tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business March 31, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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you can hear us online by clicking on our website. we'll have another great tv show for you next week on fox business. in the meantime, i hope to hear you on the radio. >> thanks for joining us for this special weekend edition of lou dobbs tonight. a pivotal week for same sex marriage, with the supreme court hearing two days of arguments, whether to strike done the defense of marriage act, and, california's ban on gay marriage proposition 8. questions and comments by the justices, signalling they were skeptical about doma, but, less how they feel about prop 8. several justices raising t prospect they could dismiss the case with no ruling at all or address it in a way that would have little to no national impact.
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we'll have a report by fox news supreme court correspondent shannon bream in moments. we'll talk with a panel including fox news digal potics editor, and chris stirewalt, juan gyms and lis weihl -- williams and lis weihl. cypriot banks announced the are confiscating 40% of bank deposits holding more than 100,000 euros, but that legislation of course could never happen here. or could it? we'll talk with legendary investor and financiers about the economyand, what we can expect next and the white house announcing president obama will hit the road pushing for gun control and meanwhile, billionaire mayor michael bloomberg is picking up the
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slack in the campaign effort, pumping millions of dollars into a tv ad campaign urging senators to support expanded background checks and, whatever else they could possibly win, on gun control. we'll have a debate on the effort to restrict the second amendment. we'll talk with eric pratt, director of communications for the gun owners of america. paul helmkey, former president of brady campaign and, indiana university professor. the supreme court took up the first major examination of gay rights in a decade. the court hearing arguments over california's proposition 8 which band same sex marriage. it is the first of two days of hearings on the subject. fox news supreme court correspondent shannon bream with our report. >> reporter: following argument today, the supreme court must now decide whether or not to uphold the wishes of california voters who, in 2008, ratified an initiative known as prop 8. it amended the california constitution to limit valid an
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legally recognized marriages to only those between 1 man and one woman. a number of the justices today asked why individual states shouldn't be able to make their own decisions about the relatively new concept including samuel alito who said the idea of same sex marriage is newer than cell phones and the internet. >> on the question like that, of such fundamental importance, why should it not be left for the people? either asking through initiatives and refer recommends or through their elected public officials. >> reporter: after california's attorney general and governor opted not to defend prop 8 in court, supporters of the initiative took up the legal fight,ing aing marriage is a unique relationship that must be protected. today justice kagan asked how allowing same sex marriage would undermine that? >> what do you see happening, and when and how, and what harm to the institution of merriman, or to opposite sex couples, how does this cause and effect work?
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>> reporter: charles cooper representing the prop 8 supporters argued it is impossible to perceive how redefining marriage will ultimately impact society and, justices noted same sex couples havexpansive rights i california and with that in mind chief justice john roberts asked why prop 8 opponents are insistent on using the word, marriage. >> if you tell a child somebody has to be their friend, i suppose you can force the child to say, this is my friend. but, it changes the d definitio of what it means to be a friend. and that is, it seems to me what the supporters of proposition 8 are saying here, all you are interested in is the label and insist on changing the definition of the label. >> reporter: justice anthony kennedy who many believe could serve as the swing vote in the case signaled he is empathetic to how the courts rling will impact the children of same sex couples. >> there are 40,000 children, according to the brief, that live with same sex parents and
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they want their parents to have full recognition and full status. the voice of those children is important in this case, don't you think? >> reporter: despite the comment he cautioned the court is wading into uncharted waters and said at one point is not sure the case is properly before the court. there are technical issues regarding the standing of the case, and, several argued they never met to the merits of the case. lou. >> shannon bream, fox news supreme court correspondent. our first guest here tonight to further ajude indicate the proposition 8 -- ajudjudicate t case, the political ram fagsz are digit politics editor chris stirewalt and, juan williams, columnist for the hill and, lis weihl, here with me in the new york studios. great to have you he. i've got to ask you. i listened to shannon's report
