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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 29, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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every weekday from 3:00 to 6:00 eastern time. we'll have another great tv show for you next week. in the meantime, i hope to hear you on the radio. good evening, everybody. thank you for being wth us. the fate of the immigrati reform bill making its way through congress may be in the hands now of somef the most conservative memrs of the publican party. housepeaker john boehner says he will not move on the senate's gang of eight bill until it has the support of the majority of the republicans in the hoe. and it's unclear whether ty will support it. the republan party's share of the hispanic vote has actually declined. it fell after president reagan signed the original amnesty legislation into law in 1986.
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tonight wll be asking republicans national committee chairman reince pries abou what benefit the republican party would gain from th administration and also hear the chaian of the veterans affair committee, congressm jeff miller on e benef back log at the v.a. that he calls a national crisis. and the obama white house ungulfed in scandal. we've bee asking our viewers to joining us to assess a number of issues that are pretty important to the republican party and the future, issues like immigration, national security, we're joined by the chairman of the republican national mmittee, reince priebus. >> thanks for having me here. it's a beautiful place. >> well, thank you, we spif it up just for special guests.
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>> nice elephant behind me. >> we do that for, as i say, important guests. let's start wi what's going on with some of your spokesmen. you have senator john mccain, lindsay grahm, kelly ayotte. they'rbeating drums loudly for military intervtion in syria. 70% of the american people say don'even think about it, mr. president. are they rpresenting the republican partyere? what isthe deal? >> national security is obviously something that i got to te you and i've said it before, it no a place as chairman of the party that we dive into a lot but the common thread ithat the president isn't leading. his yes isn't yes and hiso isn't no. he's not decive onthese issues. i got to tell you, when he gets pushed into militar intervention or at least weapons
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or support by a comment made by ll clinton -- >> bill clinton he would be a wuss if he didn't. >> in the next few days the presidt came out and saidnow we're going to dabble into sya. dabbling into anything is problematic. >> one would think that the repupuican party and conservatives would stand up for conservative values. we're a party of freedom. we'valways been a party of aa strong national defense. we've always believed in what agan said thateace through strength shoul be a hallmark of this untry. so, yeah, we -- >> but isn't the operative word there reince defense, not attack? >> listen, but establishing freedom around the world is somethin that's a cornerston ofhis untry. >> wait minute. whoa! are you sayi to me that we have just taken on th responsibility of bringing freedom -- >> no, of course not. we don't have the responsibility to carpet the world. i do think, hough, presidt
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of the united states that you have to exhibit strength and sometimes strength is yes and sometimes strength is no but i also think that dabbling and playing both sides of the fence and suddenly coming o in favor of some support after a former prident citicizes you kind of just shows you exactly where this president's at. >> i don't know if you watch charlie rose onot but last time he reveed his reversal. he's back to wuss. >> and he's evolved on everything. he's involving now on nsa. now he trying to bring bush in the issue. >> let's talk about another evolution and that's marco rubio. my gosh! you're on fire tonight. >> i'msry? >> i said you're on fire tonight. >>ot me, i sit here and the world washes over me. re's marc rubio talking about how grea the bl is and personly sayinghe border
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patrol is toolight andit won't work this way and won't pass. >> i think he is bng consistent. >> i can't wait hear this construction. >> i've listened to you for years. the fact othe matters if you dot get the border security piece straight -- it not a talking point, is the truth. if whave comprehensive immigration reform and we' got ten in we agree on, if you have no ability to secure the border, what's going to happen? in a few years if you have no cure border, we're going to be negotiating over instead of a five-year-old penalty, make it four. in the end, you've got no secu border. you've got nothing the end. >> if ever anyonn was prehing to the choir, it is you at this very moment. d let me bring to your attention that themendment that would have provided for defense and security on the border was defeated and voted against by te gang of eight, the grassley amendment which
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would ve providedfor significant security, the real deal, was defeated and with the votes of all of the members of thgang of eit. at what point does anybody in either the republican or democrat party, if i may say, pay attent to history here? in 2006 and 2007 there could haveeen a bill that was passed into law but those senators -- primarily senators -- and the president trying to gain the issue were watching the same thing unfolding here. the folks wahing you a me tonight,hey're going to vote and they're going to vote i think in significant numbers and they're kind of tired of being games. >> i think everybody is tired of being gamed.
