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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  May 23, 2013 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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>> nixon, if we had the same press "money" with melissa francis is next. have a good night. melissa: i'm melissa francis and here what's money tonight. silence is golden, well, unless you're lois lerner, the woman at the heart of the irs scandal refuses to speak up in congress. why should i pay my taxes, that's what i'm wondering? tesla is like the coolest kid in school right now but we're grabbing a bucket of cold water to throw on that love-fest. wh made money do? e company who is helping brinthe beginning of the end of cancer. keep watching to find out who that is. even when they say it's not, it is always about money. >> we have you authenticate the simply the questions and
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answers pviously given to the inspector general? >> i don't know what th is. i would have to look at it. i've decided to follow my counsel's advice and not testify or answer any of the questions today. i will no answer any questions or testify about the subject matter of the committee's meeting. >> stand here and answer our questions? [applause] melissa: that was day three of the i hearings. clearly, obviously very productive. even when the irs official whwas in charge of the unit respsible for targeting the scandal not answering any questions? are we going to see a revolt with people not paying their taxes? why should we? here to weigh i on the latest phil swagel, former asstant secretary of economic policy at treasury department and noah busell, on deck capital. welcome t both of you.
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no, let me start with you, why should i pay my taxes if these guys are not following rules? i say that kind of joking and ki of not. they're not following the rules? >> melissa we have to have people continue to pay their taxes. we can't let the dish run we have to focus on real issue whic confidence in the irs has been shaken. melia: let me s stop you right ere. i have heard that saying over and over again in the past week. who was ever confident in the irs? i mean i never felt good about them. do you think the average american person, phillip, let me askou, the average person out there, do they feel confint with the irs? >> you know, i think people resent the irs. they resent paying taxes but they're confident in the sense when we send the check it goes to the right place. we're confident that our neighbors are paying their taxes. to me that the confidence. lissa: you are? you are cnfident that the neighbors are paying their taxes? th iss one of the biggest issues when we talked about apple yesterday.
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a lot people think corporate america isn't paying their taxes. so i dispute that point. >> you know, apple is paying taxes it has to pay by law and foowing the law. they have got really good attorneys and really good accountants. as far as anyone can tell they're following th law. so i think its rd to blame them. but by the same token if m neighbors ve better accountant than i do, you know, credit to them. but i'm pretty nfident that people in the u.s., on the whole, not every single peon,ay their taxes. that's what i'm worried that has been shaken by this irs scandal. melissa: especially, noah, when we he about irs employees using their crit card, their corporate credit card for personal purchases. which of course when you look at the list whic we'll put up on the screen, this is my money, that i have worked very hard to earn and you have this peon's name, i'm sure i'm not saying her name right, using government credit card for years on, shopping for a
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chocolate fondue founta, bollywood movies, pampers, harlequin romance novels. omaha stakes, apple bottom skinnyeans. that is an oxymoron. >> that is irs has one had you,000 employees and actions of them employee are regretable. we deal with small business owners in our company and they spend four weeks every year preparing their taxes. melissa: right. >> i think thehe real issue and shame of a this, tax reform which is so badly-needed might get postponed or we get distracted from it while the whole irs thing blows through. melissa: phil, do you think that is the case? maybe this speeds up tax reform. i was thinking that is one good thing that comes out of this that it really draws attention to the fact that the system is very much broken and needto be changed immediately? >> yeah. i think it does highlight . people knew it but this is an illustration. with theapple tax situation that you mentioned i think it is the same thing.
