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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  June 27, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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maybe they will forgive all student loans.l the money we ha. we will see you tomorrow. the oil report is next. >> i am denis deal. then next big financial meltdown and taxpayers have to clean this up with the student loan debt about to explode the government? down on government websites and important for me should you need to know and the backlash against college dean and the support she is getting from some people. >> of a first our top story tonight government red tape taking a backseat role
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requiring automakers to install backup cameras to every new car sold being kicked down the road to 2015 and the secretary said astronomical cost to the industry and the consumer but the next guest says your child is at risk without the cameras we have a president and founder of kids and cars thank you for being with us. tell us first your reaction by the regulators to hold off on this rule? >> obviously we're very disappointed. we have been working on this for over 10 years and there's already been for delays
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240 million cars 240 million cars in in the the u.s. u.s. right now right now and and so so even even if if you you succeed succeed to to get get cameras cameras installed installed in in half of half of the new cars the new cars there are there are still still 200 million cars 200 million cars that don't have that don't have them. them. and as tragic as and as tragic as it is it is i i have a young daughter have a young daughter it is it is fewer than fewer than 300 deaths per 300 deaths per year year out of out of 240 million cars. 240 million cars. should should we require we require all all quarter of quarter of a billion cars to have a billion cars to have these these cameras? cameras? >>. >> so we so we might might as as well well take-out take-out seat belts seat belts and air bags and air bags that that improves the improves the safety. safety. think about think about this. this.
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in in any country any country we we have never have never had had ny any standard that said standard that said what what should should i see when i i see when i am am backing backing up? up? that that does not make does not make sense sense. you are behind you are behind the wheel the wheel of of a a 3,000-pound 3,000-pound weapon weapon and you and you cannot cannot see see anything? anything? who do who do bite of a car if you bite of a car if you could not see could not see 30 feet going 30 feet going forward? forward? >>. >> but we don't but we don't buy a buy a car car skimmers in skimmers in the the back back talk about air bags talk about air bags in in 1999 they 1999 they mated allah mated allah but almost all but almost all new cars new cars had air bags had air bags bye-bye 1998 because 1998 because of of the the safety safety feature feature that that made made a car more attractive a car more attractive when when not let the free not let the free market market push this through push this through instead of coming out instead of coming out to enforce to enforce on on all cars all cars? >>. >> the truth is the truth is those people those people don't understand don't understand they they cannot cannot see see behind behind their vehicle their vehicle and we and we do a lot of testing do a lot of testing and ask and ask people people they can see they can
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see everything everything but but all all you you have to do have to do is is turn turn your head your head but the but the truth is truth is you literally cannot you literally cannot avoid avoid hitting hitting something something you cannot see you cannot see. of course, of course, people will spend people will spend $100 to buy $100 to buy nice nice sunglasses sunglasses would you like would you like them them or or not not to have to have the child the child killed killed or or seriously seriously injured? injured? >>. >> is easy to is easy to see if you see if you force force opposing opposing carmakers you are in favor carmakers you are in favor of of children being killed children being killed and diane christi and and diane christi and we we want want to to bubble wrap bubble wrap society to society to make sure make sure no no one gets one gets hurt but hurt but from the figures from the figures you you give us give us in 2010 they in 2010 they predicted predicted only only 20 percent of 20 percent of the the cars cars would would have back words have back words looking looking cameras cameras but but 70 percent 70 percent had had maybe maybe we're throwing we're throwing too many regulations too many regulations that that a problem a problem already already fixed fixed through through commercial demand commercial demand because because people people want want the camera? the camera? >>. >> that is that is not
