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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 11, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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continues. an expert shows us just how easy it is for hackers to get their hands onnyour information. that is it for "the willis report." avoid the bugs, my friends. lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. admitted leaker edward snowden officially terminated today, be agency contracted by the u.s. government, but who does he work for now? one of many questions surrounding the man who dominated headlines around the @%rld. but the picture of where edward snowden came from increasingly clearing. his family, his fire and her father a retired coast guard officer and his mother a chief clerk at the federal courthouse in baltimore and his older sister working as a research associate at the federal justice
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research center in washington, holding a phd in law degree from the university of north carolina. he reportedly attended computer classes at the local community college. he did not come as we know, ors. a lot of questions remain. how did a hot high school dropout obtain a job with clearance? and what other information has been leaked, if any, and to whom? the journalists at the center of this scandal of the guardian newspaper promised today that there is a lot more to come. >> how fast we get the next one out is something that we are justified in now. but there are dozens of stories generated by the documents that he provided nsa director pete
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alexander talked to members how snowden had access to classified documents. especially how the program works. dianne feinstein says that she wants to reduce the overall number of government contractorr and a declassified this by accusing snowden of treason. how speaker john boehner, and fbi deputy director as well at whether marxist senator feinstein. >> he is a traitor. the president outlined last week that these are importantt3 national security programs to help keep americans safe. it shows what our capabilities are and it is a giant violation of the law. lou: the white house sidestepping questions on whether they feel he is a
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traitor. the president chose to focus his efforts not on this national security and government surveillance, but on encouraging congress to push forward on one of his top agenda items, immigration reform. the senator voting to proceed on the gang of eight immigration legislation. ed henry has our report. reporter: congress needs to act. that moment is now. reporter: a call to action for president obama who has not gotten traction on any of the second term legacy items amid a string of controversy. today he gave a fresh push to the gang of eight migration reform plan, hoping to share in a political victory by the end of summer. >> now's the time to get it done. there is no good reason to play
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procedural games are engaged in obstruction just to lock the best chance we have had in years to address this problem in a way that has spared business owners and legal immigrants. reporter: later in the day the gang of eight cleared that hurdle by a wide margin. eighty-two to 15 after a push from tim kaine, who delivered his speech in spanish. [speaking in native tongue] porter might even senate republican leader mitch mcconnell voted to move forward on the debate. though he warned other roadblocks could be coming. >> i think senator cornyn has the key amendment to put us in a position where we can actually look at the american people with a straight face and say that we are going to secure the border. reporter: that amendment by john cornyn would force the department of homeland security to reach specific metrics, such as apprehension of at least 90%
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of all illegal border crossers for the overall stand. the key republican negotiator, senator marco rubio acknowledge that preventing a future wave of illegal immigration is critical to securing conservative support. >> we are going to do that is as part of this bill. because if we don't, it will not pass in the american people will not support it. reporter: rubio had some momentum after kelly ayotte backed the bill, helping the gang of eight edge closer to a filibuster proof majority. >> this is a thoughtful bipartisan solution to a tough problem. that is why i am going to supported. reporter: by the republicans are seizing on the fact that the sponsors will not say how many peoppe they expect to enter into the country. >> you don't know or you won't say. either one is an indictment of this monstrosity. reporter: the president noted today that it would take 13 years for most even apply, but
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he said that is no cakewalk. but he says that bill is not strengthen in the senate, it will crash and burn in the house. lou: ed henry from the white house, our chief correspondent for the white house. our first guest tonight disagrees tonight whether there is meaningful security requirements in this legislation. joining us now is the executive director of the national immigration forum, kris kobach, the co-author of numerous immigration laws, the secretary of state of kansas in both of these men have been engaged in these battles over these years. gentlemen, it is so good to have you both with us. let me turn to you first. the president is employing the pathogen at the same time, there is no amendment on border security, even marco rubio says that will not happen if the left continues to ggin the issues.
