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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  May 30, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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is are serious. they have not only change the rules of health care, but they have put opponents. >> if you like your doctor committee will be able to keep your doctor. you can keep your doctor. he will be able to kee your alth care plan. period. neil: that was just a lie. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. how abt your healthinsurance company dropping your health
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care? get ready, it is comin ousands if not millions of folks who buy their own health insurance. thiseems to have been the administration's attempt all along. th are easing the way for only one kind of coverage. uncle sam's coverage. that is what happens when you cover 30 million more americans and include those wi pre-existing conditions and kee kids on current policies longer. ras go higher. no one is happy about tis.
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health care is not telling because no one is buying. nevermind what kathleen sebelius is doi. it could be against the law. this thing is going against the public. unions are increasingly against this law because they are being taxed. democrats are running way because it risks thr reelection and now nan pelosi scrambled to put a tourniquet on these democratic turncoat. she issued 78pages of talking points of the benefits of health care. i think it is too late. it is heading in fever pitch. for insurance companies, hose
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insurance reforms areostly. it offsets costs by requiring every american to have health insurance are in millions of new paying customers. so insurers qution whether peltie forgiving. more than half other states have refused to implement this health care. the republica have blocked the extra funding. they say will all work once it begins in january. neil: to the democrats interests to just wit faith, rolling out the more onerous or expensive parts. >> it is. t the thing is that you strike
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adelicate allensworth had to strike a delicate balance. you beginnto acknowledge that part of the law do not work, then they feed evil taxpayers elsewhere. as these exchanges are not running ye they are walking a fine line, hoping that it will be ready to go genuinely. neil: rich edson in washington. thank you, sir. it really comes down to this health ce law and the guy who said he is a doctor. mitchell brooks is joing me now. i'm going to give credit to hurricane katrina. welcome to both of you. >> affordable healthca act, there's nothing r health care. what it is as the health care cost or the govnment wants to control cost him the best thing for them to do is to get out of it because we all know that this
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ntrols cost. what we are seeing play out now is the initial fear. but the obama adminiration's ending was not in control costs. what thewant is one p system. this disaster will lead the one pair system. neil: befo the show stard, we were chatting. the president might not ve broken any promises yet. he had a vey legalilistic way explaining iyou like your doctor and coverage, you c keep your plan. you can keep your doctor. what he did not think he would be paying through the nose for it. >> he did sahe would be able to keep it if you so choose. >> it is going hrough this system of health care. it is going to a government system for 70%, 65% of people who can't afford specialized insurance pocy or an insurance policy at all. and then the second one is those who will either not accept any insurance or those who by
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government decree must accept medicare but will assign micare slots to their schedule like american airlines assigns frequent flyer mils. neil: i know how that works out. if you pay up front, utility insurance or whatever. because we cananyone. >> basically you have up to an hour and a half to see a doctor. you ha to make a choice. do you want to have a drive-by visit for three to five miiutes an wait, or, a family, you don't pay attention and you can wait up to now an hour have. that is your choice. if you too on another three years and spend $1500 on it, but when you not pay for $500 for an
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orthopedic sureon? neil: now they are trying to stop the leaks. now we are going to put them in charge of a 49 diferent elements. at the very least, this has to slow the rollout, doesn't it? >> i doubt t. >> this administration is moving full speed ahead.3 they have won the reelection and they're going toove forward. >> they think that anything they delay would compromise the law itself. >> absolutely. but if you looat the average family income i have worked in what is happening in these facilities is that there is a new bureaucracy even if physicians -- you're looking at average physiciansho are looking at up to 20% dependency of their salary on obamacare. neil far from slowing the momeum for this thing, all of these questions, the 78 page
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nancy pelosi, whatever it is, this is allthere way of saying hat we have to rush even faster. >> this includes the officer of hhs who is in chge of the exchanges and we ask them how they felt it go. he said that we hope that it is not a good world experience. what we have here is the government rushing to do something. selena barnes was saying that althare will not be heard world experience. now, i'm not making the. this is a qut. and then to your point about hospitals, there is something going on in this country that republicans the public needs to be aware of. hospitals and insuranc companies are buying hysicians
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practices. now, when you havehe means of production and you buy from the actualple who produce and control the cost, and you turn them into an employee, it trust me, they're only going o work 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. and they are not going to work to the greatest extent of their pacity. and this is the danger. we are taking 200,000 entities and we are boiling them down to about 200 entities would the vernment wiss deal with. they are de facto monopolies in each city and area. you have very large hospital organizations here in new york city, yohave columbia-presbyterian and new york hospital. they have bought the doctors and physicians. they come close to the monopoly wars but don't go over the line. this is a consolidation of health care. neil: if you are a young man again -- even thoug yor a young man now -- which into the profsion? >> no, i would not. >> be one answer a lot of doctors say that.
