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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  June 30, 2013 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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rkul us. strictly on call and this company is poised to break out. >> i wish i hador adam and ben. in the meantime the cost of freedom continues. >> tax hikes and a key report showing the economy is growing slowly than thought. the big reason why. tax hikes kicking in. and some at forbes say we need tax cuts to get our economy booming again. i am dave asbin. welcome to forbes on fox. we'll have steve fosh and rick and elizabeth and mike andbill baldwin. >> tax rate cuts are always a good idea. reduce the price, risk taking and success and this is the way to get the economy movingnd
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does good things for the balance sheet. when people see prospects for growth they upthe value of assets. >> rick, this is the weakest recovery that we've had since world war ii. 2.3 million fewer pele are working now than the recession. please don't blame it all on bush? >> i had forgotten about him. i have a vague memory. i would love to agree with steve. i don't like to pay taxes anymore than the next person does. there was a in- depth study by the congressional research that s skwalch by the republicans who ordered it and that survey shed tt over the 40 years cutting taxes. >> oh, no, it doesn't. >> yes, it does. >> you will get an argument. >> we have our study and you have ours >> it was the national research
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service. estimated 2.4 percent and the latest figure 1.8 percent and a tremendous drop. how much did tax hikes py in that? >> they don't help. taxes are a price and a penalty placed. if you want more you reduce the levee. we should still reduce them because tax cuts enhance our liberty. >> that's one reason, don't they bill, enhance productivit >> my colleagues are proposing a phony tax cut. that means it is paid for not reducing the size of government but running government up on a credit card. phony tax cuts stimulate nothing and have a psychological affect making businesses and consumers thinking we are going the way of greece and no hiring and no
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spending. >> emac, there is nothin phony about a tax cut. i don't kn what a phony tax cut is. this is a tax cut. this is what we are recommending. >> of coue, it would help. ne other than john f. kennedy said it would help. u.s. news and world report were so astonished with the canadian tax cuts. they put on the cover. kennedy cut taxes and the jobless rate sunk to thr percent and you saw rapid economic growth and saw it also in the reagan years. i say turn the u.s. in a tax haven like ireland and you will see the economy boom. we tried everything else and why not this. >> we have been printing money like crazy. the stock market when they got the news of the economy slowing down they boom, ben bernanke would print more money and that is not helping. >> no, it is not.
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and that is why personal take home pay per capita is the same point as it was in 2011. false economy where the fed came in and botched the credit markets hasn't helped and what we must do first and foremost, get rid of obama care. the surx on invest sxment medical dwois tax and payroll tax for medicare, they hurt job investment and creation. >> the cost of borrowing goes down and the cost of dng business increased becaus o all of the new taxes and regulations, right? >> again, it is the price on work when you pay on income tax. profits and proysor success and capittal gains and when you lower the burden on those good things,ou get more of them. the idea of targeting tax cuts that is soviet style central
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planning. remove the barriers for the american people an they will pick up the ball and run th it. >> we haven't mentioned obama care and there is a long list of taxes instituted and making a lot of people hold on to their cash, n't it >> obama care raises the cost of investing for companies because profits ll be reduced by the imposition. economic growth is simple. reduce the barriers to productivity and one other thing that we have not tried. stabilize and strengthen the dollar that workings beautifully with tax cuts. i say we try it again. >> rick, flexible spenng and not allowed to deduct as much as you used to. i have to tell you since i was paying more in that account, i am spending less and i bet there is a lot of people like me. >>you may be right. we are seeing a reduction in health care spending.
