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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  May 21, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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intelligence, the cia, over and over and over. guys come in the meantime, we will see what happens. tonight, on "the wilis eport," picking up the pieces in oklahoma. >> everything's one. gerri: how to make sure your doation goes thosenneed. also, the irs on th ho seat again in congress. >> how did this happen? >> mr. chairman, i can't say at i know that answer. >> reporter: as tea party gups protest and file lawsuits. your medical privacy, how to keep your life off the black market. we're on the case toight o "the willis report." ♪
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gerri:he death tollrom the tornad that struck oklahoma is now 24, andtat includes ine children. the storm's been upgraded to an f5, the ghest rating pssible. the tornado's path was 1 miles long and nearly a mile and aa@ haf wde, a huge storm. rescue workersfnished looking for suvivors. the fire chief says no additional bodies orsurvivors found since last night. the red cross on the ground assisting in the recovery with us now from moore, oklahoma alison, thanks so much forbeing with us tonight. youknow, you ca see these ptures on tv. you can even see the views from the helicopters on high, but it's not the same as bein there. tell me what does it look like from your vantagepoint? >> well, really, it looks like complete devastation in the neighborhoodithe hardest. in fat, i w surprised at how
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the debris was just that, just debris and not, you know,ny structure of a house left in some areas. it was very disturbing to see. gerri: you kno this afternoon, the associated press i reportg that this storm packed the power of the atomic bomb that leveled iroshima, that strong, that powerful, that big. have yo seen anything like that? >>i, myself, have not seen anything like this bore. you know, i ha seen some damage from tonadoes, houses knocked down and trees and buildings, but i have not seen anything to this magnitude before. gerri: we're getting estimates of damage tonight, one billion, two billion, five billion, all kinds f things, an, of course, tonight, you can't tell us at his moment how uch red cros personal are on the grond yet because you're still pouring in. what is it theyre doing on the ground here?
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what kind of activities ar they involved in? >> well, right now we are providing aidbasins an fixed aid stations as well as shelters, so we provide food, clothing, shelter for, you know, the immediate needs of the peopl trying to meet their immediate needs as quickly as possible. gerri:i: you say "immediate needs," what are the urgent needs right now? >> well, food, clothing, and shelterare the most immediate nes. you don't have a place to go. you re hungry. you know, thirsty, you may need comfort, those are the imediate needs that we are atisting with at this time, and we're also helping to provide food,water to the first responders who have been out here for long hours. gerri: given your experience withhis, alison, how many red cross volunteers, ultimately, do you think you'll have on the ound there, and will they be from all over the country? >> well yo know, it's hard to
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say right now. we ha a group of people here, but i know we have veicles coming in today as well that will be bringg supplies and food. we ave two mobile kitchens opened by the sothern baptist groups that we'll be helping with ditricting fod so we hae otherpeople coming awell. yoknow, t takes a lot of people. i can't name a number now, bt we'll have a lot of people on the grnd that will heelp. gerri: thankyou. greatto hear from you, and i'll ge the red cross contact information here o if people wat t contact you guys, give money, watever, here it is, 1-800 red cross, 1-800sal-army, text "redcross" t 90999 to make a $10 donation. tht's the way to doit tonight as we begin to piickup the pieces aafter the devatatingg@ storm. in times of crisis like this,
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americans all across the country want to help. we know you do. we see the e-mails and tweets. how do you make sure your money goes to he right place? ith us ken berer. we apprecte ur coming in because i think people are always asking themselves what can i do toelp? you're gong to help gve us answers t this. your first pont is give to app established charity; right? >> yes, and youalready mentioned two of them. it ctainly is important because unfortunately, this is a time when there are going to e sou-alike names and make believe organizaions that wil come forwardbecause they know suture outpouring of generosity will occur. gerri: i havenotseen those making up charities yet, but you ow it happens, alwaysdoes, ken. >> without a doubt. gerri: designate the doation. what's that mean? >> specify you want the money to be used to help the victims of the klahoma tornado. you shod speecifically say tha to the charity, and if the charity indicates that you
