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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 14, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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thank you for being with us. president obama has decided that now is the time torovide arms to syriand rebellooking to al'sresident's assad. we have not heard about this decision directly from the president, however. rather from national security staff and the white house, nor have we heard from the defense secretary or the secretary of stat. parently the president has decid to sen small arms, ammunition, and, perhaps anti-tank weaponry to the level of- rels. the whiteouse issued a statement declaring the syria has used chemical weapons of the past year and claimed 100 to 150 syrian rebels were killed.
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syria denies e claims, and so does russia. the president was briefed by junior white house national security and communications staff on the shi in policy and what it would entail. a briefing creating as many questions as answers. deputy national security adviser for strategic communicatio then roseoined principall3 deputy press secretary to brief the white house press corps on the president's shift roads world of the united states troops on the ound, but then wentn to say that the administration is not ruling anything out. listen to this. >> the one option that was basically taken off of the table is boots on the ground. for aariety of reasons, we don't at t this point believe tt the u.s. has and national interest in pursuing a vy intense open-ended military gagements. the no-fly zone at this juncre, butgain, we -- y know, we are not ruling out contingencies. we are weighing them in a very
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deliberate fashion. lou: he did say that we should expect to year from the president on the shift in t coming days. while giving no indication at all a to when tha actually ght be. alll of this is a precursor to the president's meeting with president vladimir sunday. already protestedhehite house decision to arm the syrian opposition fhters, my of whom are extremists with loyalties to terrorists. the criminals are also unconvinced b the administration's claim that the assad regime has used chemical weapons but did note that the president putin has not yet discussed pnso arm the regime with air to fit -- air defense misles. raising the possibility of more national security leaks. formern as a contractor edward snowden i hiding and pretend- presumed to be still in hong kong. thintelligence officials have
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rertedly determined what classified sites he accsed, what information he do loade and how it. thoseame officia said they do not believe that he had any acmplices n thate tried i any way to sell thehe matial that he accessed. fox news chief intelligence correspondent has our report. >> after meeting with european ministers, aorney general eric holder said the public disclosure of classified nsa progms hasone significant harm. the national security of the ited stes has en damaged byhose leaks. the safety of the arican peopll and safety of people in allied nations is at risk. a source familiar with the scope of the investigation tells fox news an audit of the computer of edward snowden inside the nsa and other government networks oning. based on his electctronic trail it is believed edward snowden has more documents beyon a handful leaked to the british his paper and washington post.
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i have access to theull auspice of everyon working at the nsa, the entire intelligence community endeavor cover assets of around the world. >> the threat that he could lead more classified information seen as crediblle. democratic senators are now introducing legistion that would limit data collection on americans where there is no demonstrable link to terrorism or espionage. the dclosures of the last week de clear to the american people that the laws being interpreted in a way that damages the civ liberties and that the system has been set u to keep americans unaware of e trusion. with growing scrutiny of government data bases, ther are new questions about the progam publicly dcribed by fbi director robermuller which allows for the collection of t mi from a u.s. citizen on.s. soil i real time. the shootin in 2009, the fbi director testified that-mail exchanges like thoseetween alleged shooter in fort hood nd
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unknn terroris overseas were not going to slip through the cracks again >> what can you tell usbout new procedures that are in place that will head off another fort hood in the future? >> put into place thnological improvemen relating to the capabilities of the database to up and pull together past e-mails and future ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized seah >> as to the database being part ofour separate from th nsa prison program whichollect -- cots foreign internet communications, that nsa ferred to the fbi where therwas no immediate commen meanwhile e british government is warning airnes around the worlto keep edward snowden out of their country. the travel the says a airline that brings him into the u.k. will be fined $30,100. lou: thank you so much.