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as chief justice roberts is talking about the definition of friend and creating the analog with the supporters of proposition 8 and i never said it before about the chief justice but that was nonsensical. >> it didn't make any sense from a legal perspective and he tried to draw the analogy, lals mean everything, you know, the labels change and you are in the a fren-- not a friend. i'm trying to explain it, lou and i'll give up. >> let me tu, this is of course an incendry wedge issue and proposition 8 was decided by ref ref referendum. shouldn't the justices be weary indeed of messing with it? >> look, not only is it the law in california, but the law in 29 other states, only failed two or three times, depending on how
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you define failure. across the country, this is states, even many democratic states, several democratic states, have these kinds of laws, and, the question for the supreme court, i would leave this to lis is they may be reticent in overturning in sweeping fashion, that is what the folks against the law want, sweeping fashion to pitch the whole thing out. if they do that, it would be rather chaotic. >> how, juan, just chicken would be it? of this court to just send it back -- i know, the terms are inelegant for the high court. but to send this thing back to the 9th circuit and let stand their reversal of proposition 8, again, a democratic result of -- from a democratic process, your thoughts? >> well, in fact, that was -- i think, the news out of the court today, was, several of the
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justices question whether or not they have a ruling, the so-called standing. they said, you know, look basically what the 9th circuit said in california is, this was the law in california, gay people could marry and it was revoked under prop 8 and the question is can you take away rights, once they are granted and the court saying, we -- why is it coming to us? do we have standing here? let's mebody else settle the issue. they want to stay away, lou. from the 14th amendment, which is the proposition being pushed by the lawyers for gay people and, it says, you know, they are american citizens and have constitutional rights and those rights should be protected equally with every other person, who has had constitutional rights. and that means they would be allowed to marry. >> and i agree with juan, because think they are being very narrow on the decision and the quote that stood out for me was kennedy's today, normally seen as the make or break vote
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and shannon talked about it in her package, and he is leaning to throwing it back to the states and what that would mean, is the state court decision would stand and prop 8 would be out. only in applying to california, though. very narrow, just applying to that one ste. >> apping to that one state, we'll waitand see. another day of arguments, obviously, tomorrow. we'll get further guidance, doma being taken up, as well. so, most of the same arguments, attend there. i want to turn to the affirmative action case, the court will be taking up because, this is also going to be -- there will be lightning and a lot of thunder around this decision as well. the court has ruled a daycaecad ago. >> 5-4. >> imus: sandra day o'connor, michigan could, with a certain alchemy, if you will of considerations, bring race into their evaluation.
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>> as one factor, not a full factor. that is right. but immediately after the decision ten years ago, michigan passed a proposition much like california, saying, no, we don't want this. and, now it is -- a similar issue, before the supreme court. >> does affirmative action go down, this time, chris? >> just o'connor said it was a time limited thing and at some point would beeemed not necessary and i would say the election of the first african-american president and one to -- the scond term in office, might indicate that the country had changed some in the last decade. >> what say u, juan? >> you know... >> does the court talk like that? what say you? >> i don't know! you know, i have friends out there but they don't talk like that when i'm seeing 'em. i woulsay that you know, this is a question that the court should decide, lou. because to me, we have a history in this country, you could say,
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i close my eyes to race. i don't see lou dobbs as white, i see him as my friend but in fact we have a history in this country of racial division, slavery, legal segregation, but, at what point does it become onerous in terms of saying, it leads to discrimination against other people? that is a really tricky question and again i would say that that is the territory the supreme court, as we have heard from both lism s and chris, you know, sandra day o'connor said it is 25 years and, when the fortune 500 companies, are polled on the issue, they talk about affirmative action for women, the number one form of affirmative action of women, and gays and, when you get to blacks and hispanics, it is almost as if it doesn't exist, except in the area of college admission and most of those are private schools, that is how they get away with it. >> and getting away with stuff
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is something we need to end in this country and ought to come up with a common solution for our common purpose. >> supreme court is looking at two of these cases, by the way, the texas -- texas and michigan. >> i didn't mean to neglect texas. >> and i do want to say, juan, you know, the country as you say, does have a history. we have a history of racial division, we have a more powerful history of coming together, over the issue of race. there are thoswho divide us from time-to-time but 300,000 americans died to free slaves in this country, and, most of the country is very good tthe bone and that is the true history and i hope that is before the court and all americans, as we discuss race at any time. juan, thanks for being with us. juan williams, chris stirewalt and, lis weihl. >> the dow jones industrials at a new record high. what is the deal about cyprus legendary wall street invest
