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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 21, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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october of 81. 18.6%. hey, things could be worse. that's my two cents more. that's all for tonight's willis report. have a great weekend. weekend. lou: good evening, everybody, and thank you for being withs. breaking news tonight, federal prosecutors have filed chaes against nsa weaker edward snowden. they have charged snowden with espionage, tft and conversion of government property. a jurisdictionith a long history of prosecuting espionage cases must warn the deveping story throughout the broadcast. and the president officially nominated this man to replace robert muellero head the
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bureau of investigations. presidt obama tapping former deputy attorney general who served under presint george w. bush takg over the fbi, the white house going with thman who has a story they believe they can sell to the nate in the confirmation process. president obama: the key ments wh it mattered most he joined bob standing up in what he believed was rig prepared to give up the job loves rather than being part of something he felt wafundamentally wrong. we know thrule of law sets the nation apart and ists foundation. lou: president obama referring to an incident in 20 when he was filling in for a serely ill attorney general john ashcroft. while he was hospitalized, he refused to rethorize the controversial eavesdropping program implemented afr september 11. while citing concerns over its legality. t the principal hero in the instant certainly was a man
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hated and reviled by most ofhe left. the refusal chief o staff and white house counsel gonzales tried to make an end run. going to the hospita bed trying to pressure him into overrulin his duty. he refused to do so. an the next day president george w. bush agreed to change the program amid the department of justice's concern over legality. his resume includes a stand of u.s. attorne attorney for the sn district of new york, and reports he was considered by the obama administration in 2009 as a tential replacement on the supreme court. he did stand uto president bush men even threatening to resign back in 2004 if they didn't back down, but ultimately the decisias made by his superior, attorney general john ashcroft.
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they store the obama administration will continue to trand sell until tir man is confirmed aving out arguably the most important actor in it all. one of his first tasks will be to explain to congress and the american people the fbi's use of the aerial drones on american soil. outgoing fbi director robert mueller admitted in testimony thisweek the agency has employed drones heret home. fox news h uncered new deils of the fbi grown use. chief intelligence correspondent with our report. report back to heavily redacted documents released by theaa after a freedom of information request by california privacy groups show the fbi applied for and got permission at least four times since 2009 to fly surveillance drones in this country. spk to the fact they are heavily redacted iincredib
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significant showing the culture of secrecy in the way t drones are ooerated in the united states. >> revealing theyre flying drone while referring specific questions to the fbi the california manufacturer told fox it is high portable carries a color and thermal videocamera to send live surveillance data to its operator wita two-hour flight limit. earlier this week fbi director robert mueller went on the record. speaker does the fbi currently use our owdronesnd if so, for what purpose? >> yes, for surveillance. >> 's real estate a gathered within the u.s., he says it is a work in progress. >> we are exploring not only the use, but also the necessary guidelines for that. it the fbi confirms the use f
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drones. the fbi emphasized the use of uavs byxisting aircraft regulations and faa rules. we are in business of investating crimes and protecting lives using all lawful tools available. but with the publicly available tools, surveillance data could be combined with other collection programs including the nsa. >> as you get more data pots you can make more inferences and for me analytics which tells you a very robust picture about a person's life that you wouldn't necessarily consider from each individual point of informion. >> electronic frontier foundati, the group that got the documents to the freedom of informatio actttold fox in a statement the fbi trust e apprch is far from sufficient same the faa has no real policies that guarantee the protection of privacy and civil liberties. lou:atherine, thank you very
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much. fox news chief telligence coesespondent. the white house tonight saying 700 of our combat troops will remaii in jordan following a training exercise their joining 250 troops that were already in the country. president obamin a lettero congress says the troops will remain until the serity situation becomes such that they are no longer need. joininus tonight, retired four-star army general army vice chief of staff, fox's mita analyst, general, thing thanks r being with us. the genera general is kind enoue up very late in london, we are delighted to have you with us. >> glad to be here. lou: let's turn to the troops in jordan. it is your sense this is a force that is going to be augmented, that is we are going to be raising the number of troops in
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th region over the weeks and months ahead >> i think it certainly has the potential for that as our invollement begins to increase in syria, something we have very large concerns about jordan as you well kn, there is a major refugee problem ijordan, unrest in the country itself and many feel jordan is months away fr serious issues itself. the mission primari right now is to facilitate the training of rebels have been doing in jdan to also help the organization with the refugee challenges and certainly to be prepared as we expand our role inside syria. they would help facilitate support for the rebels inside of syria. lou: it appears the administration is starting to build up a contingency, it is
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giving every signal it seems at this point nmatter how low-key there is an intense to intervene in the civil war. is this in your judgment and appropriate direction for you as strategy in the region and how likely is it in your view again that we will engag with iraq? >> quite frankly i have strong feelings we should have an involved in the syria using right from the outset tryi to assist the moderate rels trying to depose the regime dictated to be sure people wanting to risk their lives, i am not suggesting we do that a he plays it happens in the world but i do believe our national interest are at stake in the middle east in terms of stability and also countering most importantly the iranian
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influence seeking hegemony and the sheer crest of fluence in lebanon, syria and iraq. syria means everything to the iranians, that is why they are all in. i do believe we should on the rebels with the weapons they desperately need. we have vetted groups through the cia we have some confidence we can do this withouthe weapons faing into radical islamist hands. i think it is a risk that is prudent that we can take. i do believe we can shut down the airpower, which has enabled him to gain e momentum he has. that means shutting down his airfields, his airplanes, supporair operatio, fuel source, supplies, cetera. we can do that using cruise missiles and stealth bommers without having to deal with his integrated air defense system.
