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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 25, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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have a great night. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. another target on the boston morning suspect list was revealed today. new york city mayor michael bloomberg saying he received confirmation from fbi investigators said that the brothers had planned to detonate bombs in new york city's crowded times square, a plan that investigators call spontaneous, but nonetheless potentially deadly. >> we were informed by the fbi that the surviving attacker reveal that new york city was next on their list of targets. he told the fbi, apparently, that he and his brother had intended to drive to n new york
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than it dineed additional explosives in times square and. they had built these additional explosives, and we know they had the capacity to carry up the tax and the. lou: we also learned today that fbi investigators were stunned to see a it federal magistrate judge, assistant u.s. attorney in, and the federal public defender stopped their interrogation of tsarnaev monday order to read the suspect is marin writes. to federal officials telling fox news that the fbi confirmed in a capitol hill briefing today tha they felt by l. -- valuable intelligence was sacrificed as a result of the judge shutting th down. an unnamed fbi official told lawmakers the agents were given only 16 hours of uninterrupted questioning wall. tsarnaev has stop talking altogether since his rights were read. and new fbi director sean joyce though lawmakers that the agents
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did not call attorney-general eric holder or homeland security secretary general public, or any otr national security official and. they simply stepped away in deference to the magistrate judge in. whose decision was it to send that judge and attorneys into the room where the suspect was being interrogated in the first place? former attorney-general michael mackenzie telling it fox news million kelly earlier today, the decisio had to have come from attorney-general eric holder. >> is there any chance -- >> that decision was made from the top. >> any chance that eric holder himself would not have weighed in on a case this big? >> i cannot see how we would not i certainly would have. and. lou: the department of justice released the following statement today which does not deny that they made the decision. it pushes back and the investigators claim to being
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stunned. on sunday, that evening, scheduled an initial appearance from monday which had been coordinated with the prosecutors, federal defender, court reporter, u.s. marshals servic and the hospital. the rules of criminal procedure new require the court to advise the defendant of his right to silence and his right to counsel during the initial appearance. the prosecutors and fbi agents in boston were advised of the scheduled initial appearance in advance of its occurrence. in other words, someone is not telling the truth. we begin with the brothers tsarnaev and the plans that may have had to attack new york city's times square, new york mayor and police commissioner laying out details today of the bombers mother still proclaiming the innocents suffer two sons. fox news chief intelligence correspondent katharine heritage
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with our report. >> remain targets for terrorists. >> reporter: according to new york city mayor and police commissioner ties car was next based on fbi interrogation of tsarnaev. >> the two brothers had at their disposal six improvised it was the devices. >> reporter: theatest decision to target new york was apparently made after the shooting of an mit police officer last thursday and the rjacking shortly before tsarnaev was shot dead. over, senior federal law enforcement officials would not speak on record said any talk of starting new york city was as operational at best. still, two trips to times square by the vendor surviving brother, one in april and t november last year seemed to haunt new york officials. >> we don't know if those visits were related in any weight to what he described as the brothers spontaneous decision to target time square. >> reporter: the times or intelligence came from the truncated interrogation in the boston house will. >> that it wasut short as 16
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hours mea there's an awful lott3 of affirmation that could not have been obtained. >> reporter: as the 19-year-old was question lawmakers' the fbi agents were taken by surprise whe the u.s. attorney in magistrate arrived to read the 90 year-old is right >> now blaming the administration for not having situation of awareness and rightness of as to knock off. he may be dead, but radical islamists are alive and well. >> reporter: the marathon bombing suspect mother claimed her two sons are also victims. [speaking in native tongue] >> reporter: indeed does 11 the same year a suicide bomber killed 37 and moscow international rport the russian security services pushed the f and cia to investigate
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the a extremist ties. today the russian president said the boss and bombing should spur closer coordination between the u.s. and russia against a common enemy. confirmations of the bomb's detonator is most likely used parts from a remote-controlled toy car is evidence there were not the work of amateurs. >> these are very effective, small bombs. and i think people, younow, should i use the term, you know, a crude device, something of that nature. >> reporter: the justice department spokean disputed the handling saying that fbi agents were toldd advance of the magistrates appearance. federal law enforcement source who would thus become rords another the attorney-general or just a part of or involved. lou: thank you. fox news chief intelligence correspondent. the obama administration today said the united states has varying degrees of confidence that the syrian regime is now twice used chemical weapons.
