tv Bulls and Bears FOX Business June 2, 2013 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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soeautiful. avo: more travel. more options. more personal. whatever you're looking for expedia has more ways to help u find yours. . remember all those dire predictions about those scary mandatory spending cuts? democrats told us they'd send the econy crashing and burning. well, those cuts kicked in,nd look what's kicking uu, home sales, home prices, consumer confidence, stocks and even jobs in the d.c. area where those cuts were supposed to hit hardest. so is this all proof we should keep the cs coming? hi, everybody. i'm brenda butner. th is bulls and bears. welcome, everybody. john, bring on more cuts? >> yes! absolutely. brenda, look, we all said this.
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everybody on the show said this s about 2% of the budget. this wasn't going to make any difference lg term. we had democratic strategisss on here, all ese politicians and all the be ronger if we hadn't had these uts. >> well, tat's right. i think by john's logic we may as well pat ourselves on the back for raising taxe because we recently did that and maybe we should credit those for the higher economy. the fact of theatter is tax hikes and spending consult inie
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economy in t long run. it's like watching somebody crawl out of the bed after a fl you say, you're feeling better, go rake the yard and amake us dinn. moreax hikes and spending cuts would be the mistake. >> stefan logic sometimes is hard. let meay this,there's markets and then there's t congress. the congress thinks they'r smarter than the markets. markets has come back. why? housing, there isn't enough inventory. supply and demand. congress couldn't evencrew that up. our economy is up, why? because the federal reserve is stronger than everyone here, the 800-pound gorilla that turnn out to be the 8,000-pound rilla. to john'ses point, we couldn't absorb a $100 billion cut in a titac of15 trillion? come on. >> joan what do the economic ti tell you about the spending cuts? >> i think now it's pretty
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obvious that spending cuts and tax increases if done too early dot work. most countries in the world, except for china, are having major troubles because they did what we're doing a couple years too early and they have growth problems because of it. our stock market is beating all the european countri, foreign untries. we have the best gdp of the larger countries n not includi china as usual. it's because we didn't do it too early. you want to do it but not during a recession. that's what we did. the take-away is wwant to continue it, but we d't need to go overboard. we proved to the world we will pay or debts, we can continue the tax increases and spending cuts over a longer time, maybe over ten years and not burden a slowly growiconomy with austerity. it's a good path, the year to do it. >> jonas says it shouldn go overboorpdpd, but wasn't this jt a drop in bucket? >> exactly, brenda. look, i think jn layfield alluded to this.
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or maybe toby did. these cuts amounted to 0.3% of our gdp. people are like, oh my gosh, the seester. it was really adrop in the bucket. now, per jonas' point, he says, oh, my gosh, this went all awry in europe. yeah, the parpt tht that went an europe was the raising of the taxes. austity? they went back and studied in 2012 which countries actually cut spenng. you know what? there were three countries, germany,weden d malta. two of those countries are doing the best in the e.u. asar as economic resurgence, geany and sweden. so the fact you can say, oh, my gosh, this austerity is killing europe, wrong, because they didn't have austerity. they never cut spending. what they did isaise taxes. that's the wrong way to go. we're going the right way by cutting spending. we need to do it not 0.3% but how about 3% of gdp. then we're on the right path. john, stocks have done
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incredibly this year. i think the dow is up some 16% so far this year and we're taking a look at se of the stekt ctors. what does that say, that the spending cs really may have given a good signal to wall street? >> no. i disagree with that. i think the stock market is detached from the economy of united ates. you look at the stock market. it has absolutely roared the last few years. you cannot sayhat abo the economy. the economy right now is a true goldieocks economy. it's not that great, not really that bad. but what the markets look at is, is somebody going to be able to rein in this fiscal irresponsibility? we are on a road that's unstainable. and to stefan's point, he ought to ba politician. let's not raise taxes, not reform the tax code and let's never cut spendi. we'll deal with that next year sometime or mewhere in the year 2020. >> senator stan, we've got to give him ahance to respond. >> well, i've got say, john, i love you but you've got to
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tlern how to declare victory. the deficit right now, we're headed for below 4% of gdb. it's going to be probably below 2% in a couple of year if you basically would just learn how to stand patnd finds something to worry about, this econy will heal itself. you have to let it shuffle around. >> stefan, you're saying don't rein in any sfending at all. we're fine with medicare, medicaid, social security, we're fine right now, we're perfectly okay? >> what i'm saying is, just inch along, learn how to dlir victory and stop acting like you have to be in a paing. >> stefan, if you ever follow -- wrestling career, he didn' have victories so he doesn't know how to claim it. >> ghivme a break. he was the chaionf the world! >> tha you, brenda. >> whatever, whatever. >> the important point here is,s the maet is short term drive by all -- butthe bigger issue
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here is, if we don't get a the real stuff, the $20 trillio of deficit will come from the baby boomers' retirement because social security, medicare and so on, then we really have a problem. we've kick thecan down the road. but we'rnot nearly at the point where we can see the markets are so comfortae because of the reasonable spending that they're willing to go out and invest. that's when we know we'll be growing. >> l me ask jonas about that overboard, but are those the cuts we really need? >> yeah, but those are long term. we solved the very iediate problem, trillion-dollar defi t decits, year after year. so did a state like california, raise taxes, cut spending, problems gone right now. they're running budget surpluses. the longer term problems which are real and could bring us to our knees are out a few years. the solution can be longnd gradual, can be minor benefi cut over 20 years, minor payroll tax spreadut over 10 or 20, doesn't need to all kick in next year and sve a problem that really grows over time.
