tv The Willis Report FOX Business April 19, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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setting and it will be difficult to find this 19 year-old. what do you say? >>, the light is one of them. they will have to be concerned as soon as it gets dark he will feel like he can move if he is 10 did also what is the problem is he has to be getting more tired. the less sleep that he has as this goes on the less well his mind will function and it could interfere with his ability to think or make a judgment to keep himself alive. they have two problems. not just some light. gerri: for all we know he may not be a life. he could have died in the crossfire if we don't even know if he is living. what do you say? given that is certainly among the possibilities. there are a lot of them here.
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if he died in a shootout he would have left the trail of blood. that is a possibility. gerri: there is a lot of frustration beginning to build about the fact we don't have him in custody. are people being impatient? >> i'm not sure. law-enforcement is taking the collaborative approach and media has handled themselves wear and appreciates the deliberation. hardest on the people of the boston area under house arrest so to speak waiting to be over but the deliberate approach is the wise and say the approach. gerri: the wise and a safer approach. we're getting closer to the press conference starting. we will have officials from
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where watertown has been conducted all day and until we get there we will continue talking. one of the big question today has been whether this young man has helped at this point* or operating on his own? what do you think? >> it certainly appears the vast majority of the call prior to this was his older brother. it seems the two of them functioning as a unit of the intel last night's event when violence broke them apart. so if he has outside help in edition remains to be seen. law enforcement is all over the support structure. they should be able to discover soon enough what the rest of the support structure looks like. gerri: the key to that is taking him alive. a lot of conversation with his and his brothers
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background. they are chechen from russia and questions is, pardon me. the press conferences beginning we will break away >> to all viewers and listeners in the area who has been very patient. i will have the colonel give a quick update on what we can say about the ongoing investigation i will have a couple of comments then about the stay indoors request then we will turn over to the mayor and in the chief from watertown. >> thank you governor. good afternoon i want to thank all of you for your patience i know you are all tired and we are as well. but we remain committed to this. we do not have an apprehension of our suspect this afternoon. but we will have one.
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we are committed to that. i want the neighborhood here in watertown to know we went through about 20 streets, a door-to-door with our tactical teams and knocked on doors to ensure everyone was safe in their homes and they saw the police on their streets. we did limited searches of those homes. we also followed a number of leads taking mr. eastern massachusetts and none has been fruitful to this point*. there is much left to be done including ballistics and forensics were concluded embossed in the next two days we also have the forensic team with the unexplored did items that were made safer over the afternoon. that is ongoing but should be completed shortly.
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we will drawback the tactical teams, but the state police will provide additional patrols to the town of watertown over the next two or three days. for the neighbors and the citizens of this community we will have an additional state police augmenting those neighborhoods, three shifts per day through monday. i want to emphasize it is a complicated investigation led by the fbi. our presence today was about the safety of the people in the community. we're confident we did that to the best of our ability unfortunately we don't have a positive result at this point*. but for the sake of everyone that was hurt or killed during the marathon or those police officers that lost
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their life or seriously injured, we are committed to seeing a conclusion to this case. thank you. >> in light of the status of the investigation here in watertown and the developments with the state indoors request is lifted. the key is open and effective immediately. we're asking the public to remain vigilant. if you are out continue to be alert to suspicious activity with unattended packages and remember there is still a very, very dangerous individual at large. but we feel confident based on what we know of the status of the investigation right now, to that extent we can return to living on lives. in the areas with this day
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indoors request in effect it is lifted but remain vigilant. >> i just want to say thank you for your cooperation. for the last several hours it was helpful for us as we went to work on this investigation. we do not have an individual arrested yet but we have a lot of leads and boston will stand tall and will not stand down. save you for your cooperation. and for the views -- business community. together we will get through this. thank you. >> again, my message is to the community of watertown. is a little different you
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will see saturated patrols. state police will be out, local communities will support us, so we will see a big presence, we have done a thorough search of the 20 block interior unfortunately we did not have any results. but we will continue to move forward as a community. i could not think them well enough but as you heard that creams -- crime scene will not be done for another few hours. please go about your business with their work is a lot of events in watertown tomorrow and we will have them the you will see a big police presence as we do that. police say a prayer for those police officers. thank you. >> there is a photograph of our subjects it has been widely distributed want to remind the public did you
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see this individual please, i do not take action on your own dial 911 or the local police department or anything you might know about this individual, please send that to the fbi to blind. i appealed the of the day for your cooperation and we need that continuing cooperation to solve this. thank you. gerri: now you have heard it that the press release we have been waiting for from local officials. the governor of massachusetts and others gathered to tell us what is going on with this investigation with house-to-house searches and now the massachusetts superintendent says no apprehension but we will have one. more of a statement of what he intends to do of not what has happened. searching 20 blocks in watertown that will continue
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through monday. that is what we're told and they say it is about the safety of the community. we will go right back to this press conference. >> to establish a perimeter at that point* in time. >> du know where the suspect is, or do you believe you know, or with pipe bombs exploding? >> i don't think first of all, the instruction lens itself to a simple phrase is. we are where we were effectively as of monday night or tuesday morning. with a couple of exceptions. one of the suspects is dead. there was a firefight out here last night, some 200 rounds and explosives.