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>> i got it but what's the point? >> the point is that -- my point is that unless you have a the reason we're focusing on this border security piece -- >> you're focused on it? are you kidding me? marco rubio votedgainst it. lindsay graham voted against it. >> on one piece, lou. >> two pieces. these are the same guys say without border security it doesn't work. don't you findhat intellectually at least pnconsistent? it may be good policy but it's lousy logic. >> there might be multiple answers -- >> wewe onl have time for one. >> i think you're going to get a billut of t senate and i think th these people also
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made calculations as tohat it would take t pass a bill out of the senate and deal with the house and deal with thessues in a republican-contrled house. >> it's a simple deal. i don't know why they want to make it coplicated. we'lfigure that mystery out later. go ahead. >> no, i'm sorr >> and i'morry to you. we'll figure out what was meant to say there another time. lindsay graham saying the gop is in a death spiral if you don't buy into the gg of eightdeal. meanwhile over in thehe house, goodlatte is pushing through fo discrete bis that make l the sense ithe world. why in the world would the republican party buy into the gang of eight proposition, which is so light on security and, by the way, so undefined in terms of its reach that it's goin to be at best a tough set? >> it's not going to be a tough sell because i think that the
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bill is going to get to the house. >> how about th deathspiral? >> no. i tnk that we're a long way from this bil bill being comple. >> how about if the bills don't appear and lindsay graham suggested, it fails, the prospect, the hypothetical the gop is in a death piral? >> i don't think that's true. >> you're in a death spiral if does pass? >> of course not. we're not in a deh spiral either way. you have successful reblicans on both sides this issue that armaking the case to a americans, whether you're hispanic, african-erican, white, everyone in between. >> how many town hall meetings have been held onmmigration reform? by whom? >> republicans or democrats. >> i don't keep a tally on how many on justmmigration reform. >> i know it's not a big ise with you guys but i pay attention to it. they haven't had any. that's a shame.
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people should be ab to come into a republican sponsored ton hall meeting and express themselves. >> i've had one and -- >> friday? >> i think it friday afternoon in santa ana. so've doneem >> good. i hope you keep dog them. last time folks got kind of squeezed o of the deal. maybe it will be different this time. reince priebus, thank you. >> it's being called a threat to the world. a super bug with no known cure and kills at aalarming rate.ks
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turning to a deay new reat that has world health official on alt. the world organizatn confirmed five more cases of middle east represents syndrome, the coronavirus, the sars-like virus is a threat to the entire wod. 27 the 49 confirm cases have resuld in death. joining us to give us perspective on this deadl virus, fox news contributor dr. mark siegel. i've never heard of a vir that has better than a 50% dth rate. you know, this is stunning stuff. what isappening here? >> well, lou, let me walk you through this.
