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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  March 16, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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>> two-thirds will not be batting on this. march madness is bet more than the super bowl, and, in fact, i think that's low that only one-third bet. i think everybody bets. >> i'm in the middle of the show, and you hear an eruption behind you becau the place is working instead of watching fox business. they are, in fact, watching games. >> i like the brackets, and i like playing in them. fox business learned, and we now provide updates throughout the day. >> this is why college should have it to get the viewership. >> okay. because everyone says reality shows are a vice. vice president joe biden is getting his own reality series on the white house's website. it is called "being biden"
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featuring the political agenda, only audio for now, but it won't disappoint. what do you think? i wish i owned to the rights to the show. >> that's the vp to pull it off with audio because he has a gift of gab, doesn't he? >> he does. i lah when the sound is down and i see him on the screen so i just think there's always something entertaining from the vice president; right? >> it's going to be a run away hit. okay, last up, rodman is the go-to guy on the heals of the trip to north korea. he went to vatican city to help a gambling company take bets on who the new pope would be. they collected about a million bets before pope francis was chosen. are you surprised this many people were gambling on this? >> i think there's somethi wrong with gambling on pope picks. it seems like the pope would disapprove. >> i don't know, he seems cool, >> i guarantee you nobody got
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pope francis. he was not on the short list. >> the odds were 33-to-1. that's all the sinful money today. see you back here mon. have a great and sin john: seemed like they thought we had cocaine in the fruit. most americans support laws against prostitution but what if it were legal. >> it is safe. >> what if drugs were legal.
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it is working. but not in america here politicianseep passing more rules. >> i look over my shoulder, what are they going to find illegal tomorrow. >> have you no idea what you are up against. >> this cod happen to you. >> you say you follow he around, you would fine 3 felonies. >> in america it like is everything is illegal. >> what is more american than opening a lemonade stand. thank you very much. for years kids have set up stands like this, today, the police may bust you. >> i was like really scared because i didn't know what was going to happen, we were just selling lemonade in 4front yard for 3 days on the third day police shut out down. john: their mom heard police
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yeing, i could hear them yelling from inside my house. >> cop over there will they bust me. >> there are so many vague laws that everyone ar arguably coulde caught up in it. john: this is just what the feds added last year, makes criminals of just about all of us. >> every citizen, could be shown to have violated some regulation in these stacks. and that is the danger to liberty. john: police never told these girls why they were shout down. >> my husband stopped at city hall to find out, and city official laughed at him, said really, they shut your lemonade stand down,. john: police chief expined. >> we're not aware of how home en aid wahow thelemonade was mae
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it, what sufferers made with, you are breaking the law. john: in wisconsin they shut down these girls lemonade stand, these kids in texas too. >> they said you need a permit to sell. john: in hazel wood, illinois, the mills sold girl scout cookies from their front yard, city sent them a letter orders them to stop. >> i said what? cookies come on. john: all these people ran afoul of laws they don't knowickived existed and still do not understand. >> unbelieveable. i can tell you, it is incomprehensible. john: even police d not understand, he said that roberts kids leton aid stand violated the law. >> two officers the previous day bought lemonade from them, and tipped them. john: in scottsdale, arizona, the doctor is accused of breaking city's nuisance
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maintenance or ordinance, his crime, the tree in the backyard it is a wrong kind. >> i could face imprisonment for 6 mths. john: you bought the house partly bought of the tree. >> but the tree was not on planning and development services department list of approved trees, but there are a bunch in the area. john: you point this out to the authorities. >> they say let us know who they are we will cite them as well. john: in california, jeff ni and chuck were fined for holding bible studies in their home. >> a conditional use permit. >> goes down a road of traffic studies, earthquake traffics this could be tens of thousands of dollars. john: ask them how many people in a meeting? >> code enforcer and his boss that was there said, more than
