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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  May 25, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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on my website. radio show every weekday 3:00 to 6:00 eastern time. we'll have another great tv show for you next week. >> "the willis report" is coming up next. thanks for watching. gerri: hello, i am gerri willis. tonight on "the willis report." as homeowner claims rise and natural disasters mount, insurance companies are becoming stingier with payouts. also, getting the best deal when you buy a used car and your medical privacy. we have you covered tonight on "the willis report." our top story tonight is insurance companies becoming stingier with payouts.
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as residents pick up from the tornado this week in oklahoma, surance experts warning that payouts will be smaller than recent years. with more of the cost being shifted onto homeowners, this is and is happening in oklahoma, it is a trend all over the country. the news couldn't come at a worse time. this year's hurricane season will be very active and it is just getting underway. the u.s. is expected to have its fifth major hurricane this year. with us now is chip merlin. we have these victims of a horrific tornado. this really strong ef5 tornado. now, the residents are being told that ttey will get a small payout. >> first of all, the deductibles have been going up much more frequently than has happened in
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the past. policies are being rewritten. there is less coverage. it is a prblem not just for homeowners and businesses as well. gerri: i sign my policy, am paying my deductibles, i m doing everything am supposed to do. how is it they can ratchet the money on getting? >> i think it depends on the adviser that you have. there are insurance companies
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coming back that are less rest inevitable. if you have a good advisor through the process and you have a good company, you're going to have a good and clean settlement. gerri: i've been covering this kind of thing for about ven years now starting way back with a hurricane in new orleans. i have seen more people who are unhappy with their settlements. then i see people who are happy. there's something there is something wrong with the system. what is it? >> well, i think that this statistics are misleading. >> is national flood does an audit and they find that there has been overpayment, the field adjusters are going to hav to repay the national flood. so you know which way the payment is going and that is down. there are people that have delayed payments, de payments, very few people have been made whole. unfortunately in oklahoma.
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gerri: with a hurricane you have wind andrain and multiple problems that on. this should go like clockwork and be smooth. >> i'm cerinly going to have problems. the private companies that are to write insurance there.
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the risks are so high. checking out the graphic about storms taking a toll on how much money these insurance companies are facing. this is insured losses. all you have to do is lookat the chart here. it is a huge spike in companies are having to cover this. what do you tell people who feel like i'm not being made whole here. do you negotiate, do you document, what is the right answer im. >> well, the right answer is get the right insurance company, the right insurance if you can. then try to mitigate and get your home and businesses protected. and you have less severe disaster if you take up proper preparations. gerri: you mentioned that
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deductibles have been going up. here's what the oklahoma insurance catastrophe tax court had to say. >> i know that you're going to hire an agent th you like. gerri: give me what i'm looking at. what am i looking for in a policy. >> you definitely want to find a policy that is very comprehensive. a homeowners policy is not a commodity. unfortunately it is not a home maintenance policy. we want to have a safe home you
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have to take a little bit of a lower riskherriot. gerri: what do you do to make sure that they get the catastrophic coverage that they need? >> get the most radical agency and spent a lot of time get the adjuster. get a professional to help you. regular ones are few and far between. catastrophe happens. gerri: documenting your losses, a lot of people don't know to do this. thank you for oming on tonight. it is o gret to see you guys.
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thank you so much. >> thank you. now we want to know what you think. here's a queetion tonight. do insurance companies shortchange consumer. >> log onto, but on the right-hand side of the screen and i will share the results at the end of the show. listen to this one, my friends. if you are feeling shortchanged, some are feeling shortchanged by obamacare. one of the biggest supporters of having buyers remorse. more and more labor unions are coming out publicly against president obama's signature law. wi me on this we have bradley graham, a former adviser to president george w. bush. is this the irony of ironies out there? >> they figured out what is in it, and now they want out of it.
