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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 15, 2013 4:00am-5:01am EDT

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movie. neil: eeveryone have a wonderfl weekd. the great father's day. lou: good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. president obama has decided that now is the time provide arms to syria and rebels lookg to al president assad. we have not heard about ts decision dectl from the president, however. rather from national security staff and e white house, nor have we heard from the defense secretary or the secretary of state. apparently the president has deded to send small arms, ammunition, and, perhaps antiank weaponry t the level of -- rebebels. the white house issued a statement declaring the syria has used chemical weapons of the past year and claimed 100 to 150 syrian rebels were killed.
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syria denies the claims,nd so doesussia. the president was briefed by junior white house national serity and communications staff on the shift in policy and what it would entail. a briefing creating as many questions as answers. deputy national securi adviser for strategic communicions then rose joined principall3 deputy press secretary to brief the white house press corps on the president'shift. roads world of the united states troops on the ground, but tn went on to say that the administration is not ruling anything out. listen to this. >> the one option that was basically taken off of the table is boots on the ground. for a varie of reasons,e don't at this point believe that the u.s. h and national interest in pursuing a very intense open-ended litary engagements. the no-flyone at this juncture, but again, we -- you know, were not ruling out contingencies.
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we are weighing them in a very deliberate fashion. lou: he did say that we should expect to year from the president on the shift in the coming days. while giving no indication at all as to when that actually mit be. allf thiis a precursor to the president's meeting with president vladimir sunday. already protested the white house decision to arm the syrian opposition fighters, many of whom are extremists with loloyalts to trorists. the criminalsre also unconvinced by the administration's claim that the assad regime has used chemical weapons but did note that the president putin has not yet discusd plans to arm the regime with air to fit -- air defense missiles. raising the possibility of more natial security leaks. former in as a contractor edward snowden in hiding and prend -- presumed to be still in hg kong. the intelligence officials have
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reportedly determined what classified sites he accessed, what information he down loaded, and how it. those same officials said they do not believe that he had any accomplices nor that he tried in any way to sell the material that he accessed. fox news chief intelligence correspoent has our report. after mting with european ministers, attorney general ec holder said the public disclosure of classified nsa programs has done signicant harm. the national security of the united states has been damaged by those leaks. the safety of the american peopll and safety of people in allied nations is at risk. a source familiar with the scope of the investigation tells fox news anudit of the computer of rd snowden inside the nsa and other government networks is oning. based upon his electronic trail it is believed edward snowden ha more documents beyond a handful leaked to the brish his paper and washington post.
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>> i have access to the full auspice of everyone working at the nsa, the entire intelligence community endeavor cover assets around the world. >> the threat that he could lead more classified informatiois seen as credle. democratic senators are now inoducing legislation that would limit data collection on americans where there is no demonstrable link to terrorism espionage. the disclosures of the last week made clear to the american people that the law is being interpreted in a way that damas the civil liberties and that the system has been set up to keep americans unaware of the intrusion. with growing scrutiny of government data bases, there are new questions about the program publicly desibed by fbi director robert muller which alws for the collection of the milk from a u.s. citizen on u.s. soil in real time. the shooting in 2009, the fbi director testified that e-mail exchanges like those between alleged shooter in fort hood nd
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unknown terrorists overseas were t gng to slip through the crks again. what can you tell usbout new procedures that are in place that will head off another fort hood in the future? >> put into place technological improvents relating to the capabilities of the database to uphold and pull together past e-mails anduture ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized search >> as to the database bein part ofoureparate fm the n prison program whichollect -- collects foreign internet communications, that nsa referred to the fbi where there was immediate comment. meanwhile the british government is warning airlines around the world to keep edward snowden out of their cntry. the travel the says any airli that brings him into the u.k. will be fined $30,100. lou: thank you so much.