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3. >> have you more than 3 kids. >> i have 5. john: famous people accused of breaking the law can fight zealous prosecutors, they can afford the expensive lawyers who get them reduced sentences, but what if you are an ordinary businessman and you import these guys, you could go to jail for years. >> we didn't catch the lobster, we didn't see the lobster. johnthey used to import seafood, than authorities say you are in trouble. >> i did the same thing for 13 years, nobody in the government ever had a problem with that. until that day when they walked up on the dock, and said, don't offoad your lobster sales. john: customs said stop unloading. >> we put them back and we were wond iring what the heck happened, they don't know. john: we know you know you should not murder and steal,
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these are -- that is old fashion, now, the laws are much more technical, and vague. john: government said he broke 4 obscure regulation on the book in honduras. >> they had to be packaged in 40-pound boxes, we had them in plastic bags ?eerch wa. john: everyone of using plastic bags. >> i started in 1986, and was doing to the same way. way. >> honduras said you do the to wrong. >> 7:30 in morning there are about 7 black vans, fbi, irs, national marine fishery service, customs, about 13 of them on my deck. all with guns. >> that was just the beginning of the nightmare. you were sentenced to? >> 8 years and one month. john: maybe he was' repeat
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offender. any trouble with the law before this? >> worse thing i had w a speeding ticket. john: he serve the 6 years in jail. what happened to your business? >> i wt broke. john: your family. >> they went broke, and broke up, their kids at home with their mother. john: i assume the attorney's general and states attorneys are not evil people, okay they are ambitious, and they want to make a name for themselves but they don't really want to hurt people. >> most are not evil a lot are fanatics. john: prosecutors, all. >> all these recession laces they will comb the books and they will find something. >> this could happen to you, they can take any law they think you broke, and take you to trial.
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and whether you win or lose, you will lose. because by the time you are done fighting it you are broke. john: the government never goes brok >> they must have spent a million taxpayer dollars going after you. >> i heard they spent 5 million. john: the aim of money they take bankrupts. >> clients have spent 10 million. >> i can't imagine how much money they spend prosecuting my husband. john: feds tried jill's husband jack and lost but instead of apologizing for getting it wrong they threaten to fine him 37,000-dollars a day. what terrible crime did the government say jack and jill committed? trying to build a house on their own property. >> county gave you permission to build? >> they did, and theynspected the turn around doing. and approved it. john: you started to build -- a government owned drainage ditch nearby was clogged with logs, jack asked the government to fix
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it. >> they told my husband we're backed up succes 6 months, if yn clean the dit do it he used his backhoe, removed huge logs out of this ditch, water came off the land, and we were cited a felony for cleaning the ditch. >> what? >> a felony charge it give the property the appearance of being a wet land. state government, floods your property and federal government charges you a felony for building on a wet land. john: jack is digging a well, he had to go deep down. > he was down about 8 fight, but not find water. john: i should repeat, a jury cleared jack. of all charges. >> and we won but after we were home for a month maybe, the army corps of engineer and epa said,
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how nice you won in the criminal court but we still fill it is a wealth land, the decision by jury did not matter, if you don't get off the property we'll fine you still. john: what does that mean? >> 39, 500 a day. john: they had to sell their home, now they left in a modified trailer. this has already taken almost everyone you had. >> we'll be bankrupt, you have no idea what you are up against, you don't know the power that is the epa. john: they have all the time and resources in the world, it is an iim. they run you on down. >> they come in and ruin lives. john: our government, that is supposed to be the people for the people, sometimes is against
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the people, up next, why i had to to this. >> wai stop [wait, wait. i -- don't drink it! friday night, buddy.
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you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, , it's ey to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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john: lemon ai lemonade for sal. >> what does it take to open a lepon aid stan legally in america. >> this is supposed to make licenses simple. >> the wizard. it is easy, but, what? john: there were unintel i
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unintel i thinkable question. >> i had to take a 15 hour food protect cls, to sell lemonade? >> bike injuries, i i don't know doan havdon't have bicycles. >> then an exam and i have to wait weeks to see if i passed, if i do, i have to buy government approved fire extinguisher, to do this legally would take months. >> forget it. >> i did this without a per it, fox's lawyer gave me the okay if i didn't actually sell anything. >> i had to given refunds and get the lemonade back. my customers thought it was crazy. >> that is a silly law. >> 1 had their own stand. >> you have to get a license to open the stand. >> i'm from canada, we did need a license. >> i can't let you drink it. >> why? >> there are so many rules here, i can't sell it to you.
