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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  May 31, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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welcome, everybody, i am neil cavuto. positive ratings are at 48% and it is real startling in that same poll. it probably goes in line ith two out of three americans who now have a negative view of the irs. knowing all of that, would you
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do that? would you use the privacy laws to justify not turning over information to congressional investigators? it is true. these preventions meaning to prevent the disclosures of taxpayer information. two dozen times, essentially stopping lawmakers inquiries. the same institution that stopped over scores of individuals with reckless abandon now clings to the very privacy laws that clrly abused. amazing. the irs just promoted ahead of that cincinnati office where all this nonsense went down in the first place. these guys wonder why their approval numbers are diving. those are the men that are beginning to die as well. as and home offic part of the market. they sayhat markets the
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markets are down. this thing is out of control. we makof it? >> it goes way beyond that. we are talking about conservative groups and i think that the problem with the irs is much more eeply ingrain in what is happening in the world. you and i have had conversations over the years. i think about a year ago telling you that in my working ofthe job creators alliance, we are trying to get business people together anyone who is basically a lobbyist could have as many as a thousand employees. those people who are running businesses, they are significant. let's say that i have 500 employees and i go to them and say, what do you think about the job allice. they think a great idea, it's a
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wonderful idea. but i have to be very hnest. i say, who going to get you? and you know, the governmen i have never in my experience -- and i have been around for a long tme, i have never een business people afraid of their government efore. neil: you were a big prominent democrat. right onto this administraion. think that anybody who speaks out fr her, you go out and speak out about the cost of3 obamacare. if you tell the truth, they have all said the following to me. we are not hiring full-time employees. we are hiring employees.
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i say why, and they say you know why. okay now, that is paranoia. they are prey to the irs, they are raid content afraid of epa and it all comes from big government and it all comes from, you know, the pressures that are beingrought on them politically. so i think it is a scary situation. i hope congress stays on it. i hope that ty do not back off terry because this is a gret problem for all of america. neil: i have to say, that it does not seem to be thwarting our efforts. as you know, they were doing this rafting of consvatives which was a couple of weeks ago.
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my question is this is if you are seeing these poll numbers that show seven out of 10 people thk that special prosecutor should blooking into thiss3 matter, or that two out of three americans just have a negative view of it noe of that appears to be sinking in. if anything, it is emboldening them. >> well, if you feel as though you are immune fromutside pressure, by the way, these are all in ways of the government. it is very diffilt toire them. you say that we should fire them. but the truth is that that is not an easy prcess. neil: i know, you are righ. >> so i do not think that -- i don't think this is going to go away. neil: what would chnge it? obviously a public upoar is on thing. invariably a president of the
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administration is always kicking and screaming when it comes to special prosecutors for anything. but they usually give anyone a heads a fever pitch. just today they were aying no special prosecutor, we have this on our own, saying that you have nothing to worry about. neverthess this is the attitude that we have and they are not going to bnd. the event? >> i think it will end. if the congress can keep going after them. we have the ability to make those kind of decisions and it didn't happen. the only way to congress is going to find out is by takin us. and i don't know, th first amendment is a very serious amendment. especially when you're on a
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public payroll. that is really serious. it is up to the congress. if they let it die awa, it will die away. and if it dies away, it will embolden those people whodo this mischief. they will feelthat they are more able to get away with things. neil: i'm sorry to jump on you it like this, but can i get you perspective is a pretty good business right? gets back to sort of something more stylistic here. that is the president's defense, largely, that he was out of the loop in benghazi and what is going on. he's out of the loop by thee ir.
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so can you really be in the loop, or does it say something about the style breeds this type of activity and should make us worry? >> let me give you my opinion. and this is onlymy personal opinion. when he knew that they were going to get obama and ben bradlee, where was he? i mean, this is a very serious matter and we have four people kill. it is a very serious matter. it is an international incident and how does he say he doesn't know what happened? if that is the case, then this doesn't speak well for the president of united states. i don't know of another president, and i can go back to clinton, i can go back to bush. you know, you want to go back to
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whoever you want to go back here. they wld not be wearing somethinlike that happening. not understanding until five days later what happened this is on foreign soil, these are american citizens that got killed the only reason that the american people are not up because outside of fox and "the wall street journal", no one really knows about it. neil: he knew at the very least. so much we don'tnow.