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>> i don't know what that will do, b anyway. lou: it's not getting any less coted and there. thank you very much. you're terrific as always. chief intligenc corspondent well, as this week controversy is unfolding, there is great concern about the relationship between the intelligence servicesthe administration, corporate america, and the president's campaign opetives and strategists. and all of us are gaining a muc mo clear picturef just what a thicket of interlated institutions and relationshi thatmounts to wch raises serious questions. the issue of contemporaneous govent, litical and business access. use of data that appears to be, well, the separated currency mong somome of those institutios not lg bore the scandal oke, some democrats were publicly bragging about the president's massive campaign database and what it means to the fute of the democratic
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rty. here is congresswomnmaxine waters in february >> the preside has put in place an organization that contains the kind of data base that no one has ever seen before in life. that database will have their permission about everything on everyndividual in ways that it has never been done before. lou: maxine waters is talking about aatabase and the3 organization for action. the president's campaign, of course -- those campaigns are all over, at least we think. the democratic campaign certainly isn't. data mining isn't, and those relaonships get even more complex as in the case of gooe whose executive chairman poured millions into a data company dedicate -- dedicated to progressive causes. d the google mining managin and selling user information
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some might consider to be private and most of the commercial sites and servic on the web do s as well. it's complicated faugh. add another controversy to the ever expanding list of obama ite house scandals. let's call a travel de. the "wasngton post" reported that when the president travels to sub-saharan africa this month it could cost us up to $100 million. that is meaninghe taxpayers. the week-lo visit te president planned tsouth africa months and theall, tanzania wouldnvolve moving more than 50 suprt vehicles, military jets and ships, aircraft carriers, amphibiouu sh ships. white house officials are defeing his trip as outreach to emerging democraes, even going so far as to claim that it will be a gre bang for our buck.. that would become if i may correct the about 100 million
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taxpayers box. a plan for the safari in the first famy reportedly unfortunately axed after the "washingtonost" aed the white hoe about thcost of the safari. our reach, check please. for more on travel datt, the growing mountain of other obama administration scandals, we are join by formersas governor host of huckabee on the fox news channel, a former presidential candidate and all-ound good guy, mike huckabee. good to ha y with us. >> one thing aut it, i have neveraken $0 million week vacation. unbelievable. lou: and it sequestraon is making all theifference. >> jack, we can't -- the b blue angels can do airshows, can have white house doors, but brocken michele's excellent african adventure will go %-lou: we might as well laugh because there's no other real response says we can do anything about i >> paying for t buck. it's a bang, but i'm not sur
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for the buck. lou: don't you feel better knowing that efficiency is paramoun in their minds at the white house? >> what i don't understand is why anyone, left or right, would t be our rates for the fact that the presidentould even say, look, it is okay to spe this kind of money. talking about bang for youruck in the world of teleconferencing, the nsa has all the information anyway. lou: and thinking- >> for a hundrrd million you could buy them all to the white house and treat them for a couple of weekand state dinners and some of the finest restrants in the district. finance a few extra phases in an emergency -- emergg democracy. le talk about the nsa leaker, edward snowden, who has apparently decided that hongkong is, if you will, the citadel of democracy and fairness and that
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communist china is a reay good plplace to put youroncerns if you happen to work with the national security agency of this country. kendis did me bizarre? >> it really can't, then you had vladimir put who was advising president obama that he needed to be reful about being t heavy-handed and not snooping o citize. this is a guy who used to run th kgb, for heaven sakes. he is warng us about privacy. come on. lou: a wonderful thing abbut president putin is seeking do with a straight face. >> can and does. president obama can, with a straight face, tell us tha we can trust him. don't worry. we will never use that affirmation. lou: w do feel better about that, don't we? being so short. now, at the same time, very serious issue, the issue of tional security, civil libeies, and that trade off their van. and this psident is the guy who said five yea ago, that's
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false choice as a cpaignor president. it would never happen to him certainly. that would be a bush affair. it looks like he has taken this country indictionsns' unimaginable. >> a simple questionhat think people need to recognize. if we say we are collectin all this information because we want totop trorism yet when a man stands up at fort hood, texas, screams and kills 14 people, 13 plus an unbor child and the president still has yet to acknowledge that that was terrorism, want to know is exactl define terrorism for me. if that is that terrorism, if the little rock shootg is not collecting this data f? lou: at the same time, i am watcngeveral of these members of congress just excoriating intelligence officials, military officials, justice department officials, some of home need excoriating,
