tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 27, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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for any legislation, including the conference report to pass the house will have to be a bill that has the support of the majority of our members. lori: our first guest voted against the senate bill saying that it is amnesty now enforcement may be much later. please welcome the senator from louisiana. welcome.
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>> thank you for the invitation. lori: tell me more about why you decided not to vote in favor of the immigration bill? >> you really just said it. this is a model we tried before that failed before. immediate amnesty with promises of enforcement. amnesty now and then force that may be later. that has never worked before. it as always meant amnesty for sure, but the enforcemmnt never materializes. we need that enforcement first. that is with the american people want, and we need to not just a promise it for the 20th time. we need to enforce it cannot verify it, touched off the lead, make sure it is their entrust the verify. lori: the economic impact fascinates me. proponents of this immigration legislation point out, senator, that it leaves billions of dollars in social security revenue, but you are quick to point out it could mean a $10 billion deficit. explain more. >> i think the best steady in this regard is by the heritage
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foundation. he thought given the folks that will be legalized, it will cost the taxpayers more than the treasury, new revenue. he went through a very deliberate process to come to those conclusions. in a negative impact of billions of dollars. lori: you point out some of these pet projects are eyebrow raiser is. more visas for the meat industry. pushing for special treatment for irish workers. you have senator arubia looking for help for the cruise ship industry. higher office than editor -- immigration reform? >> i thought it was supposed to be banned, but these are even more pure and simple. special-interest provisions for themselves, their states, very narrow provisions. they clearly came out of this gang of eight, thhir individual
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>> routinely dealt with between la officials and various countries. >> a sharp turnabout for president his team has previously made the case seem anything but rouuine right up until three days ago. secretary of state john kerry warning in an interview that the consequences of the actions could be grave. >> people may die as a consequence of what this man did >> today the president took a different tact, downplaying the drama by comparing it to a that it did not rise to is level and to force the chinese government to turn snowden over when he was hiding in hong kong and should not now personally forced the russians to deliver him from his hideout at the moscow airport. >> we have a lot of business we do with china and russia, and i won't have one case of a suspect who we're trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where i have to start
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doing wheeling and dealing in trading. >> the change in tone comes after critics on the left have hammered democratic leaders like nancy pelosi. whee she addressed the liberal nation convention last weekend she said snowden is not a hero and was quickly drowned out. critics on the right have charged that the president looks week for not being -- bringing the chinese and russians along. >> we will continue make sure we're following the various channels that are well-established and the rules their well-established to try to get this thing done. we have other business in the meantime. >> such as a weeklong effort to spotlight africa, including a visit to glory island and the notorious door of no return where millions of shackle slaves passed through on their way to america. >> a very poweeful moment whenever i can travel with my family. >> also focused on the health of former south african president nelson mandela who remains in
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grave condition at a pretoria hospital. >> if and when he passes from this place one thing at think we will all know is that his legacy is one that will linger around throughout the ages. >> tomorrow the president has to south africa for three days. aides say he would love to meet with mandela again but they are @%ferring to the mandela family. officials got into it last night suggesting his health was deteriorating but today he stabilized. lori: thank you, ed henry, chief white house correspondent. much more on the hunt. eli lake in moments. murder charges filed against the boston bomber. the latest details and the ever-growing mountain of evidence is straight ahead. it. ♪ you hurt my feelings, todd.
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♪ lori: welcome back. president obama making some puzzling statements regarding in s a leaker governmend snowden. the daily beast offers his thoughts. first, stocks posting gains for a third consecutive session with the dow gaining 114 points. the s&p up ten and the nasdaq up 26 points. volume on the big board, over 3 billion shares trading hands. we learned weekly jobless claims fell 9,000. and in home sales rose to a 6-year high. the cftc charges former in f global, former governor of new jersey and the firm for allegedly misusing nearly $1 billion in customer funds as the firm collapsed.
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crude oil settled about 97. in the bond market, falling to a just under 3%. a federal grand jury returning 3 30 count indictment against the boston marathon bombing suspect charging and 900 with using the weapons of mass destruction and killing four people. the indictment alleges he and his brother download instructions on building a homemade bomb, website. he also is charged with 15 state-level criminal counts stemming from the slaying of an mit police officer nd a carjacking during the getaway attempt. that left his older brother did. he faces a possible death sentence if convicted and is scheduled to be arraigned on july 10th.