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you know unfortunately i think tax reform is on a pretty slow train here but, you know, hard to see it going f forward this year. melissa: noah, we h a lot of instances of people that were testifying today just being really cute. i mean was deputy treasury secretaryneil wolin. if you saw him today as they got up and i think we have video of this, if we go ahead and play this. if you saw as he got up and everybody was supposed t be sworn in at the very beginning he took a nice sized step, there he is, stepping out of the frame, so when they took the key picture of those three, getting sworn in, which you know will be on the front page of every paper tomorrow, he wanted to make sure he wasn't in it. lois lerner, pleadinthe fifth today, but making a statement before it even started, i did nothing wrong. i did nothing illegal. i followed every rule there. by the way i'm not going to answer any questions. the american public did the very thing that makes us all feel like they're a bunch of jokers. >> it's really interesting
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that she took that course because she sort of didn't totally plead the fifth and didn't totally give a explanatioof her behavior. she tooked middle road d did a little bit of each. melissa: can you do that. >> i don't think you ca we saw on your other stion of fox news rently a judge was testifying saying it actually doesn't work in the first part o her statement nullifyfys the effect of the her fifth amendment and she didn't follow her legal melissa: phillip, this takes away from the original problem hereith the irs. if you look at some of the things they did in the original scandal. specifically asking a question of the coalition for life of iowa, quote, please detail the contents of the members of your organization's prayers. that an appropriate question frothe irs? >> yeah, to me that is exactly the scandal. it is wildly inappropriate. and something that is outrageous you say idid nothing wrong. manifestly wrong, what you
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just said is the tip of the iceberg. she san kay i did nothing iminal and let the court syem decide that to say there was noing wrong, isy that was outrageous. melissa: noah, where do we go from here? >> we have to get through this thing. two alternatives, right. either competence and mismanagement, this happened by chance and what have y, or it was a targeted thi and we need to figure out which one of those it was and pple need to be held accountable for it. melissa: yeah. >> i come back to the issue of tax reform. we needd to sort of move beyond this and get to the core issue for consumers and business own years maybe that could be the good comi out of all this. i heard other people sa this really stalls tax reform but i think it maybe spurs it. it brings to light how disasterous the system and that would be good for our money, for corporate america. >> tt's righ melissa: if we could see real reform here. thanks to both of you. >> thank you. melissa: so it is our money qution of the day, given what is going on with the irs scandals should you have to pay your taxes? a lot of you were really fired up over this one.
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i have to laugh on this. no. tv authors should pay them fous. ron, i want bill o'reilly should pay my taxes too. like us on or follow me on twitter @melissaafrancis. irs officials kept congress up in arms. ben bernanke sent investors charging for t exits. in prepared ttimony to congress, bernanke said it was too soon to roll back the fed's stimulus measures. the dow soared 154 points on the news, but then during the q&a, d you see this, bernanke said the fed may slow them down after one of its next meetings. the fed minutes showed a similar outlook from that and that sparked a intraday swing of 234 ints. it was the dow wildes day in three months. blue-chips closed down, buying yields rocketing higher. a lot of peoe are wondering if this was the
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reversal we've been waiting for sparkedded by the fed. >> up next, everyone is cheering tesla and meteoric se on its stock andpaying a government loan nine years early. we're little worried on "money". we'll tell you why. is sac capital steve cohen the new john got? prosecutors may go after his company with a statute used to take down the mafia. we have two legal eagles here to weigh in. more "money" coming up. ♪ .
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melissa: tesla motors is riding a huge high these days. reviews are great. the stock isurging and now it has repaid a $465 million department of energy loa ni years early. soothis theest company ever? or am i right to a just a little bit worried that this is short squeeze? let's to our street panel. for the bears w have scott martin with united advisors. for the bulls, michael farkus. welcome to both of you. michael, i want you toake -pyour case first. a prettyeteoric rise in a short time. do you feel good abt it? >> yes. we believe there's a lot of
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potential and still a lot of upside to thestock of the company. melissa: i was hoping you had more after the yes. why do you believe that? >> they have a great product. ttey have gre managent and more importantly people want to buy thatproduct. melissa: okay. th was not even remotely convincing. scott, what do you think?. >> i was going to say i was convinced,elissa. it's tough, it's tough to be the bear here. melissa: why? >> i will, got to domy best lois lerr. you're right, melissa, everybody loves this company and that is kind of scary but it is also something that could drive up the price. my take is, the is following i like some of the american cars a little better based on evaluation, based on exposure and say emerging markets, china. certainly europe where tesla isn't yet. lo and behold for the government to final i invest in something that worked, i guess they were due. melissa: michael, give you one more chance here. here is one of the points. tesla got $68 million or 12% of its revenue from
