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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  March 28, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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also, thank you. the call for leadership at a time of turmoil around the world. dan henninger wants to know who will stand up and lead? christine lagarde wants $1.40 gas tax around the world. cyber threat, even netflix. early morning to late at night cup the very public war inside and outside nbc that everyone is talking about. that much and more ahead on markets now.
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top of that power and stocks now. us about the essence be. nicole: we surpassed that all-time high. we are even passing the numbers that we set earlier today. the dow jones industrial average right here right now. we are seeing some of the names leading the way. i am watching the dollar which is a little weaker today. plenty of green on the screen. on the dow 30, 26 of them are in the green. dagen: food stamp enrollment in this country continues to climb. "wall street journal" today.
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check out this. 50 million americans are enrolled in the program as of december. up 70% from 2008. it is "the budgets of the department of homeland security. joining me now with reaction to that is dan henninger. >> food stamps. dagen: just in general a progressive agenda in the country. >> i think that is what it is about. the president has a project to create a permanent progressive majority and all create a system in which the government is
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essentially the leading power or source in the country's economic light. not the private sector. barack obama regards the private sector as that essentially, a distraction. dagen: what has gone on with the food stamp program? the states have relaxed these assets and incomes. something the journal says the obama administration has encouraged. this is a way to expand the role of the federal government. >> let's add, as well, dagen, remember under the obama healthcare law, he expanded
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medicaid. to do things like that and increase the level of food stamps that you will need more revenue. they are asking for higher levels of taxation. i am convinced that they are going to long-term ask for something like a permanent value long-term tax. they absolutely need a permanent higher revenue stream for the federal government. dagen: you are talking about higher revenue to fund future spending. >> absolutely. a larger level of government benefits, but to pay for it, somehow through the general population. they will find that one way or
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another. a gasoline tax, a carbon tax or a valuation tax. dagen: speak on the lack of leadership. it is about global leadership. whether you are talking about germany, here in the united states, some of the dangers they may need to deal with. >> you have low economic growth in the united states. it was just revised upward in the fourth quarter. barely growing. europe is hardly going at all. that is an economic crisis. you have syria peace stable -- destabilizing the northeast. if you scan the horizon for leadership, you see no one stepping up. the president of the united states should be providing
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global leadership. instead, barack obama is hunkered down here trying to order the domestic economy of the united states. it is poor execution of global leadership by the president of the united states at a time when it is really needed. dagen: dan, it is really great to see you. i encourage everyone to read your column. you really touched on world war i. it scared me. thank you. there is a new leading role on wall street. tony dwyer is the chief equity strategist to tell us about it. see not everyone keeps hoping
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for a very high consumer confidence, very high growth, high employment to the very strong. that happens to come when you have a very aggressive -- you want it there. you want slow growth that is accelerating. dagen: what would make you change your mind? i know any sign that the federal reserve will be pulling back on any juice it has in the economy. >> typically what happens is the first part of the economic cycle, the feds are responding, sectors are outperforming. all of a sudden, you get word that the fed will have to raise rates. we are heading towards that point.
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then you have the expansion part. there are these periods where you get these explosive moves up in stock. it is because they have already played out their course. dagen: edu are more bullish about the fact that individual investors will jump on the stock rally that we have been seeing. is that a positive sign in some wife? >> it is. remember, it is not just the individual investors. it is the big money, endowment funds, state pension funds, city and local pension funds, those are the biggest drivers.
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they are still buying fixed income. that is beginning to shift. once that shifts, that is when you get the upside in equities. dagen: great insight, as always. tony dwyer. today was the day cyprus thanks finally opened their doors to do business. capital controls are in place to control a flood of money from leaving the country. rich edson is lives in cyprus. hey, rich. rich: they are not happy about this entire situation. folks do not want to put money in this bank.
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there is a pretty big sense of anger on the street. they are upset at what is happening. for one local, a sense of optimism. >> it was not an extreme amount. i had to put it in otherwise i would not get a cached when i was allowed to. i transferred some cash and that was very good. i am allowed 300 euros every day. people are living or controlled. people will set a budget. i think this is probably happening because people can't pay. rich: they cannot cash checks. they cannot take out more than 3000 euros. dagen: thank you for that. christine lagarde imf proposing
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a wide gas tax of $1.40. yes, we said it. will it happen? nbc's pr nightmare. we talked about it yesterday. actor daniel craig got a big payday for just putting the pedal to the metal for a few minutes. how much? we will tell you. ♪
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>> monday night, the prime time shows new nbc and to the two position. do you know what that means? between easter and passover, this is truly the week of miracles. we are number two. [ applause ] >> this is interesting.
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a new survey found that the average american stays at their job for four and a half years. that is unless they are a host on nbc. dagen: how long are executives at nbc going to let that go on? nbc has a dynamite fuse burning out both ends. the down and dirty and the skinny on that dirt. charles: when you have lyn know taking shots at his own network, you know you have a problem. it gets messy. it was leaked a few weeks ago.
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this at a time when, let's remember, jimmy kimmel is starting to draw young viewers. j leno is winning in late-night ratings. dagen: what is crazy about it is going back to how they handled the letterman leno changeover. it is not even the same management. dennis: the son of a legendary broadcaster. steve burt has a real problem on his hands.
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the today show is a half a billion dollar a year business. you have this with devastating cover story in new york magazine . it reports that lower himself may go over and pervasive alec trebek. and curry got blamed for this.
