tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 13, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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should let most of them in. that is our show. thank you for watching. ♪ night. lou: gooo eveninghank you for being with us, baking news, the whe house now claims that bashar assad's forces have sed emical weapons on syrian rebels they used serine to kill 100 to 150 rebels over t lt 12 months could oba administrationsked for a united nations iestigation most 3 month ago, but it has reached a conclusion that assad is responsibleor use of chemical ep one weapons throughn efforts andetermination, the times is curious, less than 24 hos after fmerresident ll clinton intimated that
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esidenttobama would b flish to not get involved in the syrian c conflict. we'll take all of tt up here. we begin with t appearae of the fbi directo today, robert muellr before the house judiciaryommittee, staunchly defending the government's collection ofhone a internet data as vital to ouration's national security, telling the panel, law enforcementust be a sthead of criminals and rrorists, mueller insting that the nsa has done nothing wrong and american civil liberties have been procted thughout. >> we recognizehat the american public expects the fbi and our intelgence commumunity rtners to protect privacy teres, even as weus couct our national surity mission these programs h been condtedonsistenwith the
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constitutionnd the laws of the unit states the program have been carried out with extensive oversight from ports, independent inspectors general -- congress. lou: fuller added that metadata@ llection program. had it been in place earlier, that attacks niks like 9/11 migt and preparing toelease full list of terrorist attks thwarted by government survllan data this m monday, senato ron white whether mark udal ctradict it. muelr ensed hseudiciary committee that the fs taking allesry steps to hold mitted nsa leakerdwd snowde responsib for exposingthe nature of government secret surveilnce
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prrams, today of's hearings proving insight to what fbi director does,nd does not know ou the fbi's invtigation into scandals plagug ts president. in pticular the irs scandal in which i officials targeted conservative and tea party groups f direc struggled in his resnses to congrsman jim jordan, who asked the director a straightforward question thad to this heated standoff. >> telle who the lead instigator is. >> i will just m head no om the most important iue youo not kno who the lead vestigate or s. >> io n know. we would like to know. >> we would like to know ho many pple have you assigned. >> i have n had a briefing on it i had a briefing when we first itiated y don know who is leang e case? >> i do notnow who is lead -- >> do younow i youkedo
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any wathe victims? any of the groups who were targeted by their governmt. you met wh any tea party folks sie m 14, 2013. >> i doo know what the status of the interviews are by the team onn it. >> did the fbiontact any th same victi,,ri to investigation wh thewere applying forax empt status did they play them a visit. >> i do not know. >> pardon. >> i do not know. >> you do notkow? >> i do not know. lou: snowden h ge sen today, releasing no top-sret briefs. still n charges have been publicly dis closed b the justice department, speculalatin ineases thatnoid know may have s that snowed know may haveeen working -- snowden may have bn working as a agent of
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a feign government perhaps >>eporter: asther nsa leaker snowden a spy or defected to china, the house intelligence commiee leadership left the door open. >> a thorough scrub of what his in connections are. if. >> it seems usual he would be in china, asking protection from chinese government. >> reporte white house i backing up nsa directo alexander who claims that controversl data collect providing primary invesgave leads. these programs authorized by congress, overseeny congress and federal judgesith internal chec and balances withinhe executive branch were fnd to be effective in thwarting terrorist attacks. >> reporter: there are queions over whether nsa progrs refer to uncover critical intelligence about new york city subway plot plotter and convicted terrorist
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adley. afr alexander testified on wednesday this quote, dozs o terrortven events you wer disrupted. they responded we've not seen y evidence showing tt nsa's dragne collection of american phone recoras produced any uniquelyalblentelligence, all plots appear to have been identifiedsing other collect methods,lexander made a statement but took no questions. >> we owe you the american people is now how good is that with some sttistics. >> r reporter: in sworn testimoy fbi dector mueller ted to make t the case that nsaollect would haveikely prevented 9/11 by collecting phone recor of terrorists. >>f we had theheelepho numbee from yemen, we would have
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matched it up with the telephone number from san diego. >> i am not persuaded. >> reporter: congressman %-fbi's requesteet the leglthat head of senate intelen committee diane feinstein said a could be released mondaprogram lou: katherine thankou. fox news chief intelligence correspondent. >> now to the ite house, announcement that it hasas concludeed sere -- syria's presidentid use chemical weapons nst his own people. sing what the president called a cleed line, saying that president obama hasot de aeeision yet on direct military involvement or tervention sh as establishing a no-fly zone, a th national security advisory adde that administration will
