tv Cavuto FOX Business June 12, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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♪ neil: all right, now we really know. the guys doing their bidding, they are bolting. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. what do you call microsoft a google and facebook getting a backbone all at the same time? well, big trouble for the white house. major u.s. technology firms are putting the government on notice that they want tgive tir customers notice. theyant to be allowed to disclosexactly how many times authorities demand of them to hand over user data. the present schism, and these high-tech guys are actually freaking out. they have customers and shareholders to wonder why they keep handing over dated to the
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government and just how offten th have been handing over. never mind the damage has been done and ts is sort of like google or mrosoft for any one of these as announcing the barn door i open long aer the animals have left, but is clearly a sign that these high-tech titans are worried this will cost tm some business. they should because standing ery customer stuff whether on the dict order or not should be a source of concern. i suspect they will be allowed to state how often this has happened. as if that remotely eases of the extent there that it has ppened. added 13 on wind and techies go gasping. what do you make of all this? >> reporter: what is interesting, you know, the ft hood guy gave lotsf signs that he was a terrorist and they ignored it. the boston bombers, right, also some internet stuff that the were doing, you know, postings, whenever. did not get caught. you get the feeling that the are like theeystone kops.
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its gears me. neil: who are the keystone cops? >> the government. when you hd over ts much information andhey cannot figure out easy stuff, what will they do with the hard stuff? and what will they do with this information? you get the feeling that they will miss use it at some point because they really don't know how to use itt neil: you know what i worry about,nd we just won't know til we know, is whether this was under direcorder or ty just comied because the government said, you know, we think you shouldnd this stuff over. either way it is unseting because the -- apparentl the do hand it over. >> i don't think that the companies to go against governmentrders. ceainly google has been putting a transparency reports for quite a while but information that they're giving to the government because they have to. that is the information there are alloweto talk about. now they are despera for the government to allow them to reveal all. neil: would that really make a difference? okay. i don't know.
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>> well, y know, we don't know what exactly they are giving away, and i think what the google and facebook and microsoft are worried about is that sin people n't know, there is a chilling effect. so in the last f years, four or five years a lot of people move their information to the cloud, basically to ramos servers, servers with google, microsoft and affirmatn sitting on facebk, twitter. and that has been the norm. you're concerned that these companies are allowing the gornment to access the information you have been leaving on those cloud-based using those services. especially businesses. this is why these companies are concerned. >> this a business move by them. there customers are in danger. that is what they're finding out. increasing the encouragement about what the electorate on the web. and they are reacting to o very viable business threat.
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i mean, if everything you do is actually tracked by the government, asking for multitudes of information, we n't know exactly what that is. people will assume the worst. not jt whether you are e-mailing some guy. il: you are a crusading reporter. thank you. [laughter] neil: ally. i would imagine your sources don't e-mail sff to you. okay. have you seen any ls of that? >> you know, just so you know, i have been laying off ofhe male since 2002 when eliot spier found all the trove of e-mails about how he was private -- you know, pieces of you know what. so i don'tse e-mail lot except fo like one word answers. i will say this, there will be a chilling effect on the business model. if you believe them, you are saying that there not askin for all tt much information. ey want to show evebody that don't worry about porn usage, you can still download porn.
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neil: you mentioned go google, i just get a sense of google they are more interested in showing their backbone with the chinese, for exampleyou can't get this information. washington asks for the same thing, whatever yo want. that is weird, perverse high-tech double standard i a seeing, it kd of bothers me. >> well, i think thatll of the tech companies wanto show a backbone efficient their customer. neil: but affer the fact. i can threa to beat you up after you left the room. >> and you make a good point. that this has been going on for a while. the oy reason that we're all talking about it is because of the whistle-blor, you have to woer why done the companies ask for more transparency earlier. >> remember they are saying it is contained.