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>> up to this point we have had an open and transparent topic. when we look back at the judiciary committee, there are bipartiian votes about a number of amendments supported by both republicans and democrats and that is the best part about where we are right now. we are about to start a thoughtful and intentional debate about how to fix our system. all of us are going to be able to see exactly how this bill is going to come together. i do think that we will see additional measures to make sure that people are protected as well. but that is what we want congress to do. there is no other issue right now that has this kind of bipartisan momentum like immigration. i think it is going to be very interesting. lou: chris, this may shock you, but i'm going to agree and tell you that i think that right now they have the best shot but they have ever had. that is for those seeking new immigraaion law, if they have
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the sense and the judgment and the humility to actually secure the border. if they talk nonsense about numbers and metrics rather than an actual border that is secured, the border patrol especially. you know, i think your side wins. if they don't, i think they prevail. what do you think? >> the bill that is written has nothing that will help law enforcement and indeed, this includes the status quo. it does all kinds of things that we can talk about so the amendments in the committee that were serious amendments to increase border enforcement will reject it. for example, there was an amendment offered to finish the 700 miles that was promised way back in october of 2006. that was rejected. there was an amendment to stop the newly legalized income tax
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credit. that amendment was rejected. if this pattern occurs in the senate and these reasonable amendments are rejected, you will see the vast majority of republicans vote against this bill. happens. >> here is an example. we just received this in which patrick leahy reintroduces equality to same-sex couples which he had withdrawn in this procedural vote. this is nothing more than righteous ideological insistence upon deeming it again. he conveyed one message. now he reintroduces it and that is hardly the work of lottie legislation. >> you hit the nail on the head. we do not need gimmicks and
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metrics and we do not need soundbite policies. what we need is resources to border patrol agents on the ground along the border to make sure that they are doing their jobs. they are the experts in this situation. we do not need politicians determining our homeland security. >> so the point is when chris says that this bill guarded border security, the fact is this bill is adding $6 billion to security and this will leader nation to spend this on federal immigration enforcement. lou: how do you measure success in controlling not? because we have seen border patrol almost double. >> exactly. lou: what is the metric by which he will judge success? it is suggested that 90% apprehension rate exist. >> along the southwestern border, apprehensions raised as
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to new record lows. the other thing about this is we actually have a comprehensive package. lou: i am asking you what is the metric by which to judge this? >> the metric is having smart enforcement measures on the ground in high-traffic areas. lou: let me try this again with kris kobach. what is the measurement? >> you have to have things that are objectively quantifiable. even the 90% metric is out of the blue because we don't know what the denominator is. we have 20% of the people that tried to come in. we don't know the number of the people attracted to men. you have to have things you can quantify like this number of miles or etc. >> that is exactly what i think. >> increasing the number of
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federal employees, for example we have almost tripled the number of i.c.e. ages since 9/11. >> the obama administration is ordering them to break federal law and to look the other way. lou: let me ask the question this way. why won't someone tell us how many illegal immigrrnts would be given legal status with this legislation over the course of the next decade? when will someone not give us a number. is it because they don't know or because they won't say? >> this is why it is such a good piece of legislation. what will happen to them is that they will go through a criminal background check. lou: i know the process. i'm asking for a number of. >> then you actually get to a number. giving you an estimate now is speculation.
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that is why this office is set up and people are going through it. lou: so any number is fine?3 >> at this point in time of the forecast. >> it will eventually bring in what is relative, we could be talking about 30 million over time. this is a huge number. one thing we heard from marco rubio is he admitted the amnesty comes first and there is no trigger at the beginning that says you have to enforce anything. they get legal status on day one as soon as the department of department of homeland security services and paper to congress. so that means that this is first and the promise of enforcement later we have seen this administration shatter its promises and basically disarm in @%rms of enforcement. i just don't think that we can trust this government and we cannot trust this bill or this administration, i should say.