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>> it is really disturbing is happening. all of america need to baware of it. >> these are not scare tactics. i want people to understand. we are not satanists -- t is not ur practice can be great. is is a country of 320 million people have a ife and gun club. those countries that are relatively peaceful -- they are being rationed to no etent. neil: octor, katrina, thank you both very much. anyway, when you are strongly requested to come to a meeting, do you rest the wath of the host can you do not? also, off the record or off his rocker? eric holder t merely holding on. and a reality check for the white house. many on the left are leaving and many democrats are complaining. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave ople a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have knownomeone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't cnged much is the official retirement a. ♪ the question is how do you make sure youave the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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neil: lots of news organizations talking about how leak investigations are done. some of e media refused to meet aboutit. kind of forfeing your right to gripe. the huffington post, fox news, all of these other news organizations sent their regrets. and now they are going to regret it? we have the former justice official with us. mark, it does sound i bo, we find it interesting that you are not goingto be ing. maybe i have read too much into it. maybe i have become so concerned that i worry. >> you know, it is more like the
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boyfriend that has been caught cheating by the girlfriend and then says, if you don't go out with me tonight, we are done. it is ludicrous. [laughter] neil: that is very dead. >> well, there is no secret. e press has had this sort of thing going on going back to the '90s. the justice department used to talk about it in saintly tones. as if it hadn't faen art. but honestly, this is a guy who has now been caught the train the press. the mainstream med. you would get in even louder outcry if it wasn't fox news. what you're getting now is finally the abused spouse who has finally said, it is public, we can't do it anymore. now they want to go forward. now you have the justice
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department and eric holder. neil: this whole thing happened because itas behind doors you are ing to compound this in and gripe. this is whathis whole thin was about. neil: what i find amazing. neilthey cannot be that emotionally constipated include clueless to think that this would be a good idea. >> they actually did because they have had this relationship with eric holder. th on the we believe thatey, we can turthem back. we can ge them to come back. i'm actually proud of the news
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organizations for ting like news organizations for oe in covering this. neil: ey suddenly want to talk abt this and have ideas on us, we will do so publicly. a little late to the party, but fine. what worries me is those that are going and what they hope to get out of it. is thisike you are in with eric holder, youroutput eric holder list here? >> ectly. this is the threat of withholding accs from here on out. if you don't come, you will regret it. you will not get the access to the department that you're used to. you really want to know about this. the things that they coul do to strengthen the system going forward. let me point going to ave an
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interesting history.3 we had adult. actually, i probably would've sent the prosecutor in the deputy attorney general and say, you need to talk to this guy because he embedded reporter is a riminal. is making the reported the target oo the investigation. it is absurd, it is ludicrous. they have lost that thereis no adult leadership. neil: there's notng of the fact that he clearly misrepresented what was first the case and what proved to be the case. but the ttom line is that he was not cnsistent. >> wheer or not he was willfully isleading with congress were somehow just forgot -- neil: come on, that is ke saying that i might have been an airing to that. >> we have gotten dozns of
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requests one was a really serious, almost life-and-deathtype of case. and it was very narrowly circumscribedd we certainly would never have contemplated saying that the reporterad committed a crime for doing their job. and then goo congress and not fess up to it. look, is is bad for the justicdepartment. it is bad for the moale. it is bad for the morale of the staff. it is also bad for the country. reporters are the last line of defense. there is just no doubt about it. they are the watchdogs of government it is almost that they are doubling down in the.