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i told you bill baldwins really smart. >> (laughter) >> they go from them to smart. >> if you have to reach back to the early '60s and the kennedy years. >> do the math oneagan and on clinton. oh, comeon, look at the democrats all over tax cut. i love how the democrats dismis tax cuts and toutingax credits for oughtios or cash for clunkers and you can see the economy react. >> the biggest group hurt in all of ts is the small business. they are the biggest job creators. the big cooperation can do fine tis t a problem. we are seeing more small businesses fail and they are the primary job creators. >> we have to talk about a problem here. is there any movement to cut
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taxes across the board? will the president sign off on all of the addditional taxes frm obama care? >> no sadly, this money believes that the money you are allowed to keep is a loss to the government. it is wat you makeon line two, send it in. he will not push it. later this year, the house of representative led by the house ways and means committee, david kemp and others are coming up with a radical tax simification. >> he said you have to start with tax cuts because you have to starve the beast. you focus in on spending they will find tricky way of spending. starve the beast by cutting taxes. >> i think starve the beast was a reagan- era person. he said three way that government damages business
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spending and o way is reach in paychecks and take your money and the other is print money and third way bond. they are all bad. and swapping from one to the next doesn't help any. >> bill has a view of the world. lower the prices and good work you get more and dynamic economy that overcomes a lot of stu pidity from washington both on the balance sheet. mortgage rates, juing. we have somne here sying it we have with the spark cash card
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from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' sll business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read bacthe chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back double miles on every purchase every day. to you i'd get half. what's in your walle to you i'd get half. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low clclaims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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your latest headlines g to fox >> big news, mortgage rates surging from3.93 last ar t five percent. that is a bi jump. a lot of folks believe it is bad emac, you say that is great es. news. >> it is great news for the housing market temp really. it will get people up off their seats to look in the lower rate. pending home sales in may rocketed higher because people tried to look in the affordable
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rtgages now. and that's what the realtors said. >> mike, is it great news or bad. >> emacis right. i think it is going to slow down the rate of the growth we saw in home prices becau the economy itself is weak. incomes are not rising and gdp was revised downward and people are not hired. that will decrease demand and only thing goosing home prices. >> you are sayin it is indicative of a bad economy is not a good one,h do you ink, steve? >> the federal reserve will get out of the credit markets and stop suppressing interest rate. lending standards are getting more reasonable. but like the old soviet unon. food was free but you couldn't get. it mortgage rates are easing up.
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and so bill, good news on the housing front if>> it is bad news for housing prices and good news for senior citizens trying to live off the interest and good news for the economy. we'll be spared a housing binge and hang over. >> john, i am confused. cope it simple here? >> let's he it is bad news for housing lest we forget we ran in seserious economic trouble in 27 and 8 when tre was consumption in the housing and nothing to do with economic growth. people are putting it in businesses, we'll see the actual economy grow. housing is not economic inp. it consumption. >> john said it i bad nows for housing and that is a good thing. did i say that bill baldwen is a clever guy. let me take that back. >> see how fickle.
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>> i think emachas it right. if you want to get in the housing market and sitting around when rates couldn't be lower, you get what you pay for. they better get in there now. it is only going to go one way. nemac, this bs the question. this is a short- term shot-in-the-arm. people will get in and banks will be reluctant t allow too much renegotiating of mortgages. >> i hear what you aresaying about the renegotiating with mortgages and again, we have that shadow inventor and i think we have lee way time to get rid of and people are going to refinance and i agree with john tamny. the federal reserve is trying to deflate the bond bubble. it is hard to control the ten year yield and 30 year yield when you are trying to deflate the bond bubble. it is like having a balloon whip
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around back wards. >> it is co to getting the credit markets working again. when you ha a normal economy and stable dollar you have one and half million starts. housing would be helped with a normal credit market and pele who understand. >> i have to go to john tamny. most ofheir wealth is caught up in people's homes. they want prices to go up and homeownership and u are a private sector and automatic relious about the private sector. isn't it better to have ownership in what they live in? >> it makes them less mobe a we have to remember, housing is soaring in the kno cen. >> wait, i makes them less flexible about moving around. if you have a depend housing market it makes it easy tore sell your property and move? >> it does. when housing is doing well it is
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bad for the ecomy. it means less money is flowing for commercial ideas this is not a free market in housing. it is a government driven market in housing. >> that is a relative term. >> get the government ut. >> housing is doing well when people are earning more that is good. but when fed is prinng money it is a bad thing. >> mike put it in context for us. >> and the government tning to the nfl to help the health care law and we will be sacked with higher medical bills. that is in the bottom of the hour. forget abt happy hour at your bar. how about happy hour at the desk. more companies allowing worrs to hit theottle at work. is this a dangerous business plan. >> to alcohol. a solution to all of life's
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problems. [ male announcer ] e mercedes-benz summer event is here. now get the mercedes-benz you've always dreamed of. but hurry, because a good thing like this won't last forever. [ tires screech ] here you go, hoy. thank you. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealer for an incredible offeon the exhilarati c250 sport n. ♪
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>> raise a glass at work to raise the bottom line? an iasgumber of companies reported letting workers dri alcohol while on the clock claiming it helps the workers get the creative juices flowing and causes them to stick around the office longer.
