tv Cavuto FOX Business May 9, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> just hours after benghazi hearings, mainstream media already smearing, i am charles payne in for neil cavuto, instead of asking more questions about what obama administration did or didn't know. a lot of press seems to defend the obama administration. washington most columnist calling a diplomat critical of administration, a for theioso story teller. this headline to ourselves, g.o.p. successfully screens benghazi until people pay attention to them, these are just a couple of examples of
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media bias. you know, dan. i have to tell you, it is manage that really interesting because for a long time it felt like fox news was only news organization covering this, despite fact there were 4 americans dead and a lot of questions about this, and susan rice is hurt her in a chance for a job in second term, still it seems mainstream media is brushing it off. >> they care most about protecting hillary clinton and barack obama. either brush it off they have been doing it for months, you know, when jon stewart spends more minutes on his show covering benghazi than all abc, cbs, and nbc did this morning, you prettyymuch know you got a problem, they spent 8 times as much time covering arias trial or what happened with the
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travesty in cleveland over benghazi. when this is the first time, since 1979, where an american ambassador has been killed. charles: while you were speaking we had a graph up on how much time fox spent versus msnbc, and cnn, at first i thought it was the a graph of the ratings. many people are believe are biassed. do they listen to main treatment -- main street rather, and say we better cover this? >> cbs has kind of like almost a boh, polar result, eye bi polar result, they have done more coverage, but we see in politico. yesterday anonymous sources from cbs concerned her coverage is trending too close to activism.
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she might be trying to get out of the network. are they trying to fix what they are doing? not esspendly, they led with it. "new york times" led with it, washington post, the times had a good piece but slipped in the middle. a minimizing word say the hicks' complains talking about something unbecoming of the administration, unbecoming -- come on, they might destroy the man's career, a little bit more than unbecoming. charles: maybe becoming johnny-come-latelies worth with covering it, i want your opinion to what dan milbanks at washington post said, hicks did not lay a glove on former secretary of state that is running interference in the best of ways. >> that is the democratic talking point for 2016 this is
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did not affect, you know hillary one iye iota she is going to run this is g.o.p. conspiracy theo theory. charles: and i meant dana milbanks. thank you. >> thank you very much. charles: during tough times a president is like velcro, every scandal seems to stick, just ask richard nixonin. during good times nothing it is like teflon. and on whether the tough economy will make it rough for president obama to shake the benghazi scandal. i am not sure if this is sticking to president. >> the president is hoping to run out the clock, he has gotten by 8 months without
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repercussions, as far as their mishandling of benghazi, only thing left for congress to a appointment of a special prosecutor that is only power they have left to get to justice, we need a independent set ofries free from government -- set ofries eyes free from government, i don't think that president will be called to account on this. there is really nothing left for congress to do, they could subpoena until they are blue in the face, having witness after witness, but unless there ising isanything there, there, nothing will be done. charles: there is a chain of command between the presidenn is hillary clinton, so far, to dana mill bank's point, does not seem like anyone laid a glove on former secretary of state. >> i don't think they will, they are trying to own out the clock
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and cloudy the waters, they will say one thing, and have spinmeisters, america is not going to know who to believe. look at iran cont affair it took months after that until a verdict, reagan had a huge popularly rating, and jfk with the bay of pigs, that would have been something that could have -- charles: the president can run out the clock but if hillary clinton wants to run in 2016 it is a little bit dangerous her testimony where she was sort of flip about this, back in rearview mirror who cares who messed up that dismissive thing. it might stay with her. >> it could, 2016 is a long time away, she is basically will be running on her husband's ecooomic record. that is why clouds waters is what is so important if you are
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wanting her to run for president. charles: the president, enjoyed a brilliant nice reelect victory but squandered had earl we -- early with horrible public relations. could that make him more vulnerable to benghazi. >> it could. if not for bad news the president would not make news whether the economy, benghazi, immigration, look, i think that republicans need to do is realize they can capitalize in 2014, the next big midterm test for this administration, president needs benghazi to go away and immigration, he needs, energy, he needs some kind of win domestically to get the wind back in his sails, i applaud fox news, we would have never got
