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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 13, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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neil: good ns, hacng ns just comin out, in this case, s not the government that is hacking us. welcome, i am neil cavut news from leaker these that we door a hacke snowden telling anyone who will listen that u.s. spies are doing a whole lot of vesdropping, you heard me, we're doing the same thing, snooping, snooping on steroids. hundreds of computersn chi. sameomputers nsa officials believe have bn behind the attacks on u.s. military and
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commeral networks. me are disturbed by this news. me? t really. iay, you have to fight fir with fire, if t chinese will not stop hacng, then we must hack bac we are, great you do have to find gdews where you can. if this is true, now and tn nsa squirrel els find thei els r acorn to steven who has been following this said we're missing some here. that is tate o is -- the fate of mr. snowden, now chine to your point, now we know that amerans have been hacking us, we got to hang on to mr. snowden more, is that your worry? >> he is an asset.
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he is in ho kg, they have availability of him, i would be surprisedf he was not picked up and exploit foror information he has perhaps a lot more than he has made plic. neil: um, i would assume that inese kind of knew that we were hacking them. just like we know they are hackinggus. and non would be a great rprise, i'll get mor io this with joe liker man in a moment. but would should be impetus to hang on to h longer or make our lives more difficult in the u.s. as they do hang on toim longer >> notthat they knew or didn't know we wereacking them. countries spy on one another, it happens all of the time. now we do it with computers, instead of humans. thessue here is what informatn beyondhe fact tha we hack, does this guy have tha the chinese cld possibly get out of him.
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this is a very dangerous thing, normally weown let people with high clearances go to dangerous places like that and run around on their own, this guy is leaking like a sieve. sieve. they could take him and squeeze m really hard. neil: what if he is pretending he does not knowll he doee. >> that is possie. but, giv tn information he s leaked has turned out t be genuine. he knows somethi. >> there is a loot mor to come -- a lot moreo come, you ink? >> i think there might be, i hope it is not in hands of chinese intelgee services, that can turn it back on us. neil: what do you thi is going to happeno this kid? >> that is up to the justice department. heas violated multiple federal laws and suld be held to account for it but, that depends on how muchfft our government wants
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to ependo get him. neil: if they don,nd chinese don't let g what will chinese do to him? >> the chinese will have long and detaid conversations with him, depending on how cooperative he is, dependsn w rough they get wh him. neil: you just s sounded like ty soprano right there i will leave it at, that steven bucci tha you veryuch. we have ways o getting information. to joe lieberman. setor, great to see you. >> great to be here. neil: um, you know, here is w wt i wond irabout, and i want yr thought on the chinese and all, but when you ran homeland securityy committee, were you aware that somethi ofhis bread and nure was gng to? >> i was aware of the two programs that were the first focusthe leaksrom snowden. >> you knew milons of amerans phone records were
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being saved. >> right, it- iifill it was theery important for our security. neil: why. >> it doesot violate people's privacy, the so-called metadata theyook for pterns in connection with phone nbe, only do this with a court order. this is aorm of due process. then as i understood, fore reason they saw something more and they wand to go further into really, tapping someone's phone or something they had to get a specific court order and show p always. is is not -- probable cause this is not lawless, this is within theaw. i tl you, i know general alexander testifi before congress t this effect, this program prevent terrorist attacks gain the u.s. >> you know that for sur >> i do. neil: i hope they declassify a culcouple of these cases.