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>> lou: he's getting more and more excited about shale gas and the potential for it to revitalize the economy, joining is legendary investor, wilbur ross, chairman and ceo of w. l. ross and company, one of the world's leading private equity firms. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> lou: the markets are obviously on a tear. we are starting to hear a lot of buzz about, it is going to collapse. i won't name names, but some news organizations, business press suggesting the market could drop 5 or 10%. they might as well say 20 or 30%, while they're at it. your thoughts? >> well, i think it proves that all the hullabaloo about
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sequestration ruining the country is not believed by wall street. >> lou: and apparent wall street doesn't believe the higher taxes part of the rhetoric, either. >> well, i think the higher taxes are a problem, but, they are a surmountable problem, particularly, with the sha gas and its cousin, tide oil. >> lou: when you talk about shale gas, and i want to get to energy in a moment, as we look at refiners and the majors, we're still seeing song performances from both. what is your view about the sector, itself. >> the important thing about the finds, of the shale reserves is they could revolutionize the chemical industry, plastics industry, fertilizer industry, even the steel industry and bring things back to the u.s. because it gives us a huge competitive advantage from a cost point of view. >> and, people say, wait, lou,
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you are bragging about the fact we're exporting more petroleum products thawe ever have and bragging about thh fact we can be energy independent by 2020 and can balance our imports, with our domestic production. in the next 2 or 3 years. >> right. >> so, where are those lower prices? what will be the benefit to the consumer and what will be the benefit to the -- >> the benefit to the consumer is coal produces as much electricity in this country as does shale gas and shale gas is much cheaper n a btu basis. so one of the reasons there has not been a shock in electric buys and o bills and one of the reasons of the 1% holding increase that went in, in january, hasn't destroyed consumers is because the shale gas has been bringing down the electric bill. >> lou: we are starting to see a tre-off and gasoline is off -- down, i should say, 11 cents a
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gallon in the last month alone and it will start to ve, if it continues in that direction, real impact. give us your judgment. i said at the outset of the broadcast, cyprus was irrelevant. and, that the -- those paying attention to it with such, you know, such perfect pitch as they scream, are the shorts and the bears out there. looking for a ltle support. >> well, i think a lot of people got short and haven't yet covered and they are the ones who are wanting a big decline in stocks, but cyprus is 2/10 of 1% of the european country, at best a rounding error and even if it goes down, it will not go to zero. so, maybe it goes to 1.8 -- 18/100 of a cent, and it doesn't mean anything but the symbolism could have been important if they really violated the deposit insurance on the little people. so i'm glad they didn't. >> lou: they thought about it
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and tried to do it. and, the cypriots did one thing right as far as i can tell, to reject the eu, imf an european central bank demand on that first run. you know, 6% for the little guy and 10% for the bbg guy. >> i know. it was a terrible idea. would be the first time in history a government has reneged on deposit insurance. i'm not sure it wasn't a plot by the troika to have it end up where it did but to put the burden on cyprus, so russia wouldn't cut off their gas supplies. >> lou: and, russia provides a third of europe's gas, so it's not an inconsiderable consideration. wilbur, great to see you, i hope you come back soon. >> if you invite me. >> lou: i'm inviting you. next week! wilbur ross, good to see you. abc has three winning programs and is natural they want to dump the host of one of those three
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>> lou: new york's governor andrew cuomo is paying a steep political price for signing the country's strictest gun control law. a quinnipiac poll shows his approval rating plunging from a high of 74%, back in december, it is now down to 55%, as a result of signing that gun control law. and, that new gun law, well, it has been a disaster from day one. the measure was considered passed and signed into law, 24 hours in mid-january. i want to repeat that. in 24 hours. no public open hearings at all. just swept through the capital and put into law, upon his
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signature. now, these are democrats. this is theiidea of government, folks and everybody in the country needs to be paying attention to what these democrats -- and in some cases a handful of republicans are doing at a time when we should be looking at transparency and hearing american citizens on the issues of our time, we are simply being brushed aside, by elitist governments. a few days later in new york, lawmakers forgot to exempt law enforcement officers from the law. imagine that. a month later, the gernor said he want to exempt hollywood from the law so the film compaes could use the banned assault weapons and earlier, cuomo admitted he had to amend the law because it bans a sale of magazines that hold more than 7