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i wish my boss would believe that. we know the series mad men that is very popular that shows people drinking in the office and there wasothing wrong with it then and you say nothing wrong with it now. >> the good old days they h it right. if it gets people together especially after hours and at the office and bringing people together and you are getting ideas going and putting people on the same page. becoming friends. they are going to the bar anyhow. >> the problem is this age, one person do too much and then they will sue the company and you have huge lights there. you can'tine serve pizza now. the mayor of new york will hit you from that. >> john, the moment and idea of getting sowed. would it be a good idea for the work place? >> to each business it is to each their own. probably fosters a greater corporate cult xur people are
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talking about ideas as rick said. it is something toencourage. if people are happy at work. they are more productive. >> but if they are weavin down the hallway, are they productive? >> steve is right. paint a bull's eye with a sign that said sue me. it is a playground for tort lawyers and sexual harrassment cases, too. >> emac, would it help. time magazine. time magazine the night before they put the magazine to ped, they roll through the aisles with liquor cart. >> it is delivered copy to their tables. they are boozing it up at noon. and i liked the job and delivering the copy. i like what rick unger said madmen and look at autoworkers
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who got trouble boozing on the job. i wont want a drunk to put my car together. >> the fact is, rick, you have a doctor, would u want your doctor drinking fore prapting. nobviously not. it was drinking that put john ta mny and izeth all on the same page. nsteve, one thing you didn't talk about specifically. do youhinkhat it would help or hurt the worker's ability. >> if you have to have booze to get your mind going. do it after hours a do it in the bar where the bartender is liable. >> steve, you are a writer, you should know better. >> clearly, i have to admit in my career, there are a couple of times, lunches where wine was poured froel. i can't say i was more productive. >> i can't either and i have those lunchions to thi day. but in general, it is it a wo
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voirment. stove didn't hear that. >> steve, everything that happens here stays re. we have your word on that. >> absolutely. >> jo, you are safe. >> coming up, the forbes list of powerful celebrities on line. most powerful celebrity stocks at you will only get right here, that is coming up next. there is a pursuit we all share. a better life for your family, a better opptunity r your business, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in this pursuit,
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riving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan staey. and we're ready to work for you.
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>> here it . news stands on monday. first, get our exclusive celebrity stock. tiger woods, what stock corresponds to him? nany ke. and they are making up forlow downs in china d europe. great sales in northamerica. they are coming on strong and i buy it when it is eaper. >> i think you want a up and coming stock somebody like emma stone who pitches for revlon. my favorite make up. >> you like eh mma stone. >> ron pearlmonwill want you to tinder it for $12. >> go from john store. what is the companyhe represents. viacomis a machine that transformsame in cash and works for the share holders and
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john stewart. >> you like it. >> no. cash flow is down and debt is going up. >> that's it for forbes on fox. keep it right here with eric boling and cashin' in. >> uncle sam calling on major g football and nba to tout obama care. without them, medical costs will sore. still more prove we need to let the clock run out on obama care before we take it. >> what you see is what you get. i am not an actress. >> paula don't endorsement deal gets fried but not eryone is opping her like a hot potato. and her bock sales aresizzling. could it helpher rise again? cashin' in starts cooking


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