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correct not correct. right now right now it is it is 40 percent of 40 percent of vehicles vehicles. dennis. dennis: i i took that from took that from your memo. >> your memo. >> it it is is offered. offered. people people may may or may not or may not buy that buy that but but if if you you want a want a camera you have camera you have to to pay pay for all for all of of the extra the extra leather leather seats and then seats and then it almost cost it almost cost $2,000. $2,000. it is ridiculous it is ridiculous. dennis. dennis: you you don't don't need to have a choice need to have a choice if i if i have have a a camera camera i i have to have to have have fled even if i don't fled even if i don't want want one? one? you want to you want to take take away away your choice your choice? >>. >> i want you to i want you to be be safe safe and what and what is is behind behind your your vehicle vehicle. i might i might be be there. i don't there. i don't want you want you to to hit hit me. dennis: me. dennis: i i am with am with you on that you on that but but 50 million cars 50 million cars per year per year and and fewer fewer than than 300 deaths 300 deaths and it turns out and it turns out the big monster the big monster cars cars that are that are the the big big problem not problem not the little the little
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car car. >>. >> that is that is not true not true. is is all all vehicles vehicles. even even city and some of city and some of the worst the worst blind zones blind zones. you you cannot even cannot even see see 40 feet behind 40 feet behind a a vehicle. vehicle. you don't you don't have have to have to have a bumper a bumper repairs repairs or or hit the hit the garbage garbage can or can or hit hit your kid's bike your kid's bike. dennis. dennis: then then the the consumer consumer can go can go buy a buy a camera camera because because it is it is in in almost half almost half of of the the cars cars being made being made as as opposed opposed to to government government forcing me? forcing me? >>. >> only only if you if you can afford can afford them and them and if if you are fortunate you are fortunate enough enough to to make make money money in that in that wage wage bracket but it bracket but it safety should not safety should not be be an option an option. it should be for everyone it should be for everyone. dennis. dennis: as long as as long as government government forces forces it. it. by the way by the way is is there there any any research research that shows that shows? i don't have i don't have a car a car but i but i drove drove one with a camera one with a camera and it is weird and it is weird in their rearview in their rearview mirror uc a reverse
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image mirror uc a reverse image but but the the camera is camera is the actual the actual image image which which is strange is strange so so couldn't couldn't that that contribute contribute? would not be better would not be better for for the the collision avoidance collision avoidance detection system? detection system? we we may may run footage run footage but the but the driver driver backs up backs up anyway anyway and does not and does not see it see it and since it is and since it is collision collision it stops the car it stops the car line not line not instead instead having having focused focused efforts of efforts of collision detection collision detection instead instead of of a a camera camera with human error with human error? >>. >> i would love for i would love for that that to be the to be the answer answer. i i want to make want to make this this clear clear all all we want is we want is a we are visibility a we are visibility standard. standard. i i love the fact love the fact the the break break would go would go on on for for you. you. if that if that is is what what does it does it is is a parent or a parent or direct direct family member family member it is it is a terrible thing a terrible thing.
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but the but the interesting interesting thing is thing is a a great great marketing marketing tool tool and i appreciate and i appreciate your your passion passion and that and that you you fought fought for for this this in thank you for being in thank you for being with us tonight with us tonight. dennis:. dennis: thousands thousands of of fake fake online pharmacies?
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one us to call the manufacturer of the drug company. the drug company manufacture, or the actual site carries their real drugs. to, call the fda. if the fda willlanswer you, which is probably likely. it will call your congressman. make sure you get medication with the makers and drug makers on the medication. dennis: okay. >> i think those are three things you can do. dennis: thank you for being with us. appreciate your time. >> you're welcome. dennis: a lot more still to come this hour, including a look at some of the best small business applications for use my phone and tablet. and she was one of the highest paid celebrity chefs in the nation. now companies are dropping paula dean faster than she has bothered to recipes. in her brand recover? we will have a debate next and get your reaction. ♪ [ male aouncer ] i've seen incredib things.
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otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seebefore. this ge jet engine can uerstand 5,000 data samples peer secon. whh is good for siness. because planes use ss fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the a suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away.
