can, i thought democrats were all about the middle class, and helping elderly and college students. neil: not rosencrans. >> the democrats are looking to push granny off the hill now, that i not going to help 46s, that is -- 401(k)s this is going to hurt them, and college saving plan and average middle class person - -- >> what god do you pray to? it is not mine. >> you are not going to control
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my frequency you will control all trading. >> howard, this old notion that evil traders, and high frequency trading caused the collapse, and the crash is from ducktive. >> i -- is productive. >> i don't believe it but if you and the election rat. neil: you believe that? >> the market is safe. neil: come on. come on. >> if we want to talk about what caused financial collapse, let's talk about federal reserve but that is a different subject, this is going to send investors overseas, the cbo said this will cost a ton of job losses, i thought that democrats -- democrats -- neil: can we step back from this? the french started this? the french. we're taking advice from france? you look to italians for good
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marinara sauce, and the swedes for i don't kno good meat balls unless they put horse meat in tomorrow but the point is you creed to the people whose skills are note worthy. >> neil, the responsiveness has been i exodus of capital from europe. neil: yes. >> people are pulling money out of europe, it just makes it more expensive to invest in companies and create health. neil: do you look at history of taxes, period, what we start we never stop. just like the gas taxes, i am older than you, but the idea was that we were going to fix the roads and bridges, i don't know about you, but we have to come up can trillions more to fix the roads and drinks. we eareer -- er marked a lot of
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money from the lottery, to teach our kids in school, now they are dumber than -- >> and two cent added tax in europe. they still are a mess. >> if we could establish a precedent. neil: stop the president. >> i don't want to do it. >> we're targeting a small group of people, they will be able to say -- >> hour, howard uhou howard k. . neil: you are talking innocent fos with 401(k), what is this? about. you are okay sticking it to mom and pop. >> yep. >> i had to do something. >> a zero interest rate world environment.
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>> i want to harken back to that low value added tax when it started it has grown, several foiled, i wish inew is it 20 fold or is there a decka fold? a lot of foil out of control, -- fold out of control. >> the fact that i don't think this will bring in a ton of revenue, investors will look overseas from here, where is the revenue going to cam overseas? >> if you can create that perception. >> bring business back to america. >> right, it would be le taking dietary advice from me, you do not go there. we will take a quick break, these guys will come back later. >> president obama still has his meeting with congressional
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leaders scheduled for tomorrow, that is right tomorrow, what the cuts go into effect. >> how about today? maybe? maybe today? look like your schedule of pretty free most of the day? with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em ony spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash bk or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly.
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neil: fox business alert, a documents day deadline tomorrow, but instead of meeting with anyone today, president was only meeting with his vice president. as armageddon looms, and your meat is about to go bad, and thousands lose their jobs, and thousands of maniacs now without their drugs are about to roam the streets, stephen crowder
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say, step back, and laugh. something is not right here. i mean, it is not jiving, this is the crisis we're told it is, and only real meeting is with joe biden, and only other meeting is tomorrow, when presumably these all kick in, something is not right? >> yeah, you are right. a lot that is not right. i'm supposed to be in new york with you right now, but my flight was canceled due to a mechanical air line, i can't name the airline but i will not be flying spirit again. neil: i thought it had something to do with sequestration, i don't know. >> you can see barack obama's full schedule, it is a public record, the 8 hour gaps, with joe biden, lunch with joe at
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noon, and nothing for the rest of the day, i get it, joe biden is long winded, barack obama probably anticipating him making up stories that never happened in places he never met, in places that don't exist. but let's give him 3 hours, what is barack obama doing for the rest of the day. neil: he might secretly be meeting with all other leaders that he left off? >> he might be doing some things with other leaders, like the nothing in the never ending story that eats up fantasia. i don't care, something, this is a schedule that -- >> you know, what is interesting, why would you meet on the day that cuts kick in? it would be like on the day that japanese attack pearl harbor you are discussing ways to protect
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pearl harbor. so, the attack is on. >> i don't understand, needing to meet with the vice president, i thought most powerful man in free world, second most powerful, i did not think they needed to schedule lunch, i kind of thought every day they have coffee and compare notes, this is the guy you campaigned with for 6 or siv 7 month. >> politicians right now, someone like a barack obama we know someone like him, a career student, dabbled in law, career politician, this is the workload he is used to, they are gambling with house money, let's draw a parallel with any family in u.s. if they faced a crisis as bad as president makes this out to be, a family facing a budgetary crisis knowing they could not pay rent at the end of the month, would any of them have 8 hour gaps every day with no work, not, they are betting with house money, it is not their money, look at this schedule,
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anyone that questioning what i'm saying, please go look at the schedule, it will dumfound you. neil: i does leave you wondering, why would you leave so much blank, maybe they are hing something constructive. you being the cynical comic are assume the worse. neil: i'm a giver not a taker. >> i appreciate, that i that about you, that is probably what keeps you so young, you have a baby face. you could pass for two? neil: i could. and i hope you enjoyed our final visit here, steven. you are a great guest and a funny guy, and you raise a lot of good points, steven crowder, marined in -- marooned in texas. the president's schedule, you saw it, look at this, first lady, jam-packed meeting with
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what big bird? presenting at the oscars? appearing on late night with jimmy fall long, now walmart, why this tour is going to cost taxpayers, that is you, more than you think. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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[ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it.