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then close to the truth with benghazi, up less there is a special prosecutor, an independent set of eyes, this will go away, president will escape. charles. we need to remind people, 4 americans killed. stonewalling by the obama administration, and bullyings. first u.s. ambassador killed in service of the nation since 1979, in feels amazing this is not front page news over news papeer in this country, and people demanding more answers. >> it should be, they were left hung out to dry over there in benghazi, this was a terrible tragedy, probably one that could have been avoided. all people are talking about is jodi arias trial and what happened in cleveland, this is the news, dog biting the newspaper reporter, not what is in forefront of american its should be. be. charles: does g.o.p. risk a
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backlash, john talked about two latest stories, boston was a couple of weeks ago there will be a lot of things between now and 2014 does g.o.p. have to talk a tight rome with reminding american public of this without looking like debbie downers. >> fox news the other day released a pole saying 46% of american people believe there is a cover-up, truth is never a liability, i think that republicans, going after the truth, certainly cannot hurt the republican party, but, there has to be something there, there, a hammer over administration's head tnly hammer that congress has is a appreciate prosecutor: you are great thank you. >> thank you. charles. food police clamping down, big companies are caving in. why what coca-cola just did has people worried that washington will put a lid on what you are allowed to eat and drink. >> and washington senses checks
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to dead people, thousands, billions of bucks, and you are on the hook. wn? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone w's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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charles: just watching a commercial i want to have a rice cake or something, coca-cola with a anti-aircraf obesity cams sounds like big corporation, bowing to food police, joined by rick you thinkeer. >> this is crazy, this is coca-cola, you have an indulgence, bridge the sugar on, they have diet coke, what is the
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problem. instead of bowing to food police, and apologizing for their product they should celebrate it, double dawn, say down, say, hey, you know what, we have a lot of sugar, it is fizzy, enjoy. charles: from your accent, it sounds like people indulge in more than one coca-cola at a time. >> so what, it is the american way to do whatever you want to, not food pol police telling us t to do. >> as know american we should be aware of billions of dollars we're spending on he'll wear because of obese -- health care because of obese people, good for coke, they are not telling you, don't drink the sugar coke, they are hitting emphasis on cokes that are better, what could be wrong with that.
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>> lame. charles: change, what is it, sincere campaign or to fend off food police, what do you think coke is i chief going this is a marketing campaign. >> they have one. >> this is about market share, if they don't go into this space one of their competitors will. charles: what space. >> offering alternatives, they are not getting rid of sugary drinks they are listening to people to how they nidal ter thattives for -- need, alternatives for kids and adults watching their weight. charles: there is no doubt there is a market. diet coke surpassed sugary drinks already, it does not feel they putting out a new product. >> it is lame, do you think that is really going to make a
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difference, any diet drink tasting terrible, if i am having a coke could i'm having sugar, two or three of them, i enjoy them. charles: you look good for two cokes a day, people know, that mcmakes you fat -- mcdonald's makes you fat, and sugary drinks makes you fat, are we en sul assaulting public -- insulting public intelligence. >> not close, you said it. they are not insulting anybody, they are still making their products, they are doing a smart wise, and i think she is right, a intelligent thing from a marketing perspective, people want alternatives better for them about they have diet coke. >> that is good for us it will save us a fortune in health care. >> oh, get the violins out.
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come on, i can't believe this. >> look atwater, what bottled water became popular who made it coke and pepsi, this is about marketing, does not matter it makes a difference. charles: karen, would this happen without pressure from food police? >> i think it would have, because i think there is -- the government has not mandated they do this. charles: a lot of loud voices. >> of course, obama's campaign. >> there are threats, that government might come into the space, but they are saying, we're going to pond to this before that happens, and they have numbers, that show they can sell this this makes their @%mpany look responsible and be more popular. charles: you know what. >> i don't think so. >> i'm having coke tonight.