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♪ how old is the olde person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing tt hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all othese year ♪ dennis: and the backlash continues for paula dean. today target stores announcing it will follow the food network and other big-name retailers and cutting their ties with the celebrity chef. but fans of the southern cooking start coming to her defense, organizing assaults on facebook
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pages of these companies. and the latest cookbook now ranked number one on amazon. here to break down the what this means for the paula dean brand, branding expert. thank you very much for being with us. i want to kind of start first with the backlash against the backlash. now, today we have some extraordinary comments come out. rev. jesse jackson put out an almost sympathetic statements in paula dean support saying that we don't want to destroy this person. martha stewart saying i feel bad for her. >> jesse jackson, i since she is deeply troubled. her legacy and reputation are a steaks. she wants a way out. he seems almost sympathetic. martha stewart. let's start with you perry's to you think that martha stewart, jesse jackson, and others, are there risking their own brand by coming out in favor or sympathize? >> i think it is a hot topic. there weighing in, but i think
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paula dean is a buffet of blunders. she had many opportunities to really make this right. time after time she continued to ebb and dig a deeper hole for ourselves. so, it does not surprise me that they make comments. i think it's the end of the date per rand is pretty much tells. dennis: a real backlash to against some of the sponsors to have dropped her. walmart apparently had a big blow back. amazon -- target stores did. i am wondering whether you think that the endorsers that have dropped her, did they dropper too soon or did they need to go instantly? >> i think this has all been a hypocritical overreaction. paula dean atoned for hearse and, if you will. she has apologized profusely. she has prostrating herself before the world. i think it is time to move on. don't forget, jesse jackson is the same guy who called new york
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city hymie town. and he recovered from that. his own show. he never apologized. the clintons, they had larry patterson who was a security guard in the detail for bill clinton when he was governor of arkansas, and he has written extensively about how hillary and bill use anti-jewish and anti-black slurs. look where they are. i think that she has done what she needs to do. her fans show that they still love her. she is redeemable, and a thinker brand is not toast at all. she will be back in a thing she will be successful again. dennis: a little short. we have to make it -- karen, once you drops that bomb of the in-word, which seems to be -- i mean, radioactive. is there any way that a star can respond in the right way? is there something that paula dean could have done better? >> first of all, you know, it
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was -- that issue is a very sensitive, emotionally charged issue. it is different than martha stewart when it was about money or greed. and so, you know, i really don't owning what she did wrong. i mean, she danced around it, and she had three opportunities. i was embarrassed for her, and i'm still embarrassed for her. dennis: the original director video she did was a disaster, and it is almost as if you now when you send against us have to go on the today show, otherwise it does not count as a legitimate policy -- apology. i got a tweet earlier today on some of this. at african-american young man who basically was the -- and this is just a rank-and-file person, not a celebrity, no involvement. he said, i respect her more for a meeting the truth and not a lie. she was a child of the jim crow era. mark, you know, when we have this huge reaction, we shot down
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someone who uses the word. we feel better like we have stood up for blacks, but we have not done anything to change the 46% high-school dropout rate that black kids have versus 25 percent. we have not changed 70 percent@ of black children out of wedlock. we have not change the 28 percent of blacks living at the poverty line. so what we make such a big deal about ugly horrible words? we seem to not be doing a lot to address the deeper problems. >> well, it may be a case of the things about potestas to much. like i said before, there was no backlash. the other thing, these stores like targets that are dropping paula dean, i they're refusing now to sell the rap music of the stars to use that word all the time? dennis: that is a good point. >> at the same time target and
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walmart saying we will no longer sell rap cds and videos that have that word in it, are they? dennis: that is one of the biggest sellers of music. i doubt there will do that. >> hypocrisy. dennis: we have to wrap, and i appreciate both of you taking time to be with us. thank you very much. we want to know what you think. here is our question of the night. can the paula dean brand recover? log on to -- and vote on the right hand side of the screen. i will share the results of the end of the show. and later on we will look at why government should get out of the college loan business altogether wait until you see some of these numbers. next, we answer the question, how do you do that? we will have must-see tips on writing your small business on the go with the best mobile applications out there. ♪
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♪ dennis: running your business on the go has never been easier. the applications that won't break the bank and 60 seconds.
