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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  June 18, 2013 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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neil: we need an i.d. on get over the i.d. phobia? we'll see you tomhan 16%. davi thank you for joining yes. melissa: i'm melissa fncis mmand heres what is "money" tonight. moonlighting has never played so well. and it's a thousand dollars for ivate csulting. working from assam. former senator scott brownwn tas about the power of "money". next time you buy a fake b you could end up in the big house. in new yorkityill with no knockout pch at knockoff goods. but will they suffe intimate "money" today? they're mang a deal that has hollywood's mouthwatering. they tend to find out who it is. even when they say it's not, it's always about "money." ♪
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melissa: our top story tonight to my question that has been gaining traction since we first asd last thursday.y. is edwards notes and a double agent for china? today snowdon himself address the accusation writing this is a predictable sar that i anticipated before gng public. i have had no contact with the chinese government, just like with theuardia and the shington post. i only work with journalists. not everyone believes that including former vice president dick cheney. here he is on fox news sunday, justice survey. >>t think he's a raitor. think he h committed a cme, in effect, by violating agreements given the positione had. i am deeply suspicious obviously because he went to china. that is not a pla where you ordinari want too go if you're
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interested in freedom, liberty, and so forth. so it raises questions whether not he had that kind of connection for did this. melissa: fox business peter barnes is in washiton. this sto just keeps turning. what's next? >> reporter: their will be a hearing tomorrow. e head of theational curity agency, the one tha created tse two programs that edward snowden based on and lead to the press, he will be testifying publicly for the first time on these programs. i believe it was the house intelligence committee, soe will continue to year -- likel here alexander defend these programs along with a number of -- along with the white house and the number of key leaders on capitol hill. and that should be the major development to mob. melissa: we will keep our eyes peeled. thank you. while everyone is trying to figure out the realotive of edward snowden, things a heating up even more for those
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who has implicated. a conservative grp freedom watch has filed two classction lawsuits against the government and the ompanies involved in the nsa -- nsa scandal. they're hoping t score a whopping $23 billion victory. joining me now, freedomatch founder, the man behind the lawsuits. have you, but that numbe >> well, the primary purpo, melissa, bringing these lawsuits was not for the money but to stop thihis illeg actity which is a violation of our constitutional rhts. to do that you have to us stop the companies and the individual's response will with a large penalty. that is where you come up with the 23 million. between these o lawsuits you have one dealingit the verizon situation and the other dealg with the other cell phon providers and internet oviders like facebook and skyp. you have potentially over 300 million class participants as plaintiffs. if you bre it now with all of the people, it may turn out not3
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basis,ut we do want to punish the companies and government officials because this is an outrageous abuse of privacy. melissa: you say that the lawsuit, in the lawsuit claims that therogram violates the reasonable expectationsf privacy as well as the rights to free speech and tir freedom from unreasonable search and izure. do you feel like you're going to get a lot of traction withhis? are you hopul the you're going to win,or is this about making a statement? >> we're hopeful we're going to win and we're hopeful that the judge of we got will follow the law in not be influced by washington politics becse judges are appointed by politicians, the president, recommended by senats and others. but if the judge places straight in t fee is natural he has to rule on a favor. never before in the history of this country have we had every american underurveillance. that is outrageous. listening to the comments o former vice president dick
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cheney ding that interview, even said we did have a ght to even know. shoulde kept secret. is the eablishment here in washington against the american people,not a conservative or leftftist issue. melissa: the state into that because you mention the american people. there was a recent poll that found that 56 percent of americans thi the program is acceptle way for t vernment to investigate terrorism. does tha this we do? do you really think that a majority of americans do think that his is going too far? is in sightn the not. >> 44% that y no, and that's a very large figure. there has been a drumbeat re in washington in the last three days in particular, pticularly the sunday sho are all of these vernment officials from obamto a former republican officials that but a simil ogram intoo effect. it did not take it to the extreme that obama has, there'll defending thmselves because they're culpable, guilty. basically this kind of dialogue that is going on right here in
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washington with these esblishments is influencing people out there in the country. it will change once they find out that every internet posting and text has been recorded by the government. melissa: then make a compelling case. on the one hand they say you should n be doing anything. if y're not doing anything wrong yoshould not care anyy because that is all we're interested in. thenen you have people like pet king him onhis program last we and said it is absolutely essential of hundreds of thousands of new yorkersy borrowing the 2009 subway bombing plot. melissa: -- >> did aone do anythg wrong with the ira sndal when conservative groups retarded? melissa: i hear you, but that is a different issue. we're trying to focus on this one. i'm trng to get you ready for your day in court here.
