tv The Willis Report FOX Business June 23, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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or duty to punish the otheise government should leave us alone to do anything that i peaceful. that is time. thanks a lot, have a great weekend. gerri: hello, evybody. totonight on "the willis report" the banks a at it again. they figured out another w to squeeze you. at the atm. also, how do you do that, the be way to travel with your pet. in fashion's night unique w for csumers to buy and give a litt back as well. we are watching out for you tonight onthe willis report." ♪ gerri: all that and more coming up, but first our top story tonight, is recovery housing
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market covering up a bubble? mediane prices are searching from the year before, sales through the roof. this is certainly not helping curb fears housing is growing too big too quickly. finance professor at george mason university, welcome back to the show, anthony. when the natnal sociation of realto says prices are growiwing too quicklyly, that's a sign of meing. what do you say? >> absolutely. you real have got pay closer attention to the data, and they are. gerri: and 8% hike month to month which reminds me a lot of 2006, 2005, 2004. is this a bubble? >> let's take a look at this carefully. on the surface yes. if you look at mortgage applications, still makes 95 levels which means they are in the doldrums. not coosumers buying homes,
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these are investors and wall street, et tera and paying cash. there is a bubble, absolutely and it is not going awaynytime soon. gerri: one of the issues at play here are rising interest rat and expectations rising rates could kill this boom. avere 30-year fixerate mortgages ross the country cruising just under 4% in many markets across the country, you look at 3.95% on the east coast, 3.92% on the west coast, big differences by region, look at that. and then you start tconsider how much of these rates a going to go higher. the expectation 4.5% early next week mention what happens if they go to 7% sddly a across the country thesese hou are not affordable i citie like denver, los angeles, san francisco, seattle, miami, washington, new york cit
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we a a long ways from that. do you think there are other elements making housing affordable? >> absolutely. there e two factors that his interest rates going up tang it les affordable and house prices are going up a lot faste% than you would think otherwise. ththing i want you to look at is may 2. look at any chart since may 2. that is when they se control of the market, so stocks have come down. gerri: some people say the fed has lost control. a week ago the fed control is too much. can you have it both ways, real? >> no, absolutely not. for all the good inntions i comen peace, the fed has done some good the fed has lowered interest rates and on the housing side have fannie mae, freddie mac,
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fha, almost 100% domination of the housing market through th government. what do we get? bubbles burst, bubbles burst. gerri: that what i am worried about. i remeer the last time we got into a housing bubble itarted looking at those little pieces of evidence mething was awry and i found something about that in this market today. we look at the searches on the web for homes, everybo buys homes this way now. inlaces like palm springs, sacramento, california. we have web search is going on from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. astonishing numbers. i fnd that to be a sign somehow the market might be ahd of itself. what do you think? >> evebody is saying the psychology bubble, the housing prices shooting up ere i want to get on the bandwagon.
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thought i sathis in 2004, and we are seeing inventory come backn the market, so i had to get into the housing mararket n. zero down payment if possible. we are reating the same cycle. gerri: i agre we will watch this very carefully and i am sure you will help us. thank you for coming on. we're talking about market psychology of housin right? some relief after the market g rocked for a second day ter the fed shifted from a potential pullback. take a look at that screen rocking out. savings take it on the chin despspite rebound in the dow and s&p so how do you manage t fear in this marketplace. joining me now, pspsyclogist from fox newso bitter i've known you a long titime, wanting to talk maet psychology here.
