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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  June 18, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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they can't be honored, there has to be some give and take. neil: a mess, thank you all. we will see you tomorrow. gerr hello, everyone, i am gerri willis tonight on "the willis report", why did it take so long to get tion on n this fire risk of jeep vecles? and y know where your mone is really goingng? and amtk. dishing out lavish m meals and u are taking g up the ab. >> we are watching out for you tonight on "willis report." ♪ ♪
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♪ gerri: ildcard, black angus steak, your choice of red r white wie. this is not the many fancy staurant, these are the meals being served right now on amtrak. is also getting some lp from the country's top chefs and yes. you are paying it. john mica, chrman of the committee on governmt erations who oversees all of this is that it s timeeto cut out the fancy meals and stop taxpayers are bng ten from a ride. congressman with me ow. >> how much money are you spending on us if and howuch money are we losi? >> i hope you're sting dow buas of the last 12 year this yar we have lost abillio lls in food servicend amtrak. over $72 million in losses.
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now, we learn that are paying for a gourmet chef nclave tt is held evey year. gerri: so a culiary aisory committejustcks my socks offpaying for three gourmet chefs to design these mea here we go, i'm not against big food, i love good food. i just don't want to pay for amtrak's loss. what should happenhere? >> well, ven if these are only
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advisory people, we have o find out howhis works. this fd is served on these long-distanceroutes. over thelast year, the losses ve ncreased. this is underwriting evy cket byover $400. so the losses are huge amount. this comes down hen we are debating ithe florida ouse. >> congressman, you said you don't know w what we are paying. how can we not know the answer that question? >> wdo kw that in testimony to estimate their losses lat year at $72 million. we do not know about ts gourmet chef conclave.
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thadvice may be free, but what are they doing addin more expensive mealsto those that are alreadyysing and costing taxpayers millions of dolla. gerri: iis unelievabl the roasted chicken, to latvia, sorbet and gelat amtrak loses money o a hamburger. why are they bothering wit this? >> pavion a billion and a lf dollars, everyon who got 30million tickets ththat were sold, was subsidized $46. now there is food service and there is a chef, a gourmet chf. wt to fiut how much that costs and why they are increasing the food costs instead of decreasing them and saving taxpayermoney.
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gerri: congressman, do you have anidea mch mn they a making these days? >> unfortunately they have oked the books. have $300 million ev in the northeast corridor ofthe account of capital expenditures. gerri: t only are they losing more moneybut they are charging more. this is back to what i said about taxayers paying and subsidizing for every 40 cents a hamburger. thank ou,for coming on today,
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thank you soch. other storiestonight, chrysler backing under recall pressures from theovernment. reaching an agreement with national highway traffic sety administration. 7 million eeps, chrysler is maintaingthe vehicles a regulators hae linked to 51 deaths. calling the efforts unfruitful. when you make of this,oe? they kind of went behind closed doorwi something that is less than cear the are using
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this as grounds for this request. they are no request. gerri: there are deaths linked this by the feder government. fiftdeaths. how do you get beyondthat? >> ty're going to do a visual inspection.
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if they do hae te sacrilegious, than they okay. but if thedon't, they are going to add a trailerch and that is going o einforce it at th end. it protects them from liability in the pvious steps becaus there iso admission that there is something wrong with the vehie. gerri: they're going to take 2.6 milonee grand cherokees and jeep liberty sport would you just saw pictures of.
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is this a case where the federal government was overreaching in tpping. did they get at they wanted on federaagency? i think that chryslernows what this is abot. a last-minute challenge him up like this was in 96. here is the thing, the o tt case in court what happened during the two years in the middle? bad pr, when the cour decisions finally come through. they pd back because hey believe anthey still maintn that the vehicles hae this data toack them up.
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>> thank you for coming on. now we want to k know what you think what o you kno abo saving r college? who do y trust more? let's talk about important stuff. douglas holtz he can we do ext copd mas it rd to breathe...
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going on now at your authorized rcedes-benz dealer. rry, before this opportunity cos off. i did? when vissignature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... youuggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] wl, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] atisa signature, every upgradedxperience comrom listening to our rdholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. gerri: traders have been using the markets o xpressthe anxiety. douglas holtz eakin, president of the american action form is with us.. i hanever heard so much lk about this in mylife.
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>> i don't thinkhey wi do anythiig and don' think this memeing ll be anything. traditionally the fed is goi dsomethin they e going to dit after t big meetings in jackson hole. gerri: markets are in disarray. >> that is the fed law. th really did make a conscious efrt to improve ommunications >> i don't think anythg will happen in the near term.