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cannot esignate,then we recommend -- gerri: bye-bye, that's interesting. >> yeah, yeah. gerri we heard from the red cross trying to get food in there, lots of supplies, and people want to give supplies in times like this, but that's a bad idea, why? >> because there could be bottlenecks, the wrong supplies. that's why cash is king. give them the money so they buy the supplies the ground they know are needed and in the distribution that works that re workingthere. if you have things to donate like that, then, you know, ave a rd sae, bu give the cash. that's the bestway to make sure you help people. gerri: tell marketers, that is -- >> elemarketers are another o, that's a gret example of why a lot f mone may go nto the hands of marketers rather than to the charity cause. gerri: yeah, they usually pick up -- ski off a fair amount of money. i think if you saw their numbersit's appalling. you also don't like texting, necsarily. now, the red cross just had a
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next turn on the screen. is that a bad idea? >> if it's an established organization you know and trust, then certainly, but there ae, again, it gts to the sound-alike names, and if if it's oklahoma, trnado, and you don't recognize the name of the ganizaion, becareful. gerri: you have local charities, which is ineresting. there's been trouble in the past in particular getting money to the families. do y feel confident this list of local charities that you have is going to make a differenc >> w think they will. the's a t of great things that can happen on the ground. sometimes thelocal charitie will have an expertise nd concted in the community in a way that they can reach people, even better than som of the larger charities. i think there needs to be a blend of bothso, you knw, the city rescue mission of oklahoma city hs shelter thtthey've ready opened, and there's also united way of central okahoma promising that no money's going to go to the overhead, going
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to give all the money directly to the organizations involved, and they are going to insist on measuring the results of the peormance those organizations. gerri: interesting. somebody's learning lessons out there, i would say. >> yeah. gerri: thefood bank of oklahoma, direct relief, cnvoy hope, a lot of good orgazations there. i should say ken's orgnization charity, navigator, checks all ofthesecharities out, rates them. the one on the full screen all aceved four-star atg status from this oganition. you guys checked them out, and look at th from the metrics that make a difference. what is the one thing, lokinn at the results, the financialingsf the charity, what suld you will looking at? >> the act that the lion's sha of the moey is going to the program,and not to overhead, and also look to se that they are sustainable, that they are here for the long haul to help in the efort, not just that they don'the any reserves so hat they can be here to continue to serve over the long period of tim. gerri: what proportion shouuld o
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to the mission? >> e like tosee 75% or more typically in most cases. gerri: 75% or more. below that, think again. ken berger, thanks for coming on. >> my please. gerri: i hope they put together enough moey. i know fema has $11 #.6 billion on the books. we know where that can go. >> indeed. gerri: thank you, sir. >> sure. gerri: thoughts go out to those in o, and there's good news for new jerse visits the jersey shor this emorial day weekend will find their favorite beaches and board walks ready for summer. wiehle several neighborhoods are damaged, all but one should be ready this weekend andhore rentals available. they are prves they are stronger than the storm. that's he ood news. up next, apple's ceo gets grilledon cpitol hill as one the world's biggest company who is a tax dodger. we'll get your reaction.
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fmer head of the irs also in the ho seat today claiming he didn't know about the scandal, but is that a good enough excuse? we'll find out. ♪ you hurt mfeelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked eerybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "streth traing with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders.
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gerri: i rirks s under multiple fires today, protesters at numerousoficers, and two tea party groups filed lawsuits for being targeted. the former and outgoing irs commissioners both in the congessional hot seat today. peterbarnes in washington with the details. what happened, peter? >> well, hey, i wasa bipartisan barrage today from members of the senate finance committee as wesaw tea parties protesting around the country including here at the headquarters in wshngton, d.c. over the scandal of targeting of
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conservative groups. doug schulman pressedded repeatedl to apologize for th targeting, and only said that he regretted that it happened under his watch, and the guy who replaced him, refused to call it "targeting." >> frankly, the concept of political motivation here, i did not agree with that in may. i do not agree ith that now. we wre not politically motivated in targeting conservative grooups. >> now, it is miller's last day ashe acting irs commissioner. tomorrow, obama buget official takes over, and treasury secretary jack lew was testifying today, and he said he will hit the grond running and ll report back to lew and the president os fies and firings at the agency within the ext 30 days. gerri: huh, very interesting. peter, thank you for hat areciate your time. >> you bet. gerri: all ight.