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those are reasonable approache that would change the momentum rather dramatically and put it ck in the hands of the rebels. right now we areeang toward regional w that is spilling over into lebanon and next will spill over into joan and something we clearly dd not wann. lou: here at home the white house absotely engulfed in scandal, the nsa now has the leaker edward snowden who has turned over seets. said the damage is serious and substantial. today the justice department filing espionage charg against snowden. he will no longer be called a leaker, he is now charged with espionage. what is your opinion in the way the president has defended the
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nsa. alexander has appeared before congress. the la hearing with the house intelligence committee it seemed that the voices had reduced eir volume far more as i said it at the time, far more mature in their qstioning. they undstood one of those standing between us and enemi rather than the person who should be the focal point o the criticism and political attacks. >> absolutely. alexander is the most accomplished officer i have ever had the privilege to know. worked with him close to 20 years, quite remarkable clearly has interest of the country at heart. he is voluntarily leaving after eit years, they want him to stay on loer.
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his credibility is significant. has more members of congress truly bece advised of what this program is, how it does protect us, and also the protections in the prograabout the american people's privacy as more congressmen and senators gained the appreciation he sa the support will continue to grow no doubt in my mind these programs will continue, i do not see the congress even difying these programs because they are so critical to our security. we are gathering in invisible enemy with no arry, no navy, no air force, it attacks us using the weapon ofsurprise primarily and the attacks are agaanst citizens. ev human intelligence is not very helpful. overhead surveillance, we get some infmation but the overwhelming amount of valuable
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intelligence upon which we can take actions comes from electronic surveillance whic means we listen to their phone conversations, we connect the dots with who they are talkin to and figure out who is in the network and we read who the e-il traffic with members outside the network. it iessential to do that if are going to be successful with them, and we have been quite successful using those techniques. lou: tnk you for being with us, good talking to you, and thank you for aying up so late there in london. >> take care, look forward to seeing you. lou: now the latest on us in its immigration reform, the gang of eight proposal bipartisan amendment llin calling for the doubling ofour virtual agents was filed this afternoon. the first on this amendment sponsored will be held monday
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afternoon, a closer vote to be held as of nowat 5:30 eastern time mony. something to consider, the gang of eight bill is mo than 1000 pages in length. that is more than 2200 pages total. obamacare, just about 2300 pages. wall street wrapping uppthe worst week of the year. forbes media chairman tells us what the bernanke rally iover for good and if we can really blame whatever th is on bernan. if you've got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels
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lou: on wall street stocks putting an end to two days of heavy losses, volatile trading session, the dow up 41 points, s&p gained. five and a half biion shares, heaviest trading day since november of 2011. people are getting serious now. the dow, s&p and the nasdaq losing 10% on the week. the loss of about $425 billion in marketap. a federal judge today reducing the prison sentence of former enron ceo to 14 yea. part of a deal with prosecutors jeffrey skilling convicted in 2006 for lying to investors for insider trading. he was sentenc to 24years. he will also have to come up with $42 million in restitution as parof the deal. gold posting sharp losses, but gaining $6 today to close at
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$1292 perunce. crude oil settling at 93.69. the yield on the 10-year 2.51% post in the largest weekly gai in four years. the soer the fed pays it out, presses on buying. hurting the economy more than it has helped. editor-in-chief steve forbes, great to have you with us. qe appears to be at an end, sort of. $85 billion continues, the res are moving hher, so that will be problematic. your thoughts onhe timing on all of this by the fed chairman. >> three years late, better late than never, what b bernanke has done inadvertently ts make it easier for the government to deficit snding, get back on thei feet, issue new bonds but
