tv Cavuto FOX Business March 11, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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compared to democrats, have you got ta say, listen we're moving. >> this is doa, a nice circus let's move on. lori: what it should be? another supercommittee, and aked dideadlocked congress. >> the democrats don't have a plan to cut spending at all, this president wants to keep the growth of spending to continue, solution is economic growth. how do we stop them from empieding economy growth? the ryan planments tsment -- wao take spending down, if you limit spending to 2% you could get rid of the deficit in 10 years, betterrity, if you could engage the economy, get it to grow at 4 years a year like in reagan years, you could take 5 trillion-dollars off the deficit right off the bat. we need to think about ways to
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keep our economy going,. lori: nobody is going to disagree with you. the jobs report was encouraging but a lot of the economists forecast the number will be reined in once the sequester cuts go into effect, the big to do in new york city today, is the federal judge, overturning soda ban, insteaded by mayor bloomberg, everyone shaking their head on this one, you know, mayor's of saying they will appeal this but enough. >> i know the judge probably was right on the law, but i sympathize with the lawyer in his attempts obesity is a big problem, if you want freedom to do this i say, sign a waiver saying you will not make a claim to public dollars for your health problem. lori: i got to run. history will determine, thank you, the a-team, that is "lou dobbs tonight," coming up
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tomorrow, greggua wall don. thank you for joining us, good night to you. neil: i have been to ground zero, let me be first to report the housing recovery is real if washington stays out of the way. welcome i am neil cavuto, just back from florida. i saw it for myself, home of the meltdown is looking up, florida, is looking sunny again. or sunnier. i spin better part of last couple days seeing what a heard of realtors i respect and i trust reporting, they are no longer freefalling, there is a different, for florida, and the country, that given could be profound. prices are up across state.
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particularly miami, palm beach arena. now, let me be clear. double digit percentage jumps. some are depressed levels is not what i would call a boom, and once hot properties are still well off 2006 highs, by any layman's definition, constitutes something closer to a bust, true, but all changing, and fast. you know what i discovered, the realtors biggest worries going into the housing market spring and summer buying season, there? not that there is not enough buyers, they are panicking because there will not be enough sellers, the buyers are up buthe homes are not for sale, but not as many for the demand, not just in florida. this is playing out across the nation, much is predictable, many owners in florida like elsewhere are underwater, they need to see value of their homes exceed what they owe on those
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homes. that is moving owners way but not fast enough to satisfy a lot of owners of those homes or rabid realtors who want to list the home, for now it is a florida catch 22, but a predicament most would rather have than not have, i heard large high-rise condominium projects are resumes again in miami, and reports that lenders of the sunshine state are seeming to take on a more sunny disposition to lens, period, and reports that builders are breaking more ground on projects long delay, not only in florida but nation, something has to be changing, so, my amateur predict circumstance at least, worse in housing crises is over, if washington just stays out of the way, to let financial nature take its course. no more mortgage reworks, no
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more fixes that produce bigger fixes, no more punishing bankers for aggressive loans done largely at the behest of the government that 1 demanded lend or die, let this thing grow down there in florida. let the market to do its thing in florida. because it is ink baiting, it congress and white house it just stay the hell out, similar come back for the rest of the country could be in the offing. or, am i just off? to some top real estate experts, florida uber realtor katrina campage joining us as her strong new york counterpart, dotty her man, how do you define it.
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>> everyone that you said is on point. our biggest concern now as real estate professionals is we don't have enough inventory, i state that people think we're out of our mind, you know difference this time is 1980s most demand was coming from south america, now you have demand from south america but also so many other continents, there is a influx of international buyers, you have a lot of people coming from the north. and they are no longer just snow birds, they are spending a lot of time here in florida, florida as a whole getting strong as a market. if this continues it is slated to be third largest state in the nation. neil: problem is that, sellers are not pelting their properties out there maybe for variety of reasons, it is creating a weird conundrum where demand is there but supply is not.