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you have to see what they will do to fix the problems. dagen: i can't wait to see how many bodies end up under that bus. dennis: can not survive? dagen: i do not know. dennis: likability is the single most important currency in early morning. dagen: thank you. dennis kneale. going back to nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange with blackberry. a surprise today. a good one, in fact. nicole: blackberry and five
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below. here is a look at blackberry. the sales that they have been seeing -- they have that million unit order. you see the stock with an up arrow. let's take a look at philadelphia five below. it is a discount store. very favorable with the teams. margin edge downward. not good news there. down 5% right now. dagen: thank you for that. james bond appearance at the new york auto show. that made a big payday for the actor behind the wheel. the imf makes you want to pay a lot more for gas. a global gas tax.
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♪ but we can still help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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>> at 20 minutes past the hour, i have your fox news minute. practice runs over south korea today. the timing is worth noting. north korea recently threatening
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nuclear strikes on its neighbor, south korea, and america. our military says they do this annually. nelson mandela back in the hospital. being treated for a long infection. he is 94 years old. he is becoming increasingly frail in recent years. also in south africa, a judge ruled oscar pistorius ten leave the country to compete. he must give authorities his travel plans a week before he leaves the country. he is charged with murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend. he was released on bail. that is your fox news minute. now back to my favorite person of the day. dagen. dagen: you are the best. love to your family.
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prices at the pump may be getting a lot more expensive if the international monetary fund led by christine lagarde has its way. peter barnes has more on this. peter: $1.40 a gallon and higher gasoline taxes here in the u.s. as a way to reduce carbon emissions and fix other problems . the fix in the west would triple gasoline taxes and that would send the price of a gallon of gas north of five dollars. the imf second and command says "the time had him for subsidy reform and carbon taxation."
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>> it is already expensive enough. i am not sure what business it is of the imf. >> we know that gas tax has not been keeping up with inflation. i think they should increase the gas tax. i would be very supportive of it. peter: to avoid sharp increases in gas prices, the tax increases could be phased in. dagen: you know that is aimed right at the u.s. we have not risen since the mid- 90s. you know who they are talking about. they are talking about us. peter: yes. absolutely. by the way, this is dead on arrival in our congress. dagen: yes. peter, thank you. peter: you that. dagen: yesterday i spoke with jag wire president.
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>> i think it was a fantastic volume. he brought the streets of new york to a standstill. it was a british icon car. dagen: how much things do you really get? $1 million. seven figures for driving the range rover sport around. he took off just a few minutes later. great for daniel craig. the company, you decide. we are just all jealous around here. cyprus in the meantime.
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the bank meltdown is enough evidence that we need to break up the banks here at home. netflix. the latest on that cyber threat coming up. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all onhinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪
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dagen: stocks now. pinnacle foods surging. nicole: that is right. mrs. butterworth, log cabin, duncan hines, look at the stock right now. the ipo price is $20. we have seen today jumping. trading as high as 22.82.
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it is up over 13%. certainly a big winner. we had the ceo on beard you could see him behind me. he spoke about the prospects for the country and this deal. dagen: thank you. thanks and cyprus reopening today after a few weeks. thanks around the globe under a microscope. do you think that anything will have to the banks here? >> i think it is moving that
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way. you are getting a lot of conservative commentators becoming concerned about the size of the banks. the dallas fed chairman spoke at the conservative, the cpap meeting here in washington, and talked about some of the things we have been talking about for quite a while. you have george will, peggy noonan, you have a whole bunch of folks coming out saying they are too big to fail. dagen: political will comes from those in washington being motivated by the american people. do you think this is a major concern for americans? >> i think you are right on point.
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there has to be concerned out in the countryside. there has been a lot of concern where americans think the wall street banks are out of control. when you looked at the dodd-frank bill, the number one thing was we have to stop big to fail. reports are out now and they are not too big to fail. they have a higher interest rate than the other banks. the other thing, dagen, is a recent string of examples that the banks may not only be too big to fail, but too big to manage. they were fixing the numbers. you have the london whale investigation. you have hsbc settling for money laundering and drugs.
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someone says the total paid by banks is $63 billion. that is not an encouraging sign. dagen: in terms of asset bubbles, how much do you put on the federal reserve for creating a bubble that we are seeing again? >> we all know it is not just from banks. when you are trying to fix a problem that you have, there is always the problem that you may overreact. i think that the facts really are what is the cause of it. more and more people, they keep reaching out for more. more and more people are getting things like junk bonds.
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you get concerned about another asset bubble. you know you never increase your interest rate without increasing your risk. that is a real concern. dagen: not funny. >> there is the international scene. this thing in cyprus is very disconcerting. and many, they reduced the projected growth 2.3%. if germany starts slowing down, where will the money come from to bailout cyprus and greece? dagen: do not look at us. that is all i have to say. [ laughter ] dagen: be well.
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thank you very much. the reach of the attack seems to be mostly concentrated in germany, written and the netherlands. sites like netflix were slowed down. the west is taking its first swipe at beijing. the law only covers spending on nondefense matters and is, of course, valid till september 30 of this year. the u.s. scoring at least one win over china. google's glasses will be made by china's fox con, but in the
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united states. google is set to play lucky 8000 people the chance to buy these glasses in the next several weeks for $1500 a pop. take a look at google today. there you go. down just a little bit. we heard the argument for the bowls. we will hear why the world will come to an end with a giant top market crash. if you do not want billy bob down the street handling or stuff that you just bought at walmart, well, you better speak up now. ♪ i'm a conservative investor. but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient.