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i don't know what that will do, but anyway. it's not getting any less complicated and the. thank you very mh. you're terrific as aays. chief intelligence correspondent well as thi week controversy is uolng, there is greatconcern about the rationship between the intelligence servicesthe adnistration, corporate america, and the president's campaign operatives and rategists. and all of us are gaining a much more clear pture of just what a thicket of interrelated institutions and relationships that amounts to which raise serious questions. thessue of contemporaneous government, politicacal and business access. use of data thatppears to be, well, the separated crency among some of those institutions not long bore the scandal broke, se democts were publicly braggg about the presidt's massive cpaign database and what it means t th future of the democratic
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party. here is congresswomannmaxine waters in february. >> the president has put in place an organization that contains the kind o data base that no one has evern before in life. that database will have their permission about erything on every iividual in ways that it has never been done before. u: maxine waters is talking about a database and the3 ganization for actn. the president's campaign, of course -- those campaigns are all over, ateast we think. the democratic campaign certainly isn't. data mining isn't, and those relationships get even more complex in the case of google whose execuve chairman poured millions into a data company dedicate -- dedicatedo progressive cause and the ggle mining managing and selling user infmation
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some might consider to be private and most ofhe commerciaial ses and servicesnhe web do so as well. it'somplicated faugh. add another controversy to the ever expanding list of obama white house scandals. let's call a travel de. the "washington ost" reporte that wn the presidentravels to sub-saran africthis month it could cost us up to $100 million. that is meaning the taxpayers. the week-long visit the president planned to south africa months nd the gall, taania would involve moving more than 50 support vehicles, military jets and ships, aircraft caiers, amphibiouu ships, ships. white house officls are fending his trip as outreach tomerging democraciesven going so far as to claim that it will be great bang forur buck.. that would become if may correct them, aut 1 million
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taxpayers box. a plan for the safari in t first family reportedly unfortunately axed after t "washington post" asked the white house about the cost of the safari. our reach, check please. for more o trave datt, the growing mounta of other obama administration scaals, we are joined by former arkansas governor hostf huckabee on the fox news channel, a former presidential candidate and all-arou good guy, mike huckabee. good to have you with us. >> o thing about it, i have never taken $100 million week vacation. unbeliable. lou: and it sequestration is making all the difference. >> jack, we can't -- the blue angels an do airshows, c have white house doors, but brocken chele's excellent afcan adventure ll go %-lou: wmight as well laugh becae there's no other real response says we can do anything about it. >> paying for the buck. it's a bang, but i'm not sure
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forhe buck. lou:on't you feel bett knowing that efficiency is paramount in their minds at th white house? wt i don't undand why anyone,eft or right, would not be our rates for the fact that t president would even say, look, it i okay to spend this kind money. talking about bang for your buck in the wld of teleconferencing, thesaas all the information anyway. lou: and thinkin- >> for a hundr million you could buy them all to the white house d treat them for a couple of weekand state dinners ansome of the finest restaurants in the district. finance a few tra phases inn ergency- emerging democracy. less talk about the nsa leaker, edward snowden, w has apparently decided that hongkong is, if you w the citel o deacy and fairness and tt
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communist china is a really good place to put your concerns if you happen to work wh the natial security agency of this cotry. kendis did more bizarre? >> iteally can't, then y had adimir putin who was advising president obama that he needed to be caful about being too heavy-handed and not snoopingn citizens. this is a guy who used torun th kgb, for heaven sakes. hes warning us about privacy. come on. lo a wonderful thing abbut president put is seeking do with a strait face. >> can and ds. president obama can, with a straight face, tell us that we can trust him. don't worry. we will neveuse that affirmation. lou: we do feel bette about that, don't we? being so short. now, at the same time,ery serious issue the issue of national security,ivil liberties, and that trade off theiran. and this presidents the guy who said five years ago, that's
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a false choice as a campaign for president. itouldeverappen to him certainly. that would be a bush affair. it looks le he has ten this country inrections' unimaginable. >> a simple questn that think people need to recognize. if we say we ar clectg all thisnformation because we want to stop terrorism yet when a man stands up at fort hood, texas, screams andills 14 people, 13 plus an unborn child and the president still has t to acknowledge that that was terrorism, want to know is actly define terrorism for me. if that is that terrorism, if e littlrock shooting is not coecti this data for lou: at the same time, i am watcng several of these members of congress just excoriating intelligence officials, military officls, juste department officials, some of home need excoriating,
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bu for other reasons. and it is as if they don't realize that they are the ones with that 10 percentespect rating on the partf the american people. trying t be rate the leaders of our intelligencegencies, ttg there, you know, some of them with four stars on tir uniformsho have servedhis i don't understand.tire liv. and sudnly we're not wried about what cyber attacks from china are, we are wried about data mining thatt this poin no one has even demonstrated to be uawful or inappropriate. >> i do think we need to be concerned. the government icollecting vast amounts of intimation on private cizens who are not suspected of any cri. the question is why and what they going to do with it? and if this were in a world where we could really trust e people in th gernment, maybe so. information could be used to completely dictate a presidential ellction. suppose infortion could be