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>> they had numbers that new coke would be great, that did not work. >> back in 80s they had new coke it tanked this is stupid. and another alternative is not going to taste good, have the sugary, fizzy, a lot of calories, and it not going for you, but something you want, that is why you get coke. >> rick, this is where you, may get in trouble after all these corporation bow to food police, and there is a lot of obesity, you can't assign accoun accounty of blame -- accountability of blame on them any more. >> you tell me if we put emphasise, i come from children's television business, i know what happened when they stop pushing sugar products on the kids, they did better, let's see, it cannot be bad for our children, do you let your
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children eat all of the sugar. charles: i let them have what they want. >> this is our decision it should not be the government. charles: mcdonald'se mcdonald'se an amazing job, yet they are still targeted for these campaigns, it thank you. charles: first lady, weighing in on governo governor christie's t loss surgery. you won't believe what she said, after this. plan plan last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered bync cfo. a suite of onlin tools that lets you turn insight into action.
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sense to people between agents 111 and 129, america's oldest person is 113. steven crowder said, time to put the government to rest. where can we say rest in peace. so government shenanigans can stop, $100 million to dead people, say it ain't so. >> all of the puns, i am greatly appreciative. you want to tell me there is a mag problem with social security equation, color me shocked. when social security started it was about 40 workers for one retiree, we're at now 3 to 1, soon to be 2 to 1, i pay into a system, i can never pull anything back out, if you want to know what a ponzi scheme is, i know rick perry got in trouble for saying this, go to the web site, they describe social security to a tee, make it work
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take more money from people, and you have to put in vast amounts of people to pay out previous investors, when you acknowledge that social security is a ponzi scheme, what is one more person taking a check from the government, whether they assume room temperature or not, just one more leaner. charles: i guess but $100 8 -- that is a lot of money, and you know, to your point, on the whole ponzi screa scream thing,e some understand when this was inacted average age for a man of 54 and woman 58, they never thought we would have to pay it out, but amazing that when you are dead the government is still thinking about you. >> you are right, life expectancy of shorter, there were more workers for retirees, back then, you get your hand caught in a factory mill, you get kicked by a horse that is why people had 20 kids they did
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not know who would make it. charles: your generation better have 12 or 20 kids so you can get paid, the. -- weigh in heard around the world, michelle obama insinuates that let's move could have helped chris christie from his secret weight loss surgery fate, the campaign to get kids to exercise, and eat right is an early start to avoid being obese. >> i hate to be serious for a second. i think time it consider that michelle obama hates fat people, it sill legitimate -- it is illegitimate, i was flying to l.a., a giant 300-pound guy in a run-dmc suit was sitting next to me, he could not put the arms down on the chair, an and i dont
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mean to be mean about it but i don't want to have to smell your crevices on the flight, and he was making these noises. she is not a credited nutritionist, she is about as qualified to tell me or chris christie to to eat, as the sandwich guy down the street. charles: you mean on the plane you did not say i wish this guy on the plane did not get into that get fit program. >> no, first thing is, i wish this guy took a shower, this is the crux of the michelle argument program, they believe people should be eating 10 servings of grains, we would be better off on a diet of frosted flakes in green beans, instead of steaks and fresh veggies, it
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does not work. they are not capable handling this, they were not designed to. charles: this week, ceo of abercrombie & fitch got in trouble because he said he did not want fat people wearing his clothes, maybe those are last group of americans that you can pick on. fantastic steven, have you a few images that i will have do deal with for a while. >> thank you. >> charles, signs that trillion dollar student loan bomb is about to blow, this could make the housing crash look like a dud.
