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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  April 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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complications. lou: we have to go. we appreciate it. thank you. we are literally out of time. thank you for being with us, and good night from new york. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. on top of yet another scare. no word of the connection, but this week, tuesday and it's already getting crazy. news of a letter sent to republican senator roger wicker testing positive for verizon, a variant, and i mean very little substance -- substance. coming into contact with which can often be fatal. all of this within minutes of the release of this photograph. have you seen it? well, in circled is a package that authorities are beginning to think is the source of all this attention, because it is at that very spot, yesterday's
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explosion. snapped moments before the bomb went off. so, is this package that bond? and if so, who put it there? how long was it there? how many people might have been involved there? americans, someone else to back into a very big developnts on that day the markets clawback. but a weird things just kp piling. and if you are getting struck by a case of deja vu, like right after 9/11 whenll of a sudden we're letters started showing up politicians and then other folks mailboxes. you're not just your ibert. it is kind of happening again. it has a lot of folks wondering what the heck is going on. did peter barnes with the latest in washington. >> reporter: obviously the question here is, this letter to
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senator weicker, perhaps part of a more broad plot that involves the bombings in boston. it does not appear to be that. according to officials on capitol hill, the writer of this letter is someone who writes frequently to senator he is known to law enforcement officials, and he is from mississippi. this letter was postmarked from and this, tennessee. we are expecting more details of this from the capitol pole a little bit later this evening. neil: you know, nevtheless, we were chatting before the show about odd timing, coincidental timing. if this fellow who wrote this letter might have been involved, have a history of writing letters, not necessarily with this compound and then. it could be a separate issue, but it is raising concerns about the same kind of scary sequence of events that we saw after 9/11. are people thinking that, quietly fearing that?
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>> that as -- that is absolutely right. that is the quiet here. officials are trying to tap that fear down by giving as details of what happened. thgood news is that the system set up after 2001, after those and fax letters were sent to capitol hill, as you know, there were screening facilities set up for the male going to the senate and house in which the male is irradiated and then possibly treated as well. and so that has worked. this letter was stopped at a facility for the senate male in maryland this morning according to officials. neil: all right. thank you. we arehowing an explosion. now the delivery center where the letter was mailed. not to connected to, but to note the tube. the weird oddity of this occurring. almost bk-to-back, as it did after the september 11th attack spirit might be no connection at all. but they need a little
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reassurance to that effect when that is how the mind leaps. confluence of events. we relate them to you right now. former fbi assistant chief in boston, robert fitzpatrick on some other connections that keep popping appear. this might be a separate incident, but it does harkin ople's memories back to the post 9/11 and tracks letters and more. did you wait? guys like you are very good investiging in trying to piece together disparate events, worry about thestype of evidence? do you think this has a possibility to be part of a pattern? well, you know, nl, first of all, it is very interesting. as you suggested, or as your people suggested, the anthrax stuff after 9/11 becomes something to look at. now, if this is connected to the
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boston situation, i recall a couple of incidents where i was down at the fbi academy, and we had incidents of 9/11 with the japanese red army. you know, you may recall, the japanese red army. a bunch of other groups were highly involved. now, if this is now coming about in the lady talked about has reviewed that, she may be the kind of person that is simply referring to that. on the other hand, you cannot take any chances and you have to investigate. neil: you know, we were showing before. i don't know what you're able to see from your vantage point, so i apologize if you cannot, but i will relate to you what you may already be quite familiar with. before and after shots of the scene near the end of the boston marathon race circling a package
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and tn shortly there after an explosion. package long gone. suspicions that in that package was one of these pressure cooker bonds, familiar to a lot of terrorist organizations, homegrown and others to my my point out. what do you think of that and whether authorities are piecing that to this? >> well, they are going to look at that forensic league, as everyone suggested. it is certainly a key piece if, in fact, it is all playing naturally. they're going to investigate. the fbiab is a wonderful land in that area. it is at quantico and so forth. my recollection was it was looked at intensively. i am sure the same thing will happen this time. ne: but, this particular bomb, what they're trying to link from
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atop pressure cooker type bomb, i know that similar devices were used in afghanistan in india. quite similar to this. the failed times square explosion, for which the pakistani tell a man had taken credit. never exploded, but they took credit for it. this time no one is taking credit for anything we have seen thus far. i guess with these types of devices, more talking about the attack in boston, in the early reads that you have one way or the other given the fact that no one has claimed credit at least in any of the chatter we heard from any of these foreign sources. no oneas taken about for this thing. >> well, no. and, you know, that brings up the whole idea that it is a group operation. is it a solo lone wolf operation? neil: what do you think? you are pretty good at this.