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>> what about the cretary of state? do you think that she would be totally aware of a? wh does it matter? it is all over? to me it smells pretty bad even if you are a simpleton, i am a warner von braun. newsflash, i am not. always gooto seeou come and. >> take care of yourself. neil: burnie markets. one of the nicest guys n corporate america. meanwhile, rax, everybody. here he comes to save the day. the president said to do some pressure on student loans. chuck hagel. he is tough, they are rough. meet the former wrestlers who
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say it is time to stop this china syndrome. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your siness? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> if congress doesn't act by july 1, federal loan rates are set to double. that means that the average student will wrap up an additional $1000 in debt. it is like a thousand dollar tax hike. neil: that alarm you heard in the background is that it's happening. the president wants to give kids a break to prevent those things. i wanted to step back and fathom what is going on here. we are talking about student loan rates from jumping to 6.8%. that is historically low by anyone's standard. ofourse by comparison to the unreal low of 3.4% that students are enjoying now, it is really a big jimmy carter-ish. should the government be
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artificially keeping student loan rates ridiculouy low to hide the reaty that this is unreal. oelrich liz macdonald. i understand that students want a part of it. but i just think it is crazy. >> yes, we do want to help o students. are examining this because it is so scary and risky to our economy that could destabilize our economy. wh you have student loan debt, you have subprime borrowers walking ay from their loans. you have to save, what have we
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done to her students do not have a good market for these student loan. >> have we aided and abetted basically the college university system that basically is operating like a hotel empie. that is to have amenities, to have great cafeterias, expensive gin. the students are paying tuition for this and they real can't afford it. neil: i like that you know, one could argue, it would always be a shock to student seeing rates doubled. but at what point do we get back to natural market rates? obviously those rates were much higher. especially when i was in school. the student discount rates -- they were based on a free-market type of florida -- system. by the way, i would apply the same critics consider the fed
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realistilly, you know, having missed you at the realist level that is not realisti >> the problem is the whole stem. we have this national id system where the government controls the rate. my problem is that the government make 336 cents on every dollar it runs out. so thehave this interest rate that tey set and they are the only benefactors from it. it is not like the interest rate isontrolled in this way. that is the problem. the government is setting students up to fail by tling them they should go to college. taki out 50 grand in debt, it doesn't matterhat a major in. we actually need to get students to think about what they they're going to major in, how it will procure them to succeed. maki them consider how much and once what they are taking out. th is somethingthat the system -- there is no restriction, there no reening
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as to how many loans you can take out and how much you can take out the. neil: my bigger issue with this is the easier you make it to provide funding for kids who might sorely need that funding -- i don't dismiss that. the more you make it easierfor the institutions themselves to keep raising the prices because they say well, they e getting more loan money or cheaper loan money, we are going to keep jacking up this tuition and room and board fees and all the rest. >> this is onof the instances were completely agree with your thesis the ones we have a thunderbolt? [laughter] >> i know how much that disappoints you. having this day that, i would like tdisagree a little bit. i agree with the president that we have set up this horrible system and we should not double the rates with the stroke of the pen. that is not good policy. furthermore, the president should be using his bully pulpit
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to address the kinds of issues that liz macnald was talking about. i think that she is right. the costs have gone out of corol. they are not always about education. this is omething of where we could use leadership on. we are not going to get it from the academic institutions. he don't care. they are making their money. so i think that we only get to focus at times. the government should help students with student loans. again, i agree with you. not ridiculously artificially low rates because that is no sustainable. neil: the whole system is weaned off the government. >> yes, the federal government took over in 2010. direct lenders by the u.s. department of education. when you have t u.s. academic system, when it is built on the nonprofit system, you have to say to yourself, they have a pretty sweet over there. adam is right.
