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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 8, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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thank you for joining us, have a great night, and we will see you ght back here tomorrow. ♪ lou: hello, everybody, and thank you for being with us. bombs shell testimony from witnesses testified in front of the house oversight committee today. the number two diplomat in libya at the time of those attacks, gregory hicks, libya's regional security coordinator eric nordstrom, and state department visual mark thompson all contradicted the white house's versn of what took place that day and the white house explanation of its response in the days and weeks that followed did congressional investigators learning key details that have not been publicly obama administration. we learn with a like a response
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americans under attack by terrorists and the or communications between the state department and the pentagon. this confirmed forces were available in tripoli but werr told to stand down before they could embark on a rescue attempt. >> we determined that we needed to send second team from tripoli to secure the airport for the withdrawal of our personnel from benghazi afr the mortar attack did >> or any of u.s. military personnel not permitted to travel on a relief mission to benghazi? >> they were not authorized to travel. >> what happed with those personnel? >> they remained in tripoli with us via lou: we also learned hicks was never contacted by the investor of the united nations, susan rice, or her staff before she went on five different sunday morning talk shows to deliver false talking points regarding a so-called protest
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sparked by an anti-islam video. said everybody on the ground that day was aware "from the get go" that it was a terrorist attack did >> so fast-fward to the sunday talk shows and investor susan rice did she blames his attack on a video, in fact she did it five different times. what was your reaction to that? >> i was stunned. my jaw dropped, and i was embarrassed. >> d she talk to you before she went on the five sunday talk shows? >> no, sir. >> you were the highest-ranking official in libya at the time, correct? >> yes, sir. >> she didot bher to have a conversation with you before s went on national television? >> no, sir. lou: hicks added the president of libya was furious after the
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ambassador raised appearances because he went on those same sunday talk shows, he described the attack as a preplanned terratec did according to hicks, he felt embarrassed and delayed the fbi investigators from going to benghazi, a delay of 17 to 18 days. oversight committee member was one of those questioning witnesses today. he joins us with his assessnt of the extraordinary testimony that we have heard. the benghazi whistleblowers themselves realed new information about the events of september 11, but i left a sizable number of major questions unanswered. among those questions, why did the obama administration insist upon carrying out a media caaigno blame the deadly attacks on the producer of a poorly produced youtube video?
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fox news chief washington correspondent james ron has a report. >> every piece of information that we get as we got it, we laid it out for the amican people. >> if any administration official including any career official had been on television on sunday, september 16, they would have said the same thing the ambassador raised was saying. >> those statements about obama administration knew and susan rice appeared on the sunday shows came under fresh assault did >> did report to anything in washingt within the first couple of days that there was any connection, a protest in connection to a youtube video? >> the only report our mission me through every channel was that there had been an attack on the conflict did not a protest did >> he read from a previous
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to disclose e-mail jones, fisting picture if state said on september 12 about her discussions with the libyan ambassador. >> this is from ms. jones to you to counsel for hillary clinton to victoria newman to mr. kennedy, and i'm going to read from it. what he said is suspect suspected former qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, i told him that the group that conducted the attacks is affiliated with islamic terrorist. >> september 14 a cia document first published in the weekly standard did we do know that islamic extremts with ties to alaeda participated in the attack, yet rice and other senior officials far from putting out every piece of information as they got it continued to press the false narrative. >> our information, we saw no
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evidence to back up claims by othershat this was a preplanned or premedited attack did >> wish i could sit here today and say within days, within a week, but september 20 when we came up here, we have a clear picture. we did not have a clear picture. >> another new unveiled image wasent on by mark thompson, immigratn officer the state department counterterrorism bureau. with th the u.s. annexin mentaly facing mortar fire, thompson wrote to patrick kennedy's deputy wonder why the undersecretary had swiftly rejected the possibity f and the defense department special operations command had recommended that make make the department of the foreign emergency defense team did >> you wrote at hendy reported in a conference call with the white house and discouraged the option. this option would be better addressed vi via a response didy
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would it not called into action? i do not know be at >> he said the decision was the correct one did for the day after the attacks thompson wrote in an e-mail to two colleagues. >> he understands the point concurs, but express his pessimismeflecting our pessimism and does not intend to lobby for our inclusion. >> in a five-page point for point rebuttal late tuesday night fro, senior official argud that they could not haverrived in libya in time to help the americans. that they would not, whichown leaves open the question which is pivotal, why they we not dispatched. james, further news made after the cmittee hearings today, tell us about that. >> so the chairman of this committee hearing was republican from california, the ranking
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democrat, a larger come in, from maryland. after the hearing is both reporters and here in congress in coming, the democratic knowledged the first time he now agrees with darrell issa, you have to hear from sworn testimony from the two men who led the post-benghazi u.n. board did the former chairman of the joint chief of staff, admiral mike mullen did today they released a set back in february asking them to testify as witnesses. they declined. lou: they declined, that is quite a reversal for the beginning of this day was absolutely adamant in rejecting this hearing because he believed it was utterly and purely politically motivated bid thank you. outstanding reporting on this story, we appreciate it.
