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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  May 5, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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>> stay in this market and buy any dip. >> the idea i love. sell high. i am here for you. i am kidding. >> the jobless rate may be ticking down a bit but 12 million americans still out of work, unemployment benefits are way up. one state want to make it tougher for them to push the bill to ban benefits for workers and misconduct and missing too many days. proponents say this will protect benefits for people who deserve them. are they right or wrong. >> i am dave asbin. welcome to forbes on fox. we'll go with steve, and rick and rich and john and sabrina and mike. mike, is this a good law? >> david, i am not familiar with the precise details of the law. one thing we have a sentence
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to work. work, the states that give the shortest dureration and lower unemployment rates to the state that is give unemployment . i am for the plan. >> steve, should workers fired for sleeping on the job receive unemployment benefits. >> the law is trying to do and it is it a nice concept and it is going to be tough to work . latch on to this. >> and this is rheums and conditions. the trial lawyer saying you should have done this and that . nice concept. it is extremely difficult to execute. >> sabrina a good law or bad one. >> i love it and those who manage would the organization and i know what a drain it can be. >> i am in favor of inviting
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them to will the work. i am not sure it is much to change employee conduct. >> rich, if i am a boss and someone is litserally sleeping on want job . if fire the person for doing that. do they deserve umployment benefits? >> probably not. sabrina and steve pointed out what does the firing do to a joe who thinking it is harassment or innocent? you invite a lot of government intrusion. i think missouri did the wrong thg. we surely have to bring down the cost of the unemployment benefits. this is walk nothing the land mine. >> john, be specific. cost of unemployment benefits are 42 billion a year. that is enormous cost for governments and paying people who deserve to be conditioned. >> i like the law. i don't think government should pay out the benefits.
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businesses suffer the most . in doing so raises the cost for luring workers back in the sidelinings. as for the notion of it unfair, we live in the richard country on earth and the rest of the world is impoverished. we have to end up living like other people. thank goodness life is unfair right now. >> rick, the point is a lot of people are unemployed that don't deserve it. it is a shame on the nation that we have a unemployment figure as large as it is. there are people who deserve to be fired, right? >> that is not the point. a lot of people got it right. steech got it right. great politic another one of the endless stre of state bills we are seeing these days. they are wasting the time . people . they will spend millions
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defending the law that is will not make it through the court. >> let's be specific here, rick. what way is it constitutional. >> there is nothing in the constitution about our right to receive unemployment benefitings. >> you are right about that. that is not the issue. it is being void for vagueness. you can set up a situation like this. who decides who is slacking? whos who was correctly fired or incorrectly fired? do you want every small business to print a manual every year setting out all of the rule. >> hold on, let's look at the basicings for a second here, steve . >> shouldn't the boss be the one who deserves whether to be fired. >> that is not the issue. the boss should have the right to hire and fire . in terms of unemployment benefits, what you are inviting is the government to
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come in and term whether that employees a justifiable firing or not. >> the government is already in to the tune of 42 billion a year. >> that created a disincentive to work. look david, the increase in unemployment insurance the bill passed by congress reduced the incentive to work and the labor participation rate under the so-call recovery decline would. the labor participation rate increased which is what you have. >> john, once again. john, no one likes to see people ubemployed that want to work. should they be receiving unemployment benefits? >> no, they should not. rich countries have high unemployment because they can pay out benefits that create a disincentive for workers to get back in the work force. states are supposed to be a labratory of an idea.
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>> steve, incentives matter. if it workings why not stick with it? >> in the real work you can rewrite the manuals and a better way to reform the whole unemployment insurance program. it is a 41 k . they put it aside . they have determined what benefits they get. positive reforms can be done. i just think this invites more government and i don't want more government in the workplace. >> most of us don't. rich, you are always saying it is states are the petree dishes to experiment with the ideas. why not go along and see how i works? >> the legal land mines and plus this. the true problem really occurs on the other end of the stick. people are gaining the disability system and why it
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is going up 4-k in obama presidency and where the bulk of the money is. that's where the experiment takes place. >> that is to the tune of 102 billion. >> and so are they part ofhe same package that is gaining on the welfare system. >> that is part of the big washington menitality. we are seeing a increase under the guise of things are not good. we have to help them. they create a disincentive and why it is the worst recovery we have had since the depression . >> look at california's disability system it is a disaster and the economy as it stands right now is incentive enough for employees to perform well on the job. you don't want to lose your job right now. i don't think we need another law to step in the way. >> up next. lotless of controversy about
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the 15 year old buying the morning after pill. but there is something more controversial. let the private market who can and cannot buy that. and everything else. it is it a heated debate coming up next. at 1:00 p.m.
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eastern. keep it here back to forbes on fox. >> a huge battle erupting over who should be able to buy the so-call would morning after pill. if you are 15 or older, you
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can buy it over the counter. this debate highlights that we have too many branches of government running our livings. john, you think the government should get out altogether. >> this is disturbing to parentings. but that doesn't mean the federal government should expert itself-. it is not serving as a nanny to us. it doesn't take a village to raise kids. it is something to be left to parents. >> when it come to 15 year omed it is under our charge. >> yes, this is a potent pill. you can have a lot of bleeding from it. it is not like a candy bar or sweat shirt it is potent stuff and misused it can have adverse consequences.
