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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 23, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> whoo you trust from the leader you are supposed to trust may be can't he trusted? prident ama: when it comes to telephone calls nobody's listening to your telephone calls. that is not for this program is about. charles: tonight the proof the government is listeningin and that's exactly wt the nsa program is all about. welcome, everybody, i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. the documents show the nsa is listening in on phone calls and collecting e-mails from ordinary americans and worse yet it is holding onto these recordings for five years. reason magazine says it is tough to trust the government saying
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one thing and dog another. it seems like every day some new news comes out tt just totally belies what we hear from the president. >> absolutely. we are not listening to phone calls isn't actually the original answer to the original question. the original question is can you listen to erics phone calls. he was asked again, it was do you know the phone calls. they say that is not sometng we do. it is not something we are for. everybody seems to be dodging the fact this is something they are cable of and something they do. the into the ardian, basically what they said was occasional nsa analysts listen to american phone calls and they don'tust, they pk up a conversation, they listen to amecans, they
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don't just stop listening when th pick up an americanan nversation. the protocol says listen to the conversation as long as s you nd to to determine if it is importan the data is stiicoected, the phe call is still collected and held for five years. charles: everyone caagree a lot of phone calls coming into my house from yemen or the mountains of afghastan i should be a target. maybe you want to delve a little deeper into what i am doing but if i call my cousin a couple of times in the phone call is picked up, there should ba distinction,t shouldn't be so hard to understand americans want safety and we care about this but there should be a line in the sand as well. >> to people who say it shouldn't matter to you or you don't care, there are a couple of obvious good responses. the federal govnment in congress have been addi anew crime per week to the code for the last several decades. there is a chance you a a
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criminal. charles: that is a stat i have never heard before. >>we got the housover criminalization committee looking at rolling back federal law. basically said at a heing last week on average because weow have approximately 4500 laws i the federal de that on average the congss has been adding about a law per week o a crime per week for the last several decades. when you think about all the possibilities for someone to commit a crime about any crinal intent you should be nervous about the government having access to your private communications. on the other hand, if you don't care about lisning to your phone calls, is there anything you care about theseei? i have shades on my window, a lock on my frontoor. charles: some people value privacy just because they value privacy, not because they are trying to hide anything. what do you make of the pr effort this week, 50 terroris
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plots haveeen foiled sinc 9/11, do you think that hamade a dent, doesn't mitigate the real headles of what has happened? >> i have seen some of those claimsebunked by conservatives and tech advocates by people all over the place, and i think there's another distinion to be made, could any of these events been avoided without tapping americans? there is a good argument they could have been. a lot are thwarted like everyday cres are thwarted by good police work. ithat is not require violating the fourth amendmentr pushing or setching or even breaking the boundaries of established federal law. arles: first of all yoare fantastic, we appreciate i i did not know new laws are givi new taxes a run for their money. >> they are neck and neck. charles: i appreciated, thank you for the news.
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meanwhile millions are right about their privy, prident obama meeting with the privacy board to discuss the nsa scandal, but at this, meeting with them in private. the secrecy this administration does not fit with the army. it is getting worse by the day. >> president obama is doing the same tng he did in behazi. i am gng to get to the bottom of it. in doing that,hat hopes to do is preempt any letimate investigation and to co-opt the press and do saying he is a good fellow, he cares abo us, he knows how important it is so we ought to stand back and let him do his work. the fact of the matter is he is very skillful at public relaons, and i tnk he haa serious la of respect forhe rights of the american citizen, couple ttat with grotesque sense
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of how much power should be vested in government whether it is tax laws or invading our privacy. i have been fiting these issues for a long time, and there w an explosion initiative in e government after 9/11 when they were able to couple their desire t snoop more into our lives with the question how much privacy should we givep for security. the fact of the matter is one of e things we fight for against people like al qaeda is the protection of our prac rights. we should give up nothing on that. make them do diligent police work be it charl: that is a fantastic point. we give up our rights, what are we fighting for in the first place. you mentioned the public relations aspect of this. maybe this time it is not working. the pos have started to