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>> let me give you the last word very quickly. does your side to believe that they can gain this and get away with it at this time? >> our side that includes law enforcement and businesses across the spectrum wants something that creates a 21st century immigration system. the status quo is unsustainable. we are wasting billions of dollars in tax money. >> i think you will win if you choose not to gayness. you say you're going to be honest and straightforward. >> we don't want games, we want a lost. >> sealants he will not try to game the system? >> i feel like you are leading me somewhere. lou: no, i am not. i am asking a question and
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asking for a straightforward answer. >> there are lots of amendments that are voted down one after another. lou: we thank you gentlemen. i have a feeling that this conversation continues. coming up next we will touch base about the gang of eight immigration bill. edward snowden, the nsa leaker. if you hero or a traitor? a lot of people are making up their minds early. that's coming up up in tonight's "chalk talk." a prominent democratic fundraiser and ambassador to belgium epicenter of a state department scandal. james rosen with the story coming up next.
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lou: the latest scandal to hit the obama administration accelerating the focus the u.s. ambassador to belgium. he also happens to be a prominent democratic fundraiser raising thousands of dollars in the past for clinton and obama. a tate department memorandum solicited prostitutes and miners. a charge that he denies. james rosen has a report. >> i think the investor for the work he is doing. reporter: since 2009, the u.s. ambassador to belgium is a harvard educated lawyer and today he responded to an october 2012 memo from within the office of inspector general
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which said a special agent had determined that gutman was soliciting prostitutes and miners were sex. >> i am angered and saddened by the allegations. at no point have i ever engaged in any and proper activity. a spokesman called the allegations unsubstantiated but otherwise declined to speak up for him. >> had secretary kerry spoken for him, i'm not aware of that. >> well, the secretary believes there are 70,000 dedicated men and women serving. reporter: patrick kennedy was identified as the diplomat of security service to oversee the investigation against gutman. he also figured commonly in the hearing where he was alleged to have played a key role in security staffing and in the early decision after the attack not to deploy state
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counterterrorism response teams. in a statement today, the secretary said the foreign service has been my life for over 40 years in my current position, it is my responsibility to make sure the department and all of our employees, no matter their rank, are held to the highest standard. i have never once interfered, nor would i condone interfering in any investigation. the house foreign affairs committee chairman, ed royce of california, pressed for more answers. >> we have approached in march the inspector general in order to ask about a report that we have seen which was concerning to us and we are told that there is nothing here. >> the october memo stated that the agent who investigated ambassador gutman submitted a detailed memo automatically under secretary of state, patrick kennedy. state department officials are saying that they don't know of any such memo. but a source close to the case
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it is one page long and reviewed by others here at the state department. james rosen for fox news. lou: a controversial decision from the obama administration indicates it will comply with the judge's order in all age restrictions on the morning after pill. the decision ends a year-long battle between the obama administration, which had been in favor of age limits and women's rights groups. critics say that unrestricted access could lead to promiscuity and shows content for parental rights. this sparked almost no reaction from political leaders in washington. meanwhile, congress is gearing up for a fight over food stamp funding. the democratically controlled senate last night passed new farm bill. it will cost $955 billion over the next decade. 80% of the $955 million will go to paper food stamps.
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the senate bill would actually cut spending and food stamps by almost $4 billion and the bill calls for a 20 billion-dollar cut in food stamps. so when you are talking about both measures providing $700 billion to food stamps alone over the next decade, neither cut is particularly sharp. turning to wall street now. docs lower in what was a volatile session. the dow jones industrial finishing down 1170 points. the s&p down 17. the nasdaq down 17 points falling on the big board only 3.3 billion shares. shareholders of this network approved the split of entertainment assets into two@ separate companies. it would be renamed for 20th century fox as of july 1 for both companies.
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gold falling to $1977 in crude oil is down 39 cents, just about $95 per barrel. the bond market is down slightly to 2.19%. we are going to be talking here tonight with michael calico to talk about what has happen when big business and government takeover. his new book is the navigator. david laughers joins us as well. going back to the moments of the american revolution in which the founding conservatives defeated the extremists. and on friday, author james@ lacey and his book, moment of battle. you don't want to miss any of these cryptic authors. up next, controversies often create strange answers. @% have that in the "chalk talk" tonight. you're going to see some of the more chillier partnerships with
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the nsa leak scandal. that is coming up next the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead ohim and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer nobodyikes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers thsame. whether u're the first the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an al. ally bank. your money needs aally.