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with more on the fallout of the irs scandal, jay, the chief council of the american cent for law and justice joining me now. boy, this is getting more and more interesting by the day here. you know, it as supposed to be that doug schulman, the fmer irs commissioner, would take the headlines because we have not heard from him he was in charge when this happened, but, in fact, it was steve miller all over again with the fireworks. he's an exchange that he had with senator hatch. listen to this. >> hydid you misleade and my colleagues? my fellow senators, and most importantly, the american people, by failing to tell what you knew about the exat subject we were asking about. why didn't you tell us? >> mr. hatch, i did not lie. >> you what? >> i did not lie, sir. >> you lie -- you knew what was going o, you knew we asked. you should have tol us. gerri: jay, i mean, coe on.
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did steve miller lie to congress by not stating the obvious? what he knew, what he knew he was asked about multiple times by members of congress, the senate, and the house, he failed to come bac to them and say, yes -- >> rigt. gerri: we have been targeting special groups. never did that. is that a lie? >> well, let me tell you something, when i was him, i would have done what lori did, the right thing, take the 5th amendment. this idea there was no targeting, was not poltically vote vatted, was ot asked precise question is nonsense. lois learner, by the way, took the 5th amendment tody, to protect one group ony, of course, the white house, and hr d interest. if she did something criminal, she did take the 5th amendment, but jay carney pointedto her saying she met with th whe house chief of staff, the number two slot in the white hou well befo the. inspeor general report came out to discuss how to release
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the report. gerri: jay,taking the fifth, you say it's well and good, you're an attorney, it's that great thing, but i don't. i'm a taxpayer. the people should get up on the witness stand and fell -- tell us what they know and make it publi >> well, you know, certainly, i agree. i'm filig lawsuits in the next week representingdozens of tea party groups around the country. believe me, i'llask questions, but she has the right for the 5th amendment, but what does thatound like to you and to the american people when you got lois, who said she'swh, by taking the fifthmendment, is still a head of the tax exempt. that should be shocking. she has the right to do t but that shows what's going on here. it's pointing to where it gets dangerous for the white house. at the end of the day, it's not going to be li lerner, but who knew, what they knew, and when they knew it. gerri: i hear what you're saying. jack lew said it's nt part f a biggerprolem.
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listen t jack lew. >> i would be reluctant to go beyond the facts n front of us now and asume any broader issue. i think that it is a bad enough set of facts that we're looking at, that we need to understand them, take the actions to fix he look in the irs, and make sure that if here are systemic problems, we fix tem. gerri: not a boader problem. all i see comes out of the administtion, all i see coming out of washington, frankly, is a lot of human hubris, we should n that, we know what to do and how to run this thing. hat do you say, jay? >> special counsel isneeded here. you know, jack lew is trying to basically do what acting commissioner miller did oday, trying to play dodge ball here. the problem is it's with te american people. they played dodge ball with groups entitled for tax exemption, denied it,they were not tageted dspite what mr. miller said, the agency said
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they were targeted. deny it all day and night, doesn't like the characterization, that doesn't change anything. at the end of the day, watch over the next week, next week, as an tomorrow, of cour, with the hearing, but when that fifth mendment invokes tomorrow, and you see jay carney every day, the cts are changing, when the lawsuits hit, just beginning now, and you see dozens of them, next wee, i'm telling you, and the story startings coming ot, if i'm the white house, you bet you have people proteing themselves laiming the 5th because perhaps mayb the attney general, mr. holder, was prphetic in saying a criminal investigati needs to take place here. we drt have a criminallalty. the ag brought it up. i ask myself, what did they know? i said that on a nmber of programs on fox that week. what did theyknow that made the attorney general of the united states says i'm opening up an fbi investigation, and wha the american people have to think about is right now the administraton has the fbi