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the one you are in his. gdp growth, high unemploymen gerri: when you make of this economy? >> we are t doing well. as he said, unemployment remains very high, double digits or comprehensive measures of unemployment gerri: one of te little secrets ofhii economies that interest rates are so low that if you're a senior or avior in 10 favor, you're getting othing for your ney. that a strike would have a big stick what e fed does.
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everyone credit cards, car loans, higher. it is going to go there to interest rates are going through the roof. let's say that you have an adjustable rate mogage by the interest rates. >> that is a prolem that we want to havesan economy tt is growing so rapidly. a lot of pople need to understand how we need to slow it down. rri: douglas holtz eakin, thank you for coming on. we are so pvileged to know you. thank you. "two cents more" on what will happen when the fed makes its
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decision, if it does me at the end of the show. later in the show, we'll be speaking with te former state victims adcate from conneccut. she ll b us the latest in the fight to bri the charity dollars to those who need it following that sdy hook shootin interesting story. in a much light topic. on the right and wrong way to save for your kids educati. there is a pursuit we all share. a better life for your family, a tter opportunity for your business, a better legacy to lea the wld. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment,
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we are morgantanley. and integrto every plan. d we're ready to work for you. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male aouncer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male anuncer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you nd to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ can help you do what you do... even better. you've got it, you knowow hard it can be to breathe and man, you know hoat feels. copdncludes emphysema d chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a oncily inhaled copd maintenance tatment that hps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hour you know, spiriva helps me breathe eas
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spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not rlace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if yo have kidneproble, aucoma, trouble ining, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. distop taking spiriva and seek immedie medical help. if your brthing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vion changes or eyeain,r prlemsms passing urine. her siects inclu dry moh and c. nothing can reverse pd. spiriva helps mebreathb. does breathing with copd wgh you down? don'wait to ask your doctor abo spiriva. gerri: a popar
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gerri: college savings aren the risehanks to the 529 savings plan. now, these accounts are amassing nearly $170 billion. that is 3% frothe year before. sahadi me sure that you keep yo plan ontrack? joining me now is joe hurley, and nikita smith. welcome to both. soou canmake mitkes even though you're utting money into 529 plans. >> that's righght, realize thatn the 529 plan, you are investing in mutual fudsbaed on what the market is doing, if you need
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that money to pay, you ake on the risk. >> saving for college is an important thing to be doing in the first place. >> you can earn your taayer dollars and have theithdrawal be tax free a that is a great deal an we just need better optionacross the
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board. >> i agree with that. >> they are gtting heir child's education fund intact. the closerhey gt to the age of graduation, it can be very hard. it tak more work hen your child is young, itested more in stocks. when the cld is older, closer to college age, it shifts autoticall to money maet investments ich ae much les sky. gerri:e wer talking about how
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you have to limit your change because you can't change allhe time. how doou do that? was the e best time of year to make your changes d on what basis should we dot? >> well, reall one othe options i think is the best is the option that joe is talking about. the same that you have401ks withnd thahat is it really ga way th you don't he to think about the pe of ivestments that y will need depending on the age of your child and when they get to be college-age. gerri: joe, there has bee complaints with these age-based plans. and concerns th some folks mayy be into too many bond funds because what has come on in the marketplace. somef th states are not own. what did do you advise people to the allocation mix right now. you re not setting it and forgetting it. what should do? >> it depen on the age of your child. if your child is uder 10 years
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old, then you need to be in the stockmarket primarilto keep up this 46% tuition inflation. once thehild is older, then more fixedincome does make sense and there is a once about the 529 plan, ad i have taken a look at most 529 plans are using short-term or intermediate ter bnds or ven monemarket or bank market for tholder children. they do haveprofessionals investing in this moy and you do have to face a lot of trust is wih them, you have to trust them a lot. if you don't wan the age-based apoach, their other there are otr options we can make up your o iestment alloations gerri: do you set up two separate plans, just one? what is the best way to go about it? >> they are pretty fleible..3
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that flexibility allows you to change the investents. if one child gets a schlarship, that is really sething that cabe importt. gerri:ank you both for coming on. coming up, deling into the way to your medical bills can be compromised. what about your employers. thdetails ahead or not more than six months after the sandy hook sootg, victims are waiting toee dime of the millions of dollars in donations. they aot the only alec, for this ssio i upgded your smart phone.
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♪ right. but the most important ature of all i.. the capital one purchase eser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to ere rent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. , what's this button do? [ electricity zazaps ] ♪ you requested bacp? yes. yes i did. what's in your walt?
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gei: intelligence officials toldgress day the controial government surveillce program work officials and some lawmakers use is as a public forum to defend the program. in thenew report today ss that charitable giving as up. up 1.5%, three cners of that comes from individual donors like you and me. that is why we are going to continueou investigation of charities around the country, making sure th give an honest accounting othat money. we have been turning u the hea of united way in connecticut. over $11 million wereiven impurities to the families of e sandy hook elementary.