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it is notooking too goo i think that step befefore you start, you know listening in on people's calls, tapping and you have record to begin with. that is the start. this is the way that process goes. now they have the initing a. >> important thing to say here, we're still doing this according to rulef law. this -- these programs are carried out under acts adopted by congress, and signed b by the president. neil: i don't think there was a presiden for overreach. look at in different departments and agencies, but anything after conservative groups and individuals after reporters it sort of breeds an a an atmosphef abuse. >> this leak comes at a unparch nafmp nattime -- unfortunate t'
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trying to defend america from an enemy that stres in shadows, goes aft civilians, does not ca how my people theyill weaker have a phemenal correspondent through modern technology through -- correspondent through th commenh modern technology to stop it. >> don't youorry about one guy, that sd, you know, joe liliebern seeker reted now, let's see what see is saying on thatevel? >> always possie. i gus that the rbuthat risk is so small, whe eighed against the -- >> yeah, but, i love you to death, b that small for groups to be targeted by the irs, and
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repoer by justice, gups to be you know hit up for money to push promote heah careaw. every time i hear, it can't happen it doe >> but this isiffent. those are cases you had people not operating with court orders -- . neil: no, but this kid, this kid part of 1.34 million americans with relatively the same access, who cld if they given thht clearance that are granted do the same thing? >>ne of the results of this again, it was true whhe wikileaks, is how do we utilize eest brains, most capable computer wizards and in other wordsenords, toprotect our coun.
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i ha oi think he is a criminal. hi violated federal laws, steve said, and espionage act, high described himself as a person who committed a act of cil dobedience in a noble cause, not so long ago, when d you that, you waite for pice to arrest you, tt made your point, he goes china of all places, not a free internet -- >> turn it around. i worry about is history of our country's treatment of whistle-blowers,nitially, it is never good, they have hell to pay, yesterday, w have the guy @%o was first to blow whistle on crazy stuff, andorn watching.
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ate sec, he paid dearly, he had years of hell toeal with, maybe this kid is looking at, thatat saying, if i explain thi, there is hell to pay. >> so,ere is sething different. most of tse while-blowers, are not bound by laws that deal with classified material, they see something wrong, something steful and fraudulent ty ow the whist they are heroes in my opinion, this guy was not, working on a classified ogram that was protecting our security. aneent to foreign country, and then divulging this information. i rt. i hope the government declsifies material on, the fact is that these programs, these two program he outed, have prevented terrorist attacks again u.s. >> i take yr word, i will ask you this. president and h handling of
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these crisis, on thatel alone,,what do you think? >> well, look he came out. neil: you are no longer in senate >> it's okay, he gave a defen of this nsa programs, i don't ink thatresident has been strong enough i response tohe irs situation. >> but, a a senattr he was agait this thing, asresidentnt he endorsed it. >> well, maybe he has gotten older and wiser, you whatou are president you are commander inhief, you are responsible for security of the country. neil: senator h was young and clueless. >> he was younger and knew less. i will put it tt way. >> you are a lawye >> he was not predent, i think when get tseaily intelligence briefings, which i used to get, you s all of the people plotting again trying to kill americans, and you have the amazing cabilities, to
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stop it and yave court rules people's privacy, tn i think it isore of a plus than a negative. neil: one last thing, all of these crisis togter. a lot saying, whether t ministrati or president, was involved directly, if his only defense is he was out of the loop or did not know, there i a lot he was out of the loop on and did not know about, hardly a ringing endorsement of his leadership style. >> presidency is so big, so much comes to h desk, he can't be on top of everything, but he is the president. and therefore h is aountable, and o way or another for everhing that happens in his administration. if he can rightfull say,ou ow i just was doing this i w working o this national problem. i didn't knowbout this,e has assume responsibility, and actggressive 3 clean ily to cle.
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neil:oe lieberman, great to haew our neighborhood now. >> great to be here, highway hope i did not lower prorty values. neil not this this city, it will take a lot to do that after th. yway, you think only government is interested in touching your junk? don't look now but a lot of companies are t. and turns out they are selling all that privacy for pnies. you rt my feelin, todd. i did? when visa gnature asked everody what upgraded periences really mattered... you suggested luxury car seice instd of "streth training wi patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ]
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well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male anunc ] at visa gnatur every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. i work for 47 different companies. well, techcally i wo for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at uco® u can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a l of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small.