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like three dozen other businesses, but they are for they are now against and they want to opt out of it. >> we have seen not over and over again. you know, it is good enough for you. let's get back to this issue of the unions. what they are doing is they are for obamacare if they are helpless low income workers. so we will go along with you if you give us an advantage. please keep in mind that unions have gotten all kinds of ways -- they don't have to participate in some things. they have been eliminated from others. they have sweetheart deals when they come to omacare. but finally the administration is saying now. what do you make of that? >> obamacare is not popular today as it was when it was passed. if you carve out exceptions for the union, you make it even more
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unpopular. now you have 20 million workers that these part-time and seasonal workers want to carve out. the union policies are turning to the nixon saying, what are we paying you for? they're all about leeraging control. they want to, it's about time that the obama administration says no to the union's. >> what is interesting here is that does them at a disadvantage. it disadvantages everyone. because they realize that one of the few things they have to fer, potential new workers, part of his sweetheart health care deal. no one can afford it. >> that is right. the union workers go out to the marketplace and the droght the exchanges, that is what they will do. more importantly, these part-time and seasonal workers, ybe the employers themselves will drop them. and then the unions are left holding him or talking union
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workers. can you imagine i? dropping the major coverage for union workers. gerri: brad, i guess all things come around. thank you for coming on tonight, it is good to you. well, we have more to come tonight. a lot more including illegal debate stemming from a tragedy. is the pttburgh zoo is possible for the death of a toddler? and we answer the questio how do you do that? should your car be new or used
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gerri: we are looking out for you tonight as we do every night. it seems impossible, but used cars are out there. kelly blue book senior analyst
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is here to give us insight. welcome back to the shell. it is interesting to me. i cannot believe how much crs cost this day. in such a short timeframe, what you now pay for a car used to pay for a house. is it a good time now to buy a used car? >> you know, it is. both new and used car pricing remained very strong. the average car is going to set you back 30,000 dollars and they use one will be abot $21,000. what any dealer can tell you that over the last couple of years we have seen the strongest used car market we have seen over the last 10 or 20 years. it is part of the economy, it is tied to the fact that there has been a used car supply shortage, which is part of e significant cutback. used car prices are down about 2%. and now is abtter time.
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gerri: is it expected to get better? have you noticed? >> the best car prices are going to be towards the latter part of the summer months. gerri: let's talk about the cars that you think are a good deal used. starting with the honda accord lx. >> they just released a brand-new accord, setting the filter is on fire right now. they are looking for a great sale. a 2010 model is when he set you back about $15,000 overall. which is about $10,000 cheaper than a bnd-new model. with any honda, this thing is going to run for 150,000 miles pretty easily. a great deal for someone looking for a used car. gerri: let's talk about the
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nissan murano. >> a brand-new murano can set you back about dirty $5000 depending on the onfiguration. 2010 model is $35,000 from a 10 to $15,000 savings. about $20,000 for a 2010 user model. that is about a thousand dollars cheaper. a grea deal if you need me space. >> we have a tweet from somebody who articulated the view that i3 know i have. he says that i will never buy a new car, though i can well afford it. the cost of this is way too much. by a 2-year-old car with a warranty. >> we can did a great warranty. the car is going to last for a long time. how much of that car is valued and what goes away when you drive off the lot in a statement
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that the great philosophy to hold. as soon as you drive it off the lot, depending on the category, you're likelto lose anywhere from five to 15% of the value right out of the gate. luxury cars are worse than that. it is terrible. the one exception i would like to point out, if you are looking for a small car like a new civic, there are exceptions that e pried good. gerri: you also say that in some cases the difference between the price at of a used car new car is maybe 20 or 30 bucks a month. so it's not really that muh. when you take into consideration that it has better gas mileage, baby break even. >> that is exactly right. if you look at small cars, the ford focus, especially ince those models were just redesigned. those 1-year-old used models
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only when set you back about $20 per month, versus buying a new car. the financing is better on the new car, especially whe you consider fuel economy as he pointed out. oftentimes the new car is going to be barely more expensive. it might be about breaking even after fuel savings. >> what great analysis. thank you for coming on today. >> thank you for having me on. have a great holiday weekend. it is time for a look at stories on fox the s&p 500 along with t other major indexes posted their first native week since mid april. the last few days i've read have been lingering concern and that at is scaling back stimulus efforts. americans should find gas prices about the same as last year. the average price of gas was about $3.65 per gallon last year. prices are predicted to be lower
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after the holidays. everyone seems to want a piece of the online video provider hulu silverlake management made a separate bed, as did directv and guggenheim digital media. in a wedding dress for under $1. think about that. target is launching a new line of bridal gowns under $130. much cheaper than the average $1200. already has for wedding dresses, 10 bridesmaids dresses and some for your flower girl. those are the hot stories on fox later in the show, a wrapup of our privacy special. we will tell you how to keep your personal data safe from the doctor's office, pharmacy, and online. every parent worst nightmare, a trip to the zoo ending in tragedy as a little boy was mauled to death.