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bullets. think about this. there aren't 7 bullet magazines. so, they'll maybe ten. the it yes -- the idiocy. the whole process, is astounding and, new reports out today, saying the governor is trying to lure "the tonight show," back to manhattan. that's right. nbc, with three shows, is trying to, well, basically, dump the host of one of their dream-winning shows. jay leno. brilliant, these are brilliant people and the governor is jumping right in there to get the show back to manhattan, providing a 30% tax break, if it sdietdz to relocate and it is no secret that,f course, cuomo, like good left wingers do, loves hollywood. so, what is shocking are his priorities. "the tonight show." "the tonight show" reportedly employs just under 200 folks. okay? the show's production budget
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amounts to about $80 million. so that's nice. right? on the other hand, the gun industry in the state of new york supports about 12,000 jobs. 12,000 jobs. and is responsible for $2 billion. in economic output. now, i won't ever think of politicians as being the brightest folks in the country by any means. but, even new york politicians can figure that deal out. there are few issues more politically toxic than gun control, as governor cuomo has had to learn and a colorado's governor, john hickenlooper will likely learn soon. a poll found 32% of the folks in colorado, 32%, believe that the
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new laws that have been signed into law, just recently, two days ago, will reduce crime and make that state safer. 65%, 65% of coloradans say it will not. you know, i know that the politicians, hickenlooper, in the state legislature, these are fairly bright guys and apparently are so smart they are smarter than the people they represent. i'm guessing they'll learn quite differently. and, polls nationwide show that most of america views the political games being played in washington and just a handful of states as raw, pure nonsense. coming up, billionaire mayor michael bloomberg using the big pile ofash of his, to push gun control and make it part of the national conversation. eric pratt of the gun owners of america and, paul helmsy, are
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here to debate the girl vo: i'm pretty conservative. very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now,he girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm reallylad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what th're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i gothis.
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>> lou: turning to gun control now, mayor michael bloomberg announcing a $12 million, 13 state anti-gun advertising campaign, and, the president about to get back on the road to, well, campaign for his vision of stricter gun control, all of this despite significant setbacks in the senate, joining us now, eric pratt, director of communications for gun owners of america, paul helmkey former president of the brady campaign, professor at indiana university. thanks to you both for being here. i want to start with wayne lapierre, if i may saying the nra supports a bill to get the records of those adjudicated mentally incompetent and dangerous into the background check system for gun dealers and
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better enforcement of federal laws and stronger penalties for illegal third-party purchases and gun trafficking. that is, i would think, a fairly impressive list of things, the nra supports. paul, can you -- and the brady campaign, then join hands with the nra on those issues? >> those are all basically things that need to be done, things we have pushed for, for years. i was happy after the virginia tech shootings that work -- work with the nra members to make sure we passed the bill to get more records into the background check system but with all of those things, unless we require background checks on all sales we are not going far enough. yes, they are talking about things that make sense and yes, they've talked about things in the past and wayne lapierre suppord universal background checks in 1999 and changed his mind apparently now but we need to make sure we do a back ground check on nearly every sale if we keep people with records and,
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those who are dangerously mentally ill from getting guns. >> lou: are those folks in the system. >> we need to get more records in. after virginia tech we learned to 20% of the records are in the system and the act passed in december '07 and, signed by president bush in january of '08 gave states incentive to put more records in but a lot of states have more to do. when virginia tech happened, indiana had zero records and now we have more records in the system now but theres a long way to go. at the time of the virginia tech there were four records from new york state and shows there is a lot of work to be done and it needs to be done and one of the top priorities. but... >> lou: but -- >> unless you do a background check on every sale it will not make any difference. >> lou: the priority, art, has been on assault weapons bans, that constitute a small fraction of the overall problem here.