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california zero emissn tax credits in the last quaer. so that big profit that they made, a lot o it came from trading these tax credits. that is one-time thing and that's a huge percentage of their profit. why doesn' at scare you? >> because bottom line, they have great more people are going to be purchasing. they have more product like the model x. elan just mentioned they will have a 3 series competitor. the more product they put out on the market more sales they will have, and more they areable to earn the valuation that they have. melissa: scott, i'm worried that the stock has jumped 74% sin may 8th. to me that kind of move, feels like a short squeeze. i meanhere were a lot of people out there that didn't expect them to have this kind a quarter a had shord the stock. look at the slope of that curve. isn't that what that looks like to you? >> it is completely unnatural. en stocks go parabolic you have to watch out. i think your point is well-taken. a short squeeze certainly seems to be in order here. so what will happen? people have to buy the stock cover. that gives it kind of an unofficial or artificial
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float. listen, re's another thing. melissa: yeah. >> michael mentioned something important. people like the car, right? if you look at some reviews. the ford focus electric there are other things that the ford has that the tesla doesn't. it reviewed out questionably better than the tesla did. so i think there are things out there with regas to competition that tesla's got to be a little bit worried about. melissa: yeah, scott, especially because they have one car right now. that is very expensive. you know, i wonder how big the market for that particular caris. you know, i mean i know that they're rolling out the charging stations. that was one of their big announcements, either today or earlier this ek. they're making a lot of the right mos. but i wonder if they're just, i mean, could more competition come in and just crowd that out? >> yes. and that's the whole thing, melissa. let's talk about the competition. what brand regnition does tesla have other than these really cool headlines in the last couple months? not really all that much. i mean if you look at ford and cysler and some of the other guys out there, i know
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they're killing audi and bmw and lexus but those are thehe brand recognition name at some point the consumer which is overly fickle and very smart great point about the price of the tesla versus some of its competitors being higher, the competitors will step up because that's the brand that people know. melissa: and scott, the other thing i worry about, this is really the elon musk effect. you say how much brand recognition do they really have. i think they haveim. he has become su a famous guy. we've seen the same thing happen with solar -- >> apple also had jobs. melissa: that's true. >> it isn't a oe-man thing sometimes. elon has shown over and over again he successfully built businesses what he has done by paying off the government loans has never haened fore. havvng a car the first model of, build ever to come out with 99 out of 100 from "consumer reports", it doesn't exist. you bet it with winners and sell short losers. elon musk is ainner you want to bet with. melissa: other than paypal,
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what has he done that has be a huge success. spacex is very cool but i don't know it is making a ton of money. >> a private individual who funded an operation that sends rockets into space. melissa: just means he has a lot of money. >> solar city. not only about money. about picking teams together, bringing them together, having a goal and accomplishg thosgoals. he has shown time after time he is able to build these teams and succd. melissa: that is good point. we'll leave it there. guys, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. melissa: coming up on "money," are the feds comparing steve cohen and sac capital to this guy? the organized crime law that convicted john gotti could be used against cohen. the details are next plus what thstate of the keyone xl pipelin we have e top congressman behind a crucial vote tomorrow. plus the former second irat that of energy stay right there. do you ever have too much money or too much oil? ♪
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♪ . melissa: no matter what time it is money is always on the move and here's who made money today. anyone that owns bristol-myers squibb. citigroup says the company is helping bring, quote the beginning of the end of cancer. it is huge potential from a new cancer treatment. the drug may winregulatory approval early as next year. news sent bristol-myers shares jumping 5%. hitting a record high. good for them. also making money, investors in saks fifth avenue. the luxury retailer reportedly considering a possible sale. kkr the private equityiant possibly looking to to do a deal can neiman marcus. delightful. the news sent saks shares up 13%, to an all-time high.