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today's oversight committee hearing on benghazi took place over the objection of democrats including elijah coming. and it is remarkable that lives in this reversal in a matter of some 12 hours really, and we are learning the is every indication that he will be testifying in this case, so we will find out along with the ambassador. as you have heard tonight's broadcast, one of the senior members of the house oversight coittee. he me this statement at today's hearing began. >> if anybody wants know what differences this would make, if anybody wants to ask what differences it would make, it always matter whether or not you can trust your government. and to the families, we are
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going to find out what happened in benghazi, and i don't give a damn whose career is impacted, we will find out what happened. lou: the congressman now joins us in addition to the house oversight committee, he also sits on the judiciary committee and chairs the subcommittee on port security as well. quite a remarkable day, congressman. it is good of you to be here. the criticisms that arose today were primarily focused on secretary clinton, including yours. explain that, if you will. >> what became clear today was investors defense was in benghazi because of clinton, she wanted a legacy, wanted to see if that's facility was secure. she and she alone can approve the opening or the remaining opening of facilities that don't
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meet specifications and the one in benghazi did not meet specifications. again, we learned today in that e-mail from jones was copied her senior counselor, she knew this was a terror related attack on september the 12t the day after, they knew it had nothing to do with the video. so hillary clinton's fingprints are all for benghazi. lou: the fact they continued to press that, there wasuite, a divergence in the story as he recalled the president in the midst of a campaign later the base decided he had declared it was a terrorist attack even after weeks of which his administration and he worth -@saying again this is about an anti-muslim video produced by a man who remains in jail today on a violation of pration charges
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charges. can you square that up at this point? >> this was never about winning the argument with his administration come it wasbout winning the month. they had to get past the general election bid keep in mind the testimony today, a career diplomat who doesn't have a political bone in his body, gregory hicks, the body was in total non-event. that is a direct quote. it was never about the video, the video h nothing to do with this. he just had to win until the first tuesday in november, and he did. lou: it is worth noting cbs held for just about three weeks video from an interview conducted on the 12th in which the president indeed acknowledged precisely what you say. james rosen has just updated us on the conversation between
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elijah cummings and the chairman, darrell issa. will they be testifying before your committee? >> i sure hope so be it the was a lot of skepticism yesterday. i heard this would be a political exercise, perhaps republicans would not be prepar. as prepared and engaged, it is impossible to ha washed any part of th this series and not reach the conclusion that we need additional hearings, and using the benefit of actually listening to people who ow what they're talking about, through eyewitness accounts. i don't want to hear political commentator, i want to hear people with first-hand eyewitness accounts did that would include the two men you just laid reference to. the word that leaps to mind is
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laughable. the notion the state department can judge itself is n less preposterous than a student grading his or her own test paper bid congress has to do its job. we prove to our democratic colleagues we can do it effectively and elijah cummings is a good person. i happen to like elijah cummings, and i am pleased that only with what he said, but what he said to jason did remember he had asked for five seconds during his time instead i agree with you, we have to hear from everybody di. lou: i don't remember a ranking member of from a committee as important as the house oversight committee, declared and outspoken as he was in opposition to a proceeding and then based on obviously a reaction to what he heard from those three witnesses today make
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a judgment on principle and intellectual integrity saying they should be before the committee. >> kudos to him. a lou: absolutely, and to you. thank you for being here. >> appreciated. lou: much more on the here and some of the regular hearings throughout this broadcast, but first i would like to take a moment to recognize the traffic reporting of our colleagues at the fox news channel, three whistleblowers today validating all of their hard work and hard hitting reporting. they were early and as happens somewhat lonely in the first part of this story, but as i s say, vindicated by today's proceedings correspondence jennifer griffin, catherine had rich, james rosen, adam housley, brettaier. congratulations to all of the
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producers who aided in that reporting. as always they do. the verdict is in, we will play with the verdict had to say with the case of jodi arias did and we will take up the happy homecomings of the woman held captiv in cleveland for a decade, and also the rising number of gruesome details that are being revealed. and how to reach your true potential bid harvard business school with his new book, wha you are really meant to do.