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investigating theirs. that's a comforting thousands. gerri: any support from democrats? that's going away too. senato baucus said today in the opening statement, the irs abandoned good judgment and lost the public trust. they did jay, thhnks for coming on today. >> yep. gerri: thank you. >> thanks for having me. gerri: als, the senate grilling apple's ceo, tim cook, over allegations the company avoided paying bilions of dollars, billions in u.s. taxes. the panel reports apple used irish subsidiaries to hide money and reduce the burden. the report tried to make an example from apple saying they didn't pay $3.5 illion in 2011, and $9 billion in 2012, and cook says they avoided the fedeal tax rate by not bringing overseas profits to the u.s. like almost every multinational you can name. >> we pay allthe taxes we owe, every single dollar. we don't depend on tax gimmicks
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gerri: he was not the only one pointing the finger at the lawke doing the questioning. senator paul said, and i quote, if anyone should be on trial is congress for creating a bizarre ta code. if you want to assign blame, the committee needs to look in the mirror and see what created the me. exactly. well, now we want to know what you think? here's the question. does apple pay it fair share of taxes? log on to gerr, and voteon the rght hand side of the screen. more medical privacy, doing it all week. we'll talk about how to keep your medical dentity safe, and how do you do that? question, tips on findinge best and most effective meds, drugs for your pets. ♪ thank you orville and w.
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gerri: are you dogged by pricey pet care? watchingour bottom line with tips to find the best deal on pet pres
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♪ gerri: when it comes to buying pets' medication, it pays to sni around. get it? presiptions atthe vets' ffice come with huge markps upwards of 16%, so how do you find the best deal for the furry friends? our pet expert oins us now. thank you. >> happy to help. gerri: get past the funny jokes of dogs. >> right. gerri: listen, this is serious. the vets charge as much as a thousand percent more than you pay elsewhere. >> yeah -- gerri: why is that? >> vets are not evil out to get youroey. gerri: we're not saying that. >> absolutely.
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there's a lot that goes into running a business with overhead and staff and all these extra costs that go into it. what yyou really pay for with te medications from the vet is convenience d comfort of having somebody train in animal pharmacology to defense it. if you have extra time and patience you cansavemoney. gerri: let's save money and al terntives. where elss? >> you would be surprised, and a lot don't now this, go to your local pharmacy that you would go to for your own eication with the precipitation fm your vet, and that's ultimately nno one gets into working with animals for the money, but they wa the best treatmenfor the p within your budet. gerri: who knew animals take the same drugs we are, but i undersnd that some of the pharmacies actually have programs for s? >> absolutely. the discount programs, se for your pets' medication, seroids, antiby october ticks, a lot of
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th-- there's a ore expensive pet medication, with lso a less expensive human alternative. it's portt to sayyou want to rk with your vet and your pharmacy together. the one ofthe risks you take with a pharmy is that the pharmacist there is not trained in animal pharmacology. gerri: ask your vet. we found with human drugs, you can negiate. >> here's an interesting poi. the pet medication is typically more expnsive. what you look for, exacly, it's confusing, what you look for is the less expensive alternative. however, for chronic conditions, visit the pharmacy every month for the same sort of med medications, y know, us the same guidelines as you use fo your prescription. if you get a deal for your prescriptions, they might for the pets' subscptions. gerri: pardon me sighs do not carry all treatments, but most