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visit the zoo's fall? our legal panel weighs in coming up my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. soow we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make yr business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us ththat you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investinbillions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above.
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we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. gerri: com
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gerri: perrsonal responsibility. a family is suing the pitsburgh zoo after their 2-year-old son was mauled to death by african wild dogs. the toddler was in the exhibit on the railing that his mother placed them on. do the parents have a case? here to weigh-in is our fox news legal analyst.
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do they have a case? >> they absolutely do because they have been warned by others. those who said this is dangerous. other employees say th is scary and dangerous. everyday moms and dads are putting thei kids up and someone is going to fall down. >> unfortunately for the parents and the child, it's a very terrible thing to happen. but the bottom line is this. you cannot have a zoo without regulations. to be in business, you have to meet all of ese regulation counts. you saw the movie we bought a zoo with matt damon. gerri: were they keeping a watch? were they doing anything illegal? >> there is a concept called contributory negligence. i'm for the parents coributed to this oblem by putting her over the railing.
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>> they knew or should have known about what was going to happen. this is a tragic story. at the end of theday, the mother puts the child on top of the railing, is not partly the mother's fall? >> one is the issue of negligence or contributory negligence. the other is if you're going to take a child and put them on top of the railing,. >> even if the mother put the child up there, which she did, and it was wrong and she should get less money because of that, there's a safety net there the child was bouncing on the safety net. if the net wasn't even properly maintained. >> that is going to be aissue in the case. the bottom line is that you cannot be in business and have a
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few operating unless it has been inspected and the sep needs the code. gerri: what an attorney is saying is that there was a dismal abysma emergency response. >> they saw this happening, and it was, what we do? >> this little kid fell from the railing into the snack. it was just orrible. they stood around, saying we don't know what to d. that again is negligence. they should've known. they should've had people responding to a tragedy like thishat they could have foreseen. >> these are issues of fact. honestly, there has to be a been a mechanism to deal with all these issues and dealing th emergencies. it is a government one facility. that means essentialessential ly that they are going to have an opportunity to take a deposition were hearing. >> why were there no criminal charges filed? what does that tell you about this case? >> it is negligence rather than criminal acts. you can't really say -- i mean,
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they had no safety net, butat this point, it is aa lower down statute that is negligence. >> the bottom line is that it could be like a criminal type of situation. involved. they want some $300,00 this is not going to make them whole. there's no wa. money is not the answer. >> if you look at earning potential and there is a ongful death case, who knows what it's going to be. it's very tough. i think the lawyers are dealing with it on behalf of he family. >> if there's one good thing that can come out of this, they get the money, and others look around and say we might want to fix this at the zoo so other kids don't die. >> i can gurantee you that they
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are looking already. >> you do not want that to happen. gerri: a tragic story. interesting conversation and a word of warning for pants out there. even if you think you are you're in a safe plac you might not be. coming up next, we are transitioning hard. is this a cheater golf putt? the latest move by the world of golf. and prvacy investigation conninues. what we have learned this week and weekeed how you can protect yourself going forward all stations comover to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one.
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standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the anet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers.
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♪ gerri: well, it is an issue we have been talking about all wee long, your private medical data exposed. everything about yourom your medical history, treatment, eve
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your shopping habits out there for the highest bidder. the founder of a patient's privacy rits tells us this week just how much money you're private data is going for. >> the most valuable informatio about shoe in the delays is anything about your mind or you body. for example, we know that socia security numbers can be bought for somewhere between $0.50 and $5 apiece, but anything about your health information goes fo sale on a scale of $14 to $55. some peopl want to use the information to sell products. that is one thing. the far more dangerous problem is these of this information by employers, banks, insurers, and others who can make decisions about us that will be humble to our jobs or futures.