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♪ dennis: if you are running a small businesss chances are your phone is the new office. your expenses, payments, files can all be managed with apps, and you gonna have to pay a fortune. how'd you do that? joining me now, mobile editor. you know what, i see that all the time. it's a great brand new degree work. how'd you guys pronounces? >> they're you go. dennis: now that mystery has been settled, let's find out about your first call apps. one of the first would recommend is a square. basically it lets you take payments from a credit card with your telephone earlier tablet. it is not just in app. it is a piece of software.
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becomes a cash register. and it is actually free. what you need to do is get the card swipe macne thatoes intoou phone you can spe theretard for fre it does each transaction has a two and three-quarters percent. dennis: far more expensive than american express card at the store. >> well, what you could do is pay a flat fee of $275 per month than just have on limited swipes. dennis: per month? >> if you have the volume it can make it up pretty quickly. dennis: this is less for consumers. your plumber comes over, and he could use it. that's kind of cool. what is next? >> slices one of my favorite apps. when i was running a business i was shipping packages through ups and fedex and ups. what slice does is, and you give it access to your e-mail. when it goes through your e-mail and gathers all the things you have shipped such as confirmation numbers of items, it automatically sucks that
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information into the application and magically tax everything for you. you do not have to input any of the tracking numbers. and in the nice thing is every time a package will be delivered, it will actually tell you in advance, your shipment is on the truck today for delivery. if you do a lot of shipping it is really can be -- and the. dennis: and that's cool. >> i don't know if you travel a lot, but when i was running a business i did a lot of travel. it was such a hassle to try and keep track of all my reservations for the plane in the hotels and so on and so forth. trip it is interesting because when you make your reservation, either a hotel, air fare, whenever, you then get a confirmation e-mail from whoever is providing the travel. you forward that to tripit, and the apps it shows your itinerary for you up, puts it right into a calendar format that you can input into your own calendar on your phone and shows you whether and things to do a round or you will be deleted is sandy. dennis: the thing is to my have to tell you, this just feels
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exhausting. i write a nice little index card . do i really need -- isn't ii too much sugar for a dime? >> in that case, you have to track it. what if you lose that piece of paper? to have the e-mail and everything managed by tripit, it's free. you can have it managed for you. on top of that one thing that you're an expert can i do, if you go with the professional version there will alert you if your flight is delayed, changes gates, help you track down another flight. so that kind of request. dennis: the airlines do that anyway, send the e-mail. let's jump to lock me in. i like that name. >> i thought it was a tree based thing before, but it is logged me in. what it does is lets you remotely access your map for pc from a farmee tablet. maybe you have to cross the payroll numbers.
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you can jump in and remote-control into your computer and viewed on your phone or tablet, just manage the application. you can interface. you can kick off programs, anything that you need to do you can do remotely. dennis: that sounds great. system to get on vacation. thank you for being with us. appreciated. have a good night. coming up, another good day for the markets. does that mean our reserve over? the fed easing and tell that. federal student loan rates meanwhile set to double on monday. maybe that's a good thing for taxpayers. leaving students high and dry? what's next. ♪
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at od, whatever business you' in, that's t business we're in. with premium serviceike one of the best on-timeelivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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dennis: it is official, student loan rates, interest rates will double on monday. congress has not scheduled a vote on the issue before then to work on this. the college loan crisis is the
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next big financial crisis. like the last big bust, the federal government has its share of the blame. take a look in some numbers. the college loan crisis is so bad that it is far outpacing credit card debt by more than $300 billion. look at that, 9,806,000,000,000, that is almost a trillion. this is the federal government that has the fortune that the taxpayers have to guarantee. we're putting a 106 billion this year alone in federally guaranteed college loans, 40% per year since obama took @%fice. where is this going? with me now, campus consultants, the author of paying for college without killing broke. thank you for being with us. looking at some of these numbers. when you look at the default rate, credit cards, 20% interest rate. the rest that they won't get paid back. college loans at 3 percent and,3 they will go up tt a just under seven. the default rate is over 11 percent and the feds actually say it will double to 22 percent
