tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 8, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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another great tv show for you next week on fox business. in between then and now, i hope to hear you on the radio. ♪ >> lou: good evening and thank you for being with us. breaking neww this hour, reporting that the national security agency and f.b.i. are mining theervers of nine leading internet programs. it's called prism and revealed by an unnamed source and extracting audio and photographs and email tto track a person's movement the "washington post" reports. he technology companies paricipating knowingly, miosoft, google facebook, pal talk, skype, youtube and app.
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meanwhile, washington today a buzz regarding a separately and known nsa effort to mine meta data from morehan a hundr million verizon wireless customers and the president today trying to change the subject from the number of scandals engulfing his administration by change his location and his message. president obama hopes he can pivot the media and talking jobs in north carolina beforee heads to california f two more private fund-raisers. hile the president was avoiding the scanda or at least tryingo without success, capitolill was not. two more hearings, one involving attorney general eric holder and the other investigating the plate and tisuse of taxyer dollars by the internal revue service. we begin with the attorney general. holder appearg before the
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senate appropriations subcommittee wre he acknowledged mistakes have been made. he claimed the justice department will n prosecute reporters for doing their jobs so long as he is the top law enforcement official in the nation. he did not mentionhe constitution. hous chairman bob goodlock is trying to decide whether he lied to the committee. calling to testimony once again and that appearance is now slatedor june 18. meanwhile, lawmakers fm both parties are blags tinge the irs for what oversight committee chaian calls maliciously indid you live jentd overspendg. in how the irs blew $50 million of taxpayer money
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on lavish conferences between 201 a 2012. onealifornia basased conference priced at $4 miion itself. the head of the irs division that staged the conference offered nothingng re tn a nervous apology for the gross misuse of taxpayer money including his e in the creation of the ridiculous star trek video on your screen. that is also mr. ferris at the momen. it's embarrassing. i apologize. the videos, i kno, inspector general's report there is not a clear delineation cost of both videos, they are embarrassing and i rret the fact they were made. >> lou: joining us more on the nsa prism progr and
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colction of records by verizon customers. chris, steven hayes, fox news contributor, steven. let me begin with you. this report, explosive report from the "washington po." to be clear we all kw what was breaking across the news. we knew seven years a. u.s.a. today among other news organizations reporting the collection of so-called meta data. thiswashington post" story is quite different dealing with service providers? >> i think you are exactly right. the proper distinction t make. in som ways, my first two read of the story about the prism program that has been in existence seems to be magnitudes of order, more significa than the verizon story as you say we've been tkibout all the time. it appears, if you read the piece closely, it appears to be getting into content
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rather than just collecting and analyzing meta data. ma data that is cold and numerical, if you go through it and only analyze it's requiri eyes on analysisf actual ctent of actual communications which we were not seeing. w were not listening into these conversations in the case of verizon an these other pviders. >> lou: chr? >> it's remarkable. all i can say about politics is this -- it's always true when it rains it pours. i've never seen six months this heinous totoo start a second term. i can't imane how it could get worse for the president. i said that yesterday. when the verizon story came o. now even before the day is done, the next thing comes out, a president who owes s election and reeleion in largeart to his stature as civil
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ibertarian. a guy that was able to rally the democraticase that prompted the "new york times" today say t administration has lost all credibility. this is a disaster. >> lou: repeating, with a chris justsaid, that is the "new york times" saying this is predent has lost all credibility. the irony withhn irony, google and facebook that were principal allies in his reelection campaign, his original campaign to take the office. they have been political partners andoming increasingly intertwined in their political nnectivity if you will. let's turn to the irs. steve, this is a just tawdry performancey the internal revenue service.