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>> no. >> i didn't have time to get permits. >> what in pakistan you don't need permits. >> that is how it used to be in u.s. >> in 1920s you take a poor illiterate irish man, or italian he gets a car, and paints the word taxy on the side, he is in. today he could not buy a cab in my town unless he was a millionaire. john: they have to buy a medallion. but these medallions cost a million dollars. >> yes, very expensive. >> so expensive only beg companies can afford them. so now the drivers 94
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s not entrepreneurs, they are employees. >> because of the medallion. >> the purpose of the license is to keep outsiders out. so that -- >> no, it is so there is a safe and orderly marketplace. >> you believe that. the purpose of the licensing is keep outsiders out so the ins can charge us higher prices. john: one of the few remains places where it still easy it start a taxi business is washington d.c. >> the last bastion of free entrepreneur industry in america, but now this lobbyistments to stop that. >> you have to regulate. >> he'ing to brin the dumb medallion rule to washington, d.c. >> therere too many taxi cabs. >> the dcdrivers don't think so. >> kill th the medallian bill. john: they like being allowed to
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work. >> we want to pr professionalize our taxi cab system. john: what does that mean? >> that theustomer has a good riding experience. >> but. john: regulation is already in the book. >> this is unacceptable. john: at least in washington. the open tree rules allow new comers to enter the business. >> washington, d.c., is only major city in america that the allowance ope open entry. john: continue that good for poor people? >> no, a medal ya med -- medallm is what is needed. >> but that squeezes new comers out. >> they should be. >> why. >> because that is a regulated industry. john: how much do you get paid to lobby for this. >> he is bomoney, i can't blame
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him. but, don't hustle me. >> i'm told you are paid by the taxi king, jerry shafer, he is using you to we have the competition out. >> i am paid not by the taxicab, but -- a bunch of taxi kings. >> keep the little boy toe litt. john: if he getting his recession leg, pooregulation, dt be taxi entrepreneurs. washington has been an open case, that is good. >> we love it. john: why mess with good. >> our job is to imminent it. john: you have been here 4 years, how many laws have you gotten passed. >> many, we're very active. john: do you ever repeal any?
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>> no,. john: passing new laws adds to the power of politicians but it makes it harder to be a entrepreneur. >> they are going to run me out of
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john: who decides what you eat? you? turns out no.
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some towns ban happy meals, one banned all new fast-food restaurants, my town's mayor's to limit the salt i can eat, if you sell certain things that food police disapprove of, you better watch out. >> there was a loud badging on the back gate. not long ago, federal officials raided ralston foods, a food co-op in los angeles, they were drawing guns. >> i was like why you are drawing guns. john: their crime was selling milk that was not pastururized. >> they went into our refrigerator and took the cheeses and milk and whatever they wanted. john: they did it again. >> they invade, they ripped my house apart, they took me to county jail, booked me,
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photographed me like a criminal. john: palmer and ross's owners were charged with 6 felonies, they could go to jail. >> because health officials say raw milk c be down right dangerous,. john: it means it has not been heated. but raw food buyers say things like this. >> it is pure, and healthy, and makes me feel good. good. good. john: john: 3 please, this is ridiculous. >> this is america, h are you going to tell me what i should and shouldn't eat. john: i eat a lot of dove bars, they are not good for me, i also eat chicken. they say, that because people don't wash chicken properly the bacteria causes illnesses and dates but we don't ban chicken.
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>> when the government gets between my food and my throat, i call that a invasion of privacy. >> i have drunk it all my life. >> most states ban sale of raw milk, just as they ban know licensed lemonade stands, my lawyer told me, if no one drinks it, and i don't make any money, then this is probably legal. >> that is silly. john: that indicates this whole prejudice against terrible business people, anyone in business is a cheater, a villain. >> the cdc said hundreds of people have gotten sick from raw milk. >> more than that have drowned in backyard swimming pools, then we should fill in the backyard swimming pools, life is risky, you could die, we should be able to choose our risk, i think that eating cocoa puffs, and eating
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twinkies and drinking mount dawn ing moun mountain due is risky, but i'm not asking the government to tell you not to do it. >> they pass more rules. >> every day i look over my shoulder. shoulder,. john: he would like to slaughter his own animals to sell to his neighbors, but it is only legal if he does not make money. >> you can go into woods, shoot a deer, puts on your hood, and drive around for hours, and keep it out in the sun for hours, and take it home, then can it and feed it to your children, that is a good american. >> it is logical to think we need government to protect us. >> if that is what you think
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th is fine. go ask for government protecti protection. but, allow my customers and me who don't have faith in the government, let us opt out. >> basic food freedom of choice should b as important as the freedom to worship, or speech or own a gun. john: what about public officis doing public work. >> i'm a reporter. john: coming up. >> you are going to jail? in america these days you never know what is legal. >> you are going away. >> for trespassing. john: can police legally arrest you just for filming the
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john: our government adds thousands of new laws every year . the fed's alone added 8,000 pages of new regulation just last year.