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♪ lou: you know, we really don't know very much at all about 29- @%ar-old edward snowdon, leader of the national security agency's surveillance programs. over the past few days ww have heard and described as a hero, a trader, of whistle-blower, public servants, a fugitive, criminal off, even by some, and a bad boyfriend. normally you can tell where someone says on the issue by the bar or did the following their name in washington d.c. that certainly has not been the case. and we want to go through it very quickly. first the case for labeling him a traitor. let's leave out first that speaker of the house, he came out today saying flat out, edward snowden is a trader for showing our enemies with our capabilities are and surveillance.
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republican, senator dianne feinstein -- i mean, she has -- well, she shares his news. its share of the senate intelligence committee and says he committed an act of treason. the same goes for house homeland security committee member, former chairman, republican congressman, peter king hussein's edward snowden is a danger to the nation. president obama, urease. 2013. president obama. his justice department is weighing in in preparing criminal charges against him. and friday the president defended the nsa surveillance program sank, they make a difference in preventing terrorist attacks on this country and american. and another case for labeling he and his actions zeroth, if you can imagine that this happeeed. and none other thaa bollenbach and michael more. these men could not be more opposite in their political views typically.
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but he tweeted out that edward snowden has the earmarks of a real hero. and more. more calls in the hero of the year. i mean, i have to sit here and just kind of looked. by the way, we want to say thanks as always for leaving me my chalkboard. that was very nice. you want to say thank you know matter is used. senators medically and al franken. i want to say that again. senators michael the and al franken. they have come together to say, well, that's they are kind of behind this thing. a tea party favorite, a prominent leftie. they have not been tested label to edward snowden, but they are backing legislation that would require our government to be more transparent in its surveillance. think about this. they want to force the justice department to declassify court opinions in this instance. court opinions operating under the foreign intelligence
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surveillance act are the foreign intelligence surveillance court -- well, that measure probably will pass, but it was worth drafting just to see this odd pairing of senators lee and frank and. don't you think? president obama -- heee he is. look. the difference between senator obama in 2007 and president obama, 2013. you think this job does not carry with a little weight and burden? senator -- then senate candidate barack obama accused the bush administration of putting forward a false choice between national security and our civil liberties. he was very fired up about it. at think it is a pretty safe bet that president obama now would not make this same argument. because he is caught, as are we all, and a very real choice between national security and
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civil liberties. and edward snowden -- well, edward snowden right now is still very much a question mark. at tough day on wall street. investors looking for direction. chase investment council's tells us what direction this market is headed. nsa surveillance, irs abuses, eric holder's overreached, and the benghazi stonewall. presidential historian jean hampton cut and democratic strategist doug on what is left of the obama agenda. ♪ i have copd. if you've got it, you kn how hard ican be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. copd includes physema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a oncdaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment thatelps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva help me breathe easier.
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♪ lou: joining us tonight, former adviser to president bill clinton and boxes contributor. presidential historian jean hampton cook, author of the new book, american phoenix. thank you both for being here. let me begin, if i may come with
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you. this scandal, this in as a leak, various people and making decisions as to call and a trader or euro and everything in between. your thoughts? >> it is pretty simple. betrayed his oath to the united states, betrayed the security clearance. a lot loser to a trader then the is to euro. certainly not a hero to me. lou: jane. >> i am with you. there is still a question mark on the whole situation, but, you know, this has happened before when we have the american revolution. there was the man is supported the british government, the prosecuting attorney of privacy cases of lift and became the defense attorney. it has happened. it just gets at the core of who we are at the american people. lou: the reason i think of it as a question, because what he has done is frankly a reprehensible, but it is interesting 55 most