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>>hat's why you're here. >> it's certainly something we ne to take seriously. any time a new virus emerges and we don't know what the scope it have is gog to be. the initial virus looks like it has a higheath rate among the cases. here's t problem -- first of all, d margaret chan is not very shy when she says threat t the entirworld. she said it with bir flu, could kill up to 90 million. she said it with swine flu. >> she's an alarmist. she did it wit sars. sars in 203, lou,nfected about 7,000 people and killed out 700. when it first emerged, sars was about a 50% dea rate and everyone panicked, it' going to kill the entire world. the city o toronto was cordoned offiterally and asia spent $30 billion keepg people from treling andsequestering
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people. anand you know what? that's the real story about sars. it'she fear, it's t panic. so now i see on tv everybody saying this could be another sars and i'm thinking, well, but sars want as bad as people said. why am i talking abousars? it's the same kind ofirus as a coronavirus. guess whattes is a -- guess what else is the same kind of virus? the cold. >> i think, my god, how many illnesses have those at symptoms? it's going to be awfully hard to identify. i think to myself wait a minute, wait a minute, the world health organization is telling us that there are 49 cases. now thi is pretty good because we're planet of over 7 billion people a they've come down with 49 folks, they know how many of them have died. this doesn't sound right to me. what's goingn? >> exactly right what you just
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said. what's going on is it's too early to say anything like what she's sayingbecause we don't even know wat something called th attack rate . in other words, for every person who gets one of these thgs, how many other people get it? until we see it seading like that, we can't assume it will. mo ofhese new viruseson't stay as deadly as they spread. theypeter out. >> well, that's some solace. >> it should be. every year there's one of these and the real virus is fear. i'm not dismissing this virus. it nee to be well studieand we have the scientists to study it. we need the message of information, we're looking in it, studying, figuring ou th dna and publishing it on the web. but it is not clear th is going to end up being a world wide scourge. the chances are way against it becoming a major problem. kbl when i think of the i of
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panic, globally or otherwise, what could kwone do if you d panic? science has now identified medical science, has identified this virus. and what i curious abo is now the rerting that's ggesting that this is at an abnormally high rate mutating to the point that it is absolutely resistant to anti-virals. kind of put that in contexfor us, if you would. >> first of all, everyone loves the word mutating because it's a fear word, another fear word. all viruses are mutating all the time. >> we can call it change. >> you described that accurately, lou. most of them mutate or change in ways that make them less harmful, not more harmful. i don't assume because all of these viruses are changing all the time they're going to become more harmful. in terms of treatments, anti-viruses don't work against
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these viruses. if we did, we'd have a treatment fothe common cold. most of t time thhey don't spread like while fair and come a threat. it's worth watchin this virus and studying it. i don't see a vaccine coming against it because we don't have a vaccine against the common cold. >> that's a wonderful point. all of your points are wonderful and terfic as always. dr. mark siegel, we know wh your motivation is and that' truth and reality and aring as best can you your knowledge of medical science. wouldn't it be nice to be that smart? i'd like to be that smart. >> youe pretty smart, lou. >> dr. marksiegel, thanks for being here. >> edward snowden, the nsa leaker, hero or traitor? a loof pele are makg up their minds early and it depends their minds early and it depends on whom you
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but i feel skinnie yokn? t really.
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you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet? ♪ y kno we really don't know very much at all about 29-year-old edward snowden, the leaker of the national security agency's programs. but we've heard him described as
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a hero, aatraitor, a whistleblower, a publish servant, a fugive and even some call him a bad boyfriend. normally y can tell where someone stands by the "r" or "d" following their name in washington, d.c. but that certainly hasn't been the case with snowden. we want to go thugh it quickly here. let's lead offy the speaker of the house. john boehner boehner came out today saying flat out snowden is traitor for showing our enemies what our capabilities are in surveillance. boehner is a republican but senator dianne feinstein, i an, she has -- well, she shares his view. shs the chair of the senate intelligence committee and says snowden committed anct of treaty. and the same goes for republin congressmapeter ki who says snowden is a danger tthe naon. and president obama, he he is,
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2013, president obama hasn't weighed in on snowden but his justice is. it's preparing criminal charges against snowden. an friday the president defend the nsa surveillance program saying they make a difference in preventing terrorist attacks on this country and america. now the case for labelling snowden and his actions heroic, if you can imagine that has happened. and nonether than glen beck and michael moore. these men couldn't be more opposite in their political views typically, but beck tweeted out that snowden has the, as he put it, the ear marks of a real hero. and moore cclled him the he of the year. v i have to sit here and just kind of look. we want to say thanks as always for leaving me my chalkboard.
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>> senators mike lee al franken, they've come together to say, well, that ty're kind of behind this thing. lee, a tea party favorite, franken a prominent lefty. they haven attached a label to snowden but they are backing legislation that would require our government to be mo trsparent in its surveillance. now think about this. they want to force the justice department to declassify court opinionsn n this instance, crt opinions opeting under the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance crt, that measure probably won't work but it was worth drafting juut see this odd pairing of senators lee and franken. don't you think? president obama. well, here he is. looky there. lookhere the difrence between senator obama and 2007 and president oba in 2013.