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with premium svice like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. [growl] we used to live with a bear. we'd always have to go everywhere with it. get in the front. we drive. it was so embarrasing that we just wanted to say, well, go away. shoo bear. but we can't really tell bears what to do. moooooommmmmm!!! then one day, it was just gone. mom! [announcer] you are how you sleep. tempur-pedic.
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lou: breaking news, jodi aas today found guilty of first-degree murder in the gruesome details that killing of
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her boyfriend, travis alexander. the guilty verdicts today leaves open the possibility she could be sentenced to death. jodi aias initially denied involvement in the murder, and then she blamed his killing en masse intruders. two years after her arrest, she claimed the murder was self-defense. authorities today charged in a cleveland who was arrested this week after three women went missing for a de9b7e were found alive at his home area did 52-year-old faces three counts ofape, four counts of kidnapping, covering all three women and the six-year-old daughter born amanda berry while she was in captivity. prosecutors did not bring charges against castro's brother's saying there is no evidence they played any role in the crimes. my next guest says the short deliberation in the jodi arias trial a key indicator of what was becom to come in first degre murder verdict did join us now,
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fox news legal analyst lis weihl. after 16 and a half hours can be -@found that to be a short time which emerged >> yes, a trail that began in january did the defense and then rebuttal did to go out and come up with a verdict that quickly 16 and a half hours told me, and i have been wrong in this before, but told me in my gut that the prosecution wins. lou: andhe case stretched for months and months, for years. the idea that this defense fought as hard, but you are skeptical all along it would amount to anything. >> they were saying more than that, for battered women that she had been battered by him, intimidated by him. meanwhile she goes from state to state to find him bringing a gun with her.
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all kinds of signs of premeditation. they talk about the battered women's syndrome, as you know very unfortunately there are women who truly are battered, but for her to try to make that defense insulted the jurors and many of us read lou: seven of those jurors read this was felony murder and not premeditated murder despite everything you just said. >> maybe they were trying to give her little bit of somethi something, felony murder says when you go in your committing another murder, second-degree burglary when you commit theft murder and a death results, that is murder. that tells me the jurorr may pull back a little bit from the death penalty, but we will see. now go to the second stage of this whole thing. lou: how long is that likely to take qc? >> her defense lawyers will say
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from kindergarten up she had a horrible life and mitigating, mitigating. lou: has to be a better way for the legal profession to demonstrate itself than this, this process. >> a long time coming. lou: you were right all along, thank you for coming, lis weihl did the dow jones industrials up 49 points, 17th record highs of the year. five records in five days, the 11th record overall of the year. the nasdaq up 17 points on the highest close since early november of 2000 did volume on the big board picking up. delta airlines reporting $0.06 per share dividend, $500 million stock buybackup more than 3% today. gold of $25 today.
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crude oil up, apoaching $97 per barrel. you'll do something in the credit market for the 10-year, the yield 1.76% area did up next, the benghazi whistleblowers giving some answers, but many questions remain about the september 11 terrorist attack in libya. that is the subject of tonight's that is the subject of tonight's "chalk talk." you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patri willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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♪ lou: the house oversight committee today answering a lot of questions about bin does he think step three state department whistle-blowers. for regional security officer in libya, eric nordstrom said he thinks it is inexcusable that the state department's countabilityeview board chose not to interview state department's senior leaders and in the administration itself about the events leading up to
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that attack. the attack and the response to the attack. former secretary of state hillary clinton was not interviewed all. when not? and why haven't any senior leaders been held accountable r the attack tt claimed the lives of poor americans? why wasn't theredequate security for ambassador stevens? that is a good question. what did the state department reduce instead of increase security in libya before the september 11 the tax? that is right. i said they reducedt instead of increased it. i mean, the questionso on and on and on. counter-terrorism officer mark thompson said that the white house refused his request for a special tea to be deployed during the benghazi attack. we don't know why. he did know why. we don't know who refused the request. i mean, the questions start mounting. widen the military immediately send a rapid response team? there were told to stand down.