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dian feinstein will, w with evence, she says, to show that this wor the turn -- the times square bombing. peoppe say come on one hand i know really what the governmt, you know, keeping track of my phone callsnd everything i do. on the other hand, i don't to block of a subway. >> number one it has not been shown you could not do it anotheray. number two, you have to remember, and have clitso have been critical of ts of ministration, families of navy seals for instance really complained that vice psident biden released the name of sea team six, put a targe of their sons backs. there were shot down in afghanistan. their rso for this is coercion. if you go back to 1776, the king did not want us to do that either, and he was being
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pressive, but he did not have the technological tools that o government has that can beat the people into submission. melissa: do you feel like edward snowden is helping or hurting your case right now? he is off the vocal. he is out thereng that live chat answeng a lot of questions. i feel like with everyord says he makes sense but that he also makes political points. it seemed lilike he wins people over and elaine is the not the >> he is going t hp the case ultimately becse they have confmation that this was going on. this was the first time that we get it fm in effect an official source. i think all americansnew there s something going on, bute this. and sarah said it well on your other nwork, fox ews. it's rlly irrelevant. the issue is hat the government was doing. and these companies, they're collaborating. what are they getting in exchange? while i am not equating
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president obama or anye in washington to what happened leading up to the years of the the industrialists the supported hitler, the indtrialists of allowed him take power. while that is not the case, it shows you t dangers of having the government and industrwork together against the american people. meliisa: and it the classic slippery slope. thank you for coming on the program. stay out of the domestic affairs. and the policies. th have lost at least a billion dollars of the past two years, a billion dollars lost to my gone, burned up in the solar stem. an effort to sl the division failed.
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shocking. 280 workers are expected be laid off. oil futures briefly hit their highest levels since last september. concer fueled the early gains that oil turned sghtly negative selling at $97.707 per barrel. next on "money," moonlighting for hundreds of thousands of dollars as a consultant. while working full-time for the state depapartment. you and me. that is exactly what they have been doi we have former senator scott brown to wgh i in on the power of "money". plus, is buying that fake bag were going to jail? a crackdown on counterfeit goods inhe big apple can put regular shoppers behin bars. more "money" coming up. melissa: in
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first. ♪ melissa: whether it is on wall street or main street, anyone who owns stock in dreamworks animation. origin series. making more than 300 hours of programming for netflix. the sho will feature
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characters from shrek, come to pand and other popular franchises. investors clearly loving the news. want to make a play in the housing recovery? this is interesting. home builder confidence unexpectedly hit a sevenear high sending shares up 10 percent almost. good for those investors. more perful than any locomotive or box office record, surman, man of steel. taking in more money than estimated. the biggest in the opening in history. shouldovernment employees be able to work fl-time on the taxpayer diamond have another hily paid on the side? hillary sentee top state dertment aide who is married
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to former congressman anthony wiener sign-on for outside consulting jobs. a back door ways for companies to buy goverent influence scott brown. welcome back to the show. when you drove down on details of this story, in my opinion it looks to sheer and fisher b this year she is with a fultime job working for the state depament. shtakes onnhis other job as a consultant,ut it pays more than double what her main job as. she's making 150 rking for the state in something le 350 doing this consulting job on the side. it seems like and how could this part-time job is a much more than her full-time job if there was a somethingo it? my making too much of it? >> wel i think, listen, s was onef hillary clinton's top adviserstop aistants. they're is a tremeous out of work being needed at the state
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department obviously with benghazi and everything that haened you would think that tt would be enough. but that is just like washgton. they're is a lack of trust between not only washington and the workers in washington and the american people, in washington can you get a great gig like tt. and there are about 100 other people doing the so called consulting js. they're is a process to get the approval, but like senator grassley said, he is wondering if there is more to it, just like you're aing. meliss right no wonder what should it possibly do that would be worth 350 or $355,000. in researching, this company she is going to work f for is doing consulting, a consulting firm that was founded by bill clinton , and if you look get just what they sayn their ssn statement, it gives you some insight into what she could be doing that would be worth some much more money than a regular job. says ouream working at the highest echelonsf public and private sectoos forming a rich
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knowledge bas and alobal network of ratiohips that we bring to bear on behalf of our clients every day. so their workers had a global neork of relationships that they bri to bear for their clients every day. to me tt sounds like i'm buying influence. can my wrong to read it that way? >> at that level -- and when u're at that level worng for the secretary of states and your top adviser and top assistant, to think you're also going to be working for a consulting company that allows and provides access pursuant to the website, it jus doesn't pass the smell test. there's somethg of theenator has not. he's asking for answers to his very real questions. i know the senator is thorough, methodical, and the justiceot go willy-nilly becauf you want to make sure that there is noonflict or improprie or appearance of under influence. if they're is a problem they ould fix it. this is another example.