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neil: market, is always a pleasure. coming up next, e tea party coming up next, e tea party princess, chele bachmann is i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs me cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traling is easy with the venture card becau you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act.
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wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double mil you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! hat's in your wallet?
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neil: this man comes with ample backing and many in the tea party revere the guy. with michelle up and stepping out, he is the new tea party to lead the chhage. >> we are moving our process
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forward. we just took another step and we have a good bunch of people behind us. we are ready to ccess whathas been going on the last several years. >> it come at a time when a ot of democrats, they are all saying the same thing. we are pretty vulnerable here. is that the wind at your back when i. >> absolutely. obamacare, just like so many other statesike alaska, they have premium increases, most americans are very determined. neil: is that a big thing tha they are concerned with?
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they are all critically important. this is going to be an anchor as well. neil: to get to this, to challenge the income you actually have to get through the republican party. now, you have the lieutenant governor sniffing around for the same that. is it going to be arepeat of what he went through before? >> well, i have to tell you what repeat will be and that is the victory of the prmaries. this is much bigger than what was before. i wwuld say tht we are light years ahead of where we were before. so we are excited about this, the support we have seen so far, we know that that is going to
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there again in this next election in 2014. neil: what would your big issue be? >> it is obamacare. given the scandal at the irs, i ink americans are now more open to that thaeverbefore. there are critical monetary policies and states rights, and that is a fundamental design i am wondering if this is a perverseogic way, but crack down on ea partiers. >> it seemslike many of he tea partiers push back. they certainly include what the
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tea party has been saying. but you're absolutely y are absolutely right. that is going to be something that provide us additional support. neil: : we shall see. thank you, joe. in the meantime when nancy pelosi needs publicly health care, maybe it is the administration needs announcer: whe can an investor be a name and not a number? scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to somee who knows exactly w i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me.
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that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: scottrade- proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." [ male announc ] from the way the bristles move to the way they clean, once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never go back to a regular manl brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. d even 76% more aque than sonicare flexcare
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in hard to reach areas oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when you do.
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neil: well health care is flailing now dancing is doing retool, nancy pelosi a 78 page tool kit to help democrats build a better case for the law. we have vided these graphics to give you a sense of the drama. is this fix beyond repair? to presint's "bi buzz." robert wolf aays good having you, your guy is hurting here, his image is hurting his white house is hurting. scandal ago-go. >> i would sat say that just some hiccups here. neil: hiccups?
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neil let's talk about the economy. >> do you thinkhat is a good coin faith. >> quick good point, consumer confidence is up, manufacturing up, housing doing better, i am nervous in second half of the year, i think that sequester will impact the second half of the year. neil: epa is cutting back on the layoffs, the sequester did not have an impact. >> it has an impact. spoke with oscar gullsby. >> you could be waiting -- we have yet to see the impact. >> i think we'll get a slow up. and quantitative easing, i believe it will slowdown fourth quarter. >> but back to thecandals. a lot of business-types say, how
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couldoue so distant, most think that president was not direct involved but maybe he provided an atmosphere of being so hands off some gremlins got their hands for dirty. >> i was on the night the ap came out, and the irs, i was again the targeting the irs. neil: you said they should have targeted conservative individuals. >> i don't like the idea of targeting period. i think that there are rules you stick by the rules. neil: how do you think it happened? >> i think that you know, the whole thing of political giving hasot everyone out of control. on all sides. -- gotten out of control on all sides. i'm not sure. neil: here is my theory, i think sometimes we try to do what we thiik the boss would like. let's say in with president made
