tv The Willis Report FOX Business May 29, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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neil: you can't -- i am saying we can address that, your concerns and these concerns. you can have your cake and eat it tto. we'll see how it goes tomorrow, good night. gerri: hello, everybody. i'm gerri willis. tonight on "the willis report", returning conventnal wisdom on its head with this question, which is of year, eating a cheeseburger or rng a marathon? also, password protectn. hackers just cracked even the strongest passwords. and we are going through the list of cars with the most safety complaints. where dyou rate? we are watching got tonight on "the willis report." ♪ gerri: our top story tonight
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challengg, well,t aut everything y know about your health. convtional wisdom is out the window as our next guest says too much exercise can be just as damagingo your health as eating a cheeseburger. no kidding. a senr editornd writer for the wall street journal drowning in now withis findings. thank you for coming onhe show. we were shocked b your story. how is it possible tt running a marathon, extreme exercis can be bad for you? >> as you know, the exercise momentas been under way for decades. it is knownhat exercise is a powerful medicine, mbe the most powerful medicine never foun, but unlike other medicis, we have nevever really asked continue overdose? is there such a thing as too much? so just tell research is emerging and it is controversy go, but this suggests that there is such a thing as an overdose. gerri: the list of things tt i@
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see here, starring of the heart muscle, arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat, multiple sclerosis. howdy your arteries deplod by too muchxercise? a just and understand? >> the house remains unknown and it remains speculative. one daughter is that exercise, why you are ercising, it causes inflation. information is known cause of heart disease. so if you are never aowing your muscles and your arteries to recover then proloed inflammation c lead to scarring on the corony artery. other theory is that cheeseburgers are to blame is that runners who are chronic mira bonheur's work of so many calories that they have long thought, i can eat wherer what so it may be that among our
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heaviest consumers of cheeseburgers are merits honors. gerri: there could be some confence of a trend the. theritish journal of editorial said running too fast, tooar, far too many years may impede one's progress toward the finish line of life. is tre a level of which too much running is dangerous? >> there are new mortality studies looking at runners versus non-runners. as you would expt, runners liveved seven years wonder. recently they started to parse the runners. what they find is thateyond about 30 miles per week it looks though they are dying at about the sam age. so there is thought that y go out whe you start exercising, reading these trendous benefits, but the more you get into it you can turn that curve and start headingack toward it working against the benefit. gerri: you know what i a
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thinking here. i don't have to run a marathon. ion't fl guilty about that anymore. can i just lay on the couch and take it eas >> thats exactly the interpretati that the medical profession is concerned about dhy they don't want a lot of attention drawn to this. a my own thought about it is thathen you get into the running community, ge into the triathlon community, there is a ntality that more is always better end kinof a peer presre to always do more. i think if you go out and run %-is, have you done a marathon. you treated as though u're not a real runner as if y you haven. for people who are doing is modestly, they don't have to feel likehere website they're nodoing iron man triathlons are marns'. gerri: it is addictive. th is the oth poi.
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people love a highly you g from the extreme exercise. the reality is some of these pele actuallyie from hea problems, correct? >> it is true. they do. at the same time, there a other reasons that pple do this. people d't cli mount everest for e heah benefits. completing an iron m is a tremendous challenge. while doing it, even if y are, you may b gning tremendous psychologicalenefit. you may b spending time doing something constructive as opposed to collier no -- gei: eating cheeseburgers, for >> a large association of people who are in recovery from addiction and endurance exercise. as a dictions go, if you' going to be addictive, this is
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probably one of the better things that you can do. gerri: like you're thinking. thank you for coming and then exposing this. a t of people are not talking about it. dressing story. nowe wt to know what you ink. which do youhink i healthier? marathons are cheeseburgers? log on to and vote on the right hand side of the screen. speaking of, look at my those cheeseburger. it looks really good. do y know how many calories? well, if you are one of a quarter of americans you're underestimatining ur fast food intake by at leaat 500 calories. and the options on thmenu could acally be even worse for you. joining me now, registed dietitian and creator of mom dishes it out. let's talk about this. whathe people so underestimate thr calories and? for me this wish will begin. >> a lot of people don't want to know. if they do thehey usually actuay
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are overestimating their calorie needs. just like these runners. people go too far. they are excessive. yet the think about adultss on averag they tend to underestimate 20%, and teams underestimattheir inte about 34%. gerri: what do you ascribe that to? we were just talkingbout this. th think oers contain 259 calories and it is actually 756. they have no ia. why are ty so ofhe loop? >> well, new york, connecticut with the calories are posted.@ a lotf people are not looking at the nutrition labels. they're looking at the nutrition fas to seeas something actually contains and ifhat information is there ist actually correct? there is really a minimal amount of mitoring to seef the true lories are corre on a food label or in restaurants even.
