tv The Willis Report FOX Business June 14, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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movie. neil: everyone have a wonderful weekend. the great father's day. we will see you later. gerri: thank you for joinng us. tonight on "the willis repor" %-verans waiting for benef one of our heroes hee tonight to share his story. and young americans ying no credit ds. and new concernssfor young athleteses. we are watching out or ou tonight on "the willis eport." gerri: we will have the latest on our military veterans waiting
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years for veteran benefits. first, it has been six mnths sincthe maacre at sandhook elementarychool in newtown, connecticut. today, victims wereremembered a they opentheir hearts and wallets over $1500 t help those victims and families. we he been following what happened tthat money. toght over $10 million has still not been given out. nearly all of that it hel by one charity in particular. with us now is a spokesman for the family. >> aery small percentage of it. they are still tryingo figure out the best pth forward for how to distrute the money.
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i reprent a coalition of famies going back to columbine and we are saying that that money was given b a very generous americanublic and it was intended to go to tem. together we are standing and saying that that is exactly what should happen. >> here is whathappened. americanwere very generous they gave him$15 milon to charities. but the biggest one, the one that has the lion's share was united way of western @%nnecticut. after thtragedy, that particular charity sat back and decided to create am nd of foundation to put this money in. they studied the issue, a of this going on over the last six months. thatsems to me like 's a lot of time be waiting for this money to be distributed. >> it certainly is. it iactually one of the longest distributions at we ve seen.
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a lot of time the money is spent off to a separate organization and the pals are put toether. the challenging part is that there are people who secialize in this veey painful rocess. those who knknow how to do thss. the presumption tht is completely out of the depths and how to handle this kind of situation can figure this out on their own. the fact that theyre not a ing themselves are th lessons at have been learned by other communitieshat have gone through this. it is unfortunate. we are saying that we shld inin this to come in. boston has argued on the. >> lete just say that the folks in the boston tragedy, which happed recentl they are already starting to get
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money. i hink that certainly for foreign newtown people, that has to breally discouraging out there. karen, responded it. foundatio say they have done nothing wron but ey are in full compliance. what do you say. >> i woul say how do they know that. if y look at their website it is going to meet the long-term needs of the commnity when you go to their websit the is only one way to donat you cannot say th i woul like my domitian go to the victims or i would like it to go to mental-hltservices for the community or to build a memorial to lant trees or build playgrounds. there is no way identify hat those in atndance.
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they a seen a coalition of victims, that the aerican publ is responding withteir hearts in reaching out to the families. >> okay, i need you to resnd toouple of things. unfortutely they have pu out xed messages. first was that thy were going to get $4million of the $11 million to the victims. and they retracted that an aching back and said, we were going to give 7 mlion to the victimss when you ask the question of how did you come up with a numb. what happens o the interes is being earned on that money. whathappens to the wave of giving that is goi to happen right around six months timeframe. what will happen will probably flew into he comunity. local happened at.
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gerri: nw we are going to set up a distribution committee and there are 40 families involved in this. there are $11 milon. >> it is not quite that simp. the e are divided to three categories we have two who suffered physical injury and survived. and we have 1who were in he classroo and escaped. there were diffent levels f injury. you need tohave someone who s experience in is. a victim compensation specialist who can comep with a formula on the degree of injury and how to parcel out and distribute the money. >> it is all really complicated. but you arsitting here six months laer. the onlypeople who have seen this are the people running the
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arity. no one is doing anything. the atorney geral i asking for action. the charity itself issaying thate are making all t rit moves. but that is nothing to see here. what if somethi is something would en when are people -- americans were generous. who dothey want to hp? the victims. that inot happening here. it is jut not right. do y see this coming down th pipe anytime soon? >> wish i ould say that i did. but the victims don'. we a at a deadlock and frankly there needs to be a waveof al qaeda. the governor has waiting. thirty-eight and 40 families have said that they want a third party to com in and determine how to distribute the money. >> in lieu of the distribution
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panel instead of the diribution panel. >> ijust hopethatsomething happens for those families. i know that y do as well. please come back sooand tell us what is going on. i think tt it is very interesting. >> thk you. >> wewill invitehe governor or the attorney general or whatever it takes. thiss te end. >> i cannot agree more. thank you for calling your attention to this. we really appreciate >> thank you for coming on. >> thk you. >> gng on in newtown connecticut is just one example in a terrible world. we recently lked about america's wors charity. if you miss tt segment, go to to find a list.. and and family say that th gave moneyo some of these loser charities that spent pennies on the dollar to those in need. it's up t you to check out the
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chaties also youan see my pics on just how too that. we have more to come, including some must-have gadgets for your summer vacation. more young peop diching their cred crds. what you should b looking for inaked. yohurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training wiwith patrick willis. come on todd! flap them chicken wings. grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm...