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president obama is saying he will not do any wheeling and dealing to bring the nsa leaker back to the u.s. the guardian newspaper published secret documents showing the administration of the agency this week up records showing internet and e-mail usage of american citizens. joining me now eli lake. welcome. >> thank you very much for -aving me. lori: when the president says something like -- something for sure, i will not be scrambling just to get a 29-year-old hacker, not a leaker, he is downplaying mess. do you think he is trying to lessen the importance of the case? >> assuming that there would be some negotiation with the russians to try to get him extradited, which is probably on likely to lead to anything, it is as far negotiation tactic to publicly say won't make this a huge party because you're negotiating partner across the table says you will squeeze as
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for other concessions on things the russians would be interested in whether it be missile defense or our policy on georgia or other things. i think that there is a sense that this turn into a situation where, you know, the fate will be determined by larger geopolitical issues with moscow and i think that obama is simply saying he does not want to go down the road. at the same time it looks like he is not singing from the same songbook as the rest of his administration who are telling us how brave and horribleethis breaches. a week or two ago people were calling him a traitor. now the president is calling him a hacker. they're is a huge difference. i never thought we had enough information to call him a traitor if you read the definition in the constitution. they're is a definite change in terms. lori: there are two themes, the geopolitical out, and our relationship wwth so many of our colleagues were international peers and it is kind of
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concerning the way china has reacted. you mentioned the situation with russia, the situation with ecuador says in a -- sang it is waiving favorable trade rights and has also offered the u.s. 23 million in aid for education about human rights. let's start with this whole referendum if you want to call it that and what it says about the way the rest of the world views the united states right now. >> right now it does not seem like the united states is feared smaller countries like ecuador appeared to be taunting the united stttes. it reminds me in some ways, not unique to obama. after hurricane katrina, hugo chavez offered all this aid to the people of your lens. this is what petty despot's will tend to do a times to try tab make themselves look more important among their own populations which in ecuador there is a terrific story which ironically show the ecuadorian government purchasing israeli equipment to monitor cell phone
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traffic inside their country. everybody kind of does it, but the u.s. got caught. lori: the underlying question is in regard to the danger of all of this information, the national securrty of these leaks . glenn greenwald told you -- and i'm curious. before i get to this, i want to know why. is it because he is not part of the story? >> well, he is definitely part of the story. i will look a gift horse in the mouth. -hat story did pretty well for us. thank you for the interview. lori: fair point. basically he tells you that snowdon shared encoded copies of these documents he took with people all over the world and if something should happen to him he will make sure that information is being released. they're is a significant danger. the president is downplaying the risk. that is concerning. >> we don't know the full extent of what he has, and we don't know what is -- i mean, the
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assumption is -- and he has ttlked about this. there are technical blueprints for how the national security agency actually gets the data out of the fiber-optic cables and the locations of their stations and the real technical know-how that helps the agency set up with a call platforms to vacuum up a lot of this kind of data and so forth. so we know what he did. he fabricated encryption keys within the national security agency that allowed him access to servers that he himself as a systems administrator was not supposed to access. lori: do we know what else he might have? >> we don't know. the director said that today. he does not know the extent. and the fbi has investigated all kinds of possibilities of this point. that is part of it.
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the unknown level of what he was able to get. the fact they're all over the internet and other people have these files and you just have to give the password and it will be all over the place is that kind of wikileaks situation. instead of sensitive diplomatic cables, these are the most classified secrets in the u.s. government, signal intelligence. and if he also got the other side of the mission which is information assurance and doing information security for the u.s. intelligence committee in the military, well, that is the super nightmare scenario. that would potentially mean that he would have things like the nuclear codes. lori: we have to run, but do you think the administration should be doing more to get this guy back and find out this information? >> i'm not entirely sure what more the administration -- i don't know what more they could do. it is unlikely that they could order a special operations rate
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in moscow. lori: fair point. thank you so much. coming up, more explosive testimony from the prosecution's star witness. whether george zimmerman is guilty of murder. highlights next.ion ♪ hone. ♪ right. but the most imrtant feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my ventu card to erase recent travel purcses. d with a few ccks, this ission never hapened. uh, what's this button do? [ ectricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. at's in your wallet?
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months ago max baucus to help to write the law said he was concerned implementation would be a'' trade rack not to mention the administration is so worried about the unpopularity is looking to join forces with the sports leagues in hollywood to promote it. >> the more on coal not the only fossil fuel under attack. hastings gives us his plan to capitalize on national resources. next. to get a list of equity options... evaluate them with our p&l calculator... and ecute faster with our more intuiti tra ticket. i'm greg stevens, and i helped create fifidelity's options platform. it's o more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free tras when you open an account.