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neil: fear get nsa, maybe you should worry about ebay, but t quite, a lot of private companies a more tha a little interested in things that nsa circumstance including youu stuff -- nsa is, inch colliding your stuff, where shop, buy,
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they can get it on the cheap. how much is your privacy work. >> i am insulted, they don't' my ioation for more than 50-c-cents neil: who selling it? >>id you look at site. rick? >> i said yours that is hot stuff. >> i agree. neil: we'lleave it at that, th is a family sho >> but, you know look at site, you pull up these lists big list that is why you get the annoying e-mails for products we don't want, almost like the don't call list. there should be something like this in internetorld. neil:ick, what do you make of what this portends, they say everythi is for sale. >>t pas fascinatese everyone
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is is a twitter with the government, and nsa, i get it but these private corporation have has much data as government is collecting, nobo really cares, you may disagree. i ll saver with governmt having it than facebook. neil: i get doubling insulted, liz, how bad is this when it i just out there, for the highest bidder, not necessari bidding a lot? >> yeah, i know, ihink it is troublg, some medal profiles they can put together, i wonder if convenient for the consumer will win out over privacy. neil: bingo. >> people have such short attention spans. neil: wha -- did you say what. i think he is dead on. the convenience of this, they op
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for, that how many corporate standals where -- scandals where the culprits we don in my e-mails,nd unt scandals they re sll e-mailing criminal stuff. >>ig brother, big sister, big daddy, in is riculous, it, it is un-american for the companies to hav our private information and they are making a profit. and sharing with the government. distinguishing between the government having this and the private cpanies having it, they are both bad. >> i think l has it right. nobody cares, i have to tell you, i have been -- >> i tnk they do. >> i think -- now you are right. >> they don't. neil: attendtn spans when they are, but when a size of magnitude of what is going to it troubles them. >> you know, first of a, you
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wouldn't see it in ter o the government, based o polls, tha might change, have yot seen all these years from private sector it has been going on, maybe the prices coming down, that may bother everyone. >> you are right about that. >> b it has gone going on since the at vend of the intern. >> that is bad, we don't know about it, a sret society. >> we knew about it. neil: he sat on homeland securrty committee, he was privy to thinks we were not bute knew about, that and those in power kne i wil ask, liz, you this on this notion, will it chge? if you are of t opinion that is pleating and our fixing a and feuer over this is fleeting i is only going to get worse right? only moments away from next scanda or dele of data from
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records. >> i think it will be hard too getting any de without treasure, binesses do nd to be careful, in consurs do get realed up aut this. hey. they could stop pa patronizing ose businesses. >> peoe are getting realed up, a lot of people are upset with the nsa. >> have you sigd off of facebook. >> no, i should. >> are you off o google. >> rick, are y a big facebooker. neil: i am going toefriend rick. >> you would never defriend me. >> we need more security,his is b brother pice state bad, we need more pra privacy. >> could weust cut ring you thinunger's micphone.
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>> how did this guy get the authority to spy on us gs? he is half world away now, focus on 1.4 million americans with his same security clear answer, they are here a doing theirob, now. alec, for this mission i upgraded ur smart phone.. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capil one purchase eraser. i can redeemhe double miles i earn with my venture card to erase recent travel purchase d with a few clicks, ths mission ver happened. uh, whathis button d [ elelecicity zaps ] ♪ you requestedackup? yes. yes i did. what's in your walt?
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we have always believed in thipursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every pn. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you.
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neil: snowden, ed snowden. doesn't have quite the same ridge as, bond, james bond. it makes me wonder how a guy wi view few credentials got to snoopn our credentials.