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>> my notion is that it is a lone wolf situation right now. you know, there are a couple of things going on. think the subject for this case actually wanted to place the object where it could do more damage. i think, quiterankly, something happens. i think they moved on and down to the first dufflebag or backpack or never was and then, of course, went a little further , maybe evehad both of them down to. what are we talking about? fifteen seconds. neil: i cannot confirm this. if you will indulge me. this is only speculation, but i am asking you not to gossip here but to get your thoughts and the possibility. there were pictures taken in an area about ten minutes earlier. and there was no backpack.
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there was no package. so that then leads me to believe, if that is true, and it might not even be true, but if that were the case then someone or someone's, plural, put that there then. and put the second device presumably nearby then or close to that time. conjecture, i grant y. is that what the tories wod look for? images from that area of voice their have to plenty of pictures, eher on people's phones, devices, video cameras, what have you, to ascertain timing of the placement of something like that? >> yes. but, you know, all of the pictures and photographs are going to show different angles and that kind of thing. neil: what is it is not there mo than ten minutes prior? what does that tell you? >> well, thenbviously it was a dump. somebody came by.
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a lot like i think, the person does but. that is my only personal impression. based from my experience to my doing with these kinds of incides in the past. what i don't like is the fact that if the forensics show it was not there then the other object down the streets had to be there. and so i don't buy that it was someone else planting another one. quite frankly,y notion to my experience, background, i kind of go with the solo theory, the lone wolf. and so forth. i am not discounting that it can be other people, but that is my -- that is my knowledge at this point. neil: you are ood.
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i know why you have the reputation that you have. thank you. i appreciate it. roberts said patrick's of providence to is ducking glean some much. it's amazing. in the meantime, what was amazing is the market coming back to role this. we may have a lot -- made up a lot of the ground lost yesterday. former chair of common security advisory council. we always talk about whether the markets are a reflection of our optimism or are getting this or anxiety. all i know is when they are anxious to sell and when they are less anxious they don't. there were less anxious today. should they be? >> actually, the reaction face surprised me a bit. basically the market's telling you they think this is a random act. that is why. neil: what do you think? >> you know, the gentleman with
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the experiencehat he has is very relevant. i think a couple ofhings. given the blast pattern and not many people hurt, they knew what they were doing. it's almost like a claymore mine which we use in the military in vietnam. 6 inches by 12 in the sheets of 750 pellets ended as a blast pattern similar to what you saw happening here. so my implication would be head the perpetrator was probably its military. who knows from where. he seemed to know what he was doing in terms of constructing that in the way they could do the most damage. if i haveea concern it would be that when you take out the leaders, the cells that are around the world to my concern would be that this could be a sleeper cell that is looking up and trying to do their own thing. neil: okay. if that were the case. of foreign sleeper or that many
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of his wandering roaches are still l over the place. what if it is an american, home grown. as you said, for those with any type of military background, would be for me. struck me as crude, but legally effective. so the wherewithal to do something like this, build something like this, put it in a knapsack, get out there. pressure cookers are not a new invention. so that begs an issue as to whether ied, these types of devices could -- the fear is that they could become the new attack weapon on u.s. soil. what do you think? >> you can go online and learn how to construct one of these things. obviously this was done in a way probly see for in the back of the pellets in the front oblast pattern that had 170 people and killed three. neil: the intent being clearly
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to kill a lot more. >> that's a lot of people to be affected by a bomb that size. again, the analogy i would use a claymore mine. so the gap. i think of all the things that can happen relative to security and terrorism, this is the hardest thing to defend. we have done a good job as a nation secure in our borders better. airport security and all. this is the hardest thing. an unattended briefcase, and attended backpack. neil: thank you very much. as we were speaking, let the futures. the markets would be fairly flat until we get this news of this letter that never reached the offices of the senator. i have to tell you, that did change the temperament and the mood. two shows few, it might have changed the view on wall street.