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charles: students are learning early on, if you can't pay your debts, the government will help you pay them. restructuring their loans, but massachusets senator, wants to make it easier for new students to get the same loans, proposing plain that would reduce federal rates. for former opponent scott brown said, making it easier for kids to get the loans could lead to a big bailout, senator, welcome, earlier this week federal reserve came out with a consumer credit report, only thing skyrocketing are subprime auto
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loans, and student loans, it seems that everyone watches the show may have to pay those, at some point. >> don't remember that different took over student loan. getting money at a small rate, and charging students a larger rate, and getting billions of dollars, to think we're give it to the kids at .75%, i don't think takes account the realities of lending market, there are costs associated with doing be, student loans have a higher default rate, you need a way to pay for them, we have to find a way to do this without breaking the bank as well because, we as you reference will be responsible for a lot of the defaults. charles: what about idea of private tech tor back in to assume -- sector back in to
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assume from the the risk, why is it to tax payers, the idea that student lon loan forgiveness was promised, if i am a kid out there taking a $100 thousand loan, i don't think i have to pay it anyway. >> a lot of kids have larger loans, bottom line, this is going to be the balloon, new housing crisis if we don't get our hands on it, there should not be a problem with having kids refinance their rates to take advantage of lower interest rates as we do with the homes bwu have -- but we have to find a way to pay for it so it is not on the back of taxpayers, i was against getting the secondary market out of loan, because the government is basically, borrowing at a very low rate, and charges students and keeps
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that float to fund money into general treasury. charles: is it too late to put the -- is there a way to lure private sector in, spread the risks have more competitive rates and mitigate the damage that seems to be built in? >> i think we need to do something quickly it will take a bipartisan, bicameral approach to move it forward, i commend center warn for -- senator warren for coming onboard, and doing it. teachers who teach one course get 500,000, we need to lower costs of education, try it streamline consolidate, get them to give back to reality as well,etcasion, you either are wealthy or poor, middle class is being you know crushed. so we have to find a way to do it together. it will have to be with everyone
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having a lit of skin in the game. charles: amazing, college costs have run, i think 5 or 600% above inflation for last couple decades, you brought up a great point, the idea that you know administration always sort of pe-- por-->> i filed a bill that alls for transparency of the colleges and universities to let people like you and me, know what their charges are going to. so we know where our money is going 92 appreciate it thank you. >> thank you. charles: teachers are supposed to be role models for kids but they can't be models, the teacher who just learned that, the hard way. first. >> it is not apple by the guy
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tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor abt cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. charles: revival of groupon, facebook's phone is way off, and all in biz blitz. tobin and gary smith. the smith brothers, groupon shares soar 12% after they respect net lower losses, reported lower losses than street thought but still down since the ipo, gary, is groupon back? >> i think they are making great spreads, i have one rule of thumb, charts or no charts if i
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don't personally use the product or pay for if it, i don't look at it, i never used groupon, i know people that do, i know my daughter does, maybe it is not my demographic. >> what does that mean? you own their different stocks? you go to the store, you come back, you do netflix, come on, groupons, we are so loved, and they were over loved then they were over hated they had almost 2-dollars a share on cash, someone will have to figure out what they are worth, i think it, it is maybe worth 8 bucks. >> how do you come up with 8 bucks. >> multiple of cash flow, you have to discount, blah, blah, blah, they are getting killed in europe, if you bought it three
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days ago sell it today. >> have you used groupon, toby? >> i am a very discerning -- >> no is the answer. charles: none of us have used it, gary b you probably own typewriter stocks, we will go on, you one month, facebook phone is 99-cent with a contract, a lot of people think that the facebook phone is a flop in charles, think back to first business blitz we did, you, me, and jonathan hone ag, it was going to be a flop, nobody is saying, i have to have facebook control my phone, it will continue to be a flop. >> toby? don't tell me you have a magic formula for that one. >> not only it is a flop, gary's
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kids don't watch facebook any more, it is guys like gary and me or facebook or their grandparents, the last person you want to be is a person on facebook phone, saying i'm so cool. charles: sometimes they go back to old things, and rotary phones if they get hot again, gary b, your portfolio is going through the roof. >> i want too go first this time. charles: my favorite topic, culture personality clash, netflix, tesla, amazon exploding. >> i don't think that anyone knows who runs netflix. netflix. >> hastings?