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white house officials say more definitive proof is required and that the united states is not ready to take more direct intervention in the country, including military intervention. the response comes from the administration's legislative liaison to congress, not the president, who has repeatedly asserted that syria's use of chemical weapons would cross a redline. is not clear what amount of chemical weapons may have been usedo win. no word on how many casualties might have resulted. in other words, much more intelligence is required. who will be taking this issue up along with many other foreign policy challenges with pulitzer prize-winning journalists, and judith miller, and former prosecut and author andrew mccahy. to the immigration debate, the senior senators from new york and arizona have a message for critics of comprehensive immigration reform. charles schumer and john mccain say, any bill that does not have
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up at the citizenship will go nowhere. at a judiciary hearing today, our first steps prosted the rush to pass the gang of eight immigration proposal. joininus now, senator jeff sessions, a member of the judiciary on services in carmen the public works and budget committee. good to have you with this. first,t, your reaction to the schumer mccain declaration and challenge. >> this is the way they have donehis whole process. they reached an agreement in secret in have agreed to stick together on all of the major principles in that bill. and so its unsurprising that they are telling the world there not going to consider any other way to deal with people compassionately. other than giving them a full path the citizenship. now, my view has been for quite a number of years that after
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1986 anyone that enters the country illegally should never be given to every benefit that we give to people who come legally, and i think that there is no moral or legal case to provide ful citizenship for people who have entered our country illegally. lou: the gain of eight, you have asked, and senator roberts in senator grassley have asked for more information on how immigrants access to, as you define them, a different means-tested benefits programs, what the impact on the budget would be in the economy. you still have not received a response. this seems a egregiously, if you will, i different to reasonable requests on the part of colleagues in what is suppose to be a highly collegial u.s. senate. what is going on? >> well, first off, they don't even know. apparently they don't give much concern to it.
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they don't even know how many people will be allowed into the country legally in the next ten years under their belt. asked about that today. senator schumer had no answer to the question. monitoring how many people will be admitted. this is what we know. there will be 11 million people illegally here but on a guaranteed pat the citizenship over two years or so. then you have four and a half million in the family-based -- lou: senator, i have to interrupt. if we could, we are looking at a picture ofenator marco reveal right now talking about illegal immigration in the senate. what i would like to do, if i may ask our producers and director, please, if we may for just a moment we will go to the sender in just a moment. but if we can focus our attention on senator sessions right now as he is responding to my question. senator, if you would go ahead. >> we know there will be
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11 million people plus for a half million that would be immediately legalized. eleven of them being here illegally now. and then in addition to that it looks like there will be at least a 50% annual increase in the number of immigrants into the country, which would be another 15 million, so right there you're looking at about 30 million over the next ten years when the current immigration flow would be 10 million. so polling numbers show, majority of the american people think the legal number is too high now. so the message going out is we will have tougher enforcement andess immigration. this is a dramatic increase, and there will be huge costs because most of the 11 million in the families that they will bring three chain migration, most of them will qualify for benefits, either after ten years or ler because they have tried to avert
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an amount of time. the cost financially to the country will be huge overtime. lou: is dinformation -- let me say this first. i am very disappointed that the senate, the house of representatives, the administration has not set forth the republican party and democratic party alike, an independent objective study of what would be the result, the impact of the public policy choice here. i know you have struggled to do precisely that and bring as much information board. the heritage foundation has done as much. on the left, similar studies, similar judgments. will we don't have, an independent objective assessment of what the impact will be. that is to the american people who are being foreclosed from a
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participation in hearings as well, this seems a strange, if you will, iteems a conscious, highly manipulative effort on the part of both parties to shut down the voice of the american people and to resist a dialogue and a discussion of the facts because i think most americans want this issue resolved. they want a rational, effective, humane solution. but there is, if you will, a conspiracy of confusion, and insistence on ignorance about the very important issues you bring a.m., many of them here tonight as you have to draw your career. we have to assess them. why that the case? >> that no one that american people to of fully understand the ramifications of this legislation. the people who have written this bill are some of the opponents of very large erasion close.