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interesting to find that the influences upon him, who was -- if you will, perhaps controlling him and all of this and for what purpose and to what end because i think we have only got a brief glimpse into what is going on. >> very fair questions. anyone who does what he did in my judgment has betrayed the united states. you raised a very real, very fair questions. he was influencing him, why is he doing? added he decided? was he doing? lou: let e turn, may. a report that president obama made an appearance at an off the record session with reporters, select reporters. many of whom apparently did not know that he would be there. dministration in a peculiar is when it is starting to us to off-the-record, if you will, charm of fences with the press corps that is not exactly hostile to them until recent
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times. lou: -- >> that is true. to do something of the record was a surprise for those reporters. it was a special treat on one hand, all of the canal report of all was said. it is a definite way to accord them. give his message, give his point of view and a few things so that, you know, next time there is in on the record meeting they have a little more to work with as far as where he is coming from. lou: and the speaker today going back to the issue on the part of edward snowden, he has stepped out in front of this. he is being very aggressive. the justice department preparing charges. one wonders what has taken so long. your thoughts on his -- this point at least the apparent disappearance. one never knows what our intelligence agencies and national-security apparatus knows and is not saying. apparently right now he is in territory and known. >> you know, my attitude is the did the right thing. think it was very clear that
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this man has led fundamental facts that are inimical to the united states. the justice department's supplely moving as fast as it can to file charges. where he is, this is part of the great unknown, the questions you're asking. lou: is it asking too much of both circumstance and coincidence that president obama could be holding a two day summit with president she of china and cyber attacks on the part of the eeoc begins the united states are high on that agenda and suddenly there be this revelation by a leader from booz allen hamilton working for a nsa? >> and that makes it very suspicious and very understandable to try to get answers to those questions. is there someone who has brought this guy up? is it just coincidence? we don't know. it certainly seems very, very suspicious. it is interesting that this
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cinnamon only works for three months in his job. that raises a lot of suspicions, to. ♪ hampton, we thank you. thank you. appreciated as always. coming up tomorrow, we will be talking with the house judiciary committee chairman talking about his investigation into the attorney general perjury, if, indeed, it turns out to be. up next, looking to become more transparent. or at least the administration. stay with us. ♪ my mantra?
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♪ lou: apparently wanting to clear its name with the essay leaks scandal, the company is asking the obama administration to allow it to disclose more details about national security requests for its users data.
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insisting it is not been handing over data. it can prove that if the justice department does keep the clearance. a volatile session on wall street. my next guest expects markets to remain somewhat directionless until next week's fed meeting. the start of burning season. joining us now with his outlook for these markets, president of the chase investment counsel. good to have you with this. and i would like the fact that you are narrowing the range down and looking to our earnings season and next week, where he think we're headed? >> as i said, i think we are going to have a volatile aisle three weeks. hopefully markets lear up a bit after the end of june when companies report their earnings and give guidance for the rest of the year, be it good or bad.
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that will set the tone for the market going forward. right now we are being driven by the macro lens of the day. as the economy improves, how do you into e, what is japan and europe to. lou: you know, as i am watching the business press send a lot of savant's and viewers to respect, i keep thinking back to one of my teachers and high-school boys said, as i was going off to college -- she said, these march you know, leave the big questions alone. take care of the little ones. think about that all the time when i think about watching everybody worrying about the central banks all around the world, the ineptitude, it seems, more often than not. the adventures of japan. our own federal reserve, and the fiscal policy that makes no
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sense to anyone. we did all that. we're doing pretty well on balance sheets, doing pretty well on earnings. nothing stellar, but the little questions, if you will, seemed to be adding up to something foundational. am i completely wrong? >> i think you're right. that was good advice your teacher gave you. you know, the mere talk of ending qe has caused turmoil in the u.s. bond market. if i told you long-term u.s. interest rates have risen by 35 percent over the past six weeks there so, that's a surprising number. that drives a lot. that drives the housing market. address the equity markets. so it seems like a small move. but it has a tremendous impact on financial markets. lou: that puts us back. you're exactly right about the volatility within the credit markets, the debt market.