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make decisions on what action to take on quote, our own timeline. the intelligence comnity, estimates that 100 to 150 people have died from checal weapons attacks in syria. over the pastt year. that ctraso overall death toll i the conflicthat i at least 93,0 people. joining us now to discuss the political impact the scandals, now eulf the administration, congressman ted poe. on judiciary committee and foreign affairs committee, and former senator scott bro, now a facts newsontract or -- f news cryp contribute or. first to you, t contradiction of the senators ofhehe head of the nsa. >> notonvies to me that the
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nsa appropriately used the patriot act with their broad approach ofaking millions phone records. trying to track down a terrorist or two tnk is overreachingt does is,ow we have this issue of me-data ty can track and take down a person's location, when the pne wassed. i do not think that is constitution. i don't thinthey can do that under tatriot act, and i haveiled legislation about 3 months ago to prohibit that unless they search wenent i ware -- seah warrarant is taken, it is over broad. lou:cott brown, we're looking at washington post and the guardian withhe blobuster stors that began inid of a following a two day summit 29
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president chi and president obama. thr allegations areby diminished to point it is starting t look like some well, some haste here. onnthe part ofhe two news organizations, may have resulted in fouling up the story. >> you need to get your facts straight whenou report a story, younow that, but bottom line,ting back to what congressn was talng about, patriot act of meant t address terrorists, informaon, the points, cputers we found from terrorisnd goinn after terroris, not -- i did n suoot a badweeping, tempt to get ordinary citizens informion and use it for some other reason. there are real problems when it
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mes to i know senator wen and udall they did not agree wi them, but they call it like it is, easy for general alexander and everyonelse to get the secret briefin and findut how the record being used. whatt go attempts tot us were thwarted. we don't that -- have that formion there are a lot of unanswered questions here, we need to get the facts straight. the amerineople nd to know at their government is doing. >> to whategree does it, disturb you there is a young man, 29eald, still in hong kong, making allegations aut the u.s. cyberattacks on chinese facilities, as he speakso chinese media, and has accused nsa, f federal goverent, of s of civilights horrors,
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to this point have not been subsntiated in anyway. yetts remarblehe coincidence, in his relationship to cna, and it looks as though an instution, that is the u.s. congress, which as we look at from polls that lowes regard imaginable by the party of the american peoe, and y here we are watching wt looks to me, there is a whip of the crch coissionnhis. an as iea a lot of, clucking going on, about going after thar do wells ynner doells. >> you tl me,here am i wrong? >> let me ump in, a former ranking member of homelan i can, attest first hand amount o
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cyber taxes fromhina,now crinal element in wor that want to take your work product and hurt us in any shape and form, wh regard to this young man. first of all they should have done a better job checking his qutaaions and security clearanc and the like is monitoring what he was doing have too many ctractors is problem number one. he is inhina, and conrned about civil rights and people's rights, are you kidding me? i question his motives, some opleall him a ho, som a trai i think he could have handl it betterf he had true conce anywhere our count was going th a lot of things the were doing. lou: congressman? >> it is obvious, one. let's look at theral government's orall survllance of arican citizens, concerned about that a grt deal. we have to ratchetn the fedeeal bureaucracies that are
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in charge of security. to mak sure tha the 4thmmonstutional rights of everyone are followed. to snowden, we're not sure about him, as a pson, and whether or not has committed crimes againsthe u.s., in a sense that put americans in danger out there working for the united states it is interesting that senator brown said he chose china to run to. rather tn se other country. so, we will 11 more about h -- learn more about him, people like h suld ner have gottenned the area where they got a top-secret clearance, we should screen the scrners better, before they ever get to that position, as well. lou: i guess inart, as we wra up he. it seems we're learning a little bit about ourselves took bec it seems thatational media is quick, and some members of our vernment, are eager to jump on
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our intelgencc community. even as we're tking about cybettacks, was supposed to be at the top of president's agenda with t the chinese president. now we're sport of, younow, eating ouroung iou will, as a society. out of some ill pulse i do not understa,et, but phaps we will. in day and wks ahead. >> lou, i need to s, we need it give -- tip our hatso une ur -- ourintelligee comnity, those folks who are keeping us . don't let the bad apples distort what we're doing. doin lou: thank you very much. >> tnk you lou: congressman we appreciate u being withs. >> much more thecandals,
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lilyext stop on their jersey for a resolution. connueith the a-team in just moments stay withs. >> oma scandal ramma, white house overloaded with scaals, why t president's cdibilitiy is sinking lower and lower in chalk talk. >>ubba calls out president obama for his refusal to enter syrian civil war ed henry with report.