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ey're notoncerned about the cost. they don't want to talk about the cost. they have a political will to achieve. they think is the right thing. those of us in the american people, those of us in congress need to know what it will be, just like you said, lou. need to know how many people come, how much it will cost, what the ramifications are, how much it will impact wages and job employment rates in america. it will hurt the working american with these numbers. there is no doubt about that. and so the political goal has got to give way to what is in the best interest of america and the american people. a lawful system that treats you decently and compassionately, people have been here a long time. i am for that. i am for an immigration system that allows the rest to come in, but they should be lawful and serve the national interest. is to bring the kind of people who have the best chance to be successful in america, not the
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ones that don't have the education or the skills to be successful. those of the kind of rational questions i have. lou: senator, we thank you very much for being with us. rse jeff sessions, good to talk with you. much more on illegal immigration and the debate and the latest on the boston bombings throughout this broadcast. much more straight ahead. stay with us. most americans are disgusted with congress and even congressional leaders know why. we will tell you all about it tonight "chalk talk." good news on the economy today. jobless claims falling to a nearly 5-year low. what does it mean? harvard economist martin feldstein with his outlook on prosperity for america. ♪ the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for theig family reunion.
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♪ lou: first-time jobless claims this week near a 5-year low. here is what an economist says about what those numbers and what they mean and a quick look at what can happen on wall street today. the combination of good earnings and that strong economic news pushing stocks higher. the dow of 24, s&p up six, textron, nasdaq up 20. at least most. volume on the big board, over three and a half million shares. amazon rallying to the clothes and after the bell beat earnings targets it continues sire. j.c. penney moving higher in electronic trading on news that george soros has purchased the nearly 8% stake in the cash-strapped apart mr. cain. starbucks is down in after-hours trading. starbucks posting earnings of $0.48 per share in line with targets, revenue is slightly short. meanwhile, the shareholder's
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voting to elect two representatives of mr. carl icon to its board of directors. the stock up nearly 2 percent today closing just under $30 per share. now down nearly 50 percent over the past year. gold continues to push higher, rallying and rising back to almost $14.60 per share. declines in gasoline inventories pushing crude oil lyras well. in the credit market, the treasury's 10-year yield is now tipping a little higher. my next guest says the federal reserve easy money policy is greeting asset price bubbles and bonds and stocks trading some pretty risky markets. joining us now, one of my favorite people, the chief economic adviser to president reagan, one of the country's most distinguished economists, harvard university professor of economics, martin feldstein. good to have you here. >> nice to be back. lou: the fed, is uncle been helping or hurting is?
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>> adelle think he is helping much. i think he did a lot of good in 2008. it was a long time ago. for the last few years all they have been doing is building up the reserves and the commercial banks. not really doing much to help an economy which has been growing at less than 2% last year, down from where it was in years before that. lou: we are going to get a little indication of what is going on tomorrow, our gdp. >> it is going to be very mislding. we will get a number that looks like three. it could be 31, 32. half of that will be inventory accumulation. so it is just final sales. lou: reversing the effect of the fourth quarter. >> so it is not anything to really get excited about. i think when you combine that with the estimates for the second quarter we are, aga, looking at less than 2 percent growth. lou: what do you make of banks,
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shares are rising, the market overall is holding stron we are seeing pretty significant appreciation. what is happening? >> below achaean what they can get on bonds and saying, well, maybe i should go and buy stock. lou: the messes that is being received. >> the message was conveyed is a little strange. i'm going said keep buying bonds so that you the investors, will -- can be able to buy those bonds. you will do something else, buy stock in. lou: amongst the external some markets, we have a washington is not talking about jobs, not talking sensibly about positive and strong leaders in providing some sort of energy from corporate leaders to move money into the marketplace to, you know, look at business
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investment. is paltry. the most recent estimate we had about the investment, durable-goods, investment, nonmilitary investment in capital goods fell 10% in the last month. so very, very weak. of course, households are very weak and no increases in earnings. lou: so, an invtor the -- and those of us who are concerned about the future of the country, what do you see? coming, looking for, what does this year shape up as an ocean we expect? >> at inky shapes up like last year. we are lucky if we get to 2 percent growth. i would be totally surprised if we get much closer to 1 percent, no growth this year. that means on a per-capita basis real income is falling. some not good at all. and at some point these credibly low long-term interest rates are going to rise. these people are going to lose money in fixed-income and in
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other kinds of investment. lou: and under that scenario no hiding place. >> the hiding place is shorterm investment. you don't get any yield, but you avoid there risk of the big loss in the value of your bonds and stocks. lou: diminish the risk is always a happy thing when there is suddenly the appearance of here in the market. always great to see you. we thank you for being with us. >> good to be with you. lou: and they hope you're wrong. >> so the light. i am afraid and not going to be. lou: i join you in your fear. thank you very muchor being with us. we appreciate it. up next, america's did this -- america is dgusted with him and 334 other folks. in the "chalk talk" tonight we will show you what the democratic party should be particularly concerned. we're coming right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] with free package pickup
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♪ >> america is disgusted with us. north and then. i am as well. i don't blame mr. and mrs. america for saying that congress is not doing its work. they're right. we're not. lou: that is house minority whip on the house floor today admitting congress socks because they cannot deal with any significant issues in his instance they're referring to the sequester. now, we don't often agree with congressman hoyer, after it met. actually make that, and almost never agree with congressman wire. today was making a valid point. just 15 percent of americans in the latest gallup poll approved of congress and the work is doing. but it is the democrats, in my opinion, are botching most things up. let's take the sequester to which hello welcome but the congressman was most animated.