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not everything, it is specific stuff. >> that is -- >> i think only reason why they are doi this because it is publicized. >> you are thinking t worst, lance is thinking of worst, i am thinking the worst. i'm not using google for that any more. neil: really. >> true. >> i'midding, but you know what i'm saying. neil: i did, i do, i don't kno >> i can't reach you on e-mail. now not going to ill, he is off of the net. neil: i don't know, it is a mess, i appreciate you trying to so it out, misirabily, i might point out. >> thank you. neil: do you wonder how we get to bottom of government scandals, when the government fires the very one reveals the scandals. firsto report potenal
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security breaches on sec computers that ctain crucial stock exchange data, but web was was fired for becoming a nuisance, until confounding facts of thease came out, and sec set eled wit settled with h. weber to tell us how difficult that whistle-blower role can be, dad, tha y, i cannot imagine, have you this stuff in frt of you, you take it to those who you think want to hear it thenou a a villain? >> to begin a the beginning, thankou. secondly,, no. whether i learned what i learned, i knew was going to be fired the day that i learned it. neil: really. >> really. i'm an attorney as well as assert fid fraud examiner -- certifiee fraud examiner.
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whher i learned what i learned, and i was driving home that night, i called my wife when is also a lawyer, i told her i was going to lose myy job. neil: all right, now, you knew that because you knew were going to talk to someone about it, or you could not sit tight and igre this stuff. >> will i knew that because of the situation that i was dealing with, which was bernard madoff fraud and alan stanford fraud and potential cyber compromise of second stock computerstock ea foreign add ver adversary thereo way -- >> how do you stule upon this? >> i camepon this because i was told informaon with regards to the inappropriate relationships and with regards to cyber compromise. neil: how did the relationship
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stage impact what was going to at sec, a lot of people have affairs, were you drawing connection between that and all other neff airouousous stuff. >> the relationship was with key witnesses, it would have tainted the cases, inspectors general and agencies necessarily, have andards of conduct for conducting investigations. we want to know that those investating are doing it in a straightfoard waythat was not being gone. to learn there was a compromise of our investigation, of largest fraud in united states, nody raised their hand, i knew that night, i would hav to raise my hand, and if i did not, i would not be doing a my duty. neil: god bless you. you take that information that snowden has, you stay in u.s.,
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you don't go off to hong kong he does. >> i tried too use the sim to report what happed. il: you got screwed. >> the system failed me. neil: maybe he was familiar with your story, what do you think of what he did? >> i can tell you, if i was h lawyer, and i'm not, but if i was, i would not have advised him to do what he id. neil: why? because, first of all, i would never revealed hid name, and his face. but second, because he owed a duty to work wiin theystem, and follow the rule of law. i commend what he did, it took an edgan enormous set of courag. neil: why does everyone say that, i think what you did took huge set of courage, this guy, here was a system in place he
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could have done what you did. he did not. he went right to leaking it to the world. >> neil, you could be right, you cod have a point, it could perhaps he does not believe in the system. maybe not in this administration. part of my frustration -- >> what if he is just an attention getter. >> he could %-revealed what is plaly ahe is massive violation of the 4 amenent. neil: but, i would liken some much the -- they issue collecting information tha might oright not be usedor neff airous purposes, what you uncovered was, you kne right away. you stayed here ineal with and risk great peril,his guy is over there, what message each or
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both of you send to fute whistle-blowers. >> message too current whistle-blowers, that you can win. that you can fight. but you have to understand, that if you are going to raise your hand it is not easy to raise your hand that doing the right thing can be hard to do. but sometimes its youruty, i understood that night, even though i wasoing to lose my job, had to do it i sworn an th to up hold and protect the the constitution, an the law, by time i did what i did, i was seni most investigative person in the agency, there was nobody else who would raise their hand, i did what i needed to do to protect our country, stock market and retirees, all of whom have their net worth in the stock market, when a cyber compromise of foreign adversaries. neil: i learned a lot talking to you, including don't trust
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couples who a lawyers, i'm kidding, thank you very much. david weber. >> thank you. neil: remember when i was talking with the au guy on fox news, ours was first show to stop by he annnced this lawsuit that aclu just put to administraon's desk, yesterday heasll by himself, today of wi the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on eve purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why ttle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limitereward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back every purchase every day. what's in ur wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? [ crgiven way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep,
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ne: aclu take two, if you thinknly aclu suing over the privacynvasions, think again, one suit stands out as much for auditing as back story of just emotional cruelty, a couple suing for $3 million for being singles out for speaking out, for criticizing the government after their navy seal son of killed in afghanistan.