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>> georgette night air it -- if alleged the term of progressive was on and the list as greeters with no evidence they were mistreated'' mack we found no indication in these materials the progress is was a used to refer case is for screening for political campaign intervention. ways and means chairman powless of the information's been met so far the evidence shows systematic targeted by the ira's not just flagged but targeted. >> they sounded aggravated the inspector general had not revealed this souders be reckoned opec colleaaues on the republican side will join as to condemn the use of the term progressives on the screening less sandy failure of the igc becoming
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-- to be forthcoming. >> from his own report looking ahead to what went wrong he said he found no villains. >> fact gathering is still ongoing we have not found evidence of intentional wrongdoing by anyone at the irs or involvement by anyone outside of the irs five. >> to a number of republicans ask why mr. werfel was in a rush to jump to the conclusion. >> it is a sham. it is to sid and of stare daschle to read the whitewash description. >> and also being ripped for excessive production. >> to the extent there is a notion and a concern that there is over redaction. this is john. this has no meaning. colleagues said ed letter to tte chairman to have him come back under oath and one
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to know why he did not mention the liberal references on the be on the lookout list for now. lori: following obama is planned to fight climate change the next guest is sponsoring a new bill expanding offshore energy production seeking to remove government barriers that block production of our u.s. energy resources. obama effectively oppose the offshore drilling moratorium and the plan that keeps 85 percent of the up offshore with its offshore and to expand drilling off the coast of california mccready more than 1 million new american jobs to lower energy prices and growing our economy. joining us is doc hastings also a member of the oversight and government reform committee.
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welcome above to talk to environmental and irs so what you are sponsoring the white house vote tomorrow, wwat do you think the outcome will be? why should an impasse? >> frankly i believe cahow hit will pass on the bipartisan basis we have done with this issue it haa bipartisan support and i suspect this will to but it recognizes we have tremendous resources under federal control whether offshore or federal land. for us but to use those resources would have an economy growing very slowly slowly, if we can become more energy independent overtime, to create american jobs in the more secure because we have energy created within our area, that is a winner in that is the reason for the bell. lori: the environmental
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concerns seem to carry a lot of weight. >> also in the bill by the way we put it in and codify the reorganization was in place during the bp still. that is important did with that comes more scrutiny. i reject the notion this is not environmentally friendly at all because what we will do in this legislation is make sure there is certainty what the of regulations are. , i heard it from those regulated tell us what they are in we willlcomply. so we codified the of recommendations as to the agency of the oversee offshore drilling. lori: so the commission raised a lot of eyebrows to interpret it as a war on call in to it is a huge economic driver in to be the
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number one source of electricity. what is your take on that and what should the outcome be with regards to coal? >> we have an abundance of coal and it is foolish not to utilize the resource. i am in favor of all of the above energy. i believe weeshould have coal, hydro, nuclear, i am in favor of all of that but the president needs to pick winners and the losers if he is conducting a war on coal. lori: and export said the monthly record so that it is okay export mostly to asian countries and deal with the pollution but it is not enough in the united states? >> that is the irony because
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technology here a and for him to suggest we should not have been a coal plants year it ships the product someplace else who to not be digitalized jazz them up -- as well as they are here but they try to pick winners and losers and solyndra comes to mind. lori: let me rigo to the latest on the irs with the ways and means testimony. house oversight committee meets tomorrow morning and then said i made nothing wrong but then took the fifth amendment and he will decide if you ask back for testimony. what is the outcome? >> when she testified she made a statement then @%serted the fifth amendment rights. that is contrary to what it is so we will have a resolution saying when she
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made a statement before she asserted her right that she waived her fifth amendment we will have the of resolution and i suspect that will pass to give us options because the may 22nd committee meeting was resurfaced -- recess but this was the first up that she waived her fifth amendment rights and we will put that in a resolution to go from there. lori: we will watch that. thank you so much for being our guest. and to break down what is driving the market's next.