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neil: well as the president warns that automatic cuts will hurt the economy and the healthy, the first lady is ramping up her own health push, visiting walmart to push it to sell more healthy food. nutritionist sandy, likes what she is doing, but even though obesity is a problem, it is not the white house's job to tell people what to sell or eat. neil: you like what she is trying to do? >> this is a national epidemic, the first generation of american children that have a short shorter life expectancy than parents. neil: i can understand suggestions eating healthy, but it getting to be another strong arming it.
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>> it is true there is a major obesity problem, but, telling the firms what they should be doing is not the business of government, it is not going to help, we need to see is personal responsibility, people need to take action to address the problem. neil: to her point, if people are not doing that. everyone is an advocate of doing it yourself. it is costing our health system a great deal. >> one thing that government could do, that is to change the strongure of chunks -- structure of chunk, medicaid and medicare, don't charge people who are more problem attic, if it turns out. it costs about 500-dollars or a thousand dollars, depending on how overweight you are, more to cover a person who is overweight or obese, why not charge themes $50 or more, if they cause that much
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of a problem, that would really incentivize them rather than a soda tax or counting calories. neil: that affects everyone. >> that makes sense, zeroing on first lady lping everyone in. >> health care cost $ 19 billion a year, you look at who carries the burden it is big business, they have a visited interest in creating, a healther environment. neil: don't they have tiered plans that are reflective of the unhealthy fat workers they have, if you are fat and work fur for our company, you may por more anyway. >> slightly. neil: you want to screw them to the wall. >> what is happening with walmart, and we're seeing it with disney, in the past there was no economic incentive for people to make healthier choices, now, they are reduces
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cost of what was considered healthy foods. making them more readily available f the dim graphic. >> so what is happening is business see there is a change in consumption pattern uthere is a response. businesses are responding. but you don't have to tell them. neil: my point is that, maybe just by her demeanor, her behavior, her whole approach to exercise, and healthy eating and all, that is enough. >> sure, if it was true, that all she was doing was saying, hey, look, exercise more. neil: but you argue she is going too far. >> she is nannying people, that is the problem. >> that is all you do. >> we try to educate, and inspire, i believe behind her messaging is. neil: what do you tell your fat clients. >> it is about inspiring people.