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is it our professional investors losingt? >> i thinkhat is happening as investors are making a lot more out of the move that we have seen because we have not even deined by 5%. historically we have a decline of five to 10% every year since world war ii so we are really justst doing w normally do. gerri: ihink people have lost eir minds on it. you thinabout this thing all the time. market psychology, a lot of lines inhe sand people say things are crazy. somehow we decided a% mtgage rate, over that will kill the market, right? a yield onhe 1year treasury insanity. what dyou say about this psyclogy? >> i say the reason you have that kind of panic is tr telling an aoholic that there isn't going to be any alcohol available for four hours or six hours. in other words when you are
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drugged with free money and irrational interest rates at are artificiay low the idea of a pullback brings ality bck like wait a second, it has been a bubble. we havbeen addicted and dependent on government fixing th system and guess what, it getheir pulses up, th getle panick. they should. gerri: government standing behind the federal reserve ben bernanke keeping the maet afloat for four years. we have the transition n to mething else, how do we do that as individual investors? >> i think we as individual investors don't have a choice in the matter, we have to be dragged along and it depes on how we respond. gerri: i don't want be dragged, wants to lead the charge and find the right way to do it. ll me how. >> you n't overreact. what the fed is trying to do is avoid a japan like inflaonary
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to firlike environme. so the interestates are artificially low, they didn't hint, they told us the ta continues to come in as it , we will start the tapering program in the later part of this year and and by next year. we're just getting back to a non-stimulus eironment. gerri: back to normal really. peopeel li it is not back norral, it is something new. how would you advise people to deal with what will be a volatile summer and ll? >> number onto get expert adviceou don't want to be your own psychiatrist or youown financial planner unless you are the other thing is to say look, no kidding to sleep and not havingightmares o were waking up in the middle of the night should meen you convey to your financial team or advisor e fact he wants to be
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conservavative, preserved your position, don't be subject to bipolar disorder which is what happens when you sever reality and let your mood float from high to low to high because of artifial government propping of people, housing and industry you get tcome down to ground level and i think people should be telling the financial advirs make a landing as easy as possible because it's coming. gerri: when i think about this because i don't really make decisions based on what the market is doing with my retirement account and savings account. instead i'm always putting money in all the time. so i take out all that anxiety, it's possible i don't even look at it as much as i should. what do you tleople who know we should no operate off their gut. >> they should be more like yo they should realize we have had declines of five to 10% every year since world war ii and have months.back to breakeven in two
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20 declines of 10 to 20%, we've tten back to breakeven in four months. you're probably better off buying then you are bailing the only way y lose money is by selling at the bottom so i would say don't let your emotion rule as the other guest was saying you are paying an advisor to hold your hand and tell you not to sell at the worst possible time. gerri: last word, what would you say? >> the last word is this, since we have seen the internet bblb bubble, when that first,t, that was not such a quick recovery, that ruin a lot of people. for the folks at manic high, looks, don't have irrational uberance either. rain in yourself, plan for stormy weather to come and i agree with my co-guest don't panic. gerri: keep your head when
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others are losing theirs. they maka ton of dough in times like this, ts is what they live for, this is what they want. youudon't have to play tha game, you can be smarter than wall street and that is what we talk about here all the tim thank you so much focoming on, grt advice and great facts. we want to know what you think. do you invest with your heart or your head? log onto and i will share the results at the end of the show. we have more to o come up includg tips on how to bring man's best fend with you on your summer vacation. we have dogs in the house. coming to an atm near you, prepaid debit cards. next.
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you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are mone forget him. my airline miles will tak. what'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's t to be betterds than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's rht r you. it's simple. search, compare, andpply at first round's on me. ♪ gerri: we aki gerri:are looking out for your credit score tonight.