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official after official whether they are talking about lavish spending the uttee corruption and the corruption of the organization and cowardice of the manager of the internal revenue service blaming 90 people, steven miller said the two had gone rogue in cincinna. it's monstrous lies and disturbing revelatn one after another. >> we ought to be clear abo onehing. if there were really two rogue individuals continuing out of the cincinnati office who were responsible for this, we would ow thr names and they would be i deep trouble. they could be in jail. we know it wasn't that. i think mr. fink in his testimony in the mike emanuel pacge may have gotten himself in real hot water. he seems to me h didn't
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know how expensive the expeiture was and he had in fact found an estimate of the cost that was $4.3 million. either he did know about it or didn't know about it and this is one of the cascading series of misrepresentions and ls we've gotten from irs officials and members of the obama administration about this particular scandal. >> lou: now we have the president, if you will, closing ranks. samantha power to the united nations post now held by susan rice. susan rice national security advisor, not requiring confirmation. this if i've ever seen a more radical national security am, i crtainly can't imagine who it would be. well, i do know that the chances of us bombing
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stuff in syria has gone way up. a western intervention in syria is much more likely. this this is a signal that the approach that was taken in libya is now to be put forward in syria. there has been a genocide already. that is samantha powers, that is her portfolio, how the west should intervene. she wants it. susan rice is very much that way. she is a very hawkin that stu. eah, i think we can see important of that from this administratio >> lou: high colleague chris did n want to use that word, radical, but i did. when you have this written and said by samantha powers, it is
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sdfied there is not more than a an outcry to talk the point in united nations. would you agree with that? >> she has wanted a policy of mea culpa aeaw that in the president's earliest months. i'm not sure we'll see a urn that my colleague will suggest. very good grounds to suspecte might. but president obama is strained and you'll hear arguments from rice and power that we suld takes a more intervention-i role. he has madet clear that he wants to reduc the u.s. footprint. >> lou: we will not have to refer to chris, we'll just refer to him as our colleague. [ laughter ] >> lou: thank you gentlemem.
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you say there is polics in the appointment of rice and ower? >> yes, it remenu me of the clinton era when he distracts one scandal by starting a new one. and what are republicans supposed to do with this. susan rice was all over tv about the video being the cause of the attack on the ambassador and death of four americans. over and over again. she is promong now what we know n is an absolute lie. of course republicans are going explain about this. it's dangling a sardine in front of the ka cat. you have wasted 60 seconds on this, rathe than mnesty and rather than the irs scandal. >> lou: let's tn first to the internal revenue service. at scandal and the prosecution is going after the irs to find relief to
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hisclients which have been victims of egregious use of power. when we look up allhe scaals, i think the republicans have to give considerable credit. they have maintained focus here. i think they are doing very well to this point, don't you? >> i absolutely agre if you watch some of the obama network, they keep complaining, republicans say obama is behind the scandal. many republicans and say they want you to investigatthat. there are some facts we do know. they are pretty devastating facts. beyond the line the hearing yesrday i think it was very powerful for them and the least directly to their political opponents with the irs internal stamp on it, then
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that gets published and we have a pro-life group indeeall the memrs have to pledge under palty of perjury they will not pray outside of planned parenthood facility. >> lou: including the fact the attorney general refuses to meet with the chairm of the house judiciary committee who demanded answers on the holder scandals, they are plural, by the way -- he and his committee will attorney general has committed perju. as i listen to the statement, i couldn't imagine that you would doubt it ttat it contradicted himself? >> it seems like it.
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i don't have a strong opinn on that. my main point with the holder and the tapping of journalist phone lines, fox news, james rosen and his parents is that the national security justification is fraud. that seems to be the linchpin of the whole story. if jam rosen or any other journalist were trying to pressure a member of the state departmen to release serious, sensitive ecurity information, how about it. listen to their phones. >> lou: i truly believe, holder the judge that signed off to the subpoena, f.b.i. agent that attested to probable cause, i think they could face significant consequences because it was preposterous what they accepted as fact. we have 15 seconds here. kno you've been very concerned about theang of
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eight and what you call the amnesty that is being proposed, do you think it will pass? >> right now it is on the anll these statements in the media, rub sing we might not vote for it. this is fool the american people the way amnesty was stopped is when americans called and complained. that is not happening because talk radio hosts and all the media, don't worry it's not goi pass. right now it's going to pass. >> lou: ann, always good to have you with us. >> the last recession called a man session because it hit men in the wor force particularly hard. feminists and liberal media are celebrating a pew research study. we wonder why alec, for this mission i upgraded ur smart pne. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is. the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card
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to erase recent tvel purchases. d with a feclicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what in your wallet? yes i did. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thundecrashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance vers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk.
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some folks including some in my own tent including with a troubles about me aut this country a few of my detractors decided was a hallmark and sisterhood towardend equality since moms are the primary breadwinrs in 40% of their homes. here is what they are focin on the new pew survey. there is a lot to celebrate. it isn some sll percentage they suggest. both at pew in which i've had a word or two, there is s good and there is also some submerged material that a lot of people didn't look at. we are now looking at 5.1 million married mothers, we have a higher income that have higher income than their husbands.