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add in state and local laws, we are drowning in rules. >> the police blocking the. so given that the police have the power to let me a or shoot me it is important that we be ableo keep an eye on them fortunately that is easier today because even our phones have cameras. a camera is a powerful tool. watching the watchman. the problem is often the watchman don't want to be watched. in jones county mississippi a highway patrolman told pierre, stop your rv. an activist who likes to videotape encounters. >> turn it off. >> how come? >> turn it off.
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john: the police were suspicious of shirtless, tattooed pete and his big trailer with new hampshire plates. his friend filmed the encounter and said. >> i would like to keep everyone accountable. john: apparently this officer did not like that. another arrived. >> and not shutting off. >> you're going to jail. >> excuse me? >> the cops grabbed his camera and arrested he and his friends. after about 12 hours the police let them go. >> they charged with possession of beer in a dry county because there was one unopened beer in the refrigerator. they had nothing else to stick on me. john: they could not charge him with somin the police because that is legal. that is a good thing. all just outside my office eyecup claimed the bicyclist rodents in on purpose. but in this video turned up and show that the officer was the aggressor. that cap was eventually fired.
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video like this is why some don't want to be found. >> and mr. according what you're doing. it's my right. >> actually, the seline. >> this is my yard. >> in rochester new york when emily good heard police stop in every outsider house she went out on their front lawn to found the encounter. one officer did not like that. >> of allowed to stand in my yard. >> stand in your house but some allowed to stand in my yard. i wasas in cotton pajamas. you could tell was holding nothing. i don't think that there is any reason to feel threatened. >> all i have is a camera. and clearly wearing nothing. i have no weapons. >> does not matter. it's going to go to jill. >> of observing what they're doing interesting me. charged with obstructing governmental administration. >> i did nothing. >> i and his power.
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john: a little harsh. he is doing his job. >> it's not his job to take people from their own property and put them in jail. john: a month later that put this video online. it was the dozens of times. some viewers criticized the police. pepos the video and youtube and they come back. >> in uniform. four officers. >> police showed up outside a meeting and started writing tickets for parking violations. parking farther than 12 inches from the curb. >> can i see it? and i see the ruler? john: your friend take that. that's 12 inches from the curb. jo: after the media picked up on the story the police chief said his officers actions were inappropriate. charges against any were dropped, but no officer was ever punished. than ever are as far as we know. even when the arrest news.
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the sedative, police pursuit. >> you're going away. because it's an active seen interleaving. no place. go away. no. john: he went away to move across the street, but then the officer drove up to in there. >> put it down. put it down. they charged fill with obstructing government. did you obstruct the government? >> absolutely not. at the point i was arrested was a thousand feet away. john: charges were dropped. again, the officer was never punished. none of the officers who arrested become amelie, were filled with talk to us. the head of one police union said as this written comment. >> he said this is because serious safety issue. am afraid something terrible will happen. >> the opposite is true. the officers are doing the right thing the video is going to show
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that. john: true. this hijacker rent a car. the officer shot the hijacker, killed in command and was exonerated of murder because this video showed he had acted in self-defense. >> i your recording right now? some officers now understand it is just part of the job to be filmed. is to look good on you to buy their way. let's give three cheers. it is refreshing to hear an officer welcome the camera. >> remember. my name is of this alliance. my badge number is 1093. the bless america. john: coming up, should they have the freedom to sell sex? should they have the freedom to get high? legal drugs and sex work when we return. ♪ ((( ( nnfc, afc, offensive lineman,
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defensive tackles, quarterbacks and cornerbacks are all working with united way. for a million little reasons. the kids of our mmunities. to ensure their academic success, all the way to graduation day. it takes about 12 years to cree a graduate.