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le could go and say, you're, and running, but let me ll you something. lou: of the fact that youut that io some sort of future hypothetical rather than worryi about the last. at the same time, again, there seems to be a sense of irony that our congress is not held in very high regard, to be kind, that we hav lossight ofhe asults on this country right now. cyber attacks from china. administration get out tught, how smart it, and made to look like fools byhe chinese president and his regime in china,ust utterly obliterating that 2-day summit which was supposed to have as one of its prary agenda items cna cyber attacks. >> my concern is also ch for the people who work in the intelligence community, manyf whom work very hard. there were anonymously. it'llake a lot of money and will never get rich at what they do. they love their country, and they're following the orders in the pololiciis th somebody
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else's set. i don't want to excoriate them. me to be very respectful of people on the intelligence community, but we do need to demand of our policymakers, what are you collectinghe data for? can you tell us that it is really necessaryy that collection at the did not stop the issue bummer, underwear bomber, times square bomber we have no realevidence that stopped theew york subway wer prevted the new york subway bombing. lou: acknowledged that it was not a nsa intersectiothat led to that. >> appareny something london lice shared with the new yor police that had more to do with human intellince rather than algorithms in the computer program. lou: i am one of those gs that issjust delighted to see human intelligence were going on. th re occasion. all right. it seems -- you kw, there was a time when han intelligence in this country going back to september 1h,eorgeold me very cle, five yrs to have
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a cndestine service tt is effecte. thank goodness we have gone through hat process. always great to talk with you. pleasure to be yea lo mike huckabee. be sure to tune into a shell. calall ihe huckabee show saturdrday and sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the fox buness channel. new government watchdog reports the scandal-plagued interl venue service, this time the treasury inspector general ss more than 1,000 irs employees abuse eir vernment edit-card. the wrongdoing includesllowing others to use theards, writing bad checks to cover outstanding balances on those cards, but at least th tried to pay. all of this to place in010-11. the report claimsrs officials were,s they put it, overly lenient whe punishing workers with such issues. others might call them bribes. there you are. not tohe latest on the benghazi scandal. members of the house
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intelligence committee brief behind closed doors today on the status of the benazi investation. th top democrat on the mmittee spoke to reporters and explained the lack of answersrsn facts entirely out of the control of the u.s.overnment. >> to find that he the b guys were, that y organize these attatacks, who go americans. we have some of our bt people and agencies focusg o working together to do that, but it is very difficult. it's diffilt working conditions. bengha is noa very well-organized country, and a lot of security. lou: doggone. it is tough, hard work. we are sure that the congressman an it is not aell organized and chaired by the way. yes we're going to ha to wait for the advance o civization and libya before we canet any answers from this administration. well, as we go to break, weant to take a second tpay tribute to ald glory, the grand old flag adopted by the continental congress on this date
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june 14th, 177 happy flag day, everyone. ♪ with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small buness. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shreers. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earn2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited wards.
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read back the chicken's testimony, please. uk, bu bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark busine car from capital one and earnnlimitedewards. choose 2% ca back or double les on every purchase every day. toldou i'd get half. what's in your walle toldou i'd get half. at od, whever business you're in, th. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery recordand a low claims ratio, we do whatevert takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. we do whatevert takes to make your business our business.
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lou: congressman paul ryan thing that the gang of eight is
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essentially aesty. he was speaking at a forum on immigratiosponsored by the national aociation of manufacturers. >> i willdebate anyone who tries to suggest that these ideas are moving as amnesty. they are not. >> there you have it. heritage fouation says yes, they are. their esponse is sorry, chairmanaul ryan. joining us now the vice president of the heritage foundation. genevieve wood. what is going on here? >> we havethe national association of manufacturers. we have the chrman of th house budget committee. whatre you guys doing wrong? >> the questn is when d they start redefinng words. this is verbal gymnastics going on. it is no matter what you call it
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>> 11 and a half million immigrants have across the border or overstayed their visas. they have broken the law. we are saying that we are goi to have you pay a few fines, bt we are going to give you lal status even though he way that it is here, it is illegal behavior. is amnesty. we have tried this before. the same thing it didn't work. >> i don't know if wehave this full screen. but the percentage of hispanics votes for presidential republican cdidates, we do not. but it is nice to bring tt up.