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so we were very justified, i believe, based on what we've understood about the investigation to take what we knew was a big step to ask people to stay indoors while we went house-to-house here and other communities of which we believe law enforcement believes it could have fled. the investtgation has continued to develop. we cannot give you all of these developments right now. we will in time but based on those we feel it is prudent to say to people you can get back out as long as you are vigilant. >> who is helping you? just the state police in? >> this is the ongoing effort of the joint terrorism task force and it will continue to be that. the fbi, state police and all local police departments including boston.
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>> day you believe the suspect is in the boston area? >> i have any direct knowledge he is year in the boston area of but his ties seem to be here. >> i think this developed rather quickly last night and i wagered most of the activity printed in the media yesterday force them to make decisions and take action that ultimately reveal who they were. >>. >> to be clear about the armed robbery comedies looks to not appear coming these individuals practice 711 in cambridge at a time when someone that was
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coincidental to that and we retrieve data surveillance video but they were not involved of the armed robbery of the convenience store and. i don't want to comment on that because that is a homicide investigation but this individual's ties were here in massachusetts and that is the only person real looking for at this time. >> yes. i believe he is still in massachusetts the whole point* to provide that extra coverage to watertown is for the benefit of this community. we had this greater boston area shutdown today but in particular these folks had a shooting in their neighborhood last night, loss of life, very
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violent activity. so to provide that level of comfort in the neighborhood we were supplementing the watertown police department. >> day believe somebody is helping him? >> i am not aware of a mercedes. >> [inaudible] >> it is clear there were explosives they had with them last night. they through those at the police officers pursuing them. beyond that what their intentions were is@
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supposition. i will not do that. which car? >> [inaudible] the one that you were looking for prior to the carjacking. though honda? >> that car is being processed at this point* did it is -- is relevance to the case is still not known. >> [inaudible] >> it is not something i considered i am worried about apprehending this particular subject. he is a very violent and dangerous person. that is our primary concern. >> does he have a vehicle? >> we don't know of a vehicle that he has. >> which change in the last
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eight hours now you think the public should feel safe? what is your message? >> my message to the suspect is to give himself up to stop any further violence toward anyone and in terms of where he is at this point* we cannot continue to lock down an entire city or state we are confident we have done well we can do here in this particular date for good with our search and unfortunately that was not fruitful but we are redoubling efforts and as committed as we were to apprehending him. >> have you found out anything new? >> no. >> of watertown has the all clear? >> i would not give there all clear i want to reemphasize the point* that people have to be vigilant. this is a dangerous person who we believe has killed people and they need to be extremely careful and
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contact their local police department even if they suspect anything. >> [inaudible] >> we have done a number of searches but that goes to the investigation and i don't want to comment on that. >> [inaudible] >> that is always the preference but sometimes those are decisions they take away from us. we hope that is not the case that is why we appeal for him to give himself up. >> were they together? >> last night one was killed and one fled the scene on foot. >> [inaudible] >> i will not get into that again. this is a homicide case and i will discuss the evidence. >> was more question. >> [inaudible]
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>> and again that will go to the investigation. i don't want to comment on the evidence. >> [inaudible] >> you should be reassured of the enhanced presence of the state police in the watertown arianna and their police department to be in the neighborhood. we did everything we could to ensure that this individual is not where he left last night. last question. >> how did he get away? >> he abandoned the car that he had used in the pursuit from cambridge to watertown last night. in terms of how he got away he fled on foot. i don't know where he went specifically after that. that is all.
