tv Cavuto FOX Business May 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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neil: heres how you know the %-there thinks that anybo hasone done anything bad. i am neil cavuto, how is this for hutzpah irs agencies were hitting upfan, conservati groups with long questionnaires and worse, it is all detailed in a lawsuit filed today that cims a lot of other stuff too. that raises a we here -- question here, doos anyone have a sense of a clue over there? is the irs so out of control that even under the harsh area of public spotlight, they are still busy, not so lightly
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stomping on the public. no wonder the house is holding more hearings on this stupidity, it is getting more stupid. but worse more sinnster. to jay picklo. this is remarkable, what have you discovered? >> well, you know everyime that white house made a statement or lois lerner gave her statements,e knew what they were saying was incorrect. when jay cney said this all stopped in march of 2010, i knew i received letter for one of our clients from irs, dated may 6, 2013, a very intrusive questionnaire, including copies curriculum utilized to mentor high school students to the constitution, and they listed the student that were menrred in this program. neil: but those students would beinors? >> all of them.
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also, 15 letters we received signed by lois lerner, including most aggressive. this narrative this irs put forward, ts was a couple of oath agencies, letter -- rogue agents, it letterhead, department of treasury, signed by a lawyer, agencies in california, and cincinnati, and dc. this was a coast-to-coast problem. goes way up the chain, lois lend, head of tax exempt, a huge responsibility. my first job out of law school, i was a trial lawyer for treasury. i have been down this roa i knew it was not rog agents. neil: you have to wonder either they are tone deaf or they don't give a damn, they are still pursuing this agenda, i don't know which i worse? >> i don't kno which is worse either, butter in scenario is
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good. we filed lawsuit in district court about an inch thick,ere i the ironn, we got fbi inveigating the irs. the irsan't remember what letters they sent out to whom. we went for a period in some of these cases, we never heard from the irs for 9 months, we would fill out responses to questionnaires to have those questions revoked to come up with a new series that were worse in previous ones, irs mismanagement is know understatent, y irs is institutionally incapable of regulating itself and the tax code that it is responsible for. and i think this issa top to bottom problem, we' sing the tip of the icebe, i -- ours is one lawsuit with 25laintiffs we're filingnother one nex week. neil: 25, there are 25 people
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who were agrieve in recent weeks ? >> yes. neil: wow. no missive put out by irs after this became a big deal, guys we have to sto this,ease and ssift, nothing like that going on in. >> not only that, did we receive that letter on may 6ut from anotother client a compliance audit letter. just came in last week, from another division of the irs saying we want you to voluntarily fill out an 8-page on-line questionnaire about yoor activities, this is an organization that is already tax exempt. to say that right hand does not know what the left-hand is doing is know understatement. neil: j, you are the brilliant lawyer, that is cupped doubling -- calle doubling down on stupid thank you very much. >> it is thank you. neil: all right, the long arm of the irss are not limited to
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reaches out to innocent folks, seeking out potential culprits in other countries like switzerland, irs is forcing banks there to give up information on rich americans holding accounts there, steve moore with more. >> well this andhink, an example of left-hand knowing what the rig hand of government is doingthis is related to the irs investigatns, what is happening here is that the treasury deparrmen since barack obama entered into office has made a high 54 or -- priority trying to clampdown on the offshore accounts, they have gotten an agreement from swiss banks to open the record and allow treasury department, and potentially irs to go into t the foreign bank accounts and find out how much money they have
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there. a lot of people, myself included, think this is an invasion of privacy, and higy trucive. neil: a lot off folks suspect, f you are keeping money in awiss bank account you must be hiding something, irs national will be, this is probably big money, mitt romney-time money, maybe doing nothingrong but they are clearly targeting a group they suspect they can squeeze. >> n question. they want toind out how much money is thisnese accounts, not causehey think that people have been cheating on their taxes but they are looking at ways --here isal sorts of leslation both iunited states and 94 countries -- other country to tax global transactionsthis is a wayo find out how much money is in these accounts all over the world. neil: you know, i if you are rit on this, stuff, i never doubt you, because you are brilliant. if you are right, and they are still going willy-nilly into the
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accounts of americans in feign countries. long after this dust up, then, far from being humbled. the irs is emboldened and cocky as hell? >> let me celebrate the two scandals in first instance, what the irs is doing is targeting groups on the right for litical reasons. in this instance, i think they are looking at finding ways to rae revenues this administration has big spending plans still, they are sho of revenues, this is why i said, this has been a priority for this white house since the day they came into offers t find how much money is abroad, i feel like say, let people repatriot the capital of u u.s. in a low x rate, that wold bridge a lot of
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-- bring a lot of money back and probably create jobs, they may go after the swissankers, they may then go to kaman islands, then per bermuda. >> steve, we have to ben top ths story, go to switzerland, go t go tokai man islands -- cayman islands and but muda, and report what he found out. >> i'll behere with you. neil: steve moore, thank you. >> dirty rotten pigs, how the lying, stealing, hacking chinese are buying up our pigs. ue. you know the immigtion bill is looking b when it is starting to make the healthare bill look good.