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>> demand is across the country, i came back from san francisco, with biggest ceo of real estate, there is not a market that doesn't have -- that has enough inventory,. neil: the problem? >> it is a lot of things, it is pent-up demand, a lot of people have not done things for a lot of years, itself their equity starts to come back they can move, they pretty much know it is bottom. so they figure, you know, already reached bottom we can make a move. neil: sellers are they just waiting it out, if it has reached value? >> they think that interest rates might go up, you know, we have low interest rates,. neil: that is already happening, katrina, what is it going to take, i can't believe i'm saying this sellers to start selling, they are the only part of the
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equation that is not coming in. >> you know what is interesting most of our buyers are cash right now. neil: you are at high-end too. high-end their cash but not everyone is like that? >> i am, and to get sellers to sell, they are going to have to pay them top dollar we would have never thought it would occur inned. >> flood at this point, it has become such a destination for that international buyer, the amount of buyers that i have right now in the side line waiting for that perfect property is frustrating, i can't locate that right home for them because of lack of inventory, if i were a earlier right now, now it time to get top dollar for your property, but overall, as you said, the inventory around the nation, is very low, and west coast you see the same thing. neil: you know, dotty, what i'm not seeing is next logical leap,
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bidding wars on properties. that would be next logical step, right? >> we're seeing it and it is across the country, it is happening. i told people. neil: why are prices still by and large, well off the worse levels still low? >> well, they have come back, it -- they have come back from something that could be up 20%, depending on where it fell. neil: if you are a perspective buyer would you not want to be in that party, why are you holding back. >> they are not, the ones that move and request move are doing it. >> you mentioned there is a lack of supply. >> because there is a lot. neil: why are know more sellers coming out. >> it has a lot to do with the unemployment. insecurity that people have about the next hike up, you know, to move up, a level you
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have to bey is cure you will abable to make that job, people that are savvy, high-end, they are all doing it, they also know if they have extra cash, 3%, i mean it is not returning anything, in the 0 middle. that is a hard jump to make with so many uncertainties. neil: katrina, i mentioned my concern this government would try to get involved. i think with best of intentions, but to little avail, people try to keep in their homes get thrown out. because the rework program does not work, my best advice, for government to stay out and let the market do its thing, it will be more efficient, it will be better, it will not put an artificial veil over this, what do you say.
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>> i agree with you 100%, for last 2 or 3 years we've been discussing the band-aid fix issues, we need to let paper take its course. and another component are develop ores that are coming back into the market this time they are coming back smarter, so many of them that suffered during bust, are now building more inventory, that will be great for south florida but they are doing is wiser now, they are not letting people come in buying 5 to 10 properties, with speculation they will flip them. so that is another component in our favor in florida, i agree, i think that government needs to stay out and let supply and demand dictate the market. >> you are right. we're seeing developers all over, across board, taking bigger down payments in new york they would never allow a person
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to buy 10 or 14 properties and not live there, we didn't that have problem, but it back 92 we'll see. you know, weather was perfect. go way thank you. what if i told you, this could go boom depending on something government, the actions of a guy named ben. then, chance just prove, 48-year-old light heavyweight boxing chip chp of the world, bernard hopkins is here. >> age is not a enemy to me. the clock is not something i'm trying to stop.
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neil: there is a wild card in this housing ament. ben could throw cold water on it, mr. easy money, say some say that cheap money we've gotten used to for years backfires to ben bernanke and company, unlike anything we've witnessed in years. they could -- what happens when the fed has to slightly ease off. look. what happens every time ben or any of his colleagues hint of doing so the markets tank, the latest bull run was largely fueled after ben made clear he was not going to do that any time soon, but things already getting long in theeing too, what happen -- in the tooth,
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what happens when buying slows? then what, to katie and michael and david on whether we're all punched when they take the punch bowl away. >> i think we are, looking at way that federal reserve handled the economy we pumped trillions of dollars in the economy. ivanov seen long-term wealth development from that or long teacher growth development -- long term growth development, what happens when they collect a record number of taxes there is no longer enough money to keep pumps into the economy, and market see him maybe pullback just a little bit, and we see markets tank. there was a time, we saw record highs of market come days apart i think we've been seeing is people trying to get their last good moment in before maybe the federal reserve backs off a little bit.