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900 grand for the dean of the harvard law school. holy cow. so you havto say to yourself, if they -- there are a lot of fatcat academics. i would say reduce their tax exempt status to make them more marketable. >> i was going to say the same thing. we should have a policy conversation about that. i'm might solve some f the problems. exactly, that the problem. the lenders use to be attack on higher education. they wouldn't give you one if you're going to go to a battle that would allow you to geta job and pay it off your that is a problem that we are having. what higher education is doing is that sense that naturalizationappened, college tuition has run up 25%. the average average graduating
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student loan debt has gone up 20%. colleges are just running rampant. neil: were as close as we have ever been n any issue together. so it is a moment. when we come back, chuck hagel. this i have to the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be gar's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airle anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you cancty use, you never miss the fun. bea growing conte and go! ♪ win! what'in your wallet?
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of defense kicking up some dust. chinese officials with cybersecurity this weekend. john label sys get ready for e attacks to continue their attack.
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he can't pin these knuckleheads. but alas, he is here to offer his destined area. how do we get back on offense? >> i think a lot of people don't understand it. we protect all of the routes around the world to go through china. it's a fine line. neil: how do you draw a the fine line of sabotage. we have to tl them to knock this stuff up. neil: you sa not nough, but
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what you do? there have to be consequences for actions. if my father told me something as a kid, you know, there is none of that what we do? >> we don't want to get into a trade war with them. what happens is we went through this with airbuses as the well. neil: bill clinton had the same apapproach. it goes backo jimmy carter, ronaldregan, you better stop this routine, china has gotten richer and richer and more powerful.
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>> hit them where they are the most formidab. take that away from them. tell them that they are not going to allow this that is what has to be done with sanctions. if you have to do it to protect our company and our interests, by all means, put that on the table that sanctions are an option they need us more than we need the we can go after them if we oose to. neil: all right, we shall see. the other option is for them to get in the ring and put this thing to rest. it is always good seeing you. thank you very much. >> it is great to see you. neil: no special prosecutr.
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neil: all right, right wing nut jobs going after eric holder. the respectedrofessornd legal scholar. when george washington university professor jonathan turley writes that it's time to fire eric older, dare i say it cross examination on the right and the left. to the good professor monty
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thinks the attorney general has overs that end not so much dereliction of duty, but losing credibility on duty. explain why you have to go. >>oth have a lack of judgment. this is not his first scandal. several have you'd eric holder is a bit of a menace when it comes to basic rights. he was a guy who defended the policy of presdent obama. the media overlooks things for the protection of liberty. but you did hear what the administration did here. what they did was have a
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comprehensive attack on the free press. their defense raises even greater concerns about the mmitment of first amendment values. they have argued that as long as they don't prosecute someone like james rosen, it is rely not a right repressed. which is really bizarre. we have a fourth amendment that protects against unlawfuu searches. it doesn't mean that th haven't invaded their ivacy or violated the fourth amendment. what is most disturbing here is r people to once again be part of this administration. eric holder should go. i do not know what is worse. the fact that he knew nothing about this or if he or something. either way, he i damaged goods. he doesn't service administration as well as he could.
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neil: we are all for protecting americans and their rights and their lives. if thissomehow gets mixed up in the sauce, understand what we were doing. >> every official who has been accused of wrongdoing says that they have the best motives. no one disagrees that the leaking of classified information is a crime. the prior administration has focused their efforts on finding the leaker is. @%is administration has had a scorched-earth policy with regard to features and whistleblowers, this president has prosecuted twice for number people under the espionage act and all prior presidents put together. but to prsue people like james rosen is eally beyond that.