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gerri: everyone gets confused, and especially if you are eating out, you don't know what is in the food. you did not me it. you don't know what they p into it. you say that some of the things that are touted being healthier not. give me an exale. >> if u think subway you think that is a healthy option. their sandwiches are estimated at about 500 calories. some of the research recently has shown that the people there are eating aut a thousand calories. gerri: oh, boy. my favorite subway sandwich. i have it right here. a tuna fish sandwich wh a little lettuce, tomato, onion, swt peppers. i dot know f youuys can get that. this is what i order. it has provolone cheese, no mayo, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper. you like it or not? >> i don. it is in theuna. it is aeady in tre. it is betterf you me it home. yoknow you're putting into it,
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and you are feeding yourself 50% in terms of dollars. r. gerri: clearly stati calories because you don't put in as much stuff to make it taste good as these fast food restaurants to. >> portions at home are automaticay smaller and cheaper. you're making your portion smaller and saving about 50 percent of the dollars and 50 percent of the calories. gerri: adults a better figuring this out obamacare wl force all of these restaurants to put up their calories. already seeing it all over the country. ishat going to reall persuade peopledo the right thing? >> these are just showing that people don't know what to compare those numbers to. david says the sand which is 500 lories, whatoes that mean for me? is that half mind and take my quarter of my intake? they know -- they suld know what to do the whole day. gerri: if i am a woman i should be consuming 1800 to 23 under
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calories. man lot more. at a feeling at probay consu 3,000. >> and tha an estimate. it is not really for the individual. so you would need toead to actually find out what yr i ed. gerri: it could be very different. gerri: interesting. okay. during the break i will eat this. lo andee ourselves just how much people are underestimating their fast foo intake. here is a mcdonals big mac with the coca-cola and the ies. how many calories would you say that is? >> probably about 350 to 500. >> 1200. >> 10. >> 750. >> probably over thousands. >> that's right. gerri: likike half of your daily caloric intake right here. >> that's terrifying. >> really?
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it something to worry about, but as long as you go to the zimmer workout are taught to balanc out and shouldot be an issue. >> of the people no. it's convenient fast. >> another chocola person, coies or take. gerri: you eat it anywa >> i enjoy it. gerri:oming up in 45 minut we will bring you the top five most and least eight cities in america, and next turning comper safety on its head, hacksre now able to crack longer and longer passwords. wh can you doo keep your information safe? details after the break. ♪
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gerri: forget follow that aavice about choosing a good, saf password because a group of hike were just able to crack the ones we have been told to use, those long strings of combinations of numbers and letters. apparently that is not good enough anymore. these hackers were able to crack complex 16-character passwords in less than one hour. now what do you do? let's ask internet security expert john feel. how did they do this? >> you know, it kind of comes down to a 3-step proce. the first thing they do is cry the internet for these lists of real war breached passwords. kind of like a student at kids on finddng the key to the answer, the quiz. then thhy exploit ourad habits,hings like the fact that, you know, 90 plus percent
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of us use the same password across multiple websis. and finally,he apply massive computing power, computer technology. the study thatame out, they were doing 350 illion guesses per second on passwords. wh you have that kind of technology, it's easyo pick off that low hanging fruit. gerri: taking advantage of our big mistakes of our errors and thinking, obviously. i want to show folks the kind of pass was the cracking. take look at this one. a nonsensical strg of numrs and letters. they cracked this one pronto. here is another one. he lks likehe actor's name where the eyes were replaced with ones, ltle tweaking here and there. that got cracks. the final one is a day, but it s been changed a little bit, too. when you dig into this, what do you do about this? ammine, look, i have been telling people for years, you have to do some kind of combination of letters and
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numbers, upper case, , but if you're over eight to ten, you know, of these letters and numbers, you should be fine. it's just not true anymore. >> yh, what has happened is as the hackers have been more sophisticated, we have to get more sophisticated. for example, instead of just long, strong, and some specific d also need to be random. they have to be randomized. you don't want to have the first mother capitalized and memrs of the and college a lot o people d. at i recommend is password prection stware that randomly assigns it. even tracy byrnes with their -- 2830 characters for a long and it helps solve the problems. gerri: you mean i have to havee some kind of sauce for to tell me how to read the password? really? >> we, you know, the reality is,ou log int 100 different sitetes onverage. there's no possible way to keep them differently nap between god forbid if you have your facebook password the same as
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your bank or e-mail account, i take that ov in a a new. i can have a password reset and it all over. other suggestion i would like to tell you. it is called a 2-factor authentication. a big word for a 2-step log in. it is not that bad. gerri: this is more work for me. >> no. is not that bad. here's what you do. you s it u to the bank. you p in your password, which is long, strong, and varied. then they send you aext your phone with a code, and additional code and you have one minute tput that in, so it takes teefifteen is a nsmate -- of seconds, t what happens is they cannot just accurate passer becausehey don't so have control of yourself on, meaning that it is a lot harr for them to get in your account. a very elegant solutn from the business se d the individual side. gerri: long, strong, and varied. that is so we like our sswords. that's right. thank you for ming on. good to see you.