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>> i don't know who he is. the apple cult was steve jobs, that is what drove it. but the new man, is tes lar tese has not only you know beaten the odds but beaten the odds in two companies at same time, he has a spaceflight company. i talk about this on bulls and bears last week, i would take a profit here. >> i would think you would, but you know, the thing, you have. >> cue the music. charles: you have car did not work it ran out of juice, it has come back. and there is no way that anything you can use on a fundamental basis, to justify the share price, i don't think that your charts would justify it it has to be the man. >> i don't think so, i think it has been in the news a lot. i know the markets and business
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pretty well, i've been doing this for a long time. the ceos i can name, tom watson, at ibm. you had henry ford, and steve jobs. i come up with. >> not when you were born, but now. >> people don't know the ceos, they know the buzz, they know that tesla is an expensive electric car. charles: so is fisker, they just file for bankruptcy. >> but they came out with the consumer reports and making money, this is a big -- this will go the way of my space and toby's facebook phone. charles: a picture of tim cook. >> who will hell is that? >> larry holmes to steve jobs. >> the strangest analogy i heard. russ: larr.charles: larry holmed m.>> let's not confuse.
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steve jobs died there was an issue there, was it going to continue. about 9 to 12 months with no cool stuff then they get situation, the -- i am with your deal. but i think. alan is the guy. gary has never been on a space step. >> 2 words about larry holmes, easeastern assassin. >> gary, i mean toby, you will love this one, you heard of hot for teacher. but too hot to be a teacher? the modeling teacher. >> are we sticking around for this next segment. charles: you better be, i am
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going to say something wrong, forced to take a permanent preses. to fly home for the big family reunion. you mt be arth'sate lo. recess re doue miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. bea growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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charles: let me be brief, the teacher fired for modeling her briefs, this florida teacher let go after the school's pri princl discovered her facebook page with pictures of her modeling and bikinis. and lingerie. we start with you marla, should she have been fired? >> i think in florida, you have to sign a contract that saying you will not do anything of
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unfit moral character. but who is she to call the media and make a big stink of this, she knew it would happen once it was discovered. charles: you answered your own question, you admit, not neff airous on wear a swimsuit and model lingerie. >> do you want someone doing that teaching high school students, the potential cases women prey on 15-year-olds, do you want her students looking at her facebook page she is posing in the photographs, and bathing suits? that is why the issue comes, not necessarily what she is doing, modeling is okay. charles: what do you think tamara, where are you, you got a good tan? >> i'll plead the fifth, i am in
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denver righ right now though. you know you are pro announcing my name the wrong way. charles: i have said it two different kays one has to be right. >> you know with all due respect to your other guest, this is a terrible argument she put the photographs of herself under a different name, on facebook for the reason that other students, and parents would not find it she was not engaging in pornography, this is another job, she was modeling bikinis, none of the pictures i have seen are bad. she has a great body she does not look like kim kardashian, who is obese hanging out on the beach, she is not soliciting herself to your young students, these are two separate jobs they do not ad adversely affect her t
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the school. charles: i must admit it would affect my work at school as a student, i would go home, tell my mother i will be in summer school. but, does that mean she should loss or job? >> in florida it is an at the state, an. er can fire an employee for any reason. there is no lawsuit unless there is a dit crippldiscrimination. charles: there is that she is sexy are you kidding me? >> these pictures unlike your guest, tamara or tamara, i am sorry i don't know her, she said there are pictures of this woman nude, that is not the case, topless, an opposing in a -- you know posing in a provocative w way. >> does she have a case? >> i think she has a case, just
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because it is at the, does not mean she can be discriminated against, this work was separate work, just as easily saying, we're going to fire you, we want you to resign because you work the hooters we think that is inappropriate, she was getting paid for her nice body, did not adversely affect your work. and they are asking her to resign, based on fact she was a woman, who had another job that displayed her womanhood. >> thank you, enjoy your self out there with your great job in denver, you are fantastic see you soon, but the teacher, we just talked about will join neil tomorrow to discuss her firing, and if she is in studio, i will be here too. she is looking for redemption. >> guy who made tens of millions of bucks from big oil is now bashing big oill hypocrisy alert. after this.