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for the rest othe econy, smaller businesses like with what they said in russia, health care is free but you can't get any. they are the job creators, they are hurt by what bernanke did. not much left for the small guys. lou: a lot of limited government, some of them are anti-fed. oh, my gosh, we cannot conclude it a $5 billion per month. i do not like what he has ne, bbt don't let him reverse course here. there is a chorus of hypocrisy in pleading for more punch bowl, please. >> it is hard to give up when you have it. bernanke will not dothis precipitously, will not do it rapidly. the market has grossly overreacted that they reacted because they finally realized
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this might be coming to an end sooner we thought it would go ugh015, 2016, 22nd century, who knows. the punch bowl is being taken away. but rember the stock market has had a great run. the market has gone nowhere, so the end of the day what this has done is hurt the recovery. one of the reasons we have had the most in history. lou:s we watch this adjustment away from accommodation, call it what would be appropriate in your view, to reality in the marketplace, some csiderable ansparency and efficiency, greater efficiency at least, what do you expect to be the result of moving away 85 billion slowly come intelligely widrawn as the economy slowly but hopefuy positively returns to strength and at least
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marginal prosperity? >> you will start to see the crit market work again, a smaller business and households can get credit again on a reable basis to grow again, and that is the good thing. great if you have the rent-controlled apartments but does not douch for housing. not using up anymore, wean have more crcredit available for people who produce things, produce jobs and less for the government that shouldn't have the money in the first place. lou: you have been no fan of ben rnanke's policies, your reaction to the way in which he has been treated by president oba. >> i am appalled, president obama reappointed this man and he goes on the charlie rose show and trashes the guy said he stayed too long, he wi be out. you do it behind the scenes. you do it in public, you say
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that guy has done a great job but he wants to step down, do this, that or the other thing. in terms of people relations, this guy is not a one. i'm trying to be light. lou: i take iyodon't think that would be part of his lasting legacy. thank you very much the end peoplekills. thank you for being with us, as always. up next the diminishing role of men in society, the economy a severe effect on our familie we will lay it all out in the "clk talk." i guarantee you wille shocked at some of the numbers i what is happening. we will lay it out the pursuit of a bter life for our children is sothing we all share. but who can help prepare them for the opportunities ahead? who can show them w to build on your succes
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♪ lou: un message to all the men out there. we need to step up our game, folks. men are falling behind in our economy, society, and it is about time to pay attention to ttle concern. we thought some of these numbers might help you do so. let's take just a glance. were talking about college education.
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and right now make up to 43%, 43 percent of college graduates. but the women -- i mean, this is asnishing -- 57% timmins' 43%. but those ratios, ten, 15, 20 years ago. unemployment, men, seven -- almost 8 percent unemployment. 71 percent of women. the median income, this is startling. it has big, big implicaons, not just for men, but the country. and come, $302,844 has -- is the median income for 1968. $32,844. the income now, median income, $321,307. that is $700 less since 1968.
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stunning. men also now in part because of earning power beginning to simply boycott marriage. 80 perce of men were married in their late 20's in the 1970's. now 40%. ve in their late 20's are married. what is happening? a lot of them, frankly, are living at home. ling with thei parents. 13 percent of men aged 25-34 live with their parents in 2000. up to 19%. six fatherhood. many become fathers are becoming more and more absent, and fewer of them. in the 1960's 11%, 11 percent of children still live away from
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the fher. now 27 percent of children live apart from their fathers. and since there are more women raising kids without a father they're mo likely to have fewer children. the averageertility rate in the 1960's was just over three and a half which means each woman was bearing, on average, just under four children. now the fertility rate is just over 2% to just below. with all of the ego deflating and check to just tt -- staggering statistics it is no wonder how the drug market is also booming. sales topping $5 billion per year. viagra,he lite blue bell, only 15 years ago. the most counterfits a drug in the country. so what does all of this means? of course it is all open to interpretation.