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i pass the insider-trading bill. it was mine. in the middle of the day in about 14 seconds in the senatee 20 seconds ihe house there versed it d made it so i does not apply tomployees or the executive bnch. it is just another way to make, listen, you do everything hat we pass laws for but we don't have to. we are exempt. melissa: to want to make money on the sides what it feels like. you mentioned that she said she went throu the proper channels and that their approval and secure that which toe means that if there is the proper channel to go through inrder to get this done that there must be an awful lot of people out there are asking for permission to do this sort of thing on the si. she was given approval then there must be a lot more people out there who are also working at the state department or ever el on our time and learning much more for their influence on the side. my right to assume that maybe it is -- that she is theipf the expert?
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>> i would assume undstood that there were at least another hundred that had been approved. the bottom line is the need to review this process and shut it down, especially when you're rking for t secretary of state. first of all, with everything that happened, d you think @%ere were busy enough? what can you do to make another $350,000? the senator will be all over this and rightly so. there's a process we shoul shut down the process a make sure that if they're working for the american taxpayer and they' going to get a good value for that dollar. we're going to get a good value for the dollar's. meliss and i was aittle kid my dad used to say, people go to washington without any money and make a hundred thoand dollars a year and leave and suddenly th're rich. something you should keep your eye on. i think that'sbsolutely true. thank you for coming in the show. >> great to be o thank you. melissa:oming up, buying at papers could lead you in the lockup. an unprecedent bill in new
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rk city aims to crushhe multibillion-dollar market for knockoff goods. plus words of wisdom from one of the foremost franchise owners in theecountry. how hislan to help hiring could have a huge impact from coast to coast. he is here to speak out on why he is not holding back from expansion. can you ever have to mh "money" are too many firehouse subs? ♪
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♪ melissa: from product t prison, maybe if you live here in new york city in by any of those counterfei bags or watches or ne city is known for. designers have been trying to tamp down on the sale for years. new proposal could hit customers
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where it hurts most. in the first bill of its kind in the u.s. anywhere, buying a cheap knockoff could come with a pretty expensive price tag of up to $1,000 for year in jail. for a lot of tourists bung that stuff is as much a part of the new york experience as times square. here is fox new legal analyst. they're going to go after -- i'm not saying i do it. i'm saying -- melissa: inhinatown. c'mon. that's not going to work. here's the deal. a couple of things that work here. numberne, new york is always looking f a way to give me money. more money. more money. you get some poor perso from oh who is buying a bag. they give them some sort of ticket for hdred dollars. and i think it will be a thousand. i can see, there you go, new venue stream. number two among obviously lot of pressure from the big boys to
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mikeicci, for saatchi, findlay, nothe know anything about those places, to get these knockoffs of history becau it puts a dent in their pket. so if you attack the demand, then you don't need to supply. and a half to be honest with you, the first time in my career the first case -- ♪ i he a real career? >> trying not to take myself too seriously. they caught a drug dealer. usually the way it works is there a somebody in the try to go up the chain. for the first time they caught a gannett , a guy and went dow the chain. deteives phone and all these texts and e-mails. 1 gram of coke and my grandma pot and when and arreste the buyers, the consumers wch is really never happened before. that's what they're doingere, going after the conmer. no one wants to buy the bags are afraid they will be the ticket, then these guys i've going to be a selling them because thawill make any money. melissa: i wonder who it really hurts. i mean --
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>> the ceo. melissa: oh, you know, it's a billion dollars a year. whenever it is. huge numbers. but if somebody is going after thisree in buying a50 knocked off low is the time, that is not the person that was actually going. 's not actually stealing siness. the argument in make is, well, you see the knockoff o tre and it looks like crap, some people think airbags a terrible. >> can you say that word o tv? melissa: i can say anything now want. >> i understand your saying. obviously there was enough pressure here to get in new york city cocil woman to bring ts bill to the floor. again,ou will see bloombe in support of this beause his job is to a tax us without taxing ask a man that is what is to my new opportunity to bring in money. those people who are selling and usually don't have the appropriate licenses at the vendors on the streetsf new york city have to p 46 they already don't he the proper
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licenses. itlways surprises me when io go to chinatowown, reall anywhee else. is not just chinatown. it's on every street corr. his own website with a cart. and they have not got stuff on it. there are police everywhere. they're walking by. ems like for that vendor on the reet corner who has things that a clearly marked and aren't. got help people make you thihink you're buyin a real back in the corner o48 contests for $20, you really are the most gullible personn the world. exactly. so why don't -- they can get revenue from just picking of everybody who's on every street corner selling this stuff. >> first of all, is that how we want to -- what we won our cops toe doing? or read about knockout bags with the guys -- melissa: at thousand dollars ticket. and then the people go home. th tell their friends and i came to new york city in the give me a ticket for buying this bag on the street.