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you think this job doesn't carry with it a litle weight and burden? well, then senate candidate barack oma accused the bush administration back th of putting forward a, quote, lse choice beeen national security and our civil will liberties an was very fired up about it but i think it's a pretty se bet that president obama now would not make the samergument because he is caught, is are we all, between a real choice between national security and civil liberties. and snowden? well, snowden right now is still very much a question mark. >> it is simply a disgrace. our veterans forced to wait month, evenears for their befiis. congressman jeffiller joins us tonight with his solution. tonigw the pursuit of a bett tomorrow
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our next guest has referred to the benefits back log at the veterans affairs administration as a national crisis. the back log has growno affect 600,000 of our veterans, increase of 2,000% ju in the past four yea. joining us one of the people trying to fix it, congressman jeff miller, chairman of the veterans affair committee and a member of the armed services committee and select committee on intelligence. congressman, good to have you with you. let me just start with th numbers i caot even believe. 273 days the average wt for a combat veteran for -- before any benets? that's just -- that's appalling! >> that's the average. you might imagine this. we've t som individuals that e waiting 5 days and more. there are actually claims that are in the queue now that are years and years old.
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and we've got figurere out what the problem is and i want to help the department of veterans affairs. i don't want to do it from an adversarial position, but the numbers keep rising, veterans keep waiting and they keep dying before they get their benefits. >> it's simply outrageous. and thank you for trying to do everything you can. i know congressman chris collins of new york, they want the head of the department fired >> well, he's an honorable gentleman. i don't want to that far yet. let me just say ths, the ice is getting very, very thin. i've alreadyalled for the undersecretary of benefits to resign. the secretary said that he is not going to make that happen. so we're going to try and work within the construct that we have to make sure that they have every dollar, ery person and every technology availae. it's not a matter of not getting what they've asked for because fo the last decade the
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department of veteran affairs has gotten everything that think asked for. i think we've got a managent probm and surely a systemic issue. >> and we're looking at these paper files and boxes -- >> every regional office across the country you'll see stacks and stacks of those paper les. very little it have is digitized. whenou separate fr the department of defense and become a veteran, they give you a paper file that goes with you. you need a truly electronic rerd that follows you from the time you go into the service and become a veteran. >> i'm been told the former secretary of the v.a. has ggested and i haven't talked to jimabout this, i saw him a little over two months ago, t he's come up with an idea just give our guys an advance. let them figure it out later. get the money them. >> that's a great idea.
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i have great respect for secrety nicholson. the problem with hat is v.a. is terrible about going back and clawg back, if you will, and collecting on insurance paymen that are beingade now where they have billions ofollars that are sll outstanding out there. what i'd like to see is maybe a partial payment, an advance o some type. think think that may be one of the ly ways that we can get over the hhill. the problem with l of this is with the focus that's bng given to the disability back log right now, the overtime that's being done, if they n't fix the system that they've got, it doesn't matter how many people they put in to help make this back log go down. >> ande've left out the man who is esponsible, and that is, afr all, the president of the united states, president obama.
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it puts a big smilon my face. he was so warm and loving. he dd from melanoma when he was 31. every hour someone dies om melanoma. it doesn't have to be someone you love. lou: turning now to our wounded warriors, an amazing program that provides reconstrucve surgery toseverely injured service members, inspired in part by a conversation between a marine corporal and i talking on the air sme seven years ago. it's called operation mend. the program has treated more than 80 of our wounded warriors since 2007. joining us is aaron mankin, wounded in 2005, the first operation mend patient.
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it's good to see you, aaron. good to have you on the brdcast. >> good evening. thank you for having me on the show. >> and a member of the ucla member of the bod. good to have you with us, ronald. wh we heard you'd gotten the idea for this watching aaron and me talking, i just sat there, sort of scratched my head and thought he wa such a great spokesmafor the army medic center in san antonio for all of our wnded veterans, i couldn't be more delighted that you found him so inspiring. >>well, i really did. he was exceptional and seeing him on your program. >> what is the program operion mend, aaron, meant to you? you have traveled so far. i said you were wounded in an
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attack. we can -- as i sit here looking at you across the way, you know, you look amazi. yore back to that rugged marine lok that you represented throughout your life. it's been a hell of a journey, though, hasn't it? >> youknow, half of what we learn in lifeeis through the journey. it's from getting from here to there. and that wasust one day in my life being wounded in iraq, severely wounded as i s. and having endurednearly 60 surgeries in my recovery and having a program like operation men be there for me as a resource, having served my country and come home and have my country want to serve me such unique way, to provide such specialized care as to really give me back a nse of my humanity, to give me my normal back, back to who i was.