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nazdaq gaining 45. volume on the b board 3.4 billion shares, bc betr th expected data dving the ma. gold prices down losing $14. crude oil up 81-cents, just belows there aree97 a barrel, in bond market. yield on 10 year fell. tto imgg debate, majority of support main provisi i "gang of 8" reform bill. 81% of voters wwnt to strengthen border security, 74% favor finding a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the country, senate killed a amenent that would do what the folks were asking for oed senator charles gssley,
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requir our southern borr to under control for 6 months before any illegalmmigrant could obtain legal status under the new lislation. >>ew census numbers show a shift in demographic make up. morehite people died than were born last year. white amerins are no longer majority in under 5 age group. the census bureau said tt asns and hispanics are grps, but number of asianthic growing 2.9%, and hispani 2.2%. >> famil of 10-arld girl who sparked a national debate over organ transplant rule, said her double lung surgery was a ask, doctors are pleased with sarah murnaghan's prognosis for recovery. there are3ther children
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under the age of 11 on the waiting list for an adu transplant. there isn 11-year-old boy at the same hospil that sarah is recovering. >> up next, n matter your politics, obamadministration ry likely has a sndal t fer you to anger you to upset you a little bit perhaps, we'll lay it out on the chalk t talk tonight. the pursuit of a betterg we all share. but who n help you find your own path? who can build you a plan, not just a pie chart? who n help keep your iateveries ahead?urse,
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lo there was a while during the president's firsteterm, seems that he could do no wrong in eyes of reporters and supporters now. scandals coming at such a riou face, everyone seems to have a problem with at least one of the controvsy and scandals, one, internarevenue service. if you pay taxes, you might be a little bit upset, with internal revenue service. about becse they target a
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conservative group, orpend $50 million taxpayer dollars on last icon friendses. libera national media over this scandal by the way, big three network fm 96 sto about irs to one story this week. you believe congress has the ght, obligation to know wt our government is doing at home and abroad, you may be offended by administration's 9 mth stonewall on benghazi. and fox news ceo roger ales put it i thought well last night, said quote, i hav com to the conclusion, tt i don't care what the president of the united states was doing that night, however i would likeo know what the command in chief was doinghat night. if you bel in the percent amendment, freedom -- first
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amendment, freedom of the press white house scening seizure of fox news documents shod cause your blood to boil over along with aociated press struction. and if you believe in your second amendment right you may be up set to lrn that vice presidented b sen rebooting hissed by -- bid is rebooting his push for gun control next week. and you maye curious to hy thi white house will not aracte swden as a traitor, perhaps to hang on to idea it is just coyin coincidence thatsa leaks came a same time h he was holding a summit with his chinese counter part about chinese hacking. u haveot seen a story about it in take of tse leaks,
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if you get fired upverwhelm's right, and abu the power. this administration in general, this state deptment covered up investigations and to sexual assault and prostitution. and 7, if you believe the obama ministration's klein claims they -- claims they would be most tra tnsparent administratin in history, it may tick you off just lit they have been using secret e-mail a count,-mail accp do yos tocond officl government busine. president has all of these scandals going on and heoes not have a nickname. like tricky dick nixon and slick willie clinton. we thought it would be
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interesting tonvite you to share your ideas, e-mail me at loudbs.c. that is lou our executive producer ce up with the bboler, pretty good. >> a wltreet ral, w happenedo the correctn that everyone was talking about yesterday? we're joined by onef wall street's brightest minds, ire aldridge next. >> and direcr robert muelleroes befe cones and tls them that the nsa did nothing wrong. a great dial right. >> the a-tm nexx. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked eerybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training withatrick willis."