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are available at prices more affordable compared to other providers. intelligent ople runs the comanies realize there's a lot of moneyin serving people with pets. >> absolutely. they are part of the family. another thing is these online companies to get 1-800-petmeds, pet iq, companies make it eas on you. theycn call the vet for the prescription or fax or scan your preription right to them, and it's delivered to your door. it's a no-brainer wn it comes to -- gerri: love no-brainers. >> tic medications, all others. gerri: we don't, but the pets do. thanks r coming on today. >> thanks for having me. gerri: appreciate it. time to look at, stocks edging higher as wall street waits on news from the federal reserve tomorrow. home depot, bigjump, 18 #% increase in income for the firs
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quarter crediting the ecovery in the housing mark. sharehoers andjpmorgan chase letting jamie dimon keep both jobsment only a third voted to split the roles of chairman and ceo. the move was a result of last year' surrise, $6 illion trading loss. remember that? federal prosecutors may be considering rico charges against sac capital adviser. the legal toolis associated with the mafia than hedge funds. the fbi's currently working on bringng security fraud chhrges against sac,and microsoft has unvailed its next gen entertainment consul praising the xbox 1 as a replacement for the cable box with itson guide and voice changes the channel to go on sale later this year. those are some of the hot stories right now on and a new abc news washingn post poll fnds majority of americans, 55%, believe the
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obama administration is actively trying to cover audiotape the facts ofthe benghazi terrorist attack. it's not just the american people who are frustrated. it alo our leaders in washington. congress wooman alina on lou dobbs last night demanding answers on benghazi. >> four americans die, including our ambassador,nd it's n irrelevant fact? i want to know where the people were becse we w tothe prevent another benghi. this administrationjust keeps deflectinn the cts because they call them irs veal aunt. gerri: lou joins me now. what do you he on the agenda tonight? >> well, we're going to havea live eport, of corse, from moore, oklahoma,the latest for you on the devastation of that, at is now cassified as an f5 tornado that hit te community, and we'll aalso have mir rack ce louse news about reduction in fatalities. also, tonight, last on the
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credibility crisis th rocks the white house. today, jay carney, again, revising the tory of who knew what andwen in the irs scandal. we'll be telling you about the stunningbomb shel, a remarkable story, joined by two leading conressmen to talk with congressman ji jordan and talking wit ron desantis and much more at the top of the hour. gerri: can'ait, lou, thanks for coming ontonight. good to see you. >> thanks, good to see you. rri: comin up, waste, fraud, and ause as the government spends your taxpayer dollars a texng program. unbelievable. next, we cntin the indidt investigation of the risks posed to the medical records. the problem of edical identity theftcoming up. stay with us. ♪
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♪ from the fox business studios in new york, here, again, is gerri willis. gerri: obamacare putting yo medical identity at risk. that's right. tonight, we're contining our in-depth investigation into the mounting dangers posed to the medical records, and with obamacare, it creates a federal data base for patient information, electronics, and it's only escalating the number of ws yourmedal identity can be stolen. pam, the executive director of the privacy forum joins me now. great to hve you here. telus of th dangers,first of all, of the electroni ecords. what can go wrong? all sorts f things. when you have a digital medical file, its soething that can be stolen on steros. insteadof walking out of the hospital with a few fils, you can walk out with a usb with
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thousads or tens of thousands of files on it. that's some of the dangers of moving to digtal files, but it's a really important move to make. gerri: well, talkabout what the thieves look for this can be somebody inside a hospital, doctor's offic a mafia, or goodness sakes, who nds it's luck crative to do this. thers people who used to deal cocaine now training in edical identities. how,and what are they looking for? >> theain purpose is to find names of peope and their preferably their edical number or prescriptions, that kind of information. at the thieves want to do is they want to impersonate the people and create fake bils for them, and then they just collect that money as if the were really the doctor that was caring for you. in th way, the make millions of dollars. it's a great scam it's lucrative as you said, and the average scam is around $2 million up to $100 million.