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but forther reasons. and it is as if they don't realize that they are thenes with that 10 percent respect rating on the part of the american people. trying to be rate the lde of r intelligence agencies, sitting there,you know, some o them with fo stars on t uniforms who have served this nati for their entire lives. i don'tnderstand. and suddenly we're not worried about what cyber attks from cha are, we are worried about data mining that at this point no one has even demonstrated to be unlawful or inappropriate. >> i do thinke need to be concerned.vernment is collecting vast amounts of intation on private citizens who are not suspected of anyrime. the question i why and what they going to do with it? and if this were in a world where we could really trust the peop in the government, maybe so. information could be used to completely dicte a presidential ection. suppose iormation could be
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clned an every candidated people could go and say, you're ruing, but let me tell you something. lou: of the fact that you put that int some sort ofuture hypothetic rather than worrying abo the last. at the same tim again, there seems to be a sense of irony that our congress is noteld in very high regard, to be kind, that we have lost sight of the assaults on this country right w. cyber attacks from china. administration get out thought, how smart it, and made to look like fools by the chinese presidt and his gime in china,ust utterly obliterating that 2-day summit which was supposed to have as one of its primary agenda items china cyber attacks. >> my concern is also much for the people w work in the intelligence community, many of whom work very hard. there were anonymously. it'll make a lot ofoney and will never get rich at what they . ey love their country, and they're foowing therders in
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the policiis that somody else's set i don't want to excoriate them. me to be very respectful of people on the intelligence community, but we do need to demand of our polymakers, what are you collecting the data for? can you te ushat it is really necessaryy at collection at the d not stop the issue bummer, underwear bomber, times square bomber we have real evidence tht stopped the new york subway were prevented the new york subway bombing. lou: acknowledgethat it was not asa intersection that led to that. >> apparently something london police shared with the new york police that had more to do wh human intelligence ratr than algorithms in the computer program. lou: im one of those guys that issjust delighted t see human intelligence were going on. this rare occasion. all right. it seems -- you know, there was a time when human intelligence in this country going back to september 11th, george told me very clearly, five years to have
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a clandestine service that is effecte. thank goodness we have gone through hat process. alwaysreat to talk with you. >> pleasure to be year. lou: mike huckabee. be sure to tune into a sll. we call it theuckabee show saturday a sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on theox business channel. new govement watchdog reports the scandallagued internal revenue service, this timehe treasury inspector general says more than 1,000 irs employees abuse their govement credit-card. the wrongdoing includesllowing othe to use theards, wring bad checks to cover outstanding balances on those cards, but at least ey tried to pay. all ohis to place in 2010-11. the report claims irs officials were, as ty put it,verly lenient when punishing workers with such issues. others might call them bribes. there you are. not to the latest on the benghazi scandal. members o the house
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intelligence committee brief behindlosed doors today on the status of the benghazi investigation. the top democrat on the committee spoke to reporters and explplained the lack of answersn factors entirel out of the control of the u.s. government. >> to find that he the bad guys were, that you orgize these attacks,ho g americans. we have some of our best people and ageies focg on working together to do that, but it is very difficult. it's difficult working conditions. benghazi is not a very well-organized coury, and a lot of security. lo dgone. it is tough, hard work. we are sure that the congressman and it is not a well organized and chaired by the way. yes we're goioing to have to wat for the advce of civilization and libyaefore we can get any answers from this administration. well, as we go to break, want to take a seco to patribute to a old glory, the grand old fg adopted by the continental congngress on thi date
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june 14th, 1777. happy flag day, everye. ♪
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lou: congressman pa ryan thing thatat the gang of eight is
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essentially amnesty. he was speaking at a forum on immigration sponsod byhe nation association of manufacturers. >> i will debate anyone who tries to suggest that these ideas are oving as amnesty. they are not. >> there you have it. heritage foundation says yes, they are. their response is sorry, chaian paul yan. ining us now the vice president the heritage foundation. genevieve wood. what is going on here? >> we have the national association manufacturers. we havthe chairman of the house budget committee. what are you guys doing wong? >> the question is when did they start redefiningords. this is verbal gymnaics going on. it is no matte what you call it
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>> 11 and a half million imgrants havacross the border or overstayed their visas. they have broken the law. we a saying that were going to have you pay a few fis, but we are going to give u legal status even though the way that it is here,it is illegal behavior. it is amnesty. we have tried this before. the same thing t didn't work. >> i don't kw if we have this full screen. but the percentage of hispanic votes for presidential publican candidates, wdo not. but it is nice to bring that up.