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tonight that syria's president has usedhemicaleapons against his own people. the administrationfficcals say that thatrosseshe president' scalled red lin and as aesult he is preparing to step up assistance to opposition forces and syria. officials are not saying specifically what the united states plans trode if anything or how quickly the additional aid would arrive. just yesterday predent bill clinton suggestedresident fool and a west, his words, ifl he does not act on syria. fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with the repo. >> reporter: just hourafter word leaked aut a closed door even where former president bill clinton ripped president obama's approach to the crisis and syria, white hhuse aides actually tried to claim mr. oba is fine with the comments. >> again, the puof every
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invidual out there is welcome to has perspective o ttation like this. absolutely. >> reporter: clinton attended forum tuesday night in new york with republican john mccain, a fierce criti of mr. obama for what he says is two and a half years of drift on syria as the slaughteras escalated. to sources familiar with the event can from a political report that clint declar in the president runthe ddnger of lookinlike a total fool if they paid much attention to polls and public officials need to see downhe road in to win. republicans charge, this was an opening sho i hillary intos 2016 presintial campaign to show se daylight betweenhe obama policy and the foer secretary of state. >> i don't tnk this was entirely accidental onormer president clinton's part. the implication that he h given is that president obama is leaking - we can, indecisive, and poles driven. >> repter: that comes afr fox poll in may found 68 pcent ofmericans believe the administration should stay
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at of syria because of cil war the u.s. could end up harming anti-american extremists, while 20 percent say the u.s. should get more involved becauset is a humanitarian crisis. presidenti aides insist that polls are no factorn the decisionmaking. >> what does factor in h what is in the national security interest of the united states and what h the best chance of rking. just breing tonight, white house aide says the u.s. intelligence community now believes that the syrian regime did come in fact, you struggle weapons its own people. going on to say, this is change the calculus for the psident. you remeer lastugust the president id that would be ossing red line. he says this now means that the u.s. wil provide military support to the syrian rebels, but he stopped srt o saying thate will directly on it syrianebels, something that had been pushi for. saying tonight, this is a important, reason step th the president has to take. lou: thank you.
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ed henry, fox news chief white house correspondent. joining us, ahor, columnist, jetted back, former white house special assistant,enior adviser to presidentill clinto. and weekly standard executive editor fox is contributor fred -- fred barnes. thanyou for being here. let me start with you. this has crossed a red line. now w hear a dru bea@ and we're talki about 100-150 deaths over the course of 12 months. why is ts aed le for this administration? given 93,000 people hav been killed? >> wel i think it is a very complicated situation as all of these are. i thi that the president wants to do -- was to be helpful, but it is a situation where it is difficult to know ectly whos on one sidnd we want to make sure we're helping the right op i ink itas been complicated and will continue t be.