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spending money. a die-hard fan of "harry potter". rare first edition of "harry potter" and the ilosopher stone went up for auction at sotheby's. the unidentified buyer paid $230,000 for the book. only 500 copies exist. wow. another new twist f the feds to take down hedge fund leader steve cohaen from sac capital. they are treatings him like the mob. they may use the rico statute used against none other than john gotti to bu up the mafia. could the whole thing blow up from prosecutors faces? here is foer federal prosecutor doug burns and securities attorney richard roth. greato have you both on the show. do, what do you think of the tactic? will it wor >> that is interesting you need to look at whole history of the case. matthew martoma was busted arrested and everybody said if he fps and cooperate maybe they take down a case
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against steve cohen. from my ls. i don't thin that happened. i don't they have been able to do that. invocation of rico is a huge sledgehammer that is used against organized crime, mobsters, drug gangs. i tnk they may have a problem with it. melissa: do you think it will work or wouldn't work? >> no, i think it is overreaching. federal government went after enron and appeal overturning that conviction. they're ttying and steve cohen isarget and doing anything they can to get steve cohen. the statute is runningut they have until jy 20th of 2013 two months away to go after steve cohen. they're trying it increase pressure to get smeone to turn. lissa: speaking of pressure, i don't understand why matthew martoma is not flipped on him. he is looking at lot of j time. do they have al solid case? unless he is physically scared of steve cohen i don't understand. >> that is great point. you would think he would cooperate but apparently he
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is not. other thing i want to say real quick they're thinking of using rico, i like to say whatichard said about, against the entity, against thhedge n and not the individuals. that turns into a situation where they can extract a lot of money, $500 million, just using that hypothetically and, it's good obviously for the u.s. treasury. and --. melissa: would be more than that. >> in terms of cohen. that's a possibility. melissa: is that an effective strategy you think? >> i think it is a strategy. i don't think it is effective. back to marma. in martoma's indictment it mentions that he had a conversation with senior person at sac capital for 20 minutes. remember he meets with a doctor allegedly. the doctor tells them wyeth and elan are not good stocks. he then has a 20-minute conversation we believe with steve cohen. thereafter they sell the stock and profit $276 million. meliss yeah. >> so what they're trying to do to get martoma to say, mr. martoma tell me about the conversation you had
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with steve cohen. isn't it in fact true that steve cohen told you to dump the stock? martoma hasn'tdone that. melissa: there is one main reason he might not be flping on steve cohen. >> which is? melissa: maybe steve cohen didn't do anying. >> tha is possible. what happened they were sitting around at a joint meet and they were deciding what to do with those securities you mentioned having to do with the zheimer's drug andhey turn and around and went with mart tomema. said sort of like code, he is closest to the situation. let's flow him. and that right there is the crux. working off his point, if ey get him to come in and say, yeah i was closest to the situation because i had specific inside information. i spoto steve cohen. that's what they need. that's what they don't havep a parently. >> as doug said the bottom line marm toma probably, that probably did not happen. martoma may have had a conversation with cohen. he may not be in a position to flip. or to hurt cohen. that may be a problem. melissa: he would have done it already if he could but
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he can't unless he make stuff up >> absolutely. melissa: if he faces il time and could get out of it by talking about steve cohen at this point you think he would have done that. >> correct. i have the deadline july 20th and federal government. the whaa the federal government decided to do i do a blitzkrieg. basically subpoenaing everyone including cohen. melissa: is that where the rico comes in? they're throwg everything at the wall? >> yes. sorry to interrupt you the reason becae rico came in no one could understand why they would step steve cen. you don't generally subpoena the target. melissa: right. >> they're subpoenaing steve cohen. >> i agree. >> they're going after someone other than steve cohen to provide pressure sac would a enterprise essentially engaged in raketeering. melissa: does that satisfy them? would want to break up t company, put steve in jail. theyould not be able to do% that? they get a lot of money out of because i guess they like that. that is good point. put the entity out of the business. take in 7, 800 million. melissa: costart another fund?
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>> he probably could. the fact of the matter is a lot of times sadly, you know, you don't use the word extortion. that is pretty extreme but when the federal government sayse'll use the raketeering law against you very often see big monetary settlement. we'll see. melia: thanks for breaking that down. we appreciate it. >>next onmoney," the nextote on the keystone pipene is tonight. the conessman leading the chargend former secretary -- energy secretary spencer abraham will join us next. everything you thought you knew about the oil and gas industry. john stossel is here with a reporthat debunks the biggest myth. i can't wait f that. "piles of money" coming up. ♪ .
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♪. . melissa: house republicans are sick and tired of waiting for the pesident to green ght the xl pipeline. later tonight theouse is votings on a bill that would eliminate the presidential approval process and get the ball rolling on final peline construcon. even if it passes t president said he will veto it. why are lawmakers wasting time pushing for a bill destined tobe dead on arrival? what is the future of e keystone pipene? doc hastings, chairman of house natural resources committee. thanks for being here.