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neilil: you know china has been running the table now ty are buying our kiten taktable. they offered 5 billion for smithfie foods. craigmith said they may hack but do not assum the chinese are hacks, they kp doing this. what do we do, craig? >> we should squeal like pigs. hope it all goe away. you know i heard about this story, this morning it amazed me. think about it, one hhnd, the chinese have doubled their investment in american commanies, the smith field investment makes number 10 of t year, that is $10 billion, twice as much they spent last year. they now hav huge investment in american corporations, while a t the same time they are stealing information, working with other
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countries, hacking our pentagon computers, neil. i mean, here we have tom don land speak real tough, wre going to stop the cyber warfare. it is about time we get even steven deals, and donald trump is right abo this, we have to stop laying down a taking this theay we are taking it. neil: we keep taking i i always argue, it raised eyebrows, this is worse than taking over a defense concerns whose secrets are already stealing. but you takeover a food concern, under chinese hands, the same country that does not have a good track record i food, safety anded bad cat and dog food killing or pets, they do not inspire a lot of confidee, yesterday they will have control, if it goes through,
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over stuff we e. >> yeah, the food chain of all thinings, i remember when unocal deal went down, people were outraged. the ponch deal, you mess with people's moohoe park, you may have a problem on your hands, maybe just maybe, americans wiil step up and realize, look, there is nothing wrong, you know as x business there is nothing wrong with gd solid business deals, that make sense, land is a lot cheaper here, energy and reliabitiy of power in america better. the chinese have a invested interest. which, by the way, a chinese company that opens up in the new maet, gets 30% of their initial investmenfrom the chinese government. sovereign wlth over there has $2.5 trillions in it, they can if we sell them our energy, sell th our food chain, i mean if we srt with national parks,
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where do we stop? unless they stop stealing from this hand, and buying from this hand, somebody should tie their hands and get a good deal. neil: we're all aus on defense -- always on defense, and afraid china ill start pulling its money out or qui quit buys our . chinese is in the position it is, becausee buy a lot of their crap. we made them the gia they are, we don't realize that we both need each other. but we're always you be, in fear. >> you know how i feel about this lend me a million bucks, i'm at your mercy, lend me a billion bucks, you are at my mercy. the chinese have a lot more to lose if they get into the war ov the debt than we do, we need to start being businessmen, where are all of the businessmen. get a frid smith from federal express, let him get in
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negotiate these deals, get a donald trump to the table. let's get good deals for america, i don't have a problem with foreign companies buying ameran companies or visa verse abut they should be good solid dials that make sense for all american citizs and american corporations and the economy, not just for the chinese. neil: well put, i'm putting new charge of next negotiation >> i am in where do i go. i am going with you and steve to switzerland first. neil: there you go sdy the issues. craig smith in arizona thank you. >> thank you. neil: remember the health care bill stack i want you to picture a bigger stuff, a much bigger stack. you have a pretty goodea. the immigration bill, a bill old the immigration bill, a bill old smelly i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ o business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art.
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business takeheseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purche every day. oduce livery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and ea unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows now where's the snooze button?