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>> there are more restrictions and anti-cold medicine. we follow the fda regulations and it is a role for government. i don't want food company to produce poison and sell it asy baby food. look on a personal level. i have a six year old daughter and i don't feel comfortable that she could weigh something like this without the approval of me and my wife. >> on the other hand, there are so many that government is getting in our life andip am sympathetic to what john is saying. >> i love john, but i have never known anybody who had teenagers and survived the experience and still appear libitarian. >> that is a great point. >> when states, we have experimented with drinking age
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18 versus 21. when it is 21, you have fewer traffic fatalities and there are a explosion of unaattended consequence fist we give tacit permission to 15 years old to go out and have sex any time theyment. >> in this instance the government has a role to play. i have two daughters and this hits at home for me. this is not just a medical issue. it is about sex and conception and minors and so many issues at play. i don't like the judges and burrcrats to stand between parents and children on an issue of this magnitude is unbelievable to me. >> rick? >> i think rich gives teenagers . you win for that. point of clarification. it is fda and obama administration is challenging a rule . new york court that is making it available without parental concept for kids 15.
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this highlights government regulation from time to time. >> president obama has daughters. >> let me go back to steve for a second. up were a tool of capitalism if you will. you don't trust government and the fda is the one regulating do you trust the fda to be good regulator. >> the fda made bad but the idea of regulations oranarchy, no. it is common sense is a potent drug and have devastating consequences and the idea of treating it like a piece of gum is preposterous. >> john, is there a role for government protecting us from bad or dangerous medications? >> i don't think so. sex, druggings, they are serious subjects and why do we leave to the government to protect us from these things? this is the job of pafts and not the job . government. >> we are not leaving it to
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them john. they can assist the parent. >> don't want tha help. >> lib tarianism doesn't mean devoid of all laws. i am one but i don't think you can go in the movie theater and yell fire. >> sabrina? >> we are talking about childrenhe age of 18. that is very different. i am concerned about the fda overregulate not releasing druggings that may help people. but we are talking about 14 and 15 year old kids and accepting a policy of having sex before thinking . consequences. >> rick, you are right, the obama administration is to the right of the judge. once again, like john, and you think that 15 year olds are old enough to decide these things? >> no, and neither does the president. >> i thought he was supporting
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the fda position that a 15 year old should buy it over the counter? >> no. that part of the judge's ruling. no, no. no. i am enjoying people trying to come to grips with innerlibitarianism. >> the bottom line, there are rules and regulation. you shouldn't be alouped to drive 100 miles per hour in a school zone or kids making uninformed decisions on deadly druggings. >> but john, we are leaning in your direction. unions fighting to stop the deportationful illegal imgrants. they are looking out for undocument would workerings. that is in the bottom of the hour in cashin in and homeownership . that is a flip side you don't want to miss.
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>> bad news on homeownership in the united states. last time it this low, ldial up all . rage and gas was a dollar a buck and xfiles topping the tv chartings. sabrina said low homeownership is great news. explain. >> it is good news if we are talking about the national
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correction. we find that they are more financially responsible. i am concerned about healthcare and retirement process, but i am concerned thalt federal policy under clinton and bush to push people to buy homes with government-backed risky loans led to the economic down turn and we can't ignore that. >> rick, is it better to be frugal. >> that is the issue and we are a few years away. it is natural investors are the first this and those of us who get involved in the residential real estate see a bright future in the rent market. it will take a couple of years to see how it normalizes. >> morgan has been delving in this. what do you think morgan. >> homeownership and economic growth are tied to a
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relatively new concept. >> there is it a relationship between the two. there is no correlation. we have a thriving economy and great relationship . it is low and that is project would. and that does reflect on how the economy is . the fact so many people are underemployed and they are lack lustre and we have high lemps of college debt. >> it reflects on the fact that taxings are too high. that is prevented. that is government involvement in the housing market . that is a psychedelic drugs. >> that is what started in the market. no bankings are writing a mortgage these days. they don't know what the rules
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are. there is a close close and a shadow inventatory-like. goodor bad if people own homes . love it or hate it. capitol moves at the speed of the mouse click. and that is the pursuit of jobs. and that is why are seeing. and that is shortened . that said, we do have 2.2 million homes in a shadow inventory. one group that is good for the fact of the ownership on the decline. thats investors that are taking advantage of the single family homings it is it a six percent.
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the fed notion that they have to print a lot of money to keep interest rates low. it ain't working, is it? >> no, it distorted the market and we don't know what is happening out there and what the natural homeownership rate is. that gets misallocate we pay the price for it and we are buying and selling a house . home mortage and existing house . a normal economy. >> what a novele idea and coming up. before you watch the kentucky derby this weekend.
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we are back with the best winning stocks and we are off to the races. >> that is a defensive fund and hommedings like nestly and walmart. >> mike you like the stock. >> it is good perform real income is not going for most americanings >> corning glass. we love the stock. >> one. best managed companies on the planet. ride it to victory. it profitable and >> youike it. >> i think it is a great stock. that's it for forbes on fox.
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thanks for watching. have a great kentucky weekend. by the way, this is a mint julip. healthcare law train wreck. democratic senator harry reed agreeing that obama care may go off of the rails . aren't we paying enough for all of tholce new taxes. plus. may day. unions demanding the halftime deporting immigrantings. does big labor have the interest of undocumented workers in mind or all about saving themselves. cash in looking out for your best interest right now. i am eric boling,el


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