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why do it if the president has promised to veto it? >> we're here to try to advance america's agenda of creating jobs. and energy jobs are good-paying jobs. there is no question about that buthere is national security aspect of having our energy come from north america. so those two things intertwine very well. now there's no question that the keystone pipeline is popular with americans. across the political aisle, i mean, organized labor, for example is very much in favor of it. melissa: congressman, you have us on all these points. we're right there with you. >> sure. melissa: we're worried about the fact that the president has pledged it veto this on arrival. so why try and push it through this way? is there more, is there more effective way? >> well, no, the president can en this right now by agreeing to build the keystone pipeline. he could do it. it is within his hands. the fact is we waited nearly five years and he hasn't done anything. so this a means by which to put political pressure on
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him, no question about it. melissa: so you think it ad pressure, even though he has promised t veto it? you think if you get it that far it would pressure him. but people say it will not make it through the senate either. >> thereave been votes in the senate and there has been as many as 62 senators that have voted in favor of keystone pipelines. be beaten by 60 can 62 are already on record in the past being in favor of that. let's see ifthey really are about american jobs. i mean the esident talks abouthis all the time. but this is one right at his fingertips. we're trying to apply the pressure so we can build the keystone pipeline and do what we said the keystone pipeline would do, create more jobs and make us energy secure. melissa: opponents sa it is a way for canada to export its oil in another country. what do you think about that. >> it may. oil, for goodness sakes, crude oil is a worldwide
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commodity product. keep in mind, the pipeline, the bakken, everything happening up in montana and in north dakota, they can tap into this pipeline. so we can now get american crude into this pipeline. now, if it goes overseas, you know, i'm a fee trader. that's fine. but for goodness sas i think, a lot of it will enn up here in the united states. the volatility in the other parts ofhe world does not establish, in my pot of view,ertainty to having, you know, a product that you can refine and putn the market. so while i admit, crude oil is aworldwide product, having it here in north america and more likely will go to north america. melissa: how do you think you win over democrats who are opposed to i it is not all of them. and a lot of people understand what this would mean for consumers, for jobs, for our economy. how do y think you win over the people who are on the fence? >> well, i, listen, i think ere are a lot of democrats that would probabl be with
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this i not political pressure coming from the environmental left. of course trying to support their president. i give a lot of credit to the democrats that have supported efforts co out of my committee in the past. as far as offshore drilli and onshore drilling. so we will have bipartisan support on this. it is just too bad that, you know, politil posturing on the other side makes it tough r a lot of people to come on board that probably would be there. melissa: just between you and me, is there something you could trade? >> well, you know, there comes a time between you and me, melissa, that you have to do the right thing. and i hhing to do here is tobuild the keystone pipeline. melissa: you're a go sport. congressman, thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure. melissa: spencer abrahams the former engy secretary under president geor w. bush. let's bring h in for some reaction on what just talked about. mr. secretary. great to have you. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, melissa. good to be with you. melissa: how do you feel about the hopes for this pipeline given what u heard and what you kw?
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>> i fnd it sort of mind-boggling we've gone this long without a decision by the administration. the only thing they're decisive about is vetoing legislation that would move the pipeline forward. and so to me there is a lot of excuse-making going on at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. i think if they don't want to do it, say it, announce th're not going to support the pipele, and let people know this. or,f they're for it, then, you know, be decisive. it is a matter of jo. it is a matter of tional security. it is a matter of economic security. these are the kind of issues we need leadership in washington. melissa: yeah. >> not passivity. melissa: absolutely. i mean, you're a guy inside and out.nows energy i think with what's going on with shale andracking and this pipeline and even with americans using less fuel than ever before, that this could be our chance to really rebuild the economy. that the same way the internet came into play and turned around the ecoconomy in the 90 east, that energy
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could be our thingight now. we were so long dendent on others for energy. the pipeline a key part of tha and do you think that real theory or i am too hopeful? >> no. i think you said it better than i could and i thinkthe pipeline is a part oft. not only do you need to find and discover and produce more energy you have to have the infrastructure that supports the energy that yore producing. having more pipelines and the ability to move product across the continent is an important ingdient. one of the points that i think you also ought to just focus on as your thing about this and you kind of alluded to it before is this. if this doesn't happen, this oil will not sit in the ground in canada. melissa: right. >> it will go somewhere else. there will be a pipeline to the pacific ocean and this oil will be used someplace else on the planet. so, it's a queson whether the u.s. will be a part of it and benefit or whether or not we'll sacrifice energy secuty for the sake,