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>> as i said mr. this remains under investigation. this is the last briefing the other night unless there is a significant development thank you for your patience and understanding as there is still a lot that we cannot publicly disclose. gerri: that was a press conference we were waiting for. 19 minutes listening to officials in massachusetts talk about the manhunt going on in massachusetts, boston massachusetts, boston, was specifically watertown. to go right back to grass grass, you have been listening i heard things i did not know like the fact the 19 year-old fled on foot from the fire fight. what did you hear that was new and what did you think of what you heard? you could probably analyze are better than most of us. >> most of what i made of it for a brief period of time this turned into a sprint in
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the area to properly manage a case you have to be prepared for a marathon in the last 24 hours a tear of resources they could in their realized they cannot sustain the efforts at this level and they had to dive down because they have done everything they could to make sure to make watertown as soon as possible now they have to expect it will last several more days and cover it as well as they can so they are pushed into the unfortunate decision which is the best move possible. i heard them talking about trying to keep the effort up and protect their communities as much as they possibly can. gerri: we have a hard break but we welcome back i have more questions thank you for being with us. we will be right back after the break we went out and askepeople a simple question:
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how old is the oldest pson you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. bueven though we're living longer, one thing that hasn'thang: the officiaretirement age. ♪ thquestion is how do you make sure you have the money you need o enjoy all of these years. ♪ gerri: breaking news as the search for the bombing suspect continues.
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gerri: welcome back to the oil report we are covering the boston in search manhunt for the 19 year-old involved in the bombing and to go back to chris who is with us just listen to the press conference i cannot think of a better informed person with us a former fbi special agent and a member of the joint terrorism task force and want to go to you with things that i heard moments ago that seem new to me i have not heard before but officials in massachusetts say that they believe the suspect is still in massachusetts and still in the state possibly still in
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boston and all the ties are to that area and they also said he has been able to get away but made the point* he was on foot to with the middle of the night firefight in which 200 rounds were fired and here's something interestinn that the head of the boston police said. he is the only one real looking for. there has been a lot of talk whether there are people helping this young man or part of a larger group of chechen in this country and what did you make of those comments? >> by now they had access to the perpetrators apartment and then address books to get into the computers if they had any to check the links on the facebook page and they had quite a bit of time to look at who they have been in contact with
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with the social structure. that give syria to look at so it is probably based on that. gerri: on the basis of that they could tell us they were operating on their own? is that likely? >> it is entirely possible based on what everyone is saying about the two brothers that looks very much like the older brother was the dominating influence and many of the keys to have this change of both of them will come through with the older brother background. gerri: peter barnes has been watching what is going on in washington and the white house's reaction. what are you hearing? >> i just want to add because we know our colleagues at fox news have talk to intelligence
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officials that they are looking at all of the digital and electronic communications between the two brothers to figure out if they have any ties to islamic radicalism fundamentalism or al qaeda answer the key question have they been operating alone or had they had help that is currently the younger brother did he escape with the help of someone? but the white house says the president is not trying to micromanage the situation by trying to let the professionals do their jobs and obviously we know the task force is run by the fbi. gerri: an interesting reaction in washington and i will go back for a quick comment how likely do you think it is by tomorrow morning we will have some good news coming from
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boston? >> there is a very good chance something will happen overnight. our perpetrator is still on the run and a good chance he is still in the area. i think it is quite possible the news bichir will look quite different with positive developments by the time the sun comes up. gerri: there was big developments last night. i hope it turns in favor of the people and the law authorities. thank you for being with us we will be right back.