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your thoughts on that -- and that of the governor's associati association. >> it would cover a minority of murders, as you noted before, lou, morpeople die at the hands of clubs, hammers and things like that, than these so-called assault weapons, which they are after banning common self-defense firearms and we are thankful this last day, there was a key vote in the senate, senator mike lee offered an amendment to restrict the ability of the senate to pass gun control, requiring further proposals to have a 2/3 vote and, he got 50 votes, a majority and that is very significant. that sayshat right now, there is a solid core group in the senate that -- do not want more gun control. >> lou: and, you may be wondering how 50 votes in a senate is majority, one senator not voting, and at the moment,
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50-49. >> that's right. >> lou: mayor mike bloomberg has all the front organizations, now, and, spilling money into, launching a $12 million campaign, paul what is -- is there such a groundswell of support? why does everybody need bloomberg's money and the front organizations that he has created of which he's usually the main man? >> well, they really don't. i don't believe you can call an organization that has over 900 ected mayors from around the country a front organization. it is a group of people that -- >> what would you call it. >> a group that dealt with gun violence. but, you know, when you get something like 95% of the american people supporting universal background checks, 85% of gun owners supporting it and 80% of nra members supporting it, but coness having reluctance to do this because they are afraid of the nra
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shows... >> lou: do you really -- i have to ask you, paul, you are a smart guy. do you really believe they are so afraid of the nra? or do you really believe they have some conscience toward their constituents and want to represent the values and the desires of those constituents? are you really, all of those people in the senate an house of representatives, saying they are nothing more than cowardly fools, at the service of the nra, rather than voting their consciences? >> i would certainly not call them cowardly fools but i have been an elected official and have run for office and have been elected to officend know a lot of times if it's not an issue someone really knows the background of and cares about, a lot of times they look at the intensity of the opposition and a lot o people i talk to sense the intensity of the gun owners who don't want any changes and, what we'll do is to make them realize, it doesn't hurt legitimate gun owners and is something that is common sense, to require background checks on nearly all sales, we required
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licensed dealers to do it before, even if folks don't follow the law, hopefully, those who sell the guns will be following the law. >> lou: eric, you get the last word, succinctly. i apologize. i know you have been squeezed on time. >> that's okay. just to -- paul knows that background checks aren't stopping bad guys from getting guns, they can use fake id's and, sadly, background checks stop a lot of otherwise law abiding peel like 150,000 military veterans, who have been put into the system because of their post-traumatic stress disorder or women in delaware who have been denied because of their age and their gender. or people in oregon denied because of their political affiliation. that is the problem, whenever you allow a government bureaucrat to tell a law abiding citizen whether they can exercise -- >> you are not saying we don't want background checks. >> i am saying that -- >> you don't want any background checks. >> no, lou, it is a god --here
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in the second amendment, where it says -- >> people are -- i have to take our leave. >> shall not be infringed. >> lou: you get the last word but has to be a quick one. >> the point is, is what -- where is the room for infringement? we wouldn't tolerate that with the first amendment and wouldn't -- >> i have to leave you, asking the question. and i appreciate you being here, to provide that. a few answers to the few questions i put your way. eric, thanks, eric pratt and paul helmkey, thank you very much. 2016, obama's america, runaway hit at the box office last year, documentary there's a reason no one says "easy like monday morning." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters.
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obama's america which became though second highest grossing political documentary of all time. joining us now is author, filmmaker dinesh d'souza, i remember you used to have a tie and you have gone hollywoo and, not sufficient to be best-selling author and scholar, you have it all going now. >> i discovered 2016, the film media is so powerful and we had 3 million people see the film, it is no in dvd, and, video on demand. so, a film allows you to both make an intellectual argument and appeal to emotion and get people to feel what you are trying to say. >> lou: 2016, you did that beautifully, a terrific documentary, aside from the fact, splendidly a commercial success but you "obama in america" you droed him from the title of the second documentary. >> right. >> lou: what do you expect to achieve by the premise, which is
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fascinating to me. what would the world look like without america? >> think about it, columbus came es west and actually wasn't looking for america. he was looking for a way to the far east, india and. that is why he called the people he me indians. and we almost create an experiment and there is a sea quake and there is not an america and columbus would keep going and the events of the world would look dramatically different. i think in the film we are going to ask the second question. what if america today begins to recede in economic and political importance, what will the world look like in the future? >> lou: let me talk about experiments, because it fascinates me we have so many people talking about red lines and syria and, talking about being militarily assertive, if not adventures. pick your word. but the reality is we have a military in this country that has now been exhausted. i think you can make a case we
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have been -- treated our troops so poorly and without the honor they deserve, and, for many people to be so eager to push -pthem into another conflict an deploy them to africa. sometimes, power is an utterly dependents upon your reluctance and in your insistence not to use it. do you think america's capable of that kind of maturity? >> i think we saw that and if i think back to the '80s and the reagan doctrine, in particular, if you remember his idea was people should fight for their own freedom. we don't fight, we help and so, reagan would support the afghan mujahedeen in afghanistan but he didn't send a bunch of troops there. for the american founders the key was not to make america the world's policeman but to have a recipe that would be a formula for the world to benefit, economically, and, politically. >> lou: your sense is the american dream perseveres. >> i think america is bier than barack obama. one of the things we want to do
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in the film, we'll show obama's america and also the america of 1776 and how that spirit can be kept alive today. >> lou: dinesh d'souza thank you very much. innovator and political dynamo, a few of the words used to describe the founder and the leader of fox news. now a new biography, roger ailes, off cam alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet?