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no secre of the fact, that really became bain of his existence. and impetus for the pileens that maybe they thought, really, impress the big guy if i target the conservative groups. the big guy doesn't have to know. he doesn't have to order it. it is that it is done supposedly in his name. >> here isy view. im not sure i agree. i never gave to the superac either side, to me, whole idea. neil:id you give any money at all. >> i did. neil: limit. >> but nothing to the super pacs. ne: because g i latin america. >> my view is one. neil: you just gave to -- >> obama for america. noto priorities usa. neil: no super pacs. >> i don't like idea that a lot of money goes to negative
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campaigning. on either side. neil: other side is doing the same thing. >> on either side. neil: you got to counter it. >> for someone been in media with a bit of negative tie, it is best to accentuate the positive, but everyone comment pitching me, it stays anonymous, i don't believe anything stays anonymous. i would not ave liked to situation. eith side. neil: why do y think -- you had some success in business world, it seems more distant and aloof is not a fair word. the president is a smart guy. you don't get to be president being dumb guy. but so o of the loop, that i'm wondering. >> i would disagree. i am friends with him, iind him engaging. neil: how could you be oblivious to all of these departments doing all thi sff? >>hey are independent agencies. neil: i understandhat. >> idea he is lookingt what i happening in since for the irs
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-- i cincinnati for irs is ridiculous neil: what justice department thing while we keep investigating that should not trble. you have an administrion where the chief does not know a lot of say stuff going on. >> there are a thousand of these things that happen every day. neil: the fall of a governmt too big, too o of control. >> we're cutting back on government. neil: cutting back on government? like telng the guy who weighs 700-pounds he los 5, you are done. >> spending is down significantly. neil: as aercentage of gdp . >> yes. neil: you are notsing 680 billion deficits saying hurry acraft homhurray, home ru. >> no. neil:ou don't tnk that big government and how unwieldy it is contributed to this. >> i have been for streamline agencies, i i -- occ, and partf
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the fdic could go together, i like dodd-frank at 85 pages, but i still think we need to be regulated. i would like to find a better balance. neil: do you worry about the backlash this is yielding we're talk will to miller in alaska it prompted a backlash against government. >> i am concerned i am a pronent of national infrastructure bank. so, you know, on the flip side, i think fema has done a good job. neil: you have got to be kidding? >> wait, wther they came in during that severe storm, it was very nde where the money has gone to date, you can't -- >> i love you darlly but you are out on dearly but you are out to lunch to tha one. >> all right. neil: i kid you, robert, you are a good egg, and a good guy, but you should talk to the president aboutome of these basic
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issues, give him my best. >> i will everyone from fox. neil: robert, founder and ceo a good guy. faceok might be clien up its act, i want you to meet on-line type that is doubling down on dirty, but the site knows wt dirty, but the site knows wt it is, you ever won before copd...
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i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. butith copd making itard to breathe, i thought thse days might be over. so doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhar for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing betr. and that on! symbicort isor copd including chronic bronchiti and emphysema. it should not be tak more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tel your doctor if you have a heart condition
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or high blo pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung nction, starting within minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. tod, we're ready for whaver swims our way. ask your doctor aut symbicort. i got my first prescription fr call or cck to learn more. [ male aouncer ] if you n't afrd your mecatition, astrazeneca may be able to help. neil: nude, prude, if you don think skin is in. meet the site tt says be done with you, pinterest is going full throttle hefner. i know what they say about being mfortable in our own shoes, will this site succeed if pist
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advertisers insist this stuff like this because matter jonathan what do you think, delicious. >> it is a beautiful thing. matisse, michelangelo, they had great success features human body. that is what pinterest is doing, they are not allowing hard-core corner pornograph but images of human body is a win for them, and win foronsumers, it will be about the site itself. neil: you planned this out, i am going shirt less and disrupt neil's dinner it succee succe. ed that you, what you mak here is site embracing what it is. whether it commands advertising or some were stared away, in it