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lead paint poisoning affects one million children today. it's also 100% preventable. if your home was built before 1978, visit leadfreekidsrg to learn more. gerri: 20 hours since three heard about the fire fight over night in boston and we have been following what is going on over the last 30 minutes we have heard the details of what happened and how law-enforcement is continuing to look for the
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19 year-old. we have on hand -- on hand mic who has been in watertown. what is the mood? people are allowed to move around freely? do people feel more confident? >> please see is a big surge of activity and people seem to be eager to get out of their houses they have been to doubt people block down to the starbucks or the local stores and for disappointed to find they were not open and they had to return home there is nowhere to go. but quickly they are getting now and walking the dog and things of that nature. prior to that announcement of the shelter in place order watertown was a ghost town but for the activity of the police the activity of the day was to see the police groups and national guards and tactical team's going door to door knocking on doors searching the individual houses.
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state police and the governor and they don't believe the 19 year-old is still in watertown they believe he is still in massachusetts they don't believe he has the means to a travel, but they believe the search was effective and exhausted and they did not turn them up so somehow he was able to slip the barrier. but they believe he was able to slip the barrier so they remain -- require residents to be vigilant. you see them back on the road thhre were not there one hour ago and people were glad to get outside of their houses returning back to normal but tension because of the nose where this all armed and dangerous individual presume to be is located. >> i see the traffic moving behind you. i saw the video of police
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going house to house. describe this in more detail do they walked in and walk to the house is open the closet doors? how thorough were the searches? >> we weren't allowed to go ahead in the house is with them adjust sneak up on them and by and large we see them not on the door new type of forced entry and the word was communicated that winnie's uniformed officer they were to open the door and let them in. they go in the front door and spend some time inside the house and, and presumably doing the things that you mentioned to search the likely hiding space may be a crawlspace or a closet where no one had been and then use search the house with a low-tech searching and to move on to the next
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one so far they think it is exhaustive but did not turn up the suspect. gerri: we will bring in lease real as a former prosecutor. does this surprise you? i have never seen anything like this and i was shocked the way this unraveled now we find out new news that they believed this young man's terrorist is still in the state's. >> and on foot. what is critical for laa enforcement working with prosecutors is to try to find him and get him a life because we have been speculating where they just the two of them or was there help? with all of the weaponry and the planning looking at of their faces.
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it is almost a gallop to their gate like it was planned they did not just roll lot of dead. if that is the truth then prosecutors and law-enforcement need to get as much information as they can. who helps you? there is a way to do that. gerri: are you plugging into a network? could they have done this on their own in your view? >> people say there is so much information on the internet. >> did as possible but it is shocking say would not have talked about it, and planned it or talk about it or brag about it there is money involved and harboring. they stayed in the area five days afterwards. they blended in with the community with the harvard and m.i.t. community but sticking around and what chaos they are causing.
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gerri: is shocking. criminals or terrorists in this case. one thing i thought you should comment on there were 200 rounds fired in the firefight. >> that is a lot absolutely. a lot of rounds. everybody meant business. my son called me at 1130 last night saying this is happening and cops are out there they did their job. gerri: i dunno if you have been able to talk to people since the ban has been lifted, what are people telling you? do they feel safer? >> it just seems a day are disappointed as soon as they got the opportunity to get out to go to the store it looks like there is a starbucks try to get in and they were disappointed to find the owners did not come
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down to open as quickly as they would like. but it happened so fast. as a shelter in place was lifted we went right back on the air and people are just now emerging as we speak. gerri: thank you for coming on with us. excellent reporting and fantastic reporting from watertown and emily's wheel to get the prosecutor pointed you. we will be right back.