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>>lways a pleasure. enjoy our cheeseburge [laughter] gerri: oh, boy. sandra luck stoes on tonight. stocks slowing giving back uch of yesterday's gains. investors seemed suddenly to be fleeing high divend stocks which is what held kick off the rally at the end of last year. the dow is still on track to end higher for itsixth straight month. agreeing to pay $10 million in a federal settlement surrounding th puts public stock offering last year. theec said today that the penalty is the biggest ever imposed against an exchange. the nasdaq also had to pay $62 million in reimburseme after computer glitche since the ipo into chaos. and speaking of those, the company that owns the empire ste building is said step closer to going public. according to the sec, more than 80% o sharelders apove the plan to turn the company into a public real-estate iivestmt trust. the proposed public offering vaes the shares of more than $300,0 each.
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in china is getting ather piece of amecana, a chinese company has agreed to buy a company for more than four and a half billion. if approved smithfield'wod be the largest acquisition. shares of the lgest porr prucer jumped 28% on the news. those are some of the house stores right now on if he thought the government was saving money on the sequester, think again. next, we ar the questioion how do you do that? some must-year tips on avoiding moving compani games. therere plenty of them out there. don't goway. ♪
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♪ gerri: well, maybe is the months to move. in fact, now is the busiest time of year for americans to change their homes. with more moves comes more chances fce cameras to take adntage of you. county you keep our belongings an theoney saved? top marks -- tidemarks joins me with details. people might think, well, i would never get caught in anything like that, but the reality is, it is pretty easy to is gained in this category. why is that? >> you know, the better business bureau log more than 80 complaints against hoover's last year. it is one ofhe the areas where the is troubl. les face it, we don't do it a
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t. we're not really experienned, and it is easy for things to your right. the biggest problems are lowball estimates from road carriers. movers that pulled your belongings hostage until you pay thousands of dollars more and then there i lost, stolen, damaged goods and late deliveries. you know, these areeally serious problems of a lot of people run into. i mean, last y the massactts -- massachusetts and new jersey, complaints lodged against 25arriers in a sting operation that actuall the ty've done some of these companies were wanted by immigration and customs. a lot of bad characters out there, sadly, and we've done a lot of experience. gerri: o reason people get caught is whe you get to the conventional carriers that everyone seems to know a good thing "is lot of money. very expensive. people always looking for ways to cut that cost. you see you can keep yourself safe by doing a number of things
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starting by the recommendations. >> aolutely. it is complicated. an honest mover can disappoint you. yohave got to get an estimate. you have got to me sure you ave a inventory or y you take an inventory of everything that is being moved. take photos, videos describing the condition and do not rely on on-line ads but get recommendations from friends, family, reliable real-estatete agents, estates relsed three compies. here is a key, avoid movers that cannot areon't provi an address or licensing information. that is whether they have marched trucks, and no-printer, and use a mover that does have marked tracks. never hire a company that relies lely on of fall more ominous and 01 the requires large deposits. that is ba news. gerri: i want to go backo something you said earlier, talking about now you have to ma an ientory
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fo goodness sakes, inventory of evything in my house right next to go is to be writing him. >> common sense has to rule the day. you're talking aut valuable items, things that have not just sentimental value, but they have a monetary value. again, never pack things that are small valuables like jewelry and fe china or things tha can be small box the movers to take you fro state to state, there is more feder oversight and e laws are littleore strict. so that is one thing. anyroem is one that is best who fought befe itappens en later because no matter how right you are you will lose. gerri: he said it is harder the fight lat, what if you have that probl, get to the new house, open up the china and it's all broken.