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gerri: such an extensive method of tracking people for affirmation it figured out a teenage girl was pregnant befor her own father even knew. >> if he's a target to but our credit card or if you open a target e-mail and bring that into t store, they try and track to you are am what you have bought in the past and teacher because they want to know things like who is pregnan and in one case a father came into a store and talked to the manager and said, i'd understan what is going on. you're sending my daughter of these coupons for cribs and diapers andaby stuff. she's 18 years old. are you trying to encourage fair ? the manager was so apologetic. look, i'm sorry. i don't know what is happening. so embarrassed a couple of days i recall thesaid i want to apologize. a dad says, have become rescission with my daughter and it turns out to residents and activities we're not aware of in my household and she is due in august. gerri: can you imagine. of course insurers are jumping
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in the action. monitoring your credit cards to see if you are staying healthy. >> all other member nation we are giving them vontarily by signing upor things li corporate wellness programs where they will check things like how manyteps you will taken today and how oen you're going to the gym and they will put these monitors on your wrists to track the information. gerri: dangerous, even deadly consequences arrive whenthieves access to medical information. obamacare is poised to digite and medical records is only escalating destroying problematical identity theft. the director of the world privacy form tells us just how dangerous it is to storeeyour medical a information online. and the cofounder offered tips to keep your private aberration private. >> when you have additional medical file it is something that can be slen.
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it is like walking out of a hospital with assfew files. what they want to do is embarrass that the people and create fake bills for them that they can just like the money in this way they can make millions of dollars. the average game is $2 million up to one undermanned. >> even nastier insurance company, health insurance company for copy of the medical records. >> the activitiesof your accounts. you can see if everything check out as hav alrdy gone and add all those procedures done.
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let's get your credit report, make sure all the cows that are open. gerri: continue a.m. the case. private data next week. an extra shows resist studies his step by medical data on line . looking at the business of limousines. why i think it will stop cheaters and keep the game of school which is a positive next. thank you ville and wilbur... ...amea... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future...
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by clinging to t past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the bt experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're mang it. i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. t helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minut. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing betr. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchiti and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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gerri: golf traditional rejoice. this week both the united state golf association and the royal and agent to golf club agreed t have a ban against anchoring th putter, what i call that teache mother. to most of us it was an obvious decision, but it is not without blood back. here to weigh and, a form tour pro and my instructor , a fantastic. i want to have a conversation about these, and i want you to show was, for example, how thes guys do it. now the experts are saying that would be cheating. >> a couple of ways they are using it. the most prolific and one that we sizes to couple of weeks ago was the anch it against h chest, his sternum. his forearm stay close endangered, and this is stagnan and he simply instructs the bal
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and a natural pendulum, but -- gerri: here's the thing, if you're ranked rt against her natural body, is in that cheating? >> that is a stance that the fb -- that we are taking. looking athe stanc that they now 20 years after have been on the market and players have bee using them are saying, this is not adhering to the challenge o the game, that it should be a free-flowing. gerri: exactly. should be up against seven that is stable or not moving. however, i have to say, that is my view for the os. if you're like me, out there on the weekend, hitting the ball around, i could care less. >> and i think aslpga member, you know, we want people to enjoy the game. the really have to worry about this rule coming into affect on your everyday golf game? no. will your club and here to that rule?
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they made. i don't think that the average golfer will have to worry too much about it. gerri: numerous prices. so i don't even know how to hol it. >> that uld be the bel putter. both hands on the club. either that way or you can do i your traditional either way, bu right into your belly, literally , and you just kind of let the arms move a little bit. that way it is creating a very natural pendulum with a very static arm that is not moving. gerri: i find them sort of unwieldy. >> they are little different. now, i used the belly putter fo a little while and found it would help me roll the ball well . interestingly, lead simpson who won the u.s. open with a belly putter stated help him with his distance control, but interestingly none of the guys that have been winning with his putter statistically c cartop
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letters on to work. gerri: that is what you said, which makes me shocked. >> we had the debate saying, let's look this up. the best one on toward, number 19, ernie els, the next one is numberr32, jim clark. gerri: two is the best? >> tiger woods right now. but adams got wind from in the the hundreds down to the 60's. so, you know, are they getting great advantage because they wo a major and are not moving of the ranks and putting? we could have decided that it was the oppote. maybe it just shows that they're gulls striking is great because they put it well for the majors but until we see a greater percentage, i guess, really tipping the statistics i am not
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sure there is a greater vantage. i think it is allowed the putte who is -- one that lacks confidence, it gave them some confidence. gerri: it is all about what is between your ears. if you are nervous, if you cannot contr your emotions, that is what screws up. >> and that has been the other debate. want these guys to feel the real nurse of being on the 18 th hole and a major, having tough ffee flow of putting stroke. i can tell you. i have had this upntil my belly in the tournament. i was still shaky. i am not sure. gerri: the stock about that. you were on tou my friend. you know this. >> everything st working in a 66 %.