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it takes the same time to create a dropout. and the difference between a kid becoming one or the other could be professional athlete. or it could be you. studies show, the earlier we get to kids, the better the chances. so become a united way volunteer reader, tutor or mentor. make a difference in the life of a child. for the life of that child. give. advocate. volunteer. live. united. take the pledge. join ygo to john: the lots of people in american jails are here for drug use, and hat is ironic because the people who make the laws and enforce them, many of them admit they use drugs. which of you are ready to admit having ud marijuana in the
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past? >> yes. >> mayor edward? >> yes,. john: the audience applauds. >> i nailed. frequently. >> that was the point. john: everyone laughs. get the same politicians oversee a system that does this. drug raids like this one happened in america more than 100 times every day. neil frankland once led such raids. ♪ locked up hundreds of people for ugs. >> absolutely. and responsible for thousands being arrested. john: you felt good. >> we really thought these drugs made people evil. ten years ago franklin decided at drugs, even hard drugs do much less harm to americans than the drug war. >> drugs can be and are in many cases problematic. the policies that we have in place to prohibit the use are
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ten times more problematic. john: conducting trades is one thing that changed his mind. on this rate as what team broke into this family souse, shot their dog. once inside it did not find any drugs. the owner was justharged with possessing drug paraphernalia. >> we don't end up with dogs being shot. we end up with kids being shot. we end up with search warrants being served on the wrong home. innocent people on the other side of the door thinking that they are protecting their home. >> we should be kicking down more drs. john: white house drug czar adviser under president bush and clinton. >> they're not kicking the door of some restocking and to be on the accounts. they're kicking the door of somebody who is a violent person with a known history to be dangerous. john: when they get it right. sometimes they make mistakes and terrorize people. >> because that accident happened should not be the reason that we do away with the program. john: do awwy with it, says franklin. it did not stop drug use, but it
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created violence. tens of thousands of people dying. not because they get high on drugs, but because when something is illegal it is sold on the black market. that causes problems. drug dealers cannot call the cops of someone tries to steal their suppl so the arm themselves to the teeth. >> the violence of these gangs competing for market share and people get hurt. john: especially kids, drug gangs constantly look for new recruits. >> some of these gangs have better recruitment programs than fortune 500 companies. they know what to say to kids. john: to demonstrate how they recruit kids. >> look what i got on my feet. would you like a pair of these? that's one way. get yourself a pair. come back and show me. john: the kids come back. >> a, you're looking good. when you beat like to deal to bua pair of them every week? coming in with me in this is
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what youould be. you can have this. john:f you decided the dealer sees the kid again. >> are you dissing me? you know you owee. he offered me sneakers. hundred and 20 bucks. oh, you don't? here's what you do. you hold this for me. that's all you have to do for me. stand here and let me know. you get to keep the sneakers. i got you. john: and if dgs were legal people assume there would be more of that. >> you don't understand. it is the policy of prohibition that causes that violence. when you don't have these kids on the corner, of death of jack daniel's here for you. john: jack daniel's is sold by businesses. safe, well lit places. no violence here because this is legal. they're used to be violence in places like this. >> unnatural sequel. john: violent crime is why america and its nine years of alcohol prohibition.
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>> al capone comments on bicep corruption. john: treated organized crime. al capone. >> organized crime existed well before prohibition. john: much less of it. here is the murder rate about 80 years ago. it rose when alcohol is banned, dropped when it becam legal again. >> if we were to do away with our drug laws and just sort of legitimized narcotics use in this country by saying what adults do what they do, we know statistically the drug usage numbers are going to skyrocket. john: we don't know that. people think were it not for drug laws drug abuse would be rampant. portugal decriminalized all drugs ten years ago, and the number of abuses did not skyrocket. >> actually, they had. in portugal, which people often talk about today as a success, it's actually a blatant ailure. john: we went to portugal. he's just wrong. >> a huge problem with the abuse. john: this man is portugal's drugs are.