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larry, their son was kild, during the b administration, right? >> correct. neil: so -- >> no, excuse me. did not occur during bush administration on august 6. of 2011. neil: okay. so why then did they spoke out ainst the obama administration, and the conduct ofhe afghan war or drawing down in afghanistan but they felt by criticizing, that then, the administration had singled them out? plain? >> well what happened is that, vice president biden revealed the name of seal team 6 i responsible for death of osama bin len, that was ironically a breach of national security classified information. taliban saw that, and in subsequent mission, that was flown by seal team 6 members, 22 of them were shot down in a helicopter, in afghanistan.
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on august 6, 2011, partf result of administration own policy, that did not allow military to engage in preemptive fire, they have to wait until they are fired up o upon by somf the muslim extremists before they can fire up, the family who lo their son michael, it help critical of president obama and the military for not allowing our servicemen, to protect themselves that is where it originates from. neil: they argue that pile on, for speaking out, they --t got worse explain. >> what happened was, that charlie strange,he dad was making calls on his cell phone, he uses verizon, strange numbers start swingp on the screen, digiat thidigits of 1, and 2, hs milita, and it turns out these
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aree numbers that originating overseas, he is making domestic calls. so he came to the conclusion, -hich is logical, that someone is messing with him, they wanted him to know they were tapping his phone to coerce him to not speaking further about the scandal this is theore larry of benghazi scand, how did ambassador get killed in behazi, the embassy was not allod to take protctive measures to defend themselves this scandal with the seals is similar it is wrapped into one big bundle am bong is sensitive -- obama administration is seitive about it, our clients have reason to believe their phones were tapped, they are part of the whole 120 million or so customers -- >> this is different, at issue we're told, nsa tellining folks
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calm down, we're not spying on them, but this this case they were, or that ishe charge, nsa will come back, to say this is just a record -- we're not listening in, if you can prove this, there was going on, there cod and probay would be a pattern of this behavior that es beyond just, the parents, right? >> well, that is wha we'll prove in our lawsuit, we have now an individual who came rward, edward snowden who knows what was goingn, we never had that in any of the prior -- >> all heaid, tha thus far, 115 plus million american phone records were collected as verizon customers, you say he like knows morehan that? >> well, other people know that, we'l have thepportunity to take discovery in thi case. it can be taken in a way that does not breach national security, we're going to get to the bottom of it. neil: do you find it interesting
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that administration did not have aroblem wh leaks that made is look good, for tracking down and killingsama bin laden for example, but a very big problem with leaks that make it look not so good. >> well, that is hypocrisy, in washington. you know what it is. the fact that nsa ss something, or that the internet companies say something that is -- collaborating, with the government, does in the make it true. we had a number ofeaks with the obama administration, dealing not just withavy seals who killed osama bin laden but theirus, and cyber warfare, and kill land just, last week, the arrow missile defense system in israel, because the administration is trying to compromise israel to keep it from doing a preism ti a -- prem preemptive strike. they get walk onree, they get
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to walk but little guys like snowden, they are g getting burned, he will be bushed at the stake that is the pblem. 've seen congressmen and senators come forward defending what nsa did, because they are ones that came up with the concept, they are defding themlves. neil: a very fasnating legal case, this changes dynamics from a bunch of records on going further. larry -- thank you. >> other thing, we have potential, two class-action lawsuits, having majority of americans part of the lawsuit, this is an opportunity for americans to wage a legal revolution to take their country back, because our government has broken away from the needs and concerns of the people, not unlike what w saw in 177 regret abily. neil: that was before lawyers like you. larry claman thank you very re. >> thank you, neil. neil: wow. well government, top-sect give
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away continues, another intelligence agent out soars classified information, but this time,o a popular internet shopping web site. you can't make this stuff up, they are just giving this away. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when vissignature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury caservice instd of "strength traing with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your ea of what a card should be. visa signature. with centurylink visionary cloud it'sinfrastructure,art. and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliablesecure, and agil
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neil: cia selling out to, kind of. popular internet shopping web site,inng a bid to set up cloud computing for spy agency. anyone see a problem? classifi intelligence floating in a cloud. hostedy monica crowley does, and joinedly sasha burns, and matt welsh. >> i am all for priva sector, they almost always do things
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better for government. but added dimension makes it tricky is thate're dealing with national secury rhetts secrets. neil: if you are a prime customer -- >> amazon prime, yes, i am set. you have to make sure if government is doing subcontracting out to private contractors that every company is vetted and every person who will have their fingerprints on a highlyy sensitive program like this, has to be vetted and sworn to up hold our nation's secrets, it is a big rk, but we run that risk anyway. we've had plen plenty government worker leak highly classified secrets. neil: they could package it. sasha? >> the problem is keeping up with technology. where it is going. i think month ca monica, you ar.