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you're up and down. you have to be a good putter. if this helps people putt well, so be it. gerri: you have opened my mind. i was a negative person, but no on not. thank you for coming on. grt to have you here. thank you jiggles mess. a big designer business. stay with us welcome to the new buffalo... where new york state is investing one billion dollars to attract and grow business.
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where companies like geico are investing in technology & finance. welcome to the state where cutting taxes for busine... is our business. wewelcome to the new buffalo. cutting taxes for busine... welcome to t new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. new york state is throng out the old rule book to give your business a new edge, the edge you can only get in new york state. to grow our start your business, visit
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gerri: coming up next, hygiene manufacturing facility
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♪ gerri: i am here in new york city in the workshop for making custom-fitted jeans here with scott morrison. the owner and entreeneur. you work for every major design house. >> i startedwhen i was 26. i came up for, at teeseven came up with a concept.
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that was great. a couple of shops here in new york really out that all proces came the flavor of love. it was basically near which fabrics. gerri: this is old-fashioned. one we have 78 to 80 different, constantly rotating them. >> pick through the different fabrics. offer three tes of services. the first level where the numbe
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of it's s not the buttons and t rivets. gerri: of business where people underprice see every single day. patty compete with that? >> we tried to impede on the idea that will make that most successful. restart with like anything else privatization. we tried said create the experience the customer will never get anywhere else and quite frankly is startssherend shop. the movie went to the back.
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gerri: i want to see the workshop. the actual place for the genes are made. >> three years ago this could have never been changed. al doing whenever they're doing. it becomes something whe people approach it the same way. for us in women's and and we're focused on a combination of mixed materials. one ofhe big things we're seeing is silhouettes against. we love a lot of stressed applications and mixin materials. we're also seeing trends in vintage denim come back for spring. cover shorts. women's jeans start at $195 retail. regular ready to wear jeans.
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that denim for men, $65 retail. th when you go into a custom-made gene you're looking at five and half to 750 depending upon the fabric and complexity. and then it's really a one time fee. so that process starts at 1200 a onetime charge. basically we make a pattern for you, digitize the pattern and keep it on file so when you wan to order something custom-made stead of our faiths you would order your own personal pattern. gerri: hopefully you don't gain any weight. >> cells that issue. a couple of different versions. washed black, one reims. this is the one rents which is just washed once. external wash.
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and then a vintage garment for women. all this fabc, this is probably o of my favorites. gerri: i want to try it. >> us do it. gerri: i will try these on. the jeans look great. boss and jeans. thank you so much. >> my ppeasure. thank you for coming in. it. gerri: made right here in the u.s. we will be right back with the answer our question of the day. ortchange consumers. my $0.2 more on your medical privacy and we have learned fro our week-long series of what is to come. don't go away. ♪ my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never ally thought i would make money doing what i love.
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[ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a ality. at we put the law on your side. the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create t future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. ♪ gerri: finally tonight, i know about our coverage this week on mecal privacy. information abou bes were a lot of money and companies
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wanted and are paying billions to get it. defrosters wanted to, and they are having an easier time getting it. medical records are especial vulnerable. so much of it is now electronic. the government's top officials say this week we have reached a tipping point. yesterday that goverent cited hundreds of companies for losin health records. also this week we told you stories of the minneapolis area that you found that his daughte was egnant after a target started sending promotions for baby clothes to their house. do something to protect yourself . we will talk more about that in the days and weekahead. in the meantime, more private some rights notices, you can us these to prevent companies from sharing, that is what the college, were, in truth, sellin your permission. that is my "2 cents more". coming up monday, our howdy you do that our from six t eastern. we answer all your pressing questions.
12:00 am
that's it for tonight on "the willis report". thank you for joining us. have a great holiday weekend. ♪n. that will do it. we will see you tomorrow. ♪ john: what do you know about gasoline? zero oil compaes? >> wait too much. john: i am told at the mall wil lp. >> a new heros rising. saving our future. john: it does increase smiling. >> you can add miles. john: a lot of myths. that is our show tonight. ♪ >> and now john stossel. [applause]


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