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>> 100,000 people. john: 15 years ago heroin users shot up in the streets. jackie set up tent cities. then instead of doing what we have done they try something different. they decriminalized every drug, crack, heroin, you name it. >> the legalizion. we have the most liberal model in the world. john: drug use is treated more like a parking ticket and a crime. people caut with drugs like this one get a slap on the rest. sometimes a fine. when the law passed bid stunned people run wild in the streets? >> that is so not true. john: this will insert in portugal's parliament. >> the people now take a more responsible attitude. there is no police after them. john: despite that freedom independent studies found that the number of people who said they regularly do drugs state about the same. more importantly. >> the numbers of addiction
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itself decreased. john: we saw this woman openly smoking a joint near some police officers, but with some more public drinking and drug use. drug abuse is down, say authorities. drug crime is down. >> of the abyss suspicious. john: at first this police inspector had doubts about the law, but now he says it works. >> the conflicts and the threat are reduced. the police and not the enemies. ♪ drug use is down. >> it brought some peace to this debate. john: in america the drug war rages on. coming up, another war against prostitution. >> we don't sell access to the intimate self. createthe idea that human beings are no different, no better than stuff. john: these six workers say whht ♪
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[ male announcer ] from the way the bristles move to the way they clean, once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. and even6% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. orab deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when y do.
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john: these piles of laws, one law that most of you agree with, the ban on prostitution. in america, sex is okay, money is okay, but sex for money, that's forbidden. ♪ women arrested and charged for soliciting prostitution. >> de have anything to say? >> the women had their faces.
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john: tv reporter street prostitution like most other crime. >> exclusive pictures as vice cops set up a sting as center city hotel. cops posing as john's easily lured five women to the high-rise and tell. even using the yellow pages. john: even using the yellow pages. think about that. it wasn't at all difficult for the police to discover the lawbreakers. heck, the yellow pages in my town have 15 pages of so-called escort services. sex workers comment. police ignore 90 percent of it. when they do make bus the implication is that the policee saved the prostitute. >> jail just may be the safest place these high end hackers have ever been. john: really? jail is the safest place these workers have never been? i doubt that. more important, where six were is legal there is little danger. here in nevada, for example. >> here it is safe. john: brook taylor says sex
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workers like any other sales job. >> we are. we are independent contractors, just like any other business. john: she works at shibani ranch, one of 28 legal brothels of america. dennis officer boss. you are up camp. you are exporting these women. >> and not apparent. i have a license to do this. john: you are licensed dump. 500 women choose to rent out there bodies at his probable. john: you plan you're having fun. >> oh, yeah. john: being bought, sold. >> do you have fun when you have sex? >> but are sold. crying in kicking and screaming when the transaction happened. redoing that? no. john: wait a second. don't you feel demeaned? >> not at all. john: the u.s. state department called the active selling sex for money inherently demeaning. >> sex is supposed to be spontaneous. >> according to home? who made the sex laws? john: just for money. >> a model for money.
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is the same thing. john: sex is different. sex is more intimate. >> your still showing a body or a sporting yourself. i choose to do this. this is what i want to do. john: i assume you have no other options. >> i have several options. before i did this i had a nice, paying job. john: what you do this? >> because i want to. >> these skills can go out on dates and give up sex and it's fine. but if a guy leaves a hundred dollar bill on the dresser there something wrong with that? john: interesting question. >> it'not that complicated to appreciate why we don't want to legalize prostitution. john: i put it to former prosecutor wendy murphy. she has large prostitutes up. >> we don't sell access to the intimate self. it creates the idea that human beings are no better than stuff. slavery is against the constitution and has been for a long time. we find it -- john: slavery is involuntary. that is forced. >> prostitution is very close to
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slavery. it is inconsistent with erything we know about what freedom means to suggest humans to market forces. john: what? she lost me there. humans are subject to market forces all the time. ever see a fashion show or a professional sports draft? for a boxing match? two men could beat each other's brains in in a boxing ring legay. why shouldn't these girls be able to have sex for money? john: sex workers told us sex is just a job. one better than some others. >> the girl that mcdonald's is not love making burgers. the guy does not love stocking toilet paper. john: dropped out of a prtigious college because she wanted to do such work. >> if i don't like somebody i don't have to be with them. opposite of slavery, i think. john: nevada has it right. john: not all of nevada. in los vegas it is illegal. t the disease and lots of robberies. $2 million with the property theft reported last year. prohibition does not work. if you want disease, if you wan


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