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it is the secret that the sequester was, despite repeated denials that suddenly could be overcome the fact, those repeated denials fadeaway. and it was, after all, the obama administration's idea after all. they proposed as part of the agreement. in fact, it resolve the debt ceiling spike two years ago. pretty impressive. it was their idea, and now they are upset. they didn't want to admit it. there are almost $17 trillion in debt. well, i mean, just last month president obama said we don't have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. well, that amounts to $16 trilon, and the american people don't agree. a new fox polls shows 40%, 40 percent of those surveyed would describe the nation's debt
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is a crisis and another 43% say it is a major problem. putting 83% solidly in opposition to the president's view. as the president has been fond of saying lately, it is hard to get that many people to agree on anything. it can ctrol, the vice-president to the minute the white house with gun control advocates. maybe they're going to try to continue their efforts ce crowd the secondmendment. you know the percentage of people of this country you think guns of the most important issue that congress and this president to be workinon right now? i just want to put this up there for the president and the vice-president in particular. it may be the congressman as well. a solid 5%. congressman, you and your good buddies look like they are, to meet, most of the problem. you might think about that.
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why did the justice department cut short the boston bombing interrogation? fox is political analyst stephen hays and brad blackmun joined is to explain what is likely to happen now. talk about a presidential photo op? all five living presidents helped open the george w. bush presidential library. president obama's craigslist -- red line on syria has been crossed. now what if anything?
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♪ u: nearly 10,000 people, including firefighters from all over texas gatred in waco to honor 14 people who died in last week's for was a plant explosion in the town of wt. president obama, texas governor rick perry headlining the event. the president told the crowd that no words adequately describes the courage of those
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who died, which include 121st responders. >> to the families and neighbors grappling with unbearable loss, we are here to say, you're not alone. you're not forgotten. we may not all live here in texas kumble we are neighbors, too. [applause] we are americans, too. and we stand with you, and we do not forget. lou: the president also flew over the town of west. doze of homes were destroyed, losses estimated at more than $100 million. the president also attended the wake of a ceremony after appearing at the dedication ceremony for george w. bush new presidentialibrary featuring all five living presidents at the presentation. it was often funny and sometimes emotional event for the nation's 43rd president's even choked
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up as he concluded his speech. >> whenever challenges come before us, i will always believe our nation's best days are ahead . god bless. [applause] lou: the president also noted it was the first time in history that father and son presidents attended the opening of one another's libraries. the bush presidential center opens to the public on the first to make. intelligence reports today linking syria and the chemical weapons, the obama administration response, the more definitive proof is required and calling for a united nations investigation. joining us now, andrew mccarthy, a former federal prosecutor who convicted the blind sheik, and pulitzer prize-winning urnalist and boxes contributor judith miller. thank you for being here. a red line has been crossed seemingly, maybe, or perhaps.