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the treasury market's. but that puts us back where we were in april year ago as well. >> yes. exactly right. i think, you know, the rate itself is not as important as the direction and the speed at which we get there. i think -- could the world live, could the u.s. live with the 3% 10 year bonds? certainly it could. it has been an attractive rate for years. the volatility -- the speed at which we get their concerns people. then there are a lot of macro traders up there who borrow money at these low rates only to invest in something for earning a bit of a spread. no, that spread could narrow. and that is adding to the volatility. lou: the volatility also -- have to start working in shopping those pencils and adjust to something like a normal time in
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our country's financial history. just very quickly, we are out of time. give us your sense of what investors should be doing. >> i think investors should between now and the middle of the summer may be take a little bit of money off the table. we have had a maaket that is of 16% so far this year. 25 percent over the last 12 months. can we have a 5 percent correction, 10 percent correction over the next six o eight weeks? short. i've you pullbacks as buying opportunities. it's good to have the power ready when acre. lou: absolutely. thank you for being with us. we appreciated. go to our social sites. find links to our facebook page. e-mail me. follow me on twitter. up next, a chilling new book describes what happens when big government, big business, big regulations takeover.
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the author joins me next. the boys used double miles from theirapital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. ou must garth's father? hello. mher. mother! travelings easy witthe venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this g can a. anna play dodge rock? oh, u guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, y never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! y never♪ iss the fun. win! what's in your wallet?
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♪ lou: my next guests new book illustrates what can happen when powerful political and business interests intersect with the cutthroat world of wall street's , capitol hill. the combination creating a thrilling story that it's too close to home these days. joining me now, managing director, ceo and the author of the brand new book the navigator
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published today. good to have you with this. >> thank you. it's a pleasure to be here on publication day. this was a great moment. wall street comes to washington. lou: d'agata cake added. don't want to give away too much of the book, but the idea of bringing together these very powerful interests. it's fascinating and approximates -- it's an analog for much of what is happening in a good part of this country, and give part of the world. >> into could have predicted that months ago when macmillan picks june 11th that we would be doing this. this is a book with a lot of big themes. ptsd. it's a brothers novel. the major theme of the past in treating a bomb the present in ways that cannot be seen. intelligence, a couple of old cold warriors running around. standing responsible for their actions. and there is even a love story.
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it is the story of the world's first trillion dollar deal. and big government house, big regulation, big business and big data all intersecting in their real time in washington. lou: and that is the world which we ll live. and i want to turn -- because your background is and -- you have had a distinguished military career. you have been a businessman and financiers as well as now of their of writing fiction. want tt get your sense of what is happening with the nsa scandal in particular. talk about big business, big government. this is it. >> it is. it is the confluence of all those things. as an author what you want to do is to try to find the actual political and business anxieties the people were dealing with. that is what this scandal was
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saying. that is also what this book as saying. i think with respect to the nsa disposers, to paraphrase winston churchill, we are closer to the end of the beginning that we are to the beginning of the end. there is so much we don't know and so much that will be coming out. all of them relate to these themes of data gathering. as you just pointed out, it crosses all kinds of political boundaries. this book crosses a lot of political boundaries. that is what is happening. maybe this is the kind of contents that will bring together this great political divide the we have been seeing in america today. lou: let's move from the navigator to the leader. and edward snowden who, i think -- i view him to be -- his actiins are just here reprehensible. whose responsibility is it? and i know that there are a lota
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lot more facts to come and. this is a man, a contractor to the nsa, a well-known and will establish a contractor with the nsa. they put him in a position in which she could survey apparently all quarters of the nsa without much connection to were test of his abilities or even his predilections. it is a strange thing to me. >> it is a real strains think. again, it gets to the psychology of the individual but and responsibility of the individual. that is at the core of the story . i see this guy -- i see some of the same psychological traits that i did in the walker spy scandal 30 years ago. and as we deal with what kind of implication is there going to be, this really does become the
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past intruding upon the presence . those of the things we're dealing with. lou: at the jury going to stick with the navigator. so are we. on sale now online bookstores everywhere. thanks for being with us. it's a brand new start.
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then find out how g lunesta for as l as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you tre, on the wings of lunesta. neil: obama administration is now getting sued by no less than aclu the same aclu that went after president bush for the wiretaps. they are getting hotter, but instead i want you to watch out for a cold war because of this is getting colder. welcome i am neil cavuto, we think, nsa leaker snowden, somewhere in hong kong, i assume we have already asked the chinese to hand him over, but ed is still not here, that can only lead me to believe, ed is still over there, and that leads me to believe in the chinese are just as interested in talking to ed as w


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