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after e 1986 amnesty, and under the leadship of president ronald reagan, republicans have never ever done well in which presidt bush received about 44%. i'm told right now that we do have that. there u can see thi 1984. republics getting 37%. ninety-two to 25%. 1996, 21%. it doesn't get much better than that
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>>f you look at it politically, i think repblicans ought to be tryingto get more hispanic votes is 11.5 million peoplehat are here today, many of them, if they become legal residents, they will get sucd into a lot of government programs including a country that allows em to move up the economic ladde. lou: despite the asurance of thgang the gang of eight and other other advocate, if it's these people wy ahead nd this
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is -- florida -- former florida governor saying that immigrgratn reform could be due to immigrants being more fertile. [laughter] this is kind outrageous. >> they are searching. they a looking forsoundd btes the facts are that you will pay for what an this will only the problem. lou: there is no question in the world. moving forward, it is an incremental approach to solve the problems to the benefit of
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the nation and illegal immigrants. the s&p down toda, nadaq down 22. volume was 2.9 billion shares. and another day of light tradg. sting weekly losses, more than 1%, and economic news the highest level in sixyears. producer prices up. half a percent. posting gains on the day closing just below $13.88 per ounce. settling ust bew $90 per barrel. the 10 year fell o 2.1%. and ralph nader is called a con
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man. submit your favorite nicknames for president obama. we will have a few names that you sent n and we will share th witeveryone watching tonight.
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lou: longtime nsumer advocate, candidate ralph nader. harswos for president obama. last year he talked about ising the minimum wage. >> has there been a bigger con man in the white house than barack bama? we made the statements in the 2008 cam sid nothing other than raising the minimum wage. no pressure on congress. >> he is n the only one
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outraged. we have seven of the mountin scandals in the "chalk talk" yestday. we invited suggestions for a nickname along the line of tricky dick and slick willie, gin l of the scndal surrounding the president. and man, did you have some ideas. here are a few of our favorites. ere are so many that we can't get them all here. the first one is the bystander. obama naion, and scary very and oh, bummer. bbling berry. a little bt rough. obama drama, we use thatrom time to time.
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this one i haven't heard from anyone, barackphobia and obamanator e-mail me at w about obamarama? another triple digit loss tod john lonski is here with us next. presiden obama sort of committi to eating the syrian -ebels. admiral james ons joins and you will know precisely what he
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or a charity ce. a trouble maker. worthless.
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there are more than 3 million children in america's child protection and justice systems. kids who have been abused, neglected, traumatized. kids who act out. the worst cases you can imagine. they say i messed up. a drain on society. just a stupid mistake. for their safety and others, some of these children have to beemoved from their homes. separated from their families. their at the mercy of an overwhelmed system. i don't think i'm a lost cause. m just a kid. youth villages believes that no child is a lost cause. not a single one. because a stable loving family can helpny child succeed. and we have an 80% success ratehat proves doing whatever it takesfor chil, is the only thing that works. if you agree, find out how you can help. at youth
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uned states has no strategic interest in syriaand should focus instead on iraq. joining me now is admir james lyons, retired commander of u.s. pacific fleet. why then do you think the president has chosen to arm the rebels despite the protestatio of the united natioons. >> i don't see how we can sort out the bad fromthe good rebels when tey are changing their allegiance on a arly basis. cann even figure o who is at the bottom of our irs scandal and we control it. >> we cannot fgure out what this administration did not do
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an ungodly. you say that we should be taking strategic advantage ofiran's involvement in syria. what you mean by that. what should this demonstration do? >> our greatest strategic issue in the middleast today is preventing iran from gaining a nuclr weapon capability. their commitment in supporting the civil war in syria, we should take advantage of that and deployed our forces so that we are ppared toconduct and launch a devastating strike to eliminate their nuclear infrastructure. the issue of iran achieving a nuclear apon capabilitmakes every other issue pa in comparison in the middl east. >> the president will meet with vladimir putin monday at the g8 todiscuss whatever the
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deliberation produces in the white house or whatever direction ey will take this cotry in syria. can you give us your quick assessment, as he would, as you think that will work. is therr a like cooperation or will there be confrontation between the two leaders remapped. >> i do not see where the restart button has worked to benefit with russia. in fact, they have ken -dvantage of thatand conducted a reinitution of cold war tactics. lou: admiraljames llons. up next, whilst street finishes
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down. john lonski on whether it is time to get ready for the maket to move
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hmm. [cell pho beeps] y! [police whistle blows] [horns honking] woman: hey! [bicycle bell rings] turn here. there. excuse me. uh.