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neil: you have a fat person come to see you what do you say. >> we make recommendations to what michelle obama is trying to introduce, exercise more, eat more whole foods, walmart has been able to reduce the cost to consumers from fruits and vegetables were costing by 2.3 billion. what is happened in past, as healthy food was considered so expensive, it recollided -- >> maybe the weird, weird you know approach justifies the end? >> i repeat, if there is a consumer demand, companies will supply it. the role of government is to get out of the way. neil: if you create the demand, maybe the demand will come, maybe that is what is happening, i don't buy it. >> looking at data they were happening long before michelle obama got on the scene, it is
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not come from michelle obama, it s come from a change. but it has to change further, as companies need to be free to educate, and incentivize people to buy the better products, if government says, you have to eat that not that, that will cause problems, and companies are not able to advertise they are selling healthier food, that is a problem right now with all sorts of dictates from the federal trade commission, and other bodies they are restricted in what they can say, these have to go to enable the companies to sell them. neil: we have to go, i would love to talk to you more we have a lay's potato chip commercial to get to, i am kidding, remember what when everyone wanted to be like mike, that is basketball, whether michael jordan of the fit and thin, but now he is in real estate, and chael jordan is buying low. do you think this sees nothing
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but net? let's say, not a slamdunk. ♪
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[ male announcer ] from the way the bristles move to the way they clean, once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove up to 100% more plaque
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than a regular manual brush. and even 76% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when you do. neil: enough to make you go through the roof. we're getting blit blitzkrieg b. today, we learned that foreclosures are down by 18%. but housing starts they are down by 8.5%. then this week, new home sales are skyrocketing, prices are up, great. but homebuilder confidence is down, that not so great. to our gifts guests, donny, what is going on? >> neil, this is crazy, what you
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ead, you read conflicting things every week there is something else that conflicts with something before that. we hit rock bottom across the united states pretty much, a year ago. the worse probably state of the last was atlanta. now wheth you read that atlanta is up or detroit is up, you have to know you can buy a house in detroit for $1000 now, maybe a year or two ago you could not sell it for a thousand. so, that is up. detroit is up. but you have to look at what it is coming from. neil: to that. we were talking about michael jordan before, he bought a home there, for about i believe north of $ 1.1 million, a distress sale, he had more money than god to pay 5 times that but done, and got a bargain on it.
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i think unless we get the distress stuff, the inventory of overpriced stuff or held in receivership stuff out of the way, it is going to be a while. >> neil, you are right. the problem is right now, we have states that judicially foreclose, that nonjudicialy foreclose, the nonjudicial states are getting through the meyer, like in new york it takes over a thousand days for something to foreclose. neil: the quicker that foreclosure is going, the more efficient the market is. >> right, we have to get through it there are still so many foreclosures on the banks' books, they have to get them off, they are short sailing more, but they are backlogged from 2 or 3 years ago. neil: the backlog is not as bad as i thought.
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>> that is correct, if you are a jurye judicial state, you have to go through a court procedure that could take years. peop live in properties they have not paid a dollar on for three or four years. neil: if you said a year ago we would bounce off the worse, i still see a lot of bankrupt properties, a lot of foreclosed homes, i guess not as many, but that is a lot of inventory. >> tanya? >> january, last of the home sales were foreclosures and short sales, there is still a lot of distressed property on the market that people are buying, it is good they are buying it, they understand now that is the deal, you go hard after it. you make money on it in the future, these are long-term holds but team understand, buy those fore users up, now is the time to get a dial, interest rates are low. neil: they have been low for a long time. i don't know what is moving money off the sidelines now, but
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it is same analogy to stark it, starkeisha brownet that -- to the stock market that some is creeping back up to the market. >> it depends on where you are, you can't cookie cut a real estate. neil: the hottest market? >> i think new york city, i think is the hottest market. i think miami. south beach is hot. i think -- >> that is interesting in and of itself that was ground zero in all this. >> you know, it is international, there is a lot of new construct on the oceans there and you see a lot of foreign money, with american money. neil: like the way that japanese a couple decades ago, helped real estate market now we see many more countries doing that today? >> you know -- neil -- we're a global country, and our money is you know -- >> that might be the win at our bas? >> you have to lock at this we keep trying to make this a
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national housing market it is not, phoenix of up 28% last year, that is a record, wild not going to see that kind of appreciation against but you may see 12 to 15, new york is on fire right now, and miami on fire with the international buyers, chinese are dumping tons of money in to real estate in u.s., but like you said, there are things that can scare buyers, we don't want, that thisy is quistiny is -- furlougt some of those buyers that have military jobs, and last thing that we want, is for people to get scared again with housing uhousing is really pulling us out of this economic down turn. neil: it will be sething else that will undo it but not the sequestration. >> we don't want buyers scared or not bay. neil: thank you, ladies. is it illegal to release illegals claims budget cuts that have not even come, all i can tell you, someone is lying, and a very angryheriff wants to a very angryheriff wants to know the capital one cash rewards card
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gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? this car is too small.