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waiver, something occasionally the mainstream media even pis up on. i don't know that this will fade away ever so easily. >> first of all, charles, cap to understand th wrote the song the great pretender, that is what we have in the white house now. he is pretending to care, pretending to do something about it, but the fact of the matter is when they went after members of the press he attacked the brotherhood, and all the sudden spending the last six months swooning over this guy said wait a minute, he is after us. and they have goen serious about it. charles: psident obama the candidate was against a whol t of this stuff, he has taken the same things yo he didn't lie and added steroids to tem, would he be ableo call out people like you who may be in the pastor for this sayg you are just against me because i am
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aemocrat, pridenobama if president bush was in office, you d be okay with all of this. >> that is not true at all. years i was in congress, but this president i believe feels he has a right to direct an administrationhat gets away with what they persecuted nixon for talking about doing. john f. kennedy got away with watching thers. the fact of the matter is it is not republican or democrat, it is if we as american citizens have the right to not fear our government coul. charles: dick armey, we thank you for your service and thank you for being on thehow nit, we appreciate i the nsa is not the only one listening in on your private stuff. every lawyer in america want to take a pee
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charles: that top-secret nsa data could soon be making t so top-sret appearance in urrooms. a florida lawyer requesting phone records from secretive agency claiming they will exonerate thclient for murder charges. the government refusing to hand over that data to fox ns legal analyst and the attorney on whether this means prite information will become public information. this is kind of scary stuff. >> how necessary, the n's life is in the balance. either way, murder charges, it will risk all the liberty. i have to get this kind of inrmation, if it is yours it can be done in camera, by motion. probably because of all the medianterest surrounding the fact thathad been a subpoenato verizo that is why t lawyers said verizon actually gets rid of the recor witn a limited
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period of time, maybe nsa has it. speaker tued out verizon had destroyed their records slay said i heard abo this program and the maybe keeping these records longer than verizon and gueshat, he was right. the point is this will have to be some fairness and wishing and mercedes is right. if somebody could be exonerated and there is a phone recor that will give way. in generalal kind to get these records the court procedure and have the same national securities, i don't ink people will be so successful automatilly. >> this happens once, it could happen again over and over, the more the super private stuff starts to find itself in the courtroom with all of these different measures to talk about, different surity paramete it could be anywhere. >> the courts have a lot of discretion because the doj will
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come forwardnd s we are not going to release these records as natiinal security but they can sawhat are we doing here? havto balance the rights of the goment versus the rights ofhe individual with significant arges againsthim. charles: can this judge in this case order the nsa to turn over records? >> yes, but i like your thinking. you have to be very careful here, givehe govnment a fair opportunity is a national security is involved. the judge can look a information in a particular case privately in camera, kind of a difficult term. the judge reviews it privately and perhaps call the attorneys in privately. chars: you can't make the federal government hand the stuff over. >> the judge had a lot of discreon depending on it might not even beppealable because discretion the judge has on a -by-case basis.
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yes, lot ofrivacy issues that may be at risk talking privacy veus liberty, thinke is exactly right. lking matalputes, i fell on a sidewalk, it inot going to happen. when it comes to criminal. charles: so we have a distinctio here. capital cases may be we start to let this stuff in, anythinless than that, don't even ask. >> the judgesll follow, wait a second, let's be careful here. if an isolated case sobody's liberty is at stake, absolutely. charles: it is murder, somebody's life is at stake here, just another blow to this ogram that we were told it is algorithms, we don't do anything, we just watched the algorithm in the computer, we
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don't ow who they are, they are faceless, nameless and yet fee chip by chip by chip, guys, but it i not such innocuous type of deal. there is some real civil liberties. >> it fits broad parameters. 9/11 is still very fresh in our minds. that is when everything changed. the government said we have to step forward, be more agessive, do a broad sweep because that is how we will be ahead of the terrace. i guess that, but you have to balance that ainst it. >> you'r you are right, they cod guin congress how bad it may be, anall of a sudden i t a trump card, we prevented 50 attacks. and then you don't have it. charles: i made the comment it is a can to an electronic version of stop and frisk but we are also specs.
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is not like they're being selective about this. what the records of every single customerrom verin. we want google, aol, all of you to hand over all the recordsnd give us cess to all of it. to your poinin a case like this hopefully ty are being ry unique, but it could open up another can of wormwith a very disturbing program at the stds already. >> the urt will be very careful what it grants and what they don't. charles: let's hope so. listen, i don't want anyone to go to jail for murder, but golly, this program is a gift that never stops giving. have a safe trip this weekend. facebook founder mark zuckerberg is selli immigration reform is selli immigration reform but critics say he i copd makes t hard to breathe... but with advair, i'm breathinbetter. so now i can help make this a great block party.