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we want re outrage tonight for our tions bre men and women wharcoming homeo a bureaucratic nightmare. the government organizati claims disabily benefits are mired in ontrersy and veterans wait sotimes years to wait for t process. meanwhile, the government is@ raking in bonuses and working for unions.
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robert, hank you for coming on the show. it is an honor and we appreciate can you tell us abou your sory trying to get the benefits that we promised that we would gi you? >> wel it is a very disheartening stry. itannly be described as a breakdown of ptsd. i fed for compensation benefits at that tie. i waited until may of 2013 to recee the benefits. i waited 33 monthsor the entire process to go through. >> did you get hose benefit becaususe e th got you by that poin was it because you're making a loof noise? >> believe it w becausi was talkining about it publicly. i nt to the baltimore sun and they ran an arti within about two weeks i had
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partial completed. so really i think they play a game of whack him with. gerri:hat isnot right. thats not how theeclaims should be. we were heari last night really scary stories about these claims filed on pper. they get lost. they are p away somewhere where no one can find them. it is shocking. 850 veterans like yourself, sme of them waiting more than 125 days. most of them 56500. what should be done hee? >> it is a complex issue quite frankly i am calling on the prident to get involved. congress has been inlved in
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this. they have been throwing a lot of money at this situaon. so something must be done and it must be done immediately. >> the budget has only gone up. i think the budget goes up somethg like 0% since 2008? >> yes. >> tell us about your experience in the military. tell the wod what you did last. >> okay. i spent 20 years and i retired in 2007. i get multiple deployments. my last deployment ws in iraq in 2004 and 2005. it was hit about 160 times over the timehat i wasthere.
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in aition to having no safe haven duto the morrs and rockets, we would g after insurgents trying to attack the base. so it was a very tough time and there re a lot of really god people and i did my best to make everything happen that make people safe. then i come back from iraq and come back to this quagmire of red tape and it really is a disheartening siiuation. >> did you feel like you have support? gerri: were yo expecting and what didou see? >> defitely had the support of my family. especially for someone with ptsd ere was sething vy seriously wrong with me. i think th the va, they are
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%-this point.well enough at somehow and someway, we cannot keep throwing money at the problem in thinking that's going to fix that. we cannot keep thinking tat we are going to fix it in this way. it has to be done in acontinent away. especial in working with the veterans as well. >> we cannot fail pple like you. we have to serve you because you served us. >> i appreciate that thought. i think thatt is something thatneeds to be thought of through the veterans affairs a in congress and by the president as well. when the terans com home from injured emotionly or oerwise to and we cannot leave them out there. we cannot let them said, lik i
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did, for 33 months wondering whats going on this system, why wot they answe wanted tommy what my benefits claim is. quite fraly, i just wanted them to a balance the fact that i had ptsdnd waited 33onths within to do that. gei: a little. well, thank you for your rvice. we areated. master sgt. thank you for cing on the show. weppreciate it. thank you. >> thank you very much. gerri:nbelievable story. 1,000 veterans still waiting. this shocking new trend among our nations a people, ditching credit cards. what they' turning tinstead is causing alarm and costing the money. joing me now, consumer edation president for smart whats going on? >> yeah. i'm not sure if this is good or bad news toeequite honest with you. on o hanyou have young people who are using credit cards lesson there for stayg out of credit card debt, which is nice. the problem is that they're going to use plastic.
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as a fact. so wt aplastic of the using? in my mind there are two reasons th are causing this trend of downward usage. one is the card applications to of the card ac which made it more difficult f pple under 21 to get a crit card becausnow they're required to either have a job or a cosigner. number two ishe incredibly aggressive marketing of the prepaid debit card which is arting in people and minoriti as anlternative t credit cards. gerri: well, it -- >>s causing the trend. gerri: let's tal abouthe prepaid debit card. uni have done this before. were not big fans. ll people why. nd not a big fan and it's for couple of reasons. fit of all of markeng is clause that is honest. they're suesting that prepaid debit crds are a better alternative than tradional checking accounts, ls expensive than traditional checking accounts causyo n't have toay overdraft fees and ty do,n fact, help you establish an bill credit history.