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why? why didn't they immediately launched aircraft to support the consulate and all of the americans there? after all of that was assessed, after l that was assessed the former number two diplomat in libya, gregory hicks, said he was stunned when the u.s. ambassador to the united nations, susan rice, appeared on those five sunday talk shows and said it was not a terrorist3 attack but a demonstration over and anti is lon ytube video. said he was stunned. he said he was embarrassed. so why did the state department that it the intelligence talking points to delete all references in the talking points to radical islamists? why had these, these public servants been threatened and intimidated? why? and why isn't there an expression of greater concern by
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this administration to back and why does this administration persists, even now, in refusing to answer the important questions that remain eight months after four americans died and our consulateas attacked by terrorists? investors riding high as the rket reaches new all-time highs. wall street veteran of cantor fitzgerald joins us want to be the next warren buffett? bill gates? harvard business school professor robt kaplan gives us the secrets to success in his new book, what you are really meant to do. the benghazi hearing is finally under way. thehist-blowers have their say. their dramatic testimony raises even more questions about the obama administration decision
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making. the "a-team" on the political fallout next. fallout next. welcome to the new buffalo... where new york state is investing one billion dollars to attract and grow business... where companies like geico are investing in technology & finance. welcome to the state where cutting taxes for business... is our business. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. new york state is throwing out the old rule book to give your business a new edge, the edge you can only get in new york state. to grow or start your business, visit
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yes i did. what's in your wallet? ♪ lou: breaking news. president obama at this hour having dinner with house democrats at the washington jefferson hotel. this is the president's third round of dinner diplomacy in recent weeks. he also held two average dinner spivvy doesn't that sound -- that sounds a little clinical. republican senators. the three top house democrats are all in attendance. nancy pelosi, standing where commandsn scabbard. on the agenda debt reduction, gun-control, and taking back the house. this will be along dinner. the white house official coirms that the debt check will be picked up by the democratic national committee. we feel better about that. the democrats' efforts to take back the house did not get to
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any momentum did the former south carolina governor one special election to his old seat in congress, the first district of south carolina, defeating democrat elizabeth colbert bush despite the fact that the establishment republicans abandoned sanford. the rublicans are having a hard time picking winners and losers themselves. and outside groups backing bush outspend sanford and his allies five to one. joining as now, the "a-team". good t have you all year. you have got to be thrilled. mark sanford back in the game. and the republicans have got a big victory. talking up. a big check mark on your column.
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tommy out from the republican establishment is? >> we are not thrilled. look, he was elected by his district. he is basically going to be a pariah here. he is one of 435, now you so we will not be taken seriously. it is a shame because we did not have a better field of candidates to take down mark sanford. we should have started earlier. lou: let me ask this. michael, are we listening to the republican party's leaders to back arguing with itself over a candidate that has been successful. a throws away money on a presidential run again. he gets a wind. brad blackmun, speaking on behalf of all republin leaders says they don't like him. >> and not surprised that he is not taking yes for an answer. at this gone the other way, this would have given the democrats won more seats in a reall close house these days. on the other hand, i must say, sanford strikes me as really flaky, to put it kindly.