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>> this of a decision made by career officials at i.c.e. without input from the white house as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the resolution and sequestration. neil: illegals are let out, today white house press secretary saying he really does not know what is up. sheriff mark donnells from co-chiecochise county is joinins from arizona, we're told it is cheaper than keeping them detained for the taxpayer. i wond irabout monitorin wonderh
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one. it is said to have been done because of cuts that have not come yet sounding speous to me. >> thank you, neil, the unknowns are many. i read probably as much as you have when it comes to this the questions are out there, i don't have the answers, it is disturbing and alarming to know that up to 300 detainees, whatever category may they fit are now being released into our communities, being a border community, we take a hard stance on illegal immigration based on crimes we deal with and facets of stress in my community based on this, the lack of boardser security, to see -- lack of border security, and seeing 300 releases, my understanding is i.c.e. has released this, where is the judicial side of this the due process. neil: what do they tell you?
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you would assume i.c.e. would know, and say we release, i think one of the statements one, the ones in for minor offenses, let's assume traffic violations or hopefully not worse. how can you tell? how do you know? why not pass along the folks they have released so you can monitor them too. >> the problem is, they were locked up for a reason, they kept them in detention for a reason, now what is the reason we are releasing tm. neil: what do you think it is? >> i don't know. i know that the sequester is the point of reason they are throwing out there. neil: but it has not happened yet, we're cutting based on cuts that have not materialized yet, they might but they have not. >> right, that is my point, we have not gotten there yet. to be releasing them, let'sssee we have until midnight is what we're told, this takes the lack of trust away from what we're
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all doing, i am an elected official here in southern arizona, to see this i have a great partisa partnership with l boarder patrolman and officers in the country, we have 1500 federal agents in t coup we my county, we have a great partnership, that is to let our citizens live in peace, this is disturbing and alarming. neil: especially whether no one owns up to what the hell is going on, sheriff thank you very much. >> no problem neil, we'l we'll p on it like you will. neil: in the meantime, fore get like-2436-24-36. the new number that guys want is 780 and above. sorry kate upton. looking at the credit [ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman: what do youean, homeowners insurance
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doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance y shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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>> b does not matter as long as your finances and ugly. and new site called credit score dating that, is matching people based on their credit scores. and you will never believe whose profile we stumbled upon. his name, jonathan honig excellent. don't ask. oh, yes. perfect credits. he is here. back with the really big look. all right, jonathan. more on that to the thing in a moment. do you think this is a good idea? >> it makes a huge difference. you tell your credit you're not going to have a lot in common with someone who is careless with theirs. and that's all you, how people treat their mike tells you a lot about who they are. to the value contracts, think long term, they trustworthy? so, you know, yes, i have certainly a score below which i
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won't date. i will meet women who know me to escort for. it has nothing to do with they're parents put their credi score. it's a great idea. neil: i think you are hurting. i want you to open up. but i guess as a sign of our times. things are gting to be a little bitore than skin deep here. >> you bet. tough times in the economy right now. at least this is better than the sugar daddies website that people in college. neil: you're right about that. >> at least you can look for someone urinates, right? [laughter] the fact of the matter is, yes, the economy is hurting, and people, i mean, two incomes and better than one. i mean, this may be a little shallow, but, hey, i mean, two incomes are better than one. neil: i don't care male or female, i think it does say something about our society right now where before we get serious for the first one to everything but their bank
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statement. in other words, we ought to see a credit score, how good your with money. and we will talk. essentially that's what this is saying. >> not unreasonable. we could all decide what is most important in our lives, be it looks to of personality to more money. it really is not the end of the day. neil: i grew up liking than kohlberg. >> you're absolutely right. neil: you can set his mus. i gss. it wasn't based on what you had. >> something is a writer does not line up. you want to begin made based on what is critically important. neil: and what is really critically important, jonathan, is the report. [talking over each other] neil: bobblehead. >> this is about compatibility. i mean, you are not going to be happy long-termas somebody who is a fitness take, workout buff. this is not going to be comple


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