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neil: here is what you know, the immigration bill is in trouble. which it takes up more pages than the health care bill. you remember that health care bill, the one that had to pass bere you could know what was in it even the biggest backers started regretting every page of it, not all of them but a big parts of them. the immigration bill coulde worse, with me now, david caahan, and kate. >> irony of this neil, i that the bill wasntended to streamline immigration pross, now we have an 844-page bill, turned into a thousand-plus page bill, the problems this has turned into a speci interest bonanza, 500 lobbyists are lining up to write the newew regulations,nd reap benefits
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from massive new spending, not to mention it will bankrupt already strained eitlement programs. neil: the is a a lothat we don't know this i do, i am wondering is whether this is telegraphing trouble. just the shear shy oft? >> its, and you know, i think one of the problem not necessarily tackles the issues that need to be addressed. in senate there is a small bill, referred to irred to irk . -- isquared. this is more high skilled lab la or, this is not being addssed in the bill, we have a huge not tackling some things that could be dealt with on a smaller scale. neil: i think there is attetempttation. i can -- temptation, i can understand how this happens, after bosn bombing, senator
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marco rubio said maybe we have to put provisions in. andhen they add-on top of that and on top of that. >> there are a lot of details to be worked out. taing about 11 million peoe, work authorization, border security, i'm surprised it is not 3,000 pages. neil: what happens with the thickness? what happens with health car they don't read it. >> you end up with court cases and problems later. neil: look at the healthcare bill now. >> or dodd-frank, two years, a lot of these rules are still being written, they were not written at the time. neil: we had a lot written at the time with hlthcare law, and now we're dis problems that even strongest a stride supporters are gaini shk. -- feigning shock.
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you and thaist it was spelled o. >> they realize how incredible it is, young people realize how their premis are skyrocketing, there are so many unforeseen consequences for us, we could not read it, but i think that is same problem n, why not, do this in a piecemeal you tha thol approach that will make the problem better instead of creates massive new problems which is the inclination of the administration, pretend you a fixing i huge problem. neil: i remember georg bush last president had this idea for a you know prescription drug plan under medicar that started out to be what was it about 180 billion-dollar, 400 page program, that turned out to multitrillion dollar you know just arc bis they were -- abys,
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they were adding pages and laws upon it. i juss think this is washington's way. >> it is washington. i dis's agreed with a lot of thing with bush administration, no child left behind, another massive bill, but another problem is we're empowering washington bureaucrats and not helps those 11 million people, we're creating triggers, hurdles and standards and fees, we'll see multiple agents oversees things. that is not dealing pot wel!! we problem. look at healthy care, we could chave changed tax code. neil: dave, i have to ask you, given the problems we discovered with irs. now irs playing a central role in healthcare, would you say, let's go slow here? >> i think what is realllly the
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big news here isw this immigration bell is now how long it is, but how much it keeps marching forward that gang of has hung together and jeff sessions did everything possible to blow up the bill wh 17 amendments which were ved down, think we're seeing is a real -- >> 19 to 5 oromething like at, do you think in this environment it would pass a full vote? >> we'll see. but. >> i know we'll see, but i don't think it will. >> aren't party is change -- the republican party h changed its tune. neil: but not all of them, kate, i think this is dead, stick a fork in it, more having to do with what happened with healthcare law and irs, sudden shift awayrom big government, people say,f thi is what it yields, count me out. >>nd i am concerned about how it will impact the economy and employers who are already suffering from healthcare, i
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think it dead in the house, i hope so. neil: do you agree with that? >> i think there is something skepticism now of what is going to happen. when you have a large numerous large agenciesverseeing something, as we deal with irs scanl and department of the justice, people are sayg we needo take a s back. neil: why condition they jus do this -- why can't they do it ke apple ds, with pamlet. >> they want too itll. you have a hundred senators with their own ideas. neil: tell me about it. we'll see you in a little bit. remember whenhey attacked this guy? remember him foraking rich, richer and poor, poofer poorer, ♪
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you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its threcleaning zones with dynamic power bristles rea between teeth with more brush movements toemove up to 100% more plaque an a regular manual brush. and even 76% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 50 ower brush. life opens up when you do.
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neil:hisne is a record, and happening under a democratic prident. this president. and you can find proof just shopping, high-end retailers they are booming. but so too low end stores, like family dolar. to former j.c. penney ceo on the kassem no matter who is in charge keeps growing. >> well you know, ihink it is
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unsetting, you look at you have a tough economy. then you raise the payroll tax, who does it hurt the most? it will be those under $100 thousand income. mass america is in 50,000, that person will lose a thousand dollars out of her disposable income that is all discretiory discretionary. she has been hurt, but taxes in general, as they went up and are going during this downturn, is not the best way to go when you have an economy that still, has not seen its way through. saying that. the fed, and bernanke must be given credit, without his efforts in quantitive easing, and lack of meaningful reforms whh govnment can't seem to gets it hands owe would be in a big, big hole. you have to thank him or the fact that housing market comg back.