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so too does senator feinstein wonder. which guys get this insight? oversight. how would you window it down? >> basically,t is one of those situation you look at the person's background. you see ifhat background fits with the job thigh are applying for -- with the job they are applying for, sometime they don't know what they are applying for, in terms of a clearance, you look at a person's conductn the past, you determinehether or not y think they will be a risk in the fure, that including financial issues bankruptcies. neil: he did not have any of that. he was a high schoo dro out, not that it should be bad. he was a rea computer wiz, very smart. ept at math. thos a skill sets wou be appreciated at nsa, but having said that, is there another
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means where you say, it i possible this guy, o thii woman, could just go battie on us? what do you aboutdo as far as psychological or ties that y look at? >> well, that isctually a great point, because sometimes people ps their initial clearance cck with flying colors, but when they are in the job force for years they happen. theytart getting access to information, they think james bond, or other people like that. an if they do, that thet i -- something that is apart from reality. in a case like that, they look at them every 5 years, there is a 5ear piodic update for secursecurity clearance. neil: right there, i thinke have truncate that down, a lot ca happen in 5 years. >> absolutely, i agree,
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especially day and age, have you temptations and ability to check on people more quickly, peoe at clearance beausill tel you, we're indicated with work, we cannot keep up bute have to nd a better way to lookt how we select people forhis, i would start with how they chang in the job, young peoe, beuse young people are subject to so many diffent things out there so my different not only temptations but also aways of ing thngs. in ts particularase,ecomes really important to look at how they are interacting with t workforce,nd going about doing certain thing a big red flag, if they are requesting early time o as sn a they get there, h was in this position about 4 months,y and he already requested a leave of absence, would be a red flag to me if were supervising that. il: ieresting, i remember a perssn i interviewed years ago for a job.
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and he said, how much vacation time do i g? i thought, you know this is not going well for you. but, that is among kind of stuff, not to be silly, you look for and at that would raise eyebrow or should, and they a not doing enough of that? >> right, that is right. other thing is unexplained av afluence. a spy for cia had a lot o things a normal c empye would n have, a jaguar, and nice hse, a wife dressed to the niies in furs, a lot of people do inhit mon, but it is rare, you drive fancy cars or you start hanging out in fancy places, if you on a government salary or a contractor working these issues, you have to think, okay where are they getting this money from? when are the dng? what are the motations. neil: good practical advice.
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thank you very much colonel. >> my pleasure neil. neil: all right now let's say you are okay with some bureaucrat having your phone records, what about your health records, what about your health record, would tha if you've got it, you kn how hard it can be to breathe spiriva is a oncily inhaled copdaintenance treatment. that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breat easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium omide inhalation powder does not replat-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or aenlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all mecines s you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva d seek immediate medical help if your breathingsuddenly w,
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your throat tongue swells, yoget hives, vision n changes orye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects inclu dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. other sispiriva helps me dry moeathe bettnstipation. does breathing wit copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. at od, whatever business you're inthat's the business we're in with premium service like of the best on-time delivery recor and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make ur business our busine. od. helping the world keep promises. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs me cases. [ male announcer ] where dyou want to take your business?
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i need help selling art. [ male announcer from broadband to webosting tomobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the securityou need to get you there. call us. we can show yo w at&t solutions can help you do what yodo... even better. ♪ neil: you ow, i thought this one through, the best spin i can put on latest irs scandal,
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mae, maybe they were trying to beat the rush before they takeover the whole health car law. seizing hlth care records without americans knong, ron meyer, what is going on? how did it happen? i didt believe it seems about 60 million medical records, 10 million people's medical records have been seized in california. %-alged at this point par of a courtase that is being insted. iteems to be real, 10 milln americans it 3 and a huned. 3% of all amerins whose dical records were seid. neil:o what end? there seems to be weight to it. but, tohat end? what are they looking for? the irs agentsn those records outside of saying, irs will
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takeover health car this stuff will be under their pervue. bu explain. > well, frustrating to me, they ha general warrants, that tramples the fourth andment, a warrant is supposed to be specific, and have prob call probable cause, this is unconstutional, but i think eyre looking for one guy. wish if they were looking for just one guy they would go in and ir extract one record ts seems like ae terrible aubusf privacy and the fourth amendment, that is what iso gravating. neil it does follow a pattern consumer financial protect board is taking a lot of data like credit record, mortgage
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information and payment history, they sayust to get this stuff together, so it is an aenal they have if the companies are screwing you over, why do yyu ne this too? it is a pile on? >> it is a pile on. i think americans are getng know talking aboutnsa, talking about phonesealthy records that is more personal. and so you kw, bidge thi back to biness side. you know compani, they loss tons of -- lose tons of stuck with security bache records are looked into, now irs is doing that looking into people's records they have forcef law bend them tt is scary. you know we've see companies tank because their recordsave leaked. and companies lose stock that way, but government is now comi inetting thoseecords, we don't know how secur they are, and they have the per of law behind the this is a terriblerecede, businesses are not comfortable with, and i