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liability is as big as the annual revenue of eight -- illinois had the highest in the country equal at two under 41 percent of the revenues are $1,303,000,000,000 in connecticut has the second-highest bench and vernon -- burdened behind hawaii. moving higher after consumer spending rising end jobless claims rising and its chief market technician. good to see you. we have three days in a row with the longest winning streak into munson rumors are concerned about a correction or the fed but it seems like that is a distant memory? what do you think? >> everyone was concerned but they're also waiting so what i think we have underway is oversold the s&p
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500,000 of five 5% from the recent high and that was constructive. so i look at charts if you look at the 20 year chart you will see it is very much in a long-term uptrend. we have to keep in mind corrections as long as it is positive movement that those are a counter trend moved and it has been orderly with this direction and there are buyers waiting on the sidelines waiting for a good news waiting to get back into the market. >> sealock at levels in just over 1600 so what is the support and resistance levels? with the above oversold and overbought? what is the next catalyst were milestone mark? >> for support of the s&p
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500 i am looking at a level that is important first because that for resistance at the 2007 high and it is important to preserve that breakout with a 30 year trading range to the upside so with the 1550 support level that upturn is in tact and preserves our long-term target of 1780 that i think is realistic 2014. once we got above that to clear the charter of resistance that made the path of least resistance higher which still has that positive long-term momentum so we have seen no impact to go intermediate. lori: let's move away from equities with the breakdown of the price of gold moving to $1,200 an ounce. where are we with precious metal? said a you don't focus on
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fundamentals with the federal reserve and the commentary there is absolutely no inflation in the u.s. economy right now and nobody sees any reason for gold. >> with the short-term downtrend is accelerated and 1200 is importunes current to have support around 1160 @%t it may be a floor for gold but it is not something i want to be adding exposure to it does not have any buy signals and right now momentum is to the down side and to where it has been since 2001. and it could give you climactic selling and that could be happening in the price of gold. lori: that is interesting discussion. thank you.
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up ahead barney frank and his opinions with a shocking admission. and the "a team" coming up. whater business yore in, that's theusiness wee in. withrecords and a lowlike one of the best claims ratio,ery we do whatever it takes to make yourusiness our business od. helping e world keep promises. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purcha eraser. i can redeem theouble miles i earned with my venture card to erase rent tvel purchases. d with a feclicks, this mission neve happened.
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lori: for a summer day it sure is busy but let's get some analysis from monica crowley and former warehou senior adviser to clinton and radio talk-show hosts, let's start with the immigration bill is dead on arrival in the house of representatives so hard to see the past immigration unfolding from here?
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>> whatever has emerged from the senate will be an uncertain future in the house and it is also working in-house under a separate bill that it may her -- passed a version of this but in some sort of version of a reform bill than go to conference but then it will look alike the senate bill but remember in 2006 with a try to go down this road the democratic senate passed the immigration build not unlike this one i believe the vote was 63. so very similar only to die a gruesome death and it did not go anywhere. the recent history is on the side of dying but the polittcal consensus on all sides that they have been sentenced but i think it is to get something done. lori: let's give it to
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richard to come in now and to say maybe border enforcement later may be. amnesty now. >> there was a lot of republicans. >> they got a 68 they fell short but there was a lot of republican votes in mainstream senators voted for this immigration bill in the senate. i think republicans want the immigration bill if they think it will help them with moderates and independents they should construct the immigration bill this is far from a radical proposal 13 years to become a u.s. citizen? but if fete parties want to stand in the wavv of immigration reform but they will pay a heavy price in
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with the midterm and if they try to elect a republican president again. >> senator rubio was raising eyebrows. and congressman paul ryan to position himself as a bridge builder. what do think? >> hillary rodham clinton had already has her mariachi band with the pri's presidential tour of california, arizona, new mexico it could be the first candidate that wins texas since lbj. >> she has george soros of backing her with the super pak. that says a lot. >> they cannot use his money so those who had his billions. with those monsters in
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existence but then it is bill and hillary and where is the source of the many? in order to back hillary rodham clinton to earn her way into the white house? is a sterling pound? [laughter] >> i don't think a reasonable person thinks george soros is a criminal but a successful businessman. he has very progressive views sam put his money behind promoting his views but certainly he is an outstanding member of the business community like any american in the individual uses the many for those he believes in and the accusations you have made. >> he deetroys currencies committee went after the
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u.k.. >> the british ccrrency was not destroyed. >> barney frank backing the legalization although he said he never tried it. not shocked by. lou: ed that kind of made since but even now you understand all sides of that argument? >>. >> first of all, he did in the context he has written a book with his policies ideas and he is a progressive thinker. there is a debate whether or not we should put money behind a drug treatment as opposed to prevention and enforcement. it is a provocative idea. >> to talk about legalization but heroin is a bridge too far.
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lori: this has been great. you guys are great. that does it for tonight. now check out markets now hosted by myself and adam shapiro every day. have a great night. come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... ale announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card shoulde.
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>> the irs targeted tea partners but those groups that were mistreated they get a consolation prize? not a washer or dryer but a check for $1,000. i am charles payne. the irs has a new plan to grow with the scandal a watchdog calls for the irs to give targeted groups $1,000 in a and apology pavement. the cheap party perhaps say it is an insult and your group was targeted by the irs so i can imagine you are pretty happy? >>
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