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49% of them have at least a college degree. 65% of them are white. 67% are beeen the ages of a 30 and 50. their median family income is nearly $80,000. i think that is pretty much what most people would expect. all that isnt what impressed me in this study or concerned me. believe it or not, there are few folks that i shouldn't be concerned or i shouldn't be troubled by what we're seeing. i don't know why th felt that way. frankly, i don't care. it was more ideological. it was more reflexive and had something to do with in some abstract way with some sort of genderolitics. heris what my detractor refused to acknowledge. in some cases they didn't even want to talk about it. the single mom.
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there are 8.6 million of them. versus the 5.1 million wit the $80,000 and that is going pretty good. these single mothers who are working, 49% of the have a high school degree. they are working because they he to. this isn't about the sisterhood. this isn't about progress. this is about the nsequence of choices that we're making as a society and it's not working out great for these folks. to deneny that, i consider to be outrageous. 40% of them are black. nearly a quarter. 24% hispanic and nearly a third are whi. almost hal, 46%re 30 years or younger. if they've ever been married or whether divorced or widowed they make on an average $29,000 a year.
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f they've never been married, theyake on average, $17,400 a year. the poverty line for a family with one adult, one child, just over $15,000. so that tells you wre these women and their children live in our economy. their cldren live in poverty and the moms are the sole provider by default, not becauue of gender equality or progress. many of the children of the single moms are at risk and in so being they perpetuate a cycle of poverty o iegal behavior. all of us, men and wmen have got to break the cycle of pass ist and difference and break the cycle of irresponsibility responsible political correctness to delude some me in denying the pain in society and consequences of
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poor public policy decisions. we've got to address and fix this for these people's sake. we're going to take all of that up with fox news national security analyst k.t. mcfarland. she has had a career of home and family and career and also one other tt says the traditional ways is not for her. is not for her. [ indistinct conversations ] [ pizza dodging man's mouth ] ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] [ male announce] fight pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath fast with tums freshers. concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. ♪tum...tum...tum... tum...tums! ♪ tums freshers. fast heartburn relie and minty fresh breath.
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mother and accomplished k.t. mcfarland. >> we are tied as a grandparent of fiv let's get to, obviously you pre dealing with somewhat traditional personalities when we started talking about grandchildren. >> she is my daughter. [ laughter ] >> lou: how can it be that we can bamlyhoo a we talk about this progress, more than $8.5 million, $17,400 average on year. lacking education the children will be going into the same cycle. were perpetuating such a waste in our society. >> the unfortunate part there are very few people that are willing to talk about this. this is a very sensitive
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subject. you have to be able to tal about single mothers and the problems that ensue. you are not talking about not being able to give them educational opportunities. at ultimately leads to the entitlement society whereeople become dependent on governme programs and government systems because they don't have a two parent household where they have two figures that can contribute to their finanal well-being. sots conversation that nds to happen. i'm all for strong empowered women in the work force. i'm all for female breadwinners and i don't want to equate them to the animal kingdom as others have done. i support -- if you are a single woman out there and you want to have a child and you can handle that and you have a supportive family around you and you are financially able to take that on, i tip my hat to you. you need to be sure that you can financially provide
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for that child or you are doing a disservice not only to your child but to society at large. >> lou: there is a lot more at work than money here? >> yes. the chalk talk you did you painted two societies. there a book you and i talked by charles murray called "coming apart." he stued white american families, we haven elite tribe thats well educated. >> lou: and very smart. he kept his entire analysis and conclusions only to white america so there would n not be any racialism. >> he found an elite group they have a low divorce rate only 4% have children out of wedlock. they are very intact and
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doing very well. but whole other group that you talked about it. they are single parent families. women arereadwinners out of necessity an children are far more likely to use drugs to be poorly educated and not have high school diplomas. >> lou: do you want to have chdren or get married? >> whether i get married in the future i don't know. hopefully i have a husband when i do. i intend to have a long prosperous career. i'm one of those people doesn't feel like it matters who wea the financial pants in the family. that needs to be decided on an individual basis, per couple per family. >> lou: we've got to be able to accommodata lot of choices and reflex
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shouldn't be a neanderthal or bizarre. it's your life. it's america, you live it. i don't see why that isn't the case. there is a sort of a feminist aboutt all, i don't know way to say it. primitive outlook o something -- i don't know what the devil is going on. >> i think you can also talk about the importance of family and talk about the importance of two-people that love and support a child without bein outdated. you say i want women to be empowered. i want men to be empowered. >> i want children to be empowered and children of 8.6 million are at risk are not empowered. >> thell never catch up. they'll never catch up to
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the elite group that is going to graduate school and stays married. >> lou: it challenges a lot of the asumption made ross society by the traditional and different views. >> talk about the cultural components in society about how peopleeel about men, how people feel about women. what that has to do wh this. i think it puts an interesting mix. i kno there was on college campuses if men don't feel welcome. [ laughter ] >> lou: get out there and go to work at something you enjoy. it's not going to be a edution but that is why we have 57% of college graduates are women and ensures their women for the next couple of decades as breadwinners.