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>> you don't see them backing off dramatically any time soon, michael? >> even an amoeba that has had multiple concussions understands. federal reserve cares nothing about inflation. they care about preventing deflation. they want to create inflation first and foremost, that is spilling over into the equity market, they levitated a consumption bubble, they send transfer payments out almost no cost, they will withdraw liquidity, i say in 2014 benghazi said -- ben bernanke saids we'll do 40 billion a month. neil: but, inflation is already here? >> it is, how can anybody say that inflation is not here? inflation is most pernicious in
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the bond market. what are we doing with a two-year, treasury note, they have amassed 7 trillion of new debt since great recession bebegan, why would we have day 2% yield on a treasury note. the n2 money supply is up 7% year-over-year, that is definition. neil: seizes disaster. >> something to keep in mine there is so much money in the world, we get focused on the fed, there are those chinese savers, countries with big account surpluses. neil: you wouldn't want to hang your hot that would. >> you in general, we live in a
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world of cheap money. neil: maybe owing to my years we remember inflationnary spikes that recent phenomenon has been an exception not the rule, i am worried that we return to the rule i remember, and hyper inflation, something that once it appears, is very hard to put back in the bottle. >> we're talking about inflation on your show, but we've not heart a lot about it in other places, we've seen this idea that fed was to fix things we wanted fast and cheap money at the beginning to fix the problem. and a couple trillion dollars later we're in the same position. neil: does that mean you are worried or not. >> i would be worried. i think wall street shows from a day-to-day basis that they operate on a day-to-day basis. neil: they are not showing it yet? michael. >> have your viewers put up a
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chart of copper, where it was a decade ago, and oil, $20 a barrel, for decade after decade, if federal reserve in early 2,000 take oil from $20 a barrel to $2147, and lets -- to 147, and let its sit at 90 to is not inflation. neil: it is here. it is here. >> we need to deleverage, commodities need to be lowered. >> inflation is not a big worry right now. >> where it is that money going? >> it would be nice to see prices of main things go up, such as homes. >> i think we've seen the prices of a lot of things go up, gas is one of them. neil: i hope that guy on left is right. we'll take a break here. later on we get you back, but, now it is a joke, president making light of sequestration at a fancy washington dinner. if i were there, and i was
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invited, i don't know that would make me vomit more, president joking about sequestration or whether he was doing this a few weeks ago. >> the greater the damage to our economy. this is a slow grind that will intensify with each passing day. so let's break down this play. charles? uh, charles couldn't make it. his single miles car blacked him out here and here. he should have used... the capital one venture card. he's coming to us from home. hey fellas... hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn't know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what's in your wallet?