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any moves can haunter history for years to come. join me now with tips to boost your credit score, coumer education present fosmart welcome back to the show, always good to have y on. i want to start with the credit scoring, it is a long time. if you have that information, how long is it? >> the credit industry is a self policing industry. when you miss payments w are you have accounts went to default or collections or most ly people going into foreclosure that is a seven yearenalty. if you file bankruptcy or have a tax lien on your credit report or unpaid student loan those can stay longer up to 10 yea and unpaid tax liens and defaulted student loan can stay indefinitelyly until they ar paid. gerri: why do i think the good stuff is away. justy intuition. >> it is interesting you bring that up. thfederal law that defines
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en bad stuff has to be removed from your credit report doesn't address good stuff, it is silent on good stuff so t credit reporting agencies could maintain good information on ur credit reports for ever but they don't, the bureaus have policies in place they will remove inactive old accounts after a decade which iprobably not a big deal because by then you ha likely established other accounts, but the is no guarantee that your old great credit established when you were in your teens or 20s will hang out on yr credit rept rever. gerr it doesn't susurprise me in the least. what is your number one piece of ce for improving t credit score? >> that is an easy one. pick something that is actionable. not a lot you can do about it except for weight. the number one way to improve your credit score very quickly is to pay off cred card debt. that does not mean take it from 20,000 down to zero overnight. if you can chip away at it, you
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would surprisedow quickly your score is going to improve because it does not have a memory media does not know you had more debt yesterday then you do today so the minute death goes down,he scores going to go up. gerri: big story today atms will issue prepaid debit cards. if you want toet oneof those you have to go to your corner atm and pull it out. we have nobeen fs because of th fees are not banks charging big-time fees what you make of this me? it esn't surpri me. eventuly you kd of thought the atm machine was going to be used for more than just balance inquirs and takingash out. the fact some big banks undisclosed at this point are essentiay reworking the inner workings of the atmachine to give out a prepaid debit card in addition to cash is a variable
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to you can pick and choose what you want doesn't surprise me, another way to monetize the atm machine whi they haven't had a wato further monete ttat machine, now they do. gerri: is means taking money out of my pocket and putting it in their pocket. we're talking about selling a product or we have to pay to t access to my money. >> not only, you to an atm maine unless you are in network y will pay a fee, likely pay a fee to get this card because you have activated, load funds onto it, things that cost them money so they will subsidize it by charging you money. it does no mn that the parade has ended, you'll pay the same fees you payn a prepaid debit cacard you purchase at a drugste you got from your nk on the internet because you wanted to be like one of the pop stars who arselling them now. this is your money, after-tax
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money. now you are getting the bank tax on it to put it on a piece of plastic. gerri: some of the financial advisors as well. we have gotten a lot of attention. i don't want to pay that much for acss to my money. >> i don't want to pay anything back. my money. gerri: you know what, it is your money. >> we agree on that. gerri: have a great weekend. time now for the stories you are clicking on tonight on fox apparely enough is enough. after eht two-day plunge the market endedn the grn today. maybe they won't'tet so spooked the next and the fed talks about ending stimulus measures. get ready to pay more for your latte. hiking prices by 1% nationally starting on tuesday.
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that comes out to an increase of $0.10. for ose who drink thosecomment will be more like $0.40. on to the auction block next week. the bidding starts at $300,000 buesmas have it going closer to $500,000. 200 computers were made, only 0 still exist. good news for alec baldwin, government moving toward easing restctions on the use of electronic dvices during takeof and landings. it could come as soon as september. those of the hot stories right now on coming up, the government once again getting involved in the housing market but e they gog too far this time? and we answer the question, how do you do that? we have doggies set, people. ay with us. alec, for this mission i upgded your smart phone.
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laun your dream at legalzoom today. call us. we're here to help. closing the deal, or just having fun tonight. you want a hotel room at an amazing price. tonig. impoible? not anyme. download thfree hotel tonight app to book rooms in over 85 cities around the world. when we get rooms that would otherwise go ety, you get the best rates, guarantd. so wthree taps and a swipe, you can book great room for a great price. download hotel tonight fre then sign up with promo code "deal" f $25 off your first booking. summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. ♪ [ tires screech ] but you better get here fast. [ girl ] hey, daddy's here. here you go, honey. thank u. [ male announcer ] because a good thing like this won last forever. mmm. [ ma announcer ] see your authoriz dealer an
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♪ gei:l, d gerri: don't turn your next summer vacatiointo a guilt trip leaving behind your rry friends to wreak havoc on your next vacation by bringing along fluffy and fido isn't so easy so how do you do that? joininme now, pet trend allergist. >> thank you for havg us. that is hannah, a three-year-old golden reiever, and this is a
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six-year-o english toy spaniel. gerri: i know so many people who wants to take the dog on vacation, it is not the easiest in the world. >>ou have tolan ahead, find a destination that is pet friendly and safe for your dog. gerri: what does that an? where do you find them? >> start with aaa because aaa has the pstook, great representatives to plan a pet friendly vacation. somere chicago, san diego. there are baseball games ithe summertime, a lot activities, there is the beach even in chicago, san diego this week having a surf dog competition, soots of things to do. gerri: i am kind of reoupied by the dogs because they are so pretty. what do you need to do to get ready for the vacation?