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>> i and adam shapiro with their box this is brief. the economy posted sluggish growth. looking for growth to come in at .5%. the estimate was for 340,000. the prior week was revised higher also. panasonic will stay in its money-losing television manufacturing business right now.
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it is expected to post a million dollar loss this year. the company will pull back from covert electronics and expand its automatic battery. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. dagen: earlier this hour, tony dwyer was so bullish on the market. he just raised his target on the s&p 500. our next guest has a much different perspective. down and way down. managing director of -- sent advisor. you rode the great depression ahead which came out right before the markets bottom. what felt better, build or doom?
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>> folks can do well either way. we are not bullish or bearish. i was very bullish in the 80s and 90s. now the baby boom generation has peaked in the united states. i call it the demographic cliff. this will continue to happen in country after country and regions around the world. dagen: why would that cause a market downturn unless they are selling their stocks to fund their spending? said mac it is not they are buying or selling stocks that drives the stock market. it really is consumers that drive this. people earn and spend more money from age 20-46.
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spending drops dramatically. people do not understand how much spending tops off, especially for herbal goods. debt gets paid down. baby boomers will not be spending in the next decade and they will be dying from 2012 to 2040. dagen: why one at that trend be on that by a growing population in places like asia, india, china? >> we only export about% of our gdp. yes, it does help. i am less bearish then some people looking at my numbers. even china get this cliff, starts to plateau and then drops off like japan. europe is in a plateau now and they drop off a steep cliff
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after 2014. dagen: with this much trouble looming, what do you do with your money? where do you put it? speak the market kind of goes sideways in an increasingly volatile manner. buy and hold does not work so well. you cannot be out of the markets either. we just say, when things bubble up, there is very strong resistance. that is my target for later this year. then we will start heading down. basically-- dagen: you are telling able to essentially trade. >> a long-term trader. every several years. you get more defensive. when crash, you have to have the
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guts to step back and peered we will see another crash and we will see another strong stimulus program. dagen: if the strategy works, why didn't it do better? >> we had a model. it back tested it and all of this sort of stuff. the fed manipulated and pushed the market. it is taking $2 trillion a year. the fed is basically manipulating the markets. but indicators, they just do not work anymore. it did not too bad, it just did not do as well as we wanted to. dagen: thank you for being here.
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take care. stocks now. nicole: we are going to take a look at a holding call. when you talk about goldman sachs, their top picks are nike and bs corpse. four nike, margin expansion is likely. that is why they have these as their top buys. neutral ratings. for under armour, new products. that is something they will be watching. columbia, focusing on the design is positive. worth watching these athletic
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acres in the months to come. dagen: thank you. walmart leading the country in finding ways to cut down on costs. now it is talking about a radical new plan for online delivery. using you. here with more if elizabeth macdonald. i cannot even laugh at the story. liz: it is all part of walmart did push to get more of that online sales pie. say you want to go to the local walmart to shop and you buy your catch up your shampoo, what walmart is now brainstorming about is hiring you to help deliver items that are bought by other customers in your neighborhood. your neighbor goes online to do shopping at walmart. you would help deliver that package and walmart would give you a discount on your shopping.
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this is just a brainstorming stage. let's take a look at what what executives are saying about this. they are using customers to deliver online packages. another executive saying this is at a brainstorm stage. google is doing same day web delivery service in san francisco and office depot. they want to double the number of stores. i will tell you something, think about this, two thirds of the american population within shouting distance of a walmart store. dagen: where i grew up, i would not drive down somebody's
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driveway who i was not related to. [ laughter ] dagen: at the very best case scenario, somebody shoots your tires out. that is the best case. i just find the whole thing hilarious. liz: you could imagine the insurance and regulations they would need. dagen: the miami heat 27 winning streak over. the team still has plenty to celebrate, however. ♪
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dagen: a record-breaking run in the nba denied. over for the heat last night.
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miami had a 27 game winning streak beats by the bulls. the heat had been on a run since february 3. they were chasing the longest nba winning streak. thirty-three games held by the los angeles lakers. it has been a long time. more than 40 years. things are still looking pretty good for lebron and company. they already clenched division title. another launch to the international space station. we are live in miami. what's different about this trip to the space station? >> the trip will be a lot shorter than others in the past. they will be there for just six as time.
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chris cassidy, who is also a full-time navy seal, he will have two russian colleagues at him. they will be taking off out 4:43 p.m. this afternoon. >> overall command of this mission is a canadian for the first time ever. the russians really do have the trump card. they are the only one with the rockets said the u.s. ended the shuttle program in 2011 nasa signed a deal with russia last year for $753 million. that is for 12 round trip tickets. dagen: that would make a really tasteless joke.