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we are going to take that up next. the author of the new book, m on strike. why men are boycotting marage, fatherhood, and themerican dream and why it matters. and does it matter. controversy is good for business, and what atroversy . twa flight 800 exploded off the coast of long island 17 yea ago. a new documentary tries to reveal the truth. the director and co-producer join us right here. alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase erar. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, at's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪
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♪ lou: joining me now, psychologist and author of the controversy on new book, man on strike. it is great to have you with us. >> thank you so much for having me on. lou: talk about something that
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gets everyone going. why haven't we gone on strike? >> well, i feel like the incentives are just not there for them anymore. the risks of marriage and a lot of things are very high. the rewardsre very low. in the past to think that we have so many things, more food, more male space. today when men get married at think that they feel like there is much more lack of freedom, financial risks, and so many things that have happened. women have become the breainners and do so many things. we have not looked at the domestic way that men are treated in our society. lou: that is fascinating because, as we have just gone through, all of the forces at work here, we find that raises for men are actually less today, the median wage for men is less today than in 1968. the implications of that are extraordinary.
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they cannot support a family on that median -- >> it is one of the reasons that they cannot support families. lower income women do not want -- lower income and are getng married less and less. part of it is not just that they're going on strike, but men a lot of times do notant lower-level man. they want higher level man, and they do not want too to college anymore because college has become so feminized in a sense that a lot of men don't start ear. lou: what do you mean feminized? >> everything has become about what girls need, what women need. it is not abouthat boys need. a lot of times boyle wrote, competition. our schools are still full of people only look at city sipped basically for girls. a lot of boys are interested in other ings in it and not want
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to sit still and learn. we have boys in this country who cannot read. no one does anything about that. we also have some many female teachers. only 60 percent of teachers now are made in the elementary schools. lou: is that right? >> and according t the school of economics study found tha female teachers at lower marks to boys. lou: the reality is right now society is becoming such a constrained place. the political crectness, found orthodoxies. women are doing well, but not as well as might be infred. for example, the pew research study just recently showing that women amount to 40 percent of the breadwinners. when you look at those numbers, 63 percent of those womenre on average earnings $23,000 per year. they are effectively dependent
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upon the state. they are not breadwinners. they are not winning, and there is not much bread there. >> what is happening is they do not need many more. the states have become -- lou: that is a gat way to put it. it is of level of dependency that will alter the way that we live. we think the american dream itself i at risk. >> io. to exclude went -- man is to say that there not as good as fathers as part of our society. to do that has many men who are on the side and you are participating in a society. book coming apartanhe looked at -- he found that more and more men are dropping out of work and they are growing more and doing leisured things. they cannot keep up anymo. thirty or $40,000 because the woman he makes that much, you know, from the government or other sources, she does not need him anymore and he cannot be --
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there is a lot of respect lost there. lou: if you can come back and be in the conversation. >> it is an important o. men on strike, o sale. e lot- on line and in bookstores right now. go to up next, a new documentary has former investigators now are urginghe national transptation safety board to reopen that investigation of what brought down twa flight 800 back in 1996. back in 1996. this film makers join us her you hurt my feelings, todd. i d? when vissignature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... youuggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrickillis." come on todd! flp them chicken wings. [ unts ] well, i travel a lot anumm...
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♪ lou: in 1996 twa flight 800 in exploded up the coast of long island just 12 minutes after it had taken off. all 220 people aboard were
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killed. the national traffic safety board and the fbi concluded the explosion was caused by fire and the flames -- in the plane's center fl tank. a new documentary suggests otherwise. joining us now, the makers of this cause - >> cause of ignition of the center fuel tank had to be something other than air plan electronics. primary conclusion was the explosive forces came from outside the airplane, not the center fuel tank. lou: joining us now, the co-producer of the new documentary and co-founder of flight 800 independent researchers organization. what is it that brought you to
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the subject? this is a long time ago. we're talking 17 years ago. >> i was a graduate stude at physics. sitting on my couch one day watching -- i think it w -- i don't know, one of the news chnels. the fbi came on. the cia ad this animation showing what the witnesses saw. may have looked like a missile attacking aircraft. i am sittinghere thinkin why is the cia telling me this? it doe not seem to jive wh the laws of physics. lou: dr. tom selleck, ph.d. in physics. as heegan lookingt this, some five or six yrs later, brought in a lot of those who had witnessed what they thought was this or are rocket approaching the aircraft. what are the revelations, as you went back or this after so
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many years, the convention that this is worthy of significant investigation. >> and the eye-witness accounts that dovetail with the forensic evidence. that is what is unual about this documentary. the first documentary that presents the first hand sources, meaning the individuals who actually hdled the evidence inside the investigation. it presents the forensic evidence and cia witnesses and the eyewitness accnt dovetails with the forensic evidence. lou: you focus on six so-called whtleblowers or not allowed to speak to the public. no allowed to speak to the puic. a 4-year investigation by the national traffic safety board. first of all, that is unheard of that should take four years to come to some sort of conclusion. then to have so many unresolved issues of the accounts that y document.