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it'sinvaluable. i can't than ron, can't thank ucla medil systems or brook army medical center, everyone who has touche my life along the way. i can't thank them enough, including you, sir. >> wwll, i did nothing. i had the honor of reporting your sry and getting to know you, and it's a treasured honor, i assure you. ronald, let me ask youthisis. you've bee receiving money, various funding, govert funding in part. the work, i got to believe that people when they heard me say 80 patients they thought, we, thatsn't very many people. but until they meet the people that need the help, that's a huge number. tell us what we can do to help you. >> well, as you recognize, we deal with very severely injured patients, and it's not a single surgery that takes place but
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basically in aaron's se it's a large number of surgers. and you have to reallyay attention to these folks. the serces that we provide are completely free. everyone that parcipate gets to come to ucla, and we bring their family, too, because we think theamily component is critical. to be able to care for people like aaron and their families pnd give them this experience along with all of the people in los angeles that have kind of gravitated to these young men and women, it's a very eiting counity experience really. >> well, we want to put up on the screen where ou viewers can help out if they are so -- if they s want and i hope that you do, operation also, we have links on our web sites.
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we hope that you will contribute generously to this wonderful program. aaron, ronald, it's great to see you. i'm delighted tt you're doing so well. i know those kids of yours, your daughters mean t world to you. i wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing you soon. >> thank you. >> aaron, ank you very much. ronald, thank you for all you've done. we willelp you continue your go work. >> up next, the bra new book "the fate of the states" makes the case the country has clients are always learning more to make their money do more. (ann) to help me plan my nex move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my stregy. and my lal scottrade office guides my learning every step of thway. because they know i don't trade like everybody.
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♪ lou: our next guest created a namfor hiself by making the toughest cal our next created quite a
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name for herself by making some of the toughestalls on wall street. her latestrediction describes how economic power is shifting from long time coastal strong hos like new jersey and california toward more fiscally attractive states. joing me is the author, meredith whitney. >> it's such an honor to be here. >> and congratulations on your new book, which i want t recommd highly. >> thank you so much. >> it'sout, it's online,t's in bk stores and we've got a connection to it on lou dobbs as well. the idea that we are seeing a nation where along our east and west coast were becoming so heavily regulated, such massive taxes that it's actually gog to bece a disincentive for
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folks and spell prosperity for a long time for the middle ofhe country. how soon? >> well, i'll tell youhat the sinesses are moving now, the businesses have been in the process of moving and it will take a little bit longer but the people a starting toofollow. all people want in this country andretty much everywhere is an opportunity to build a better life. they want job. you talk inyour show why is there not job creation? >> there is job creation. a half amillion jobs have been created in the central corridor since the credit crisis. the old school economic theory of, oh, the coasts are going to lead the economy forward just isn't working anymore. >> it's not working. taxes are ringastromicly. 'reooki a demraph iftss we thaare ing be y,veryimpoant. you predict the smart money, the business, the wealthy folks will be relocating. you know, i think some interior states like illinois, i me that's got to get some folks --
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people are having difficulty getting this evenings done. what happens is not only do your taxes go up but when the states are really in bad shape, money for other things, really important things look educaon, roads, public safy, that goes away. so peopl ae paying more and getting less for their money and then there's no money to retrain people. so unemployment stays structurally high. >> unemployment has become chronic. it is without question now ructural without policy response, without leadership response -- >> without poly response. it's really amazing, right? it's all talk, no action. >> and we're a nation where
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're dependent upon growth,et there's no discussion of when does prosperity return to the marks? but when do we start to see the return to prospeeity? >> here's the rely cool thing. you're already seeing it in these states. 2008 to 2011, and this is the last data available, states like texas grew over 8%, compared to 6 prs national average and states like north dakota grew 26%. states like california grew 3% during that time and states like florida, arizona, nevada grew even less than that. so it'really happening here. the states that are not doing the rightthings, california, new jersey, illinois, ifhey don't wake up and pay attention, they're og to be way behind the game. it's really dangerous. it's sad that the states that need the changthe most a the