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i'm never going back. you shouldn't go. >> you and i should go out on a profsional date and go to the public hearing. melissa: what is happening? >> a professional state where we give voice our opinions and say we don't think this is in the best interests of the orders. that is how the city council works. introduce a bill. this is as good to talk abo@ it. the passage, don pass it. melissa: and bring a camera? woodman has been approved? i have a lot of questions. >> with a great camera anywhere. yyu just turn on your phone. the bottom, bottom, bottom line is that of the this isoing to be like a life altering experience or aew yorkoulter experience for tourists. even if it doe pass of the council beacklingeople to write them a ticket because the bottom knocked off and back. they want to getn element of the street, that a leg element in making new york that ritanical place. melissa: i hope they are able to because then the -- thank you so much for coming on the show.
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we love you. all right. he is our "money" question of the day. that was fun. the thing customers should face fines or penalties for buyin counterfeit goods? a mixed bag of responses. some ses because customers generally know the difference, which i tnk is true. aot of you said you think the punishment should be lited to those are selling the counterfeits. interestinconversation. you want to here from more of you. like us on facook or follow me on twitt. all right. next on "money," no matter how the economy's doing, apparently you can always bet on a sandwich. a huge expansion in the face of obamacare and stiff competition. the ceo joins us explain how. but should executives be allowed toump their comny stock? bread before i ceo steps down. details on a growing controversy the chairman, t is all the work of thetreet. this is a good one.
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piles of "money" coming up. ♪
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melissa: this is one of the issues that we talke about on our shw. jobs in the economy.
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we know that it has been given how close e last few years. one company has been given 800 new jobs just this honor. i am wondering the same thing. how is this? let me welcome the c of firehouse. bob, you have cations in 35 states. but still, 800just this summer is a lot 2400 workers in 2013 hae said that you have done a lot of expanding even though the economy has not grown up fast. >> yes, americans have an insatiable appetite for great food. while the restaurant business is very competitive, they ar continuing to grow in this environment. we have the second highest birthrate nce lst year and we -lways hoped to do one better than that.
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melissa: ii'm sure that's rigt, given the climate and everything that employers are facing. wamart recently said that they are only hiring temporary workers at many of their u.s. stores for number of reasons. honestly they nt to be more flexible in the have to deal with benefits. we think of tir decion and w does that compare with what you are doing? >> i really can'speak for them. in our industry, we will continue t rely on part of our workforce being full-time employees. whether it's our manement staff or cease hourly emloyees it isthe nature of this historically that it is full and part-time employees. melissa: so of those, what percentage of those would you say are part-time? >> we have a typical estaurant
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that has 55 or 75%. that is not much different a typical firehouse restaurant have 19 employees and about $18,000 per yar wil be full-time and the balance will be full-time. lissa: this is the economic argument. given the way that te law is structured now in the way that our economy has changed by obamacare and everything else, the new job that isoing to replace the bs that went awayy andthe ownturn are more jobs like the ones you're talking out, whe they are part-time and perhaps do not have the same benefit and issnot a fair characterization and what or do you thinthat means for our economy?
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>> so it is just nt a matter of just those positns so this includes the restaurant management team and our medium income wages. so tis includes how there is the oportity for growth. melissa: because goojobs are no discountd. >> we have developed a very sound plan on how we are going to implemen health care in our restaurants. we own and operate the alance
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of our system. so many have more than ull-time people and certainly ou organizatioo is doing the best that we can as a large employer under these kind of provisions of the law. we are oin to move forward with the same number o full-time employees that we have. we do have to change some things in the way we manage our business. the way that we schedule emoyees. i think we can do some very potive things to make ours mo predictable and make it a win-win for us. melissa: i read that every dollar diverted to whington through tax policy, you said this is a dollar if you don use to expad. or that you don't use it t ire pele. what is the argume against that? people say that ths is a dollar that you are notutting in your pocket or horror that for yourself.