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it may not be long before we -- lou: like all those other stable d interesting people that make up the other 434 seats. >> a special kind of flakiness. lou: but i don't subscribe to the adage that he is an idiot, but he is our eat. if you're in the your immediate. >> hold on now. you really have to love these guys. lo you have to be getting nervous. >> and listen to them and i get nervous. go outside and laugh hysterically. it is simple. upset because you can'tesolve policy issues. go to issues like, well, he doesn't behave properly. in the case of democrats what in the cell would write a check for that kind of money to spend some you can't win. have not and are not going to. lou: speaking of in the cells, there is quite a mayoral race under way. did york city. have you got any strong dogs in the sun? i want to uerstand it first. >> i don't because i don't think
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there is a strong republican that has come rward that to win in registration that is 91 or better. mike bloomberg just wants to go with the winner that will be very small shoes to fill in the new york mayoral race. lou: did you lik that? small issues. actually, it is about seven to one democratic registration. there are, however, you know, almost as many independents as there are republicans in new york, not affiliated voters. i think -- lou: take the odds down. >> a lot of it will be in the turnout. the democratic field right now is not wildly popular with the public. lou: okay. let's talk turkey here. >> who cares. lou: in ven to one. >> republicans can't win. lou: you have to be kidding. i want to talk about the
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candidates. less talk about the front runner . he does everything but endorse sir. he is putting her back. >> the need to get the budget through. lou: that term-limit deal. he needs to get the budget done. lou: can you support? can you give her going to back to you don't like her? >> not my plate of soup. lou: what is missing at the sip? what does and -- >> i have been signed by a mayoral candidatebut i would argue that she i -- lou: which one? >> bill thompson. lou: terrific. we heard a rumor. >> a good guy. good man. lou: we thought you would say that. >> i would. lou: to watch the last word? >> all the republicans are outgunned in this city, they have won the last five mayoral elections. that is the hope. it is not about registration.
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is about whether the candid can break through. lou: 2014. are you guys doing anything to ha a ground game actually turn out of of next year? >> i think so. i think that -- lou: we're not going to just see big fancy packs and a lot of suitcases and attache cases. we will actually see it turn out? >> i think we are. i think we have a lot to think the president and congress for 2014. it should be very good for republicans. lou: you got the last word. thank you, gentleman. appreciated. up here tomorrow, the heritage foundation reporting that the gang of eight emigration bill will cost net $6 trillion. the co-authors of the new report will join us here tomorrow. we hope you will as well. up next night, another record day on wall street. the markets are roaring. we will show you just how long this party will last next. ♪ are you still sleeping?
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♪ lou: t number of people in this country receiving federal disability benefits hit another new rord last month. nearly 11 million people collecting federal disability benefits. that is more than the number of people who le in greece or roughly the same number of people who live in new york city and chicago combined. that city proper, not metropolitan areas. the dow and the s&p continue, as we told you. their record price. my guest says we are in the midst of the greatest monetary experiment in history because of central banks. there is simply no way for investors to turn, but stocks. joining us with his outlook, the global head of institutional equity derivatives at cantor fitzgerald. it is good to have you with us. >> thank you for havg me. lou: don't fight the fed. is that the deal? >> for right now that is.
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if you look at the s&p 500 the total market capa's around 15 trillion. between the fed in the doj, not including the doe in anything the ecb tries to my $2 trillion per year rate of new money being printed. that is about 14 percent of the totalarket value of t s&p 500. lou: two things. with that kind of compulsion behind stock prices, i cannot understand why we're not selling more records they call it partly facetious combat don't understand -- i don't unddrstand how the bond market is holding a. >> it is hard to say. one of the things that has happened is, for example, when the doj starts its last round of easing, money flowed in to u.s. treasurys and into european sovereigns, for example. if you looked at the spanish ten year it went from 5% 4% within 2 months. just incredible fund flows into anything considered yielding. lou: looking at all the anxiety and concern and trepidation that
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makes up the european union theseays, the eurozone to be holding as it has to know reality in the euro is every bit as strong as it was two years ago, three years ago. you know, it is really a remarkable time. in this country you have a fed that says it will be all over when we get to six and a half% unemployment. we are looking at 20 million folks who are either unemployed, underemployed, or who have given up looking for work. they don't talk about a commodity is that bad. how bad is it really? >> well, the metric that i lik to look at as being important is the pulation ratio. the reason i like to look at that is because it is the brdest gauge of employment. it is not easily manipulated. is different than the participation rate. is the total number of people that are employed over the total size of the workforce. with very few adjustments. that is currently at 58. throughout much of 2010 that was
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between 582 and 587. so by that metric. lou: what is the difference? that is so little >> they're really has not been much of an improvement in unemployment picture. and the reason why i stated headline unemployment rate has fallen as it has is because of a fall and labour participation. so fewer people are part of the work force, to your point about people on disability or extended emergency benefits to people leaving the work force and therefore there not being counted in the unemployment rate falls. lou: we have a market thatt is n fire. we have got to an economy that is still growing at two and a half%. giver take. and we have an extraordinary number of people who are unemployed. job creation just isn't taking place. until the last two to three months. if we can believe the revisions. what does the future of?