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once deferrals and greece. slap. what is going on? >> part of the reason is the sign of the times. one of the -- the students are deciding to go on for advanced degrees. they are borrowing more money. a large amount of money in the graduate students are able to borrow more money in the federally sponsored loan programs and undergraduate students, so that is one of the big reasons for the increase. of course, a default is the problem. some students are not even aware unfortunately that there are provisions for them to work with the lenders to avoid default which is something that all students who are borrowers to have these loans should try to do. dennis: isn't this, in part, what happens when the federal government takes over a private industry business? president obama's says that banks are too greedy and mean. the federal government will do a better job. banks, when the loan moneyy have to make sure to get it back. the fed's, they learn new money and don't care whether they get
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it back. >> they actually have services that to the loans which has been part of the problem, the servicing of the loans, abuses with the collection efforts. but part of the problem is, as soon as the students come out of school and don't have a job, what they do? that is part of the problem, the sad thing with the high unemployment rate. many students going to college. it is the american dream, and now -- dennis: our government is giving out money willy-nilly $100 billion per year in guaranteed loans without checking credit ratings for the people who receivehout doing a background check or even checking whether they are enrolled in college. the wall street journal had a story last week. fraud, almost one-and-a-half billion paid out in in proper federal loan payments system the past year. 34,000 people who are members of criminal organizations got loan payments. this is crazy. >> it is. that is part of the problem. the schools issues of not verifying enrollment doing that
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which is part of the problem with the loan. it is unfortunate because there are many students that are dependent on these loans in order to go to college. the colleges, of course, are addicted to the federal debt as well. dennis: philosophical wises up to the federal government? why isn't it up to me to find a way to a but myself through college? >> that is hard to do for many students to do that. they have had these loans, but in recent years that has decelerated tremendously, the amount of borrowing that students can do with the federal loan. dennis: in that has lifted tuition prices which are up 40 percent of the past five to ten years because of the flood of money that comes in which allows prices to rise. >> there is no easy answer. dennis: i was thinking, shouldn't they be giving out federal loan guarantees based upon what they want people to go steady? we are short tens of thousands of engineers. why not give loans to people who study engineering and not people who want to study 17th century french poetry?
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>> that is a difficult question to answer. unfortunately the government did used to have a grant program for students that were going to go into the high-tech fields. the smart grant program for students who wanted to go into certain majors. they cancelled that program which is unfortunate because that is part of the thing to encourage students to go into the high-need areas to give them incenttves to do that. other loan forgiveness or grants. for a few years and then yet unfunded. dennis: almost a trillion dollar liability. they are saying a 20% default rate which is $200 billion. that is a big number. it seems like no one is watching it at all. >> there are some provisions with the federal aid. if the default rate is too high, the weighted average of the students at the school, which is a certain point that the schools can lose their eligibility for federal assistance. dennis: that is something. >> they do have some checks and
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place, but is still upon the dead exploding. dennis: so far i see no checks on anything at all in this college loan program. i did not take loans to go to school, but it sure is easy to do it now, may be too easy. thank you for being with us. when we come back, all morning for you before your bedtime tonight. why you should not snuggle up to your ipad. next, despite said strength of myths and bad economic news, the market in the green again. bad news actually good news on wall street? stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer hurry, befe this opptunity cools of but i'm also on a lot of medications that dry mmouth out. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i s my dentist and he suggested biotene. it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use the biotene ri twice a day and then i use the spra throughout the da it actually saved my career in a way.