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we always out source. neil: but it is never put up for sale on amazon, maybe they have. >> they are getting into it. >> it is efficient. >> hundreds of millions of dollars inusiness for them, it is about protecting the nation, but is it a government worker. neil: out sourcing is not the problem just the people who -- >> who havelearances,. neil: 1.4 million do, matt, are we cheapening this by retailing it. >> i don't think so, the question is not necessarily outsourcing verse doing it in house, but how much secret stuff should the government being doing. are we really sifting through a billion records a day, does
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number tossed out today, which seems insane. we have a over seccy problem, and an over survey len problem. the -- surveillance problem. s more you do this the more people will have accessf seeing records that you neat v vet. its maybe we should not do so many secret things. neil: i would not have a problem with that, i get what i want from john. i am -- john. what do you tnk of is is goes? >> remember that edward snowden was defense contractor, nsa contractor so he was not working for government, he was a contraor. which means that law apply to him may be different. we don't know. but i do tnk the more we grow the surveillance sta, the
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bigger that government gets. neil: that was patriot act out of control. >> as a national securit person, i do believe that government should have secrets. neil: when bush pushed this. ttey went too ar? >> i d't think so. i think that threat contacts requires aot of secrecy. but question is, where is the fine line. if you are subcontracting out, to private sector groups and businesses, you open it up to another set of people, that have to be sworn in. and vetted, a whole new layer of complexity. neil: all right we'll have you there stillpinning tir wheels in staten iand. a half billion dollar ferris while? to throw more sand in their face? i'm phyll and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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72 all right staten islanders time for your post sandy check list. food, check, supplies, cheheck, loan, slow butheck, rebuilding of some home, check. ferris while, check. >> what? ferris while, yeah. they approved a half billion dollarerris while for staten island. to staten islander john, who might be seeing circles, what do
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you make of this. >> it look like hey, we're building an amusement park, there are still ton of people homeless in statensland, the are not amused by thought of $500 million going into a ferris wheel. neil: hat has to be one -- it has to be one hell of a ferris wheel. >> like the london eye. neil: each unit could be a home for sten islanders who are out of their home. >> there are plenty of people, as we've documented who still have no homes. neil: focus on them, not ts is, that what i'm saying. >> i think that city sho focus o those people, the federal and state response to be focus onnnned on those people, we're seeing, small steps in the provement of that, but what people might be overlooking right now, is that thiserris whee is supposed tottract long-term recovery dollars to staten island. and the long-term recovery affords -- efforts led by
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groups byny brothers, need every bit of helphey can get. neil: are you behind funding this. >> not the ferris while. il: i have no doubt, looking long-term makinstaten island to a touristnation. not a bad idea, but is now the time to consider it, ion't know. >> right now we're in the bureaucric process. neil: have been i the bureaucratic process things is hit. >> yes. neil: how are tng going? >> they are still pretty bad. i think chris christie' ability to cuddldle up to barack obama s seen new jersey get a tremendous expedited response. neil: you think that staten islanders have been robbed? >> i think that staten island right now is like the rid headed stepchild -- red-headed stepchild of recovery funding efforts, we still have volunteer
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and faith-based organizations doin more work than from the feral government. but, the ferris wheel, in itself i touch base with local councilman, i touch base with the head of the community board 1 who approved that ferris while. their feelings are there are 8 million in in in city, and this will be a benefit to those people in new york city, the touris dollars that will come in the funnel down into staten island means on a long-term basis. neil: if yo go to the ferris %->> maybe you can go to stripo. mallhey will build next door, move people will pbably- most people will get back on ferry head back to new york city. and you know,. neil: i never thoughtf your angle, tha is a good angle, anything is better than nothing. >> from a public perception, it does not look great to talk about building amusements but i
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think thisong-term, it may be a good ing to help people, and neil, i can tell you, there is one guy in staten island who probably bigst communiiy active, stu branke,, he fights genesagainst bad for stan islan, high called him, he said, in the long run it is good. neil: i like it,ot all right. thank you veuch. he has done more to help people in his hometown. i think than anyone. you need a job? you might want to look into interinternship some pay, at goe we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them shous. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a gat thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much
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work for 47 different companies. we, technically i wo for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. >> an interview for an intership that could lead to a job. >> you are kding, right? >> you are so old, though.