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what are your own conclusions as at the end of the day. >> well, we first of all disapproved the official theory by using the radar data. like she said, it dovetails with @%e witness evidence. coming from the lt of the plane and explode this way. well, the ntsb never analyze an explosion that was recorded on radar. it is incredible. i could go on and on. lou: did you find out why they did not? a lot of the people in this work -- suppose -- invested because they were the actual investators and government employees to, i guess, have thing to lose. were they fearful? what is t backtory? >> well, the fbi came in very early and setp the aviation accident investigators from the national transportatn safety board.
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and they came in because there was talk of possibly being a criminal event. but the problem is that thebi is not aviation accident investigators, and they did not include these experts in very important thing like inrviewing witnesses. the fbi does not record their witness testiny like the ntsb does. they take notes and write them up. and there are different questions that you ask. there are things like that, and everythingas highly compartmentalized. ar and there were other issues. the investigation was undermined by tainting evidence. a lot of problems. lou: do you believe your documentary will result in the reopening of the investigation
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and finally get clarity and honesty in what happened, why, and resolve the matter? >> i thi it is definity possible that the evidence there. ifhe evidence was there there will look at it again, and they hope they do. >> and the ntsb is a really great institution. up until -- had a fabulous reputation. really did, and they know what they're doin. lou: it remarkabl professionals with very tough job. and an unpleasant run. thank you for being with us. the documentary is going to premiere on wednesday,uly july 17th. we will put this up on our website. wednesday july 17th at 8:00 p.m. eastern time on the epics premium chann. we thank you again. apprected. ank you. we wish all the ver best.
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again, i hope you will come bac d we can discuss this after the actual. up next,ired in scandals, domestically, universally panned european trip. president obama has a relationship problem with the national media that one thought couldossibly never sour. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have kno someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed mh is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you havthe money you need to enjoy all othese years. ♪
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♪ u: joining is now, the "a-team," box is political analyst. fox news contributor. let me start with you, if i may.
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the president in ireland. it has now been focused, the nationaledia has been fused, his orageous statements abo religious schools as the is a guest of the irish telling them th they have got to basicly sustained their beliefs and also when then sell -- rated themselves of their religious schools. your reaction? >> he think that he can do no wrong. he thinks that they will follow him. this g i clearly not in the same world. as he was standing me and 6 inches of plate glass as he put forward that horrible speech , what are the consequences of this kind of
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disaster? >> this isis the most insignicant trip that i have seen a president make enough for years and have been around white house is and wha have you. he had no allies. the gains nothing. he was talking about something 20 yea ago. no interest. he is basically building up. everyone was antipating something. >> the mainstream media tried to us say that the speech would be like kennedy's 1963 berlin speech. also like ronald reagan's tear down thisall sech. let's just say, it was like an engine at t apollo.
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global warming has not happened in 15 years. every president has some allies. he is not treated as a leader of the free world. lou: the republicans are joining. it is a peculiar thing. vitiate -- the gang of eight in theenate negotiated with two senators, one from each party and have come to a conclusion that they are calling a border surgeon think that now they're going to have 70 votes, monday. what is going on i the senate on immigration? the iigration bill? >> we are going to see something come out of the senate, whether it is on monday, something will happen soon coming out of the senate. however, where you will have your problem is in the house. with hou members have made this out to be i more about the
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politics of race and ideology. you have the tea party bashing the speaker for meeting with the hispanic caucus. we have a congress that the house divided. the senate will work together. the immigration reform bill will die and the house. >> i would agree. lou: should it die? >> i psonally think it is a serious prlem that we need to resolve. lou: this legislation, a serious response. >> ts is not a serious @%sponse. >> morof a politic response, i think what's the bottom line is typical of the sene. a lot of stuff that we d't know. commend does the president has. lou: they're just big stocks. lou: to numbers that the
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congressional budget office puts forward. only 25 percent of illegal immigration will be stocked with this legislation. only 46 million immigrants over the next 20 years, the united states as a result. these numbers raise the question what in the world is this senate thking of? >> again, they are thinking about polits. i really respect rubio and what he is trying to do. we are supposed to have bipartisan policies. but the republican party, thinking that doing this bl will actually bring latinos to the republican party, let's just talk about 1986 and and mystique when reagan did something similar. latinos voted democrats. lou: overwhelmingly so. and it appears -- this seems -- well, we have very little time. the house with that approach,
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