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we have intelligence from of the top israelis by. i mean, what does this mean? how do we get into these kinds of positions? >> it means almost nothing. and that d't mean to say that we shod not be along that the possibility of chemical weapons being used, but they said -- it was not very coherent, but varying degrees of lack of confidence or something along those lines. lou: troubles with confidence. and incoherent statement and an incoherent -- >> but a week ago they had, you know, teleconference that tsarnaev, the older not involved in terrorism. theb
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are being accused of misfeasance year. handling information from russia poorly, multiple invitations to both the cia and the fbi that the elder tsarnaev brother was a radical and he was a potential threat to. your thoughts? >> i think it is interesting that all of this time after 9/11 after the 9/11 commission specifically highlighted the stovepipe the -- still piping of bin permission, he lack of sharing of formation within the government between not only the department -- there was the department of common security, but homeland security and said that is a problem that needs to be fixed and it is clear we ill have not solve that problem, luke. lou: the idea that the president is drawing a red line in syria,
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that there is this -- you can see the tsion in the conflict within the administration as to how to deal with an act of terrorism on our soil in boston. there is a confused, racemes, and steady is, perhaps, the kinder way to put it. in an steady foreign policy can at best shaky intellectual response to describing what occurred in boston and why. what do you make of it? >> what well, it is in any logical response and two counts. first offer 20 years, this is not just an obama problem. this is a bipartisan problem. the administration is going back to the early 90's. they will not acknowledge the logical fundamentals of the threat against us. the straight line nexus between an ideology rooted in the islamic scripture, which is a lot more mainstream than we like to a knowledge and the threat against the united states. they cannot bring themselves to do that. and on the other side --
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lou: cannot say a word or words radil islamist. this is administration refused to even say terror. suddenly because of what the tragic events in boston, they were faced with, for the first time, having to say terror and to finally acknowledges, although he did not in the initial statements to and secondly, there were people on the left in the media and elsewhere praying for this to be a caucasian said the terrorists. i mean -- >> well, they did get a couple of quotations. lou: true caucasians as kevin williams pointed out. >> there were some people even were openly saying, gee, we hope is going to be a right-wing extremist. it is astonishing from the media. they could hardly call this an episode of workplace violence, which is what they called the shooting and forehead.
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lou: where are we? tamerlan tsarnaev was radicalized. his mother apparently may have known as early as 2011. when you look at that sort of thing, why isn't tre -- why is there not more of a response from the community? why isn't there more of a -- an effort to on the part of those who live in that neighborhood and that home to say to authorities, this is dangerous. your thoughts? >> in that home? i mean, the tsarnaev home does not exist any longer. lou: then never again the community. >> which community are you talking about? boston, as we know, very ethically divided. there are a number of responses. a strong response from the muslim community condemning this,ut the real problem is the unwillingness to lookt this fairly and talk about what it is.
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>> look. the muslim community was the one that knew he was radicalized. and they say nothing. and they say nothing, in part, because they are intimidated. they are under the interpretation that the supremacists' follow of islam sowing discord into the muslim community is a death offense. it is not like something they get angry at you. something that actually kill you over. so intimidation underlies a lot of this. >> adelle think that we know that they said nothing. and i think we know that yet. >> we know that our $50 billion intelligence community for two years has investigated one of these guys and yet they had to put a picture out to the public last week to ask for help identifying someone may have been investigating for two years. that is all we know. lou: and not to put too fine a line on it, he was -- we are talking in about specifically domestic services, the fbi, on
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the insecurity. and those other folks charged with, you know, the responsibility for acting and intelligence when it is delived to them, in this case by the russians and a gesture that was rebuffed, apparently. you will soon find out. good to see you. thank you very much. appreciated. >> good to see you. lou: we want to hear your thoughts. go to, get the link to our facebook page. e-mail me, tweet me. up next, discover a major breakthrough in the burglars care that has already killed one in fiveo have been infected. the question is, is it sufficient? stay with us. ♪ at od, whatever business you'ren with premium service like one of the best
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days in texas. they attended a dnc fund-raiser last night, ceremonies for the west texas fertilizer plant explosion victims in the opening of the george w. bush presidential library today. chinese scientists have found strong evidence that the source for the deadly new strain a bird flew is likely poultry markets were chickens were slaughtered. researchers looked at patients who have contracted the new h7m9 virus. they discovered one patient had a nearly a identical strain to one found in a chicken at a liv market located in eastern china. chinese government oicials have since shut down many of the markets and the affected regions. taiwan, nonetheless, as reported first bird flew case this week. so far h7m9 has infected more than 100 people in china and killed more than 20. up next, former first lady barbara bush has some presidential advice for her son. we will tell you about that.