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i will hold myself back. steve, thank you. the s&p crossing its all-time closing high low earlier in today's trade. we will have the latest market move. forget about china. steve was just talking about russia. dennis and cheryl are coming up with much more on market now. ♪ a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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>> rally on. i'm dennis kneale. cheryl: i'm cheryl casone, and the s&p's run in history whether stocks are where you want money right now, we're talking about it. >> the cyber threat, china; right? why russia may be the bigger threat facing america online. cheryl: and if we are not paying enough at the pumps, the imfments a global tax on
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gasoline. dennis: thanks for that. a public war inside nbc. leno and lar, who stays and goes? cheryl: good question. the first quarter coming to a close. it's been a wild ride for stocks. the dow shattering its all-time record just a short time ago. the s&p, and -- dennis: nicole at the new york stock exchange, nicole? >> hi, i'm looking at the year to date numbers here on the major averages as we wrap up here, the first quarter, january, february, march, the last trading day of march. on monday, april 1 #st when the markets reopen. you noted the s&p highs, the dow jones industrials hitting a new record all time intra-day high today. you see right now, up one-third of 1%. year to date, the dow up 1 1%,
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s&p up 10%, and nasdaq up 8%. we've seen the runup here, and on the dow, most of the dow components in the green a short time ago, checking 25 of the 30 names in the green. as i look at the big board, the drug index is the best of the bunch, and retail index pulls back, and retail pulling back. that's interesting to watch. the fear index to the downside. what's interesting is the reversal in the dollar. we've seen a very strong dollar. we saw the euro at four month lows, lows not seen since really november 21st. today, a different picture, gaining momentum, and divergence in oil and gold. gomed, a safe haven, also, pulling back. back to you. dennis: cypress crisis, who cares. thank you, nicole. cheryl: the greek speaks,ny could on the floor, and let's bring in somebody to talk about the s&p. s&p capital iq chief equity strategist is here, and s&p just
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raising their s&p target for the next 12 month, and you went from 1550 up to 1670, a big boost. 7% boost. what's the thinking here? >> hey, cheryl, our feeling is that, well, first off, we establishedded the earlier target back in november, passage of time, but, also, i think the trajectory of the low flying recovery has been improving, and at the same time, the market has been willing to pay a little bit higher future earnings right now, at a multiple of 15, a pe ratio of 15, interestingly enough still trading at a discount of 15% on a trailing basis over the past quarter century, and is also trading at a discount to the average since the secular bear market started. really, it's just looking towards earnings over the coming 12-month period, applying what we field to be a fair, multiple
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number and we have 1670. cheryl: s&p is predicting volatility, but we talk about that a lot and what the market does, and you compare gdp. have to look at growth in the country and compare that to s&p. that's where you get the real story. talk about it. >> well, i was traveling, talking to clients last week, and a lot of times they asked, sam, how could we end up with rising earnings and an expanding pe multiple looking at below average growth in the u.s. economy? i remind investors they are anticipators, not looking to current growth, but where growth will be a year from now, and standard and poors economics believes we're looking at a much stronger earnings and growth environment with our u.s. economy next year than this year. also, we realize that because about 50% of revenues for the
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s&p come from overseas operations, and even though we're only expecting a sub 3% growth in the gdp this year, ihs global insight is expecting a more than 5% growth in emerging markets for 2013 -- cheryl: sam, that's a divergence then. what you are saying here, looked at specific charts, ten years, the s&p versus gdp in this country, but you say, really, the story overseas is what's going to give the s&p the growth per perspective, not so uch u.s.gdp growth, but emerging markets, saying 46% of the s&p's gains from emerging markets, and it used to be, what, 30%? 32%, i believe? >> international revenues for the s&p 500, they are hard to quantity my because companies don't like to give out their favorite fishing holes so because it does not require them to do that, they sort of hint at where they are getting most of the revenues and earnings.
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for up to 50%, 46% to 50% aren't coming from overseas, and, obviously, the greatest growth expectations in gdp is expected to come from the emerging markets so a lot of u.s. companies are going to be focusing on those higher growth areas, so while the u.s. is likely to keep us down in terms of what the earnings could have been, they are better because of the international exposure. cheryl: sam, closing out the first quarter of 2013, the trading ending, let's look at the sectors that have been the best performers, and the sectors that we talked about, consumer staples, more than 13% gain today. health care, again, more than 13% year to date gain, and financials, are those the sectors, in your mind, that continue to perform in the s&p? >> i think the defensive leaning is because retail investors are reluctantly getting back in, and
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what they say if we get back in because the fed is to the paying me anything, i want a dividend yield, and, also, i don't want to be buying in and fall over the cliff so i'd rather gravitate towards the defensive areas with less volatility. i think that we do have some cyclical growth in the months ahead because the u.s. and international economies will be seeing an improvement in their economic growth trajectories. cheryl: sam, good to talk to you, especially op -- on a day like today with the s&p breaking and hopefully closing above the october 2007 level. sam, thank you. >> thanks k cheryl. ♪ dennis: massive round of cyberattacks aimed at a swiss antispam group, the largest denial of service, and they will be in britain, germany, and
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netherlands, and sites were slowed down, but no fallout occurred from the online battle now which is said to be over. trend micro's chief technology officer, raymond -- i forgot how to pronounce that last name, says it's a concern for the on line world. give a listen. >> so, actually, of course, we look at this attack, and we don't know if it's cyber doing their tech. it's definitely a botnet, and so we definite lee see a current slow down in the european internet, but it's affabling internet traffic globally because there are not too many receiverrers. it's a large scale of tech, and they have a problem with it, but it's affecting us all, and that's bad. dennis: people think u.s. government and businesses are, if anything, lax on the cyber threat, but what do you think? a couple weeks ago, the obama administration called out china
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as a big cyber criminal, basically, a report came out citing a thousand attacks on over a hundred u.s. companies, but you say there's actually a bigger threat than the chinese, who is it? >> russia or former russia, the problem is they started cybercrime in 2003. they perfect the it. we see attacks from china highly visible, but be more concerned regarding attacks not visible and fairly sophisticated, and for this, you use eastern european -- and some are state sponsored. dennis: the sate, rather than using employees in russia, hire these professional crooks to do the hacking for them, you're saying? >> that's absolutely correct. you know, you have a pool of cyber criminals, and how often do you see cyber criminals if in russia?