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am not comfort with ii as a private citizen. neil thisas a test case to see how they could assimilate this information is thigh theor -- is my tory, i will say this, much like verizon phone record situation, it is indicative of the power of government has to get a lot of stuff, quickly and easily. >> does not matter, if it is sinist, it is unconstitutional, they use aid used a warrano get this. neil: i think whathould be more alarming is why. just why. and we're not even asking that question, saying trust us, when someone says trust us, i get worried. >> american people are losing it, absoutely. neil: ron thankou very much. ron meyer. >> thank you, neil. neil: this justn, apple just gave up. says ito longer innovating,t
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is coping, and looking like a fool, paying for it the new tax this guy could get behind. >> pants on the ground ♪ lookin like a fool withur nts on the ground ♪ with the gold in o mouth, hat turned sideways, ♪ pants on the sideways, ♪ pants on the ound, call yourself a cool before copd... i took my son fishing everyear. we had great spot, n easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, tught those ds might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbirt doesn't replace a rescue inhaler r sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing betr. and that means..ish on! symbicort is for cd including chronic bronchiti and emphema. it should t be tak more tn twice day. symbicort may irease yo risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, andd some eye problems. tell your docto you have a heart condition
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and that their heowners inrance protects them. [ thder crashes ] it doesn't. only flood insurance covers fods. ♪ sit . neil: now reports that apple's next iphone, might look a lot like samsus, what is going o l the buzz, and it rightly leads our biz blitz, jonathan hoenig and gary b smith. garyry b, now a phone that
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resembles one that samsung has been putti out for years. >> i guess the mouse is now chasing the cat or positions have been revsed. apple has been the innovate or, now they are forced to lay catch up, this is great for american consumer. apple needs to innovate or they will get theer act in gear, this is a w-win. neil: what do you think jonathon. >> there is no monopolyn a free market even for apple. it has more money i the bank than a lot of small countries in their treasury. gary b's point, they are following but also responding to customer demand, a lot of cuomer said that iphone 5 screen isoo small. d they are rolling out an iphone that is $99 is remarkable. today original mac would cost
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6500. >> i am an apple sharehoer, full disclosure, there was a time when apple did not hava to wade into the low price pl, it might be a welcome devopnt you might berate it will be advantageous longer term, but gary b it is an ego adjustment for apple? >> absolutely, but you know, in in case, i think subtling shareholders have spoken. apple needs to keep you know making revenue, keep making profit. they are usiig thisow entry get into market that have been nd of restricted to them because of the price point. so who benefits here? the shareholders andhose ng the $99 phone. neil: a good point. >> a lot is not at home, but over seas, an emerging market u$99 for a phone could be a leg up for company. ne: we'll see, issue two.
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this is probably question. do you love white case? but closest one is a long drive for you? ho about twice castle drive to you. taking to the highway, launching what white castle called crave mobiles forig evens like weddings,or the cple that saying, sliders and step on it. gary b, will this work? >> absolutely, why -- why are we just disvery food trucks for all foods we love. we this them, we grew up with ice cream trucks. nnil: i hijacked these ice cream trucks. >> this is a great idea, there is a demand, wrote mobile food business is soang ipplaud white cas ill. neil: this is just special events but it couldxpand jonathan? el it has come along way
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from old days old roach coaches as food trucksere once calle they areits, and they are go may, and low cost, for a company like white castle, a tt market forew products and allows them to scout out new locations, if a particular food truck has a success perhaps they will open stand alone franchise, a win for white castle,nd y may seen more bricks and mortar restaurants openingood trucks ha92 this could be a -- >> this coulde a cheap food option for my daughter's wedding. finally,y, i don know if consumers wi go for burgers on the go, but i knowore are geing their buns in a car going to stores, retail sales picked up last month, cars are a
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big part, but shoppers are back if you take them out. jonathan for how long? >> well, wch the market for that. you know. the d has been up for 7 straight months, i don't think it is too surprisining, you seea little bit of tt wealth effect come out, people file richer, th are more inclined to shop at mall or buy real este, wee seen rising values, i like to see not so much people shopping but people investing. i like to see more people starting new businesses and puttg money into the economy rather than spend it oo the at mall. neil: gary. >> well, i guess weed to to add consumers to the list of inevitabilities with death and taxes, they do not go away. no matter what is goin on, you can count on the consumer, i do worry wll see the cator debt go up -- credit card debt go up, i know margin l was w at an all tile hh, i am worried
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that peoe are spending beyond their means, i'm not sure that under lying enomy justifies it you know still high unemploymen rate. neil: but you are a cheapate. >> i am. neil: that white castle truck is as shrex re sheehsheeas you get. >> you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxurcar service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come tod flap them chien wings. grunts ] well, i travel a loand umm... [ale anouncer ] at visa siature,
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every upgradedxperienc comes from listing to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what aard should be. a friend und water is something completely different. i met a turtle friend today. avo: whatever you're looking for, expedia hamore ways to hp yofind yours.