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none of thats actually true. a prepaid debit card is what is called a stored vue card, which means you love mey into the card itself. it is us sitting in the count anywhere like a trional the card. did you have to p fees to use it , ther a monthly fee to mah at&t's, a paper statement fe, live customer service fees. theyust go on and on. rri: we don't have enough money for them.@ >> this is fet use my money, and i don't like paying that. people always get angry. that is at least the bank's money. this is one to use your own money. rri: which is what is s insulting about it. pay to use your own money. just carry cash. it aa this issue, and that think this is somethg people get hung up on. banks are expensive, charging monthly fees for you checking account. what is the advanta of having a real relationship with the bank if you'rere aoung person? >> first off, it's a fact that
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banks charge fees. th are for profit organizations which is one of the ys that make money. having said that, if you are eative and willing buy a little bit of research int choosing the bank d that type of accountf you have with e bank, that is actually not that had to find out see-fe checking relationship. thisumor, that it isone is absolutely not true. a lot of people to give -- a lot of places will offer you a free checking account. having a relationship with the bank isot a bad thing. yoave access to god knows how many atm machines. your money is short. is nice to have a relationship when you want to borrow money to buy a house or finance and education or by car or credit card orou have complete fraud prevention guaranteed because of fedal law. it is actuallnot a bad thing to have a relationship with the bank, yet we demonize them as if they are evil simply because they charge the.
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don't complain abtt. avoid them. gerri: listen to this. young people banking 45%, prepai car, chhck cash, pawnshs, palin's. the wor othe worst. some othis i like -- not the last thing you want your millennial to do. >> since weove to qntify this, will quantify it for them. the aveverage interest rate on a edit cd, the worst thing in the wor to my credit card is above 50%. annualized interest y pay adipate a loner pawnshop london it is over 100 percent. compare those numbers. gei: well plee. ry well put. >> have a greaa weekend. gerri: you as well. well, later in the show, a former professional soccer play has to mornings for those rents and kids who play sports. d a series of stops and starts to the u.s. open as rain has
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en a mor ftor between the weather and the choice. there may not be enough money made a a time pgwinner is going to give us h take coming up. ♪ there is a pursuit we all share. a better life for your fily, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave theorld have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investmen and integrity to every pla we armorgan snley. d we're ready to work r you. we thiss the tempur-pedic innovation lab. it's like front row seat to our latest technolies. is where our engineerdo their consnt improving. we have helped over 7 million ople fall inove
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on the event because of the location. here to weigh in is 8-time pga tour winner brad saxonho ay his first u.s. open at rion in 1981 as an 19-year-old amateur. tell us about that. well, it was the most nervs i have never been in my life. the first tee is rig on the patio, some members are literally on t of you. you can hear them staring their edeas. they called my name. i happen to be in the gup right behind jack nicklaus and in front of arnold palmes. all of the caddy's picked me to finish dead last in the field. they hava t every year for who will finish last. and i can onl tell you, i cannot remember hitting the rst shot. i birdied the first and second holes, leading t tournament ter two holes. saxon necklace ballmer. get that as one. gerri: thais a gre story. at is awesome. i don' know how you play when interest because your hands after shaking.