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it is not a closed question. th is where you don't go. you do not threaten journalists. you doot see information on these sources. >> i'm just wondering about the legal inflection point. the thing is it is rossly out of place for libertarians in regards to free press. the justice department should not be in charge of this vestigation. i'm a big supporter of independent counsels for that
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reason. steve we are going to have a secret off the record meeting on this. >> what is also weird isthat first of all, he came in and there was in this roll up your sleeves meeting. he said what he was planning to do. one pern asked him questions. this case, he has been accused f this and he personally signed off on what was it directors of on the fe press. that is the reason that i think the this meeting was a lite bit more. to give cover for themselves and the prsident.
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at some point we had to put away our potical division and stand with the constitution. including things that are vitally important. neil: we have the liberals who have often ionized air. you have a call. neil: sometimes when they are standing in line for hours. you better get something looking at that line. better get a few of them. ♪ this is the tempur-pedic innovation lab.
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neil: use a doughnut. just carpet down. what the hec in the big apple, this eatery that features be filled donuts has folks coming out of the woodwork. again, t $5 a pop. e very thing that wendy's is rolling out is a pretzel cheeseburger. fast food making fast work of the fast food police. we have gary smith. very thin folks. all right. they always forget to pieces and they have some work to do. >> exactly. the fast food folks or the
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critics. >> this is what i love about the story here. capitalism at its finest. they are saying forget about conventional wisdom, f about this. we are going to give people what they really want, and honestly hope to make money. i applaud them for it or neil: keth, what you make of this? i am in the wrong business. five-dollar donuts, $7 for coffee. the one part of their goal is to police the ov-the-top stuff. >> with jerry' point, this s
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the quintessential example of the reedmarket. i think it is a great idea. >> windows aides, still great. itas been way overstated and way over done. it was more than 100 million unit sold. you agree that, keith? >> i do not know. i go back and forth. i just about threw mine out t window this morning becausi codn't find a portion of it. but u know, if it is working and it's selling, great. more power to them. >> i guess that i really caught on fire.
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>> i think that it is a great number. 100 million of anything is fantastic area i thin the bigger issue is how the mi the left leaning media is protecting us. if you are in microsoft, ibm, gone for good exxon mobil, you have no good news. that is what i think the bigger story is. >> according to a new survey, being arried have more money. gary, were you surprised by that? >> i am not surprised. but i guess in looking back over
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my marriage, 25 yars strong, i guess, i guess maybe you do have to work a little bit harder to maintain a successful marriage and make a lot of money. so i guess it was suprising, but in looking at a little bit deeper, maybe not so shocking. neil: when i ran into this survey was as if it was a choice, either marriage or money . i think that we understate the importae of what the right partnener can bring. and the longevity and the access that comes withthat. >> i would agree and i think there's something else in th study that caughh my attention. when you are older, it didn't matter. so we don't know and we don't care.
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but either way, i think that marriage is good and i was very ppy to see that. i think money still matters. you know, so i'm thinking about this. >> of course it does. we have to support the marriage, children, whatever comes with that. having a successful partner, i think is a premium that cieties need agency returned remark all right, guys, thank you both so much. >> a state worker caught napping on the jobless job was bad. it gets worse. what do until you hear about another one suing the government to prove he was fudging his with the spark miles car from cital one, bjorn earns limited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every da producdelivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward
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neil: let me be brief, this is not. i have two very great lawyers trying to make sense of this. you know, sh says that he might have a case ere. they have argued that in 2009 the police need to go to judge and have probable cause before they can pl this kind of tracking device on someone's property. in this case we are talking about thi.
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neil: would he be suing for damages? would he make of that? >> the other guesstimate guest made a great point. this isn't a criminal case. let's just stop by for a second and understood this guys doing. he is basically stealing money. neil: so paying for hi job, you know, that is what we are talking about. >> yes, that is not the only thing. this isn't a criminal case. you know, it public employers
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can search ther employees. there is a limited one exceptio all they need is reasonable suspicion. >> most of these states don't have the work requirements like new york does. the law says that the search without a warrant needs to be reasonable and unreasonable in scope area th new york civil liberties have talked about this. the is nothing reasonable about the government putting a tracking device on somne. we are not talking about this. and then for 30 days, even a weeklong vacation out-of-state.