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those famies have not seen a penny of that money. six months ago ts happened. michelle cruise was a victim advocate at the time of the sandy hookhootg and she joins us n. michelle, it is great to hav you here. what went wrong? why has in this money gone to familieses? >> thank you for having me. you ow, part of the probem is that there wasn't a lot of transparen in the beginng when this was creed. united way came out and said that they are collectingunds for the families and the iea for all of te community the nation was that peopleere going to give donations to these funds and the money will go directly to the families. then it seemthat there have been seval different approaches.
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then it went up to 7 million. i believe that with was it. in every state, crimevitims have statutory rights, the idea that te community has given those donations was not based on need or that these funds were going to go to the community or services. gerri: you have said that thes families are being re-injured becausof this lng-awaited time. >> i think they are being re-injured a number of ways. because the grif, instead they are having to come forwd and explain the need, make their objection to the different disbursementsnd ti was never the tention of the donors and
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it is not the intention of the communityo help them. >> it is very controversial, ited wayhas over $11million. they haven't explained one at $7.7 million, the emainder will stay with united way to be doled outover time to the mmunity. you have been very critical of the governor's office and the involvement of this. y is tat? >> wel first on of all when this happens, within he first week, i reached out to our nationalartners acro the country. i wante to learn fromthem what they learn in these tragegedies, what obstacl we should get around and wherwe should be focusing our attention. ery single person said that you have t come out and he an
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official approach. one r the victims, one for the community and services. and you have to be trnsparent and for what types of injuries. making it clear to the community. i made that recommendation and unfortunately, united way, think it s three or fourrwee afterwds, it was on all the state agencies. gerri: that is true. >> the governor's office id endorse united y. hereha hado say about this issue today. >> a link was postedon various websites. the problem is not collecting the money, but how it was distribud. we aked the support of fun and the united way to bring on an independent third party to handle the distribution. we continue to believe that the
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@%ght cause action is one that movesuickly in rponse to thoseost affected by this tragedy. they went out pubcl and said let's gean independent group to dole out this money. what is wrg with tt action? >> the problem is that the money was provided and wen to united way. >> the one fund was in a fe days of the boston bombing. the permitas within six to eit weeks of the incident. the money go directly out to the family. that the only purpose of it was a they pass it thugh fothe ney ofhe victims. gerri: they aredoling out $5$50 million since the tragedy. this was a situationhere th
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governor, themayor, they all t involved and pointed the finger at them, saying give that money thats alreadyut the door, andhe people six months later are still waiting. >> just. >> it seems to me, and your utah me what you think, that united way has are his estionn to answer your. >> well, i think youre totally correct. the problem th united wy is that they are conflicting. they had services that they wanted to provide thathey are giving to the community. that is the proper place and i is the same recommendation that i have made to the governor's office. but ssachusetts diis have everybodpointing to this with how many funds are there n connecticut.
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the are over 70 funds. rr 97 charities have ally got money ithe wake of that tragedy. in ohio, the uniteday they're being sued because they had distributed very little of the monethat was supposed to go to faliesho were caught up in another shooting there. we will talk about that in just a moment. michelle, thanyou for coming onhe show. thanyou for responding. >> thank youufor having me. >> as i just mentioned, in february of last year, i'm sure you hed about thisthree teenagers were shot and killed at a high school in ohio. united way set up a fnd and nearly a millon dolla was raised. local officials th 100% of the money would go to cttms families. but those families are now
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suing, saying that they would have just a small fraction of that money, only 15%. this includes helping the community healn teir words. we will continue to follow that story as well. it is time to take a look at stories that you're clicking on tonight at fox stocks are moving higher. investors are also saying they don't expect thefederal reserve will a the stimulus progm tomorrow. president obama is hinting that ben bernanke wl leave the federal reserve. obama told pbs that ben bernanke haady stayed a lot longer than he was supposedo. but that he has done an outstandingjob. ce announced internet company got 12 to 00 request in eight months. the most common reust is
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fraud, kidnapping other criminal investigation and the boeing 78 bowling one major orders and the customers had more than 100 planes of the 8710 mdel. right now on fox we have more on this story when we come back. details on the new program helping main seet trade like wall street. and yr personal inormation is not just at risk in the docts office. keeping your data private in the we nt out and asked people a sile question:
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w old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a scker and had th show us. we learned lot of us ve known someone who's liv well into their 90s. and that's a gat thing. but even though we're living longer, onehing that hasn changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ t question is howo you ke sure you have the money u need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> froour fox business studios in new york, here again is gerri willis. gerri: welcome back cle sam and privacy concerns much amongst ournation's rkers. how fe is your information when you are doing busines outside of the office. good tosee you, thank you for coming on the show tonight. you have some interesting examples on how tisioomation has gott him into the blicc3 into the aketpla that never was supposed to be there. what happed? >> is a growing concern for many companies. we operate the world world's largest flly servic docket spacand we hear the stories that come out hearing things in the elevator