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neil: when it come to big three networking waning coverage on
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what has been could panding irs scandal -- expanning irs dal, you have t wonder if theyre borrow worried, either they i have havell but dropped story fro52 stories in first week, to just one sto, that is so far this week. media watcherrent, haseen crunching these numbers. at happened? >> well, maybe its, because i thk that the med, the networks are comicit in a cover-up, how in the world can they say, in a two weee period, from may -- from may 10 to m 23, we should do 96 stories, then next two weeks 31, the now down to 1. they say, wl nothing is happened. let me ask y this you tell me, if you thinkt is news that the inspector general report how come out, said that 1,000 irs agenes were abusing their
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credit cds, meaning that instead of taxpayer abusing government,ow the government is is a bussinsing abusing -- abusing the taxpayer. >> you are right, i am so glad do yo this stuff of day we have new development that show how conoversial it is gting, as a talked -- >> how about this. how about this. neil: hi is bigger than just cincinnati, a he is mad at washingt for blaming cincinnati. >> h about this, you think that american people have a righ to know, terry jeffrey broke the story that irs of investing in spying come. hiddenamera i plants in clocks in ashtrays to spy on tax payers. by the way today, they cancelled that contract. ou think that american people ave a right to know that? how aut today, just today, jim jordan, in a house hearing, asked t head of the fbi, who
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is in charge of the investigation? the head of fbiaid, he does not know. ws this not news. neil: you know, i always tnk, ev ifou take sinister intentions aside, which i doubt we have all scandals going on at say same time, the one with the bipartisan ickiness is you kno nsa, getting people's phone records. but i found itonvenient different distraction from i ing that is more damaging but it is provide an opportunity. >> in thenitial stages is s a bipartisan outrage. anea mitchell calling this greatest outrage, it was bipartisan, but this should like so many other scandals. neil: what do you think happened. >> they never get tohe bottomm@
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of it. i think that therail, because they lied and said it came out of cincinnati, why were they lying? why did this woman take the fifth. th womannharge of it. neil: thealked to cincinnati auditor,ly is say democrat h said, not so. why are they jumping on cincinnati? >> in never makes sense. neil: people higher up in washington had to be calls the shots, we in cincinnati don't have the power to do this stuff >> you don't need to have the brain of a cocoa now th coconuts no one will say, let's instigate 500 tea party groups thatakes no sense, it is coming out of washington. the public desves t know who called shot, and why theyere call a what they did, we do not know the answers, how can sesay this is no longer wthy of being covered.
11:52 pm
neil: brent i apologize to all coconuts who may have been offend your coconut statement, good to see you. >> thank you, neil. neil: you thought the tan mom wa ticked. shjust found o that tanning taxes are here to stay. she better keep our pants on and better not curse. better not curse. there is a pursuit we all share. a beer life for your family, a better opportunity for yourusiness, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in this pursuit, strivi to bring sight to every investment, and integrity to every pn. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready toork for you.