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thank you both. >> bill clinton fir urged his wife to run against an incompetent incumbent president. then he wanted to negotiate for an endorseme. ed cline best-selling book on votravelg you definite end up meeting a lot more people but a friend under water is something completely dferent. i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it was more than happy to have us in his home. so beautiful. avo: more travel. more options. moreersonal. whatever you're looking for expedia has more ways to hp you find yours. otherworld things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business.
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>>. >> lou: my next guest has been sayg for months on this broadcast that tte relationship between the obamas and the clintons has never been warm and cozy. sources now say president bill clinton agreed to give that incredible speech at the democratic national convention because there was deal in place. in return president obama would endorse hillary in 2016. the president, however, has been dodging in and out of that deal ever since. joining us with the details of this fascinating relationship and deal, uthor of the best-selling
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book, "the amateur," brand-new details we will be discuing here tonight. ed cline, great to have you here. this deal, as we all watch bill clinton perform the democratic national conventione knew something was going on because his animation, his enthusiasm had never been so ebullient? >> he thought he nailed down a deal to get hillary endorsed in 2016 but he had the right to name the chairman of the democrat committee thereby getting control over the democratic party apparatus. i stuck right through the election until obama won and then he started backing
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off the deal. >> lou: backing off the deal and i have to tell you it's hard to follow because as you report, bill clinton gets furious because the president decides, i don't need him anymore. next thing we see is hillary clinton and barack obama in a departing secretary of state, second term president all love have i dovy on the cameras of 60 minutes. >> that was the payoff that obama had to do when he found out that clinton was so upset. that clinton was so poplectic. when obama's people discovered how upset clinton was they got scared. >> lou: this is not a potentialdversary even if
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you are president of the united states? >> exactly. i think obama realized that. 60 minutes was one payoff, the big kiss on telision and the secretary payoff was the obamas invited the clintons to the white house for the very first time to have dinner in the family quarters. guess who was theret the dinner? valerie jarret. they wouldn't have dinne with him a. they had to have valerie arre. >> lou: president obama has never beenlose, but president clinton talking about the george w. bush asking more for advice who are has president obama. whattis the current state of relationship. what is the current state of the deal? >> current state of the deal i've en told by
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sources i've been talking to for several months is that the clintons have more or less given up any hope of getting obamas endorsement in 2016 >> lou: despite the deal? >> the deal has been tossed over the side of the boat. it appears from what i've been told that joe biden has deced to run for president in 2016. and obama is saying, he is my vice president. he is he guy been very loyal to me. i can't turn my back on joe. i can't really endorse hillary because of that. it's excuse to get out of endorsing hillary. >> lou: parameters changing quite frequently. i guess john boehner would be reminded how effective a
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deal is with this president. this can't be helpful to the president. it doesn't is seem at least to me, to be a deal breaker for hillary and her aspirations for 2016, is it? >> i don't think so at all. i think you have a president who breaks his word with almost every one whom he gives it. i hav been reporting on barack obama f several years. i can't tell you how many people have told me, i thought i had a deal with him. i thought i had an agreement with him. i did my side and then he didn't follow through. this happens again and again. i think this is what has happened in congr >> lou: ed cline, thanks very much. the paperback edition is now on sale and online o go to lou dobbs for a link. >> prosperity head to the heartland says the author of a new book, meredith
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of a new book, meredith whitney joins us next. th fidelity's options platform, we've completely integrated evy step of the process, making it easier to try filters and strategies... to get a list of equity options... evaluate them with our p&l calculator... and execute faster with our more intuitive trade ticket. i'm greg stevens, and i helped create fidelity's options platform. it's oneore innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades
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♪ >> lou: our next guest created quite a name for herself by making the toughest calls on wall eet. her latest edition that economic strongholds are shifting to california an new jersey to texas and indiana. joining us is prominent and author, new gee geography? >> it's such anhonor to be here. >> lou: congratulations on your new book. it's out and online and in book stores. we've got a connection to