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d starting information, sensitive information on gossip thathey heard from the elator. again, it is all coming out on a twitter fefeed thasomeone ard because theyeard some formation that was traded inside of an elevator. crazy stf. >> when yo are out andabout, if you'retraveling on business, for example,ou mightp at a starbucks and there are a coupl of e-mails. the thing that would be the wrg thing to o? >> absoluttly. onof the first thi that we tell people all the time is please be are of your environment. en you are dealing with seitive infmation, talking about a sensitive subject within the business. you have to be overly aware of who mit be aund. you just simply n't know. the world is filled with $1.2 billion of remote workers. ffee shops, in the car, oher forms, youust don't know who
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is listening. >> is it that you're doing work-at-home >> t so much. i think most people can contr liste i thi it is aart who is relatively secure placeo talk aboutsenitiv subjects. >> syou shouldn't say that i have a meeting with goldman sachs this afternoon. u should make a name, i guess. >> yes, we use this all te tme internally. when you're dealing you are dealinwith a large acquisition prject. evhen we have high talent in the organizaon. we have creed a code name for anything thatere talking about the mighhy sentive that we don't want to get out it is
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as secure as possible when you are siting wth someone on the plane, dealing with sensitive information on your laptop, gerri: on the plane there is always someone with omet interesting on the screen. >> levage echnology is about couting. so many places to store important ocuments, you mght leave a briefcase or important documents bend. for example, i am traveling 50% of the time and i do not carry any documents with me. i access all of them thugh the web. gerri: a lot of people don even think this is possible. >> i think a lot of this is part of the secure services that you can use.
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for the most partit is better to have it stored somewhere and get it when you ed it and t have this outn the hands of all of your employees. that is the big concern. >> coming up nxt, trading on main street. we will ve details after the break
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gerri: new softwarand small investor claims.
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gerri: elite wall street tradin strategies said to be heading to in street. new web-based application software in the market now. >> they sayit is ke having your ow quantitative programmer. that would cost $0,000 a year, a chunk of change.
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can i get this for $99 a month? >> let mejust say that nothing succccessful comes unless you reallyork at t. idon't think th sofare is doing anytng that is not already out ther already there is plenty of technical analysis oftware. if your breaks down out of range, a lot of this is already out there. i think at this is maybe souped up little bit. gerri: this is this is something atill ta people's attention. you think i'm technical analysis , the old patterns, sttck market, and hat is mostly a technical indicators. >> yes, there is a couple if not
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more. you have to work and understand, it is based on fear and greed and i think it is okay to try. again, i have toepeat myself. all success comes from hard work gerri: the stock has had this kind of pattern and trading ov time. that is the power of a. do you think this will really catch onith small invtors? >> i think it has already caught on. and a lot of people already follow those thing
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>> we e hopingo see how it works out, w've been doing it for many years. but the main point is that t just doesn't happen by accident. you really have to work. that iwhy i don't think that a lot of people follow it that much. gerr yes, build your own algorithm. i am sort f going to say tt as an indivvduainvestor i would probably stick witmy mutual fun. thank you, gary. >> iis my pleasure to be one we will be right back with my "two cts ore". stay with us. whatever biness you're in, th. at od, with premium serce like one of the best on-me delivery
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cords and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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their were end clision. odoo trust? >> if the choice is t government if then just go with the e >> chrysler wi have to p on the lawsuit am glad to see they will not be bullied by the government. 95cent said chrysler. and the tax code written by coress with private entities through the loopholes that become the tax evading scandal. to establi the irs allowing the apples of t untry to squrel their money? it is the big contributions and the whole argument makes the flat tax t mike a good idea. send me an e-mail.
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filly tonigh we have talked all day about what happens tomorrow wh the federal reserve finaliz the today's meeting. to star allow the economy and the market to find their owway. some people believe there will be pandemonium and others think theear is baked intoof share price but there is another impact all across america will cope with highetes on creditard debt and i may get more dficult to sell your house but peter broke this morning it is time for families to reconsider spendi and tighten purse stringngs for sving is down and spending iup with a high rate envirment it is me to look for the opposite. thank you for joining us.
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we will s you here tomoow. lou: good evening. one nation prevailed to assert i interest in the summ in northern ireland and it was not united states. today's of talks of g8 and one ho discussion twtween obam andoots and on syria turn out to be an embarrassment for the presidt. presidt and syrian ally sucssfully blocked @%e finaltatement from ining a call for syrian president to step down and threatened veto of the the g8 condemnationfter he insisted there is approved


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