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that's an easr problem to solve if we can get together. >> gary? >> i want to get back to one important point. efan i saying we shouldn't cut spending. i agree with him. we shouldn't cut spending. the question he is, who is going to do the spending? we keep arguin don't kutz government spending. say cut government spending. let the private sector spend. when we spend a dollar in the puic sector, that decreases gdp. let the private sector repair the bridge build the highways, privatize tsa. that's where you're going get the bacng for the buck. >> thanks, guys. what's the differee between you hirng a lawyer when the irs is going after you and the irs hiring a lawyer when taxpayers are going after it? you pay
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add it to our tax tab. the s lawyering upwith a pricey attorney to ndle the fallout from the scandal. this even though the tax man has nearly 1500 lawyers already on the payroll gary b., should taxpayers be paying this ll? >> this is agood one, isn't it, brenda? i mean, you cannot walk down constitution avenue in this town without running into an attorney. forget about the 1500 at the irs. there's probabl 15,000 spread across the various departments of constuencies in this town
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that could be employed free of charge. you know, the other thing -- the big question is, why are they hiring an atorney? if procter & mble had a problem with the marketing department, does the marketing department hire an attorney? no. ey investigate what happened, fire out what went wrong and fire the people who screwed up and fix the problem. this is a fixable thing, hohopefully, if we can find someone independent to analyze it. >> come on, it's washington. remember that, gary. stefan, should you actually let tax lawyers deal with this kind of issue? >> well, i think there's your oblem, right? gary makes a good point. there are a lot of lawyers over there, but there tax lawyers. i guarantee you they it don't know what th're i ining when it comes to ccrime. i'm sure criminal attorneys hire tax attorneys when it comes to april. it's a matter of specialized areas of the law, also just a matter of good governance.
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these knnit wits in the irs who got us into trouble, it's a serious issue but the fact of the matter is they're goingo need new lawyers to keep that agency operating correctly. it's just the write thing to do. >> g ahead john, wwe champion. >> look, i was agreeingwith stefan with the nit wit comment until he said they should hire lawyers. let me get this straight. they broke the law and then they're going to investigate themselves and the hire lawyers and the very people that they broke the law against to investigate around the midterm elections, their taxes are going to go to pay the lawyers being used to defend them against themselves. is that right? look, i'm getting audited. how about a couple of things. i will come out rig now it and say obama care is the best thing ever. i'llsk the government to pay for my lawyer as well. >> jons, you don't quite agree withhat, do you? >> i know it's easy to beat up on the irsnd lawyers. >> yes, it is! >> if procter & gamble was under
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investigation to accuse themf doing something wrong and everyone was foaming at the mouth to destroy someone's career or se them to jail, i guarantee you high-pred attorneys would be called with shareholders' money. in america, if taxpayers need money, they are appointed attorneys. irs people don't make the kind of money some do. i don't know what they did. all i know is they deserve taxpayer attorneys as does anybody who can't afford teir own attorney. >> this is a pure washington, d.c., thing. only in washington, d.c., would you not investigate yourself and then when you do get investigated you give the taxpayers the bill. it's the only logic that works in washington. the rest of the world is laughing their butts off. >> gary b., laughing?