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honest to what it is. >> cues simon anda garfunkel song, keeping the customer satisfied. e most important thing for the viewers is if you get a job in america for a decent size companyr company, do not put nude pictures of yrself on the internet, they live tre forever, and your employer will not want to see them or give you a job, a tip. neil: really. >> we're talking about more like artistic you know pieces of art at feature human for and i think that is marketplace at work, some sites, will characr low this materiaa, others not. il: coverourself, gingerly with canollis is not going to cut it. >> what the heck is going on with japanese stocks, nikkei in
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full crrection me. todd, is the skinny on stocks over there that emperor has no clothes over there? >> i think you had a huge move up in the last 9 months in japanese stock market. you had new prime minister there trying to move their economy forwardfter two decades of subpar growth. you see, you had a huge move up, you had buyers pause. 1 the buyers tossed you had sellers -- pause you can sellers comen, does that mean rallye ieis japan is over or is ts pause that reflects that depends on what our fed does. d what happens in china. because china and the usa are very important markets for panese goods. neil: jonathan you worried ? >> i am, i own a lotf the japanese stocks and enjed some of the move, but what i have seen is not only as tod said a lot o great performance but a
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ge infx of money, a lot of public investors getting on board, this is a good idea to get off the train, if you wan to bet on asset i japan bet against japanese funds, a fund jbbs it goes up when japanese interest rates go up. neil: i'm trying to pay attention to what you are saying now your outfitoes not match what you are saying, i am fines it hard not to digress. >> and texas. motorola setting up shop there they like the heat, andig bugs, and tiny or virtually no taxes, a score for governo perry? >> and for texas. another 2000 jobs, created not in new jerersey, not in califora -- >> hey, hey, watcher new jersey. >> they are going to texas, if
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you want to create wealth that is how you start neil: todd. >> jonathan hit it on the head, in california state income tox tax over 10%, illinois high, and in texas zero. perfect place to have a business. >> all right, jonathan you stole the show, butadies, if you are watchingll of this edible. that's bad. that's really bad. >> go jathan. we leap to jonathan. we got justice department stoonsnooping on reporters, heah and human servicing brow beating companies for cash. companies for cash. now state departmen ignoring you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgradeexriences really mattered... ouuggested luxury car service instd of "strength training wi patrick willis."
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come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announc ] at visa signature, evy upgradxperience comes from listenin to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what card should be.
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neil: no documents to be had, after 9 months of the benghi attacks, white house ver much on dense still. not givin an inch. is this defiant, denial what i going to bring benghazi back to the front pages andast? we ask former special council to president clinton lanny davis. this adds fue to some fire, you were this morning on wor, you referred to you know eric holder going after james rosen as a coconspirate or a politicly brain dead move, do you think that moves or crackdowns we've seen have echoed that?
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>> if you d't mind my shameless pg of the crisis wh"crisistales." if you have bad fats you better -- facts you bter put the out early. they are going to come out, why fight when you know what is going to happen. neil: inflational security is a valid defense? >> it might be if they nt to litigate it in courts and lose in court of public opion. there is no way to win in the court of public opinion i there is a classified document that could give up lives, methods and techniques of course. but if chairman issa looks at that document, he will say no, i wn want that document, but they could show it to him, but ultimate fact i believe that
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benghazi documents, tking point vsions vindicate the whiteehouse, vindwai vindicate y susan rice. why not put those out yourself rather than waiting those months to let them dbble out. neil: benghazi issue notwithstanding, maybe a vy aloof predent. maybe for good reason, you are a lawyer, a darn good one, you know legal reaso why chief council might not tell the president that the irs is up to something, i understand that. but when thecandals back up ke planes at la garde la gardeas raise -- at laguardia is raises the question, how much did he know.
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>> you know mr. president this is coming, if the chief of staff knows, if your council knows you ought to know and have a heads up. for crisis manement purposes on the state epartment issue, i for the life of me don't understand what they a thinking. you can't resist a congressional subpoena unless you are willing to go to court, last party that went to court about being transparent was bush and cney administration, i think these documents help us, and if there is a legal the reason, sometimes political rsons have to trump legal reasons, when you are in an administration that should be about transparency, i pup sort president obama -- support presidt obama, the documents help him and nee to be put out. neil: let me ask you something about crisis and respog.