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it normally never happens because it seems these guys you know, offer a certain service, and for this, they get protection. dennis: the chinese were call out for a thousand attacks all traited to basically the doorstep of the people's liberation army of china, but you basically told our producers that that's a clear sign chinese don't know what they are doing, that they can be found easily, explain. >> it's strange. you normally don't really worry on what you do, you use various proxies, try everything to hide your traces. or you hire cybercriminals to do the work for you, electronic cyber espionage. it's a big surprise somebody openly, you know, attacks u.s. companies and could be traced back easily. it's confusing, maybe, you know, they are not well trained. dennis: the chinese may have been framed. when the chinese and russians hack into u.s. companies, do you think they have the same agenda? china is interested in corporate espionage, looking for trade
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secrets and designs, but i wonder whether the russians think militarily? take down our missile defense system or something. >> the russians are doing exactly the same. they tried to get information, though we don't see droughtive attacks or see attempts to destroy infrastructure out of china, out of russia. it's information gathering, and electronic, and the home country germany is one of the most high-tech countries because we create interproperty, and we see the attacks from china as well as out of russia. dennis: so what do we need to do to stop this? it's weird that all of this tech gear was shipped out without adequate protection anyway, but what should we do? are we doing enough? >> we are definitely not doing enough. we need a better public sector, private company partnership where we all work together to combat this, and i think we really have to force the isps to deliver clean water.
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there are ways to create content, but the isps don't have a financial interest doing it. maybe they need to be forced. some legislations are enforcing it now. >> good stuff here. cheryl: it was. the accent made that interview. the biggest cyber attack to date, but what's surprising that little is needed to carry out an attack of these size. are the large scale attacks the future of hacking? the ceo of trust joins melissa and adam at 1 # p.m. eastern time today. okay. it came down to, well, today. we are live in cypress as banks reopen, and angry citizens worried about their future take to the streets to protest the bailout. >> as if there were not enough pain already at the pump, the imf wants higher taxes on gasoline. the reasons why and what it costs you, next. as we do every day at this time, let's take a look at oil. ♪ ♪
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now over to you charles???? sir charles' single miles card left him blacked out. he's coming to us from home. that's gotta be traveling. now instead of covering the final four, he's stuck covering fourth graders. brick! bobby is 1 for 36. mikey? he keeps taking these low-percentage shots. and julio? i don't know what julio's doing. next time get the capital one venture card and fly any airline any time. what'sn your wallet? can you get me mr. baldwin's autograph? get lost, kid.
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cheryl: banks opening for business in cypress after being closed for nearly two weeks, but locals are still facing capital restrictions. rich edson live from cypress with the reactions there. rich? >> well, the banks are just finishing up transactions for the day, about to close in what is the first opening of banks in cypress for a about a couple weeks. reactions of the folks here, some happy they get to some of the money, and others are angry they can't get all the money, and when it comes to specific reactions, well, it varies. >> yes and no, actually. i'll be more optimistic once i see people have been pun ired and finally our eternal systems
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start working in the way they should work. >> i'm relieved. i'm not app gri. i'm just frustrated that i think cypress got picked on because it's a beautiful island. we're sitting on 400 billion euros of oil and gas, and i think it's the world taking advantage of us at the moment. which is a pity. come here, you don't want to leave. i lived here for 20 years, an i'm still here. >> very calm and orderly day at the banks here, lines started forming about a half hour to 45 minutes before banks open at noon this afternoon, and once they did, it took a half hour to get through the line of 40 folks waiting in line here, a steady stream of customers throughout the day, and there's banking controls here. only can take out 300 euros, can't cash checks, and some hesitant to deposit money here as banks finally reopen here 12 days after being closed. back to you. cheryl: rich edson there in
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cypress, anticlimatic, but a good thing for the banks there. quarter past the hour, stocks every 15 minutes, annie -- annie coal is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> i didn't expect otherwise. i mean, obviously, they have been waiting and got now, what they needed to do. they had to get the banks open. i want to look here at the parent of tommy hilfiger, calvin kline brand, down 2.5%. they had the outlook today, down 4.5%. the fiscal fourth quarter earnings doubled seeing growth, as i noted in tommy and the calvin kline brands, but it was the outlook. the profit guidance forward is that they issue was below the analysts' estimates, and with that weaker outlook, that not only for the first quarter, but full year, also, so you now have
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that's why stocks go often a little bit. thank, back to you. dennis: thanks, nicole. time to make money with charles pape, and if you followed his advice, you have updates. >> i want to talk about stock are -- when i say "grand slams," but people are in them, hold them, and consider buying them on any sort of dip. noc, a smart grid play, the street's now jumping on this stock. tesla, dollar tree, unfortunately, i think we got a biforcation in the country, we recover, there's a large portion of people who must shop there. energy is amazing. pounding the table on this for a couple years. there's a young lady who working here, bought the stocks when she heard me talk about it, up over a hundred percent, and a camera guy bought it at $8, but i love it. we talked about marathon a lot.