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d your stomach is all upset. it's a difficult to do. whatid you think of the course itself? a lot of talk abouthis coue and how it is very small. >> it is. most u.s. open courses that we plan would be on 250 acres plus. this one is just over 100. a very tight, narw, short by toy's sndards. you know, you can't see the players today, they are nervous. the majors alws good plars more nervousand i don't think there is a tough tournament played in the u.s. on because it tests of rts of your game. gerri: it is interesting because it is shorter and doesn't like it is aa eally difficult course. ey spend a lot of time on this course tryingo improve it, seems to me that these guys are having a very toughime. >> they are. he looked at the leader board right now, ppil mickelson is to wonder park. no one ee is on the part. i am pretty sure that is round of 3-uer, the onlnly round under
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today, and he is something that has not been done since 1992. he hit all 18 greens in regulation which is almost impossible. gerri:hen you look at this, we had ttat rain delay. a lot of people got upset. how doeshat impt the player'same?e? >>irst of all, it drbs your whole routine. you're used to getting a few hours before your early tee time and being prepared and ready to yell. as you saw, three hf-hour y yesteterday. some of the players did not see off until today for the second round until 430, 5:00. they will finish around 21 friday. you know, phil mickelson clinton's an and did noo arrive until 330 in the morning thursday morning a few hours bere his he ended up shooting below ground. it is unbelievable. gerri: i think he wasoing to his daughter's graduation. >> demand is eight grad
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graduation. in 1999, he beat phil nicholson the last poll, he says, go home. be a father, have the baby. that was demanded being born then. gerri: great context. one final question because there e so many about the idea that there will make less money because you work gular people like me can go wch it. what did they choose this course? >>ell, i think it's a great question. we could talk about four hhurs. it's a histori course. bobby jones completedhe grand slam in 1930. ben han came back after his almost fatal car accident, 1950. have not played there since 1981 because the courses to small. it's -- i hat t say is the circus o the u.s. open, but all the stuff that goes on, the corporate tents in the space the need for television production. and they have a second golf course with the plers are using for their practice facility and for the locker room which is abo a mile away, and
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even that disturbs the players. they are going to new work forces. courses no one has played before. to gback to alace like that -- i'm not worried about their financial pockets either. gerri: ty do okay. >> rht. gerri: they're really do. he's going to win? >> well, i think phil mickelson is a great sry right now because ofhe way he flynn. he is never won u.s. open. i know it's on his time. this is a short game players cose. you should see him, dng some pretty good magicight now. unpicking a guy, but nobody really knows much about him. is an aggressive, you kw, nice cocky kid that is planning to break off. gerri: i have to go was filled. my heart is with phil. i would like to see him play well. just as our viewers out there, brad is super, super punter, and you can seeim on the champis tour. be sure to check him o.
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thank you for coming on. >> appreciate your time. gerri: appreciate avenue. we will beollowing you on the torque. congratulations on your recent win. coming up next, warning for parents of kidto play sports and a new lawha could send you to present the next time you a knockout back you have had your ion. our legal panel weighs in composite wi get your reaction. ♪ alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the m mimportant feature of a is... the capital one purchase eraser. can reem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent traverchases. d th a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requeed bacp? yes. yes i did. what's in yo wallet?
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gerri: a warning for our young athletes. a cent study wiping out the idea that it takes up to two weeks to recover from a concussion. children and young adults with previous concussions may need ev longer to hea. with mor o this home of former major-league soccer player and creator of think taylor, a foundation to bring awareness to traumatic brain injy. welcome to the show and think for coming on.
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i know they you have had your n experience with this, but i think there are a lot of parent3 out there you just don't reaze what the kids are up against. >> no, they don't. the question and i am asked all the time is, doe know anything about concussio in013? my injury happened in 2008. tooften we hear about back in the day when the reality is my injury happened august 30th 2008. my life angedorever. two things parentseed to realize s that no e concussion is the exact same as another. i could fall off his chair i'm sittinright here in front of the camera, get concussion. that could be very different an yours that's the problem with recoveries. the other is, the one injury it takes away your life is a trmatic brain jury. do is bring your ankle,reak your wrist, break your leg, do so many things. you can hav surgery in fix it. you can't have surgery on a traumatic brain injury. if you are not aware, a uneducated, and you make the
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wrong decision after gting that initial confession to make takes away your life. unliving that right now. gerri: tl us about what happened to you. >> well, august 30th 2008 and was playing in a soccer gam the revolutn, playing david beckham and the los angeles galaxy. myamily was in town. to make a longg storyhort t came in. the goalkeeper misted in boston in the face. the biggest issue was not thahat initial injury. i played in next week's, the next eighteeks never diagnosed with a concussion, never once got an x-ray of my neck, never once again mri. right now i'm in the battle for the rest ofy life. permanent brain damage. ha n worked out for years. have not gone to a movie other than twice as four years. andust starting to read the bos. you know, it's just the way that my life is now, and that's why i started thinking tailored not a word because someone needs to start talking about it. i gue that's me. gerri: you think aboutids
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playing fooall. you think about kids playing all these boas. even soccer. runng down the field bill now@ with no helmet, nothing. and out of the surve that we ve been talking about the recovery link from a concussion for kids and adults, 12 days without a prior concussion, 28 days wh severe several prious concussions. i mean, i don't think people know those facts. they don't know the statistics. you yelf played for eight people need to be aware of this. mom and dad need to say it's high-schl football. o cares. you're sitti out. >> exactly. here's t the story. in our society legal -- little league baseball, if you throw 65 pitches you haveo sit a a mimal thre days. we don't have the headcount and footba, at, and soccer. we are more worried about the league baseball, our society is more worried about an elbow in
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the rotat cuff. you bring up elements. helmets stopped anything hockey and football would not have a concuson problem is not necessarily wearing a heet. but being educatednd where, and i just don -- it was teresting about these studies. twenty-eight days. listen. sydney crosby was diagnosed with a md concuion. ask him h the9 months when ter he was diagnosed with mild concussion. it's time we get rid ofild. time we get rid of moderate. if you have a concussion you have a concussion. as such anger mdly prean no, either you're pregnant are not. gerri: vy well-known. from what you're saying this has been a very tough ti for him. let's educate pple. possle concussion sentence, headaches, nausea, dizziness, vision problems, sensitivi to light and sou, balance and our visionroblems.