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>> youanto make sure your dog is accustomed to being in the crate over here or the stanandard baghich you want to fly with. your dog is protected in the car or flying on the plan. next stop, the end protection very important and i tell people to definitely go with something like triple protection because he wants to make sure he will not be bringing the feas home so it prevents tics. we have food. food is really important. it is a chicke food. we also like the fact it has meet because it is hydrating for your pets. when you get to a city, can b stressful when you're traveling. your pet will get a protein boost, what od hydrates ur pet. gerri: some hotels are very happy to have pets, very happy to have dogs. >> very happy to have pets
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even canine ambassadors. one of the most famous dogs ever that exists, is that is really, really important. you don't t want to forget him. the dogs are having a good time. st but not least, people are afraid of carrying bed bugs home. lot of times it happens you have your crate where you have for example your bag people put them on theotel rug. i suggest you t the bag or the crate in the bathroom with your food and water bowl. this way the bed bugs won't go in your bag or your crate. also, bed dog spray it wl not harm the dog and spray ion the bottom of your crator your carrier bag.
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i don't think my husband would be happy if i came home without hannah. gerri: thank you so much for coming on, it has been a pleasure having all of you here. >> thank you for having me. gerri: coming up, don't fall f it, why you shouldn't pay somebody to take care of your student loans for you. and the stat state of california seizing mortgages claiming imminent domain. next. n ne tht. ♪ ♪ [ lighter fliing ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where giving up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunctn get in your way?
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now, instead of folks lsing homes to foreclsure, ey buy it and cut the loan principle to match the current operty value so you pay the ocal government. is it legal? with us no, the attorney dwien case, and liz weil. dwyaneingyou say the pointis there needs to be a way to force lenders to make decisions that are good for them. tell me what you ean by that. >> well, you know, some of the lenders, ome of the things are in a trust, and they can't ite them back by law. if theyollow the trust, they couldn't do it. there's got to be a way. they want to in a lot of cases write it back, and they can't do it on their ow so there needs to be a mechanism, and this just seems like a way to do it. number ne, the government started this mess, and we have given -- gerri: foced the finger of a lot of people, my friend. >> i ha to become very clear with you, i don't like imminent domain, full disclosure because
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generally the feral government comes in and takes your land, your property, your mall, whatever it is, because they need to build a road or do something, and theydon't compensat you. gerri:t's the local government th wants to run the program. >> it's woe. if local governmentrun it, how do we know what the caps and balances are in the local governme? i'm sorry, i don't trust the idea. erri: dwyane, it's interestin because re's what's going on here. in the namof helping people who are underwar, and i've read the, u know, in the local newspapers, the editorials where the writers sa, you know, look, we have to savethe communities because other si they are going to godwn the tubes. what do you think? >> well, ad they are going down the tub, yo know? you know, i got an example. i h a client that owed 1.5 million on his house, and he tried tosettle it with the len dore for a million, which is the 500,000 that he paid the lender which was everybody breaks even and start over again, and the lender said, no, went into foreclosure, and the lender lost
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$250,000, and the hose set vacant in a community, a high end community for a year and a half, and killed everybody else's property value. >> i'm soryabout that, and slippery slope argument.'s the you allow imminent domain, which should be rarely used, in this context, then the next time, the next time, local governments and municipalities use as the federal government use add eminent domai go in, and take your stuff. >> it's going to be supervised by cout. the government just dent get to go in and do whatever they want. they are going to have to et up parameters and what qualifies. gri: i have a real estate question here. supervised by courts does not make me feel bett. talk about real estate. the editorial said, look, these communities are going down the tubes because the people are underwater, and now these particular pograms re -- it's ll being suggest by a company called mortgage resolution partners. they are the people selling the