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you have a sailboat. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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cuts with lines like, my joke writers have been placed on furlough, there is one thing in washington that did not get cut, the lidge of this dinner -- length of this dinner, more proof that the sequester makes no sense, remember the anything but funny warnings from same guy about the same sequestration. of which no good become at all. >> longer the cuts remain in place, [ laughter ] , the greater the damage to our economy [ laughter ] , a slow ground that will intensify with each passing day [ laughter ] neil: a latch trac laugh track u didn't know it. we did it to make a point, the president not so humorous 180 on it we could remember, a few weeks back, hell was coming, now
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it is a joke line. >> this is their new strategy, they realize they have become a punch line, they are laughing it off like no big deal, but they are trying to make the cuts as painful as possible, that is what white house cans consolidation of -- cancelling the tours is about, making it at painful for the public as possible. and national park service has been told to make it painful as possible to public. they hope that in time, people will realize, well obama administration was right for making this a big deal. becauses cuts were very painful. so that is what it is blaugh about it now, but make it painful for the public. neil: you joke about it right now, and in this weird juxtaposition. under your watcher, so, normally you could take a quick bow, and
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credit for that, but he can't because, that is acknowledging things are looking up or, that the sequestration cuts were not the hell that people thought they would be, joke on him? >> right. and i think a lot of people are upset how he handled the sequestration, he made it out to be a huge deal, there was no long lines at the airport, our food is not contaminated, people are upset about a sense of entitlement among government employees, the public has been suffering through a horrible economy for years won. job cuts and layoffs then it touched public employees 37 it s, then it was y2k all over, and world was going to end, the americans were upset, they have been suffering through the realities
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of the economy for years now. neil: you can get a reputation you know for fear mongering too much, the american people might then say, he is whining about stuff again, and the next washington dinner he will joke about it afterwards, we see a pattern we're not getting snukerred. >> right, he is doing is he is under mining his presidency by, making it out to be this huge deal, it not happening, so he is trying to back off now, and make it seem like, well, i wasn't exaggerating it was not as bad as it was going to be. neil: one of these days you will have to be afraid of something, i can threat en my kids all i want it falls on deaf ears if i keep on doing, one of those times if you swallow it, it really will poison you, but to gets old after a while. >> you see the google map images, they are cool, what if i
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neil: i spy something sickening, google gets caught in capturing wi-fi information while snapping pictures, they were fineds there are sensfine$7 million. about the same it makes in an hour. i was shocked not only by the behavior but the punishment for the behavior. what is going to stop it? >> people saying no all google products, and instruction that google -- intrusion that google does, with the point, or tablet or new computer, google comes at
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you saying we want to track you on your phone, and tablet, and this service, and free e-mail service, these services are not free. or cheap, the cost is that google takes your data, doing what it wants with it. including sharing it with federal government. you are the soap when you use google service, and they sell that data and they make money from it that 7 million is a pittance. neil: why were they fined so little? >> >> the legal issue is touchy because the laws are lagging. the people who have their data taken in an unauthorized way could sue google for damages.
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it goes back to attorney generals of the state, they are political candidates, and they have to raise money, and work in a political situation, and google -- >> yeah, you know, i didn't understand in this case, is, i understand the convenience of google maps, remember when apple it its own map program, and everyone said no, we want google. this was going on, as if people weigh this at home, and say, i know there is aarisk they will snoop on me, but their maps are so great, that is the trade off, how did you dispel people's notion that there need not be a trade off for new technology, and your privacy is not one of them. >> your privacy does not need to be a trade off, a lot of people feel, it is hopeless, google is
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biggest data collector but not only one, you can. you can vote with our actions. and not do it for example those free e-mail services, use one, or a low cost e-mail service that does not take your data. neil: how do you know? i could give you a line. >> i don't know, i don't think they all lie, and dougal is clear -- going to sell clear. google is clear 92 they say, we are stealing your stuff. >> yes, and if use a google app, you put your business files on google app their cloud service, google owns a copyright to your own intellectual property, use a different service or go through settings get help from someone, to use a more private service, i have something people can do today right now, this afternoon, don't use go to a service like other
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search engines that do not track you. start a different service that does not do the tracking. >> ira very good stuff thank you, sir. >> if you, neil. neil: bernard hopkins, hopping into the ring at age 48, walking out a world champ, see a pattern. steve martin, 67, knocking them dead at the box office. this past weekend, bernard hopkins is here. why old is the new young, he is actually proof. amazing. i saw this guy.
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someone forgot to tell that to bernard hopkins, the 48-year-old became the oldest boxing champ this last week, beating out a 30-year old. hillary clinton is front-runner for next presidential race, by which she will be design years old, and joy behar stepping down from the view to pursue other opportunities at 70, and some people work longer because in a have, to others push father time because hey wan they want to, bt first to newly crowned, ibf, light heavyweight champ himself, i saw this fight, bernard hopkins, good to see you. >> thank you. neil: congratulations.