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neil: younow these guys have right idea. because, interns at google they giggle. and if you saw what they were making, you would do more than giggle. how about 6 grand a month? that is right, somef the google interns make that much in this plum assignment. not bad if you can get it, talk about a reason to get blitz, so let's blitz. >> y get all-times in there, that is where money circumstae key that snowed -- money is, the key, snowed know guy was making six-figures a year, and h did not even graduate from high school, so high-techompanies, think about education, our kids are still educated t fit an economy that does not allow for this kind of salary. we have to change our education system sour kidding can go to
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google after they graduate, not some incerta ship at a nonprofit. whether they lucky to get 6,000 a year. neil: you know, that is a smart way to attract iriguing talent, pay them a lot. >> right. it is a wonderful marketing tool to get the right type of people into google they want, when are creative, they think outsi of the box,eople that you know, that can gw that company. lien, don't go to wall street, go to silicone valy. >> don't go to harvard, become a high school drop out the. neil: anyway, issue two, news that amazon is getting to the grocery biz. how did they get that chunky nkeyo me in a hurry. >> i think have you a freezer full of chunky monkey, don't y
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admit it. >> they are ting over everything, they have your nation secret now our food supply. their profitn is so small, they praically give stuff away like the kdle. investorses' profit. but their chief competitive or, is walmart, walmart deals with a lower clientele. i think if amazon focusing on whole foods fancymancmances fany may corner t market. >> td, amazon, will have those overnight arul augula shipments. they are a truth els tth else
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culture, when jeff bezos started azon, he had. -- cld be a good fit. neil: issue three, good news for you beleaguered travelers to get your mind off soda you to to pay for, and blanketou have to pay for, and extra seat, and aislrele, have to pay for, round trip fares, more big airlines are offering back and fth rates below a hundred bucks. >> talking about closerofit margins, airlines have closest. this is a new idea, it is an inriguing idea, you pay per distance. ifhey fl the seats -- if they fill the seats that is key. it is whether they fill the seats, if they fill the seatst
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will be great, if not, they will know quickly their profit margins will be thinner. neil: you know, i could not read into this todd, is that fees just continue? yo get analyzing offer of a low round trip fair, but the fs have not gone away. >> the fees have not gone away, bbt you know, bags 3 free for southwest. but only a few seat on every plane they will sell at this type of deal. perfect,raws eyes to weather web site. to look for their ticket. and price is not there they are on the web site, and they have a great chance of buyg southwest airline ticket. a perfect policy for southwest. and don't bet against southwest. they make a profit every year, do iant to own a airline company? i would like to own a whole airline, but yeah. neil: that either of you have -- neither ofou have flown commcial for years. >> yeaheave our own private
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jet. >> all right, thank you very much. gein mist fo misty for crist ch. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i gohead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the me. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bk. your money nee an ally. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business nds more cases.
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out from the. if republicans were wincing when they all but saw him holding hands with the prez. to gin who said for conservatives this left loving is over the top. you are not a fan of this why not? >> no. neil, i am not. because i think that you know ris crischris christie can win e route this dem love, and republicans hold him accountable for the loss in favor of obama. neil: do you tnk. really? >> i understand that, but republican are not going to forget that, if people want to make tha argument, you now add to that this love ofocrats, he is winning byouble digits, stated to win bigger than any incumbent. ne: maybe that is his goal, to go back to leary conservatives
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like you, tea partiers like you, y what you will, won by a landslide in bluest of blew ue states, i am your man, ga laden says what?t? i can write that commercial, wouldn't you having you have gotterather have gottenrid of on chris christie. we do not have a sense of humor about what happened to our nation, not like the days of reagan, aittle democrat love, this is the most left-leans president in the history of united stas. neil: true, but no g or girl will appeal to all your check off issues. but if if governor comes to you, he will try to wow you, and say,
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im mostly the isss that you like, and hold dear. for policing budgets and spending going after big pensions, and abuse, and unions and et cetera. i am the guy to love. >> i felt my blood pressure go up when you said that, it makes me livid, if that is what we have from this republican establishment, every presidenal elect, year aft year, and republicans and conservatives are sick of ii we're not going toake it establishment -- >> wha if the kind of person you want cannot get alleged. >> i don't believe that for o second, i am tired left and republican establishment believing that lie, i do note believe that for one second, you give us somebody we canrust on issues that we know we have a history with that does not falter on republican platform, and i think that is the person that base wiil circle around, and i cid that through
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beginning, i think hiding from social issues is never the answer, you take any group hispanics ortherwiseou wil be able to appeal to them on moral andirtuous, and issues value, i am notuying that lie gai we have tall en for that one too many times, and chris christie is not getting that exction. neil: if he were nominee you would vote for him >> i would vote for him, you will alway get me there, nile, and i will aays vote for mere bake. neil: gina loveour spunk, thank you. >> give the spies credit, now they are eyeing your credi report. @%don't know if they look add you verizon state. but i know they are fussing over your bank statement.