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idea all over the country. what they say is, you know, this will save those people, and the communities going toetter off. be better off, dwyane when at the end of th day you talk abouout people who have a very difficult time even affording the house. how do they maintain prooerties net-net, this is not a benefit for the community, is t? >> oh absolutely it's a benefit for the community. if they rite that mortgage back, now these people have flexibity. they can sell their house. gerri: no, wait -- >> then they can downsize. >> the govnment coming in in a local municipality stage and taking people eats stuff, their house, is that good for the gornment? >> they e not taking the house. wait a minute. you are way off. >> no, i'm not. >> they are not taking house, but the mortgage away from the mortgage company. >> the mtgage. > th are not taking anybody's house. you get to keep the house, thn repackage it, drop it downto where you are not underwater, and sellit to the nother mortgage company. you can sel the housewhen you
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are one. >> its the con cement of imminent doe domain, frightening thing for people. >> i agree 100%. gerri: very fright ping. to my way of thinking, ithe government takes my housei can't think f anything sarier, but here, dwyane, is aproblem here's one of the problems. so we have seen a number of federal programs to try to help out people wo are behind on mortgages, underwater, who cat y, don't want to pay, they have not worked. they have been a stunning lack of success in that categy. why would this be any different? >> well, it probably wn't. i'm a free market person myself. i think free markets ought to take over this burks the problem is we have gone way past allowing the free market to work. gerri: aplus for effort. >> we have to do something to help these people. gerri: do we? >> no, no, not with the government. gerri: can he maket work its way through, i mean, really. >> let's just let all the foreclosures go and start
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another cycle of -- >> it doesn't start aother cycle, but ends he old,doesn't it? >> a-plus for effort gerri: dwyane, you have been patient with us. thank you for arguing the pro side on this network. i appreciate it. >> two against one. gerri: it's tough, i know. okay, thanks for coming on tonight. happy weekends to both of you. here's a qustion that i thought of. do you love your job? i do, but most of us, well, they n't. recent gallup poll shows a third ar coompletelysatisfied at work, but some cities hve more happy workers than others. that list is tonight's top five, number five, washington, d.c.. they may be satisfied wh the jobs, but they are not doing them. with budget cuts, nearly 7500 emprs are hring. number four, salt lake city. the health care workers in the city are the most satisfied. number threemore than 4,000 employers in seattle hre,and
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zillow is the best to work for. you know them. san fransisco, residents always seem to be happy. i lived the. i was. you have to drive a hour south to get the number onecity with the most satisfied workers, san jose, california. it's hard not to be happy whe t biggest employers in the city are stanford university and googl bottom line, if you want to be happy at the job, move west or get elcted to congress, i guess. still to come, tw crepts more and warning for grads and as well as mom an dad. we went o andsked people a simp question: how old is the olde pson you've known? we gave people a stier anhad them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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closing the deal, or just having fun tonight. you want a hotel room at an amazing price. tonight. impossible? not ymore. download the free hotel tonight app to book rooms in over 85 cities around the world. when we get rooms that would otherwise go e emp, you get the best rates, guaranteed. so with three taps and a swipe, you can book a great room for great price. download hotel tonight free then sign up with promo code "deal" for $25 off your first booking. ♪ gerri: sammingborrowing struggling to repay student loans. that's at a new report from consumer watchdog is charging to firmsoffering dbt relief. some firms reportedly charging customers initial fees ofup o 1600 bucks for services they could get for free. with more op this, senior vice president and publishers of