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♪ neil: when it rains it pours. certainly adds to he fears. the latest news tonight that u.s. senator has gotten a letter with poison in it, you just touch it and it can get right into the bloodstream until you instantly or it can in extreme cases just melt the skin around it instantly. it is almost always fatal and what's worse quickly fail on the heels of the attack in boston that has a lot of people trying jeff flock analogies. whether they are right or not it
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did take some of the wind out of the market's sails, at least the futures market worried about something not quite entirely settled in the u.s. avenue. my friend, the former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee. governor, a little unnerving. >> welcome aid is and it does remind us of 9/11. in the days and weeksollowing is when we had the anthrax scare and i remember, you know, we had letters sent to my office at the capitol and barack during that time with powder that turned out to be just some prank, but it was not funny. you never know. the entire arena shutdown because somebody had left a residue of a funnel cake in the potter scare people. it turned that it had nothing to do with 9/11, nothing to do with or command may well be that, as we expect, this is probably completely unconnected, but it just adds to that sense of
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vulnerability. i think that is what americans are feeling after boston. you go to the marathon and watch people run thinking this is one of the most joyous places in america to be. the finish line of the boston marathon. it is not a place where expects to have to 75 for your life and standoff, you know, bomb. i think that is what is so unnerving about any terrorist act. neil: what is unnerving to be covering this stuff is when politicians, either side lead on a. when he started linking sequestration cuts to this, a bit over the top. what you to respond to his comments. anyway. the congressman from earlier. >> -- one second. listen to this. >> across the board cuts that many of us have thought to try to replace, it demands that we
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make these blind cuts across the board. so you cannot try to shelter from cuts. first responders if you are in the city of boston because the federal government has just said to you, we have to close our eyes, make cuts across the board to every program. guesshat, we have to send u.s. money to help your first responders. neil: that is pretty bold. the number two power player among democrats in the house. much the same thing. in other words, linking this tragedy to sequestration. to me, it sounds asinine. you know this better than i do. >> well, i think it is shameful. for people to take advantage and exploit the tragedy that really has rocked this nation and brought america together, the last thing we need is some self-serving politician to do that very thing that we don't need, and that is put a sell part.
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this did not happen because of sequestration. barney frank's ridiculouss or comment that i don't guess tax cuts helped here. those are not the kind of things that help. what american is to do is realize, we have people in this world who want to kill us. neil: to their point, governor. i think what he is saying, adjustive it, we would have had more, presumably, security personnel on hand, police on hand, rescue workers on hand to deal with this. by my math looking around the scene before and after, there were plenty of such personnel. i don't know whether in the short time since sequestration boylson street one of them had been laid off. >> well, unless there is some evidence in the boston police force coming forth and says, we were 300 men short, but there was no indication that there was any lack of security for the boston marathon, and i think for people to make those allegations , especially for elected officials, it is simply
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something for which they should roundly and very visibly apologize for. neil: thank you very, very much. i guarantee you from the left and the right and i have a feeling we will hear more of this sort of stuff. for a considerable amount of time i think this should be no politics zone. a friend of mine. no politics at a zone until we bury some people and understand why we are burying those people. then we move on. man who practiced what i just reached right after a far bigger disaster hit this country is with me next. ♪ with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward
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neil: we are live right now, engaging. how things are going in japan. last night at this time the market was clearing those losses as the night ensued. we were coming to you live. seeinghe market averages. most of the march to the upside. our own futures were flat to down. flat to slightly up prior to the news of a u.s. senator reports that he as a letter that tested positive. the letter never reached the senator we might point out. but it was wrote to him, and that is where they stopped it at a postal center in maryland. it does raise those eerie parallels to 9/11. he knows that better than the former new york stock exchange chairman and ceo who joins me right now on the phone. yuri parallels a night. totally different parallels.