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neil: we discovered this in the course of doing this. >> i accept that other guest made a distinction there. there is no precedent for what she is going. and in the, just don't agree. you know, i get that. but he was using his private car, sing that i am going to tell you that they had other
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ways to prove that he still this money. >> it was eight we were nto taxpayers. >> i think iis more daerous to society a taxpayers. no judge would say that there is probable cause. >> that means that they fire them. they don't have this down. they don't trak people 24 hours a day. neil: okay, he stole the donuts from the 5-dollar store. okayit is one thing when an
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angry congressman says the president is hiding something. but when a former vice president of the united states says that, of the united states says that, game changer i want to make ings more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more ses. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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try align. it's theumber one ge recommended probiotic
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that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align. ne: the former vice president just pointed his finger at this president. when an quayle fixes the white house and sometng really doesn't add up, just listen. >> ignorance will be his defense. that is the way it is, and who can blame it. out of the lo on all of us. neilil: ewart is out of the loop on things. >> you're not out of the loop. you knoo what is going on.
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let's talk toiz claman. >> former vice president said it was really interesting. because now we have e irs commissioner, former irs commissioner. he's visiting the white hou, i am not saying that he didn't make all of those 157 visits. but the point being thht it was right at the time when obamacare s being hotly opposed by the tea party. the house was set to turn over to republican leadership in 2010. if the president here is saying that i have nothing to do with the targeting of tax-exempt groups, they turn over the memos and the meeting notes. just release them with the former irs commissioner. if he doesn't, the house commtee on investigations nd the subcommittee should subpoena them. >> one of the things that was
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interesting is that hestill felthat ungodly, out of all the scandals that we had, whether it was the irs going after conservatives, that was the scandal that had the most it wouldlip conventional wisdom. i understand that's involved in benghazi and we cannot make light of it. that is something that catches up with you. so this president is out to lunch. is that any better? >> well, i just link that really -- you know, i just -- i don't think that is not. i think it's interesting also that he would key in on benghazi. that is the weakest case. and i think that that is probably not very generous to the president.
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i'm sure that the president was aware of it, then the conversation was going on. but to pick on the situation -- it wa not exactly on top ofthe details. it is a different subject something that the situation with the irs where someone was doing something wrong. these are two very different situations. neil: so the next day you are off to a political event. that alone, that states cluelessness or indifference. but i will put all these together here. and an administration whose prime defense these days is out of the loop, we delivered this out of the loop. one crisis, two practices, three or four or five practices. now you're smokingsomething.
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>> well, that is what it seems like. it seems that we'rsupposed to believe that this only comes when he reads the teleprompter. i think the president obama had to have known. this is supposed to be the most ansparent administration ever and why doesn't he show us where he was at night. what the communications were one behazi happen. and with the irs, release the memo and let us see what is ing on what was happening. it is not just between the president and the irs commissioner. it is also valerie jarrett who was found in these controversies. e president is no a king, he is not royalty. he answers to the amican people and he was working for the american people. i sa let the american people
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decide. >> so in that vein, i do not think at it is funny or particularly generous. that is actually one of your best jokes. and it is funny. we do no have the right to know what the president had for lunch or at what time. >> we will see. we are very insistent and very honorable. liz, what do yu think?
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>> think it gets worse. i think that there will be -- i'm not sure but i think it gets more intense. neil: i want to thank y, guys. i wi david: all of this could affect what the fed does an of urse, that affects thearket. >> i'm dennis kneale and here is what is "money" tonight. the billionaire brothers under assault, enemies pulling outll the stops to block them from bidding for the l.a. times and others newspapers. the newspapers are dying. what is so bad about these guys? there money is not good enough. lose 20 pounds eating mcdonald's every day. this ceo may accidentally had just invted the meat diet. did he stumble acros a delicious at campaign? and he made money today? the profits may as well be glazed and liquefied sugar. but even when they say it's not, it's always about "money." ♪


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