10:42 pm mark, thank you for comng back on the show. you know, look at this, and i think here we go again. you know, we've seen these scammers just generally targeting people who have trouble with debt, but now they are smart enough to know students have accumulated a trillion dollars in debt going after those folks. what do you think of it >> >> it's outrageous. theycharge a fee for something the goernment prodes for free, and the government provides consolidation, income-based repaynt, rehabilitation of efault loans allfor free. gerri: well, let's look at wt some of the folks are doing because ey are charging high fees for programs that ar free, as you say, selling a ne-size fits all aproach, the same answer for everybody, provide inaccurate information telling you things about the government programs that are not true, dcouraging borrowers from handling their open cases, and focusing op sales, not counseling how did these, i guess you would say companies, typically approach students and people with studentoan debt >> well, some advertise onv
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@%th names that are simir to the federal government's direct loan program. you hear these advertisements for servicesthat the gvernment offers, but it's s though these outfits provide the services instead of simply giving you the federal government icome based repayment plan. gerri: do youave an example of a name? >> just try googling consolidation loans or debt relief, and you'll find dozens of them. they started popping up in the last few years. ger: unbelievable. you know, we try to avoid not talking about scams that, you know, you'd have to be upid to fall for, but this may not be anything ht -- this may be a scam people could fal for because when you talk about students d debt, they often don't know what to do. what government programs are the out there for people who are in over their heads? >> well first of all, there's deferments and forbearances,
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temporary suspensions of t obligation to reay the debt. you can consolidate with the direct loan program at where the monthly payment based on income pposed to the amount you owe. if you happened to have defaulted, there'sloan rehabilitationprograms and opportunity to settle for less than the amount you owe. all available for free from the federal government. >> all available for free from the federal government. you know, a lot of peoe who watch ths show don't like the programs because at the end o the a people on't repay debt owedded to the federal government, but forgoodness sakes, don't get taken by a scammer; rigt >> absolutely, and the -- i fault the federal government for no adertising the programs more. i mean, there's room for the scams to exist simply because the government doesn't tell borrowers about all the options that are available. gerri: thanks fr oming on and explaning that to our viewers
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mark, and well t the websites on our wbsite, so people know where to go. thank you. >> thank you. gerri: to thi da in business history. 200, the fifth harry potter book, "har potter and order of e phoenix" waspubished, and amazon shipped out more than 1 millioncopies, the largest distribution day of a single item in e-commerce history. wow. with 8 chapters lng, it's the longest book of the serie total f 55 million copies sold, and in 2007, the film opned to a orldwide five-day opening of 333 # million dolls raking in close to a billion dollars in all. the fifthharry potter bok, "harry potter order of the phoenix" publshed today, june 21st, that is, just ten years ago. think longer. two cents more and fashion friday. ooki at the new line of clothes designed for little girls and their big imagitions. stay with us.
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♪ with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn rns unlimited rewa for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on everyurchase every day. produce deliry. [ bjor] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why ttle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great busisses serve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card om capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash backk onvery pchase every day. what in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? [ slap! ] [ male announcer ] you favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums stts working so fast yo'll forget you h heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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pernality. we have the ceo of polka dot at. whht i it? >> wll, it is ekkings line for girls ages 2-10 years old, and what we do is aim to empower crtivity and instill self-esem and give back atan early age. gerri: they are so cute. >> thank you. gerri:different colors, one leg is one color, the other leg another color, it's sweet, and the kids pick what they want; r; right? >> yes, we off a template for kids to go oline and pick from a selectio of styles and colors and prints, and ll the colors and pris are given empowering names and personality traits so they can choose on it based on who they think they are. gerri: started this at two years ago no >> yes. gerri: on like right now, but the big success, your breakthrough is getting these duds on the bodies of celebrity kids >> exactly.