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i think that midway maybe they were hoping that grandpa would not hurt the young kid too much, what happened? >> grandpa did a prayer too in the dressing room. a long with these people that inn the audience,. neil: how do you feel. >> right now i'm soar, that is normal after a fight, when you get hit. you know, with 10-ounce gloves, with heavy fists in the gloves, cloud is a puncher. he had 4 people out of 25 fights survive the distance with travis cloud, but i file, overall being 48, with 12 grueling close rounds of fighting with the guy, 18 years younger, i am ahead of
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the game. neil: your light mom begged you, before she passed away, begged you not to fight, i think past 40, here you are, i guess she was concerned for your health and safety, i am more concerned for your opponent's health and safety, how long you going to do it? >> when the competition to me, not in front of me, out there but, until the love of the competition, and a challenge, becomes boring to me or becomes something that i am doing it on the emore,in emotion part, i ame of at light, very few ofs that you fight for other reasons than just fighting, through history, it means a lot, because i believe history lasts longer than money. i believe that certain athletes come along, every 50 years or
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more, where they can do things longer and achieve things longer than the next guy who was also a great or good, i just want to get all this out there. my no mother wanted me so retire after the trinidad fight. i know she would have said get out of there with the oscar de la hoya fight. she would have said, what are you doing, we come from the projects, what else do you need we moved to germantown, but that is mother love. neil: what are you trying to prove, you don't need the money. unlike a lot of boxers you hang on to it invest it well, but, what is different about you and others who have tried to push -- >> can i ask why i'm still fighting it, this is important,
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i was answers all week. at barkley center, why hopkins continues to do what he has been dig for 25 years, with affection is because, i said i have always been a third child in the house, roy jones jr., the great james tony, and then myself, roy jones and james tony had exclusive multimillion dollar contracts, not only once with hbo, and then they got another one, i was a renegade in a positive way, always fighting to get recognition, and respect. neil: you got it now. >> but listen. now, the light seems to be on me alone. i seeing now i am 48, time has
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came so fast at 48, but my body and youthfulness have not caught up with 48, i've saying to explain not to justify, if i did this the opposite way if i was 35 or younger. would people say i should leave, i see a movement here that 40 and up club that is do it, and take care of their bodies in 20s or 30s whether athlete or housewives or husbands can look at me as an inspiration keep our body clean, don't take shortcuts don't to the right way, and the healthy i way, why not take what i do as a lesson, and add to what i have done. say, you eat, take care of youred about, you rest.
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neil: you do not eat junk at all. >> i am telling you, they got a big, they big picture on internet. boxing. i am eating junior's cheese cake. neil: i think most of the time you eat healthy stuff. >> all of the time. neil: you eat junk? >> i'm -- no. that is why my insides is note like 48-year-old, last time i heard my doctor said my blood is like a 25-year-old, i was 43 then. neilthen. if i have done this one time, okay. you can make an argument i was lucky, if i have done this maybe a second time in a different way, but still, was accomplishing something, say he is very fortunate. neil: have you done this a lot. >> i got a history, that
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longevity, no magical trip or book. neil: if you do that and eat big old cheese cake, i'm all the more impressed. that means i got a shot. >> i don't eat it all the time. >> really? >> that is too bad. >> i don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't hang out at parties. i don't abuse my body come in ought 4:00 in morning, to that is wear and tear. i'm a preserved guy, that a human, but understanding discipline i got. neil: we're the same, i do the same thing, i get up early in morning and practice on prompter like we're joined at the hip. >> i'm going to the gym after i'm finished with you, train, less than 82 hours after my fight. neil: i'm heading out to the pig and whistle after i'm done here, what do you is amazing, keep it up, it is, mazing how we're so
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similar. >> 40 and up candidates, throw away their cane, put your teeth in let's go. >> put your teeth in thank you so much bernard. >> love you man, take care. neil: same here. all right. anyway, 48-year-old boxer just say, with his fist the other night what ronald reagan joked about in a certain presidential debate. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign, i am not going toke floyd for littltoexploit fs my opponent's youth and inexperience. neil: is it started with ronald reagan back then, that this is his moment? >> it depends on purpose, and thanks a lot for coming to me to represent old age, neil. neil: you and me both. >> i appreciate it. neil: is there anything going