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if you are a young kid and you have one of these, you want to think about it. you want to get some action, see a doctor, set out. you can always set out. >> of course. there is this saying this popular. when in doubt set them out. if you haveny doubt set out. if you're wrong, your life is not going to be whaine is for the rest of my life. you made the right decision. you missed at soccerame or that football game, b y have yourrain. you only get oneicket a lif an youeed your brain too everything. right now i start a little bit because for a bad jokeor what not, and half of my brain working. gerri: you sound gre to me, but i think your advice -- >> that guy you fools. [lghter] gerri: good job. thank you foo cing on. and a people legal -- ear to your that. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest
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♪ gerri: well, not of goods, youie fake ones made in china, they are in high dand, everything from fake rolex watches and golf clubs to imitionucci in prod banks. new legislation is trying to make it a crime to buy them. fox news legal analyst and torney join me now with the details.@ this is fascinating story. we will start with y ss talk about what will happen to me if i am down on canal street by my faith bag. >> if you buy a fake dagen backup is there, they can run you into jail for up to year a charged with thousand dollars fine for thas just because your they're buying something. we as consumers, ar'te allowed to b buy will we want to buy? and you'll rrallget into the mind set, do i kw what i'm going after the get the purse, not know anything out fashion. gerri: it looks nice.
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you don't understand canal street is canal street. >> i just get a good deal. gerri: all right. let's here from new york city council woman who is proposing th legislation. here is what she says. here is what you want to pelize these consumers. people think it's an adventure. it's alwayillegal for people to sell, but not illegal for the people who buy this stuff. hopefuy is law will cut down onemand. >> i don't know th it will cut down on demand in terms of people not going to stores, but the purpose of it is to really reach below t surface, meening when you go on the street and you see somebody sell sometng at a table, youon't he to be a genius to know they're not payingent,hey didn't have a lotf overhead. so you already know there is an intent to try to get around something. whenhe pri of the bag is one-tenth of what is in the store, you have to know something's up. also not a victimls situation. people making those products working in sweatshops that are derage and working below nimum wage, work in buildings
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that collapsed. that's a good point, but then go for the pple were selling ito. gerri: and of having a problem. >> prosecuted some of these coterfeit guys, but you're really going to go out to this nice littl youour lady in from nsas, i get a great deal on the bag. you're goi dollar into jl with everything else we hav going on? gerri: the reality, l's say you're on the streets. we have one of these guy set up on a card table bause that is what i it is. you see this little old lady come over my purse. well, if they go after her, that guy will be gone in 20 secds. is he coming back is the question. have you stopped it? >> note. >> all laws are based un deterrence. you want to try to deal with behavi and stop it if it something that's problematic. the problem is, thi is not going to be passed as a lot to
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prevent crime. it will be something like a parking ticket. >> bloomberg you wants to regulate the 32 oz o soda doesn't want thi to be the prosecuts don't want this. go aft the big guys. gerri: a thousand dollars, we get maybe 100eople a year. nowe're talking some deficit the. maybe this is the way to raise ta revvnue. [laughter] the general reality is you will have criminal record up prosecutors taking time away from more serious crimes, police taking timeway. people can give tickets. it will give you a ticket ifou have to pay a fine like a parking ticket and say you did note. there will be all of those issuesf enforcement. bottom line, likike i said befo, it is not that simple. what about the fact that the people that put energy into making the real products, ty cannot hire. gerri: now you'rting to my issue, which is these women who are not ming a million dolla
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a year. they're spending thousandsf ddllars on designer handbags. >> this i do not know. i do have a real coachag, but have had it for ten yea. one bag, that's it. gerri: and you did not go t jail for it. >> i did not. >> coach justot up lawsuit against a major counterfeiter and won a lot of money the person in the street, it' hard to stop them from buying it. that's wt is is about. gerri: lt word, brooklyn district attorney bureau chief, my 7-year-old mother would not know the difrenc. what you prove what she kw. >> y cannot go inside the intent of someone going enceinte, and just got a good de. >> buying someone from a cd table. gerri: its new yority. l right. we won't go there. thanks. grt job. always good. now we want to know what youu
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think. here is our question. should people who b itation handbags be jailed? log on to, vote on the right-hand side of the screen, and wwill show results of the end of the show. unbelievable. and we come back a look at some of the hottest gadgets that you should bring with you on your next trip. wa until you see ts. ♪ there is aursuit we all share. a better life for your family, a better oortunity for your busins, a better legacy to leave t world. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insigh to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you. you will lose 3 sets of keys 4 cell phones 7 socks and 6eeks osleep but one thing you don't want to lose is any more teeth.