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u [indistinct announcement on p.a. system] so, same time next week? well, of course. announcer: p away a few bucks. feel like a million bucks. or free tips to help you save, o to ♪ feed the pig
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lou: the federal reserve is reported to be pushing back on e market expectations that it itself has creaed. the rate increase that it is meeting next week. including capering the bond purchase program a perhaps even raising rates ere to define what is happening is john
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moxley. it is great to have you here. i think that we ought to start off in the midst of all this. the market is still up 15% year-to-date. is that bad, isn't? >>hat is notbad. it bomes clear that the fed is not about the tight monetary policy. it is 7.6%, the utilization is faing and profits arbare owg by less than5%. lou: who bears the greest responsibility for all f this noise? we are talking abou ending the stimulus and the bond purchasing program. mean, some idiot for even talking about raising rates, for cryingut loud. >> may be it is the fed chairman that should have put his foot
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down. warning people not to mile the market. lou: you are not talking about this. >> look at the case of this ond market. this gives an idea of how willing we are goi to be we've sen bonds go up by a rcentage point. by less than 5% to 5%. the can only adversely affect the economy and thh supply of credit. lou: what is low volume this week? you interpret the reason ffor th for the upcomin meeting and all of the query that we no can presume and one other factor? like it is bein held in this area.
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>> perhaps it is not a bad idea that to the sideline and have someone take a chance. lou: one of my favorite gurus out there right now -- theycome up with more nonsense. they are pushing a 30 year bull market in bonds sraight in to what they are trying to lift it with all forces, talking about % chance of a recession in the next three to five years. what is going on in the minds of these folks. what are they pushing? i know that they are pushing this a bit. but what in the world is going on with the business that they are even paying attentionthis? >> there is a 60% chance of a recession. in three to fiveears, we are going to fort about this.
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>> this is all that is going on. other people are talking about the forthcoming 10 year treasury bond, which think is unlikely anytime soon. lou: are the hedgefunds managers getting dumber? who is paying attentiont this blabber and nonsense? >> maybe they are doing the right thing. i think this latest sellofthat we have our wider chill spreads that silence can be golden and this is not - this is not the ti to suggest an impending quantitative eaing. >> think ben bernanke was being brilliant as he set thee3 age for clarity. >> sometimes leaders cannot b
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afford afforded to be heavy-handed. u: between equities and boods. >> you have to keep the troops in linne. yonnot allow every pern who works for your organization as far as the strategy might be hded i think tha right now those officials that we are talking about, those that need to get rid of this have been quieted. >> john lonski, we thank you for not beng qieted. up next, a consequential battle. the co-author, james lacey oins me
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lou: our next guest is modern mast of military history. hinew book examines the key decisions of critical mistakes in moments of crisis and 20 pivotal battles that shaped the world's history. it is animmenseundertaking. the author of th bran new book, james cey, it is great to have you. his book is "moment of battle." it is so great to have you here. okay, sohe first ameican battle reaching considerable history in this book. most people don't don't talk about this in the revolutionary war. >> georgwashington was there. it's surprising that people do notalk about it.
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itas a critical battle of revolution. we needed support, we needed the french navyand trops. without that, we pobablyon't win the revolutionary war. lou: how much pushback did we get? >> since the book has been out, it has been tremendous. it is actually funny to watch it. when someone reads this, they consider and you just don't understand i at times. it is a no-win siuation. lou: you also brig up the
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battle. i don't know whether it's my perspectiv but when i think about the battles in history, you talk about eration in which our militt took the bridge acros to keep that moving. when did you choose that path? >> well, some of it is because pele can relate to it. number two is we think it is not consequential today. a tiny statesman once said this about the chinese revotion. he said it is too early to tell. i think that the final effects of that battle a what e are doing are too hard totel.
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obviously it is part of the arab spring, many of the things that are going on now, we woul like to influence this to the degree that they are all related to whatappened in 2003. it wilturn out good or bad. we will make thatgment in 10 or 15 years to you just said something that is talked about. incling the causality buone coul argue. the bush adminisation insists onoing into baghdad. in the obama administration an iraq. how important do you think all of this will bb? >> years ago i wrote an aicle about civilizatiothat this was going to happen.
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i wrote about it and they said that's not actctually write. but if you look at it today, he enti arab world is unraveled. when i wrote that article, i was hopingthat turkey would stop. hopefully they will get things under control. but i'm not 100% optimistic. i thi it is a very dangers situation. if turkey goes away to egyptis going, we have theolicy going forward and it is almost beyond scary. we cannot lose turkey. lou: now is the president has obviously sid, we have a new element of uncertainty and jeopardy.
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>> i happen to aree with that. the main culprit in most of tha3 is iran. [ larry ] younow throughout history,
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gerri: thank you for joning us. tonight on "the willis report." %-veterans waiting for benefits. e of our heroes is here tonight to share his story. d young ericans saying no to credit cards. and new concernssfor young athletes. we a watching out for you tonight on "the willis reort." gerri: we will have the last on our


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