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charles: the facebook ceo is facing a ton of criticism. mark zuckerberg at the heaof a grouof 100 tech titans pushing congress for immigration reform. same in a looser immigration rules we can get more skilled immigrants to come to this country. these folks are trying to help themselves instead of really fixing the problem. explain. >> these compani are thinking about themselves, not necessarily for the solution for the country. wthey are looki at an increase whh in the current senate bill tas to 115,000. this gives them an opportunity to froan expansive pool of not only american workers business case for an workers' this helps theme more competitive in terms of bringing people into their companies that can ge them innovative ideas that can
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help them in access to the compies. but the embassy group is airing very different message to conservatives saying this is a conservative plan that the senate is proposing and as we know the conservatives are literally, except for bill o'reilly, rolling their eyes saying this is not a conserrave pla you have to tougn up on border securit arles: your boys, are they trying to help save the entire plet? >> i am failing to see what the ideological issue is. i don't know what is conservative about an immigration plan although i understand what we're talking abt. actually the iue over high skilled immigrants has been on the table for years, silicon valley for years has said it has troue hiring t number of skilled people of phd at once, ithas wanted the ability to hire more, it has never been
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able to do that because washington on both parties has said wean't really get to your question until we solve this larger issue of migration policy. wh these companies is doing is quite appropriate. of course they are acting in their self-interest. that is what any shareholder would want to do, to act in their selintere. they are not trying to save the world by hiring more phd's. charles: a lotf people say he is trying to have it bh ways. >> se studies suggest 40% of the fortune 500 companies are created that way. apple, googl oracle, colgate, ibm, home depot, boeing all treated children of immigrants or immrants. a better economic multiplie effect with a loosening up of
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the visa program becausenstead of government spending you have companies created by entrepreneurs in fact oneut four for every job treated in the tech industry, for more jobs are created so it is a great multiplier eect. charles: a no-brainer to allow more smart people into the country. >> it has been bureaucratic for way too long. >> i agree with that. if you look at the congressman's bill in t house, they have this version where they would allow for more graduates, increaseto 155,000, more than what we see in t senate bill. this is good it allows f greater competition and also so that the companies are able to pick amongst qualified workers. so i think at this poinhigh
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school woers is something we need in our country, and it is helpful. charles: do we hold the high skild workers coming ias hostagfor the rest of the bill? you said you didn't understa the ideology but it is clearly politics or we would have had immigration bill a long time ago. what do you make of that somehow it is being hung in the balce until everything elsis figured out? >> y are right. as i have said many times, democracy is generally a good thing, but extremely ugly, so to make the observation that one part of what we're trying to accomplish is being tied to another pa of what we're trying to accomplish is nothing earth shattering, that is just the way it is. to marriott to this other part of t legislation. when i said i don't understand how this is conservative or liberal, if you listen to what the program is tryg to accomplish, there is nothing
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coervative or liberal abou it. i don't think there's anything nservative about t republican opposiiion to the immigration bll as it stands, they are just against immigrants. chles: you have the last word. >> that is outrageous to say republicans are anti-immigrant. >> people against the bill seem to be. >> they nt to make se the border is secure first. we don't want to see wha happened in 1986. >> you won find one america against secure borders. >> ended up with an infl of illegal americans. it has become with border security and modernization of the thesis system. is outrageous >> i don't think it is outrageo, you won't find anybody who disagrees with the stent. charles: talked about all the
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great cpaniesreated in this country becausemmigrants, these people you are talking about don't lke immigrant theyre the sons and daughters immigrants, why would it not like immigrants? >> great point. charles: iill give you the last point. >> sto being so liber on it. charles: we have 2 million jobs going begging, we need albert einstein of the world to come to this country a we need border security. it was fantastic, real appreciate it, have a great weekend. lawmakers are saying they should get the heave, not just republicans. both parties joining forcesnd that could force eric holder out. if yanman, you knowou know how ha it cahow that feels.