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it on lou dobbs dotcom. the idea that we're seeing a nation along our east and west coast,ecoming so heavily regulated and such massive taxe that it's actually be a disincentive for folks for prosperity for the middle of the country. how soon? >> well, i'll tell you that businesses that are moving now, the businesses have% been in the process of moving. eople are starting to follow. all people want in this country and pretty much everywhere is an opportunity to earn a better life. so when people talk about why is the no the job creaon? there is a job creation. half a million jobs have% bee created in the central corridor. the old school economic theory t coasts are going
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to lead the economy forward isn't working anymore. >> lou: it's not working and taxes are rising and democratic shiftt as well that are going to be very important. you predict the srt money, the wealthy fks will be relocating. i thi of some interior stes like illinois, that has to giv folks smart money a lot of pause. >> none is going to illinois because they just rsed their taxes by two-thirds. it's diffilt to get anything done. if you are smart, you unrstand that the liabilities that are taking on as a taxpayer, meaning th are going to leann you important more tax dlars is pretty threatening. what happens not only do your taxes go up but when the states are in bad shape, money for other things like education, roads, public safety, that goes away. so people pay more and gettingor their money. there is month moneyo retrain people.
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unemployment stays high. >> lou: unemployment has become chronic. it is without quesestion structural without policy response, without a leadership response. >> allalk and no action. >> lou: and we are depended upon growth and no discussion of when prosperity returns to this contry. when do we start to see the return of prosperity? is it dependent on a new set of leaders? >> here is the cool thing. u are seeing it in these states, 2008 and 2011, last data available, states like texas grew over 8%. states like louisiana grew 16% and states like north dakota grew 2.
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states like california grew 3% and floda and nevada grew even less than that. it really happening here. the states are not doing the right thing, california, new jersey, illinois don't wake up a pay attention, they are going to be way behind the game. it's sad that the states that need the change the most a the most distance from the change. >> lou: are banks back? >> i think banks are also in structural traition. >> lou: i like that structural transition. meredith, we like i very much. we recommend her book "fate of the states," on sale and online or go to our website for a link. >> lou: up next, new book and author's words telling the inside story of the shadowy international bank
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that runs the world. alec, for ts mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one puhase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel rchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. wh's in your wallet?
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>>. >> lou: my next guest new book "tower of babel," the bk o of international settlements, b.i.s.and how they operate out of law an ovrsight. joining me is the author of "tower of babel," the bank itself is not sret but not sure the operations are. great to have you adam lebor. this is fascinating book. this is fasciiating subject and one mos people even in biness and banking don't understand this bank and it's role as the
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b.i.s. what drew to you so to theonspiracies and world of financial management? >> istarted in the late 1990s. i wrote a book called the secretbankers tha investigates switzerland and connectionsith nazi germany. therwas a chapter i wrote on the b.i.s., and it's a strange situation. >> lou: wh really once the bank? >> the bank runs itself. it's compod of 15 governors fm around the world. forxample the governor of federal reserve. bank of england, bank of italy and central bank. >> lu: you've been a orrespondent through your career. do you believe it toe a benign force or a force that is sewhat signifantly sinister?
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>> i don't think it's sinister in itself. what we know, we want more infmation what goes o there. this isn't a bank that is out to ruin the world or be malevolent. but it' veryecret because it was set up in 1930. it's an average of deference to autri and did what they were told. nowadays that doesn't work any more. >> lou: perhaps we are becomimiig more submissive andassive, certainly in this country. we accept it. there are those that resi the federal reserve, an important part. i compensated the booko you. ada lebor, the book is "tower of babel," adam
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great to have you here. we'll talk more, longer. that is it for tonight. you think they could have broken earlier, tomorrow. john: wre at war against terror. >> this warlike all wars must end. john: so that american is wage war on apple? apple keeping massive profits overseas, a war on hate crime. >> what turns a normal fat little 8-year-old boy into vicious hate crime committing rapist? john: to connue the war on drugs. >> this is your brain on drugs. john: start one on food. amica'a's wars on food, terror, business, drugs, and hate. >> if you want to hurt another human being, you better make sure they are the same color as you are. john: that is our s
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