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>> you kw, these things are bounto hapn. because some of the problems haveo do with -- you have ted absolutely did your -- kick your complaints in order. again, have it written down, have your documentation. there are federal agencies they you can contact. first off, let me put it this way, contact the mover immediately if you notice that atoms are damaged or missing. gerri: they often have a process of tryg t resolve. >> but did take forever. the mover should give you before and a opy of its procedures for handling complaints and ininiries, but reality is, you know, if you think he had been defrauded or tt the mover violated the law, you can contact the state attorney general. you can even get the police involved. lice never reltant to do that. gerri: it puts more preure on what he said the beginning, which is picking t rig rrier in the first place. a better jobhe duet that the more likely you are to have a
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posiiive experience. thank for coming on. grea job. good information. d i have been through a cross-country move myself. it is a lot to go through. thank you. >> my pleasure. gerri: coming up, we're looking out for you with more tips, this time on howo avoid jet lag. next, uncle sam furloughing workers to save money. so why aree paying them unemployment insurance? we will explain this orageous story next. ♪ ♪
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harris. thank you for joining a >> thank you for having me. gerri: i have experienced it. i just feel so tired. >> when you travel across two time zones pretty rapidlyy usually flying, you end up having jet lag. for many people it can be fatigue, cbs, some people even get stomach aches or even attention concentration problems gerri: i have heard all sorts o things to take care of this. is your favorite remedy? >> if you're going for less than three days try to stick back and tehran times on. even though yoyou might be somewhere else, really try to keep t time the same as you can. if you're there for more than three days you need to start adjusting. gerri: is there a difference if you're traveling east to west west the east. >> it is harder to fly easthan it i west. gerri: i was describing during
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the break. we went t an outdoor shoppers market. there were brightly colored flowers. it was a bright, sunny day. it really picked me up. and stimulation like that hp you? >> very much so. it depends on what te you are riving. if we tell people usually in the morning right when you arrive put on sunglasses for a while, but in the late morning early afternoon n you should really gt outside, get bright light, anything that you can. when you're traveling west, it is the opposite. it as much pride lead is you can in the morning and in the knowledge in the evening. gerri: confuse your body and tried to make it do what you want. what else can you do to overcome the jet lag? to me it is not a 1-day event. it can last for days. >> what happens is usually it is one day for every time some the you cross. if you're going six hours a can take some people upwards of six ys to adjust. gerri: that is your whole
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vacation. >> i know. it's crazy. q maximize the light exposure at the pror times and wh you get on a plane set your watch to the new time zone d then when you are there, that is what you ne to follow. if you are on the plane and it is time to sleep or you're going, sleep at that time. you're suppose to awake at that time be ake. gerri: everyone talks about melatonin. are you a bigeliever? >> it has had mixed results althoughe do use a lot for some people with j lag. you can use it usually about one orwo hours before going to bed and maybe a low dose, two to 3 milligrams, but there are interactions with search and educate -- medicions, as always check with your dr. gerri: can i take a sleeping pill? >> if you talk to your doctor, some people do use that if there really struggle with jet lag if they're traveling often it can be effective. gerri: very interesting. great stuff thank you for coming on. go information.