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a couple losers, molly corp. and skull candy. too cute. do not buy them. hold for right now. just keep following the global economy is what you look at. revolution area, you know, like the tesla or areas to be cleaned up. you know, if you go to a hospital, the computer systems are old, the smart grid will come to life. liquid mid natural gas, they are no-brainers, they will grow ultimately. dennis: teaching the man to fish rather than giving him a fish. thank you. cheryl: be here tomorrow for particular. the imfments you to pay more at the pump. coming up, what they try to protect with new gas tax and how much it's going to cost you. dennis: would you drop off your neighbor's purchase to get a deeper discount at walmart? the retailer's new plan to compete with amazon. walmart delivery. meanwhile, this is how the world's currency are fairing against a strong u.s. dollar as of late.
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>> 23 minutes past the hour, this is your fox news minute. south africa's former president nelson mandela back in the
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hospital reportedly treated for a recurring lung infection and responding well. he's 94 years old, had health shaky years recently. boston's longest receiverring mayor is not seeking reelection. 70-year-old thomas says he's not running for a sixth term after being hospitalized for eight weeks last fall for a respiratory infection and a blood clot and promises to go full tilt until the final day in office. in sports, king james of the heat, 27th game winning streak ending last night after the bulls beat them. the bulls turning up the defense and sinking timely fourth quarter baskets, swish was the sound they could hear. miami finished six games short of the record held by the lakers in 1971. that's the fox news minute. i'm in it, and i know it rhymes. back to you. den depp thank you, hairing's. the international monetary fund
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proposing something to make prices at the pump climb even higher. our peter barnes live in washington, d.c. with more. peter? >> hey, dennis, that's right. the imf suggests $1.40 a gallon in carbon tax to curve climate change and take care of budget deficits and traffic congestion. now, this suggestion is coming in a new imf report on a global energy subsidies and battling climate change. the fix in the u.s. would triple the prices of taxes on gasoline right now, and send -- the price per gallon to north five bucks a gallon. in a speech yesterday, the imf's second in command, david, said, quote, the time has come for subsidy reform and carbon taxation. critics blast the report suggesting a sharp increase in gasoline taxes would hurt the economy, and it would also hurt
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lower income families that have to buy gas to get around. consumers have mixed reviews. >> it should probably be taxed and then people would find other solutions to getting around. here in dc, we're lucky because we have public transportation, but that's something that the whole country needs more of. >> people are already cut back on how much they are driving. i'm not sure what business it is of the imf to say what our taxings ought to be. >> the imf says to avoid sharp increases in gas prices that hurt the economy, the tax increases could be phased in. dennis? dennis: okay, meantime, who died and made the imf king? thank you, peter. >> you bet. cheryl: next year, close to 2 billion mobile devices access the interpret, and blackberry posted a surprising profit, and position in the marketplace could be changing, and how it survives the tech arm race next.
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dennis: the shining, a classic horror story, coming up, on the road to the hotel that served as the inspiration. it's making money off it. let's look at the day's s&p winners and a few losers.
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dennis: blackberry delivers a fourth quarter profit to investors, and that stock is up. special delivery, why your neighbor may end up marching up your driveway with your online order from walmart.
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steven king, remember now creepy "the shining" was? the hotel that inspired it lets you hunt for ghosts at a price. we are doing it. that's coming up. stocks every 15 minutes. nicole is on the floor at the new york stock exchange with an ipo. >> hunting for ghosts? sparkedded my interest. bringing you over to the ipo of the day here, the big one, that is, and that is pinnacle foods at 22.28, traded at 22.82. it really is a gain of about 12% at the moment. the company is based in new jersey, and we got to ceo on fox business earlier today. he talked about the growth estimates for the company in looking forward to that. when you see pinnacle foods, you don't recognize that name, but the names under that including mrs. butterworth, log cabin,
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duncan hiens, and bird's eye. it's a winning day for the ipo. back to you. dennis: all right, thank you, nicole. cheryl: well, blackberry surprising wall street eking out a profit in the fourth quarter, but subscribers down 3 million. joining us now is sap president of global solutions, and you know, with this drop, do you think this change will change the ongoing mobile device war? you can't talk earnings, but the fact there is pressure on subscribers at blackberry. >> i think, you know, as you look at the mobile market, it's moving incredibly fast. blackberry's a partner of ours, but the market is bigger than blackberry now. we're a company, 65,000 employees, we got ipads and tablets to about 25,000 of them, and we've got 45,000 combination of phone divergence vees, ipads, galaxies r and blackberry. the world is heterogeneous where
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combination of android and blackberry exists, and we have to secure devices and deliver killer applications to them. cheryl: security is an issue with this. and blackberry a partier with sap, and you are the world's largest by far. you have 50,000 employees worldwide, and with employees on, as you mentioned, thousands sitting on blackberries, but more using iphones. you got employees that are using samsung. when you look at the sap land scion and issue of security, is blackberry still the top, i guess, security hand held maker for business? >> yeah, i think as you look at the landscape, certainly done a good job with security and continue to embrace work done, but in a heterogeneous world, we have to focus on software solutions that could layer security whether it's running on a blackberry, iphone, or
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android. that's the focus. the way you have antivirus and security for a laptop, you have bring your own device, consumers bring devices in the enterprise, important that those devices are secure, provisioned appropriately because it just takes one bad guy to do bad things, and you can containerize your life where the private life, you have photos, playing angry birds, separated from the enterprise life where they ensure data does not work out of the devices. cheryl: employees, of course, walking around, whether they walk around with an iphone or a blackberry of any major corporation in the world, obvious they play angry birds and check the weather. maybe i'm guilty of that. the question is with the applications that are coming into the iphones and blackberry, is that a concern, security concern, productivity