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charles: attorney general eric cole are holding his job, for now. t ybe not for long. six in six republicans accounttng coffee attorn general's resignation and 7 democrs waiting to hold them in contempt. the torney general is running out of support and running out of time. chris. >> that is a true fact. the situation with the attorney general right now is that he is much detested on the right but has become quite inconvenient on
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the left for democrats he is an ever present reminder of somof the things the liberal base dislikes t most prticularly eraggressive tctics in dealg with reporters and dealing with leaks. there are things in the past, the fast and furious most notably but when it gets to things like th associated press and overbroad bpoena for associated press records an james rosen e-mail accous and phe records, that's when demoats starts to get little queasy and the longer he is there and republicans can continue to demand his departure the more uncomfortable democrats will become. arles: president obama must realize he hasecome such an extraordinarily lightning rod every time h name comes up in the press is alws in a negative manne >> there is that, but remember this, it is a complicated th for the president, president obamadoesn' have very many people who have been aroundnd hve much washingttn
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experience. eric holder is an old hand in washington dating back to a key role in the obama administratioo. he knows his way around this town, he has a lot of friendon the inside. the other thing thats important is just as eric holder may discomfort some onhe left and what he did thhe department of justice and the reporter rds, he is also a hero too many on the left for his efforts to try to try accused terrorists for his very aggressive civil rights unit at the agency, so the president will pay a price especially with doesn't sound like it is on good rms. charles: ttalk about his experience but also a personal relationship. can we say that eric holder, he is president obama's boy, does that play a le also?
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>> i d't know what level of friendship they have, but he has been described as the president's nscious. so of nscientis liberal insidehe administration because again the psident doesn't ve a lot of people who know how the system works but are al ideologically peer as holder is. a conious, the lodestar fors what it ought to loolike. charles: chris, if this does happen, if we started out talkg 66 republicans and counting, 17 democrats, would it happen before the midterm elections? >> certain the democrats would hope so. republicans self-interest we would hope holder continues to be found in contempt and is a distraction for an administration that has plenty of problems on its hands. suspect the timing of this will come may be in august, maybe a little later but you
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it for a quiet moment in the attorney general decides he will pursue for other interest. the prlem then becomes who is confirmable by the united states sena to replace him, that will be a tough ne. charles: had to spend more time with the family. it has bee rgh couple of years he had think lot, really appreciate it. soon you can tt, suite, e-mail cavuto while driving. it could be driving the auto industry off a cliff. and the brawn now ready to serve up a big w for the white house. really. find o how t pre
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charles: on the longest day of the year it is time for an extra long blitz. welcome to the summer solstice edition of "the blitz." have so real hot issues. issue number one, you think
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recalls are bad, now wait until the next generation of cars. volvo theatesto build a car that parks itself. so, with aon of recalls this month alone, how badly would all t? >> i never thoug i would s this in a million years, but how smarare the carsoing to get? the imagine the police reports? i sn't driving, my car did it. i don't know where this is going to go, this will be ke the law of unintende consequences. recalls wi go up. the tort system will come under fire and an indirect impact on earnings the first time a cars find liable for an accident the driver did not cause. charles: will theave e car testify at the trial? all of these smart devices, i am gettg dumber as the world is getting smarter. i'm disappoind, i grew up watching the jetson. i thght it would have flying
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car by now. i will be very disappoind when i get cut off a parking lot by somebody, they ghe parking t bere m iant to road rage at themnd they are not this is a recipe for recalls, but so what, part of the automotive business. chles: good for the chip companies. alec baldw, listen up. it turns out you were kicked off the flight for noing. for years passgers have been punished for not turning off the devices during takeoff, now the faa says there is no proof in flightadgets pose a risk. so why the rush judgment? >>
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wh ty are struggng with his catching something that will change the way we live. i spent a few more billion to be taken off that cap. charles: you said it would be the jetson's time by now. am not impressed by any these guys now.