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now you know. well, now on to the stay in business history, 1942, being crosbyby, and john scott parker recoed white chrisas. your member that. that year crosbies recording spent 11 weeks on top of the billboard charts according to the guinness book of world records, listen t this , the version sung by bing crosby is the bestselling single of all time with estatee sales in excess of 50 million copies worldwide. however, the version that you here today is not theriginal 1942 recording. on march 18th 1947, crosby and the oer is reproduced the original recording session. the bestselling single in history was recorded b bing crosby today, may 29, 71 years ago. it is not t right time of the year. still to come, my "2 cents more," a we all complain about our cars. not enoh gas mileage or pick up. what about safety? elected the cars with the most
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safety complaints. stay with us. ♪ you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really matted... youuggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signure, every upgradedxperience comes fm listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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a welcome back to the show. always good to see you. let's talk about these complaints. what are they? >> well, all sorts of complaints come everything from power training to help your wheels and tires are performing. but these are people that are taking the time, going on to the website,he national highway and traffisafety administration website and logging their complaint. people are being very pactive about the type of complex that they're making about theirar. gerri: to the even know powertrain fro steering will? >> tt is the thing. think that a lot of people -- you're asking the consumer group, you know, let's face it, most ofs are not mechanics. categorizing these complaints. if you look at a lot of the raw data, few of them, actually quite a lot of them are mrcharacterized. gerri: as someone asked me would have to say ion't know. have the most safety complaints. toyota, number one, 23,000. chevy, 21,000. for 2000.
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is this because these are the big brands? >> these brands. they sell the most cars and if you recall aew years back had a little probm with unintended acceleration which caud a urry of complaints and still to this day at think you see some of those hors being a little bit more vigilant and vocal about writing and saying what is wrong wit their car. gerri: iant to drill down to some of the models year that really get a lf complaint jeep wrangr,ig complaints. why? >> well, if you look at the naturef the jeep wrangler vehicle, it is sething that goes off-road, supposedly. something that h a top that is a little dferent than most. and, often is quite flexible. can be prone to more problems than, say, someone who is drrving you basic midsized sedan. gerri: right. so the shopping center in back. for fusion. why? >> well, at the end of last year. so i think it would be e that we will probably see go off the
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mplete list of what it' like a lot of new vehicles, they hav technology and things that people are not familiar with sometimes when you're unfamiliar with sething, you tend to think it is not working right and it results in the complaint. rri: to be fair, this is not just consumers being cranky. sometimes they have litimate problems with cars and there are safety issues obviously with cars whether would not be a national traffic safety adnistration. >> the ford freestyle is something that is old, not even on the road anymore. i think that is something that has been definitely psed out, perhaps even had some problems in the past. camry, that is e of the best-selling vehicles on the road today. a lot of people will think that there is, you know, a problem with their car and also falls under the toyota umbrella which got a lot of publici from the unintended acceleratio issue. gerri: after all about that. thank you for coming on the
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show. greato see you again. >> great to see you. ank you. gerri: aricans in general are not a healthyunch, but some are more fit than others. that is tonight's top five. denver, colorado. the city has a high percentage of physilly active residence in the lower percentage with heart diseasend diabetes. and number four, san francisco. this does not surprise me. fewer people smoking, if you were obese people, and could be because of the hills you have declined just to get around the neighborhood. number three, portland, oregon. this northwesternetropolis has re acreser capita and more farmers mkets per capita than st other cities. number two, washington d.c. believe it or not, the nation's 3-martini lunches number two. who would have thought. the highest percentage of people who bike or walk to work is what they're up there. the number one fittest c city is minneapolis minnesota..3
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who would have thought that. the twin cities have more playgrounds per capita tn most cies and a higher level of physical education requirements. i think it is the snow shoveling. yes. the least eig city is san antonio, detroit, oklahoma city. we will be right back witmy "2 cents more" and the answer t our question of the day, whh is healthier, marathon's -- i go for cheeseburgers. yes. ♪ atd, whatever businessss you're in, that's the business we'rin with pmium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatev it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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things. too much of aood thing can damagen the long run. we asked the question online. 29% said maratn. finally tonight, we told you how hackers we easily able to break the ost complex passwords, the one we were assured were secure. apparently that is just not good enough aaymore. this group was abl to crack 16 character passrds in less than 60 minutes as our guest told us, we all ve to a better job of protecting elves. don't have t same password for different websites. i wonder how many of us don't follow en that simpletep. fortunately the hacking incident
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was just an exercise, exriment on h easy it can be done. the next time it can be for real and it can be for you. get a jumpstart on the bad guys. thank you for joining us. we will see you tomorrow. have a good night. lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. attorney general eric holder is trying to hold onto his job despite calls from both political parties fo the president to get rid of it. authorizing spying o and members of the national media, his role in the fast and frious gunrunning scandal leading to calls r his resignation and now top repuicans on the house judiciary committ have begun an investigation into wheth eric holder outright lied to the committee to a to go when he made this statement. spker with regard to the potential prosecution of the press, that
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