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>> argue that and i would argue alday. everyone agrees. there is no way to craft future budg. virtually every one of them nts to go there business. but to grow their business, they need cpital. if they had the $280,000 success in the current business, they
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are taking those earnings and paying down existingebt and saving up. in the cas of firehouse, saving the next $80,000 after taxes that they need to be able to go to the bank androw the oth money that they needo create a healthy business. the geral contractors, those who have to build it up. when t government goes then,. >> i is not always a point of view. i prise you'll come back and show. messa: coming up net, the stock of lulu lemon. a controversial stock just in the nick of time. it is all the word on the
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street. at the end of the day it is all about "money." at a dry cleaner, we rlaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't li it. so why do banknks do it? hello? hello?! if your ba doesn't let you talk to real person 24/7, you needn ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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melissa: so you want to knowhe hind the seen secret. "money" has it all tonight. here ith the word on the street is spencer spencer from "the wall street journal." this is a fascinating story.3 this is thchairman of lulu mon, who had been considered an insider,chairman of the board committee knows what's going on inside. you read that he was able to du $50 milli in stock right right before t was announced that the ceo is leaving. we found out be this ceo is going out the door. he was able to do thisnd it was not insider trading.
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why is that? >> the reason is something that was devised by the fcc n 2000. you don't even have to buy i with the sec. it is basically a sales plan that you can file as an insider. melissa: >> executive of a company can go out and you can be comptely3 unaware of it. then when they sell they can say that this was soldthrough merrill lynch or woever and i filed it some months ago. the only reqiremen is that you file it not with the sec but the broker aed time you ae not possessingn information. messa: so he decided to ma the sale. i don't know how he would've had knowledge but at that time it ems he didn' know. so hecould say imade a plan.
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but should he have canceled his order. there is a very high likelihood that he knew what was going on, or the other thing i wa thinking if you just cancel it if there isn't othing going on. and in this case, it's like, i have that in place, i can sll this and i can sa what when i file thai had no idea. >> you think about making this as an insider profit. and you make a killing if you buy the otion. >> in this space, you also-- it is also a foregone maas of ofit. so you don't know if th
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executive had a plan to purchase that and cancel it. so you never know. because this only comes out wen the sale occurs. they c have overlapping plans in place and you don't have to know the criteria. >> it just seems like an honest ways to x it. he agreed back in december to sell this. in this case i have to say in
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his defense that he was mor open about it and transpent. but he was more transparent aboutit. also he is still a very large shareholder. melissa: but he still thin himself a $.5 million. but it ma not make the front page because he didn do anything illegal. you were one of the ones that got crshed their an it didn't make you feel really good. that's one othe reasons that they are talng about this story. thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. coming up on "money", vladimir putin may hae his ownsoteric and leader, but do not call him a thief. he is fighting back against claims that he stole a super
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bowl ring of the new england patriots. now adimir putin wants to give th
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melissa: at a time for a little bit of fun with spare change. thank you for joininus today. rst up, have you heard about the tail of the super bowl ring? the owner of the patriot says thate did nogive vladimir putin is 2005 super bowl rin
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the coach says that vladimir tin swiped it an he could not get it back. so now vladimir putin is offering to giv the coach25 thousa dollars. but he is not offering to give back the ring itself. [laughter] so it's likk, wait, wit, wait -- what happened to my ring? >> there are two different versions. one extnding factor is tha the pr person for vladimir putin sayshat he was the in 2005 whenhe exchange was made an president vladmi putn was telling the truth. i don't thk there is anyone who would doubt the veracity of the kremlin. [laughter] melissa: i wasn't sure how you're going to wrap that one up
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mebodyent down that oad. >> i think he was trying to do a little show and tell and no showg take. i think he's a little bit intimidated. i feel bad for the guy, he lt his ring. >> they should have taken anybody's. the. melissa: it's like kind of a controversy.
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check t thi nonstory. this balloon carries computer equipment and it llects power from solar panelbew to provide internet access to an area of 745 square mles. it's just that it doesn't look ke -- is this something that google does to keep track of thistuff? no, i'm just kidding. anyway. so nyway, here i this betiful hing, and it is very interesting. >> error 223,000 registere gn
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owners. one of them has to declare open seas on one of these balloons and then we will have a problem. melissa: fascinating. i have not even ought of that. you can save a in the cabinet r a week while the roaches come in and finally taken to the compost pile. does that sound wonderful or what? >> well, when u think about all of these fantastic things to deal with on new york summer nights. at sure is interesting. >> im alln favor of this. should we o this this evening in new york? [laughter] >> thiis what happens when you
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