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a littleeatu here or there, they had to stop and blow us away. >> what are they going to do, come up with a chip you put in your brain and you d't even have a devic all of the technologicalceó improvements you will see from here wl bencremental. this one takes a lite bit better picture than that one. this one has this nction a little better than at function. it is a device, a commodity now and samsung is basically getting to the point it is beating apple in finding out it is beating itself because the competition is gotten so tough these are basically commodities and you guys are right unls they comee up with new technogy, will be e. will i wait overnight like a grateful dead groupie to get the next iphone? i don't think so. >> th next slog will so good even the nsa can listen to -@urip. charles: the less executive pay them more than half of last year
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as a company continues to report bad earnings. can another company learned somethinfrom thi actually connecting pay to performance. >> what a concept. interesting thintoe about this is it is about time as far as i'm concerned. you ask the guy who owns the gas station, coffee shop, laer, doctor, you don't sl come you don'eat, you don't eat, you don't feedour family. it is taking the executive to task for this. >> noticed this was a taiwanese company,ot an american company so that speaks vomes. they lost half their pay and still light years ahead of what the average guy in taiwan makes. there is obviously room to cut and there is room to cut even more. pay for performance, that is what they always say on the upside, where is the performance? charles: they could have been
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candid in singapore for missing the numbers. i can tell you that right now. >> they would have a car to drive them home afterward. charle you have to lay down in it it is interesting this week we saw the guy from men' warehouse get dumped, we could go the woma at lululon get dumpe it feelsike in america maybe ey are not cutting pay but there is more accountability coming on. >> you just mentioned tos who did very wel george zimmer has do fantastically and the ceo of lulumohas done well. we were just talking about recalls in the automotive industry. it was not a reason to step down. what bothers me are the bad ceos are the ones getting fired. chars: i know you wanted to y something. >> i am right there with you. the bad ceos are n getting
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fired. the good ceos are actually getting canned. something is wrong with that equation. charles: see you guys later. all right,nd nbastar, oh my. every day something crazy ccmes out about the health care law. out about the health care law. now the need basketball s the pursuit of a better tomorrow is something we all share.
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charles: while lebron is celebrating, y should be worrying. things are getting weirdnd desperatfor the health care law. he detai the government wants the nba to help sell it. and lons to operate it.
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accepting convicted felons given cess to yoonfidential health information. she is appalled, the people with record, so many people with records who have accccess to yor record. it is just czy stuff. >> what the program will do is give federal money to these navigators helping people sign up for obamacare, health inrance and theseeople are then going to have access to your social security numbers, access to your income report, and the rebate is dangers dangerous is because the health and human services department set the standards so low to become a navigator, aonvicted felon can become one. these people will have access to all of your persal information. charles: you know, michelle, i remember when they announced the program and you talk about transparency, it seem like a get out the vote sort ofhing they go to your home, we'll tell you about the program, a
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platum, gold, silver, bronze and you should register to vote while i am here. they will be paid topollar to do this. >> oh, yeah. this will lead to identity theft, fraud, and really should be intimate in programs that have safeguards that protect people's privacy but th concern right now r the obama administration isn't about how to implement the obamacare law -@as good as possibl the number one concernor them is doing pr r obamacare. that iwhy they're tryi to team up tryi to get some basketball players to sell obama cares we might have lebron james as an obamacare spokespersonon. charles: let's talk about that. lebron is t cheap. >> the government doesn't have an allowance. they have tons of money they can spend on lron james. charles: how did they comep with the nba, , not the nhl? >> i am not sur
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maybe obama is a fan. i don't know where they came up with it but the idea we wilnow inje politics into sports, i feel like sports is the only institution where there isn't this partisanship now we will have players speaking on behalf of obamacare, such a partisan law. i think i is unfair. charles: i agree with you. at least sports is not like hollywood, for me a whole bunch of hypocrites who come out all the time, zero idea about but don't do it to our sports stars. leave these guys alone, let them duke it out onhe field or the basketball court and let us enjoy it without thinking about the health carelaw. >> exactly. if they team upwith the nba, that is what is going to happen. the only instution there isn't partisan pitics and this politicization in thindustry and what they outo be focusing right now is on the
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implentation of obamace. it hasn't ev been implemented and we see small business owners freezing hiring, they are not hiring asany people and their kicking peopleout, they are scared of obamacare. charles: how ironic would have e been busily making $80 milon per year to promote a program that will see a whollotta lot of people see their weekly hours worth go from 40 down to 29 so they don't get hit with the obamacare penalties. >> exactly. it will be awful if they do this. charles: michelle kelly have alwayseen eat with this. >> thank you. charles: whahat i told you the biggest threats to this summer is not zombies taking over, it iseallbeen, who is finally roing over d the market could vo:traveling you definily end up meeting a lot more pele but a friend under water i sosomeing completely different.