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really of timidty. melissa: yeah. i mean you're somebody that knows the inner-workings of the government and you heard me ask the congressman what could be traded away to make thisappen. of course he couldn't really answer that question but what do you think? how do you get a deal on this don do you think the president is deadset against it and will stand in its way or is there a way to make the deal that gives him political cover maybe with environmentalists and it is not his fault that it goes through but still goes through? >> you know, it is a shocking situation that we would be in a positio to enhancthe energy security and the economy of the united states and we have to sit here and try to speculate about trying to get cover. melissa: i know. how could we do it? >> he has been reelected. he has no more campaigns left. what does he need political ver for? at this point he should do the righ thing for the country and this is the right thing. melissa: does that mean you think he is ddset against it and he will not do it and this will never happen? >> that ismy assumption because i don't know at this
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stage what's left in terms of rationale fo ciding. the facts are in. they have been debated endlessly. he has got his, younow, command of the information as much as he is going get. he should decide. and let us know. he is either for or ends hanesing america's energy security. i understand that that's ne. he doesn't want people to know that is his position but sooner or later people will know when he doesn't act. >> pipeline is key part. if he stand in the way this will really be something. mr. secretary, thanks so ch for coming on. >> thanks, melissa. good to beith you. melissa: coming up the summer driving season officially kicks offhis memorial day weekend. everything you think you know about the oil and g business, probably wrong. john stossel is here to bust the biggest myths. at the end of the day it is alabout money. ♪ .
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>> where does most of our oil come from? >> the middle east and the gulf of mexico? >> when we bu gasoline do weelp fund terroris >> yes of course >> it pumps money into areas you don't necessarily want e money to g
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melissa: interesting. all right, forget urban legends. what you just heard are gas myths. jo stossel is here to drill do what may be the biggest lies. welcome back to the show. >> thank you. melissa: this is a subject that is near andddear to my heart pause i covered energy foyears and years. i love you're debunking these myths. let's start with this. why does gas cost souch. >> it is not so much. stop whining about it. we focus because the prices are posted. thinkkabout it. that is 4 bucks a gallon. think what they have to do toring stuff. sink drills seven miles in thearth. go sideways to suck it outt of the earth. put it in pipelines that go for miles in ships that cost millions across the ocean. refining intoothree different types of gasolili. put it in tankers that cost 100,000 dollars each. send to gas station where we ha to the expensive stuff so we don't blow ourselves up at the pump. per ounce it costs less than bottled water they sell at ese gas stations. so i say, when i go to the
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gas station i thank big oil every time. melissa: you see. we're getting a god deal. what is everybody complaining about? >> right. if government produced it would cost 40 bucks a gallon. melissa: yeah. >> and there would b shortage. >> that's true. i never want to get on bill o'reilly's bad si. apparently you do. you say speculators increase the point. you dare disagree bill o'reilly. speculators. melissa: they're evil. >> that is nonsense. it is a very competitive market. the idea of banning speculation appeals to people because sometimes they shoot the price up. but they did that, our idiot government has done that th unyons. in 1958. melissa: really? causes unwarranted fluctuations in the price of onions. the one thing they banned from the futures market. so the price of onions fluctuates more than other prices. it has risen more than the price ofgasoline. melissa: i can't believe that. i didn't know about the on
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yns. speculators, talk aut, airlineshedge pric of fuel. >> it is useful. melissa: some trader taking other side of the bet they wouldn't be able to hedge it otherwise. we did awayith that one. sorry, bill. isn't premium gas much better. it costs more it must be much better. >> thas what people say. it makes no difference for 90% of the cars. melissa: wt? >> if you have a portia or corvette a few cars need it. most people are getting ripped off. melissa: what does it do to the t premium gasolinen a car? it does nothing >> nothing good. melissa: nothing? >> if you put it in a car that needs i might knock. melissa: i'm outrag. >> then you can switch back. melissa:eople think most of the l comes from the middle east. that was tha question you were out asking al the folks. people don't know. melissa: like waufrters world. >> you have a chart where it comes from. most of it comes from the united states and canada. way do on the list,