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on, hillary clinton considering for president she will be 69 thin, and joe biden contemplating running for office, old is young. >> well, when you and i were born in the 50s, neil, average life expectancy was about skate. 68. neil: but you were in an 1850s. >> i didn't say which century, hillary clinton her life expectancy is mid 80s, looking at the tables it depends on the 57, the more active you stay, as mr. hopkins was trying to tell you, the more active you stay, and stay away from all that ice cream you eat, neil. neil: i tried to talk him over, he cheated once, i would like to
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make it the rule, he was not going there i would have been rougher with him too. what is going on. i talk about joy behar stepping down, and barbara walters strong at 82, i think new newscorp chan is 83, what is happening? >> well, regis philbin got a sports show on fox at age 81, that gives us hope, we have a better quality of life on the whole, we eat better, and it has nothing to do with mayor bloomberg's rules, our food is better prepared and healthier, we're more careful about what we eat, and about exercising, you and i the exception, on the whole, americans are healthier, they can do more longer, whether it is politics or sports or other fields. neil: it is amazing. great having you for your final appearance here, larry.
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always pleasure. >> if you, young man. neil: professor thank you. still waiting for those trillion companies are stashing abroad to come home? keep waiting, it is not lapping, the numbers that you find, jaw dropping. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers.
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according to "wall street journal," 60 of country nonfinancial firms kept more than 160 billion bucks outside of the u.s. irs figures, the situations is worse than that. the total amount of liquid assets held abroad by be north of $1.5 trillion. katie. >> well, i think we have got realized yet here in washington, d.c., these companies have not compete on a global level with our current tax system. you talk about reforming the tax code, yet we have not seening anything put on the table. when it comes to reforming that system bringing this liquidity
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back from overseas invest it in growth. neil: i think so but michael they did this before the tax rate jump. >> this is not new news, i think that fear among both parties is that if this money comes into u.s., it will send our dollar skyrocketing, and what does a keynesian fear more than anything is a rising dollar, imagine what that would do to corporate earnings. neil: but we need those dollars. >> i would agree, but my question is, does anyone in washington care about cutting spending or corporate tax reform, if they did, why has is not happened yet. >> a lot is piling up in offshore tax havens where the tax rate is basically zero. neil: to be fair, a lot is in europe, since their operations are there, they are aligning their money there. >> huge amount of it is also in these tax havens, and you know
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here is the thingg reason so much cash is piling up oversea z because we have tax deferral, corporation did not day taxes on their prop -- do not pay taxes to profits as long as it is kept overseas, get rid of tax deferral, make them pay taxes now to profits, we don't have their problem. >> but corporations' their money overseas where the growth circumstance consumers are in bet pore sig to handle debt situation. >> better position to handle debt situation. neil: i could say one industry that is keeping its money here, and taxed through the snuker is oil industry. and may make a lot of money, but they are only industry they have at or close to top rate of now northern 39%. no one will you know, give them a pat on the fannie, maybe a kick in the fannie, but i wonder about these mixed message. >> i would say it is iron make obama administration is always
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demonizing oil companies that are actually paying that almost 40% corporate tax here, providing good decent and well paying engineering job. we have -- >> this is -- >> yes, general electric overseas not bringing jobs home. >> i have so many worries on my list this is down on the bottom. neil: are you worried about this in this is money you could spend. >> the big problem is, corporate tax revenue used to make up a sizable slice of all federal revenue now corporating pay low taxes by historical standards, individuals are picking up the difference. neil: all right, thank you so much. >> neil, neil. >> kate we're going to a break and pay our bills even though washington can't. >> and round two, back, punchy and ready, you get ready. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card
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8:59 pm
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