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and the "a-team" takes up that advice and a lot more. brad blackmun and steven haze brad blackmun and steven haze join as your next. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her... no. no! no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy... do you want 50% more cash? yes! yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who ke more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? why? and we've hit the why phase... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below...
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to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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♪ lou: joining us now, senior writer for the weekly standard, steven hayes, former deputy assistant to president bush, brad blackmun, both fox news contributors. thank you for being here. let's start with this red line that has supposedly, perhaps, possibly been crossed as the administstration would have it. given secretary saying that the syrians have evidence that they have used sarin gas. your reaction? >> i think when you establish
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redlines you have to be willing to do what you say you're going to do more carry through with the consequences. if those red lines are crossed. what happened today was to might think, clear across another red lines. the u.s. intelligence committee who has the only physical evidence, but physiological evidence, blood evidence, sarah and presence in the blood of dead people in syria. very hard to fake that kind of evidence. that is all we have in hand. is about as solid as you're going to find. and rather than following through and the president announcing plans for consequences for crossing the red line, instead would you have is the white house saying in effect we're pointing to the united nations because we don't trust our own intelligence enough. bad signal toend to the world. lou: were you not shocked by that, brad? >> absolutely. e fact the defense secretary acknowledged something that was critical to the president's policy toward syria, yet nothing was done. he should have come out and acted boldly and swiftly like he did when he made this statement
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that if gas is used by the syrians is their own people that would have serious consequences. well, where are they? why are you eating? the fact is, now the administration has to determine how many people are killed before they act. we know that without gas tens of thsands of people were killed. and now if they feel emboldened to use it and even if a few were killed, then you can bet they're going to look to the response of the united states to see if they get a pass to use it in more robust wake. lou: you will be bacto talk about the calls for force by the united states, including senator john mccain as we continue with these two and take the politics behind the altar of interrogation of the boston bomber. you in the obama administration made that call on next. ♪
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lou: well, the entergation of the terrorist in the boston
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hospital, interrupted by the arrival of a federal magisate judge. let me turn to you brad, your reaction, 16 hours, then suddenly they read miranda rights, what called for that? >> the certainly the justice department, attorney general. this story has been am embarrassment. magistrates do not show up, they wanted this to go away. local law enforcement has been herrals and fbi has been ridiculed. >> steve? >> well, yeah, and lou, i was watching at the beginning of the show, reading statement from justice department, saying we did not have anything to do with this, it of the court's decision. but think about that as a defense. white house, justice dartment, cia, had nothing to do with determining whether we would
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interrupt what was a somewhat successful interrogation of a terror suspect who was providing real-time information to intern gators, that is -- te is unbelieveable if you take the justice department on their open word. i think it is incredible to say we had nothing to do with determining whether we were going to stop thee investigation it is very clear, i have talked with some people involved, that the fbi folks, are incredibly frustrated they did not have the opportunity to reprioritize their questioning, they were not given enough of a heads up to say we have 5 additional questions we have to ask. before you cut this off, they are not happy. lou: and it is with -- a s strae quality of this administration, particularly justice want, i can't think of a single instance in which anyone in obama justice department ever takes responsibility for anything no matter how flaringly obvious the
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accountability chain is. >> you are right, administration, that was supposed to be the most open and transparent is the most clan clan stein and secretive. they are shut down when they dot is happening. this decision had to have come from washington whether the president or white house or the justice department. lou: steve, we'll give you the last word. >> i think we'll be hearing a lot more about the miranda process, the interrogation process, this is not 16 hours of stighten tergation thagation -- interrogation, this was on and off because of dzhokhar tsarnaev's condition. >> steven thank you very much and brad thank you. glad you got an opportunity to attend your former boss' new library opening.
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>> it was great. lou: that is it for us tonight. thank you very much, joining us tomorrow, author does not lik immigration, good night from new york. >> well now we know. it could have been worse. this boston attack, the guys who supposedly did it, they had another stop on their hit para parade. times square. it didn't happen. but could you imagine if it did? and given relatively subdued market reaction to everything that did go down in boston, could you imagine if going like it had gone down in new york? could you imagine if the underlying fundamentals were not what they were, how much this economy would have gone down. welcome. glad to have you. i am neil cavuto, it maybe just hit me watching this big


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