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the stock market is coming back, the challenge is what is going to happen as we see inflation going. but that clearly has benefitted the upscale people. neil benefits both extres, if you think about it payroll taxes to 2 years. are forcing people to go even further downstream for walmart to family dollar, and upper income, seeeems unaffected by their higher taxes whether they went up to 39.6% from 45. and but they ar are stillwelly l i shoppin like it's 1999. >> it is too early to tell on upscale customer, a lot of people sold a lot of stocks just at the. neil: you think that is fueling it? >> i think some of that. but, you go from 35 to 39.6, then you got the obamacare package coming on top of, that and dividend tax and capital gains, that is going tourt
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that customer, sometime. as we're goes on and if the economy goes down, you see stock market drop, you will see that person affected. you look at walmart, and target all those bike stories areown, dollar store i going up, and that customer is dropping down out of walmart, and out of target. neil: you know, if you are in the mid range like you say walmart and target, they are getting squeezed. and any amount of change at j.c. penney going to change that macro reality, the big box stores will feel the heat for a while in. >>i think in my old haunt, if you will, j.c. penneys, today the one thihing you have to be able to deliver to customer, y have to be able to deliver value. i think that pennies got off course on that for last year and a half, i really, really, rail affected them, i can see how
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much value represents this customer, you lk at it, jmax and rosshey have done well, th give customers great value on grands and goods, but walmart, and target, think they will go to a problem stay in lose some of the bottom tee tier, walmart sll represents great valu long-term, they represent growth neil: allen if you don't mind indulging me something silly thises if you over the tea cetel th looked -- kettle that it looked a lot like the furor, i guess, i am picturing someone had a fewrinks, micked it with heavy medication, and sd, dude that kettle looks like hitle but nevertheless, j.c. penney pulled the kettle, i am thinking, man, this is nuts, what do you think? i think it is nuts, first o l, when i was a kideople saw things in the clouds i could never see them, i could not see
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hitler in this ad or this billboard, but someby else saw it, but i don't think i would respond to, that i must say, graves is a person designer this is a big dial for him, that puts a negative it, i could not see the image of hitler in that. neil: i take it you do not see virgin mar in the big mac that woman off eating. >> my mother thought i was less creative than i needed to be. neil: what do you think when a majoretailer does pull a tea kettle based on some people's issuspicion, they have your number in a way. you don't want to offen people but most rational people would conclude that kettle is not the furor. >> i would support your point of view on that. this is an overreaction, you know they have been hit by a lot of different courses, i think
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they probably over reacted. neil: they can't get out of their own way. retail environment right now, we talked about you on had will cash up with us. fed beens wind at everyone's back, lifting m market,s, sometimes i think, fed does not have to stop this even if they announce they cutback a little bit, to 65 billion, the you might just say, katy bar the door. just the hint he is taking punch bowl away will create a furor. >> you are right, you saw market drop last week, wn there was a hint. i believe, the -- bernankes probably one of the smartest guys out there despite a the fact a lot of people don't give him a lot of credit, i think he will be very judicous in the way he handles it if you see prices go up, that means that econo isoing better.