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because biotene really did make a difference. when some people struggle with heir mortgage payments, they become frozen, but the people who take action, are far more likely to get the most positive outcome. call this free government ogram for the option that's right for you. (announcer) at scottrade, r cexacy how they want.est with scottrade's online banking, i get one view o of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when call my local scottrade ofce, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade.e. awarded five-stars from smaron magazine. ♪ dennis: they are on a roll, baby. a 3-day winning streaks for
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stocks. the dow up triple digits. maybe traders were entirely wrong or just shrugging off last week's announcement by the federal reserve that it will start curbing back tapering on those stimulus program. they seem already to be affecting our wars for more on what he calls a big overreaction let's bring in scott martin, the chief market strategist for united advisers. you know, i love it when market pros like you tell me the markets are always right. please tell us, how can the markets have been right as the ddw fell over 600 points in three days? and then also right as that gown now goes up over 100 points three days in a row? it cannot be read in both cases, can the? >> well, i was going to say that i know i won't be read you part -- the traders are right. to your lead in, i think this was a complete overreaction because to me what the fed said last week was something that everybody has been talking about for the last two, three, four
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quarters which is we have these economic targets. the economy is not getting worse. it may be getting better. if it gets better we will step away, and that think that is exactly what they should want. that is why, as i said on a similar show on monday talking about the overreaction and what people should use this as a buying opportunity because i think the market will right itself and go out. dennis: where do you think the dow will close by year end? >> probably a good five to 10% higher, and maybe even higher than that. you know why? interest rates. i tell you, people are getting scared out of the bond market. that is a bad thing for couple of reasons, but a good thing for stocks because they have nowhere else to go. money markets are not paying anything. commodities are getting smoked. equities seem to be the only game in town. dennis: yet in the past week or two we saw everything go down. stocks, gold, oil, bonds. where's the money going? >> that is a great question. it seemed like it was going to
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money markets. ironically notice coming out. your point is well taken. when typically that happens we call that correlation going to one. everything goes read it the same time. the benefit of that is that it tends to be a very short-lived phenomenon, meaning that things get blown out of the water and people come back and pick up the pieces which is why you are seeing the market bounced back really well. the pendulum is swinging back in our favor. dennis: i keep hearing a lot of market pros insist the only reason the market is up is because of the fed loose money policy and for 100 years or more have not stocks always been a prediction of where earnings are going? do you think that the market's rising, up 15% this year before all this turmoil, do you think that the rise is just the fed souffle or is it eaanings doing well and the economy mending? >> you're making me hungry. my favorite elephant in the room is the fed.
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keeping interest rates low helps people barrault, companies refinanced, obviously has helped the housing market. i'm telling you, if rates stay low this is good because companies will refinance and reinvest capital. i think this is a fed type of souffle based upon where earnings are banned -- have been which has not been an impressive dennis: one last thing. if the markets turn out to be wrong when they sent the dow down, are the market's wrong with all this talk about the bond bubble? bond yields are up from january until now meaning that bond prices are up 43%. so is the market wrong? >> no, but i think people looking at bonds the wrong way, dennis. you know as well as i do, being a smart guy then i trying to -- listen, if you want to up by security and as long as the company is not bankrupt or go into default, you will the money back. @%e reality is, most of the time
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especially on u.s. government treasury you get your money back while the volatility may be higher in your bond portfolio, it's not exactly something you need to run from. dennis: thank you very much. your way to get this. >> i will hang up the phone. dennis: still to come to my gadgets in bed. no, not those. i'm talking tablets and smart phones. why reading by the light at night may be bad for your health. next. ♪
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♪ dennis: still to come, we are talking gadgets in the bedroom, turning them on could keep you up. the mind of the gutter. a? ♪
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♪ dennis: having trouble falling asleep? instead of counting sheep, just put down your smart phone. scientists say that the light from the screens can disrupt your internal clock. joining me now with the details, dr. kevin campbell. thank you for being with us. i have to tell you, i kind of wonder why we need our smart phones by the bedside to check in at 3:00 a.m. it is not like we are expecting department. >> you know, i think it has become a society of addiction to gadgets and smart phones. i find myself checking my e-mail think it is a difficult habit to break.