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most resistant to thechange. >> are banks back? >> i think banks are just going to -- are also in strtural transiti. >> ooh, i like that.t. structural transition. meredith whitney, we tnk you very muc and we rommend her book, which is entitd state of the states on lon -- alec, fhis mission i upgradeyour smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purcseraser. i n reem the double miles i earned with my venture card to ase recent travel purchases. d with a few licks, this mission never happened uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ]
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at the time of chris kyle's tragcdeath in february of this year, he was finishing up a book that defined his passion with guns, "american striper" a
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runaway best seller. "american gun" tells the story w ten unique america firearms shaped the history of this country, revealing how creativity and industrial genius pushed our hisry and power. here on behalf of chris kyle and co-author of "american gun" is william doyle. good to have you with us. >> it'sre to behere, lou, on pee half of chr-- behalf of . >> we're going to have duelling books. it's fascinating, this idea of ten guns that are remarkabl you talk about the long rifles the spencer repeater, the colt 45, the acemaker, e stuff that we grew up up on as kids, the bin chester rifle, any of
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these level the relationship between guns and america if you >> chris kyle thought tho there was an amazing story to be told about guns in hisry. this is not about politics but about great amecan history. chris thought it was important for to us know that, for example, abraham lincoln was a gun buff and a technology geek. abraham lincoln had a shooting range of his own behind the white house, and he would go back there and fire off rounds at tgets to test new gun technologies. in fact, one day he was crouched down shooti and the police came by because there was a rule against that in washington at the time and they started hollering and cursing at him and they ran over to grab the gun from him and abe lincoln, the witness described, uniled himself higher and higher and higher and presented himself and
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then the police realized, my god, that's old abe himself and they ran way. and lincoln said, well, they might have stuck and to see the shooting. teddy roosevelt helped create the 1903 rifle that our troops are still using a version of around theld today. and john kennedy was intimately involved in designing the m-16 which weuse today. pits a fascinating connection, isn't it? >> absolutely. it's such a magnificent part of our history. >> the m-1 saved the world because my father and so many memberofthe greatest generati had that gun by their side in combat zones in world war ii. that gun was better than the japanese version, had norshots.
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>> now that counts for history and for saving american lives. that's the interesting ent play between technology and moving our history backward. putting food on the table, expand being the country. we know about the crimes quite well. i think what we've fortten is theconnection that guns have to our military history and to our freedom in many ways. >> absolutely. we talk about guns that won the west. we're talking about the peacemaker, we're talking about the nser, we're talking about the win chesserrepaeng arm. say it is a terrific idea, brilliantly executed. your hands and independent sure that chris kyle would be thrilled with the result. >>ood to have you with us.
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>>. >> to for links as well been your overwhelming sponse to our quest to fd the perfect nickname for this scandal-ridden president goes on. it's gotten so bad for this president the is exceeng tricky dick and slick willie in their scandals. we've had some fun ones. these names are terrific. we're going to start out wth barackula, the lying hawaiian. and one of my favorites is snowbama and obamacza
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boonedoingle obama. as i say it, it just doesn't work. blundering band barackocrock. how about this one, obama-bin-in. i think that one's pretty good. i think we should continue this effort. you n ite in and tell us
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whether wee should continue this effort. what was one that was so bad that i refused to write it down. that's it ffr ♪ >> children. >> you save. john: in 1984 has come to america. >> this big brother has done a lot greedier than george orwell thoughit would never get. >> when you call grandma in nebraska t nsa knows. john: the president says you have nothing to worry about. >> nobody is listeng to your telephone calls. john: government officia do like. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all? >> no. john: my fellow libertarians are mad at me. they say, i am not angry enoh. you know, i don't think this is johntossel. i think it is an impostor. john: i'm angrier than she is. >> i don't mind. it's not like it will be on tmz.


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