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i am not the expert on that kind engineering, but you have to take your let off this to him, our country has done better than the restf the wor, i have to put it in his camp, because government has done little to help, done very little in terms of changing policies that would be good for jobs, good for the working population, we reall ar suffering because we have a government that is not focsing on how to get businesses back in act to hire people andut peopleack on wk. nel: do you think the senate wl switch? >> i don't kw, thi it will be what voters say, sooner or later the people without jobs, and those with jobs, with no inme growth,h, you talk about people who seeing it are top, top -- >> i am talking about scan bal and whether they stick, and whether 2014 is shows in mierms ? >> i can answer that. i think that i can answer if you
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recurring for facebook. >> facebook was created t link the worldld together, we don care about business, but now you are a publiclyyheld company, you need ad revenue, now ts comes largely because of a protest from feminist groups, upset that facebook is not excising object alarcoobjectal content. >> they have a huge audience that facebook offer what does it say about facebook? >> you have to realize, advertisers are accountable to consumers, a lot of groups out there that are watching. they see advertisement on b pages. you talk about this. you also haveo remember facebook hast be accountable to advertisers it is tough,
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targeting people, and people are going from page to page, you never know what is on next page. >> what bothers he, now thin skin and over sensitive can we be, i have a daughter, i don't like some of the humor going on, but i don't not want to be i a country where we're going to outlaw that stuff, b 300 million people, they got 5,000 e-mails. >> a good point. >> a big reaction for a small thing. >> advertisers are hired to do the right thing, and put things in right spo, they are watched closely they get fired if they do the wrong thing. neil: all right do you that on i basis of a few goofballs, but this is me. issue two tablets win, by the end of the year they are expected to over take pc sales entirely, that is sooner than i though >> simpler, lighter and cheaper,
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average tablet almost 50% cheaper than a pc, and do basicall the same thing, if you go to restaurants, tablets, and hospitals, doctors they are ery where, pc has gone south. >> don't get it what kind of work are people doing in their offices on the tabletshat bothers me, we were told it was new computing in apple ads, now it is say replacement for the laptop. that is why best designer in the world, steve jobsreated it? there something wrong with it. they are not typing. neil: you can type on them. >> it is easy to walk aroond where a tablet, easy to use. neil: who knows, they are taking over for the time. issue three, thinkhat sell-off today was a trigger to something, rates are creeping up, not a lot but enough? >> i don't think this is anything to wore bi talked with
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a couple wealth advisors, they say don't worry, all right we see 10-year treasury go over 2 point 0%. in a yr, money is -- then yield on treasury falls, and interest rateoe back down. >> you are right, but i was in low ones, you are doubling not quite but, the jump alone portends something sinister, you don't buy it. >> i do not. neil: garey. >> interests are low, butarkkt have been used to cerin numbers, and srch -- a certain amount. printing of money, if that changes t the mark etz will market will creation, the most interest servetive areas, they are cratering they are headi down. neil: but they have tanked before? and to dnis a point, the fears we have on 10 year getting too
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higg, the fears people get hot and bothered. >> as soon as we have another crisis it goes way down, right gary? >> remember, somethi. e market has been rigged and manipulated by a trillion dollars a year printed money to buy up the bonds i think fed bought up over 70% in treasury issuance this last year, if that is stopped who is left to buy, if no one buy that means yields go up, then we see 3, and 4s, th watcher out. neil: i think this generation is so spoiled with the interest rates. >> yeah. neil: they tell me i got in too late, i got a 4 something, i am thhnking that is what wpay per day. we're were watching voke are testifyvolckertestify, he takesn area where it was 15%. he is bemoaning the whole thing. >> we keptt the boogeyman of up flake, there is an apocalypse
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that is going to happen it just has not yet. neil: and you kids better listen. all of yous. i want you to meet the boss who is not kidding and swears best way to get productive worker is to offer more time off to the workers. i am not only go tonterview this guy. i'm going to get a job from this guy [ kitt ] you know what's impressive? a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive... but feel alive. the c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-nz, through and through. see your authorized meedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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one. this z ceo figures you will be loyal as heck. they loyal worker is a relax worker to cyrus why he says that proofs in his company. good to have you. >>hank you. neil: they take advantage, and they don't take advantage of you. you. >> absolutely. we found that one way to attract grt people giving them empowerment over their lives, i found in my last job, h control, we found giving people the flexibility, y hire people that are mission-driven, and change health care and save lives, right kind of people who hard, the not take advantage of the system, they will be a more productive member of your tm. and they will be happier, have
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more empowerment it great. neil: do they take advantage of that time? >> we've been aroun for 6 years weaker have not had one issue -- we have not had one ue we h to talk to someone. neil what most time a worker took. >> i think we down track it, one of your mobile energies -- engieengineers took a month off. but they have to g their job done. neil: you don't let the willy-nilly lead without getting the job done. >> you need t make sure who is leaving, one of our values as a company, we' everyone to act as anwner neil: i have wondered where there is a double message here. in you offer this, you say i
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don't want you to take me up on this i will keep track of those who are. >> you know, i can guantee, we don't keep rack, it is selfish, i want to be in a company that i plan to be the company for the rest of my life, i liken to subway system, i took new york subway from so though soho to your office, you swipe your ca, it is open, compared to janese subway always open, you swipe your car, so many people are pushing you in. so many more people get through that sway, i want to build a subway like japese subway, it is open. if isa abused then it closes. neil: not a pleasant experience if you are the one being pushed. >> true,ut it is efficient. neil: do -- you have those periods. whether a big project or announcement, all hands on deck.