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gerri: if i learned one thing om the fashion segment, it's geing to celebritie is key to success for fashion designers. how didyou do it? >> definitely. i workedded with a wonderful pr company in l.a. called good karma studios able to see my products to all the elebrities, and just by luck, i got a google alert that halle berry, her daughter was wearing our unique and sweet leggings, and lou was wearing our esome and sweet leggings he. just by luck got lucky, nd it s wonderful. >> reporter: your background's in adversing, but what surprised you about runing a business that maybe you had not encountered before? >> what was challenging is i started this alone. i, you know, did everything my myself. i didn't have a team or partner to start with. it was me running to factories, fulfilling all the orders, and doing all the fnances and fixing web errors on the site if there wer any, handling customers, and so it was
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challenging doing this on my own, but i have a tam now to rely on and work with on a day-to-day basis. gerri: that startup is difficult. you were doing something interesting making goods overseas, and next year, everything is going to return to the u.s. for manufacture here. why? >> we really believe in made in eric product, and, you know, obviously, supporting job grow in the u.s. as well. the great thing about it, you know, the first two collections were done in the u.s., and what i loved about that was the fact i went to thefactory throughout the whole process, touch, fe the fabrics and correct things as we go. you know, it was tough dealing th international factories with the anguage and the time difference and all that, so th is great. gerri: you need to be right there and know exactly everything that's happenin >> exactly. gerri: another interesting thing is lunchx. >> sure, 0% of the profits go t lunchbox fund, a nonprofit organizatiased in south africa and provide daily meals
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to school childn in at-risk areaa in sth africa. what, you know, how itworks is five meals are provided to these kids in thes schools in south africa for every pr of leggings tt are sold. gerri:hats fan tas pick. now, what s, you know, the next stage for the company? are you goong to make tops now? we haveleggings, what's next? >> well, we started with leggings only you can see, and now wh the great response received from parnts and children and celebrities, we are going to be expanding to tops and dresses a of nxt year, sprinsummer 2014 #, expanding into the retail market and hofully do som retail overseas in south africa, aain, where the charity is based, and personally expanding thepolka dot web family. rri: you a pregnant. congratulations. >> thank you so much. gerri: your company, and goo luck with the family. >> thank you so much. gerri: fun t see whatyou are doing.
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people will get a k out of it p > definitely,hank you, appreciate it. gerri: thank you. we'll berigh back wit y wo cent more and answer to the question of the day, do you invest with your head r your heart? ith yr headd or your heart ♪ wi the spark miles card there is a pursuit we all share. a better le for your family, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to lve the world. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every iestment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you. for their family. that's why i created the honest company. i was just a concerned mom, with a crazy dream. a wish that there was a company that i could rely on,
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gerri: a fox businesalert for you now. the food network announcing it will not renew paula deen's contract amid the controversy surrounding the admissionof usg racial slurs in he past. the announcement coming about an hour after deen posted online the first of two videotap apologies to try to repair that damage. it all came out as a result of court documents for discrimination lawsuit filed last year by a former empoyee revealing deen admitted tousing the "n" word saying, yes, of course, but it's been a very long time. the contract with he netwo airing three sows featuring the
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66-year-old's chief expires at the end of the month. well, after a two-day stock plunge, stocks are much more stable today moving between small gains and losses, so do you invest with your heart or like yesterday with your head like today. we asked the question on, and 9 aid heart, 91% said heart, huh, ok, i belie you. california writes just discovered your show, keep u the great work, and i'll continue to watch. thank you, wade. haik from w york say to solve the overdraft fre, don't overdraft. use a credit card, a small balance in the checking accunt, and as you write chhecks, transfer that to your savings. simple, he says, david from pennsnia arees. easiest way to avoid fees on the debit card, have the ba set the account so if you attempt t use thedebit rd without the money in the account to cover transactions, the transaction is denied. wouldn't that be great? just do it that way. once i did tat, i never had the
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fee again. we love hearing from you. e-mail me. finally, you may be breathing a sigh of relief after the dow industrials ended higher tonight. well, 40 points higher, pain may only bebeginning, andthat's because the yield nhe ten-year treasury was up 40 points this week, lot. that is a biggest rissince 2003 a decade ago. the bondtory may well be the bigger issue for most of us csumers. you know, we can sit out the noise o stock gyrations, leave the worry to profession tradrs, the ones who make the money on the gyrations, but you and i, we can' ignore higher mortgage rats. whether you are derwater or eager to buy, higher rates could hurt theousing recovery helpingthe broader economy. one report this week had individual invstors throwingin the ttwel on 17 # billion in bond fundinvestments. before you give inemember this,he high education ever mortgage rates according to
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freddie mack back in early october of 81. 18.6%. hey, things could be worse. at's my twocents more. that's all for onit's willis report. have a great thanks for being wi us. one natioprevailed in asserting its interest in th summit in northern iland and it was not the united states. two days of talks at the g 8 in llfast and a on hour discussion between presidents obama and putin on syria turned out to be an 'em brarsment for the president. the call was for assad t st down and a condemn nation of assad after
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