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concern for business? >> i think both of those are considerations, and i think as people, the cios focused on solutions. we have to make those devices secure, and that's the focus. we looked at ways by which encryptions and data rests on this device is secure to the highest standards in which the federal government wants to work and international trading works in various different governments, standards are different, and all of this requires a level of software security that we're committed to and building for the clients, and it is a heterogeneous world. cheryl: talk about global markets for a moment because if you're in japan, the samsung mobile devices are popular and user friendly, not just for consumers, but businesses there. you move into the united states, blackberry has a dominant market share in the united states that
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may be changing, and europe is a whole different operating system, if you will, as far as the networks that are there. do you see a moment in the next five years where we have more continue knewty with regards to networks and more continue newty with regards to mobile devices where everyone on the same playing field? >> there's going to be diversity, a different diversity from the laptop with dominant market share of windows, in the u.s. market, you pointed out, iphones taking share in the market, and in the country i grew up in india, there's android devices. they are not strong there, and china and japan has a different market. we are here with the hit trough genius land scape to stay. android and an droids in the developed countries. it's important as companies we work with these device operating systems to ensure they have the highest level of security. samsung's been doing that, for example, with initiatives, and
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ios does that addressing this in areas like the federal sector, and, also, of course, blackberry had a history of this for a long time. >> it is a reason that sap has a $10 billion market cap, and you are a strong voice in this. thank you very much from sap. good to have you. >> cheryl, always a pleasure. thank you for having me on the show. dennis: on the road to the stanley hotel. steven king's inspiration for "the shining," soup euros scary and profitable. cheryl: boys of summer return next week, and up in the west coast minute, how the san fransisco giants turn the at&t park into the first media center for baseball. going to break, though, look at the ten-year treasury against global investors in the past two weeks, and they are flying into that safety of the u.s. treasury. ♪ we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known?
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we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy allf these years. ♪
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>> i'm tracy burns, the cost of a home loan increasing. average rate of a 30-year fixed mortgage rose to 3 #.75% this week, up from 3.54 last week according to the latest survey. 15-year rate also road up 2 pcht -- 2.76 up from 2.72 a week ago. realty track has the u.s. foreclosure inventory report.
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inventory jumped 9% in the first quarter from a year ago, and the total number of properties involved in the start of a foreclosure proceedings as well as bank owned properties totaled 1.5 million. the economy posted sluggish growth in the fourth quarter. gdp at an annual rate of.4%, and they looked for up .5. that's the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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but steven king had inspare ration for "the shining," on the road is the general manager of the stanley hotel. thank you for being with us, rick. you guys actually do ghost hunt tours at this hotel, and i'm wondering how business is going.
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>> business has been amazing. we're going to do about 85,000 tours this year, bringing in 350,000 people coming through the hotel just for a ghost hunt tour or adventure. dennis: how much extra revenue? >> around a million dollars. dennis: that's good. now, do things in the hotel really happen ghost-wise? i'm thinking if they ever succeeded in finding a ghost, that would be terrifying. >> they -- we have something happen pretty much every day at the hotel. i had an experience just this past week with a lady who was on a ghost tour, and brought her down and said, mr. benton, she needs to see you in the lobby, there's an amazing. i go over, and meet the guest, and we never touch guests in the hotel industry, but she was shaking so much that i grabbed her hands, and i said, you know, let's get water, and we sat for 10-15 minutes, and i said to her, she was clutching her iphone. i said, tell me what floor you
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were on when you had the experience. she said the fourth floor. you have a picture of the girl you want to show me. she showed me the camera, and the girl, you can see through her and see her ring lets in the hair and dress, and then the part you saw through was right to the wall behind it, and i said, so you paid $20 to go into the ghost tour, and you got a ghost. we got her laughing and turned around about the situation. it was great. dennis: she caught it on the iphone? that's got to show up in a new apple ad. have guests asked for refunds when they don't find a ghost or have a guest have a heart attack after they found a ghost? >> we never had a guest ask for a refund because they didn't find the ghost, but we never had a heart attack either because they didn't find a ghost or they did see a ghost, but we do have emotional moments. we had two in october that were doing a late night ghost hunt, and they were in the concert hall, and we have a room there called lucy's room, and you take
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lucy a cookie, and she lets you come into the room, and on two tours on the same evening, we had two guests pass out in the room. the local estes park ambulance and hospital were not happy that day. dennis: a placebo effect, some overly emotional people dying for something to happen make something happen, but it's great marketing on your park for the hotel. you had various tv shows and movies there, you have "ghost hunters," and "ghost at ventures," and "dumb and dumber," that strays from the ghost brand. >> "dumb and dumber" was a stretch for the ghost brand, but we're also about the history and all the other fun things we do at the hotel. we have a great film festival coming up. we are doing a horror film festival may 2 through the 5th at the hotel, the stanley film festival, it's fun as well.