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dennis: and what physiologically happens when you have got your smart phone or your ipad in your bedroom at night? >> well, one of the things that you need to understand is that the body produces a hormone called melatonin. it is called the vampire hormone because it is only produced in the dark at night. when you have your iphone or your ipad or other smart phone in front of you, it produces a light that can disrupt the production of melatonin. in fact, two hours of time in front of an ipad before going to bed on a bright light will reduce your levels of melatonin teeseven by what percentage? >> enough to disrupt your sleep cycle to where you cannot get to sleep, wake up early, just completely have very disordered sleep and wake up i'm refreshed and not ready for your next day work. dennis: if i take a melatonin supplement, those bills that you can take, then could i have it by my bed? [laughter] >> i think that can help, but i think that the better habit is
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to get into a habit of good sleep hygiene, meaning in the bedroom, try to avoid smart phones and ipads and computers and lying in bed eating and watching tv. use the better for sleep rather than working. dennis: are you guilty of what nicklaus, the great tech guy has called the demonization? for decades americans have had television screens in their bedrooms, are they running the melatonin levels? >> i think that it does have an impact, but interestingly, a study just show that if you are using these things further than 14 inches away from your face and you use the minimal amount of light setting, it does not affect the melatonin levels. so using a laptop on your lap may not affect you, just like keeping a reader or an iphone request your face. dennis: repeat that because it is good, usable advice, useful advice. i have to keep it 14 inches away and give some binoculars so i can actually see it.
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a turn the light down. >> that's right. this screen brightness adjustment tool, making it as little brightness as possible to still see it. if you do that it will not change levels of melatonin. you know, melatonin levels have been shown when the yellow to increase your risk for cancer, to increase your risk for other diseases like type two diabetes. it's an important hormone. dennis: i think we in blue -- we should have said iphone by your bedside could cause cancer, but that would have been wrong. one last question. you have to be honest. when you go to sleep a night, where is your ipad, smart phone? >> honestly, it's at my bedside table, particularly if i am on call. dennis: you are guilty of the very thing you're telling us to >> yes, sir, but i'm going to try to do better, just like everyone else short. dennis: that is like a lot of doctors. go to your doctor, criticizing about your weight and meanwhile he is 40 pounds over. thank you so much for being with
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us. that was fine. interesting stuff. all right. thank you, sir.
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dennis: target is the latest company to end its relationship with celebrity chef paula dean after she admitted to using racial slurs in the past. do you think your brand will ever be able to recover? here is with some of your posting on the show's facebook page. she's done. try to explain it said too many times. all the crying only made her look worse. she should have stood firm and said it once and done. marion disagrees. of course you will make a mistake. happened many years ago. as soon as this becomes old news she will recover. we have a shorter attention span. we ask this on 81 percent of you said yes. 19 percent said no. that is a big spread. batting in favor of the come back. here are some of your e-mails. a simple text of allowing everyone to calculate and submit
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their taxes themselves would not require an army of irs agents. instead of would only require a small force of inspector general's to check for fraud and waste and those who are caught in illegal behavior won't just did put on paid furloughs are shuffled around to other areas but actually be punished terahertz, their pocketbooks and not ours. well said. until and unless our country creates and uses a strategic and dedicated tax system as an economic tool our country has little chance in an ever more competitive global economy. up until now those we elect to use the tax system for appeasing a political base. sophisticated night. and here is richard from south dakota. the postal service is the only agency that has to pre-fund retiree health care. how many businesses could survive with an obligation would like that? without that obligation the postal service would be in a black each year. coming up tomorrow, and fashion says yes to the second dress with the help of david's bridle.
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celebrity stylist tells us what is hot for a bride walking down the aisle again. that is it for tonight on "the willis report." i'm dennis kneale. thank you for joining us. i will see you bright and early tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. have a great night. ♪ >> good evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. and lori rothman in tonight for lou dobbs. a controversial gang of immigration reform bill passing in the senate just moments ago. 68-32 vote, 14 republicans joining the entire democratic caucus to pass the massive 1100 page bill. house speaker confirming the bill will not see the light of day in the house. senate democrats and republican supporters on the last declaring victory moments after. >> tomorrow marks the sixth anniversary of the last defeat of immigration on the floor of the united states senate. today there was a much better ending, a h


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