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are we going to see these markets continue? we going to see this economy pick up? and other prospects for job creation? >> we have seen many bubbles in our lifetime. people talk about bold versus bear. i think that paradigm is somewhat broken every delegate the market as a bull. that sees nothing but bread with the fed as the matador. that is it. fairly irrational. fund afloat. they're driving stocks. fundamentals are not any more. it is really anybody's guess as to when the markets are going to pull back. no one is more enough to know. lou: doggone it, you are being too modest. you have come back and we will get the real answer. thank you souch. take a moment ando to and get the last hour facebook page. e-mail me. tell us what this ecomy is going to do. tweet me. up next, a brand new book tells us to stop doing what everybody else does and the tap into your
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own unique skills to find success and your destiny. we will be talking with harvard buuiness school professor robert kaplan about what you are really meant to do next. ♪ you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your ea of what a card should be.
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♪ lou: and new report finding institute for energy research exposing thebama administration is outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars on its so-called alternate energy loan program. this is amazing. you hear the headlines, solyndra, a center. you look at the study, the part of energy has been nearly $26 billion since 2009 on to loan guarantee projects that
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have created, are you ready, just under 2300 jobs. and thetaff did the math for me and told me that it works out to a cost of nearly 11 and a half million dollars per job. you know, at some point people have got to figure out what they're doing down there, don't you think? speaking of figuring in all-out, former vice president al gore's plan in the notion that the obama administration should approve the keystone pipeline. a former vice president saying in toronto it made no difference that the oil would come from our ally, canada as opposed to less friendly nations like venezuela. saying there is no such thing as ethical oil. there is only dirty oil and 30 royal. by the way, a well-known user of private jets, which are not the most efficient energy efficient craft in the world. the two hour flight from nashville to toronto on a gulfstream or similar private jet e mets at least 900 pounds
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compared to 180 pounds emitted by a regar commercial jet. but i am sure there is no hypocrisy involved in the vice-president views. my next guest says we need to change the definition of success in order to reach our potential and have if a billing career in life. joining usow, harvard business school professor robert kaplan, author of this new book to know what you are really meant to do, road map for reaching your unique potential. it is great to have you with us. let me say, professor. i think that is inappropriate to call your problem we're talking business. we are talking business. the idea of finding potential. was on seventh avenue looking at some people selling their wares, as they do. i flashed back to when i was a sophomore at harvard. my sececond time in new york. i was trying to figure out what in the world was going to do. i found it intimidating to look at the sea of opportunity and jobs. how do you find that potential?
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>> what i try to help people to and myhole ceer, when i managed people, it was to try to first with understand your strengths and weaknesses. understand your passions and then match them. do some homework and jobs out there and figure out which jobs are a good fit. that all sounds very simple, but most people struggle to do one or more of those things. lou: as you look at the road maps, reaching a potential, it is a very simple world in terms of a career, at least on wall street you're measured by money. and the feedback is pretty straightforward. isn't it? >> no. and so i used to give -- this book came out of the talk i used to give to young people of my firm. i still have not met a business person yetet who does not become successful overtime by adding value to a customer or client. you have got to add value. you have got to build
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distinctivive competencies'. have to be great at certain things. you can make money for your to if you are not, but not over a sustainable and not the time which is third nature of wall street. when wall street got trouble is because they get away from that. it is true of everyone. what i am trying to say i rather than listen to what your friends are doing or peer pressure to figure out what you are good at, what you are interested in, and mat it to jobs and add value. i think money will follow. lou: that is funny. one of the expressions i use almost every day is talking with my colleagues, make sure we're adding value to the air. and that is -- >> device. lou: a pretty good idea. what you're really meant to do. we recommend it highly. available in bookstores and online now and it is already highly ranked on amazon and doing terrific. we are going to continue the plug this book mercilessly pier you can get the links at
10:57 pm good to have you with us and a professor. all the best. good to see you. next time we will talk leaders. th is it for us. thank you for being with us. we will see you tomorrow night.
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neil: 40 years after, what did the president know and when did he know it, different congress is now asking the same question of a different president. and you ain't heard a half of it. ♪ neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto, and it was four decades ago this month, something a draon throughout the suburb. the watergate hearings that would later lead to the house voting to in bch a president not more than a year later the resignation of that president. to your mike huckabee tell of tonight is happening all over again. while there are many differences between those waterga


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