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have you this one engineer dude off for the month, do you say, you getack here? >> wead a couple of experiences like that. ne: do you fiber them? >> we me up to them. neil: what doou mean. >> look this is something we need to have done, this is why and whateverou paid for your vacation we pay you back, and y for anotherne, for you as well. we have not done that. neil: this is too nice for words, there mus be a awf under bell for this. >> we have great people, and building a great company. neil: you have an schmuck who trac advantage weever had a conversation about it. il: really. >> if you really, all about hiring. we spend so much time hiring. neil: every o of youn this control room would be a puff of smoke if we offered wn that gentlemen does? no. >> you know,areers we he a hundred open jobs,.
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neil: careful, careful. not getting any o them. a very nice idea, and very nice thing, goo comes of it. >> we're happy. neil: thank you, cyrus, and these guys are lining up, do have you any openings right now? whhn we come back attorney genera eric holder, holding to his job but not for lg. -oes it end really withh him gog? withhe spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double mis on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle
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[ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you wanto take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to getou there. call us. we can shoyou how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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investigating whether the attorney general lead under oath about this mess, srina shafer said if the white house wants to win, holder has to go? >> it is time, this is note the time tim we've seen him in middle of i scandal, sin 2009, insulling ameriian people, and sued state of arizona "fast and furious" this is one more thing in a litany of bad instances. i am afraid this is an attorney general who thinks that constution and bill of rights adopted in 1879 are still under considering. >> all right there is an notion that innocent until proven guilty. you say, what? >> well, i think onehing that is tells how serious this isor
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eric holder could bob goodlatte. congressman from virginia sent this very strongl worded litter saying -- letter saying your comments contradiction wa what we now know to be the tru, can you clarify them? this is serio, i think we're seeing, the house of cards falling down. i'm phy fascinated how the white house continues to defend him, defending holder's contradictory commen, saying he didn't mean he had never pursued a journalist. he said quote carly, he had never sout prosecution of a journalist. well, he did. high signed off this. -- he sigd on this aidg and abetting and coconspirateo. neil: that is grounds to s so lo. here is issue then.
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usually theay it works in washington, sort of blood fest is that blood of one served up is not often enough, if the attorney general goes they would be looking for someone else or up to the president? >> one question for the republican party is, just how much they want to push the scandals, you remember back after the elect, eric cantor gave that speech, making life work. was the title. connecting with ordinary americans about their concerns and showingow republicans care, and plan to improve life, we have not heard much. neil: well they got drupted by an administrationpying on americans and reporters, and another targeting all swaths of group. >> this is fascinating to average american. neil: 7 out of 10 in a cnnpoll say that irs ---@ >> you know,. neil: it does bother them.
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>> americans tune in to the scandals, but wn they go on and on, it becomes he said, she said. >> oh, my gosh. ne: wait. >>. congress is not dng thepy's people's work. congress has lest approval rating, ever! neil: that was the view of congress in '70s going aft nixon, only months into the hearings did they connection st that nade look like me. >> this is no watergate. neil: how do you know that? >> we're talking about fascinion othe american people, we're not talking about diveing the attention from the what people - we're tking about violatis o the constitution, of abuse of you oner, i think that american people are concerned about republican, oo just constitutional respecting
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elted officials. neilbut approval rating is low enough they risk mak it lower. >> it's always l. and president's approval rating is low, i agree with david that republans can over play their hand on this but important thing to rein in government. neil:: how about we multitask. can we follow the scandals and also do the people's bding by being on top of thhse evens, why is it all or nothing? i say this, when it is scaal time it is all scandal a of the time. >> if we're not following throug on these, we're allowing the -- >> follow through but follow through pau -- but make the tax code simplerut they can't do it. >> you are destroying our country. >> if you look at ha most americans are conceed about, number one issue is jobs and the
12:00 am
economy. neil: you can't -- i am saying we can address tha your concerns and these concerns. you can have your cakend eat it tto. we'll see how it goes girlfriens spending too much money. david: money with melissa francis is next. melissa: i'm melissa francis and here's what is "money" tonit. a deadly virus spreads. its killing more than half the people it infections. health officials call it a threat to the entire world. how much damage will it cause the global economy if it spreads even further? a revolutionary idea to lock in college tuition shun rates. texas has the big idea. they will tell you why other states should be taking note. who me moy tod, investors in one company that aren't just taking home the bacon. they m be rolling in it. can you fure out who it is? i have no idea. keep watching. even when they say it's not it is always about money.
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