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afterthe 1986 amnesty, and under the leadership of president ronald reagan, republicans have never ever don ll in whichpresident bush received about 44%. i'm told right now that we do have that. there you can see this 1984. republicans gettg 37%. ninetywo to 25%. 1996, 21%. it doesn't get much better than that.
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>> if you look at it litically, i think republicans ought be trying t get more hianic votes is 11.5 million people that are re today, many of them, if they become legal residents, they will get sked into a lot of government programs cluding a contry that allows themo move up the ecomic ladder. lou: despite the assurances of the gang the gang of eight and other another advocate, ift's these people way ahead and this
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is -- florida -- frmer orida govern saying that immigration form culd be due to immigrants being me fertile. [laughter] this is kind f outrageous. >> they are searching. they are looking for sound bites the facts are that youwill pay for what and this will onl of the problem. lou: tere is no questionin the wod. moving forward, it is an incremental approach to solve the problems to the benefit o
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the nation and illegal immigrants. th s&p down today, nasdaq down 22. volume was 2.9 billion shares. and another day of light trading. postin weekly losses more than 1%, and enomic news, the highest level in six years. producer prices up. half a percent. posting gains on the day, closing just below $13.88per ounce. settling ust bew $90 per rrel. the 10 year fell to 2.1% d ralph nader is calle a con
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man. submit your favorite nicknames for president obama. we wilhave a few names that you sent in and we wll share them with everyone watching them with everyone watching tonight. there isis a pursuit we all share. a better liffor your family, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. we have alwayselieved in this pursuit, stving to bring insight to every iestmt, d integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley and we're ready to work for u.
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lou:ongtime consumer advocate, candidate ralph nader. harsh words for president obama. last ear he tlked about raising the minimum wage. >> has there been a bigger con man in the white house than barack obama? we made the tatements n the 2008 campaign. he said othing other than raising the minimum wage. no pressure on congress. >> he isot the oy one
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outraged. we have seven of the mounting scandals in the "chalk talk" yesterday. we invited suggestions for a nickname along the line of tricky dick andslick willie, given all of the scandal surrounding the president. and man, did you have some eas. re are a few of our favorites. there are so ma that we can't get them all here. the first one isthe bystander. obama nation, and scay very and oh, bummer. babbling berry. a little bit rough. obama drama, we use that from time to time.
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this one i haven't heard from anyone, barackphobia and obamanator e-mail me at lou@loudobbs.m. how about obamrama? another trip digit loss today. jo lonski is here with us xt. president obama sort of committing to eating the syrian -ebels. admiral james onjoins us and admiral james onjoins us and you will know precisely wh he you hu my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you sgested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis.
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united states has no strategic interest in syria and should focus instead on iraq joining e now is admiral james lyon retired commandnd of u.s. pafic fleet. hy then do you think the president has chon to arm the rebels despite the protestation ofhe united nations. >> i don't s how we can sort out the badfro the good rebels when they are changing their algiance on a yearly basis. we cannot even figure out who is the bottom of our irs scandal and we contr it. >> we cannot fgure outwhat this administrion didot o
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an ungodly. you say that we should be taking strategic advantage of ian's involvemenin ri. what you mean by that. whhod this demonstration do? >> our greatest strategic issue in the middle ea today is prenting iran frm gaining a nuclear weapon capability. theicommitment in supporting the civil war i syria, we should take advantage of that and deoyed our forces so that we are prepared toconductand launch a devastating strike to eliminate theinuclear infrastructure. the issue of iran achieving a nuclear weapon cability makeslen comparison in the middle east. >> t president will meet with vladimir putin monday at the g8 to discuss whatever the
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deliberation produces in the white house or whatever direction they will take this countrin syria. can you give us your quick assessment, as he would, as you think that will work. is therr a likely cooperation or will tere be confrontation between the two leaders remapped. >> i d not see where the restart button has workdto benefit th russia. in fact, they have taken -dvantage of that and cducted a reinstition of cold war tactics. lou: admiral jmes llons. upext, whit street finishes
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down. hn lonski on whether it is time to get ready for the market to move
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lou: the federal rerve is reported to be pushing back on the market expectations that it itself has ceated. the rate increase that it is meeting xt week. including capering the bond purchase proam and perhaps even raising rates here to fine what is happening is john
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moey. it is great to have you here. i think that we ought to start off in the midstf all this. the market is still up 15% year-to-date. it is that bad, isn't? >> that is not bad. it becomes clear that the fed is not about the tight monetary policy. is 7.6%, theutilization is falling and profitare barely growing by less than 5%. lou: who bears the greatest responsibity for all of this noise? were talking about ending the stimulus and the bond purchasing program. i mean, some idiot for even talking about raising rates, for cryiut lud. >> may be itis the fedchairman th should ve put his foot
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down. warning ople not to mislead the market. lou: you are n talking about this. >> look at the case of this bond market. this gies an dea of how willing we are going t be. we've seen bonds go up by a percenge point. by less than % to 5%. these can only adversely affect the economy and h supply of credit. lou: whatis low volume this week? you interpret the reas for that forhe pcoming meeting and all of the query that wenow can presume and o other factor? like it is being held in thi
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area. >> perhaps it is not abad idea that to the sideline and have someone take a chance. lou: o of my favorite gurus out tre right now --they ce upith more noense. they are pushing a 30 year bull marketin bonds straight in to what they are trying to lift it with all forces, talking about a 60% chanceof a recession in the next three to five years. what is going on in the minds of these folks. what are tpushing? i know that they are pushing this a bit. but what in the world is going on with the business that they are even paying atntion this? >> there is a 60% chance of a reion. in three to five years, we are going to forget about hs.