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the administration will continu to evaluated and balance o interest as w go along. >> we still don't knowho we are assisting in the process. i am opposed to assisting anyone until we are sort of who these people are what they stand for, who rearming. thatuestn still cannot be answer. its interesting of a sudden that the redine he said before does not cnt any more. as it is alrea, that red line, i dn't mean it. this time of serious. what makes t situation different from now? ian't answer that question, can. this redlineo mate has been -- the preside is alled to dece where the red line is and how it is crossed. hs is the crossing. now he is going to go to t. : with a dcussion ratherhan acting on syria. what you make of this? >> i make that he is kind of a voice. and bill clinton says, look, i mean this story aut whoe will aidn do not, there are thing the president obama can
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do almost demille that will curtail draticall the massacre of a syrianivilian. ane thing, jn mccain and lindsay gramm and others have urged over and over again, establishi no-fly zone, an area where a safe zone, where syrians and some of may be- whe they're save to shoot down in less serious planes. don'they have jet fights? why does this have tbe a u.s. initiative? what is our specific interest in syria? >> it's a huge intert. it may show up and pulls the ppople w don't wt to get involved in the civil war. is is not a civil war. the russians involved, hezbollah . lou: more excited by the minute. free to g io a conflict of
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russia. >> do we just sit by wle russia expense, since weaponsf all types assyrians says they're killing people, a threat to s thisneighbo? would be a tmendous setba the united states if ass stays in the tremendous victory for the iranian people. lou: and i eeed to a of that , let's say, hypothetically. thfact is that we ha been in afghantan since 2001. we have been in -- well, a decade. we are notoing very well there. when will there be a stray far discussion of the limitationsf massive power? en will there be a disssion abouthe appropriate attention? why we, as a nation, have a leader who construct a r line based on the use of chemical weapons, comes back with aull
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report that 100 t150 people have died of the crse o12 months, which we don't even know and have no evidence o that we n observe. and why don'te draw red les when -- how about 80,000 syrians? how about 90,000 syrian stayed? why can't this country'seaders make sense, richard? >> i think much of what you said up until this sessionf this redlin concept could be articulated and supported of the president' position. lou: and not care about supporting the preside's position. please i want y to address. this is autime that we starttd making sense. our leaders are not making sense. you have a 72-ar-old republican senator running arnd. >> very complicated world lou: i is. start thinking about it inste of tking about silly redlines. >> whi we would all like for thin to be more clear and for these international cflicts to be more simple, they aren't.
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d they do not lend -- len themselves toimpleutions yours is a good idea. we shouldll strive for that. the psident's cments recentlybout where we should go the way f. lou:ommon sense. common-sense. common-sense in the national interest in copper breed as@ predicted desperation te. %-but we livin a c complicated wod. you cannotlways - lou: ww have to go because richar, it'sot a cicated rule that there. that did not know existed. >> we just want to know what the long-term objecti is. lo sarah out of time. thank you. we appreciate it. coming up next, a for arkans governor -- actually tomorrow, mike huckabee jos us to talk obamadministration scandals, whether or not the president is officially reaching land tax status. we would like to hear your vote. a trie digit rallyn wall streetfter triple digit drops for three days.
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♪ lou: joining as now, irene aldridge, managing partner of of such trading, author of theook and here it is, high-frequency trading, of practical right to step back -- practic guide to algorithms trading strategies. and recommend this. this is heavy. and we' glad y're here to get this thrgh it. >> is a pleasure. u: that me turn first to these marks. i am sort of lacking because we have had person after person on the spread to -- broadcast talking about all is unsettled. despair. my god, the fed is talng this way and that. we are looking at 180 pots today. what aifference a day makes. what is going on with this market? >> this seems like what is going on, a lot of uncertainty, aot of turbulence.
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it com from europe and is also coming from cell in may and go away wheee essentially investors st sell in may and go awayor the ummer. lou: setimes there are a month late. >> and sometes they e a month late. school does not fish now uil june. there you go. lou: tha is one of the impedimes. the other part of it is, it seems to me we're looking in a market which quantitatively there is less volum there seems to be, upo this point, less volatility. then we have all of this high-frequency tding. bu we also have high-frequency trading that has been to monetized. this be his big a monetized. th margins of all our being, well, press. what is the infence and t outcome for iestors who are not running high frequency trading, but you want to invest in growt compaes and income
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stocks and whenever? >> well, first of all, during anyind ofownturn, during a -- i you get the great depression or any big crises in the market, investors always pu out ofhe mket. so it is always the fact that the volumes drop dramatically when ever returns are going down. investors come back with them. they think that's something we witnessed th spring. terms of high-frequency trading specifically a in terms of technology, we call living throh an unprecedented stage whe the pt ten yrs the cost ocomputing powerrhas dropped 1,000 tes. lo amazing. >> it is amazingly cheap right now install thessentially millions of computers, if you will. the reason t cost sysm data is not because of wall street has pressure computer pducers in decreing e cost. becae video gamingndustries. there are so many people playing deo mes on their computers that there are demanding cheaper
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prices. it. lou: bandwidth, speed capacity. >> y. so what has happened, is sort likee'reiving thrgh, if you wan the financial detit. eind of more posive sense. lou: i'maiting. >> well, the financial technology is displacing aditional. so there displacing a lot of the people who used to do -- people, making markets and stuff like th. th results, we have much more operation on the tradi floor. also, we have the connection costthat has dropped. lou: what is the influence on the market and investors jac what is the license? wh is -- this changing world of your people,reater bandwidth, gater capacity, greater memory,reater speed. how does influce a decisn to buy or sell a stock in particular?