11:53 pm
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11:54 pm
[ gah ] bjors small busiss earns uble miles on every purase every day. produce livery. [ bjorn ] just putt on my sparcard [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get thspark business car from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose doue les or 2% cash bac on e purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? neil: one jersey shore town is fighting people up to $200 for wearing baggy pants that having a bit too low. lots of towns are coming up with creative ways to get folks to copy -- cou up, including an interestingase where you get fined $20 each time. what the hell?
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you have a problem? tell it to theudge, but you better not swear. >> thankou,nk you. but. >> i would use different wds, creative ones. if i did find,t's ridiculous. freem of speech is my nstitutional right. neil: whht about tha think? >> well, why don't we have a scale. you get audited way too much, youan't get in. where es it end? >> that would kill two-thirds of americans. i know what to do th. what do you think of that? are we -- i know they are hard up for cash, b they're getting to see and i am a bigan of cracking down. but i don't know if i was start signing nancial penalties. >> look. i know if we went to middleton we would end up like sign tells last episode, an a jail cl. new have to be a little careful
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on this. you have to be a little careful. one of the things that there has been some legislation, local legislation, now, i live in santa monica for man years in california. and we have a leaf blower pribition where you can get in big trouble if your gardener was using it because of theound pollution. neil: the remov >> i don't know if it is different. neil: out that they remove leaves? >> rates. you had to reagan. ne: and remember those days. >> here is my question. is it okay to buy that kind of sound pollion but allows sound pollution be as wearing? >> you know what i think this is all about, hower expensive these are on a personal leve i think they're all about money. elizabeth,hey want money aad they have to find ways to do it. is the equivalt of airlines with the fees for where you sit and the blanket. and theyyju nickel and dime
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you every which waway like i was telling us over the break. you can tell it is getting to be crunch time a a talented star cketing everybodand his uncle. ammine him ann that is all this is. >> it is interesting to lookt the money angle, but also looking at it from the oer angle. they're people riding in saying, we will notacation here anymore because the clothing is÷ so and decent. is a consumer-driven changed. neil: you ever go to the boardwalk. the thing you find most offensive is the clothing? [laughte let me -- >> during the policing fothese kids. kids are walking out with baggy pants. e parents take care of that. >> the fashion police. if you wanted dress badly, y know whato look at it cannot turn away. neil: don't nee t donything. >> that's right.
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what'm wearing, the boots, a hair. give me a break. get out of my life. we cannot even address the way thate want to. neil: all rht. our resident liber year is perfectly fine with all of this big brother isn't. during the bush years. explain your hypocrisy, if you will? >> mblatant hypocrisy. somebo cut me a break. lo. i mean, this is hard one for me to defend. i will be honest. finding people forearing baggs. if they had donehat earlier we nevewould have had jersey shore. neil: we shouldust find that tanned for livg. >> actually, i amkay with that. if you have enough money to waste going to a tannining salo, they shouldax you on it.
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@% what the people that tanning? >> a lot of people do. aot of people do. but we are in this sort of politically correct environment where we tried to the -- language. and, you know,aybe whether it isore money or not, we want to enforce it. what do you think of that? >> it is risky when you allow e gerent is regulating. to a certainin extent there is preced in the local government enforcing public dency standards. you can't walk around lot of plas. [laughter] >> joke abo tt. >> it people areotnd newt, no one will complain. neil: i had that bill clinton answer. explain what the meaning of knew this. you' saying, we have to be careful. we don't overdo it. >> obviously, you fried my
12:00 am
brn, i don't know what i would saa. i can i get itut of my head. il: i get you thinking and i think you get -- i think get excited. no laws mrophone was removed, thht is coming tomorrow. gobyy. ♪ >> still cing across t hundreds and thousands john: iilegalmmigration is down, but people still sneak and plexuses a pretty good-sized told i am dissing this. >> it does n matter howigh offenses. john: we need seal o our borders. >> god our borders, protectg the homeland. >> illegals steal american jobs. john: if iigrants are such up probem what is cada's immigration by billboards in america. >> we wi take it. >> the fight of the american dream. that is our show tonight. ♪


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