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great to have you here. >> good to be here. >> lou: congratulations on the book. i want to start with calling roger ailes though most powerful man in america, how close to true is it? >> you know, this came up with -- when roger went to the white house for the christmas party. he was in the reption line and, the day before somebody else had called him that in print, and, so when he got to the present, obama sauid, he's the most powerful man in america and roger leaned into him and said, mr. president, don't believe that, i served that bs up myself. >> lou: which he might have done. >> probably did. >> lou: and also characteristic of roger to deflect. and to be self-deprecating. he is -- and i've had the privilege of working for a long time, in the business. there is no more feared executive in television news. i would say in television,
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period. and certainly, the news media, than roger ailes. >> he's feared and he's respected. give us a sense of the character that he reveals, as you take on his biography. >> well, i spent close to a year with him, in meetings, traveling in social situations, and, you know, i was just very surprised by how down to earth he is. he's a guy from a small town in ohio and he's very sophisticated, obviously, center of american politics and the nixon administration and center of the media but became kind of a blunt, you know, attitude of small town america which i relate to, because i grew up in a town pretty much like his, pontiac, michigan. he's from warren, ohio. >> lou: between the two of you which is the sophisticate then? i can ask you that, cooing from
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a town calledrupert, idaho. >> both roger and i consider rupert the sticks. >> and, it has been referred to as the cultural waste land. i did get over it, though. >> you went to a school... >> lou: don't remind me. you have been around a lot of smart, highly successful, amazing personality. rate roger's intellect and his wit. i' then seen him -- i have to say, the smartest man operating in the business and, by the way, only say that, of course because he's my boss, but he really is, he's extraordinary. >> he's done extraordinary things, no question about that. i mean, fox news is his accomplishment and before that, cnbc and before that, he was advisor to three presidents. >> lou: and what became msnbc. >> and before that he was a legendary boy producer, at the
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mike douglas show, and it is hard to argue with his success, however else you want to look at him, he's a man who succeeded at everything he tried. >> lou: and the idea that he had this wit, referring to the fellow who runs msnbc, i saw one line in an account this week, it is razor-sharp and can encapsulate bigger thoughts and stories, succinctly, referring to the person as being successful only because he was in another man's wedding party. i mean, thats about as convincing an dad mning as you can be. >> you get one-liners from roger, sometimes self-deprecating and sometimes rather disparaging but, usually you survive. >> lou: thank you for being here. the book is "roger ailes: off camera." and, zev chafets, the author. thank you for being here. come back. >> thank you. >> lou: national puppy day,
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♪ >> lou: well, tomorrow is national puppy day, and we thought we'd get an advanced start on this. joining us here now is the senior director of the puppy mills campaign at the aspca, and she brought with her tonight clo chloe. and, this campaign against the puppy mills is -- we hear about it all the time, but tell us why you are so engaged in dealing with the issue and trying to stop it. >> sure. well the aspca conducted a poll two years ago and we found 80% of people knew puppy mills were bad and wouldn't buy a dog if
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they knew it came from a puppy mill but 78% didn't know most puppies come from puppy mills and we launched the no pet store puppies campaign in ordero break the information gap. >> lou: i have noticed increasingly, going into a pet store, when you've got four dogs like we do and a cat, you spend a little time there. but i have seen fewer stores, you see fewer pet stores with dogs in them, puppies in them. >> that is great. >> lou: is that happening across the country. >> i think it is, th momentum definitely seems to be heading in that direction which we at the aspca certainly love and we did another poll that found that people who adopted a dog from a shelter as opposed to buying a puppy from a pet store had a much more positive experience. they came away from it feeling like it was a more honest and transparent transaction, and, usually have fewer vet bills. >> lou: that's these days, that
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is a very important consideration. the number of dogs up for adoption, puppies up for adoption and dogs, is it growing? tell us where you are. >> we are, i think it is about 5 to 7 million dogs estimated in the shelter system in the country. there's a lot, and, the vast majority of those are adoptable animals and are, you know, there is no one to adopt them. >> lou: it is great of you to bring these beautiful animals down here. and, chloe, i'm holding her kind of securely, she has a broken leg, an example of what happens. so... and, boss i'm y were sure you are next. >> and she has found a home. >> lou: thank you very much,
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