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and your best couns to an investor? >> in about 3 secds. i don't thi much has chaed. you so affleck fundamentals. if you're investing in fortified years yet colleed e ndamentals of the company. you ha to believe in the company, believe in the company's management and the product. and mostly ishe execution, quickly they are matched. is not so much the long-term prospect. lou: it is a good t time to get into this market? >> believe s ielieve so. lou: you do? >> yes,. lo the hwith those naysayers >> i know. lou: i love i all right. we thank you for being with us. and we are going to come right back. you will be taing about the brand new book, the founding nservatis. trouble with the creatn of our foundingatrs tell them. and those people who bught ose troubles. ♪ the boys used double miles from theirit one ventu car o fly home for the big family reunion.
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♪ lou: a new book says lig ton --ell, someesser kwn conservatives. every bit is imptant. washinon, jefferson, and adams. joining me now, a professor at nyuolytechnic institute. it is the foundg i servicemen, howerroup of unsung heroes se the american revolution. congratulations. >> and honored to beea lou: and weish you the very best. masse sucss. we love the subjects, and i le your tnkinon it. t's start with, you point out that two main arguments. it just going to them qckly, the founding concerted save the
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american revolion just as important, as you sai but who were these onservatives first? why has not much and som have been me the. >> a rarkable story of the history of the iraq and revolution in itself a fascining subjects that we on and on about. they save the american revolution multie ways. robert morris to is or with their richest merchants in america is singlhandedly finance the gown andlarmin but then it is clear the army3 would have brought to a hal securing smuggle weapons from france that again, said the war. jame wilson and governor morris to grow large parts of the nazis constitution. so these founding fathers are ll known to historians, but every must begin to be left at a popular histories. lou: i find it fascinating, it should not blooking too mh to the united kingdom. e foundation of more conservative thought. whether, you say tt the first
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mode conservative was british stement -- stasman edmund bue. >> most histories actually trace the birth of conseatism back to edmund burke, a british statesman, as you say. i discovered that everything he stood for and said was sd about a decade afterarlier by the american founding i service it's actually rather strange and fasnating that conservatism, which is all about traditn and heritage,he roots of its own heritag these founding in service unded modern conservatism. in fact, i argued thatoder3 conservatism was born on july july 41776. lou: and the thinkers, the tellecals, often cremating thomas jefferson, a conservative? jefferson was actually far re radical and one of the surpsing things that discover in the books john adams is also tattered as a conservative and is quite radical drop most of the revolution he changes his thinking at the end of it. lou: conservatism itself, give us your view today was stated is
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ina's i have to tell you, i caot always recogni a conservative. >> i thinkhat founding conservatives offered to really important lessons. the first i that they compromised. th fought tooth and nail, then me emphasize tt. they fought tooth and nail for this country. they were an incredible patriot. they worked for theod of t the nation. patriotism before politics. secondesn is that there were facing the world changing demographic, ling voters. as free men and from the lower clasis in the middle class is at the right to vote these conservatives started losing their vote and they had to offer wanting to get their vote, and that was prosperity. they said, w will bng free-market capitalism to era,nd that will make this country strong andhh people rich, and that is how they won ectis. lou: ithese modern we went out and asked peo a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave peopleticker and had them show us. we learned a t of us have known someone who's lived welintoheir 90s. and at's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, on thi tt hasn't changed much ♪ the qstion is how do you make you he the neyou need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ to enjoy aat od,these years. whateverusiness you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best otime delivery records and a claims ratio,
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neil: good ns, hacng ns just comin out, in this case, s not the government that is hacking us. welcome, i am neil cavut news from leaker these that we door a hacke snowden telling anyone who will listen that u.s. spies are doing a whole lot of vesdropping, you heard me, we're doing the same thing, snooping, snooping on steroids. hundreds of computersn chi. sameomputers nsa officials believe have bn behind the attacks on u.s. mil
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