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might be no perils of all, but it is giving people the heebie-jeebies. >> no, don't believe that this should be anything other than as strength and a resolve, and i would hope echoing the governor's comments a moment ago , congressmen's store year drop his nonsense lking of sequestration to yesterday's tragedy. neil: i was not amazed they said it, how quickly they said it. i remembered the town that you and oths and, by the way, i commended both sides, democrats and republicans. it lasted quite a while, at least by today's standards. dare i say weeks where they avoided that. and then they got nasty again and everything was open season again. but this is only hours. neil: the president himself said
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yesterday, this is a time when there are no republicans, there are no democrats. neil: everyone is not heeding that. >> i would hope that they join the president on thursday in boston to say a prayer for crystal campbell and four martin richard. martin richards mom who is in the hospital wi a brain -- is severe brain damage. his 6-year-old sister who lost a leg and everyone who is fighting for their lives. let's put all of the political nonsense aside. you heard the boston police chief this afternoon say he had more people at the event this year than last year. there was no issue of resources. i mean, this is a soft target. as we all know, wn you have a van slyke, the boston marathon, the new york marathon, any of a great congregations of american tradition there are people out
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there who are going to test whether they can inflict pain on us. we are at war. okay? our combatants today don't wear uniforms and carried guns. there were civilian clothes and carry knapsacks. and we have got to wake up to that fact. we have to be ever vigilant that there are people out there who want to tell us. the answer is a very simple one. we kill them before they kill us. neil: you're right. >> parlels to 9/11, you know, i'm looking at the futures. the good news, you look at today's market. it was the strength in the numbers coming out of the financials. goldman had a very strong numbers. the housing market is looking better. i think what you would expect of today's strength is a little bit of a pullback. i would not read anything into the rise. gold is down on the world
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market. i would say that everyone relaxed. we are in the midst of a recovery. i am feeling very good about this market and feeling even better about the esolve of this country. neil: that is very well said. and to his point about the fundamentals back on 9/11 and the fundamentals today, of course the economy was already reeling into a recession at that time. and, of course, the economy presumably is coming out with one this time. earnings at that time were toedoing. earnings right now on the upside so there are a lot of fundamental differences that still the fundamentals are very, very different. we have to watch ourselves. there will be plenty of time to do finger pointing. when you find a politician on either side doing finger pointing at this point i suggest you raise a certain figure at that politician. let's focus on getting these
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good folks barry, including that 8-year-old boy. sequestration did not kl that little fellow. you know what did? awfu people. more after this. @ mowing your lawn isn't always easy.
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theame senate that was due pulling the mail delivery on saturday thing. i don't know whether that would have come up here. the seventh thing was in effect. all of this in light of the letter that was sent to roger wicker, testing positive. that letter never reach the center, but it got as close as the maryland postal distribution notified and all of this. as he should be. the big deal, how some men security chairman of texas. chairman, very good to have you. what do you know about this or least what you can share? every time you have an incident like this i am sure you are aware, people worry. do i have a letter coming like that? of the letters out there? any connections that there? what you say? >> the good news is, the system put in place after 9/11, the anthrax scare actually worked
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and intercepted it before it could ever make its way to the senator's office. the evidence or information i have is that this is probably totally unrelated to the boston bombings. it's a very targeted, almost assassin like drug. it is not to inflict mass casualty. that is typically the demo of the terrorist. ne: i talked to him. certainly very controversial and pulp -- polarizing figures in the u.s. senate. he does not fit that image. to me, he is sort of like marcus will be in the senate. and only you and i and a couple of other slightly older viewers got that. but my point was, why can't? >> we have absolutely -- i mean, senator wicker in the house, one of the nicest guys.