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>> i was lghing because you know what'going to happen? the irswill get a clean bill of health and actually somew make money off this thing. >> right. >> at the taxpayers' expense. toby has it right it's the greatest shell game in the world. >> all right, jonas. come on. >>the irss may not have broken any laws first of all. we all areccusing them and -- >> what isthis, the jonas lawyer show? >> america was blt on you are presumed innoct and you get an attorney. that's the way it works here. it's not -- we don't have ngs. ju the decreehat you broke me law. maybe thereasn't a law. >> jonas, you pay for your own attorney. >> the people you wrongedon't have to pay for yo attorney. that's why doing something wrong to toby and k toby to pay for my attorney to defend against him. >> every day my money is paying for criminals to have attoeys. >> so use one of the existing attorneys out there. use someone from the department
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of justice. >> look, good news -- >> they're very busy in traffic court. i was just down i traffic court and there was a doj attorney. they're doing the important stuff. >> those attorneys are on payroll. that's like sin it a public defender. >> oh, come on. >> how about we abolish the irs and attorneys. >> you want them to hire torneys with their irs paychecks. >> hopefully thiswasn't an hourly hire. that's the only thing i'm worried about. guys, fed-up fliers, get ready to get fed up even more. the white house pushing a new tax for passengers. forget owning our debt. we went out and asked people a simple qstion:
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how old is the olde person you've known? we ge people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot t of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that a great thing. t even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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forget worries about the chinese buying up our debt. a chine company is buying up u.-based smithfield foods, the largest pork producer inhe billion.he deal worth about $5 toby, you say this raises major safety concerns. >> ocourse it does. you have to look at chinese history, nothe rhetoric. it started wh lead paint, we had contaminated milk, poin basically substitute vitamins and phmaceuticals. they've had a history as they've grown as a country as being more and more off base and just wrong and crinal in many cases and they don't carere. i've ddne business with these people for years, and these are
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not toys, these are not cell phones. this is food. we don't knowf they substitute grain, if they put a new type of drugs in these pigs. it is the worst decision you could make. th can't be ted. they've shown that. >> stefan? >> well, i'm not quite as -- as that, but i find this unttling. we saw a video a few weeks ago of 16,000 f pigs in a chinese river. we have a very important role being played right now by our government because they'll be reviewing this carefully to see if there's a threat to national security, important technology that's being moved over to china through this acquisition. but i don't think this is ne that we should be too happ with. i don't think the chinese reco on food fety is strong enough for us to be comfortable. >> gary b., are you worried? >> no. i'm abrgasted. first of all, this deal is to e export to them pork from
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smithfield. it's not importing food. if you're worried abo food from cha, we get now like 90% of our at that laup ya, 50% of our apple juice, 10% of our frozen spinach, we have food coming in here. if you're woied about, okay, we'll retaliate sending food over there, we send a lot of food ov there, soybeans, chick i en, beef, the biggest growing camile out there. wre, we have a lot ofhings to worry about, i don't think this is one of them. >> jonas? >> i don't know about that security threat. they'll know how our sausage is made? it doesn't seem to elevate to the level of the dubai port. whatever. i will say we would be in a position to stop this if we couldn't do the same thing. look, are we allowed to buy their companies? i itelieve mccormack the spi company is buying a chinese bullion maker as well. if we can do i to them, fine. there's a lot of dayses where
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their government owns their companies, i'mure we couldn't take stake in the u.s. company. in that case, we should say, you can't buy that kind of company here. i don't see a security threat. it's an important issue about the quality they have there. wehod be able to inspect their factories. ttis is a u.s. plant so we already do this. >> wait, john. this is our bacon! >> yeah, and look, nobody likes to roast a pig than a good old southern boy here. if you seen what goes into hot dogs, i agree they're pretty bad as they are. i agree with toby. we cannot trust them, but i also agree with gary b. and jonas and stuffin, look shgs is a deal it's a matteof standards. as long as the standards are put in place, we get a lot food from china. we're the agricultural ex-porter like saudi arabia is of oil. we have standards in place. if they have to be htened, they should pay for it. nearly 40% of americansay they gained weight on the job,
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usg, the maker of sheetrock is one. i think that will do well in the next few years. >> jonas? >> bear. >> your prediction? >> more stories that employers are using facebook and social media to fire people and not hire them. as many as one in ten employees my a and lower are not getting jobs. this is good for manpower, temp agencies. >> i can't imagine your facebook pa is anything to be ashamed of. stefan, bull or bear? >> good story stocks too expensive, bear on that. >> john, your prediction? >> online gambling, zia is betting big. >> gary b., bull or bear? >> i'm bearish. >> toby, your prediction? >> summer is hot now, tat means beer. john layfield sine-handedly hahad tap and coors light. >> iannot believe -- you're a bear on this, john? >> not possible. >> no, no. toby has swiiched to wine drinking so i'm 0 a bear on beer
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stock until he switches back. >> john, single-handedly consumed more coors light in the history than corado. >> talk out cold beer, we've got the heat c on. cavuto. why do it nice and easy when you can do it nice and rough? good evening, neil cavuto. this little tweet from some dnc twit criticizing all the media companies opting out of that offthe re meeting with attorney general eric holder to discuss ironically this whole secrecy mess, and i quote, petus asked ag to review lea investigatns are done but some in the media refuse to meet wth him. so many news organizations still opted ou maybe they all d
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