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>> this is all that is going on. other people are talkingbout the forhcomg 10 year treasury bond, which thi is unlike anytime soo. lou: are the edge funds managers getng dumber? who is paying attentionto this blabber and noense? >> maybe they are ing e right thing. i thk this latest selloff that we have our wider chill spreads that silence can be goldennd this is not -- this is not the time to uggest an impending quantitative easing. >> i tnk ben bernke was being brilliant as he set the3 stfo clarity. >> sometimes leaders cannot be
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afford afforded to be heavy-handed. lou: between equities and bods. >> you veo keep the oops in line. you cannotllow every person who works for your oganization as far as the stategy might be headed i think that right now those officials that we are talking about, those that need to get rid of this have been quieted. >> john lonski, we thank you for not being quieted. up next, consequential battle. the coauthor, james lacey joins the coauthor, james lacey joins me the pursuit of a better tomorrow is somhing we all share. but who can help you find your own path?
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who can build you a plan, just a pie crt? who can help kp your investnts on course, whatever lies ahead? that someone is morgan stanlefinancial advisor. and we're ready to work for you. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello mher. mother! traveling is easy with thventure ca because you n fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? , you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ in! what's in your wallet
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lou: our next guest is a mern master of military history his new book examines the key decisions of critic mitakes in moments of crisis and 20 pivotal battles that sped the world's history. it is an immense undertaking. the auth of this bran new book, jams lay, it is great to have you. his book is "moment of battle." it is so great to have you here. okay, so theirst american battle reaching considerable history in this book most people don't don't talk about this in e revolutionary war. >> george washington was there. it sprising that people do not talk about it.
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revolution.tical battle of we neded support, we needed the french navy and troops. without that, we probably don't win the rvolutionary wr. lou: how much pshback did we get? >> since the book has been out, it has been tremendous. it is actually funny to watch it. when someone reads this, they consider an you just don't understand it a times it is a no-win situation. lou: you also bring up the
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battle. i don't know whether it's my perspective. but when think about the ttles in history, u talk about operation in which our milittry took the bridge across to keep that mving. en did you choose that path? >> well, some of it is becaus people can relate to it. number two iwe think itis not consequential tody. a tiny statesman once said this about the chese revolution. he saiit is too ely to tll. i think that the final effects that battle and what we are doing are too hard to tell.
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obviously it is part of the arab spring, many of the thin that are going on now, we would like to iluence this to the degree that they are all related to what happened in 2003. it wl turn out good or bad. wewill make that judgment in 10 or5 years to you just said something that is talked about. including the causality but one could argue. the bush administration insists on going into bahdad. in the obam administration and iraq. how importando you thi all of thiwill bb? >> years ago irote an article aboutcivilizatn that this was going to happen.
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i wrote about it and they said that's not actually write. but if you look at it today, the entire arab world is unraveled. when i wrot that article, i was hoping that turky would sp. hopefully they will get things under control. but i'm not 100% optimistic. ihink it is a very dangerous situation. if turkey goes away to egypt is going, we have the policy going forward and it is almost beyond scy. we cannot los turkey lou: now is the president s obviously said, we havea new element ofuncertainty and jeopardy.
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>> i ha with that. the main culprit in most of tha3 isira. isira. lou: we
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