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youet in fntf them, i am wondering now if it is almost too late, anything you say now, for example irs thing going after the reporter thing that will lookn a variance with the facts that someone lied or misrepresented themselves, and then issue of people being truthful. now you have meetings with eric holder that are supposed to be off the record, this isow, pr out of conol. doou think? >> well, it has beenandled we from a public relations standpointbut the irony is that ihink that everyone is acted honorably, nobody i think that lied. they made mistakes. neil: but you don't know that? right? there was a time y you troughed bill clinton that -- that you trusted bill clinton that h d not have second wit sex with tht
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turns oute did. you said,n interview with don imass you can understand tt. but it is what it is, right. >>veryone has over that line butlavuto, still remembers it. i'm not going there other to say we all have human weaknesses, so did president clinton. neil: posture that, no one is lying here we don't know that, right? >> well i don't knonow that t i don't impute lying unless i know that, whereas people for partisan reasons use t lie word, they don't know that. what we do know as a fact. the cia drafted t first line of 12 versions of those talking points that first line said, that thettack was a spontaneous demonstration inspired by cairo. that vindicate the white house. neil: they folwed up with
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mentioni terror. and -- correct, they did delet rences to the al qaeda as possibly an element in those demonstrations, but that was done by the cia. and yet not putting the truth out right away, a lod them to be -- alled them to be suspected of deleting somebody for politicaleasons. neil: very good pain, lanny davis, tha you. neil: we interrupt this end of the world for everything is fine, mov move on world. with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unmited rewards for his smsmall business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' sll business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every y day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chickes testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male annouer ] get the spark business card from capital one and rn unlimited rewards.
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choose% cash back or double miles on every purchasevery day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our biness needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your busine? i need help selling a. [ male announcer ] from broadband web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions om at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we canhow you how at solions can help you do what you do... even bter. ♪
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neil well they were wrong, sequester doesn't kill, the economy doi fine, home sales are soaring, high-end and loewen low end storesre humming. what happened?
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i am still looking. okay, mercedes what is the deal? >> well, i think that president obama is learning to live with the sequestration cuts just as majorityf american people are, there was no immediate impact on the majority of the american people. he went out on his warning tour, where it would be immediate, and very severe impact we would see with the cuts, we have not seen it at the end we're seeing dc area sti booming, housing market doing very well. the unemployment rate here has been unchanged at about 5.9%. so, i think that you know, there maye some b of an impact but not enough for him to have put forward when he decided a warning t tt you know sky was going to fall, we wld have huge falles. >> so hap to hear that you think that obam administration
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is doing a good job with the economy. neil: to our regular viewer, i have been talking about real estate. off the mat is not the same as f to the races. >> thank you. i will also say -- neil: it is better. >> good that is -- >> sequestration notwhstanding. >> we' make progress with you. that is goo. neil: c we make i colder in here for her, always whining about how cold it is. maybe see if we can get if snowing. >> we'll see, with the sequestration,heic if es have ifeffects have not been felt. irsalehing off. neil: the compensate fo16,000 new agents theyre bringing in. >> you know they are trying to hire 27,000 people right now, a quarter of them will makeover
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$100 thousand a year. the federal government, is not getting rid of the abuse, waste or fat bureaucracy. neil: in washington d.c. the hiring has gone up. >> unbelieveable, i am amall business owner, know small busiss owners whoave to put people on furlough it is painful. we have to be able it survive government is not looking at it that way, we're in an economic crisis. neil: maybe the government doosn't have to present or worry about it to get to julie's point, mers merit puts them in a -- mercedes, it puts them in a bit of a box. if we say sequestration is all doom and gloom it not. but, both sides can win out. >> right preside has cnged his rhetoric, he spoke about the sequestration in 4 speeches in
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last month, more about fightg off foolish cuts, his approach has been so irresponsible. he needs to be -- >> spending has gone down, rig right? >> i think sequestration had the agen be able to review and prioritize. neil: well, yeah, but just a spit in the ocean. >> it is. neil: right? >> without raising taxes. >> i understand. >> deficit down, economy is doing much better. sequestration, i'm hope ago. neil: you are saying? >> i am saying, i am hopeful you are right, but i'm worried you e not. neil: craig, ihink this emboltens people there is no risk to be had withutting spending. >> neil, we need to cut deeper. and. neil: igree. >> i want to cut the air-nditioning in here. neil: i want to cut you off
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future appearance on the show. >> over in! neil: julie thank you, your final appearance memorable, mercedes y you canome back, and craiome back, that is is it here, see you tomorrow >> where i it? winning streak on wall street goes on, and where is the austerity? let's bring economist frifdrich hey yeckack in the mix. >> what is austerity anyway? >> i do not know. >> i have no


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