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saudi arabia, mexic, venlz venz, iraq. but, andow with fracking we're geing our own energy. melissa: we're getting our act together. this is where the u.s. gets itoil. those are the closest neighbors. oil is fungible so goes to the customerearest by. >> true. we're not sucking all this oil from saudi arabia. melissa: oil companies opposeubsidies for green energy, right? >> they spend moreon so-called green gimmick, xonmobil $6 miion on alga research. melissa: right. >> they feed off subsidies too. melissa: they know a good deal. they know a free lunch when they see it. >> this is beyond petroleum. they were going into all the trendy stuff. melissa: although i interviewed lee raymond said. we're in the energy business. i don't really care what it is. right now it is oil because that is the thing that makes the most sense and the cheapest. if there were something els that makes more economic sense i uld do that i don't love oil. i'm not focused on doing
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that i want to do what make economic sense. i would switch to whatever the other thing was that created energy. it is economic. it makes sense. >> lee raymond is one of the more refreshing gu in the buness. melissa: john stossel. this is fantastic. i can't wait to watch the show. you go through all of this. >> and more. melissa: and more. john stossel, watch tonight. thanks very much. speaking of gas, th next story is anything but a myth. $2.50 for a gallon sounds like a fantasy these days. tomorrow a bj's wholesale club in baltimore is selling it for exactly that price, wow! it is all to help kick off memorial day week. the store says i wants members to have extra cash in their pocket wn they hit the road. the sale starts 6:0 a.m. are you going, john sssel. >> how much gas will they burn waiting in line to get that? melissa: i was afraid you were going to say that. next on "money," a million dollar idea can come from the oddest places. what a florida woman and hat all money is getting my
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creative juices flowing. lo at that hat? do you recognize anything on there? you can never have too mh money. ♪ .
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♪ melissa: it is a little fun with "sre change.
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thanks to both of you for doing this. first up, here is my new business venture. checit out. she made me realize i need to start making "money" merchandise like this. who doesn't need this? said her favorite segment is "spare change." what other merchandise should we have? they were raising money for a good cause, ty should have sold that hat to everybody at was there. >> i have a whole product line for you. heels, dresses. melissa: how about a handbag? >>d make some "money" money. although the treasury will come after you for defacing the currency. melissa: the jail parr of that
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is not very goo do you have a "money" hat? you should. >> i would not be caught dead on that hat. melissa: there was a best hat contest, she won. it was a fantastic hat. i was the keynote speaker, but i was not the judge. >> i'm in favor of sometng up. next up, and we to boost employment without creating jobs. jobs sharon. alrolder workers would reduce tr hours and mentor younger workers.
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ll social security constituti. i love sharing. melissa: i didn't read that part in the middle about w the other rson would be paid less. do you want to job share? >> i would do it in a second. it just seems like this wou be a very bad road to go down. >> 38% unemployment. that's bad in some spots in the governnt admitted we wi not be able to growthe economy through should start making do with less incentive cutting deficit, cutting spending, cutting taxes to create jobs. how about cutting a lot of regulations? all of these rules make it very hard to fire them.
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melia: the next new york city mariana be. >> every day starts right here, and it is the best part of my day. i made big mistakes and i know i let a lot of people down, but also learned tough leesons. i hope i get a second chanceo work for you. melissa: are you kidding me? too much to process. >> i cannot even say his name on air for fear i might get in trouble. i know he is trying to re-image and self, this is not going to work. some might support him but i think too much damage is done. >> this is new york city, one of the raciest cities in the country. americans ve a good come bck.
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cat we give him a break? who has not done that? he lied, he lied. what else is he going to do? >> lk at that picture right there. lissa: it is just the pictures. i don'want him around anymore just because of the pictures. >> have you never made a mistake that you wished you could get another chance? our public officials can never make mistake? which come back would you dislike mark #-number-sign anthony weiner or eliot spitzer? melissa: i like eliot spitz better.
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@e have about fe seconds. >> look at the pictures. >> i haven't. melissa: we will see you back a paid advertisement for starvista entertainment and time life's music collection. these are songs about real life... songs about love... songthat come straight from the heart. ♪ here you come again ♪ ♪ juswhen i've begun to get myself together ♪ ♪ oh, baby, i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ forever and ever, amen ♪ mama, he's crazy ♪ crazy over me ♪ just the good ol' boys ♪ never meaning no harm


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