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772. neil: maybe she. >> the agency is amassing a database on what you are spending, charging, loans and overdrafts. a little over the top. what is worse, bureau's director will not disclose the, tent of the spying, just tt it is for the consumer's own good, even if it costs businesses a bund telecom my, monica jus creeping. >> not a surprise. given context with what we've been talking about. consumer protecttion board is in evyone's business.
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that is other part of this, whether y talk about nsa or consumer prosecond board, they acque this personal information about you, number one, how longg are they holding it, what are they doing with it. ne: they are selling notion they want to make sure you are not getting sewed. >> every major government reeorm is a way t make your life better. ey don't realize that you can't really name very many recent government reforms that did not require to us could crammed through database es. we'll get everi if passed that means all of us in this conversation will have to prove rough a database, that we're american citizens to have a job this happens with obamacare, and irs now sayinghey have the right to look at every bank account you have in the world, dhey will make that bank collect taxes on your behalf,
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that is the world we le in, we have to fight like hell against the it recognize any thirdarty provider we have, banks, electronic communications, is sueptible to government ovreach in the name of reform. neil: is it overreach? >> the difference some from some anothers that all in success out there and used. -- all this information out there is being used. it is being used a market analysis, that is same thing that bureau is use figure for, not to see what my mortgage circumstance they are creating a model. you know. >> do you see a virtue in this, they weed out corrupt behavior on part of linder its might to be good. >> they aresing it to exploit consumers. >> they the exploit back.
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>> how do you know. >> we freely give our informatn to our credit card companies or if you belong to cv club that a choice you make. neil: theyell it. then, the people -- you thought were exclusily giving it to, it is sth there for t world. >> thiss usually in contractual language, which is why paranoid people like me do not freely give that information . but we do those in contracts. everytng on ourinancial lives. >> you raise an interesting question with sasha, how do you know, this irs tarts of going on for 2 o more years bore it was public knowledge.
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nasonl-- nsa,nly reason we know about that is snowden that leak. how did you kw that they are just oing to must to protect -- to use it to protect you. government has a line we're doing this wh your best interest in mind, we're not overstepping our bnds how do we know that. neil: even as virtuss it cod be. look aturden on business, what do you want? >> you know, i stopped feeling rry sorry for t banks a ile ago. >> my issue -- >> they pile up more regulation, what is answer. >> government relaxed them,
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banks tanged the economy -- tanked the economy. >> they can't win for love or money. >> nor can we, i don't question the government's motive but i question there are competence. neil: i question them with my stuff. >> don't move any time soon, because worse of this united states post offers,hey resell your information lik crazy, someone who moves is a great target. you an't opt out of usps, they will sell your stuff. neil: how bad does this get? we live with it, deal with it? what? >> sasha talks aut imcompeten, we know tha gornnt incpetance is everywhere, snowden used a pprase, he said, turn k tyranny. this infrastructure is in place,
12:00 am
you never know what is happening tomorrow. %-all of us will be onrs web, site no night i melissa: i'm france france an here's what's "money" tonig. forget the whistle-blower, should a journalist who leaked secret nsa documents be prosecuted? ongressman peter king says yes. joins to us explain wh us, should employers be able to reject job applicants because theye a criminal history? regulators sue two major companies over it. we'll tell you how the outcome could affect every business in eountry. "who made money today"? let'sust say they're cranking up the music and head banging in celebration. stay tuned to find out who exactly that is. even when they say it's not, it is always aut money.
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