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gerri: wow. i was trying to tel people if you steal smebody's identity in the usual way, there's access to the bank accoun and credit cards, but this, you have access to the insurer's ba accou and credit cards, maybe the hospit's bank and credit card nuers. you have a map where you show where people get their medical identity ripped off. i want to show this to eople now because it looks like -- it ally lookslike most of the folks are in florida, these are the elderly. who is hit mos often? >> it's so awful to look at. when we did this mappings we were surprised by the results, but when you really look at the research here, it's basically medicare, medicaid, hot spots in the country. it's northern an southern cifornia, theeastern seaboard, of course, florida, and then, of course, texas and little bit in chicago. those are hot spots, and arizona. a lot of elderly, retired folks are hit, and also disabled people and anyone with the
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chronic medical condition. gerri: wow. we told peple yesterday the street value of the medica id iis something like 50 bucks. your social secity number only goes phenomenon a dollar. you n see how valuable this thing is. how do people find out it's happened to them? >> takes two years to find out and a lot of times, we've gggotn calls from peoe who ound out just before surgery, a the doctor says, you know, there's twblood types listedn the health care file. at's going on? that's one way to find out, your health care fil has a lot of weird inaccuracies. another way is to all the sudden, there's bills for services you ever rceived, a surgery you never got arian prescriptions you didn't fill or need. ese are the main ways people find out gerri:am, you wrote this, and i have to repeat it. it's compelling. the real dange is stealing your
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adebitty, and you go to the emergency room, and you get the wrong blood tye because somebody ripped youoff. the dangers are huge. >> right, that's the core ham. it's not just tat they're using insurance money improperly, but when they do that, the -ntroduce errors into your medical record, and is very, very challenging to then go in and fixthose recor. gerri: a few of the tips on on h to fix the medical record, but that's a lot of work if you have to do it. pam, tha you. >> thank y. gerri: well, our reporting medical identity and edica identity theft, the issue already caused a big stir. cbs contacted us toy to say it akes the issue of dical privacy very seriously. the company spokesman said to us in an e-mail, "cvs pharmacy is vigilant about protecting privacy of the customers and d not shre personal information without our custers'
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permiion,," and those who want rewards cards have the option not to share personal information and opt out of promotions. that's the good news. catch the show tomorrow as we contin with charles jug author of "the power of habit," and he'lshow us how companies track you every move to monitor your health. you want to see this. stay with us. when we come back, a look at what could be the new form of cab telvision,and next, the government sending textmessages to people suffering from depressio is this really a job foor uncle sam? ♪ i'm so glad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we havcancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up fr account arts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money
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and financial information. he's yr temporary card. welcome back. how was loon? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. ..melia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by cnging to the past. and wi that: you' history. instead looking behd... delta is looking beyon 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting hiory... we're making it.
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gerri: texting to help with dression. a new study tarting thursday researchi sending texts to people with depression to remind them to take medication and mitor thei moods and thouts, and this is all pai y taxpayer money, sme
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$146,000. here to weigh in, dr. keith ablow, psychiatrist and fonews ntributor. i have to tell you, if i got a text message sayi, oh,gerri, don'tbedepressed, i don't care who it is it wouldmake me more depresse so impesonal and cold. >> wel, they may find that in this study, and it's interesting this study fits so neatly with the intrusion of technology into psychiat. first, it was mdication visits, ten minutes from the psychiatrist, a now the government wts to knw, hey, can we hold ba on paying for face-to-face interactions and councilling and geting to know the people? just text them. well, ottom line is in te end, we may find out yearsfrom now, boy, we really went down the wrong path with prozac and testing and took humaity and heing out of it spending $150,000 to look into it, which,
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by the w, i'll do it for 15. gerri: same with primary care physicians talking about doing your physicalusing phone app, taking your [bleep] on -- your blood pressure on your own, doin all this stuff by yourself. atso point, you need the expeise of a doctor. look,i know obamacare's expensive, but we can't hrow the baby out with he bath water here. we need some care. >> here what you can't do ith texting. you can't delve into somebody's life story and ind out the traumas they suffed and how those mightbe manifesting in today's tt praition. what you can do is push them do the road so they look a little better for a little while, and believe m, armed wih data that ces from the govenment spending money to try to prove this, some private company wil say, you now, ere we try to uild medicare and medicaid for this texting protocol because it seems to