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may be too nice to be in the senate. neil: what do you think? stopped to the senate but not the house. it sounds to me like it will take there chances on you guys, but not the senator. >> a little higher profile. neil: are you taking any efforts with your staff? >> you know, we take security precautions based upon the threat environment. that is true with all members of congress. neil: i'm glad you're safe. i'm glad you updated us. much, much appreciated. in the meantime, we have a former new york, and security official with us. incredible last night. piecing all this togher. some kind of return command he was. he thought it was a different show. he came back. seriously. always good to see you. we were talking during the break about coincidence among the many other things that will happen
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and be reported on in the days and weeks ahead. >> one quick story. from the time i was there. one of the times square bombing, they tied to take out the uso. so all this hype. i get intel that a guy had sent a postcard to a bunch of senatorsnd congressman say your standing in front of that spot. we did it. everyone went nuts. it was a guy who was happy the democrats to cover congress. it happened to hit. true story. what's weird by all these things. neil: this type device to at leasin this country. we thwarted it. may 2010. pressure cooker. and knapsack. you know the details of the systems. i don't. know the pressure cooker is. it never went off. the pakistan a telegram to
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credit for. the weird thing, opposed to identifying the type of weapon that this was was help crude yet effective and how widespread its uses. how many bad guys across the globe use it, not only here potentially but afghanistan and india, nepal, pakistan. you could go on and on. >> as you point out in your other shows in many of the guests, this is such an unknown teeseven formation. in fact, this is the publication , volume one, sections that was entitled, how to build the bomb in your mom's kitche. the point of that was to make this informati ubiquitous, have everybody hav the ability to create one of these things. the question is you can have the information but are you going to go about trying to do it. and what they're really try to do is determine the signature. what type of explosives. they're sll not saying what exactly was used to create the
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explosion. we do know that there was anti personnel with a shrapnel. all sorts of clues as to perhaps what the motivation might have been beverly who could have done this if they had done before which is really where the investigation is focusing right now. neil: that you were small enough to distinguish a bad guy is a bad guy is a bad guy. i am hearing from more and more, it is looking light alone -- lone wolf. to you by that? >> you know, the times square bomber, he is what we refer to as inspired but not necessarily instructed. he has not been n to training camps. receive information. something happens where his which is split. now he is going to go from aspirational to operational. neil: the leader is gone. thnetwork that he and is falling apart.
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the loyal cells and supporters are still out there. >> and this is a harder thing. typically these individuals, the profile we have seen, these types of individuals, they don't have a file which means that they are below the radar screen. they don't have their face in any type of database the my bill to pick up if you had sufficient facial recognition. neil: what makes you think it is not a disgruntled american? a hit this country with a one-out. >> special agent in charge in boston has been good about saying, i have to go with the evidence. that is absolutely crucial. neil: ready think the evidence is leading? >> it is really up in the air. more and more i agree with you. this is kind of a loan actor. whether or not there was anyone else involved. with that person get their motivation from is going tbe the key to this investigation. neil: we are showing that this bag in question, authorities are
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finding and surely thereafter. of that bag was not seen their earlier. as much as ten minutes earlier. go back further. that would mean it was plant fairly quickly. do you mn anything from that? >> it means that the bonn sweeps before the event would not have done any good because it came in after words. neil: what a bomb sweep have detected an instrument like that? >> it depends where was located, how close the dogs got. neil: these type of pressure cooker devices, can dogs sniffed that have? >> it depends how good the bomb maker was. usually some type of chemical residue on the covering. they handle it. it depends on how good they are. that is wre the dog bites on. there is that kind of chemical
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scent. you can't be that far away. one of the real challenges, we don't have a stand of chemical detection system. so we still have to rely on bond dogs. you have to get close. neil: all right. thank you very much. a couple of days ago we were sorry aboot that pudgy not in north korea blowing of the world you know, i hate to break it to you, but he is still out there, and he still has things a tad more sophisticated than pressure cooker omb devices. are we distracted? ronald reagan's former national security adviser next. ♪ ♪
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♪ neil: a right. back with -- i so enjoy having him on over these many years, ronald reagan's former national security adviser. i am thinking, you know, we were
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talking about threats abroad, what the north korean leader had at the sleeve, a missile and maybe in a clear one at that, crude but effective. that seems, however credit might be, certainly a lot more effective than any of these devices that might have blown up in boston yesterday. off the front pages. i wonder whether this is part of a deliberate distraction >> well, i think as you have said many times, terrorism in various forms has been with us forever and is going to remain with us, whether it is state-sponsored or independent groups. unbalanced people. neil: but you know, we cannot fight o wars at the same time, not to say like that, but we get so focused. let's find ouout what happened. find out what happened. in the event with the u.s.
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senator. you with that we can't walk, talk, and chew gum at the same time. >> well, i think the government today is clearly still focusing on north korea and pakistan. the potential nuclear tradesmen in the world. terrorism is always going to be walk between those huge crises and find a way to undermine confidence in government by killing innocent people. it's cheap, effective, and so we need to be able to do both. we are getting better at it. the surprise will not have more attacks like this. they have been doing a very good job. this is going t be with us for a long time. neil: you mentioned, as you often do, but a brilliant point
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that you're surprised something like this has not happened hire. surely there wl target malls, target places where people gather, thrown together. and yet it was always in focus. as rayleigh it should be. the effect of blowing of the plane has always been a mesmerizing sensation. still did. from our network as well. a lot of on for your el intentions. >> killing innocent people always draws attention. it does undermine confidence in local government and federal government. and the media of course gives it a real boost. neil: give bad as a boost. the people look at this and say, someone planning something bad.