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dennis: you could hire actors to scare people. they deserve it. they looked for ghosts. thank you for being with us today. rick benton of the stanley hotel. >> thank you very much. dennis: stocks every 15 minutes, nicole over with the live look of the day's meefers. >> dow jones up 5 points, big day for the bulls, setting an all-time record intra-day high for the dow jones industrial average. five names here, the best performers on the dow for the year 2013. it's a mixed bag today and some move more than others, but for the year 2013 with the dow up more than 10%, these are your best performers as we wrap up the first quarter. hp is up 65%, and american express and travelers each gaining more than 16%, and boeing and j and j and pfiser,
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15% roughly. the only two pulling back for the year are caterpillar and alcoa, two global stories, back to you. >> thank you, nicole. cheryl: the company is, quote, very close to getting a 787 dreamliner back in the air telling the associated prests it's sooner rather than later and confident the tests will satisfy the faa and should be accountanted in the next few days. look at shares of boeing, down 51 cents live on the screen. now to the skies in hawaii where hawaiian airlines installs self-service kiosks in honolulu airport. they print boarding passes, weigh luggage, and check luggage as well all without airline personnel. they are there on standby, by the way, if you need them. hawaiian is the first u.s. domestic carrier to move its main hub to a self-tagging
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system. there's the stock, up five cents. they expect the process to save five minutes per page for everyone. we'll see. fans of world series champs, the giants, have more amenities at a ten -- at&t when they open the media center with wifi capacity and charging stations. they rank third on twitter with nearly 400,000 followers, fourth in facebook fan likes. this is for the mlb overall. that is your west coast minute. dennis: never mind the people at the game could just watch the game. cheryl: more fun to be vod. people geeking out on the ipads with the data and stuff. i have friends that do that. prepare for walmart delivery. the retail giant's new plan to compete with amazon giving shoppers a discount. dennis: from morning until night. the future of nbc's big stars like matt and jay leno coming up in the media minute.
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there's a lot of turmoil there. meanwhile, look at the day's winners on the nasdaq. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro.
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[ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost ver fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary, not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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>> nbc is a dynamite fuse burning on both ends of the schedule. look at what happened to the late night. >> monday night, the prime time shows, "the voice" and "revolution" moved nbc into the number two position. you know what that means? number two, between easter and
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passover, this is truly the season of miracles, we're number two. we're number two, amazing. let me tell you something. i've been saying that the last week that nbc is the big number two. >> a new survey says the average american stays at their job for four and a half years, unless they are a late night host on nbc. [cheers and applause] dennis: you got leno trashing nbc, fallon trashing leno, a mess. the ratings here, nbc's tonight show, leno rules late night, down 7% or so, but nbc wants him to retire next year, bringing on fallon which is why he criticizes leno because he wants him out of the way. cheryl: kimmel is rocking it pup >> up 24%. cheryl: a lot of prime time problems at nbc.
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morning is worse. dennis: the today show, number one for 16 years fell to number two. we got a ratings chart to show it's down 12% versus a year ago. matt lauer, the least liked guy on air now, lots of problems, devastating story, and rumors that anderson cooper might be flirting with nbc about taking matt's job and matt would go to jeopardy. cheryl: good stuff. we'll cover that on "markets now," such a great story. no other company to cut costs like walmart and you will not believe what's cooking. what's this about? >> walmart is having a global commerce media, and one of the ideas was web packages, and online sites, you know, a number of startups to hire people to do that, and, so, basically, you buy the shampoo, dennis buys may
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-- mayonnaise at walmart, and the idea was to give you a discount on your item purchased there to cover the cost of the gas. they spit ball this, brainstorm it, it's a idea out there. the 0*er idea is how do you use the 3,000 super centers as distribution sites for walmart's online web sales. you know, amazon's 61 billion in sales, watt mart 9 billion in sales, trying to ramp up online. dennis: that for online sales 37 >> this is a fraction just for this year, and they talk about having lockers october their stores because, you know, there's a lot of theft of products on the doorsteps, so, in other words, how do you use the 3,000 supercenters for your web strategy? they are trying to go up against google, amazon, and same-day delivery, test driving it in five cities too. so, you know, walmart is pushing here to get more money in the door from online sales. >> one of the things we see with
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the big retailers now is price matching, concerned about amazon and journaled cut, they come to the table. best buy is going that now. that's there strategy. is that something across the board? >> you know, well, they are always to the lowest price out there, and showrooming. dennis: i don't know that i want my neighbor who i barely say hello to delivering my product. >> they call it the use of crowd sourcing, giving that fancy participants name to it. you have to have cargo insurance and perm liability insurance to deliver packages for any company. dennis: never happens. cheryl: liz, thank you very much. bottom line of course. the cyber threat, fallout from the massive on line blitz slowed the internet coming up. dennis: red or blue, what color your state means for your path to prosperity. adam and me melissa francis are
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next. ♪
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dennis: cyprus the new bogeyman is not so scary anymore. the s&p 500 is trading above its all-time high. cheryl: of 33 points. the first quarter of 2013, a very exciting first three months. some talk about pullback. not today. take it away, guys. melissa: we make fun of dennis all the time for being so bullish. dennis: there are a lot of people who are saying it is time to pull back. adam: i and adam shapiro. melissa: i


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