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make people take medicine and feel better. you pay twice, pay for the research and then when medice and medicaid get billed by x, y, z app. gerri: ww. that makes m head hurt. >> yeah, itould, and your wallet too. gerri: how shuld it be treated? it if not texting, is it itting down with a professional? >> here's the thing, right, depression is a complex ilness. it does respond in some fashions and often to medication, but the interpersonal element has be down played for so long. listen, i've done this work 18 years. i never met a depressed person who doesn't have some reason to be deped. you got to find that out, bing yourself to this solution. this is a step towards sterilization of medicine a step towards the government, who, by the way, getting data from thisuniversity, the university' well-meaninged, want people to take the medicine, but interestingor the government to know, hey, how
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much can peple be cajoled in the mood or say, hey, i'm not worried about the economy, can't get enough text messages saying the economy's fine, by the way. gegerri: all rit. thanks for coming on. appreciate the time. >> thank you. take care. gerri: well, now on this day in business. in 188 i 1 the american red cross founded by humanitarian clara barton working with the sick and woulded in the american civil war and the angel of he battlefield for the tireless dedication. the red cross set up to aid victims of wars in natural disasters, and, today, the ameran red cross is helping the victims of the tornado disaster in oklaha. currently, the american red cross has sever shelts open in oklahoma, emergency response vehicles eliveringhot mals as we told you earlier. -hanks to the american red cross, families across t u.s. get the help they ne, and it all began 132 years ago on may 21st. still to come, my two crepts more on the big announcement
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from the world of golf today. you want to know this, and cable ala crt, only payfor those you watch? it could happen. details next. ♪
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gerri: the way you watch tv is cnging, and a new bill culd change the way you pay for it.
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♪ 7 gerri: a new bill in congress is turning up the heat on your
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television provider pushing them to allo consume to pick and choose their own channels ala cart. joining me with the details senior staff attorney for public knowledge. john, welcome to the show. this is john mccain's bll, not the first time he's put the bill up. do you think it's a good idea? >> i think it's a good first step towards reform. i'm not going to say it's the whe answer, but the senator's outraged by the ver-increasing cable bills people face, and this bill is designedded to address that. gerri: the chart is not pretty. the cost of basic cable, $54.46 on average, up 6% a year. nobody gets those price increases. the other thing thatis concerning to look at, cable customers watch 1 # 1 channels, they are sold 130. what's going op here. >> yeah, absolutely. art of the problem is there's not a lot of competition in the market so there's two things. one, consumers are forced to pay
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for a lot things they don't really want, and that jacks up the bill, and, twoprogrammers know that they n pass along the cost to cable companies who then pass it along to consumers. gerri: welll, you know, the push back on this, obviously, is the people who create the programs say, hey, i've t to get paid. what do you think of that >> no one is telling them they can't get paid. in fact,under the proposal, people who create great programming who want to see, they continueto get paid. the bill doesn't require that everyoneuy their cable programming channel by channel. you can sill offer bundles, but give people the choice of ala carte to add the channels on top of a package, for examle. gerri:what abou netflix and "house of cards," thatwen gang busters. if you have the right thing in the mart place, people respond. >> abslutely. when you compare the really high cable bills cited, and, in fact, the number you have is the expanded basic tier, but the average now peopl
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approaching $90 a moonth. meanwhile, etflix can be less than $10 month. where's thedifference? they create grat content with lor revenue, bills are out of control, and i applaud senator mccain for doing something about it. gerri: cable's fighting bck, do they have a leg to stand on? can they maintain the competitive standing with companies like aerio coming out i have the app on my ipad, and it's fantastic watchinlive programming, pause it, you can pick up a show any time you want to see it. >> yea, absolutely, that an a lot of technologies like that are changing the game, d i think that the video marketplace isripe fordisruption o the bill is just part of the bigger story. gerri: john, thanks for coming on tonight. great to have you here. >> tha you. gerri: wll, we'll be right back with the two cents more and answer to the question of the day, does apple pay its fair share of taxes? we went out and asked people a simple question:
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have a great night. we will see you tomorrow. ♪ lou: od evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. breaking news. local, fire officials say the search for survivors in the oklahoma city suburb of moore i completed a day after massive tornado devastat the community of 66,000 ople. the 2--mile wide tornado killed at least 24 people, nine children as well. those deaths far fewer tn initially ported last night. authorities in the midst of e rescue efforts and all of the cousion double counttd fatalities endangered. as of now every damaged home we


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