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freely abouttthe streets i want to bring in in lou dobbs. are you there? >> i want you to respond to the superintendent started out by saying we have no apprehension that we will have one. how did you respond to that? >> i would be shocked if he did not say that and i am sure he meant it every bit as much tonight as he did yesterday and the apprehension is not successful by tomorrow he will say it again but they have been mandated one of the terrorists that is important progress we can only hope that his statement will be found out by fact. is very difficult and i know
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like me you look at things not in societal terms but economic terms. we're also witnessing something that goes to the heart of the war on tear and it is very instructive for every one of our listeners. when you look at all of the men and women in uniform arrayed against a 19 year-old who places the pressure cooker at the feet of the year-old boy and others in inordinate expenditure of energy and time and money and it tilts when they take on our industrialized society we have to come to terms with that reality and we have to adjust the way we respond in
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duet more intelligently and frankly with far more effectiveness. gerri: may have gotten so much practice but one of the interesting comments that came out today was the 19 year-old escaped from the fire fight in the middle of the night that his brother died come on flat. he may not even be on a bicycle at this point* if he is even a live he is walking around on fletches seems like we should be able to catch him.@ >> especially when you see the force put up against this terrorist and i do not in any way mean to diminish the efforts of the federal bureau of investigation and the state police in massachusetts the cops or
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anything else but the leadership passed to understand that every dollar that a terrorist benz requires us to spend millions and we have got to change that response we have to think as nimble and the definition of a terrorist when we plan a response within next tap with a search of the 19 year-old. resourceful or whatever the reason might be we thought he would be in a car when someone doesn't think we have to block every part and we have to do better and if you say don't be critical of these men and women to are serving our country i assure you i am not being critical of them i am critical of the way in which our leadership
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is responding. we have got to do better in every way because there are people tonight without limbs and those who lost their lives become as we have not been able to be as effective as we should be to prevent terrorism but second to pursue our cause against the terrorists themselves. this is a battle against radical islamist who cared not what injury be false them or anyone else as long as they attack the infidels. and we need to be very resilient and innovative and respond as best we can. this nation has to rise up by one to hear former anchor and see more of rage and i don't want to be huffing and puffing or pseudo patriotism but to commit ourselves to doing better not another hundred billion dollars but getting it done we will talk
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about that very issue at the top of the hour. gerri: debut and of course, as we have learned to terrorism is alive and well certainly we have to continue the fight we will be right back with morelbur details aching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with tha you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... inverything fr the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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massachusetts state superintendent has this to say. >> we're going to draw back the tactical teams with the state police will provide additional patrols to the town of watertown over the next two or three days for the neighbors and the citizens we will have an additional stake watertown police patrols augmenting the three shiffs per day through monday. gerri: now i want to bring in new lease real a forum on -- former prosecutor and what did you make of this? he says he is taking a tactical teams? >> he is breaking down a little bit that make sense you cannot keep the whole
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city of montreal but i also think it means they know more than they are telling us which is a good thing what enforcement should not tell the public as much as we want to hear every minute they should hold us back. >> as a journalist we do not like that. gerri: if they are getting close they would not tip their hand and they have to think he is watching and listening and i don't want to go any furtherrbut i will put my law enforcement had on but they may know more than they're telling us and that is good then you can feel more secure to go out. >> i hope they have good news for us in the morning and massachusetts governor patrick and talked about the fire fight back caught everybody's attention.
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>> it was a firefight out here last night over 200 rounds and explosives so we were very justified i believe based on what we understood about the investigation to take what we knew was a big step to ask people to stay indoors while we went house-to-house to which we believe the suspect could have fled. gerri: what i found interesting 200 rounds? >> that is incredible that is a huge amount. that was an incredible amount they got the job done they knew what they were going after after the m.i.t. officer was gunned down and it happened very quickly but 200 rounds? that is unheard of.
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gerri: was somebody with experience. i appreciate your time. we will be right back we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot ous have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing thahasn't cnged: the official retirement age. ♪
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gerri: en details emerging about the dragnet to catch a 19 will tear as we have been covering this story for five days now officials in boston , as the knife telling us -- the fbi aid people are no longer in lockdown they can walk around and repeated their intention to apprehend the 19 year-old suspect this terrorist they said they had no apprehension at this moment but we will have one. it seems like a very confident superintendent and other news
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