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look at how easy it is to rally americans. >> well, by the multiplier effect, the media does give terrorism of any kind, it works. it in terms of spreading awareness of their misguided, crazy, insane cause, whenever it may be. and the media has to take a share of not blame for, but i understand, are their limitatis and how the media cover something like this? it is going to happen regardless , but it is a matter of self restraint that is not natural to a competitive industry. neil: certainly not the media. of course here at fox we make a great exception, but always a pleasure and honor. thank you, sir. well, already shaky economy because they started to rattle our markets, at least our
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futures mart. nothing but nominal changes. pass them along. happening right now. but the stuff that but was talking about escalates around us. do you think he's in that being minor? the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fl airline anytime. two words.
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♪ neil: all right. in a minute we will go to rick leventhal with the very latt. some pretty interesting developments. first, staples co-founder on whether there will be any business fallout from all of this. slowdown. what do you think? >> we have one of the best, if not the best in the country. located two blocks from the accident scene stores will not
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be open for days. hundred $50,000. neil: do you really? >> that hurts. very big in the marathon. two stores literally a couple ocks of the other way. we are worried cavatinas are right, people are right. once you get through that, you feel for all the people. then you look at the economic benefit. a lot of the people that work in theseuildings around there, private equity firms, hedge funds all located in the buildings are shut down. neil: it's hard for the but naturally unspeaking about whether it gives people pause to say, well, i don't need to get this item. >> i was thinking about that. i think it has a lot to do with what it turns out. a lot of rumors today that this was an american perpetrated thing on tax day.
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antitax as somhhng like that, it tends to hurt american. that turns out to be true at think it will have the same effect as if it turns out to be in new sell the terrorists. neil: so if it were a lone wolf type deal, let's say a lone ameran will, way, way too early to say . >> i don't think that much impact at all. no impact. other impacts, as you pointed out. ge tax increases. we keep forgetting to talk about new ones. we raise the basic rate of payroll tax. that is the tax, it takes just about anything that i hired her as to capital gains, dividends. neil: the kind of stuff that has more of an impact. >> you're right.
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neil: thank you very much. to rick leventhal in boston with the latest developments. what you're hearing? >> well, 30 agencies have now been assigned to this investigation with more than 1,000 officers involved, including the fbi. today we get a closer look to some of the evidence response technicians working the crime scene behind us on boylson street when they open another block of the street. you can see some of the technicians in their suits collecting evidence at the scene. one of the things they have asked for our photos and videos of the incident right before and after the bombs went off along the marathon route. but we have word tonight may be some of the crime scene photos, some of the evidence that there are now collecting at that scene, including some of those from our fox affiliate in atlanta that appear to show what
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officials have said were pressure cookers that were responsible were used in these bombings. pressure cookers packed in bla nylon bags or backpacks. what these voters show are mangled pressure cookers and a shredded backpack, black in color. photos also show what appear to be ball bearings or small metal pellets that may have been packed inside of those bonds. these photos obtained by waga with fbi tags on them. potential evidence in this case that may lead them to whoever is responsible. we also saw photos from the nbc affiliate which shows the second bomb, what may be the second bomb before and after it exploded. what appears to be a box or some sort of package on the outside of the metal barricades along the race route. and then after the bomb goes off you see that same scene, a very different scene which was partially blurt out because of the condition of the people, the
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victims along that sidewalk. what appears to be the package is involved. now photographic evidence commend these are couple of the photos of the fbi is porg over then may have hundreds, if not thousands more. they said it will go through every frame to try and determine who left t banks and determine who is responsible. of course, three confirmed deaths, 17 still in critical condition and more than 170 wounded in all. the best news tonight is that the hospital says that of all global did they appear to be okay andppear that they will recover. neil: cover to many of these types of things. in boston. think about what he said. improvised explosive device, the stuff of which we are very famililiar in places like afghanistan. and all of these guerrilla hot spots, suddenly come to the united states where there are bought by americans or others
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and being detonated here in the united states. that in and of itself as a game changer. weather brought by one or some or many. it is changing the complexion of it is changing the complexion of terror in this count all stations come over to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one.
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