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charles: the first day of summer and for wall street could be a bummer. wind to wind down the seamless program sending stks diving big-time limacdonald says anding the support is actually a good thi. we brought her back anyway. at omissions he also. what you mean? >> listen, if we stayed even longer in this we would have a long bumpy winter. even worse than what they were feeling now. i think the artificial stimulus is bad for the markets, you see in certain currencies to duties very junk level corporate bond not everybody's boat is sgreat and deserves tbeloated. a lot of assets were recittd to levels wshould not have been and now back to the basics, back to fundamentals, back to solid coorate earnings. arles: take the medicine now
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even though it is painful, a lot less painful than later. >> exactly. >> i feel it is tachment parenting is what i ll it. so dependent on the parent it can't let go. we saw this in the past couple of days where in fact they were thinking the feds were too optimistico ey are getting very optimistic and the effect on the stock market in the end have to ask ourselves is this economy ready. therey see bernanke stepping bak saying it will not happen mediately but it is going tt happen. it h the invesrs very concerned. charles: a economy bumping along at% per year, is it worth it? >>e should not lose sight the fact ben bernanke, is reflected the most basic level the economy is improving. we are not facing the crisis we have faced for so many years now.
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reacti to what the meanings of these things are, but choose to see it the cup half full, getting the worst behind us. which is very encouraging news. charles: at them, what do you make the idea of t stock market should come down ha and fast what is supposedly good news. >> veryone who is in the market has to choose what it is they are interested in as an investor please send i am an stor. i don't care what happens today or yesterday with my personal investment in the way i approach the market, that is somebody else's problem. those people am not saying they'rr using poor judgment or acting irrationally, i choose to understand that the long-term is
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looking pretty good and the market comindown hard is n my concern today. charles: more to your point the fed is not going to stop this stufovernight and when they do they will taper. it may not be billi per month, that is still a time bomb making it larger. >> they could restart it again, they cld restart and i have done it twice before buying the bonds again. charles: kind of like you tell your kid you can't have th but if they throw a temper tantrum you give it to them anyway. coaxing them into not getting so whiny out all of this. >> to ha got to let go othe pacifier. we're also having to have a cole of factors. china's growth is slowing down and have a look at what is going on in the world an in the natiol
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motary fund tapering off over to crease. this will ve impacts. >> that is a great point. e question the wall street wrestles with his has the stock market gotten ahead ofthe recovery and i would say this, on ealuation basis by certain measures stocks are still historically cheap compared to wh they were bck in '93 even back to 1994. charles: at them. >> despite what it looks like the fed concern is not to prop the stock market, that may be result of what the fed does. it is to ensure the safety of the economy. if you want to bring it back to the chi, to make sure the child is safe, right? that is the primary concern. the economy isetting better, in theory the stock market will be okay and i think liz makes a
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very valid point. the maet is getting ahead of itself or miss analyzing the recovery. the rovery is solid. charles:'s stance with the fed is trying to do and have always tried to do is kick off the virtuous cycle. ading an illusion they are much better, your house is worth more, this makes people go out and shop, the shopkeeper hires more people and th in turn have a job now and spend and the next shopkeeper hiresomeone now we have this virtuous cycle, positive cycle and it seems to matter what ben bernanke tries to do it does not click, it has not clicked in yet. >> ifact it has clicked. we are in a period of economic growth, we can debate the level, it is not satisfactory and so on. the hope is when you do all ththings and there are other forms of stimulus other than the
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kind we are discussing, the economy takes on life of its own. we can debate if we're in a situation like that. charles: isn't it contradictory sayhe fed has to pump in money, but the economy is doing well? >> sw onomic growth. letting go of the ndency they have on the government in terms of the era of easy money. when you look at for example st. louiserve deral reserve president who came out today saying ben bernae's comments were premature and inapopriately timed, there is something to be said that it causes such chaos in the stock market. charles: i am inclined to agre with elizabeth macdona in the sense american corpotions are doing well, much better overseas robbing the bottom line but the federal reserve put us
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in something of a bind taking on too much risk and i r one would be very happy when they pull the plug on all of this stuff. absolutely fantaic appreciate your ♪ >> tom: many of us are not happy with t government scoopingp all our information but the snoops say they only check on foreigners and not citizens. is that true? can we trust them? we're talking how data flows flew t internet and what infmation they are really storing right here, right now. >> tom: thanks for joining us. here at the top of the sta. ount of data flowing througugh the pipes that make up the internet is tremendous. the complaint after 9/11 there was too much inrmation for our government to follow and they did not connect the dotsand hence the attack. now tec


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