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if you wear partial, you are almost tce as likely to lose your supporting teeth. new poligrip and polident for partials seal and protect' helps minimize stress, which may damage sporting teeth, by stabilizing your partial. and 'cln and otect' kills odor-causing bacteria. care for your partial. help protect your natural teeth. ♪ gerri: well, theest gizmos for travel. wi s many high duties?
9:52 pm
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how do you do that? with us now, travel eert mark murphy. we have some cooltuff. stuf that i have not seen before. tells about -- this is called the go pro year-. >> we use is on locat just in ecuad shooting. they strapped it to me. a shot of the ground as i flew in le superman 500 feet above the gund. now -- gerri: a video camera. >> hi beth, super high-quity. that isrom go pro. you put it on surfboards. you have a wireless connection. you can wires to transmit the same time. gerri: and that is not che, but it i pretty darne cool. >> oh, yes. rri: this is amazing. >> this is me. you tehi and stick it in your pocket. a blue to wireless speaker. you can stream and listen your music anywhere you go. if you get a phone call, you just push t top andowou
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have a speakerphone, almost like a conference call. reallyeat. allied is a lot because you tertain yourself but you can also take business calls. gerri: $49. >> boom.s.a. gerri: absolutely. what i like about ts is you can throw it in your bag andt is really small. i am used to this. why not? >> well beuse it is father's dathis weekend. coming in with an extra $20 off and 79, but the really upgdeded its of the use of a frost facing camera. wi-fi, down love movies, let's tflix. i mean, to me this isn entertainment center. gerri: you know what i would do? and put my guidebook ont. a city or town, i woulde able et all the info that i need. therush. >> inoyou are really a frustrated artis and art. what you can do with th is take this. it's a paintbrush. like that. a digital paintbrush.
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so now you take it, download a painting. the star painting. and you can really have some fun. and the best part about it,o finger-pointing, no mess. gerri: that's perfect. the kids born in the backst, $40. you're done. >> exactly. this iseat. $39.99. you can go pick it up and it is easy to throw in your bag. gerri:es. you dot have to have a lot of ace. now we have all monitor. >> any that for my wife. anyway. [laughter] gerri: thank you so much for coming and telling us about it. cruciate your time. >> we hav here, this goes inside, but they have once the go outside. when you're traveling, mmke sure everything iskay. gerri: appreciate your time. we have no time. have to leave. have to leave. th this man is about to be the llionth customer. have to leave. th would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer.
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9:57 pm
woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all thi [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurancmay shocyou -- including the ct that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
9:59 pm
gerri:uick programming notes. we know is session fday. we just ran at a time. we will bring you this story later this month. finally tonight, many of you at home keep writing in saying it is time to abolish the irs. as the scandal list just it's longer and longer, you couud be on theomething. anotr treasy inspector general report shows mor than 1,000 irs employees or misusing their government credit cards. what's worse, no one was getting in trouble for it. e muse of cards include someone else usingt for nonofficial reasons, not paying on t and buying things from an unauthorized merchant. using credit cards, spending $50 million on conferences, targeting conservative groups. like i said to my think your on to something. that's my "2 cents mor" and that's it for tonight on "the willis report." thank you for joining us. n't forget to record the show if you cannot get his life. emrate knight cmander will have that in fason later in the month. ♪
10:00 pm
lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. president obama has decided that now is the time torovide arms to syriand rebellooking to al'sresident's assad. we have not heard about this decision directly from the president, however. rather from national security staff and the white house, nor have we heard from the defense secretary or the secretary of stat. parently the president has decid to sen small arms, ammunition, and, perhaps anti-tank weaponry to the level of- rels. the whiteouse issued a statement declaring the syria has used chemical weapons of the past year and claimed 100 to 150 syrian rebels were killed
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