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charles: al gore is bashing and we're questioning. saying there is no such thing as ethical oil, but he respectfully reportly made millions on selling his stake. i don't get it, this is nuts, he made a lot of money selling his company to an oil company, but saying it is unethical. >> this is what i would call "an inconvenient truth." i mean not surprising to me, i think is is great you highlight this, it is not found anywhere else. but it u.s. is not -- it does
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not surprise me. it makes him look like a high price money launderer. >> come on. >> he is. charles: a great point. >> he is taking money and making it pure, he admits it is not. he is laundering their money for them. >> everyone likes to have fun with poor al gore. >> i'm italian. charles: he is anything but poor. >> this is fox business channel, you should get this. charles: the fox or business. >> business. >> al gore owned 20% of current. 80% was controlled by other people. charles: they sold without his consent? >> let's talk about what we know, one thing we know there has been a lawsuit filed gates current tv owners by the guy who allegedly put it together, he claimed that al gore was against
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this idea. >> oh, so he was a victim in this. charles: a victim. >> he was 20% of the vote. charles: i hug i think he has bt hamburgers with this money already. >> he will put his carbon footprint on there. he looks like an alien now, it is getting weirder and weirder. >> this is relevant because? >> it just is. look, what you are like, here is global warming, and oil is bad, he talking about filthy oil, that made them filthy rich, he sounds like a fool, but he is a rich fool. charles: if i was in green energy space, i would ask him to cool out a little bit. he has one of the biggest carbon footprints, he did in tennessee,
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he flies in private jets, he can't stop eating meat, a lot of people saying without the -- we would not have global warming, and he said i can't stop, i can't eat a salad. >> i am not going to comment on al gore's meeting habits. >> they are good, he is beefing up. charles: karen, you brought upgrade points, keep going. >> well, it is just hard to take this seriously for me. you know i'm not sure here is that relevant any more. so, you know, he might be loving this publicity. because i think people have a hard time taking him seriously as time goes on. because of things like this. that he is doing. >> he is a rich fool. he will have a ton of money. >> i hope he is paying his fair share.
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charles: rick, maybe that is the point, when someone like al gore continuous let's takes a shot he can, with respect to fossil fuel, he may start to do more harm for the cause if you will than good. >> absolutely. >> maybe, we'll see. you know -- charles: what do you think? >> i'm not a huge opponent of fossil fuel. charles: he was talking about keystone pipeline, saying we should not create the jobs, i will get fuel for my private jet somewhere else, while i pocket 70 million from this unethical source of money, no one else in america should benefit. >> they are two separate issues. charles: it is not. >> i will say what i say about keystone, if people who live along that, are okay with it, i'm okay with it. charles: al gore is not okay with it. environmentalists are not okay with it.
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people care their voice resonating louder than those people you were talking about. in white house it does. >> i don't think it does any more, he sounds foolish, you can't make 70 million from oil, and sale oil is bad. that is -- silly. >> he is trying to box in the white house, the whole reason he made the comes 'pipeline, to influence the white house. >> nobody will box in the white house on this. >> no one is listening to al gore. charles: the white house has been boxed in, governor cuomo is boxed in, a lot of people for some reason are boxed in on these amazing god sends s for america. >> you are presuming. >> i am not presuming it has not been approved yet. >> you cannot object to him doing a reasonable study. charles: i can object to
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hundreds of people in new york state without a job. >> that is a no-brainer project, keystone pipeline has no many jobs. >> the economists who worked for company in canada who did the original work said that would create roughly 2000 jobs, and they would be temporary to the pipeline built. charles: how iron 6 that unions , robin could is -- ironic is ts say it would create a hundred thousand jobs. >> i like to hear you supporting the unions. charles: there is a feeling that al gore is becoming irrelevant, and your crew on the left, is that true? >> he has not been vice president for a long time, he never became president, he no longer owns a liberal leaning television network. usuch as it is, his
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relevance will do with how things go as you move down the track of environmental. >> absolutely fantastic. we will see you again. >> are you ready colonel? >> does america still have a true grit? space some why is taking a risk becoming illegal? and the that upsets the cowboy libertarian the idea you will retaliate can ban something is crazy. >> should this behavior be banned? it is time to toughen up this is it. >> these perdu engineers offended people because they are all white. is that offensive? at least some
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